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CONFIDENTIAL. Limited circulation. For review only.

Mining ventilation control:

a new industrial case for wireless automation

E. Witrant1 , A. D’Innocenzo2 , A.J. Isaksson3, M. D. Di Benedetto2 ,

K. H. Johansson4, F. Santucci2 and M. Strand3 ∗, March 3, 2008

Abstract the savings associated with global control strategies for

fluid systems (pumps, fans and compressors) represent
This paper describes a new industrial case on wireless
22.20 % of the total manufacturing motor system en-
automation, for a large scale system with high envi-
ergy savings. This motivates the development of new
ronmental impact: the mining ventilation. We do not
control strategies for large scale aerodynamic processes
pretend to solve the global control problem but rather
based on appropriate automation and the consideration
propose a novel approach based on distributed sens-
of the global system. More specifically, the approach
ing/actuation capabilities, which can be allowed by the
presented in this paper is focused on the mining venti-
installation of an heterogeneous network in the under-
lation, as 50 % of the energy consumed by the mining
ground process. Several key issues, such as the central-
process goes into the ventilation (including heating the
ized vs. decentralized control, the macroscopic physical
air). It is clear that investigating automatic control solu-
models for the main components and the network struc-
tions and minimizing the amount of pumped air to save
ture, are introduced to motivate future research along
energy consumption (proportional to the cube of airflow
this line. We particularly highlight new grounds for
quantity [4]) is of great environmental and industrial in-
the development of global control strategies that would
allow for the energy consumption optimization of this
large-scale system. Our approach strongly relies on distributed sens-
ing and actuation capabilities. Traditionally, industrial
control systems have relied on hardwired information
flows between sensor, actuator and control nodes. Over
1. Introduction the last decades, distributed control systems have seen
a transition to communication buses, such as fieldbus
Mining ventilation is an interesting example of and Ethernet technology, and there is currently a drive
a large scale system with high environmental impact to take the next step in this evolution by moving to wire-
where advanced control strategies can bring major im-
less communication. Increased efficiency and lower
provements. Indeed, one of the first objectives of mod- costs for installation and commissioning are important
ern mining industry is to fulfill ecological specifications factors. There is also a large potential for major techno-
[1] during the ore extraction and ore crushing, by op-
logical advances due to increased flexibility and mobil-
timizing the energy consumption or the production of ity, which may lead to totally new system designs. Ad-
polluting agents. The mine electric consumption was mittedly, wireless technology is already present in many
4 % of total industrial electric demand in the US in 1994 manufacturing and process industries. Wireless links
(6 % in 2007 in South Africa) and 90 % of it was re- have since long been installed for long-range (100 m–
lated to motor system energy [2] (p.19). Another inter-
1000 m) SCADA applications to cut costs. More re-
esting figure is given in [3] where it is estimated that cently, wireless LANs have been installed for applica-
∗ The authors are with 1 Université Joseph Fourier /
tions with non-stringent communication requirements
GIPSA-lab, Grenoble, France, 2 University of L’Aquila, (e.g., logistics), but wireless instruments (temperature,
L’Aquila, Italy, 3 ABB, Vasterås, Sweden, 4 KTH, Stock-
holm, Sweden. The corresponding author email is
pressure, etc.) are starting to appear on a smaller scale. In this paper, we investigate the benefits, in terms of
This work has been supported in part by the European Commis- control and safety, associated with wireless automation
sion through the projects HYCON and SOCRADES, the Swedish for the mining ventilation process.
Agency for Innovation Systems via the Nordite project VISA, the
Swedish Research Council and the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Reconfigurability and wireless communication are
Research. key automation components for advanced mining ven-

Preprint submitted to The 4th Annual IEEE Conference on Automation

Science and Engineering. Received March 3, 2008.
CONFIDENTIAL. Limited circulation. For review only.

