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1. As I approach the half of this school year, I find myself looking back at my
journey here in Pisay, most especially, the goals I set here before the year began
particularly in Math 1. My progress so far has been good but it could be much
better. My expectations here in Pisay have increased so I must push myself to my
limits and do my best in everything. With regards to my expectations for the
subject, I realized that I would get higher scores compared to when I first started in
Math 1. Despite this, I strive to improve myself in my portfolios, FA’s, Long Tests,
and other assignments.

2. The moment that I am proudest of was when I was able to

improve my low score in the first long test and was able to
achieve a higher one. I was proud of myself because we
were given a second chance to improve our test scores. I
refused to let this chance go to waste and studied hard.

3. If I was given a chance to do something differently, I would fix my answers to the

questions that I did not have a clear vision of. I would improve my ability to
understand the different topics and lessons that we have in Math 1 in order to
perform better at the exercises.

4. I am most thankful for my friends Kent, Gab, Nathan, Grant, and the friends that I
have from other sections. I appreciate and remember fondly the times when we
would have lunch together, play with each other, and have fun discussions. Asides
from these, we would also help each other out in groupworks, projects, math
lessons and other subjects. I am thankful for them because they helped me and
encouraged me to be a better student throughout my current journey in Pisay.

5. My plan for the two remaining quarters is to continue striving hard to get in the
Director’s List by doing all my tasks with effort. Additionally, I plan not only to
improve myself in my academics and grades, but to improve socially by making
more friends from other sections. I will also improve in other aspects such as
honing my skills in playing the guitar and piano and in playing table tennis. Most
importantly, I will strengthen my faith in God by attending and serving in the Holy
Mass every Sunday. I will pray all the time so that He will guide me and my

batchmates throughout our

journey in Pisay.

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