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By o group olsupervisors


Accumulolive Tests
Monthly Tests
lmportont Questions
Finol Revision
Finol Exominqiions


By o group olsupervisors

c Accumulative Tests t
. Monthly Tests
. lmportant Q.uestions
. Final Revision
. Final Examinations


ot 6
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According to our ambitious plan to develop our books in
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decide on the standards of pupils step by step to reach the
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" El Moasser Notebook "

It is actually incomparable and unique to all school books.
It contains :

. Accumulative tests on each lesson.

. Monthly tests.
. Important questions on each unit.
. Final revision.
. Final examinations including school book examinations
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!n First Algebra and Statistics
'18 Accumulative tests

F Monthly tests

z lmportant questions

o Final revision

U Final examinations :

- School book examinations

(2 models + model for the
merge students)

- 15 schools examinations

Second Geometry

9 Accumulative tests
Monthly tests
lmportant questions
Final revision
o Final examinations :
- School book examinations
(2 models + model for
the merge students)

- 15 schools examinations
Algebra and
First Statistics

. 18 Accumulative tests 5 I
. Monthly tests
(2 models for each month) 24

' lmportant que51iqn5 -..._ 29

. Final revision
. Final examinations : 56
- School book examinations
(2 models + model for the merge
- 12 schools examinations.

on Algebra and Statistics

Accumulative tests on Algebra and Statistics

on lesson 1- unit 1
I Choose the correct answer from the given ones :

@+ G)+ (")
+ @)*
(a:)25 (b) - l2s (c) 125 (d) 5

tslrr3ilt- { ,,t"nx=
G)+ G)+ (")
# @)b
(a) x b) x2 (c) r(3 @) x4

El Complete the following :

trj,t-= y1
lq-rf'{t=3 ,then{x-z=
@lThe cube whose volume is 8 cm? , then its edge length = .. ...... . cm.

! find ttre S.S. of each of the following equations in Q :

Accumulolive Tesls 7
Accumulative test tilllesson 2 - unit 1

Il Choose the correct answer from the giyen ones :

(a) xS (b)Q (c)@ G)ru

[a]The irational number located between 2 and 3 ts

{.al'{7 (b)1fu0 (c) 2.s (d)il,

lE The nearesr intege, toffi;. .

(a)- 4 (b) 30 (c)-3 (d) 3

@If x=1, , y=2 r then which of the following does not rcprcsert a ational number ?
(a)xz+y (b)I+y2 (.c)1[x'z y @)^[, xy

E Complete the folowing I

@Itx<fi< x + l,Xez.rhenX= ...


[AThe sum of the two square roots of ]] equal ..............

Et [a] Prove that : l/s is irctuded berween 2.2 and 2.3

[b] Without using the calcnlator r prove that :ffi is included between 2.4 and 2.5
Algebro ond Stotisllcs

lesso n

ffi Choose the conect answer from the given ones :

!lR+uR. =

(a) R* (b) R (") R. (d) R

Zl The ilrational number located between 4 and 5 is

tnl6 o4^{i Gt 3'^fz (d)t0

a,"[s F
(a) > (b) < (c) = (d) <

IalWlich of the following rational numbers is located between ] and

J ?

G) , r.,
" -l- (c) 0.3 (d) - 0.3
ro2 10

g If|.f are iwo real numbersincludedbetweenzeroandl,thenacanequal........ .....

' 1s
(:a) - 2 (b) 1 (.)G (.d) 2

I Complete the following :

E The s.s. olx2 + 4 = zero in lR is

[4]R- l'l xt* = .......... .

iqlThe S.S. ofx3 - 8 = zero in lR is

Accumulolive f"rt, ?

till lesson 4 - unit 1

E Choose the correct answer from the giyen ones :

1l {The mulriplicative idenriry element , 3} ............... [0 , 3]

tu4 (.) C k\q

tE jN-

rzrt IR UIR 0) I -,-[ (.)l-*,ol (d) [o , -[

('t) 125 b)n (c) - 2'7 (d) 3

a If X is a legative number r then which of the following nurnbers is positive ?

(o) x3 (b)2x (r') x2 rat*

E Complete the following :

iI[3,s]-13,s[=. ......
lalr,*tUl -,1[= . ....

@ The sum of the real numbeff inthe interval ]-4 r 4] equals...............

araud =

!rx=[2,5] , y=[0,3]
E Write X using the description method. I 2- Represent X , Y on the number li[e.

I Find : X - Y as aa inteNal by using the number lire. Is{rGX y ?

Effx=[ 1,4] , y=[3,*[

, fird using the number line each of: X U y,x l'l i ,y- x

(Y,r) \ f, / ullll Y/ (oLr) ot Ur6tr@JILF g

Algebro ond Stotistics

till lesson 5 - unit 1

ll Choose the correct answer from the given ones :


@:t"[i (:b)z @2li (d)6{l

(a) zerc (.b)z (c)R @)a

,qlThe rectangle whose dimensions are (1F - r) .tn. , (/7 + 1) cm. , its area

is ............ cm?

(a) 8 (b) 7 (.) 6 (.,21[i

,.+)tfx=1[i,+3, y ="'[i-3 ,tt.nx2 -y2 =
@) 2^{z @D10, (") 6{, (,r)3l,G

El Complete the following :

' .l r \\JI-
-r r.Jl-I
r <l

f{lThe cube whose volume is 64 cm? , its total area = " cm?

"t: ;"
^ ji-:-
''''- "- .1
lElThe mulliDlicarive ir11q1".
s -
""'-I] 6

14If x=31/l+ 1 , y =:E - 1r then (x + y)3 =

a rr v =rE *{5 , nnd the yalue of: y4 - 2 y2 + 1

@ lra=S -{: , b =5 +{l,find in the simplest form "showing steps"

Elu b d* +t]
Accumulotive Tests 7
till lesson 6 - unit 1
tl Choose the correct answer from the given ones :

I The multiplicative inverse of the number@ t ...............

@)atfi (b) L (i) 2t[i @+

@lr,1tn ,1i 45 ,1i 80 , .. "In the same partom,'

(a) l/ /5 (b)1G0 G)1/l12 G)^[12s

{.a1zt[i (b) I (.i)"1, (d)

@r1x=21, -"{i, y =2"'[i *lt,thenxy- 1 =

(a) 5 (b) zero (c) 4 (d)'7

A Complete the following :

L!11 ,3l n [2,s)= ...........

ElThe S.S. of the equ atton : X2 + 25 -0 itrR is ... .........

lE The additive inverse of the number 3 -{5 is ...............

zltrla -tGo.'{i=
E If A= ]-- ,1[ , B=l-2,5],ffndusingthenumberlineeachof :

itlA n B L?]B _A

E Simplify each of the following to the simplest form :

Z,[n .^[sq _ t^[, t^[24

1!1trlx-*+e ^F-trn)'
Algebro ond Stotistics

till lesson 7 - unit 1

ll Choose the correct answer from the given ones :

[a The multiplicative inverse of the number : t -{z is """ " "

Qn^[r-1 (b) 1 -'{, (.) 1E-l 61 t +^[i

Ettt x=z +"[i , y=z-.F,11s1,1v.-y12=

(")2fi' (b) 20 (c) +{s (d) 1

(r) zero (b) 12 (c) 8 (d)-8

E The irational number included between 3 and 6 is .""'

G)1tr o)1rio (o{25 G)W

ffi Complete the following ;

, lf xeR . x' = s . ttren

(x +15 )- -
? The multiplicalive inrer"e ofthe numbe.f is

L" (1t7 ,F)(fi*6)=
E tallrxy=t , y=2 +t/l, ffnil the value of : x2 +rf4i-in its simplest form.

lbl Without using the calculator , simplify the following to the simplest form :

@ttx='{3+Z , y = the multiplicative inverce of x '
prove that X and y are conjugate

numbers r tlen Iind the vaf"e of : (

{} f
Accumulolive Tesls ?
lesso n

I Choose the correct answer from the given ones :

l- ]- l-
11128 + \/ 10 2154 =

(a) o (b) 1 (")-l (d) 2

@ The S.S. of the equation : j( 3

= 27 in lR is ...............

(.a) a G) {3} G) {- 3} (d) i0]

l- l-
'3 X=1i Jr I y=1/3 I .rhenX+y=....... .....

(n) s'1G 1l1r2:'^[i (c) 3 (d) 0

(a) s o)31/zo (")'1/5 (d) '^f*

E Complete the following :

3 116 i1/2 =............... rinthesimplesl form)

g Simplify each of tle following to the simplest form :

-ri^[n.0.^E F
" V:2,+,f
j r-.> -..
{z'Fi)'*{'{rf"''-l ,hf
E t"t rx= 1-2,:1 , Y = ]- * , 1] , find using the number Iine each of :
ElxnY EX.Y
lttn x= , )= -L | . find the
or r (r -{ x)2
Algebro ond Stotistics


E Choose the correct answer from the giyer ones :

EIf the volume of a srhere rr cm9 , then its radius = . ....... cm.
= f
@+ (o)+ (") (+)'*" GI) ,T

L4 The volume of a cube is 512 cml , then the perimeter of one face = -,,,,,,,.....'' cm.

(a) 8 (b) 64 (c) 32 (d) 16

("),1lie G)'1/t G).G (d) 112

! A sphere and a cylinder are equal in volume and therc radii are equal in length

r then the height of the cylinder = ..... """' the radius ofthe sphere.

(cl +
(a) 3 (b) 4
i td)

E Complete the following :

Elrrx=t[ z , y=t[s+3,thenxy=....
Ia ] A ght circular cylinder with volume 90 fi cm? and its height 10 cm. , then its base

radius length = ...............

lEl 2,2[nNI=.....
14 If the dimensions of a cuboid arel,E cm. ,{s c-. ana{s cm.

, then its volume = .... .........

! 1a1 fina th" rcight of a right circutar cylinder whose height is equal to its base ndius
length and its volume is 64 fi cml

lbl lf x= =4 = , y={?-\tr
v7 13
, prove that : X y are two conjugate numbeN , then find the value of : i( y

@ 1a] The volume of a spherc is 36 Jf, cm? Calculate its surface alea il1 terms ofJf,

lbl Simplify to the simplest form : {125 '1D50 . +t1116 .1/r0

Accumulolive f.rt, ?

lesso n

ll Choose the correct answer from the giyen ones :

[l The S.S. of ttre equation : X + 5 = I - 5 I in Nl is ...............

(.4 (b) {0} (o {10} (d) { 10}

@ The s.s. of the equation:{3 X l=2inlRis... ..

t"t {z{: } c) {{r} c) {2} @) {2^[r]

E l If three quarters of the volume of a sphere is 8 7tr cmi , then its radius length

is .......
(a) 64 (b) 8 (c) 4 (d) 2

La I The irrational number included between 2 and 3 is ...............

@2+ o) lrio r"'tll (d)1/'

El Complete the following :

I The S.S. ofthe inequality: X < 2 in ]R is ...............

[i.1 l|he S.S. of the he q1]ality i 3 x -2> 7 in lR is ...............

@ The S.S. of the equation : (X2 + 3) (X3 + 1) = 0 in1Ris...............

E ff [3 , 8] is the S.S. of the inequality :a< x+ 2<b ,thena +b =

El [a] The volume of a sphere is 9$9O cml , calcutate irs mdius t (n = 2+)
lbl Find the S.S. of the inequality : 3<2X+1<TinlRintheformof an inreryal ,

then rcpresent the solution on the number line.

E tal If X=[-r ,41 , \=12,6] using the number line find each ofthe following !
[r]xUY ElxnY
lbl Find in R the S,S. of the inequatity : ,( 1 < 3 - i( < X + 5 in the form of an inrerval
and represent it on the number line.
Algebro ond Stofisiics

till lesson 1_ unit 2

E Choose the correct ans\ryer from the given ones :

1] The retation : 2 x + y = 6 is represented by a staight lil1e intersects the y-axis

at the point
(a)(0,-6) (b) (0 , 6) (c) (6 , 0) (d) (3 ,0)
lg The relation : 2 x = 3 y is represented by a straight line passing through
the point . .

(a) (2 , 3) G)(0,+) (c) (0 , 0) (0 (3 ,.)

q l The S.S. of the equation : X + 9 = l -5 in lR is ....... .

{o} lb) @ G) {- 4} (d) {4}
E The point (3 k' 2 k) lies on the straight line : x- 3 y = 9, then k =

(a)-3 (b) I (c) o (.d) 2

E Complete the following :

LllIf(3 , 6) satisfies the relation : 2 X + y = a
"""" " '

Lqlx = 4 is represented by a staight line parallel to ....... . . axis.

l+ lThe votume of a sphere = | :r cmi then its diameter length = .. . cm.


El [al Find four ordered pairs satisfying the relation I y + 2 X = 5

[b] Without using the calculator , simplify the following to the simplest lorm :

I .'i

''showins steps" { rz +1/s+ -:nl


E [u ] firra in R tt
S.S. of the inequality :
2 X+5<X - 4 and represent it on the number line.

intersects the X-axis at the point A and the y-axis at the point B , find the area of the

triangle oAB where O is the odgin point.

Accumulolive Tests 7
tltffi;il[El@ tirrr"""on 2 - unit 2
IChoose the correct answer from the given one6 :

ltrVhich of the fotlowing ordered pairs satisfies the relation : y _ X _ 3 ?

(a)(1 ,-a) (b)(-2,-s) (cX1 r - 2) krx3 ,0)
(a)zero (h)12 (c)8 (d)- 8

iqlThe slope of the vertical srraight line is . .......

(a)zero (b)1 (c)- 1 (d

: then m = -.........-....

(a)l (b), 1 (c)5 (d)zero

E Complete the following :

[The cube whose volume is 27 cm? , then its lateral area

= ....... ..-
[2llhe slope of rhe straight line perpeirdicular on y-axis is ...............

L llf the straight line which passes through the two points (3 , k) , (4 , 5) is parallel to

lalThe staight line which passes rhough the two points (5 , - 5) , (5 , 5) is paralel ro
....,,,,,...... axis

E lalRepresent graphically , then find the slope of the straight line that represents the

[blFind the S.S. in IR for the iuequatity :

2X+3<5X+332X+ 9, then reprcsent it on the flumber line.

E [a]Prcve tlat the poirts A , B and C are coltinear wherc A (2 ,-3) , B(4,_5)
andC(0, 1)

lblsimplih lo rhe simptesr ro"rn , s 1ft * + rrEa ,/s0 '{C

(r , r) \ Ll,
fr / drlll Y/ (oLr) slrl,r rEl,.@.rl 17
Algebro ond S to tisl ic s

Accumulative test lesson 3 -unit

!! Choose the correct ans\Yer from the given ones :

I If 100 gm. of food have 300 calo es r then the number of calories that exist in 30 gm'
of thc sarle food equals "" " " ' calories .

(a) 90 (b) 100 (c) 900 (d) 9000

tr {t l-3,-t
(a) C @q (c) (d) e

lal Complete the folowing :

ril The slope of the straight line paraltel to X-aris is " " " """
[E The intersection poirt of the two straight lines.]( = 2 , y = 3 is """" .

lE If the slope of the straiSht line which passes through the two points (2 k) (3
' ' ' - l)
is 2 , then k = ....... '

..-,1 The opposite frgure

shows the relation
between the height of
a person (in cm.)
and his age (in years) :

ll Find the slope ofeach

of AB , BC and CD

2] Calculate the difference

between the height of
this person when he was
8 yearsold and his height
when he was 20 Years old.

',{] is 14 cm. and its height is l0 cm ' find

1a1 A right circular cylinder , its diameter length
rhe laleral area and lhe volume ol lhe c) lind"r. 1r, - 272)

Llr i Represent Sraphically the relation : y - 2 .1( = I I then find the points of intersection of
the straight line witl the two a,aes .

E HIR+ is the set of the positive realnumbercarldZ=12,3] 'frtrd:

E R+nz E lR+uz EN*

I ,*
AccumuloliveTests ?
Accumulative test t ill lesson 1-unit 3

Choose the correct answer from the given ones :

'! The irational [umber included between 3 and 4 is . ..

(a) 1.5 0)1tr (") {rr (d) 3.s

a {50-{t=
@),[42 @ 31, @ zli (d) 1/5s

B Complete the following :

llj If(3 ,a) satisfies the relation : 2 X + y = l0 rthena=...............

@ The slope of the stuaight lire which passes thrcugh (3 ,2) ard (5 ,6) is ...............

E The following table shows the marks obtained by 30 students in an examination :

5 9 11 4 9 9 16
I t2 2 10
12 5
8 15 l3 13 9 '1 14 lq 3 11 14 3 t2 13 7
Form the frequency table to these data.

E tal fina tne SS.inlR of the following inequatity as aninterval: 1< 3 X_2 < 13
[b] f,'ilrd three ordered pairs satisfying the relation :

y = .l( + 2 r then represent it gaphically.

E lal Simplify to rhe simplest form : 4r[ *"[i fi

lbl ltx=Ii+2 , xy=r
r find : y r then prove that X and y arc two conjugate numbe$.
Algebro ond Stotistics

Accumulative test tilllesson 2 - unit 3

llChoose the correct answer from the giYen ones :

ll The figure 3',I reprcsents the inteNal '

(a)[3 ,7[ G)[3 ,7] (c)13 ,7[ (dr3 , 7l

lEiff the point (3 , a) lies on the straight line : y + 2X= 5 rthen a= '

(a) I (b)- 1 (c)11 (d)zero

E Complete the following :

mhe slope of the staight line passes through (3

8) and (- 1 , 4) is ." " " " '

lrlff x +y= x y ='{i, ther x2 y + y2 x =

E The fo[owing table is the frequency distribution of wages of 100 workers 'weekly :

Sets 50- 60- '70

- 80- 90 Total
Frequency 5 15 30 40 10 100

, [i,Find tle number of workers whose wages are less than 70 pounds weekly.

jllcraph the ascending cumulative frequency curve.

!l Find ttre S.S. in R of each of the following :

x- 3 <7 and represent the S.s. on the number line.

B lalFind the slope ofIE r where : A ( 1 , 3) and B (2 , 5) is the poirt C (8 ,

l) C AB ?

[r]If x = [2, *[ and Y = ]- 2' 3[, Iind using the number line :


Accumulotive Tesls ?
tl Choose the correct alswer from the given ones :

ll I The arithmetic meal1 of a ftequency distdbution equals ...............