tilation control. The first issue is related to the variable the authors’ knowledge, dedicated models for real-time
topology of the mine (mobile process industry): after operation and ventilation control have not been studied
all accessible ore has been retrieved from a mine level, yet. This is illustrated by the simplicity of the actual
the extraction rooms are filled and a new level further automation process presented in this section and further
down along the decline (which is a spiraling tunnel used research along this line is motivated by the definition of
by the trucks to reach the surface) is bored. All equip- new control objectives.
ments, including the ventilation, have to be moved and
re-configured in the new level. The second issue comes 2.1. Vertical shaft and rooms ventilation
from the blasting and drilling operations in the extrac-
tion rooms, rendering the wiring infeasible in these ar- The global mine configuration is illustrated in Fig.
eas. Wireless networks can also be used for improving 1. The ventilation is first achieved by a turbine and a
the efficiency of other processes that are of importance heater connected on the surface to a vertical shaft. The
in operating a mine, e.g., equipment (trucks and venti- heater is introduced (in winter time at least) to avoid
lation system) maintenance, people and equipment lo- freezing in the upper part of the shaft and the air is
calization, voice communication and security. cooled down at high depths (more than 1000 meters)
The paper is organized as follows. The first section because of the geothermal effect (the temperature is in-
describes the mining ventilation process, actual automa- creased by 1◦C every 30 m). We will refer to this part of
tion and control objectives. In Section 3, we propose a the system as the primary system. From the ventilation
new wireless automation architecture, which highlights shaft, fans located at each extraction level pump fresh
the interest for model-based control using distributed air to the extraction rooms via tarpaulin tubes: this is the
measurements. This architecture naturally motivates secondary system. Bad quality air naturally flows be-
the physical description of the airflow and the network cause of the pressure gradient from the extraction rooms
architecture presented in sections 4 and 5. back into the decline and to the exhaust ventilation shaft
(similar but separate from the primary ventilation shaft).
2. Actual automation process and control The distinction between primary and secondary
objectives systems will be used in the following sections to divide
the control problems. In fact, the primary system typi-
cally has a clear geometry while the secondary system is
strongly varying in geometry (rooms are blasted every
day), characteristics (tarpaulin tube length and shape)
and disturbances (trucks) even within the same mine.
Model-based control approaches can then be envisioned
for the primary system while grey-box identification or
more empirical methods should be preferred for the sec-
ondary one.

2.2. Today’s automation architecture

In the actual architecture, the turbine is operated

based on the flow pressure gradient and the heating de-
pends on the external temperature. The system of fans
is controlled based on the demand of airflow in differ-
ent parts of the mine thanks to frequency converters,
as presented in Fig. 1. This airflow demand is deter-
Figure 1. Mine ventilation process and actual
mined based on messages sent by the drivers to the con-
trol room using walkie-talkies, indicating their position
(no automatic control, but maximum ventilation power
Mining ventilation is an active field of scientific during ore extraction) and which fan needs to be set to
research [4], mainly focused on equipment design ac- its maximum speed. Both turbine and fans are at least
cording to operation specifications [5] or complex ven- operated at low speed (no automatic localization system
tilation network topology [6]. A few works propose de- within the mine). There may also be an additional safety
tailed mathematical modeling of the flows for extraction system that triggers the fan high-speed operation based
rooms [7] or underground shafts [8, 9] but, to the best of on a motion detector placed at the room’s entrance. The

Preprint submitted to The 4th Annual IEEE Conference on Automation

Science and Engineering. Received March 3, 2008.
CONFIDENTIAL. Limited circulation. For review only.

actual control architecture is then characterized by the

absence of wireless sensing or continuous monitoring
of air quality.

2.3. Control objectives

The overall objective of the mining ventilation con-

trol system is to provide for good air quality in the ex-
traction rooms. For a future wireless automation sup-
porting the ventilation control, it is also desirable to in-
crease safety by using the wireless system for personal
communication and localization. We specify the objec-
tive as the control of air quality (O2 , NOx and/or COx )
in the extraction rooms at different levels. Considering
the distinction between the primary and secondary sys-
tems defined above, it is then suitable to fulfill a cascade
control configuration with the following two objectives: Figure 2. Proposed communication architec-
1. regulate the turbine and heater based on physical
measurements within the vertical shaft to provide
for a suitable airflow pressure at the location of the
fans; 2. a decentralized approach, where some intelligence
is embedded at the locations of the fans and can
2. regulate the ventilation fans based on chemical adjust their regulation directly based on the chemi-
sensors to ensure air quality in extraction rooms. cal sensors measurements. This regulation is struc-
An additional system objective is to obtain safety turally sub-optimal but should be preferred as a
through wireless networking for personal communica- first approach for its simplicity and the limited
tion and localization. It should be noted that today’s communication constraints.
control architecture does not enable the fulfillment of Note that the control algorithm embedded at the fans
these objectives, due to the lack of automatic control location has to be relatively simple, due to the limited
and sensing capabilities. The proposed wireless control computation capabilities, while we can develop more
architecture strives for fulfilling all the objectives listed advanced control strategies for the algorithms run in the
above. control room.

