Gospel Sharing 15-4-2023

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Gospel: Mark 16:9-15

In the today’s Gospel, we hear about Jesus appeared to the disciples and rebuked
them for their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they had not believed in what Mary
and the two disciples had seen. Then he sends them out on the mission of spreading the
Good News . He commissions them to continue His ministry. In the following verses of
today’s Gospel, Jesus tells His apostles to baptize believers and give warnings to those
who do not believe. He promises that His apostles will be able to do great things in
His Name.
“In the Name of Jesus” is a key phrase for my reflection today. It is in the Name
of Jesus that Peter and John speak the healing words to the crippled man.
In today’s reading from the Acts of the Apostles, the rulers and elders avoid
mentioning JESUS’ Name, they just say “that Name” or “this Name.” They also
realized that there was power in the Name of Jesus, so they did not want to
mention Jesus’ Name. They decide to give the apostles “a warning not to mention that
Man’s Name to anyone again.” Peter and John respond by saying they cannot disobey
GOD’s command. They have to continue to spread the Name of Jesus and do great
things in the Name of Jesus. That is what Jesus has commanded them to do.
As I reflect on the readings, I think about my faith in the Risen Lord and my belief
in the power of the Name of Jesus. It is easy for us, today’s Christian, to say “I believe
in the Resurrection of Jesus.” Because we might not have fully experience in the same
way that the disciples had, and also we have a view of the whole paschal mysterty, we
know how the story turns out for we have heard the ending before.
The challenge for me is this: Have I experienced the presence of the Risen Lord?
Sometimes, I know I take my belief for granted. I don’t realize the relationship which I
am called to have with Jesus. The more I grow in relationship with Jesus, the more the
resurrection makes sense – the more I can experience the Risen Lord Jesus. Then I need
to take the next step to be sent out in the Name of Jesus. I remember when I was a
novice, I was usually reminded that I don’t need to do great things to make known the
Name of God, but the Name of God will be known by the way of living and sharing the
love that I have experienced from the grace of God
For me, as the Missionaries of the Sacred Heard we are called to serve others in
the Name of Jesus. we need to minister to their needs and share the Good News which
comes in the Name of Jesus. People need to know that we do not come in our own name
or for our own glory, we come for the glory of the Name of Jesus. People should come
to know Jesus through our caring for them. They should experience the Risen Lord Jesus
in our reaching out to them in the Name of Jesus. That’s what it is all about – the Name
of Jesus which means “GOD saves” and “GOD, the One who brings wholeness, healing,
salvation.” So let us lovingly, frequently, and powerfully proclaim the Name of Jesus.

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