, sum of(X Y f) -.
th) sum of lX + "f)
sum of f sum of f
- sum of f x sum ofx 2-
srim of f td) sum of(f + r) sum oaJ
E The arithmetic mean of the values : 18 ,23 ,2k- 1 ,29,kis 18 ,thenk=
(a) I (b) 7 (c) 29 (d) 90
g {a +{rs = +r/iira=
14li (b) zero (c) 2 (d) 3

14 If the arithmetic mean of the lengths of a tuiangle equals 12 cm,

r then its perimeter = ............... cm.

(a) 4 (b) 36 (c) 24 (d) 48

E Complete t}te following :

E] The slope of tlle straight line parallel to X-axis is ...............

E If the lower limit of a set is 10 and its cenhe is 15 , then its upper limit is ...............
fC The conjugate of the number :l/7+ I is ........
E The arithmetic mean of the two values :1/ianO{+s ls ..............

E The following table shows tle frequency distribution of extra wages weekly for
100 workers in a factory :

Extra wages in pounds 20- 30 40- 50- '70

Number of workers 10 k 22 26 20 8

l1l Calculate the value of each of X and k

tqr Find the axithmetic mean of this distribution.

E tal e Agltt circutar cylinder of volume is 924 cmi and its height 6 cm.
Calculate the diameter lenCth of its tase (n =
f )
tbl If x=lfii ' v =-iitr,putr(andyinthe simplest form

: then find the value of: X2 y2

Alge b rq qnd Stotistics

Accumulative test tilllesson 4 - unit 3

j! ]Choose the correct answer from the giYen ones :

Ehe order of the median of thevalues:5,7 r6:4and8is " '

(a)third. (bEoulth. (cfifdr. (dlixth.

glhe a thmetic mean of five numbers is 7 , then the sum of these numbers
equals . ..

(a)12 (b!5 (cPt (d[8

13 .2,1 doe" not salisf) lhe relation

(ar+X=5 (b!y-n=3 (ct! + x=7 (dP y -x=t
l4[he intersection point of the ascending and descending cumulative curves is (30 50) I
then the sum ol frequencieo is' """'
(alo (bF0 (c)100 (dFO

Complete the following I

lThemedianof thevalues : 7 r3,9 r I and5 is'

[he dimensions of a cuboid are{7 cm. ,{: crn. ana{o cm.
, then its volume - .... cml

[ 3If the order of the median of a set of values is the fourth , then the number of these
values equals ...... ......

Latrhe median of thevalues:34 r23 ,25,40,22a:,]Id4is " .

Graph thc relation : Y -2 x

[h llhe folowing table shows a frequency distribution :

Sets 20- 30- 40 50 60- '70

- Total
Frequency 10 k 22 25 20 I 100

Find; l|The value of k

Iz [he median using the descending cumulative frequency.

Iind the S.S. of the inequality : - 3< 2 5x<12whetex€R

If x = ]3 ,7] , Y = [5 , -[ by using the number line find :

Lrx l-lv l3=x uY lsX-Y

Accumuloiive Tesls ?
Accumulative test tilllesson 5 - unit 3

llchoose the correct answer from the given ones :

' I Ehe most common value or the most rcpeated value of a set oI values is .. ............
(alhe arithmetic mean, (blhe median.
(c!fie mode. (dIthe range.

l3fhe arithmetic mean of the values : k r - k r3 k equals .......

(aB k (b2 k (cF k (dlr
(aX (:bt 2 (clero (dF 4
@he mode of the val""r, s,{s,'r[, z{z is .. .........

(a,8 bd, (cD @21,

llComplete the following :

LL[he mode of the values : 3 , 6 , 5 r6 r3,6,5 is

L4f (a, 3 a) satisfies rhe relation : 2 x + v = 15, then a =
EJf the volume of a sphere is 36 ,t cml , then its radius length = ............... cm,
luf the mode of the values : X + I ,4 ,5 ,'1 is4 r then X = ...............

Et [ul'ird ttr" s,s. of the equation : {7 x + I = 8 in R

lbneduce to the simplest ror^, (^{i -"fi)2 *"[ to

a [apind the value of y such that the staight line passing through the two points (3 , 4) and
(2 , y) is parallel to the X-axis.

[bfhe following table shows the frequency distribution with equal range sets for the
weekly wages of 100 workers in a factory i

Sets of wages in LJ. 't0- 80 90 to0 x- 120 - 130-

Number of workers 10 13 k-4 20 16 t4 11

Find : L:t fhe value of each of X and k

L2Jhe mode of wages in L.E. by using the histogram.
on Algebra and Statistics

. Unit One : Real numbers,

From lesson (1) "Cube root
of a rational number" to the
end of the lesson of "Ordering
numbers in lR'.

. Unit One : Real numbers'

From "lntervals"
to the end of the lesson of
"Applications on the real
Algebra and Statistics

Test I
Choose the correct answer from the given ones i (3 marks)

T fi-,[x =3"'[y ,aeny =

(e) 5 (b) -5 (c) 125 (.d)

The irmtional number included between -2 and -1 is

(a) -3 (,, -1+ r") F (.,\ ^[,

lg If X is a negative real number r then which of the following represe s a positive number ?

(.a1 xz (b) x3 (c) 3X (of

I Complete : (3 marks)

rhe s.s. or rhe equati- , (x -1tr) (x *1tr) =o i" <) i,
|3- AsquareofareaTcm?,thenitssidelength=.. . cm.

Prove that :][ lies between 1.,1 and 1.5 (2 marks)

The capacity of a cube is 27 liftes. Find its inner edge length. (2 marks)

(.: \ r, / s$,1 Y/ (ou.r) ar."r" r,ott OJlrlrE

Algebro ond Sloti!lics

lChoose the correct answer from the giyen ones : (3 marks)

lTlR. nR =
(uR- (bR (cP (dD

0.001 x
G',+ (b2 c* (d20

lE{ square ofside length]/3 cm. r then its area is ... ..... cm?

tuxF (bD (cE (dx

EComplete : (3 markO

llJt x3 =Zl r then x= ...... .

@heS.S.of theequation : X2+4=0inlRis. .....

$'ind in R ttr" S.S. of the equation : 2 + l{ 3 = 1 (2 marks)

[Find the value of )00n each of the following : (2 marks)

E\.3 +5=32

November tests i)nAlgebra

Test 10

[Choose the correct answer from the given ones : (3 marks)

rxlR, n lR (b iR. u R. ("I -,-[ GQNQ

L4he conjugate number of the number is . ..... .

,.{:*l[ 1,fi-1E ,.rF,:'E (.+"[3-'[,
@he volume of the spherc whose diameter leng*r is 6 cm. equals ...............
(a288 (b)12 xl (c)36 fi (d288 Jl

flComplete the following : (3 marks)

......... ..
@he edge length of a cube is 4 cm. , then its total area = ".?
2'l'trcmultiplicariveinrerseofLhenumberf is .. ..

trf X'z= r then Xin the simplest form = ... ........

Simplify to the simplest form : z{u +{50 * +,[r* (2 marl<s)

ffirx=[-t 'a]
, Iind the following using the number line :

XUY, Y_X (2 marks)

Algebro qnd Stotistics

Test 2

0 Choose the correct answer from the giyen ones : (3 mark!)

@ The dimensions of a cuboid are{7 cm. ,]Ec*. analEcIn.

r then its volume = .. ..
(") fto G) 1E (c) 6 (d) fis
trl {8,e,10}-ls,ro[= ..

(.d) b (b) {8 , ro} (c) {e} (d) n\l

lE The additive inverse of the number (117-1,E)*

tot ,[i *^[i @'[i-1, o1[r-'t[i o -lr-^[i
E Complete the following : (3 marks)

LLI The mulriplicarive neuual in lR is and rhe addirive neunal in lR is

tr16.{r0.FJ.{* . " ' rin the same par(ern,

s 1i 2+ V2

@ Find the lateral area of a right circular cylinder of volume 924 cm3 . if its height equals 6 cm.

1n=fft (2 marks)

@ ttu={T*{z unau=

, frnd in the simplest form the value of : a2 b2 (2 marks)
on Algebra and Statistics
!mportant questions
Real Numbers
on Unit One
Multiple choice questions
74',[ut * z =...............

(a) zero (b) 3 (c) 6 (d) -u

The irrational number located between 2 and 3 is ....... ......

trl {: G) {-1 G) {, td\ 2!

er {t-{r=
(.il ,[, 0) {a {c) 2^'[i (d) 2

g 8,7)-12,s)=
@) 15,71 (b) l5 ,7[ (c) {s ,7} (d) l5 ,71

TheS.s.oftheequation:X3=8inQis ... .

(") {- 2} (b) {2} o {2,-2} (d) {64}

[]ij The multiplicative inverse of the numb",

f * ...... .

+ (b) 6{t r.c) 2a[z o -2{i
A right circular cylinder ofvolume 90 J[ cmi and height 10 cm. , then the diameter length
o[ it. ba* rr
(a) 2 cm. (b) 4 cm. (c) 6 cm. (d) 3 cm.

1116 =ffi , then x=

(a) 2:7 (b) 64 (c) - 64 ((l) -27

U [3,5]-{5}= ....
(a) [3 ,4] (b) [3,5[ (") {3 ,4} (d) l3 , sl

The volume of the cuboid whose dimension" *"{-"-. ,]/5cm. ana1,Gcm.

is..-............ c*]
(a) 6 (b) 36 (") eG (.r) ls{,
lmporrqntOU€rEliOna ?

@ the S.S. of the inequatity : - X < 2 in lR is ...............

(a) l-- 'z[ o) l-*,-2[ G) ]-2,*[ (o 12,-[
@ a x.t^[i. x, 1tx c.%, ther X =
(.a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 6

lE m=
(a) [0 ool
(b) ]- oo , oo[ (c) l- - ,0[ (d) [1 , ool

14 The volume of the sphere whose diameter length is 6 cm. equals.. ....... cml
(a) 9 rI (q t2r1 (c) 36n (d) 228 xl

lE! If the volume of a sphere is cm1 ther its radius lergth is ........
Sn '
(a) l0 (6t + (c) s (d) ,r

lE If thleequarters of the volume of a sphere equals 8 fi cml , then the length of its radius
equa|s ............... cm.
(a) 64 (b) 8 (c) 4 (d) 2

@ The volume of a cube is 64 cml : then its lateml area is .. ...... cm?
(a) 4 (b) 8 (c) 64 (d) e6

lE A right circular cylinder whose base radius length is r cm. and its height equals the length
of its diameter, then its volume is .... . ......
(a) (b) Jx 12 (c) 211,13 (d) 2t3

lE and= .... ...

(a) R (b) @ (c) Q (d) d

@ The S.S. of the equation : x2 + 9 = O in IR is ... ......

(u) {-e} o) {-3} (c) {3 , 3} @)a

@ The S.S. of the inequality : - 1 s - X < 1 in IR is ...............
(a) l-1,11 G) [ r,1[ (c) l-L1[ (d) [ L1]
@ The edge length of the cube whose volume is 2{7 cm? equats ........ .... cm.
@"[i (b) 2 (c) 8 (d) l.s

Algebro ond S'totistics

TheS.S.of the equation: (X2 + 1) (X2 - 9) = 0 in IR is ....... ..

(o{3} (b){- 3} G){3 ld)a

Aight circular cylinder whose radius length is 7 cm. and its height is 5 cm. , then its
lateral area is .rn?
ra)50 Jl (b)70 n (c)9 fi (di35 r[

AiR, UR =
@)a (b){0} (c)R (d)R- {o}

@rrx>s,tr'*r/G:xf =
(a)5 -X (br/a 1E (r)i( - 5 (d)i( + 5

I Complete questions

It G= z{: , ttren a =

. {-1,0,r}al-1,r[= .

The multiplicative inverse of the number (jE + !E) in the simplest form is . ...

r + =lli -2, then the value ofx in the simplest form is

R+ in an interval fonn is .... ......

"[i \tr=^[-
The irratioial numberlllo fes between the two consecutive integels
.. ....... and..... .....

,tt? ,tt|f ,{tz ,. ............. <in rhe same pauem>

The sum of lengths of all edges of a cube is 48 cm. r then irs volume is
lmportoni Questions ?
lEl The volume of the sphere whose diametff length is 2 cm. is ........ ..... n cm?

[E If the volume of a sphere = ] rf cmi , then its diameter lengrh = ............... cm.

lEt The rectangle whose dimensions are (3 -{s (: *t,E) cm. its perimerer =
) ".. -a
lE The circumference of a circle is 4lEfi cm. , then its area is .. ....."-?

Elnfs *16 =z *....-.........

lE The additive inverse of the number3{- 8 is .............

@11y=t[i+2, y=^[r-z,rhen(xy,x+y)=(.............,........... )

E0 A right circular cylinder whose volume is i25 ,[ cm? , its height = i1s radius lengrh , then
its rudius length is ...

ljJl-z'zlnR=... .

ER n[ 3,2t=

Third I Essay questions
E nx = J-: ,2I , y=l-1r5],findusingthenumberline:
.1rxUY lqlxnY Lgx-Y
Ett.t=1--,3[, B=[ 2,5]
, Iind using the numberline : B -A :A 0 B rA U B andA
@ 111=r/T+ I , y= , Iina the value of :
Evx=15 , y ="t[i +z,proYe that: xandy are conjugate numbers

: then frnd the value of : X 2 y2 in its simplest form,

En x="{i 'utr
' t = ,,{.,
the value of : x2 +2 xy +y2
(a : r) \
rJ. /,rrr,l Y/ (olr) of,U J-[.@JI Ll, -Al
Algeblo ond Stotistics

6ffx=^{l *,[i , y =],vrovethal: X and y are conjugate numbers

, then fnd the Yalue of tx2+xy+y2

Arx=fft11 , r =lo -,f, , n"a r (x + y)2 in the simplest fom.

E Itx= .-,1
ffi'r"'"'nu' x
E fi"a in m. tne S.S. of theinequality:5 x 3 <2 x+9

lE Find the solution set of the inequality in IR r then represent it on the number line :
5 3X>11

lll Final the solution set inlR,then represent it on the number line: I < 2 x+ 3< I
Find the solution set in IR, then represent it on the number lin e : ! +2> I
lE tr'ind in lR the solution set of the inequality | 4 x+3>5 x+2> 4 x, then rcpresent it
on the number line.

i4 simplify to the si-ptest ro"- ,'llz ('lf+ .z)-z('li.t)

iE simplify to the simplest form :ffi- 2{7+ 3

iEl simplify to the si-rt""t ro"* ,'{ar +t{7- : :trf,

@ Find in the simplest form : llii +3{s+ -213 -1^[16

@ Find in rhe simplest form : {so +'\Ei ,or[ ',/,u

@ Find in R the solution set of the equation t (X- 2)3 = 125

@ A sphere with volume 36 J[ cml r ffnd :

E The mdius length of the spherc. The arca of thc sphere in ofJtr

t[ Find the height of a right circular cylinder whose height is equal to its base radius length
and its volume is 27 ,f, cml

lmporlqnt Questions ?

EE A right circular cylinder whose base radius length is 4]Ecm. and its height is 9 cm.
Find its volume in terms of Jtr.

EE A right circular cylinder whose height is l0 cm. and its base radius length is 7 cm.
Calculate its volume and its taterat area (n = 2, )

!!! A metallic sphere r with diameter length 6 cm. has got melt and changed into a right
circular cylinder with base radius length 3 cm. Fird irs height.

EE A metallic right circular cylinder whose base radius length is 3 cm. and its height is 4 cm.
has got melt and changed into a sphere. Find the radius length of this sphere,

EE Find the volume of a dght circutar cylinder of tateral area 440 cm?
and height l0 cm. (a = 22)
lmportant questions
Relation between Two Variables
on Unit Two
B.ffi furttiple choice questions
ll Whi"t of th" following ordered pairs satisfies the relation:2 x+ y=5 ?

(a)(-1,3) (b) (1 ,3) (c) (3 : 1) (.d) (2 ,2)

B The ordered pair which does not satisfy the relation : 2 X + y =5 is .

(a) (1 ,3) (b) ( 1 ,7) (c) (3 ,1) (d)(4,-3)

E ff (5, 2) satisfles the relation : x+ 2 y = c,then c =

(a) 8 (b) 9 (c) I (d) 6

E If the point (k ,2 k) satisfies the relatioa I y + 2 x-- 8 r then k = " """ .

(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) s

El If the shaight line which passes through the two points (3 , k) and (4 5) is parallel to
the x-axis , then k = ...... .

(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d)-s

@ The slope of the sftaight line which passes through the two points (4 , 5) and (4 , 8)
13 .,,. ....,

(a) zero. (b) undefined. (o? (.D

E lfe f-: , 1) and B (1 , 3) , then the slope ofIE = '

(a) I (b) 2 o+ (d) 1

@ The relation : 2 X + 7 y = 14 is represented by a sftaight line intersecting the x-axis at "

(a) (2 , 0) (b) (0 , 2) (c) (7 ,0) (d) (0 , 7)

@ The slope of the horizontal staight line is " '

(a) zero. (b) 1

(.c) 2 (l) undefined.

IE whi"h of th" following rclations is represented by the x-axis ?

(x) x= 0 (b)y=o (c)x=y (d)y= x

lmportont Ouestions ?
Second I Complete questions

I The slope of the straight line passing thrcugh the rwo points ( 1,4),(0,5)is .... .....
ll The slope of the straight line parallel to y-axis is ......

@ The slope of the straight line peryendicular to y-axis is ....... ...

A If the staight line passing though the two points (3 ,4) and (2 , y) is parallel to x-axis ,

Q The relation : y = 5 is rcpresented by a straight line pamttel to ............... axis and its
slope is .

E If(- 3 ,2) satisfles the relation:5 X-k y = 7 r then k =

z ll the poinr: A . B tncl C a"e collinexr . then lhc slope nt IE = Lhe .lope of

@ ffthe two ordered pai$ (a ,2) and (3 r b) satisfy the relation I X+2y =3
: then a = .. ..... and b =

E 114=(3 ,!) , B =(6 ' 5) and the slope ofiE equats

] ,theny=

@ Thelelation:8X+3y=24isrepresentedgraphicallybyastraightlireintersecting
y-axis at the point . .

lThirdlE"ry qr*ti"*l
E Reprcsent the relation I y = i( + 2 gmphically.
a Represent the relation: X+ y = 3 graphically , then find the point of intersection with

E Glaph the relatior : y = 2 X , then find the slope of the sffaight line.

E Find the two points of intersection of the straight line : 2 X + 3 y = 12 with the coordinate

E Proyethat: The points A (- 1 :3) rB (2 r4)andC (5 r5) are collinear.

