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Like any other projects, managing IT project involves planning, execution, monitoring,

and controlling resources to achieve specific goals. However, IT project has unique

characteristics that differentiate the IT projects from any other projects.

Some of the similarities when managing IT project vs. any other project are listed below:

1. Both types of projects have similar goals and objectives that must be met which needs

clear communication.

2. Each project needs risk management as both of them face risks such as requirement

modification, scope creeps, budget overruns, etc.

3. Both of the project requires to manage resources, such as people, place, time and money.

4. Stakeholder involvement is needed in both types of projects.

5. Planning, implementing and monitoring the project is required in both projects.

While it has similarities, the IT projects and other projects have few dissimilarities too which


1. IT projects are more technically complex than other projects, So, IT projects have more

technical challenges.

2. IT projects requires dependency integration.

3. IT projects involves sensitive data and system, which can make security and privacy risks

more prominent and demanding.

Now, let us discuss some of the risks that are associated with the IT projects:

1. One of the risks is Technological risks as the IT project uses complicated technology. For

example, one technology in one system could not be compatible with other systems. In

case of my project “Failure Prediction of Aircraft Component Using Machine Learning”

too, there exists technological risk such as model complexity.

2. Scope Creep is another risk that grows with the size of the project over time and results in

budge overrun and sometimes delay in the project.

3. Change Management can also be the risk in the IT project as there may be change in the

scope of the project requirement or the deadline.

Though, there are some risks that exist in the IT projects, there also exist various methods for

managing and mitigating those risks. Some are:

1. Risk Assessment:

Identifying and analyzing potential risk during the planning phase.

2. Risk Management Strategy:

Developing a risk management strategy outlines the steps that will be taken to mitigate

the risk, as well as who will be in charge of each risk and how it will be managed (Altahtooh &

Emsley, 2014).

3. Regular updates:

Project plans should be updated often to reflect new requirements and developments in


4. Skilled team & Stakeholder communication:

Maintaining open communication between the project team and with stakeholders to

manage the expectations and address concerns.

5. Risk Monitoring and Response:

Risk management may also be addressed by maintaining a check on the risks at all times

during the project's lifecycle and being ready with responses (Ahmed et al., 2007).
In sum, by recognizing and implementing risk management strategies, IT projects

managers can effectively manage the complexities and uncertainties in IT projects, ensuring

successful outcomes while minimizing potential risks.


Ahmed, A., Kayis, B., & Amornsawadwatana, S. (2007). A review of techniques for risk

management in projects. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 14(1), 22–36.

Altahtooh, U. A., & Emsley, M. W. (2014). IT Projects: Classifying Risk Factors and Identifying

Project Outcomes. Journal of Industrial and Intelligent Information, 3(3).

Hello Sujan,

Your discussion provides a clear understanding on both the similarities and differences in

managing IT projects and the projects on another domain. The risks identified in IT projects are

relevant and well-explained. While the response provides various risks and mitigation strategies,

you have also provided examples based on your project which gives more credit to your answer.

In addition, IT project require specialized technical expertise whereas other projects example

Construction requires skill sets like construction, logistics and so on. One of the risk that exist in

IT project could be the selection of outdated technology as well. You can also add how

stakeholder management in IT projects differ from another projects.

Overall, your response effectively addresses the question’s requirements.

Thank you
Hello Abhusan,

Your response was both informative and comprehensive. You have clearly explained the

similarities and differences between managing IT projects and managing other projects, as well

as practical insights into the risks involved with IT projects and how to manage and mitigate

them. It's excellent to see that you've thought about the need of being swift and flexible in IT

projects because of the continuously changing technology landscape, as well as the requirement

for strong cybersecurity measures and comprehensive testing when integrating new IT systems.

Furthermore, IT projects necessitate more technical expertise than other projects, and IT projects

might be more difficult due to the integration of numerous systems, software, and technologies.

You can also provide examples based on your own project.

Overall, your response indicates a thorough comprehension of the subject matter and

offers useful information.

Thank you

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