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Session 2021-24

Analysis of the short story The Wrestler's Drum (translation of the story पहलवान की ढोलक)

The Wrestler's Drum is a short story, originally written in Hindi by Phanishwarnath Renu.
The story begins at night in a small village. Because of cholera and malaria, many people were
sick and dying. People were afraid and helpless. But, every night, the wrestler Luttan Singh
played the drum. That sound gave energy, courage, and a new hope to the villagers.
Luttan was famous in and around the village. His parents had died when he was nine years old.
His mother-in-law had raised him. Many villagers troubled that woman. Luttan began to exercise
so that he can stop people from disturbing his mother-in-law.
Once, at the fair in Shyamnagar, young Luttan challenged a big wrestler called Chand Singh. To
everyone’s surprise, Luttan defeated Chand Singh. The rhythm of the drum’s beat had
encouraged Luttan to make effective moves in the fight. It had also given him energy and
courage. Raja sahib made him the court- wrestler, and began to call him Luttan Singh as a mark
of honour.
For the next 15 years, Luttan was the court- wrestler. He defeated all famous wrestlers in the
area. He became so famous that Raja sahib did not let him fight anymore and treated him like a
showpiece that must not break. Raja sahib declared that Luttan’s two sons would be the future
court- wrestlers.
Luttan believed the drum was his guru in wrestling. The drum’s beat gave him energy and the
cleverness to make the perfect move every time. He taught the same thing to his sons.
After Raja sahib died, the new prince was not ready to spend money on wrestling and wrestlers.
Luttan and his two sons returned to the village. For some time, Luttan taught wrestling to the
young men in village and got food in return. But the poor villagers did not continue with the
wrestling lessons. Finally, Luttan taught only his two sons. The sons had to work as well, in
order to earn money.
After drought and famine, there was malaria and cholera outbreak in the village. Poor people
died with no food and no medicines. But, every night, Luttan played his drum. The drum’s beat
gave them courage, energy, and hope. Before their death, Luttan’s sons also told Luttan to play
the drum. The next morning, they died. Poor Luttan immersed their bodies in the river. But, that
night too, Luttan played the drum. It represented his courage and love for life.
After 4 or 5 days, one night the drum was not heard. Next morning, people saw that Luttan was
dead and foxes had eaten some flesh from his body. A disciple remembered that Luttan always
wanted to lie face down, and not on his back, on the funeral pyre (चिता). It would show that he
had never accepted defeat in life. Luttan also wanted that the drum should be played at his
funeral. However, the foxes had damaged the drum. The drum could not be played anymore.
With time, things change. Social systems change and a person’s living conditions also change. In
this world, where everything keeps changing, death is the biggest reality. However, love for life
is also a big thing. Hope, energy, and courage make a person love life. These qualities cannot
save us from sorrow or death. But these qualities help everyone to have a life worth living.

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