Alg ob ro ond S io t istic s

E Are the points A (2 , - l) ,B (- 1, ' 3) and C (2 , 3) collinear ?

the slope of the straight line which passes thrcugh the two points (4 (6 , k) is 4
E If , 17) and

. find the value ofk

E ff (k, 2 k) satisfies the relation : 3 X + y = 30' find the Yalue of k

p Find the slope of IE r where A (- L 3) and B (2, 5) : is the point C (8, l) CEE ?

ilt IfA - (3 ,3) and B = (3 5) , proye that I IE // y-axis.

lmportant questions
on Unit Three

! Multiple choice questions

E The mode of the values : 3 ,4 ...- ...
(a) 3 (b)4 (c) 20 (d) 10

I The arithmetic mean of the numbers : 10 , 12 ,8 is .....

(a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 9 (d) 10

E The median of the values : 34' 23, 25, 40 t 22 > 4 i.s .. . ......
(a) 22 (.c124 (d) 2s

I The arithmetic mean of the values : 5 -X r5 r5+Xis . ...

(a) 5 (b) 81 (c) 13 (d) 3

E If tlre arithmetic mean of the values :5 >7 ;S tXis6 tthetX=

(u) 8 (b) 5 (c)'7 (d) 4

E Ifthe order of the median of a set of values is the fourth , then the number of these
values is ......

(a) 5 (b) 6 (.c) 7 (d) 8

A Ifthe mode of the setofvalues: 15 ,11 ,5 X,4is 15 ,thenx=..

(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 1s

EIf the mode of the set of values: 1.2,7 ,X+Li ,12is7 ,tttr,lX=
(a)4 (b)6 (c) 8 (d) 11

E The centreof the flrst setof the sets : 7, 13 -, 19 -, 25 - is...... ..

(o) 6 (b) 7 (c) 10 (d) 13

lnt If the lower limit of a set is 4 and the upper limit of the same set is 8 , ther its cenfte
is ...... .

(a) 2 (b) 4 (") 6 (d) 8

@ If the lower limit of a set is 10 , its upper limit is X and its cetrtre is 15
(a) l0 (b)5 @)m (d) 8
Algebro ond Stotislics

lEl If the adthmetic mean of five numbers is 8 , then the sum of these numbers rs '

(a) 13 (b) 16 (c) 40 (d) 64

lE The poirt of intersection of the ascending and descending cuNes deteamines "" "'on
fhe set axis.
(a) the arithmetic mean (b) the median
(c) the mode (d) the ftequencies

lE If the poirt (16 , 30) is the point of intersection of the ascending and descending curves ,
thenthemedianis ...... ..
(a) 16 (b) 23 (c) 60 (d) 30

lE If the oder of the median of a frequency distdbution is 50 , then the sum of frequencies
1S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(a) 50 (b) 25 (c) 100 G1) s

Second I Complete questions

E The median of the values : 5 , 3 t11 t'7 ,2is

El Themodeof thevalues : 3 r5,7, 3 r8 is

B If tlre arithmetic mean of the values : L8 ,23 ;29 ,2 k - 1 r k is 18 r then k =

I The order of the median of the values : 7 ,6 ,5 , 8 ,4 is '

E The arithmetic mean is one of the measures of " """ "

g If the mode of the values : 4 r 11 r8 r2Xis8 rthenX= '

I Ifthe point of intersection of the ascending and descending curves is (35 , 20) , then the
sum of ftequencies is . ...... .... '

E The arithmetic mean of the values : 2 - X ,4,5,3+X t l is '

E If the order of the median of a set of values is the fifth and sixth : then the number of these
values is

lltr The point of intersection of the ascending and descending curves determires " ." "" " on
the set-axis.
lmporlclnt Quest ons ,

Third I Essay questions

I The fo[owing frequency distribution shows the marks of20 students in mathematics :
Sets 5- 15- 25 35- 45- Total
Frequency 5 6 3 2 20

Calculate the meal1.

El The following table shows the frequency distribution of bonus of 100 workers i

Bonus 20 30 40- 50- 11- '70

Number of workers 10 k 22 25 20 8

Find : ll The value of each of n and k

El The mean.

E The fo[owing frequency distribution shows the marks of35 students in mathematics i
Sets 2 4 6- 8- t0-t2 Total
Frequetrcy 5 8 t0 8 4 35

Graph the histo$am of that distdbution and from the graph flnd the mode mark.

!l The following table shows the frequency distribution of the weights of20 children
in kg, :

Sets 5- t5- 25 35 45 Total

Frequency 3 1 7 4 2 20

Using the ascending or descending cumulative frequency curve , flnd the mediarl of this

(1 : r) \ pr / dr!,] r/ (aLJ) o'*,L" taUL@tlLV 41)

of Algebra and Statistics

l-ai 'r
19 ,/q
Y (- J
important rules of

.m=aUd . QItQ = Ur
.R-A=d .R-d =a
'R+nlR-= a .R=R+u{o}uR_
.red .R-=R-{o}

The representing ofthe irrational number on the number line

Each irational number can be represented by a point on the number line.

and to dmw a line segment with length ={a length unit where a > I
Draw a dght-angled triangle in which :

oThe length olone side olthe righr-angle =4 l"ngrf, urir.

.Theleng$of the h)porenuse : u I) I t"ng,n Jn;,.

and we can apply this to rcpresent the irrational number{7 on the number line as
the following :

. Frcm the point which represents the number zero onthe A

number line , we draw a pelpendiculiu line segment as
n i'4., ".
orA *hereoA= 7rl =3 tengrhunirs._
il '0,,.U
. Using the compasses with a distance = ? t1= + t"ng,h onl::
and centre atA r draw an arc to cut the number 2 I o *t *)g*
2 13
line on the dght side of the point O at the point B -i
, then B is the point which represents{7 as ir the figure.
. Notice that : To rcpresent the number (-fi ) ' we draw the arc which cuts the number
line on its left side , nor on ils righ( side.
. Notice that : To represent the number (1 +]E ) , we follow the same previous steps but we
draw the perpendicular line segment 6I from the point which represents the number 1 r
not the number 0
Algebro qnd Stolis'lics

.@:@ The operations on intervals

8 8"

1l 1
'il -].T
o e8 ez8j &
l" _T f-5 1r
I[llrrll3i ll w. T.:
ll Ja
#r rr

f :i:
I f ll

I[- Jrl
I i1

1:; 1

II ;

Ii X



1: r !rr

+C C tL I
X x X

JJ ll I ai
ll ll itll
X>. X> X> X>
Finql Revision 7
The operations on the square roots and the cube roots

Irl eG,{b=t/"t For Exanple :!1 x^[ a =,[ t rz

" =t[n =a
lEl -, t:=^/v"
I (whereb*0,
1u ,,12 ^/v'! =t/a=z
^:l C- E =-E. Jo = Fi,,*1.,"r"0 *ot ForExampk:Vf = E .E =,['
5l Vb 1ib 1/b D ls 1s tis )
E z xlnfo =:,[ s =18
: eG"1/b='1/^b Fo, Exampk :3'[
"g =z
nr. -1.^ l-
J =!a = / L
r r*r.,.,"
' : !:1=,
t.r. 11l!t4
- it b
r, + or For EnmDtz
= 1iR =2

Exq qPlg Simplify to the simplest form :

O'[n-fri.sfi g^[G-,rc@ gs^[i(z'[i,'[rz)

T- ,
@1^[i,e',^fre-a, @ Vrz +'^ij + V-s

.t[2, x * z z
O{:z ^[n - a
S ={2.,. re " fi
+t[z e{i * a,;[i, a,'[i + z"[i =^[i
= t
@ =

o.[* -E =,[* - ^[i = :,{i - ^[i = 2,,{i

@ e,[i (2,[i *^[a) = stfi " zt[i * s'i[i

"^i[a = to^[i + s^[z+ = to x 2 + 5a[a x6


@Ts n - ei^t te - e rfr ='{ z, zt * a't[z * z -, "

r rF

O:^t u,.^E .'F='1/r - -,G;B -'1/,

=2"[n+fr ln =r^{n, +.t; -O = +A
Algebro ond Sioiisiics

If a and b are two positive rational numbe$ :

then each of the rwo ru-u"., (G+r/U ) ard (G-{b )

is conjugate to the other one alld we flnd that :

. tret sum = (G t{b ) - (G-O ) = ,O = twice the frst term

.rrreirproducr=(G fb)(C-{b)=(G)' (16)'=" o

= The square of the fimt term the squate of the second term

!9! grsmPlli rne number (1E {i ) it. "oo.togut" i' (l/3 +lE) ,then we rind that:
o thsil 5urn = 2{t .Thetproduct=3-2=1
! nemark
If we have a real trumber whose denominator is written in the form (1/a -1E )
*(1[-1[) '
we should put it in the simplest form by multiplyitrg both the
numerator and denominatoi by the cotrjugate of the denominatol.

fo. aromple :

For writting the numbe, the simplest form r we multiply the two terms of the
-U -in
rumber by the conjugate of the denominato. *f,i"tr l. ({O t1/, )
12{v6 I !2 }
...=-L 4rtr= 62 =:(lG*{:)=:r,G*:{z
G{' G-{t
lmportant remarks from multiplying by inspection
. We know that : (x- y) (x t y) -;62 y2

. And we know also :

(x+i2-f+2xy+y2 1 (x-92=i 2xv+12

.x -xy+y2=rx+yr2 x) I .x2-xy+l)=(x- yr2+xy

.f ay2=1x+y12 2xy or *+yz=(x y)2+2Xy
Finol R evis io n ?
The solid The lateral area The total aree The vohrme

The cube

m' 6l l'

The cuboid 2(X+y)xz 2 (Xy +y z+zn xy z

The cylinder P,
L; 2:Jtr r h

The sphere
\9 4X(? !n'j

Remenbet that : The circumference of the circle = 2 Jtr r. r the arca of the cir.cle = Jtr 12

0@ Solving an equation of the fiJst degree in one unknown in lR

. Solving the equation of the first degree in one unknown in lR means findirig the real
number which sarislies rhis equation.
And the follov/ing example shows how to solve an equation of the lust degree in one unknown.

Find in lR the solutior set of each of ttre following equations , then represent the
solution on the number line :

OGx-t=q @*-li=z

oG x1 .'."[ix=t*t=s
...x=l E=-tr=rr
vs 1/5 )
... rhe s.s. = {1/,}
@': x-{i=z ... x=z +t[i
... rr" s.s. = {z +f }
A lge bro ond Stotistics

\?' solving an inequality of the tirst degre€ in one unknown in IR

. Solving the inequality means finding all values of the unknown which satisfy this
. The solution set of the inequality in R will be w tten as an interYal
And the following example shows how to solve ai inequality of the fiNt degree in one
unknown in lR

f-;lq r,n p !g
Find in lR the solution set of each of the following inequalities , then represent the
solution on the number line
2x+6<2 5 4xs-3
3<3 5X<ll x 2>3X 5

'.2x+6<2 2X<2 6

...2X<-4 x <-2 2

The s.s. = l- -' 2[

...5-4X< 3 -4X< 8

.. x> r4
(Notice the change ir the diroction of the symbol of l-he inequality because we divided
by a negative number)
(O.3<3 5x<13 (addiig 3 to all sides)

..0< 5x< 10 (dividing all sides by 5) ..0>.i(>-2

(Noticc the change in the directioi of the symbol of the inequality because we divided
by a negative number)

... 15"5.5.=] z,o[

o... x 2>3 x-s x-3x> 5 +2

... -2X>-3 v.-1)
] - ,i)
... rhe s.s. = 2

Finol -Revtston ?
Relation between two variables
It is a relation of the lilst degrce between two va ables X and y , it is in the form :

a X + b y = c, where a, b and c axe real numbers, a and b * 0 together,

And there is an infinite number of ordered pairs which satisfy this relatior and it is enough
to get three ordered pairs satisfying the rclation at the gmphical reprcsentation.

Excmp!e E
Find three ordered pairs satisfying the relation | 3 X-Zy = 6

'.3x-2Y=$ -2\/=6-3X v= 3i( 6
. Putting i( = 0 (0 , - 3) satisfies the relation.
.PuttingX=l .,- 3 / , it1\/ satrslres the relahon.
)- 2
( I
.PuttingX=2 Y=0 (2 ;0) satisfies the rclation.
Erqmp!e I
Represent graphically the relation : 2 x- y=3

Solution I
-{. x
Y =2 x-3
x 0 l 2

v -3 -l l

The slope of the straight Iine

the change in y coordinates the vefiical change

The slope ofthe sfaight line =
the change ln l(-coordinates the hodzo[tal change

i.e. s= Yz Yr ,wherex. +x^

slope of the straight line passing through the two
For eromple . The
points (2 , 3) , (- 5 ,2) is :

2-3 _ 1_ 1
- 1-

.N oiice thot :
. The slope of the stuaight line parallel to X-axis = 0
. The slope ofthe straight line parallel to y-axis is undefined.

(v, r) \ r, /,r,lll Y/ (suj) ol=rl.r6Lt@JlLl, 49

Algebro ond Stotislics

ffiffi| Thetables and .umulative frequency curves

The following frequency table sho'! s tle weekly wages in pounds of50 workers ln
a factory :

Sets of wages 54- 58 - 62- 66- '70

- Total
No. of workers (frequency) 5 t2 22 '7 4 50

(l Forming the as€endlng cumulatlve frequency table and graphing the curve

The upper Sets of wages 54 58 62 66 '70

boundaries Frequency Number of workers
of sets 5 12 22 1 4
Less than 54 than 54 = 0

Less ihan 58 5 than58=5+0=5

Less than 62 t'7 thal,62=5+12=l'7
Less than 66 39 th^n 66=5 + 12 + 22= 39

Less than 70 46 th^n'l1=5+12+22+7=16

Less than ?4 50 Les s tha11'71 = 5 + 12 + 22 + 7 + 4 = 50

ascending cumulative frequency table"

The asce[dilg cumulative frequency begins with zero and ends at the total frequency.

. From the opposite graph r we can find

the number of individuals which is less
than a certain va1ue. 50

For Example : 40

The number of workers whose wages
are less than 60 pounds is l0 workers.

54 53 62 66 10 74
The ascending cumulative
frcquency cufle

Finol Rev is io n 7

A Formlng the descendlng cumulatlve frequencytable and graphing the curye

Sets of wages 54- 58- 62 66 70 The lower

Number of workers boundaries Frequency
5 12 22 4 of sets
54 and more = 5+12+22+1 +4=50 54 and more 50
58 and more = i--------t2-t-n-t-1-t-!-=_11_- 58 and morc 45
62 and more = i 22+1+4=37 62 olrd firorc 33
66 and more = i 7+4=lt 66 and more 1l
70 and more = iq
___:-_-> 70 and more 4
74 and more = 0 74 and more zelo

.The descending cumulative frequency table"

The desc€nding cumulative fiequency begins with the total ftequency and ends with zero.

. Frcm the opposite gaph we can find the

number of individuals which is more than
or equal to a certain value,

For Example :

The number of workers whose wages are 60 pounds

or more is 40 worke$.

545a A66 10 14
The descendiDg cunulative
frequency curve.

- ono SToTrstrcs

The measures ofthe (entral tendency

JJ. The mode.

mean. The median.
$The O
The mean
[a] The mean of a set of values (simple frequency dlstribution)
The total of vaiues
The mean of a set of v4lqgs =
Number of values
For example : Tbe mean of the numbers : 5 ,3 t7 ,9= 5+3+7+9 --6
[b] The mean of a frequency distribution with sets

The following table shows the distribution of the marks of 50 pupils in rnathematics ;

Sets 10- 30, 40 50 Total

Frequency 8 12 t4 9 50

Find the mean of these marks .

Determine the centles of sets according to the rule
Q :

the lower limit + the upper limit

The cente of a set =

.. The centre oI the 6rst sel = '" '" = 15 ... and so on.
Since the lengths of the subsets are equal and each of them = 10 therefore we considei
the upper limit of the last set = 60

, tnen lts cenre =

50+60 l)--
FoIm the following table :

Centre of the set < I > Frequency < f > xxt
10 15 8 t20
20 25 t2 300
30 35 t4 490
40 45 9 405
50 55 7 385
Total 50 1700

The sum of (x x f) ?^^

Themern= " ,
The sum of f )u

ltnol Revision 7
The median

[a] The median of a set of Yalues

Tha median is the middle value in a set of values after arranging it ascendingly or
desce[dingly. such that the number of values which are less than it is equal io the number

The median is the value lying in the

The median
middle exacdy.
_ The sum ofthe two values lying in the middle

for crompla r for er(qmple i

If the values are If fte values are

42 ,23 , 1'7 , 30 and 20 n ,13,23,24,13 ,21

We arrange them ascendingly as follows We arranse them ascenditrslv as follotrs

t1 ,20;r] ,30,42 13 ,13.W,24,21

The medi* = 123 =

lbl Finding the median of a frequency distribution with sets graphically

For ffnding the median of a frequency distribution 'with sets graphically , do the
fAowitrg steps :
V Form rhe ascending or the descending cumulative frequency table , then dmw the
cumulative ftequency curve of it.
Flnd the order ol lhe medran =
The tolal of lrequency
V Dercrm.ine the point which represents the order of the median on rhe vertical axis,
ftom this point r &aw a horizontal staight line to cut the curye at a point, then from
this point , &aw a perpendicular to the horizontal axis to intersect it at a point which
rePresents the median.
The following example shows how to find the median u$ing the two curves
- cumulative frequency curve). '
(the ascending or the descending
A lge bro ond Sto 1is iic s

The following table shows the frequency distributiotr of marks of 50 students in
math exam :

Sets of marks 0- 10- 20 30- 40- 50- Total

Number of students 2 5 8 l9 t4 2 50

Find the median mark of the student.

Using the ascending cumulatiye Using the descending cumulative

frequency curve : frequency curve :
The upper The lower
Frequency Frequency
boundaries of sets boundades of sets
Less than 0 0 0 and more 50
Less than 10 2 10 and more 48
Less than 20 1 20 and more 43
Less than 30 l5 30 and more 35
Less than 40 34 40 and more 16
Less ihan 50 48 50 aad more 2
Less than 60 50 60 and more 0

l0 20 30 40 50

'. The order ot' the median =

? = 25
.. Ftom the two previous graphs , the median = 36 approximately
Finol R evis io n 7

I rne mode

[a] The mode of a set of Yalues

The mode ol a set of values is the most common value in the si)t, o| in other words, it is the
value which is repeated morc than any other values.
Fot exqmple :'lhe rnode of the set of the values : 7 : 3 t4,1 ''7,9,'7,4rs'l
lbl The mode of a frequency distribution with sets

The folloMng is the frequency distribution of marks of 100 pupils in one of the exanrs :

Sers of marks 10 20 30- 40- 50- Total

Number of pupils 16 24 30 20 t0 100

Find the mode mark for these pupils.