3. Proposed wireless control architecture

The proposed automation architecture is depicted
in Fig. 2, where we introduced networked sensors in
the vertical ventilation shaft, in access tunnels and in
the extraction rooms. The sensors placed in the vertical
shaft and in the access tunnels can make use of the ex-
isting wired connections, while those in the extraction
rooms have to be wireless, due to the blasting activities.
The exchange of sensor measurements and control sig- Figure 3. Block diagram description of the con-
nals can then be carried thanks to wired links as well as trol setup, including communications (—) and
wireless communication. We can consider two control airflows (− · −).
1. a centralized strategy, where all the sensor signals
are transmitted to the control room, where the con- Based on the decentralized control approach, the
trol algorithms are run. This strategy allows for the ventilation system can be described in two parts: one
global optimization of the energy consumption, at fixed installation, which is the primary air supply from
the price of a communication load due to the trans- the ground via a vertical shaft, and the secondary sys-
mission of the control signals between the surface tem, a mobile network of fans. This distinction results
and the fans; in the block diagram description proposed in Fig. 3,

Preprint submitted to The 4th Annual IEEE Conference on Automation

Science and Engineering. Received March 3, 2008.
CONFIDENTIAL. Limited circulation. For review only.

where both the physical (airflow) and communication where ρ , V, p and T are the density, velocity vector,
(wired and wireless) interconnections are presented. pressure and temperature, ⊗ is the tensor product of
This description includes the existing systems as well two vectors, τ is the shear stress vector (which depends
as key elements of the advanced technological solutions on the velocity gradient), H = E + p/ρ is the total en-
presented in this paper. The different subsystems are thalpy, E is the total energy per unit mass, k is the ther-
detailed in the next section. mal conductivity and q̇ is the incoming heat flux. Note
that specific care has to be taken in the discretization
4. Physical description of the airflow of the partial differential equations, due to the associ-
ated computational complexity and nonlinearities in the
The aim of this section is to provide for a physical dynamics.
description of the airflows involved in the mine ventila- The airflow in the vertical shaft is mainly turbulent,
tion, following the distinction between the primary and implying that Direct Numerical Simulation should be
secondary systems. The interconnection between the used to solve the time-dependent NS equations. How-
two subsystems is the pressure at the fans location, and ever, this method is typically out of reach for industrial
is a key parameter to investigate the relative efficiency applications and approximate methods, such as Large
of the turbine with respect to the fans to ensure that the Eddy Simulation, Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes or
room gas concentration is within safety bounds. Thin Shear Layer Approximation, should be preferred
[11]. Advanced model-based control strategies then
Indeed, the extraction rooms ventilation is in-
have to be preceded with appropriate model simplifi-
creased by increasing either the turbine or the fans actu-
cation and real-time computation analysis.
ation. The first solution is associated with energy losses
due to the turbulent behavior of the flow in the verti-
cal shaft while in the second case energy is lost in the
4.2. Flow and pollutants in the secondary sys-
tarpaulin tubes. The turbine and fans efficiency also has tem
an important role. A major difficulty from an optimal
control point of view, which motivates the physical de-
scription proposed in this section, is then to find the dis-
tribution of the energy spent in the actuation that maxi-
mizes the rooms ventilation.

4.1. Flow in the primary system

The flow dynamics of the primary system are gov-

erned by the Navier-Stokes equations, including the
compressibility, viscous losses and thermodynamic ef-
fects, due to the large mass flow rate and the length of
the shaft considered. The exogenous inputs are the sur-
face boundary conditions (set by the heater and turbine)
and the vertical shaft has to provide the fans with an Figure 4. Stratification and sigmoid descrip-
appropriate flow pressure, which is then the regulated tion in extraction rooms.
output. The geometry of the shaft is well known, which
implies that we can determine a precise associated phys-
ical flow model. Depending on the desired precision The description of the flow and pollutants in the
level, potential, Euler or Navier-Stokes equations can secondary system is greatly simplified due to the un-
be used. A pedagogical description of the flow aero- certainties previously mentioned, induced by the com-
dynamics can be found in [10] while more advanced plexity of the chemical processes and by the variable
material, including the computational aspects, is avail- geometry of the rooms. Indeed, precise physical de-
able in [11]. For example, the following conservative scription would not be relevant in that case and we will
form of the Navier-Stokes (NS) equations can be used focus on a functional model of the flow chemical prop-
to describe the primary system erties. The airflow in the tarpaulin tubes is considered
inviscid, incompressible and adiabatic, and can then be
ρ ρV considered as a time-delay τtarp (the time needed for a
     
