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Short term lesson plan/Қысқа мерзімді жоспар

Module/ бөлім Gymnasium №15

Date//күні 21.11.2023/ 22.11.2023 Teacher’s name: Zhalaldin D. N.
Grade/сыныбы: 9 a, г Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson/ Сабақтың Climate change
Learning objectives/ understand the details of the argument in long texts within
Оқу бағдарламасына сәйкес оқу the framework of various familiar general and educational topics.
мақсаты read long texts of fiction and non-fiction literature within
the framework of various familiar and some unfamiliar general
and educational topics. determine the meaning from the context in long texts
within the framework of most familiar general and educational
topics; determine the author’s attitude or opinion in long texts
within the framework of most general and educational topics.
Lesson objectives/ Learn new grammar “If only + past perfect”, practice it.
Сабақтың мақсаты
Level of thinking/ойлау High level thinking skills:(Application, Analysis and Synthesis)
дағдыларының деңгейі
Lesson structure/Сабақ құрылымы

Stages/ Teacher actions/ Мұғалім әрекеті Student Assessment/ Resources/

Time actions/Оқушы Бағалау Қолданға
әрекеті н
Beginnin Organization moment: Ss greet chorally. Verbal
g 1.Greeting. Learner then Assessment
Сабақты 2. Organization moment. answers to Peer
ң басы Warm-up activity teacher’s question Assessment
5 min “Question relay” Teacher starts asking on the same topic Group Cards
question to the students on a several to another learner. Assessment
topics. The aim: to ask Criteria
and answer Assessment
questions fast
Learners are introduced the success criteria
of the lesson.
In differentiation part
 By support: Ss will work in pairs
and support each other. The
students will be supported by the
teacher during independent work.
 By choice: Teacher will suggest
students to work individually or in
Middle of
lesson/ Pre-teaching Students listen Excel book
Сабақты Teacher explains new grammar “If only task and write their Page 36
ң ортасы + past perfect”. Then asks students to own examples and Board
7 min write 3 examples. She gives Ex:4 to take read them out lout
the roles and read it. to the class. Then
they take the role
and read the text

Students listen the
She plays record Ex:2, asks students task and read, Teacher
listen, read and check it. check it. evaluates
15min Teacher gives worksheets about the new Ex:6 listen and with “The Excel book
topic “If only + past perfect”. find odd words Praise” Page 36
Teacher explains the task, gives the method Worksheet
definitions to all the words, Ex:6 listen showing s
and find odd words “Well done!
Very well!

Ss work in pairs
15min Speaking. Teacher asks students to act and make up Page - 36
out a similar dialogue from Ex:2 and dialogue. Then Peer
asks to work in pair, to make up present it to the assessment
dialogue, and present it class.

with “The
“Well done!
Very well!
End of “Evaluation tree” Teacher asks Verbal Homework
the students where they feel they are on the assessment Excel book
lesson/ tree in relation to the lesson. p. 37
Сабақты Ex 4
ң соңы
3 min.

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