You can find the mode of that distribution graphically using the histogram as follows :

Q Draw two orthogonal axes : one of them is horizontal and the other is vertical to represent
the frequency of each set.

@ Dvide ttre trorizontal aris into a lumber r*qu"n"y

ofequal parts wjth a sritablc drawing
scaie to represent the sets. url

O Divide the vertical axis into a number of

equal parts with a suitable dnwing )5

scale to rcprcsent the greatest 20

ftequency iII the sets.

@ Draw a )
rectangle whose base is set (10 15
and its height equals the frequency (16) r0 ffi
@ Draw a second rectangle adjacent to the
first one whose base is set (20 -)
and its height equals the frequency
ffiff ffi
(24) **it-ffi
O Repeat drawing the remaitred adjacent rectangles tilt the last set (50 -)
O Determine the set which has the greatest frequency then draw two lines as shown in
the histogram to intersect at a point.
From this point , draw a vertical line to intersect the horizontal axis at a point which
represents the value of the mode.
i.g. The mode mark is 34 approximately.
For mo?e

on Algebra and Statistics Examinations on AlEebrd

s.anthe.ode \

-.-rE;;, f
. School book examinations l
. School examinations

Model Examinations
of the School Book Algebra and Statistics

Answer the follawing questians :

E Complete the following :

Ltllh" S.S. of ,h" (X2 + 3) (X3 + 1) =0 is . ,J(eR . . . . . . . . . . . , , ,

ts If the lower boundary of a set is 10 and the upper boundary is x and its centre is
rthenX=.. .......
tz) y2 ,z)U
{_ 2 , o} = ............,
4 The cube whose volume is 8 cm1 r then the sum of all its edge lengths is ... . ..-. cm.
({: *{7) f. .
' The multiplicative inverse of rhe number .. in the simplest fom.
Choose the correct answer from the given ones :
If the radius length of a sphere is 6 cm., then its volume is .....
(') (l') (d)
6 n
:6 n G) l2n" 1 zgt st
' "*? "-?
[f the poinl ra . I ) sarisfies $e relation X + y = 5 . then a = ....... .......
(a) (b) (c) (d)
I -4
!PpI= 4 s

(r) (b) (") (d)

4 8 ro 40
The median of the values : 34 r 23 ,25 ,40 ,22 ,4 is . ......
(o) (br @) zq (d)
zz ^- zs
Ifthe arithmetic mean ofthe values t2't ,8,16 t24 >6 tkis 14,thenk=
3 o!o G) zt (d) g+
' In the opposite figure :
The value of the mode = ...............
(a) q (b)
(.) (d)
o +o


(A: r) \
f, /di,5lY/ (ouj)er,rr.r,pf:aJf u7 I
Algebro ond Stotislics

I *1'[i -z'[i - t\[G

lal Find the value ,r r^[n
tbrlrx=Gfuu y=^[i-'E
, prove that : X and y are two conjugate numbers.

[ [a] The area of a square is 1089 cm? Find the length of its diagonal.

x*t. af in m
[b] Find the S.s. of the inequality : # <

, then represent it on the number line.

Et [a] The radius length of the base of a riSht circular cylinder is + lE cm and its height is

9 cm. Find its volume in terms of Jtr and if its volume equals the volume of a sphere

r find the radius length of the spherc.

lbl Find the arithmetic mean of the following frequency distribution :

The sets 5, 15- 35, 45- Total

nrequency 7 10 12 13 8 50

Model 2

Answer the following questions :

I Complete the following :

,1 The additive inverse of the number , -16-]/5 is

iAThe conjugate of th"nr.t",26 IEis "
El If the votume of a sphere is ; Jtr cml . then rts drameter lengtn rs

B Choose the correct answer from the giYen ones :

E If the volume of a cube is 27 cm? , then the area of one of its faces is " "
(a) 3 cm? (b) 9 cm? cm? (c) 36 (d) 54 cm?

EIf the mode of thevalues4,11 ;8 t2Xis4 rthenX= '

(^)2 (b)4 (c)6 (d) 8

Finql Exominotions 2
[g]If the arithmetic mean of the yatues 18 ;23 ;29 ]k- l rkis l8 rthenk=.......,,,.....
(") I (b) 7 (c)2s (d) 90

Ia ]If the lower limit of a set is 4 and the upper limit is 8 , rhen its centle is ....., ........

(n) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6 GD8

E A right circular cytinder the radius length of its base is r cm. and its height equals its

diameter letgth : then its volume = ............... cm?

(a)nf (b)nl (c) 2 xl 13 (d12 11

lEThe solution set of the equation : I (I2 - 1) = 0 , X CR is ...............

G) {0} o{r} t"t {- 1} (d){0,-l,l}

El [a] Reduce to the simplest form I
'{i .r/s

"'ti-.{i li *"{i
lbl Prove rhat : *'"[ re - zi,[ se = o

E lal Find the S"s. of the inequality I - 2 < 3 rf+ 7 < l0 in IR , then represent the interval
of solution on the number line.

lbllt x ='[; +{i ,find the yalue of : xa-2x2+ I

B [a] The opposite $aph rcFesents

the marks of 32 pupils in an exam.
Completc :
The median mark ..........,..,

[b] Find the sdthmelic mean ofthe

following frequency distribution :

The sets 5- 15- 35- 45- Total

trlequency 4 5 6 3 2 20
ond Slotistics

Answer lhe follawing questions :

E Complete each of the following :

' The conjugate ot the numuerfi+t/: is
{18+1i "' sa-3t/2=
EThemodeforthenumbers:3 r5 r3 r4r3is "'
E The median of the values : 2 .3 ,5 .7 '9 is
:i is "'
The solution set of the equation : X2 + 9 = 0 in lR

Choose the corr€ct answer from those given :

['] Th" *ith*"ti" -"an for the values : 9 r6 r5 : 14 r 1is ' '
(a) .l (b) . (c) - (d)
) s
2 (1/.l-r/r)(fr- rtr)i.
The simplesr form of rhe expression ,
ut,.F .
I \c)
The addirive irverse of the number r[ i. '
(c),,6 (d)
1F 0) s -) -
E t,,tl-{r,s}= 1i.;' ,;,
(o)1r,s1 (c)
'") ls ,s[ ^ {a)
13 , sJ
A cube is of rolume 64 cmi . then its edge len$h is cm.
(b) (c) -- (d)
',4 s th e+

Match from the columlr (A) to the suitable one from the column (B) :

(A) (B)
' Th. s.s.of t-h" : x2 -25 =o inlRis'
lo ,z)
-[-:.u] n[o,2]=.. ' '1
s If the order of the median ir fourth then the number
of values is . ... ...' {s,-s}
11 3 is an number. 3

t ofrh" ir"quatity s x < 7 on the number

Th" S.S. :3 iEational
Iine i:

Findl A
Exominotions a

A Put ( / ) for the correct statements and ( f ) for the incorrect ones :

The arithmetic mean of a set of values sum of values + its number.

E =

Z"r=A-,n , y =n[n *,{1 ,t"nx,yare rwo conjugate numbers. I ]

The irrational numberfi lies and beru,een 2 3
3 ()
;[:-zt[i=r[7 ( )
.=i The simplest form of the numter {-tis 1F-
s r

Complete : If the lower limit of a set is 4 and the upper limir is 8

E [a]
, then its centre = - ,,2
Complete the fotlowing tajble to obtain the arithmetic mean of the fo[owing
frequency distribution I

Sets 5, 15- 25- 35- 45_ Total

Frequency 1 10 t2 13 8 50

The centre of Frequency
theset<Xll <f>
l0 ,l
10 x7 =1O
15_ m 10 20 x 10 =....
25- ''''. x 72= ...
:. x 13 =....
45- ',,,. x 8 =,


The adthmeric mean = : = "'

(r( x J)
Iff) =

Some Schools
Algebra and Statistics

Ansver lhe following questions :
El-Nouzha Educ. Admin
5t. George's College

tl Choose the correct answer :

EIf (k r 1) satisfies therelation:X+ y =5 rthenk= - '

(a)-4 (b) 1 (c) 4 (d) 5

E If the volume of a cube is 64 cml : then its edge length is cm.

(a) 4 (b) 8 (c) 16 (d) 64

[s I If the mode of the values : 4 r 11 ,a t2Xis4 rthenJ(=

\ 2 (h.r4 rcr6 (,1) 8
[a l The multiplicative nverse o[ -: is

tn\ )
,6 "
,o,J G ".'[6 (.d) 2lz
If the lower boundary of a set is 4 and its upper boundary is 8 , then its centJe
is ......

(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 8

6 The slope of y-axis is '

(a) o G)+ (")-1 (d) undefined.

E Complete each ofthe following :

El rhe simprest rorm .r , ({T-f) ({5*{r) '

t,l[3,s]-{3,s}= '
[=q] If the stope of the tine passing thrcugh (2 r k) and (3 , - l) is 2 , then k =
.4 The mean of the vahes:34 t23 ,25 '40 '22 r 12is '

tr'1f1r5 ={--
@fftheageofRamynowisXyears :thenhisageafter12yearsis

g [a] Represent the relation:2 x+ y = 4 graphically then find the slope of the line
representiflg the relation.

[b] trind the solution set of the inequality r -2 < 3 r(+ 7 310 inlR then rcpresent the
S.S. on the number line.
Finol Exo m in o tion s 7
E [a] find the laterat arca ofthe right circular cylinder ofvolume 150 fi cml and height 6 cm.
tbl IfX=]- 1 ,4] andY= [3 7-[ lusingthe number line find each of the following:

E XUY {qlxnY Ex_Y

E trl ff X=1[* tandy=--^2 _ . prove that : X and y are conjugare numbers
then lind the yalue oft Xz +y2
[b] The following table 6ho.! s tlrc distribution of the marks of S0 pupils in mathematics I
Sets 10- 20- 30- 40- 50- Total
Frequency 8 t2 t4 9 7 50

Find the mean of these ma*s .

Cairo Governorate Middle Cairo Educational Zone

Answer the lolhwing questions :

tl Choose the correct answer :

- .l- 3-
11 \4e ............
@)"[i (b) 7 (c) 14 (d) 28
pl the S.S. of the equation : 2 X + 6 = 0 is . ......... when XeZ
(a) -6 (b) -3 (") {-:} @)a
o'fioe ..

(a) Iv (b) z (c) Q (d) (i

[4] If the mode of :7,3,x,'7,5,3is7,thenx= .....
(a) 7 (b) 8 (c) 3 (d) s
Ls_j 3 a+ a= ..............

(a) 4a2 (b) 4a (c)3a (d) 4 a3

(a) 25 xa (b) 5 x8 (c) 5 Xa G)5x6
E Complete the follo\ ing :

[, The slope of the staight line which is pamllel to X-axis is ... .......

lql If (l, 5) satisfies the relation : X + y = g, then c = ...............

Alge bro ond stotislics

line passiflg through the poilts (3 r5)and(1 ' 1) is' " '
3 The slope of the straight
4 QUQ=""""
I If the order of the median of a set of values is the third , then the number of these
values is ...... ..

-arThe mean of the values : 10 , 12 r 8 r 6 is """ -'

, .
{d lII , Find in the
simplest lorm , fio - z1G"r[
g;ff x=fi +z ' Y =\n -2

'finil:1Xy a(x + Y)2

Represent graphically in lR the relation : y = x+1

Find in lR the S.S. of the inequatity and represent it on the number line :

3 <2 x+ | <'7

The volume of a sphere is 36 fi cm? Find its mdius length'

, From the following frequercy distribution :

Sets 5- 15 25 35 45 Total

Frequency 4 5 6 3 2 20

Find the mean.

Maths lnspection

Answer the following questions :

Choose the correct answer :

Tne rnullrplicative inverse ol rr- 1.
(o{3 $fl, ("rG
x +y=5 is "
(d) 2
ordered pail satisfying the relation : 2
., IThe
L 3) 15y
(3 , 1) r4Q '2) ral
(1 3;
nfte * s = a *...............
r.,25 '",3is 64 cml ' lhen'.its lateral area is

lf fie volume of a cube cmi

4 o)
6 t.")64 (,t) 96
Finol Exominotions 7
s li5X=J5, Xy= I .theny=.............
G)+ (b) 3s k)+ (d) 7
i The inteNection point of the ascending and dcsoending cumulative curves determines
the ........... on the set axis.
(a) order of the median (b) median
(c) mean (d) mode

g Complete the following :

ll'^'[z:r *z],[i=
lqlThe slope of the stuaight line passing rhrough (2 r 3) and (4 r - 9) is ...........
g If the lower boundary of a set is 8 and the upper boundary is 12 , then the centre of this
set is ....

Ia The squale whose side length is {7cm. its area is ............. cm?
l! If the mode of the values : 4, 5, 6, x r 3 is 5, then X =
:6 If the ordered pair (a ,3 a) satisfies the relation i X + y = 12,thena=

E tul lfx = ] - '3] andY=]- 1, -[ find using the number line:

jlxnY L!lx Y
lbi Find in its simplest form :1tts +l/so - z{s
I lal Find in R ttre S.S. of theinequality.t 8 <3 x+ 1<4
[b] A right circular cylinder-whose base radius length is 5 cm. and its height is 7 cm.
rind its vorume. (n =
f )
E [a] Graph the straight line tiat represents the relation : X + y = 5

[bl Find the arithmetic mean of the following distribution I

The sets 1- 3 5- 1- Total

Frequency 4 6 8 5 30

El-Dokky Directorate
Maths lnspection

Answer the following questions :

ll Complete :

;1lThe mean of : 8 . 7 . ? , 2 is ..

" tf--t
(t:r) \ rJi / lJrlr.lIl (olr,)et :tr,,Et-*6Jt:-ry 65 I
Algebro ond Stotistics

3 The slope olhoriTontal line is "

@If (2 rk)satisfiestherclil;on" x+y ='7,thenk=' "'

tr'1,[r5 =
@ The volume of the sphere whose radius length is 14cm. ,n=!is " .

B Choose the correct answer :

3l The S.S. in R of the equation : x2 + 9 = 0 is .......

G) {e} G) {3,-3} (") {-e} @)a

@ The median of thevalues:23 r3 r4,20and10is "" '

(a) 23 (b) 9 (c) 4 (d) 10

(a) [3 ,5[ (b) ]3 , sl (c) 13 , s[ (d) [3 , s]

14 If the mode of: L X , 10 is l0 r then X = "

(a) 10 (b) 0 (c) 9 (d) 6

5 The addili\e inrerse ol 1[is

(a)1 (b)3 G)16 idr*
[6] If the face area of a cube is 36 cm?' then its volume is "
.. .
(o) 6 (b) 36 (.c) 2t6 (d) 600

g tal simplify to the simplest form :{50 t 2{18

Lhl Find in lR the S,S. of theinequality: I <2x l='7

E tulrtu=1E+zuouo=f

, prove that : a and b are conjugate, then lind : a + b

tbt rfx= [-2,1] , Y=l-L5[

: then Iind by using the number line : X U Y

@ 1a1 Find the slope of IE where A (2 , 4) and B (- L 3)

[b] Using the foltowing distribution , Iind the arithmetic mear :

S€ts 10- 20 30- 40- 50 Total

Frequency 8 2 5 4 1 20
Finol Exominotions ?
El-Montaza Educational Zone
Alexandtia Governorate Math's Supervision

Answer the follorving questions :

I Choose the correct answer :

[]l The mode of the values : 5 : 6 ,7 ,'/is......... .

(a) 1 (b) 6 (c) 5 (.<I) '7

@fi1fi=4, thenx= ......

(a) 4 (b) 16 (c) 64 (d) 12

[3 ] A cube with edge length 6 cm. , then its total area is .... . c*?
(a) 144 (b) 36 (.) 6G (d) 216
l4l [2,5] {5}=. ,

@ 12 'sl (:b) o (c) l2 , 5[ (d) {2}

gl The slope of the straight line passing rhrough (2 r 4) and (4 , 6) is .....
(a)-l (b) 1 (c) 7 (d) zerc
[6 I The greatest integer number non positive is . .....

(n) I (b)-1 (c) zero (d) -

@ Complete :
[] The certre of a set is l0 aird its upper limit is 12 , then irs lower limit is . .........

An x =t[i + 2 ,y =1, -2, then (.r( + y)2 = ...............

@ If(a r3 a) satisfies the relation : 2 x + y = 15 rthena=...............
l4l The median of the values : 17, 14, 19, 4 and 10 is .............
@ The dimensions of a cuboid arelG cm. ,]/7cm. anO{to crn.
then its volume = .. .. ..
' "-?
EJ The slope of any straight line parallel to i(-axis is . ..... ....

@ 1a] A right circular cylinder of base ndiu$ length 5 cm. and its height is 10 cm.
Find its volume in tems of ,[
tbl ffx=]-3,4] , y=] 5 ,1] ,Iindby using the numbertine:
@ Jal Find three ordered pairs satisfying the relation :
y + X = 2 and rcpresent it graphically in lR.


Aloebro ond Slolistlcs

E tat simpriry : 't[te *,[n-21[i zli

Jb I Find the arithmetic mean of the following frequency distribution :

Sets '4 6- 8 10- Total

Frequency 2 I 3 3 1 10

Math's supervision
official Language Schools

Answer the Jollawing qaestions :

ll Choose the correct anslver :

(.a)-4 (b) 2 (c) 2 (d) 4

@The multiplicative inverse of the number ({a ]/2)t '

(a) 1 oltF*€ ,l,'[r-la

The median of the values : 7 r3 r8is
(a) 3 (b) 6 (c)'7 (d) 8

lt1 If the circumference of a circle is 8 Jf, cm. , then its radius length is cm.

(r) 2 (b) 4 (c)'7 (d) 8

LEIfx=[ t , -[ i = .......... ..
, ttren .

(.)l--,-1[ O)]--, 1l (c)l--,11 (d) I - ,1[

E The slope of the staight line parallel to X-axis is "" '

(a) 0 (b) 1 (c)-1 (d) undefined.

@ Complete each of the following :

lqllfthemodeofthevalues:3,5,L3 t5t2a 3is5rthena='
pllf (k r2k) satisfies therclation: x+ y = 15,thenk= ' '
[a If the votume of a cube = 2? cm?, then the area of one fa"" = ""-""""
lql lf the lower limit of a set is 4 and its centre is 9 ' then its upper limit is . '
Finol Exo m inotions ?
E tnl Itx = [- r ,4] andy=[:2-[ , then fintt:
ElxnY Lelx-Y
lbl Find in IR the solution set of the inequality :
- 2 < 3 X + 1 = 10 and rcprcsent it on the number line.