∂ 
ρ V  + ∇ ·  ρ VT ⊗ V + pI − τ  =  0  change of the mass flow rate due a modification in the
∂t ρE ρ VH − τ · V − k∇T q̇ fan actuation to reach the extraction room). The pollu-

Preprint submitted to The 4th Annual IEEE Conference on Automation

Science and Engineering. Received March 3, 2008.
CONFIDENTIAL. Limited circulation. For review only.

tant (COx or NOx ) volumic tarpaulin concentration pro- 4.3. Interconnection and actuation
file c(z,t) (mainly set by the gas buoyancy and resulting
in a stratification of bad quality air at the ceiling), where In the ventilation system architecture described
z ∈ [0; hroom ] is the height in the extraction room, hroom above interconnection issues clearly arise: the turbine
is the room height and t is the time, is approximated and heater interconnect the atmosphere with the pri-
with the sigmoid distribution mary ventilation shaft, while the secondary fans inter-
connect the primary ventilation shaft to the extraction
α (t)
c(z,t) = rooms via the tarpaulin tubes. Moreover, turbine, heater
1 + e−β (t)(z−γ (t)) and secondary fans are the main actuation devices for
where α (t) is the amplitude, β (t) is the dilatation and the mining ventilation process.
γ (t) is the inflection point of the distribution. This is Consistently with the description of the flows, the
illustrated in Fig. 4. physical variables that take part in the interconnections
Note that any function can be approximated with are air pressure, temperature, density and gas concentra-
the desired precision level by a sum of such sigmoid tion. Their mathematical models cannot be easily for-
functions: we suppose here that one curve is sufficiently malized by a general differential equation, but the data
accurate for control purposes and considering the sys- sheet of the commercial devices can be used to derive
tem uncertainties. This simplified modeling approach an approximation of the dynamical behavior of the sys-
was proposed for distributed systems involving smooth tem. As an example, consider a secondary fan. Let P be
transport phenomena in [12] and is detailed in [13], the air pressure upstream to the fan (in the primary ven-
where a grey-box identification method allowing for the tilation shaft), u f an the airflow downstream to the fan,
distinction between transient and steady-state behavior, ∆H the fan static pressure and θ̇ the fan speed (our con-
the use of a switched model and the conservation of trol variable). Technical fan data sheets (such as Fig.
global physical properties is proposed. This method 4 in [5]) relates the fan static pressure ∆H to u f an for
was successfully applied to the modeling of temperature different values of the fan speed θ̇ . The air pressure P
profiles in Tokamak plasmas and validated with experi- in the primary ventilation shaft affects the fan perfor-
mental results. mance curves by increasing u f an for a given θ̇ . If we
The shape parameters α , β , γ can be related to assume that in the proximity of the fan the air temper-
the global parameters (room temperature and pressure, ature is constant and the airflow is incompressible, the
number of trucks and engines power, etc.) with an ap- airflow is only due to pressure difference and added en-
propriate identification method and the dynamics can be ergy (through θ̇ ), and the interconnection writes as
introduced with the global conservation of mass
dC(hroom ,t) u f an = f (P, ∆H −1 , θ̇ )
V = ṁin − C(hdoor ,t)Starp ν u f an (t − τtarp )
dt where f (·) is the technical mapping and ∆H −1 ex-
where V is the room volume, C(h,t) = 1/h 0h c(z,t)dz presses the inverse proportionality relationship.

is the averaged volumic concentration up to the height

h, ṁin is the incoming pollutant mass rate due to the 5. Sensors and communication network
engines (we neglect human contribution) given by ap-
propriate specifications, hdoor is the height of the room The sensor and communication network is primar-
door, Starp is the cross section of the tarpaulin tube and ily intended to provide support for exchange of mea-
u f an is the airflow speed provided by the fan, scaled by surements and commands among various elements of
a constant ν (flow momentum losses due to the tube ge- the ventilation control system. Nevertheless, once the
ometry). We supposed here that there is no pollutant feasibility of the whole networked control system will
in the tarpaulin tube and that the flow in the room is have been assessed and the related benefits will have
incompressible. been appreciated, the network can evolve in order to
The main advantage of this model is first associated provide support for advanced services, such as phone
with the use of shape parameters, allowing for on-line calls, regular tracking of people and trucks in a poten-
identification methods that are not affected by the fact tially dangerous environment through localization and
that a sensor network provides for measurements at dif- advanced sensing (e.g. video), and others.
ferent locations at each sampling time. Furthermore,
the fact that the regulated output (i.e. the height of the 5.1. Basic architecture
bad quality air layer hr , which should be kept above the
engines and humans level) is a scalar directly provided The basic architecture includes fixed wireless sen-
by c(hr , t). sor nodes along the vertical shaft in the primary system