!l [a] Fina in ttre simplest form the value of the expression : ]/[ -rti - o^E
[bl If the volume of a right circular cylinder is 924 cm.3 and its height is 6 cm.
, find its lateral area. (n =f)
El [a] Prove that the points A ( 2 t 12) ,B (2, 4) and C (6 , - 4) are collinear.
(or the same straight line)
lb l Find the mean of the following frequency table :

The sets 5 15 - 25- 35- 45 Total

The frequency 3 10 12 l0 5 40

Math lnspection

Answer the foll.owing questions :

E Choose the correct answer :

r! l rhe simplest form .r (l, .E)

@ *"[r) r,
c) {, (D',{, (c) 1 G\ ^[22
lEllf -2x<6 r then x...............
(a) <6 (b) >-3 (c) >6 (d) >-6
L?1ff(m ,2) satisfies the relation: i(+ 2y =7 r then m=.. .....
(a) -4 (b) 3 (c) 3 (d) 4
a The arithmetic mean of the values : 7 4 9 , 10 , 1 L 16 , 1 3 is ...........
' '
(a) 13 (b) l1 (c) lo (d) e
til l- t ,:l U {0 ,- 1} =.. ..

l0 ,.31 l- r, 3[ (b) (c) [- 1 , 3] (c1) [o , 3]

(a)-1 (b) 0 (c) 2 (d) -2

El Complete each of the following :

ll The volume of the sphere whose radius length equals 14 cm is ........

Algebro ond S'totislics

qThe S.S.oI : X2 + q=0 inlR is

, s lThe lower boundary of a set is 4 and the upper boundary is 8, then its centre
is ..

EIf the mode of the values : 12 rT tX+l >'l t12ts'7 tthen X=

lql 1/x'=il '

iql The slope of any line parallel to X-axis is

B talltx= [2,8] , Y=]-3 ,4[ , find each of the following using the number line :

FlxnY lzxuY
[b]A dght circular cylinder whose volume is 704 cm.3 ald its base diameter length is 8 cm.
Find its heicht. (fi = 7)
E [a] Find inR ttr" S.S.of theinequality: -1.<2x+3<5a\drcprcsenttheS.S.onthe
number line.

lbl Graph the relation : y = 2 - X and find the slope.

E t"tlrx=18-1,5 , y=-r - . proye that : x and y are two conjugate numbers.

lbl Find the arithmetic mean of the following frequency distribution :

Sets 5- 15 25- 35 45- Total

Fr€quency 1 t0 t2 13 8 50

Math's Supervision

Answer the following questians :

ll Choose the correct answer from those given :

4^6 {z,s}
(a)€ (b)q (c)c (d)c
lqlThe ordered pair satisfying therclation: x+ is "
y=5 '

(a)(-1,4) (b)( 4,1) (c)(2,-3) (d)(2'3)

Ei zs *tqq= s * ...............

(a)12 (b) 13 (c) 8 Gr) 6

ElThe volume ofthe cube whose edge length is 4 cm. equals " "c-?
(a) 8 O) 16 (c) 64 (d) 96
Finol Exominotions 7
EThe mulriplicative inverse o[ r^'
i" .....

(o)-{: (b){3 (c) I (d)

lq]The illtemectioll point of the ascending and descending cumulative cuNes determjnes
the ....... .. on the sets axis.

(a) order of (b) median

(c) mean (d) mode

B Complete each oflhe following !

tr[4,e]-14,e[=. .

[l]The slope ofthe skaight line passing rhrough (- 1 ,5) r(2 r-4)is.. ....

[E If the lower boundary of a set is I 5 and its upper boundary is 25 , then its centre
is.... .....

@The area of a square is 7 cm2. , then its side length is ....... cm.
fsllf the mode of thevalues:4 r5 '6,2Xrs4,thenX= . .....

lqllf (k, 1) satisfies the rclation : 2 i( + 3 y = L rhen k = ......... ...

dronx=ffi , y=t[i ^[i

El Put X in the simpte$t form. E Fird the value of x + y
3 lFird the value of xy
[b] A right circular cylinder , the length of irs base rudius is 7 cm. , its heighr is 10 cm.
Find its volume.

E [u] Firra tn" S.S. of the inequality: - 2< X+ 3<5 inlR, ther represent rhe inrerval of
solution on the number line.

[b] Find three ordered pairs satisfying the relation : y = X + 4, then represent it
graphically in IR.

E [a] simplify to the simplest form ;1,t25 *,[Bo -2r[i

[b] Find the arithmetic mean of the following frequency distribution :

Sets 5- 15- 25- 35- 45- Total

Frequency 2 1 3 3 I 10
Algebro ond Sto 1 siics

Directorate of Education
Math's Supervision

Answet the fo 0wing questions :

tl Choose the correct answer :

'J) s x+ z x=.. """. "

(a) 8 x2 8x (b) (c) 15 ,( @)bx2
[2 ]Iffie mode of: 6 ,8 ,9,k+ 1 ,4is8 ,thenk=

ur7 ,b,8 ,Lr6 (d) e

'3lIf(2,a) satisfies therelation: y= 3 X 1 ,thena=
(a) 6 (L',) 7 (c) 5 (d) 4

lal The ... '

slope of i(-axis is
(a) I (b)-1 (c) undefined. (d) 0

.5lThe median of:6 t5,9,2t4,10,7is '

(a) 9 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 2

6 The mutriplicati\e inr.r.. ot i"

(il (c) 1c (d) 1tr
k)16 2^{a
2 3

I Complete :

lllThemeanof:7,18,5,15 r25is " '

E The addidve inverre ot j ls

lE The volume of a cube is 27 cm? , then the area of one face is ' cm?

@lf - x> 4 , then .t( < ........ .. ..

lEIrG=s,thenx= ....

l6 1n the relation: y=2X+3,if X=4 ,thelly =

E [u] Find in R tn" S.S. and represent it on the number line : 5 < 2 X + 1- = 9
[b] The volume of a cylinder is 1540 cm? and its height is 10 cm.
Find its radius length (" =?)

@7a1ttc1zr4)andD(5 , 7) , find the slope of CD

Ibl rfx = [- 2 ,6] , Y = [- 4 , 3] , using thc number line Iind :

l]lxnY lqlxUY [3]x-Y

Finol Exo minof ions ?

E tal simplify:{so **2-3l[

lbl Find the mean of the following table :

Sets 6- 8- 10 t2 t4 Total
Frequency 5 6 4 3 20

10 Damietta Governorate Zr,' New Damietta Educ, Zone

EI-Kalrawy Lanq. School

Answer the following questions :

I Choose ttre correct answer from those given :

Llllf5x=35.xy=I.theny=.. .

r"r J (b) 35 (")

+ (d) '7

?l The median of: 24 ,20 11

' '36
r 40 is ...

(a) 11 (b) 20 (c) 2i (d) 36

3{8,e,10}Ul8,10[= .

kt) A (b) [8 ,10] (.) {e} (d) N

3If(- 1 ' 2) satisfies the relation:3 XtkY = 7 r then k =...............

(a) 5 (b) 3 (c) -2 (d) - 1

_. l/25 - 9

1/2s -ve
(a) I (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 2
iE The solution set of the equation : X ()(
2 l) = 0 in R ls
........ ......

(a) {0} (b) {r} G) {- 1} G){0,1, 1}

E Complete the following :

lll The slope of any line parallel to x-axis is . .. ..

Lql The volume of a cube is 64 cml , then its edge length is

Lql If the lower limit of a set is 40 and the upper limit is 80 , then its centre is ......... ..

@ v afi =^[i + t, then X2 = ... ....

lql If the mode of the set of the values: 15,9,x+ I r9 r 15 is9 rthenX=
l@ t a2 t: x + * a3 = ..... ...

@ t"t tt x ="'fi -"[; ^u t =,,Fi,' fr nd the value or : x + y

Find thc slope ofIE where A ( L 3) anclB (2 5) Is the point C (8 , 1) C AE ?
(\. r) \ ri /.rr&l r/
(or.ijl aqrt, ).ab.@tl LIJ 73
Aloebro ond Stotistics

E [a] Fina in ure simplest form : 4{5 + 2 ^t * - ?

lbl Find the S.S. of the itrequality : - 1<2X - 3 < 5 in lR
and represent the iflterval of solution on the number line.

El [a] tr'ind the arithmetic mean of the following frequency distribution :

Sets 10 30 50 '70 90 Total
Frequency 4 6 8 7 5 30

Ib l Find the volume of the cuboid of dimensions 5 cm. t3 cm.2cm.

Directorate of Oflicial Language Sqhool

Education Administration

Answer the following questions :

E Choose the correct answer from those giyen :

ElThe irlatioml number in the following numbe$ is ......... .

.,,f? ,ot
[* r"){l GU'1/lx

(a)R (b)Q r"t {0} G)a
SThe solution set of the inequality : - 2 < 3 x + 7 s 10 in lR is .......
(o)[ 3,r[ (b)]-3,11 (c)11 ,31 Gr)[-3,1]
illlThe slope of any straight line parallel to x-axis is . .....
(a) zero. (b) positive. (c) negative. (d) undefined.

Lqllf the mode of the set of values 14,11 ,8,2Xts4,thenX= .. ..

(a) 1 (b)2 (c) 4 (d) 8

(a) 6 (b) 8 (c) 10 (d) 14

A Complete each of the following :

LL The slope of the shaight line passing through the two points (2 r 3) and (0 : 1)
is .. .......

EIIfA , B and C are collinear poirts , then the slope ofEd = the slope of .. ...

lalThe median of thevalues:3 r7 r2 r9 r5 and 1l is. ..........

LLlThe point of intersection of the ascending and descending cumulative frequcncy curves
determines ...... on the set-axis.
Finol Exominolions 2
Ellf 2x+3=9 tXQ.Z tthenX=
@The mode of the vahes:'7 ,4,'7 ' 4 ,'7 rs ........... ...

E tultrx=l 4,3[ , Y=]-- ,tlafiz={1 ,-a}

: frnd each of the following using the number line :

lrlY x tr)Y nz
[b] simplify ro the simplest form : {rs +3t/v - : ^'t, - +^[G
@ 1u1 tt x = --L ana y = fi - {i, prove that : x and y are conjugate numbe$,
then lind the
"13value of: (x + y)2 in its simplest form.

lbl Which is more in Yolume :

A sphere whose radius lelgth is 10 cm. or a cube whose edge length is
equal to 11 cm. ? (fi = 3.14)

E [a] Find the yalue of krwhere(k:2k)satisfrestherelation:X+y=15

lbl The folowing table shows the freque[cy distribution of the weights of 30 childrcn in kg. :

Weight (kg.) 6 l0 14- t8- x- 26- 30- Totat

Frequency 2 3 8 6 2 30

Find : l! The value of each of j( and m

[2lThe a thmetic mean ofthis distributior.

Directorate of Education
Math's Supervision

Answer the following qaestions :

Il Choose the correct answer :

EIf the point (a r l) satisfies the relation: x+ y = 5 , then a=
(a)I (b)-4 (c)4 (d) s

EThe solution set of the equation : X2 + 4 = 0 in lR is .

(a){2,-2} (b) {2} (") { 2} @)a
L4 The degree of the al gebra:Lc term'. 32 x2 y2 i. ..... ......
(.a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 8
lll]The intersection point of the ascending and descending cumulative curves determines
the .......... .... on the sets axis.
(a) order of median (b) mode (c) mean (d) median
Algebro ond Stotistics

lq The slope ofx axii; is

(a) 0 (b) undelined. (c) I (d)-l
[6. If 3 a = 24 r then ha]f of a =
(a) 8 (b) 12 (c) 24 (d) 4

a Complete i
tr(tr.,)(E 1)= For more
exdminotion on
[! The volume of a cube is 8 cm3. , then its edge Al4ebrq dnd stdtistics
scan the code to
length is downlood some
3 fhe median of : J4 , J2 , JJ , J5 , 16 i. ....... .
more ex4ms

la Themode oI: 4, I 1,8,4 i"

lE rfroo-o+ = ro ...............
6 llA' I .Jr.Br2.6r.$enrheslopeotiE=.......
E tal nx = [- r , a] and Y = [3 ,5] , using tlrc number tine ffnd each of ttre fotlowing :
tbl Simplify : {D8"+ lE - z,[ so

B t"lr x=,[i -^[i , y ={s *{z , n"a re value of :

[lx+y @xv
LItl Find the solution set ofthe following inequality inR , then represent it on the number
B lul tf (z t ,k) satisfies the relation:x+ y = 30 ,find: the value ofk
lb l The following table shows the distribution of the marks of 50 pupils in mathematics :

Sets 10 20- 30- 40- 50- Total

Frequency 8 12 14 1 50

Sets Centre of the set X Frequency f xxf


The mean =
Second Geometry
on Geometry

1/ il
Accumulative tests on Geometry


ll Choose the correct answer from the giyen ones :

ltr If M is the point of inte$ection of the mediam of AABC , AD- is a median
, then AD =.... .....

,.,, 2 AM ? r,ao
,t, 3^ 1.., 4 ev Ldr 4 MD
l3l The point of intersection of medians of the triangle divides each of them in the ratio
4: ....... from the base.
(.n) 2 (b) 8 (c) 1 (d) 4
Lgl In the opposite ligure I
BM = 6 cm. : then ME = ... . .. crr.
(a) 3 (b) 6
(c) '7 (d) 9
lalInAABC rADis amedian ' M is the point of intersection ofits
, ther (AM)2 = .. ...... . (AD)2
(a) 2 rot (c) 4
(d) I

El Complete the following :

I r ] The point of concurrence of the medians of the fiangle divides each median in the ratio
' ' ... from the vertex.
p If AD is a median in ABC , M is the point of intersection of the medians
r MD = 2 cm. , then AM = ....... ... cm.

ei The number of medians of the scalene triangle is .....

gl The medians of the triangle inte$ect at .- ......

E In the opposite figure !
,'t ,tll
B is the midpoint of AB o-o,,/ / \e
r F is the midpoint of BC ,,q.C = 12

Find with proof: The lengrh oIED

"-. z/z)lk{\
4/, / .\

E In the opposite ligure :

M is the point of intersection of the medians of A ABC
rBM= 6cm, rBC= 14cm.,DC= 15 cm.
Find : The perimeter of A MDE

ffi Choose the correct answer from the given ones :

1 In the opposite ligure :

ABC is a right-angled hiangle at B

,D is the midpoint of AC , m (Z ACB) = 30"
rAB=5cm.,thenBD=...... .cm.
(a) 5 (b) 10 (c) 2.s (d) 15

Ie ltf BD is a median ,, oag6 ,3o = ] aC r then..........

(a) m (Z ABC) = 90" (b) m (Z BAC) = 90'

(c) m (Z ABC) = 30' (d) m (Z ACB) = 90"

If Misthcpointof intersection of the cdiansofAABC r D is the midpoint of BC r

thenMD:AD=' """"
(a) 1 .2 (h)2:3 (c)lr3 (d)3:2
[4 ]A rectangte , its diagonals intersect at M , the length of its diagonal is 6 cm. , then the
length ofthe median AM i............
(a) 1 cm. (b) 2 cm. (c) 3 cm. (d) 4 cm.

a Complete the following :

i 1 r The length of the side opposite to the angle of measure 30" in the right-angled
triangleerluals .......

lg The point of inteNection of the medians of the triangle divides each median in the
ratio2: - . from the base.
[3 ]If M is the point of intersection of the medians of AABC , AD is a median its length is
6 cm. . rhen AM = .. ..... cm,

alIfABC is a dght-angled t angle at B rAB = 3 cm. rBC=4cm. r then the length of

rhe median dra$n lrorn g to AC =

ffi In the opposite figure :

ABC is a right-angled tiangle at B

,m (Z ACB) = 60'
. B is fie mjdpoinl of A(- - DE - BC
Prove that : m (Z ADC) = 90'
Accumulqtive f"rl, ?
E In the opposite figure ;
ABC is a ght-angled triangle at B
-/ ).
it (L C) = 30" , D is the midpoint

, E is the midpoint AC , aD n
of BC
nf = {U} ,{i.-e<1

Find with proof :

f The length of AE

lE The length of ME-

_31The perimeter of A AME

(\\ , r) I f, / dlrr,lrl (aln) otrlo JElr€JlLF g1



E Choose the correct answer from the given ones :

lA In the opposite figure

lU lE
ABC is an equilateral angle

,OE tt Ce, then m (z D) = """

(a) 100" (b) 60. CBD
(c) 120" (d) 1s0"

E The point of inteNection of the medians of the triangle divides each median in
the mtio ... . from the base.
(a) 1 :2 (b)2:1 (c) 3:1 (d)1:3
E ABC is dght-angled tiangle at B , AC = 20 cm.
a ,D is the midpoint of AC
r then BD =
(a) 10 (b) 8 (c) 6 (d) 5

[4]InAABC,ifAB=AC, n(L A) =Z\(LB),thenm(1 C)

(a) 30' 6) 45' (c) 60' (d) 90"

E Complete the following :

hl The two base angles of the isosceles tliangle are '

lB IfABC a gh1-angled triangle at B , m (z C) = 30' r AC = 8 cm

, then AB = """" 'cm.

[4 If the measure of the vertex angie of an isosceles triaflgle is 80' then the measure of
its base angies = ""' "" '
@ The measure of the exterior angle of the equilateEl triangle is o

P In the opposite ligure :

BE r CD are two medians in A ABC intersect at point M

, the pe meter of A MDE

= 12 cm
Find : The perimetei of A MBC

a In the opposite figure

Be AC rA


ABD is equilatcral

Accumulo'iive Tests ?
Accumulative test lesso n
fl Choose the correct answer from the given ones :
E If the measures of two angles in a triangle are 42" > 69" r then the triangle is ...............
(a) isosceles. (b) scaleIre. (c) equilateml. (d) otherwise.
13] If the length of the median drawn from the vertex of the ight angle in the dght-angled
triangle equals ............... the hypotenuse.
(a) half (b) double (c) quarter (d) third
E In the opposite figure : A

ABC is a triangle in which

m (LBt= m\LC). then X= .....
@? G)+
(c) 2 (d) 4
E If ABC is a tdangle r AB = BC , then Z C is c (e-r)". B
(a) acute. (b) righr. (c) obtuse. (d) straight.

E Complete the following :

[] An isosceles triangle , the measule of one of its angles is 60" r then the triangle
is ..-.. . ..

3 The poilt of intersection of the medians ofthe triangle divides each median in the ratio
.... . : .... ... frcm the base.
lgl A right-aflgled triangle r the measure of one of its angles is 45o r then the triangle
is . ..... ..
[4] In A ABC , if AD is a median , M is the poinr ofintersecrion of its medians
rAM = 6 cm. r then MD = ............... cm.