Preprint submitted to The 4th Annual IEEE Conference on Automation

Science and Engineering. Received March 3, 2008.
CONFIDENTIAL. Limited circulation. For review only.

and mobile wireless sensor nodes in the secondary sys-

tem. Operation of the latter nodes is of major interest
when trucks are working within the extraction rooms.
This sensing (lower tier) network has to be comple-
mented by a communication network portion, which is
in charge of delivering information over longer ranges,
up to controllers and actuators. As more opportunities
can be considered in this regard, the following two al-
ternatives can be here envisaged.

5.1.1. Uniform radio technology. Let us assume that

the same radio technology (e.g. IEEE 802.15.4) is used
in the whole system, both in the lower (sensing) tier
and in the interconnection portion. In this case interac- Figure 5. Sketch of the basic network architec-
tion with the existing mining infrastructure is minimal ture.
and we can devise two major patches of nodes: one for
the primary system, which appears as an ad-hoc multi-
with proper gateways at the interfaces between network
hop network with fixed topology, and one for the sec-
segments operating with different technologies.
ondary system, which appears as an ad-hoc multi-hop
network with partially varying topology. Topology vari-
5.2. Advanced architecture with heterogeneous
ation may in a shorter time scale be induced by move-
ments of trucks within an extraction room or when they radio technology.
move along tunnels and/or from one room to another.
A more advanced solution relies on a heteroge-
The set of (relaying) nodes installed along the tunnel
neous radio technology, by introducing e.g. IEEE
can be fixed and located at proper distances in order to
802.11 in ad-hoc version in order to provide larger
provide continuity of radio coverage along the whole
bandwidths and longer hop-ranges in the wireless re-
tunnel. On a longer time scale, the topology variation
laying part of the secondary system. This kind of ar-
might be essentially related to the size of tunnels and
chitecture resorts on the fact that mobile entities can be
the number of extraction rooms: as the mining extrac-
considered as non energy-constrained and are then able
tion works progress, the tunnel length and the number
to support power expensive wireless radio technologies.
of rooms increase, with the consequent increase in the
This solution explicitly accounts for the presence of
wireless network size. This certainly induces an impact
mobile gateways and introduces shorter-term topology
in scalability of solutions, since a larger size implies
variation also in the interconnection portion of the wire-
larger number of hops, longer delays and larger traffic
less network deployed in the secondary system.
to be supported by relaying nodes. Finally, it should
be pointed out that in this architecture the mobile nodes
5.3. Performance modelling
might not be subjected to severe energy constrained op-
erations, since they can either rely on local power gen-
We are concerned with a multi-hop network, where
eration mechanisms or be maintained by people when
the communication path from the emitter to the receiver
they come to ground level. On the contrary, the nodes
is composed of a time-varying number of nodes n(t).
deployed on the tunnel sides might be battery powered
For each node, denoted by i = 1 . . . n, we can consider
or provided with energy scavenging, but not able to ben-
the following sources of delay:
efit from typical recharge facilities.
• time to wait before sending a data packet αi , which
5.1.2. Hybrid wired-wireless architecture.. Since is typically a random variable;
the whole system setup foresees the presence of some • time F to forward a data packet to a given neigh-
cabling, e.g. for power delivery to fans along the pri- boring node, which is constant and includes the
mary system, and for connecting entrance detectors in propagation and transmission delays;
rooms in the secondary system, it seems interesting to
investigate exploitation of power line communication • if an Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ) protocol is
(PLC) devices for setting up the interconnection net- present, time βi induced by the ARQ, which re-
work. This scenario is implicitly accounted for in Fig. transmits the packet for a predefined number of
5, which depicts a hybrid wired-wireless architecture time if no acknowledgement is received.

Preprint submitted to The 4th Annual IEEE Conference on Automation

Science and Engineering. Received March 3, 2008.
CONFIDENTIAL. Limited circulation. For review only.

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Preprint submitted to The 4th Annual IEEE Conference on Automation

Science and Engineering. Received March 3, 2008.

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