Et In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a parallelogram its diagonals intersect at M

r if NeBM where BN = 2 NM, aN n AB = {E}

!l In the opposite figure :


ProYe that I AE bisects Z DAC


I Choose the correct answer from the given ones :
1 l The number of medians of the isosceles triangle is ........ .....
(a) zero (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3

!The triangle which has no axes of symmetry is ...........

(ilt the isosceles triangle. (b) the scaleoe tdangle.

r.J the equilateral tria[gle. (d) the dght-argled tdargle.

ll ff IB is the axis of symmetry of F- r tten S = "

(a) zerc (b) I (.q+ (d) 2

axes of symmetry
la- ABC is an equilateml tdangle , X is the point of intersection of its '
cuts BC atD rif DX=5 cm. ' rthenAX=
(a) 10 cm. (b) 15 cm. (c) 2.5 cm. (d) 7.5 cm.

E Complete the following :

i I If the length of the median drawn from a vertex in a triangle equals half the length of
the opposite side :' then " '

e IAABC has one axis of symmetry , m (1A) = 120' , then m (1 B) =

lg,AABC , if AB =AC ,n(L A)=3 x, m (/ B) = 6 X,then x' """"
7l The straight line drawn passing through the veftex angle of an isosceles tdangle
perpendicular to the base bisects each of the base and ' "

E In the opposite figure :

AB =AC , BD bisects Z ABC

, aD bisects I ACB
, E is the midpoint of BC
Prove that : DE I BC

!l In the opposite figure r

ABC is a triangle in which AB =AC = 10 cm.

Find : The length of AD
Accumulqtive Tests 7
Accumulative test less o n

lI Choose the correct answer from the givetr ones i

EIf x-r>y - r r then X............... y
(a) = (b) > (c) <
l?lIf CCtheaxisof synrmerry of AB rthenAC-BC= ......
(a) zero (b) 1 (c) 3
l3 ff A elc is rigtrt-angled at B ,AB=+AC : then m (Z A) =... ..:,,
(a) 45' (b) 30" (c) 90" (d) 60'
ElIn the opposite figure :
,m(ZACE)<m(ZBDD \,/\,/
, then m (Z ECD) ...... .... m (Z FDC) BDCA
h)> ,Lr.< t./= (d) s
ffi Comptete the following :
E] Ifthe measure of the vertex angle of an isosceles triangle is g0" r then the measure of
one of its base angles is ..............
EJ In the opposite figure :

CeAB,DeAB,IfAC>BD :thenAB .............CD BC

! I The bisector of the vertex angle of an isosceles tdangle .-........ ..
| 4hr LXYZ t nm QX) = 40" ,n (LZ) = t00o , then the number of its axes of symmetry
is ....... ....

EI In the opposite figure :

m (z ABC) > m (z ACB)

Proye that : m (Z ABD) > m (Z ACD)

E In the opposite figure :

ABC is a triangle ,AB =AC , AD f BC

Find :

l1l m (z DAC)
Ia . the length of DC

till lesson 2 - unit 5

ll Choose the correct answer from the given ones :

ll In A XYZ , kY is the shortest side , then the argle of the smallest measure is " " "

(a) X (b) Y (c) z (d) otherwise.

ElIn AABC r if AB = AC , then the extedor an81e at the veltex C is "" ""'
(a) straight. (b) acute. (c) obtuse. (d) reflex.

the exteriol angle at one of its

@ A triangle has 3 axes of synmetry , then the measure of
vertices equals ...........

(a) 90' (b) 80' (c) 120" (d) 60"

@InAABC'AB=7cm.,BC=5cm. rAC=6cm. rthenm(ZB) """"" m(ZC)

(a) > (b) < (c) = (d) =

El Complete the following :

E ln a triangle , if two sides have unequal lengths , then the longer is opposite to " '

@IfAliesontheaxisof symmetry XY r then AX " ' AY

[q]ABC is a triangle in which : m (z A) = 100" ' then its longest side is

E In the opposite figure :
m(ZABD)=" "" ""'

p In the opposite figure :

m (Z Y) = 90' t m (LXZY) = 30"

, XY = EF = 5 cm. , F is the midpoint of XZ
ProYe that : m (Z XEZ) = 90'

E In the opposite figure :

From the data on the figule.

ProYe that : m (Z ABC) > m (Z ADC)

Accumulotive f..t. ?
Accumulative test till lesson 3 - unit 5
tt Choose the correct answer from the giyen ones I

11]The ratio between the length of the hypotenuse and the median drawn from the vefiex
of the dght angle in the right-angled tdangle is ...............
(a) 1 .2 (b)2:1 (c)1:3 (d)3:1
LaIf the measures of two angles in a triangle are 4g. , g4. , then its type is ........_......
(a) isosceles. (b) equiiateral. (c) scalene. (d) dghrargled.
LqlIf ABC is an obtuse-angled t angle at C , then BC ............... AB
(a) > (b) < (c) = (d) >

[4 The longest side in A XYZ where m (Z y) =n(LX) + n (LZ) is

(a) XY (b)xz @iz (d) otherwise.

E Complete the following :

EThe axis of symmetuy of a line segment is ...............

@ In A ABC, if AB < BC, AB > AC, then the smallest angle in measue is .............

EIf XYZ is a tdangle in which m (Z X) = 50" ,m(Zy)=70. ,rhenXy...... ... yZ

lllln a triangle , if two angles are unequal in measure r then the greater angle in measure
is opposite to .......

prnaerc,m(LA)=(sx+z)" , m(LB)=(6x-10). , m(1 c)=(x+20)"

Order the lelgths of the sides of the tiangle ascendingly.

A In the opposite figure :

X Y are the midpoints

of AB , AC rcspectively
ProYe that : m (1 MBC) > m (Z MCB)

till Iesson 4 _ unit 5

E Choose the correct answer from the given ones ;

ll tll z ,12
2 z arc the lengths of sides of a triangle
the greatest value

ofz= "" "

(a) 12 (b) 11 (c) 4 (d) 3

El IfABC is a right angled tdangle at B r then .......... ....

(a) AC < (b) AC < BC (c) AB < AC (d) BC > AB

[E ABC is a ght-angled rriangle at B , ifAC = 20 cm. , then the length of the median
dmwn from B equals ... ....... cm.

(a) 10 (b) 8 (c) 6 (d) s

, then its pedmeter = "" " ""' cm.
(b) (c) (.d) 24
(:I) 14 19 11

El Complete the following :

Al The distance between a point and a given straight line is the length of " ' drawn
from the point to this sffaight line.

@ The length of any side in a triangle " "' 'the sum of the lengths oftle other two

Ia]In a triangle , if the lengths of two sides ofa triangle are 4 cm and 9 cm ' then the
length of the thid side e] " , t
al The extedor angle at any vertex of the equilateral tdangle is ' angle'

E haegc,m(zA)=50" , m(zB)=70'
order the lengths of the sides of the triangle descendingly.

!l In the opposite Iigure :

ABC is a triangle.

Prove that : AB < 2 the perimeter of A ABC

on Geometry

. Unit Four: Median of triangle and

the isosceles triangle,
From lesson (1) "Medians oftriangle"
to the end ofthe lesson of"the converse ofthe
isosceles tdangle theorem".

. Unit Four: Medians ofiriangle and the
isosceles lriangle.
From "Corollaries of the
isosceles triangle theorems"
to the end of unit (4).
. Unit Five : lnequality.
From "lnequality" to the end
of the lesson of "Comparing
the measures of angles
in a triangle".
October tests on Geometry

Test lt 10

S! Choose the correct answer from the given ones :

i t lThe number ofmedians of the dght-angled hiangle is .. .. .

(a) zero (1,) (.c) 2

1 Gl) 3

ABC is a iight-angled hiangle at B , D is rhe midpoint of AC

r then BD =

tolac (b) AC {o}ec (d)AB

rLl A XYZ is an isosceles triangle in which, m (Z Y) = 100', ther. n ( L Z) =

(a) 100" (b) 80" (c) 50' (d) 40"

ffi Complete : (3 marks)

ilThelengthofthehypotenuseintheright-angledtriangleequals......... the length
of the median dmwn from the vertex of the dght angle.


-1 The point of intemection of medians of the triangle divides each of them

in the ratio . . . .. : 2 from the base.

ffi In the opposite figure : (2 marks)

If D and E are the midpoints of AB and AC respectively

,BEnDC={M} rDE=4cm.
rDM=3cm. rBE=6cm.
Find : The pedmeter of A BMC

ffi In the opposite Iigure : (2 marks)

D eaE (z ABD) =
,m 125"

and m (Z A) = 70'

Prove that ; A ABC is an isosceles ftiangle.

Monthly Tes ts 7

Test | 2 10

tl Choose the correct answer from the given ones : (3 marks)

Ej If M is the point of concunence of medians of A ABC r BD is a median

then BM : MD = ...... .......
(a) 2 :3 (b)2:l (c)3:1 (.(1) 1 :2

@InAABC,ifm(ZB)=90'andm(ZC)=30o,&enAB= """. AC
fa) jrtl rb)
i /c)lwrce 16r
@j If the measure of one of the base angles of an isosceles triangle is 45' r then the
triangle is ....... ......... tdangle.
(a) obtuse-angled. (b) acute-angled. (c) dght-angled. (d) equilateral.

I Complete : (3 marks)

[A]The medians of the triangle intersect at


[A If the length of the median drawn from a vefiex of a triangle equals half the length of
rhe oppo"ite .ide lo (his vefler . then

lE The isosceles triangle in which the measure of one of its aflgles equals 60' is ' - -

E In the opposite figure : (2 marks)

,m (z ABC) = 40" \l\/ \ x
\/ 40x
Findrm(lBAD) c-----_.-B
@ In the opposite figure : (2 marks)

m (Z BAC) = m (Z CBE) = 90' , m (Z BEC) = 30' -d\

, D and F are the midpoints of BC and CE respectively
rAD = 3 cm.

Find : the length of BF VI


November tests

Test lffi 't0

E Choose the correct answer from the given ones : (3 marks)

-L] The measure of an interior angle in an isosceles tdangle is 60' , then the number of
axes of symmerry ol this triangle is
(a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 2 t1) I
L! l In the opposite figure :

If C €IE and B CIB where AB > DC

.. . BCD
, then DB AC
(a) > (b) < (d) >

3 tnAAeC rAB = 5 cm.,BC = 7 cm. andAC =6cm.

rthenm(ZA). ..... .m(ZC)
(a) > (b) <

E Complete the following : (3 marks)

lAl The straight lifle passing through the vertex angle of an isosceles tdangle perpendicular
to its hase ...-......... .

3 The lengths of two sides in a triangle are not equal , then the greater side in length is
opposite to . .... .. .

!l If M e rhe axis of Xv , tlr"o

ffi =

E In the opposite figure I (2 marks)

ABC is a triangle ,
AB >AC and XY // BC
ProYe that :
m (Z AYX) > m (Z AXY)

E In tie opposite ffgure :

,m (Z BCE) = m (Z BDF)
ProYe that : BL- -L CD
l\.4onth ly Tes ts 7

Test lz
E Choose the correct answer from the giyen ones : (3 marks)

[]In the opposite figule ;

and m (Z BCY) = 45'
, then m (Z XCB) . ... . m (1 ACY)

(a) > o)< (c) = (d) otherwise.

l! If C C the axis of symmetry of AB : then AC - BC =

(a) zero tht 1 (c) 2 (d) 4

a In the square ABCO , EB is the axis of symmetry of '

(a) AB (b) AC rc r Al) (d) cD

E Complete the following : (3 marks)

:1' The bisector of the vertex a[gle of an isosceles triangle

..... ......

i!|In LXYZ ,rf XZ>XY ,thenl]l'(LZ) ..... .....m (Z Y)

p The number of axes of symmetry of the scalene tdangle equals

E In the opposite flgure : (2 marks)

XY > XLandYz> zL
Prove that :

m (L XW) > m (L X\Z)

E In the opposite figure : (2 marks)

D EAB- where AD = AC

Prove that :

on Geometry

lmportant questions Medians of Triangle -
on Unit Four lsosceles Triangle

tl The number of medians of the right-angled triangle equals
(a) one, (b) two. (c) three. G]) four.

E The length of the side opposite to the angle of measule 30' in the right-angled ffiangle
equals ............... the length of the hypotenuse.
+ o)+ @)tr (d) 2

E The length of the median drawn from the veltex of the dght argle in the dght-angled
triangle equals ............... the length of the hypotenuse.
(a) third (b) quarter (c) half (d) double

!l The measure of the extedor angle of the equilateral triangle equals .............. '
(a) 60 (b) 90 (c) 120 (d) 180

@ If the measure of the vertex angle of an isosceles trimgle is 50' r then the measure of one
of its base angles is ... ..... "
(a) 65 (b) 4s (c) 55 tD 70

@ ff the measure of one of the base angles of an isosceles triangle is 40" then the measure
of its vertex angle equals ..............."
(d 40 (b) s0 (c) 80 (d) 100

fl An isosceles tiangle , the measure of one of its angles is 60" , then the number of its axes
of symmetry is ...............
(e) 1 (b) zero. (c) 3 {d) 2

@ ff the measures of two angles of a triargle te 42" t 6g' rthenitstypeis...............

(a) scalene. @) isosceles. (c) equilatenl. (d) dght-angled.

I The point of concuEence of the medians of the triangle divides each of them il1 the
ratio of............... from the base.
(a)2tl (b)1:2 (c)1:3 (d)3:1

lD The poi[t of concurence of the medians of the triangle divides each median in the ratio
of5:.... .from the vertex.
(a) 2.5 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) 10

!fl If M is the point of intersection of the medians of AABC : AD- is a median

, then AD = AM
c)+ o)+ @z kt) +
lp fn a nnC r AD- is a median , M is the point of irtersection of its medians.
If AD=9cm.:thenAM= . cm.
(a) 3 (h) 6 (c) 9 (d) 12

lEl The tdangle in which the measures of two angles are 48" r 84' r then the number of its
axes of symmety is ...............
(a) 1 (b)2 (c) 3 (d) zero

lE If X lies on the axis of symmetry of AB , then XA............... XB

(a) ll (b) .L (c) = (d)

ffi A XYZ is an isosceles hiangle in which m (Z X) = 100" , then m (Z Y) =

(a.) 100 (b) 80 (c) 60 kl) 40

!S| aaeC is riglt-angled at B ,AC = 12cm. : m(ZA)=60" ,rhenAB = .. . . ........ cm.

(a) 12 (b) 6 (c) 4 (d) 3

@ A righrangled isosceles [iangle , then the measure ofone of its base angles is
(a) 30 (b) 45 (c) 60 (1) 90

@ In the opposite frgure :

(a) 100' (b) 140"
(c) 180" Gr) 280"

Second I Complete questions

I The medians of a triangle intersecl al ......

B The base angles ofthe isosceles triangle are .............

m The bisector of the vertex angle of an isosceles tdangle is ....... ..... to the base and

@ The media.n drawn from the vertex angle of an isosceles triangle is ............... and

E The straight line dmwn passing through the vertex angle of an isosceles triangle
pelpendicular to the base bisects each of............... and ...............

lmporlq nt Questions 7
El The staight tine perpendicular to a line segment at its midpoint is ...............

I The isosceles triangte ill which the measure of one of irs angles equals 60" is ...............

@ If the measure of one angle in a right-angled triangle is 45" , then the triangle is ...............

E If Cetheaxisof symmetry of AB r thenAC - BC =

lE If the length of the median dnwn ftom a veltex of a triangle equals half the length of the
opposite side to this vertex , then the angle at this vertex is ...............

@ rnannc,AB=AC, m(zA)=3m(ZB),therm(ZC)=
Third I Essay questions
E In the opposite ligure :

m (z ABC) = 90"


Calculate : The length ofeach of CA and BD

a In the opposite figure :

M is the inte.section point of

the medians of the triangle ABC

,BM=6cm.,BC= 14 cm. rDC= 15 cm.

Find : The perimetor of A MDE

I In the opposite ligure :

F and N are the midpoints of AB and AC- respectively

,/ ,,1 \
rAB = 6 cm. rAC = l0 cm.
Find : The perimeter of the figure AFMN

(\r , r) \ r, / dJll Y/ (slr) ot-l{, r.alr€JlLl, 97


[t In the opposite ffgure r


P In the opposite frgure :

AB // cB , m (z DAB) = 30"
Find : The measures of the angles of A ABC

E In the opposite figure :

Proye that : IE bisects Z DAC

In the opposite figure r

AB = DE , E is the midpoint of AC
r m (Z ACB) = 30'
Prove that I m (1 ADC) = 90'

m In the opposite figule :

m (Z ABC) = 90" X is the midpoint of AB-
r Y is the midpoint of BC
'/' D
, D is the midpoint of XY ,eC = 20 cm.
Finrl : The length of Bo

El In the opposite figure :

AB = cm.
'AC = 18 cm.

, F ard E are the midpoints of AB and ef respectively

,aorcs CDB
Find : The perimeter of A DEF
lmporloni Quesfions ?
@ In the opposite ligure ;

XYZ is a triangle r YL bisects Z XYZ

and inte$ects XZ at L
LM // AZ- and inte$ects XY at M
hoye that rA LMY is an isosceles fiangle.

@ In the opposite figure :

,xv tt zt
Prove tlat i
A MLZ is an isosceles triangle.

@ In the opposite ffgure :

m (1B) = 90" r m (Z ACB) = 30"
X and Y are the midpoints
of AD- and CD- respectively.
Prove that : AB = XY

IEI In the opposite figure I

m (Z BAD) = m (z CAE)
Prove tlat I AD = AE

@ In the opposite Iigure :

BD = CE, m (Z D) =m (z E) = 90"
, m (Z ABD) = m (Z ACE)

Prove that i m (Z ABC) = m (Z ACB)

lE In the opposite ligure :

AB = AC , AB bisects Z BAC

Prove that : AD -L BC- CDB
and find : The length of DC- m (Z DAC)

tr In the opposite figure :

Proye that : A AIC is an isosceles triangle,

@ In the opposite figure r

AB = AC , AE bisects Z BAC

Prove that : fa BE = + BC


IE In the opposite figure :

Find: [r The value ofX
lA The perimeter of A ABC

IE In the opposite figure :

AB = (2 X 1) cm. ,AC = (X+ 3) cm.

, BC = (9 jg cm.

,m(1B)=m(1 C)

Find : The perimeter of A ABC

@ In the opposite ligure ;

Prove that :

A ABC is an isosceles aiangle.

lmporlont Questions 7
E! In the opposite figure :

rn (1 ABC) = m (Z BDE) = 90"

D is the midpoint of AC-

rm (Z BED) = 30"

Prove that : AC = BE

EE In the opposite ffgure :

m (Z ACD) = m (Z BCD)

Prove that : m (Z E) = m (Z EAD)

EE rn the opposite figure :

ABCD is a square

:m (Z BAE) = 30"
Calculate : The area of the squarrc.

EB In the opposite frgure :

ABC is a tdangle
: D is the midpoint of BC
,eMnas-={B} rEC=12cm.
Find : The length of EM
lmportant questions
on Unit Five

m] InAABC,ifAB <AC,thenm(zB)............... m(z C)

(a) < (b) < (c) > (d) =

E If the tengths of two sides of a triangle are 3 cm. , 6 cm. then the lergth of the third side
belorgs to ...............
(l) [3 ,9[ (,) [3 ,9] (c) 13 ,el (d) l3 , el
m ABC is a triangle in which m (Z B) = 70' , m (Z C) = 50' , then AC . ............ AB
(a) < (b) < (c) > (a) =

InAABC ,if m (ZA) >m (Z B) ,thenBC... AC

(a) > (o) = (c) < (d) >

The lengths 4 cm. :9 cm. and ..

(r) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6

XYZ is a.ight-angled tdangle at Y

thenxz .. YZ
(a) < (b) > (c) = (d) <

In A ABC , if m (Z C) = 100" r then its longest side is

(rL) AC (b) AB (c) BC

The numbers that can be the lengths of sides of a triangle are ........ ....
(a) '7 t'7 t4 (b) 3 ,,4 ,9 (.c) 4 ,5 ,12 (d) 5 ,5 ,15
E tnae-Bc.AB+BC AC>..... ...

(N) 2 AC (b) 2 AC (c) 2 (d) zero.

m Ifthe lengths of two sides of an isosceles tdangle are 2 cm. and 5 cm. , then the length of
the third side is ....... ....... cm.
(.a) 2 (b) s (c) 4 (d) 3

The triangle whose side lengths are 2 cm. r ()( + 3) cm. and 7 cm. is an isosceles triangle

(a) I (.b') 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

@ The length of any side in a tuiangle .. ..- the sum of the lengths of the other two sides.
(a) > (b) < (.) = (d) <
lmporlont Questions ?

Second I Complete questions

It In a triangle r if two angles are gnequal in measure , then the grcater angle in measure

I In a triangle r if two sides have unequal lengths ; then the longer side is oPposite to .....

@ lnaanC rifm(zA)=50' , m (z B) = 60' , then the longest side is

E In a esC' if m (z A) = 100"' then the longest side is ...............

E In AABc rAB + BC..... .......AC

B In triangle , if the lengths of two sides are 5 cm. r 9 cm. r then the length of the third

side €1.. .... ..... , t

fl The distance between any point and a given sffaight line is the length of ............... druwn
ftom this point to the given line.

@ In the right-angled tdangle ............... is the longest side.

E Inaeec ,\f n(L A) =2m(L B) = 80" rthenAB > .............

l0 rx>Y,A>B,rhenY+B< ..

Il In a enC, m (Z A) = 40' : m (Z B) = 80' arrange the lengths of the sides

of A ABC descendingly.

g ABC is in which : AB = 6 cm. rAC=8cm.andBC=Tcm.Arrangethe

a triangle

measures of the angles of the fiiangle ABC ascendingly.

E In the opposite frgure :

ProYe that : m (Z ACD) > m (Z ABD)


E In the opposite figure :

ProYe that : m (Z BCD) > m (Z BAD)

E In the opposite ligure :

ABC is a triangle in which :AB<AC
BM bisects Z ABC , aM bisects Z ACB
Prove that : BM < CM

E In the opposite figure :

ABC is a triangle in which :

Prove that : AX > XY

E In the opposite ligure :

AE // cB , m (z DAB) = 40'
r m (z BAC) = 80"

Prove that ! AB >AC

o In the opposite figure :

ABC is a triargle in which :

m (l AXY) = m (z AYX)
Proye that : YC > XB

Et In tie opposite ligure :

m (Z ABC) = 65"
tm (L ACD) = 20"
Prove that : AB > AD
lmportonl Ques'tions 7
lE In the opposite figure :
ProYe that : BC > AC

lll In the opposite figure :

ABC is a triangle in which :

ProYe that : AC > AD

lE In the opposite frgure :

ABCD is a quaddlatEral in which : m (Z BDC) = 90"
. X . Y and E are rhe midpoints of aB r eO-

and BC- respectively.

Prove that : XY < DE

lE In the opposite ffgure :

AD bisects Z BAC
Prove that : AC > DC

.A In the opposite frgure :

ProYe that: lr AC >AE

( \, , r) \ r,rr / d,lll r/ {eui) eqrl. r-tr@Jl LU 105

of Geometry
Revision for the important
theorems , corollaries
and rules of Geometry

Medians oftriangle

The median of the niangle is

the line segment dmwn from
any vertex of the triangle If D is the midpoint of BC
vertices to the midpoint of AD is a median in
. then
the opposite side of this AABC

lf CD , E-F ana IE are

/\ the medians of A ABC where
The mediaN of a triangle
are collcurlent. ,<)
,/,--- tq --\\
r then M is the intersectionpoint
CEB of the medians of A ABC

The point of concurrence of If M is the htersection point

the medians of the triangle of the medians of A ABC
, then :
divides each median in the
ratio of: +AM
.DM= +AD
.2: I ftom the vertex.
The point which divides the
median of a hiangle by the If DM: MA= t :2
ratio 1 : 2 ftom the base is the then M is the inteGection
point of the inte$ection point of the medians
the mediaN of the tdangle. of A ABC

Right-angled triangle

The length of the median ff A ABC is righrangled at B

ftom the vertex of the riSht , BD is a median in it

angle equals half the length then
of the hypotefluse. BD=iAC

If the length of the mediar

drawn from a veltex of If BD is a median of
a tdangle equals half the
length of the opposite side
, then m (1ABC) = 90'
to this vertex , then the
angle at this vertex is ght.

The length of the side

If A ABC is right-angled at
opposite to the angle of
B in which :
measure 30" in the
right-angled tuiangle equals m(1C)=30o
half the length of the , ,1',"n 49 = { lC

IfA ABC is dght-angled

In the right-angled triangle,
at B r then
the hypotenuse is the
longest side ofthe t angle.

lf A ABC is righl angled at B , then :

. (AC)2 = (AB)2 + (BC)2

. (AB)2 = (AC)2 (BC)2
. (BC)2 - (AC)2 - (AB)2
Fincrl Revision 7
The isosceles triang le

The base angles of the If A ABC in which :

isosceles triangle are

AB =AC r then

If two angles of a triangle

are congruent , then the If A ABC in which :

two sides opposite to these n(LB)=n(LC)

two angles are congruent
, then AB = AC
and the triargle is isosceles.

The median of an isosceles If A ABC in which :

triangle from the vertex AB AC r AD is a median

angle bisects it and is , then AD bisects I BAC
perpendicular to the base. , AD- -L BC

The straight line drawn If A ABC in which :

passing through the vertex AB=AC,ADIBC
angle of an isosceles
r then D is the midpoint
triangle pelpendicular to
the base bisects each of the
base and the vertex angle. AD bisects Z BAC

The bisector ofthe vertex If

A ABC in which :
angle of an isosceles

AB = AC , 45 6i."","
tdangle bisects the base Z BAC r then D is the
ard is peryendicular to it.
midpoint of BC , AD I BC

If A ABC in which :

The number of axes of AB=AC,AD-LBCand

symmetry of the isosceles intersect it at D
triangle equals I r then AD is the axis of
symmetry of the hiangle ABC


If tiangle is an
the If A ABC in which :

equilatenl , then it is AB=BC=CA:then

equiangular where each m (ZA) = m (Z B) = m (z c) = 60'
angle measwe is 60' ,i_\

If the angles of a triangle n If

A ABC in which :

(ZA) =m (1B) =m (Z C)
are congruent , then the
tdangle is equilateral. /\ : then AB =BC=CA
The isosceles triangle in If A ABC in which :

qhich the measure of one AB=AC,m(ZB)=60'

of its angles = 60' is an r then A ABC is an equilateral hiangle.
equilateral triangle. /.,\
If A ABC is an equilateml triangle
The equilateral triangle has ,EFrBc,a6lAB,EErac-
three axes of symmetry. , trt- 7F , tB ana EE arc the axes of
symmetry of the tdangle ABC

a Th" rfry-*"
,- ; V

The axis of synrmetry of Any point olr the axis If a point is at equal
a line segment is the of symmetry of a line distances from the two
straight line perpendicular segment is at equal terminals of a line segment
to it from its middle. distances from its then this point lies on the
termimls (end points).
axis of this line segment.

Ifthe straight line L.L AB : ff the straight line L is ttle If CA = CB : then

C C AB whcre CA = CB AB, D ethe straight
axis of C lies on the axis of AB
,C e the sftaight line L lineL,thenDA=DB
then L is thc a-xis of AB

Finol Revision 7
lnequality relations in the triangle

I Comparing (he measures of I

angles in a triangte
I f-
If two sides have unequal lengths , the
longer is opposite to the angle of the
greatel measure

Triangle inequality

In any triangle , the sum ofthe lengths of any two sides

is geater than the length of the third side.

Notice thot :
e The lengthof any side of a triangle is greate! than the difference
between the lengths of the two other sides and less than their sum.
. The measure ofany exterior angle of a tiangle is greater than
the measue of any interior algle of the triangle except its
adjacenl angle.



Proofs ofthe impolta.t theorems

In the ght-angled tiangle the length of the rnedian from the ve ex of

the right argle equals half the length of the hypotenuse.

ABC is a triangle in which m (1 ABC) = 90' r

BD is a medial in the triangleABC

R.T.P. 1rc

Construction Draw BD ancl take the point E e EB such that BD = DE

Proof In the figure ABCE : . AC and BE bisect each other

.'. The figure ABCE is a parallelogram.
'. rn (Z ABC) = 90"
.. The figure ABCE is a rectangle.

+ BE
BD=+AC (Q.E.D.)

If the length of the median dmwn Aom a vertex of a aiangle equals ha.lf tlle
length of the opposite side to this vertex , then the angle at this vertex is right.

Given In ,A ABC , BD is a median and DA= DB =DC l-:"----------7

R.T.P. m (1ABC) = 90"

Construction Draw BD , then take the point E e BD

such that BD = DE

tz BE=AC
Tn the figure ABCE :

AC and BE are equal in length and bisect each other.

The figure ABCE is a rectangle.
m (l ABC) = 90' (Q.E.D.)

Finol Revision

The base angles ofthe isosceles fiangle are congruent.

GiYen ABC is a triangle in which AB = AC

Construction oraw aE I eC where Af 0 {D}
Proof A AADB, ADC in which :

m (1 ADB) = m (Z ADC) - 90' (const.)

AB=AC (given)
AD- is a common side
A ADB = A ADC , then we deduce that LB= LC (Q.E,D,)

If two angles of a triangle are congruent , then the two sides opposite to
these two algles are congruent and the tiangle is isosceles.

Giyen ABC is a triangle in which Z

Construction bisecl Z BAC by AD ro intersecl BC ar D

Proof '. LB= LC

AD bisects Z BAC .'. m (Z BAD) = m (Z CAD)
The sum of measures ofthe interior angles of the triangle = 180.
m (Z ADB) = m (z ADC)
In A A ABD and ACD :
r AD is c common side

1 m( BAD)-rl.(ZCADr
-n a. ADBI - n' r. ADC, tby prool)
.. A ABD = A ACD , then we deduce thar
AB = AC- , then A ABC is an isosceles triansle. (Q.E.D,)

(\ o : r) \ rJ.r /,rl!,1 Y/ (oliJ) sl.,.}lo rsl.r4rrl Lt, 113


Itr a triangle if two sides have unequal lengths r the longer is opposite
to the angle of the geater measurc.

Given ABC is a triangle in which AB > AC

R.T.P. m (/ ACB) > m (Z ABC)

Construction Take D e AB such thul nP = AC c B

Proof In A ACD: . AD=AC .. m(ZADC)=m (L ACD) (1)

'. 2 ADC is an exterior angle of ADBC

.. m(ZADC)>m(ZB)
From (l) and (2) : .'. m (Z ACD) > m (Z B)
... m (z ACB) > m (Z ACD)
m (Z ACB) > m (Z ABC) (Q.E.D.)

In tdangle , if two angles are unequal in measure then the greater

angle in measure is opposite to a side greater in length than that opposite
to the other angle.

GiYen ABC is a tdangle in which m (Z C) > m (Z B)

Proof '. IE and AC- are two line segments.
one of the following cases should be verified.
Unless AB > AC , then either AB = AC orAB <AC
o lf : AB = AC r rhen m (Z C) = m (Z B) and this contadicts the given

where m (1 C) > m (1 B)
. If : AB < AC r tJren m (Z C) < m (Z B) according to the preceding theorem.
Again this contadicts the given : where m ( L C) > n <L B)
.'. It should be that AB > AC (Q.E.D.)

For more

on Geometry D

a:,,'-'- J
f-,$ilP#ffi 1
School book examinations
\ EEI!4.rtdfiE
School examinations
Model Examinations
0i1 Geometry
of the School Book

Answer the follawing questions :

II Complete the following :

3 The longest side in the dght-angled triargle is " '

lZ If the lengths of two sides in a triangle are 2 cm. and 7 cm. , then
''''''.... < the tength of the th dside< . '
E Ifthe measures of two angles in a triangle arc different , then the greater irl measure of
them is opposite 'to
@ If the length of the median drawn from a vertex of a triangle equals half the opposite
side to this vertex in length rthen . '

ls I If the measure of an angle in the isosceles triangle equals 60" , then the hiangle is " .

f! Choose the correct answer from those given :

1 In the opposite Iigure :
A ABC is equilateral then m (Z ACD)
= " " . '

(a) 45" (b) 60"

(c) 120' (d) 135'
j In A ABC which is right-angled at B , if AC = 20 cm. then the lergth of the median
oflhe triangle drawn lrom B equals """""
(a) l0 cm. (b) 8 cm.(c) 6 cm. Gl) 5 cm.
3l XYZ is a triangle in whidn. m (.L Z) = 70' and m (Z Y) = 60', then YZ' "' xY
(a) > (b) < (c) = (d) twice
The lengths which can be lengths of sides of a trjangle are
(a) 0 ,3 ,5 (b) 3,3,s (c) 3 13 16 (d) 3 ,3 ,7
L! The triangte in which the measures of two angles of it are 42o and 69" is .

(a) an isosceles triangle. (b) an equilateral triangle.

(c) a scalene triangle. (l) a dght angled triangle.
qr In the opposite figure :
r then AC = . cm.
(a) 3 (b) 6
(c) 9 (d) 12 C 6cn. B

Finol Exominolions 7
E Complete : ABC is a t angle in which AB > AC , then m (Z C) ..... .....m (z B)
In the opposite figure
\/ \
and A DBC is equilateral
\/ ;\
Find:m(1ABD) CA
In the opposite figure ; DA
/ 50/t\
eo, ec
and m
(1 BAC) = 70"
(Z DAC) = 50"
Prove that : BC >AC
t/ _) \
Proye that i The two base angles ofthe isosceles t angle are congruelt.
lbl In the opposite frgure :
AB = AC , BD hisects ,z R
and aB bisects Z C
ProYe that : A DBC is isosceles.

E [a] In the opposite Iigure : A

Adange the angles
of A ABC descendingly
due to their measures.
,"I 6cn.

[b] In the opposite ffgure : B
AB > BC ,'i//BE /'\d
Prove that : AX > XY
// \
Answer the following questions :

Choose the correct answer from those given :

The triangle which has three axes of symmeffy is
(r) scalene. (b) isosceles. (c) dght-angled. Gt) equilateml.
Thesumoflengthsoftwosidesinatriangleis .. thelengthofthethirdside.
(r I greater than (bl smaller thar (c) equal to (tl) twice
Ifthe lengths oftwo sides in an isosceles tiangle are 8 cm. and 4 cm. , then the length ofthe
drird side is .. ... . cm.
(a) 4 (b) 8 (c) 3 (d) 12


l4 In AIBC , if m (ZB)= 130' , then the longest side ofit is . "

(a) BC (b) AC (c) AB (d) its median.

E A xYZ is an isosceles triangle in which : m (1 X) = 100" rthenm(ZY)=

(a) 100" (b) 80" (c) 60" Gl) 40"
El In the opposite ligure :

X+Y=" " '

(a) 100" (b) 140'
(c) 180' (d) 280"

El Complete the following :

@ If the measure of an angle in a righrangled triangle is 45" r then the triangle is " '

E The length of any side in a t angle the sum of lengths of the two other sides'
trf If AB=XY,thenAB=
El In AABC, if m (1 A) = 30' and m """ "" AC
(z B) = 90', then BC =

E The axis of synrmety o{a line segment is the straight line which at its midpoint.

E tal fn aesC rAB=7cm.,BC=5cm.andAC=6cm

Arlaflge its angles ascendingly due to their measures

lbl In the opposite figure :

A ABC is right-angled at B
r m (Z C) = 30" , D is the midpoint of AC
, E is the midPoint of BC ,AC = 9 cm.
Eind : The length of each of BD r BM and AB

!l lal rn the opposite figure :

m (Z ABC) = m (/ BDE) = 90'

of AC
, D is the midpoint
Prove that I AC = BE

[b] In the opposite figure :

(Z DAC) = 30'
ProYe that : AC > BC

El [a] complete I
If thJmeasures of two angles of a triangle are differcnt , then the greater in measure
is opposite to ... . "" x
lbl In theipposite ligure : ^4/
AB // XY and AB bisects LYAZ
Prove that : XZ > YZ

Finol Erominotions ?

Model for the meige students

Answer the follawing questions :

I Complete each of the following :

I I ] The poilt of concurence of the medians of the tiangle divides each median in the
mtio ........ .. : ....,.......... fiom the base.
3l In the righrangled triangle r the length of the median drawn from the verrex of the
right angle equals ...............

l! The base angles of the isosceles triangle are ...............

l4 In AABC, if m (Z B) = 70', m (Z C) = 50o, then AC .............. AB

lql The median of the isosceles triangle from the vertex angle . . . . . . .

E Choose the correct answer from those giyen :

IfABC is an equilateral triangle , then m (1 B) = ...

(a) 30" (r, 60" (c) 70' (d) 90.

l4l The length of the side opposiie to the angle of measure 30o in the right-angled tiangle
equals ..... ........ the length of the hypotenuse.

@+ o)+ G)+ (d) 2

If the measure of the vertex angle of an isosceles triangle is 80. , then the measure of
one o[ the base angles equal. .....

(a) 60" (b) 40' (c) 30' (d) s0"

The number of axes of symmety of the isosceles triangle is ......

(a) I (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) zero

In A ABC, if m (Z A) - 50", m (Z B) = 60', then rhe longesr side is ..............

(r)ffi (b) Bc (c) AC

E Ir the opposite figure :

A ABC is a righrangled triangle at B :m(ZC)=30" rAB = 5 66.
Find : The length of AC- ,\
'. m (Z B) = .... ....-' tm(LC) =
:. AB = x ............... ... AC = ........... cm.

E tallnAesC 'ri(LA)=40" ' n(LB)='75' ; m(LC)=65"

Arrange the lengths of the sides of the tdangle descendingly.

The order is :

Lbl In the opposite ligure :

IDI nc
Complete :

l!m (z B) = """""""'"
3 The side .. ..... . is the longest side of A ABC

E In the opposite figure I

,m (z BAC) = 70'

Put (/) or (r) : B

!m (z B) = ss' ()

lP ,m( LD) ='10' ()

[4 m (z DCB) = 120" ()

i4,tn + AD = zo cm. ()

lqlAB+BC=BC+CD ()
Some Schools
on Geometry
Examinations on

Heliopolis Educational zone

Maths Supervision

Answer the following qaesfions :

I Complete :

L1l The number of symmetry axes of the equilateral triangle is

I 2 l The longest side in the right-angled triangle is ........ ...

plThe base angles of the isosceles triangle are . .......

a ff 10 cm. , 5 cm. and X cm. are the side lengths of an isosceles ffiangle
then X=. ........
.q ABC is a ght-angled triangle at B , m (1A) = 30' 'AC = l0 cm.
r then CB = ...... cm.

e InAABC,m(ZA)=30"andm(ZB)=90' :thenBC= ....... ...AC

I Choose the correct answer from those given :

l l The point of concuffence of the medians of the triangle divides each median in the
ratio oI ftom itr base.
(.a) 1 12 (b)2:1 (c)1:3 (d)2:3
L The length of the side opposite to the angle of measure 30' in the dght-angled
triangle equals ... the length of the hypotenuse.

G)+ o)+ (")

+ (d) 2

A XYZ is an isosceles triangle in which m (1 X) = 100' , then m (1 Y) =

(x) 100' (b) 80" (c) 60' (d) 40.

3XYZis atdangleil whichm(LZ) ='10' andm(ZY)=60',therYZ . . XY

(a) > (b) < (c) = (d) twice

5 The measure of the extedor angle of the equilateml triangle equals .

(a) 30" (b) 60' (c) 90' (d) 120"

gIInAABC, ifAB=4cm. : BC=6cm.,thenACe ..........
@12,41 (b) [2 ,10] (c) 12,10[ (d) [0 ,10]

(\1 , r) \
iiJ / drrsl f / (our) oArLr tallLdl LV 121

E lal In the opposite ligure :

Prove that :
A AXY is an isosceles t iangle.
[h] In the opposite ffgure :
30',AC midpoint
m (ZABC) = 90", m (Z C) = =9 cm.,D is the
of AC , E is the midpoint of Ee , no n an = {rra}
Find : rhe length of eacl of ED , EM ana A-B CEB
E In the opposite figure :

m (1 ABC) > m (Z ACB)
Prove that :
m (Z ABD) > m (l ACD)

In the opposite ligure :

,m (Z BAD) = 25'
Find I m(ZDAC)
The length of DC

E [a] In tlte opposite figure :

m (Z ABC) = 90" : E is the midpoint of IC
: X is the midpoint of ID
, Y is the midpoint of CD
Prove that I XY = BE

lbl In the opposite figure r

:m (Z BAD) = 60'
r m (Z BAC) = 50'

Prove that : AB > AC

Finol Exo m in otio ns ?

Western Cairo Educational Zone

Mathematics lnspeation

A s*'er the lollawi gqaesti.(rns:

E Choose the correct answer :

E If M is the point of intersection of the medians of A ABC r AD is a median of length

9 cm. r then AM = ............... cm.
(a) 6 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 2
j]In LI,'YZ, XY is the shortest side r then the angle of the smallest measure is.-.............
(a) x (b) Y (.c) Z (d) otherwise.
lq ] The supplement of the angle whose measure is 30' is an angle of measure ...............
(a) 60' (b) 180" (c) 150" Gl) 90"
@ If the measures of two argles in a aiangle are 42' t 69' r then the triangle is . .

(a) isosceles. (b) scalene. (c) equilateral. (d) dght-angled

l3l The numbers which can not be side lengths of a ftiangle are . ...

(a) 3 ,3 ,3 (b) 3 ,3 ,4 (c) 3,3

(d) 3,3,6
lE If A e the axis of symmetry of BC , then IE ............... AC
= (u) = (c) // (d) -L

a Complete the following :

1 InAABC,if m(ZA)=30" andm(ZB)=90' :thenBC= . AC

2 InAABC,if m (Z B) = 70" ard m (Z C) = 50' , then AC AB
-!- If m (Z A) = 110' , then m (reflex Z A) = ...."

al If a staight line intersects two pamllel straight lines , then each two coresponding
angles are ... .

! I In the dght-angled triangle , the hypotenuse is the .. . . side.

6 The tdangle whose side lengths are (2 x- 1) cm. , (X + 3) cm. ,7 cm. becomes an
equjlaleral riangle when x = ........

E lal In the opposite figure :

, AE bisects Z BAC
Prove that : Er BE = BC lsl BD = cD

lbl In the opposite figure :

ABC is an obtuse-angled tdangle at B
Prove that : AE > AD

E Lal rn the opposite ligure :

D E are the midpoints of AC- r AB
8 cm. rBC= 12cm.
'MC =
Find : the peimeter of A MDE

[b] In the opposite ffgure :

ABC is a triangle in which AC = BC
Find with proof : the measues of the angles of A ABC

E lulrn leec , if m(zA)=40' ,n(LB)=15" :m (Z C) = 65' , arange the lengths of

rhe sides oI rhi. uiangle discendingly.

[b] In the opposite frgure :

A ABC is right-angled at B

' E and D are the midpoinr. oIAC- and BC

Find : Lhe length ol each ot BE . M E

Math's Inspection

Answet the follox,ing questions :

E Choose the correct answer :

[]The intersecting point of the medians of the triangle divides each median in tlle ratio
of ... ..... ftom the base.
(a)1:2 (h)2:7 (c) 3 t2 (d)2t3
-1 In any triangle XYZ tYX . . XZ + ZY
(a) > (b) = (c) <

Finql Exqmino'iions ?
ljl ABC is triangle , m (1 A) = 110" then the longest side is ...............
(u) AC (b) BC (") AB
a ] If AD is a median of A ABC : M is the point of concurrence of the medians
r AD = 12 m. r then MD = .. ... cm.

(a) 4 (b) 8 (c) 12 GD 30

i5 I If the measure of the vertex angle of an isosceles tuiangle is 80o r then the measure of
its base angle is ...............

(a) 100" (b) s0" (c) 80" (d) 40"

gl The . ....... triangle has 1 axis of slmrnetry.
(x) isosceles (b) equilateral (c) scalene

@ Complete :
i i I In the opposite frgure ;
AC = cm.

B In AABC , if m (1A) = m (Z C) , then AB =

lcl The length of the median drawn from the vertex of the right-angled triangle
equals .. ...... .. the length of the hypotenuse.

E The measure of the extedor angle of the equilateral triangle equals

tr Thebisectorofthevetexangleofanisoscelestrianglebisectsthebaseand....... ......

tr AABC is isosceles rAB=3cm.:BC=7cm. rthenAC- .... cm

g hl In the opposite frgure :
BE r eD are two medians in A ABC inte$ecting at M
,CB= 12 cm.
Find : the perimeter of A MDE

lbl In the opposite figure :

,xY- //eE
Proye that :



El [a I In the opposite ffgure :

and A ABC is an equilateml triangle.

Find:m(1DCB) A

[h]In A ABC rifAB=6cm. rAC=8cm.,BC=5cm. , arange in an ascending order

the angles of the triangle .

El [a I In the opposite ffgure :

ProYe that : m (Z BAD) > m (1 BCD)

lblln the opposite ligure :

:m (Z ACD) = 130'


Abu El-Nomros Directorate

Answet the foll,owing questions :

I Choose the correct answer :

ail If A ABC is a right-angled tdangle at A and AB = AC

,thenm(ZB)="" ""
(a) 30' (b)4s' (c) 60" (d) 90'
Thc triangle which has three axes of symmetly is
(a) scalene. (b) isosceles. (c)right-angled. (d)equilateral.

3 ] The point of concurence of the medians of a triangle divides each median in tie mtio
of..... ..... frcm the vertex.
(x) I :2 (b)2tl (c)213 (d)1:3
1]The numbers which can not be side lengths of a triangle are " '

(a)3 r3,3 (b)3,3,4 (c)3,3:5 (d)3,3,6

Finol fxominotions ?
@ The sum of measures of the accumulative allgles at a poiflt equals ......... ...
(a) 60" (b) l80o (c) 2'70' (d) 360"

@ The measure of the exterior arlgle of the equilateral triangle equals ...............
(a) 60" (b) 180' (c) 120" (d) 70"

B Complete each ofthe following :

ItjlnAABC rifAB>BC rthenm(l. ......... ..) > m (Z ..............)

[{]InAABCrifAB=3cm.:BC=7cm.,thenAC€]............, t
r If AB- = XY . then AB - XY = ... .

lal The length of the median of the right-angled triangle dmwn ftom the vertex of the dght
angleequals. ,..... the lengtl of the hypolenu$e.
perpendicular to .. ..... .

lq lThe longest side in the right-angled triangle is ...... ...

g lal In the opposite ffgure :

D and E arc the midpoints of AC- and IB , nO n Ce = 1U}

Find : the perimeter of A MDE

lbl In the opposite figure :

DE // AC : m (z EDA) = 34'
,m (Z DBC) = 6E"
Prove that : A ABC is an isosceles triangle.

[c] Complete ; Ir the isosceles triangle r the two base angles are ............... in measure.

g lal In the opposite frgure :

r m (z ACB) = 30'
r E : F are the midpoints ofDe , m
hove that : AB = EF

Ib I In the opposite figure :

m (z A) - 50"A8 = AC
and A BDC is an equilateral triangle.

[c I Complete : In the ght-angled triangle , the length of the side opposite to the arlgle of
measure 30' equals .

El [a] In the opposite ligure :

Arange the angles of A ABC
in an ascending otder.

lbl In the opposite figure : DA

AD- // BC / %8\
,m (1 CAB) = 70"
, m (1 DAC) = 50'

l/\ \
Prove that : BC > AB CB
Lcl In the opposite frgure :

X\ > XL and\Z > LZ

L(,/\ >Y
Prove that :
tD (L XI.Z) > n (L XYZ) \----

Agami Educational Zone

Mathematics Supervisor

Answer the follol,ing questians :

I Choose the correct answer :

lA In AABC ,ifm (Z A) = 40' ,m (Z B) = 65' , then the longest side in the triangle
15 . . . . . . . . . .....

(a) AB (b) AC- (c) CB (r) AD-

El The measure of the exte or angle of an equilateral triangle equals '

(a) 360" (b) 120" (c) 90' (d) 60'

3InAABC if AB = 5 cm. , AC = 4 cm. , then BC e ......

r .. .

(a) lt ,91 (b) [1 , el (c) ,9[ ll kr) l4 ,5[

Finol Exominotions 7
ial If A ABC has three axes of synmetry and AD is a median rthenAC=.... ......8D
@+ (b)+ G)+ (d) 2

lqlln A.qsC r if AB =AC, m (1 A) = 50., rhen m (z C) =

(a) 130" (b) 50" (c) 7s' (d) 6s"
lq If A C L , where L is the axis of symmetry ol BC : then AB . ... AC
(a) = (b) < (") (d) >

a Complete the following :

l1 ]The shaight line petpendicular to a line segment from its midpoint is called . .......

lqlff-(Ze)=tSO',thenm(reflexZA)= . .
lp. It en- = CO ana aB = 9 cm. , rhen AB CD=.........
4 In A DEF , if DE < EF < DF , rhen the greatest angle in measwe is ..........
,bl If AD is in A ABC and M is the point of intersection ofits medians
a meaian
rAM = 8 cm. r then MD = ......... cm.
[E ] In the ght-angted triangle , the length of the median ftom rhe vertex of the right angle
equals the length of the hypotenuse.

E lal rn the opposite frgure r

ABC is a tdangle in which m (Z B) = 90"

, AE and BD are two medians intersecting at M
Find : rhe lengrh oleactr oi BD . BM and AB

Drl In the opposite ligure :

ABCD is a quaddlateral ir which

AB is the longest side , CD is the shortest one.
ProYe that : m (Z BCD) > m (Z BAD)

E [a] In the opposite ligure :

lD // BC , m (z BAD) = 1oo'
, In (Z BDC) = 70. IBD=BC
Prove that : AABD is an isosceles aiangle.

[b] In the opposite figure : B

AB > BC and XY // Ee //\-
Prove that : AX > XY // \
(r v , r) \ f, / dr!,I r/ (or.r) ot-lo r.6L*€Jl Ll, i2gl

E [a] In the opposite figure :

, AE bisects z BAC
prove that : l1lse = j nc [I]nn = co
[b] In the opposite ligure :
and ABC is an equilateral triangle.

Maths Supervi5ion
Ofticial Language Schools

Answer the following questions :

E Choose the correct answer :

l1]A xYZ is an isosceles tdargle in which m (1 x) = 110' then m (z Y) =

(a) 110" G) 35" (c) 60' (d)45'
qlln AABC : if AB -L BC andAB = BC, then m (1A) =
(a) 30" (b)4s' (c) 60" (d) 90"

E-InAABC,ifAC=4cm.,BC=3cm.,thenm(zB)....... m(zA)
(a) > (b) < (c) < (d) =

!1JThe triangle whose side lengths are 2 cm. r (X + 3) cm. and 5 cm. becomes an
isosceles triangle when X = .... .

(a) I (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

L!InAABC,AB=AC,m(zB)=x+30"'m(LC)=2x+5" tthenx= "'

(il) 25' (b) 20' (c) 35' (d) 65"

[6 ] If AD is a median of A ABC, and M is the point of concwrence of the medians, then

AD= .. AM
(u) 1 o), @? @+

E Complete each of the following :

E The number of axes of symmetry of the equilateral hiangle equals

EThe base angles of an isosceles tdangle are ..... ..... -

Finol Exominqtions ?
lglThe longest side of the dght angled triangle is ..

EThe bisector ofthe veftex angle ofthe isosceles triangle . ............. y'^
lgln the opposite figure : -\/'I-,/ .4
AC = 12 cm.
.... .
,/ .\<II
r then BD = . cm. c B

E ABC is a triangle in which AB = 4 cm. ,BC=6cm.,thenACC] ,t .

El [a] rn the opposite figure :

--- -4
m (ZABC) = 90o,m (Z C) = 30' -,*\-r'"
,AD=DCandAC=10cm. -t' ^'- -\ I

Find : the perimeter of A ABD

lbl In the opposite figur.e :

, AD- // BC

and MB = MC
Prove that : A MAD is isosceles.

a [a] In the opposite figure


m(1 BAC) = 70',m (Z B) = 55o

and m (Z ACD) = 90" \d 55:A
Prove that : AD > AB

[b] In the opposite figure :

F and N are the midpoints oIAB and AC- respectively

,BN- n CF = {M},AB = 8 cm. :AC = 12 cm.
Find : the perimeter of the figure AFMN

El [a] rn the opposie ligure :

and BC < CD

Prove that : m (Z ABC) > m (Z ADC)


lbl In the opposite ligure :

and A ABC is an equilareral triangle.


sirs El-Laian Educational Administration

Mathematics Directorate

Answer the following questi.ons: (Calculator is allowed)

E Choose the correct answer from those given :

(a) 1 cm. (b) 13 cm. (c) l1 cm. (d) 20 cm.

If ABC is an equilatcral triangle , $en m (Z B) - """"

(e) 30" (b) 45' (c) 60" (d) 90'

19.In AABC , if m (Z A) = 30" and m (Z B) = 90" , then AC =

(a) 2 cB (b) 2AB (c) BC (a)
* sc
lalAny tiangle has . ... ....medialN.

(a) zero (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3

The sum oflcngths of any two sides of a triangle the length of the third side

(a) = (u) (") < (d) >

lq The point of inte$ection of the medians of the triangle divides each of them with the

rutio .- - from the veltex.

(a)1:2 (b)2:1 (c)1:3 (d)3:1

El Complete the following :

ll The number of axes of symmetry of the equilateral triangle equals " " "'

SIInAABC,itn(LB)=',70" m (1 C) = 50" , then AC .. . AB

lqlffm(zA)=100''thenm(reflexzA)= "'
ElAABCisrighlangledatB,m(ZA)=30':AC = l0 cm. , then CB = cm.

lqlThe base angles of the isosceles tdangle are ...... .......

Iq l The longest side in the dght-angled tiangle is ........
Finol Exominotions 7
@ 1a1 In the opposite figure ;

D is the midpoint of BC , H is the midpoint of IE

rAC = 12 cm. r CM = 10 cm.
Find : the perimeter of AMDH

lhl ABC is a tdangle in which : m (Z A) = (5 X + 2)', il ( L B) = (6 X - 10)"

m (L C) = (X + 2.4)" Arange the lengths of the sides of the triangle in an ascending

A lal In the opposite figure :

XYZL is a quaddlateral in which :

tm (L XZL) = 90"
Find : m (Z XLZ) ,n(LLX\)

[b] In the opposite ligure :

m(Z B) =90o,m (lACB) = 30'

: E is the midpoint of AD

r F is the midpoint of CD

ProYe that : AB = EF

E [a] In the opposite figure :

ABC is a right-angled triangle at B
r E in the midpoint of AC-

Prove thaf : m (Z ADC) = 90"

lbl In the opposite figure :

ABCD is a quadrilateral in which :

rBC=2cm. rDC=4cm.
Prove that : m (Z ABC) > m (Z ADC)


The Central lvlath Supervision

El-Gharbia Governorate Official Language schools

Answer the following questions :

ll Choose the correct answer :

ln Ir AABC, m (Z C) = 65'' n (L A) ='75", then

(a) AB > BC (b) AB < AC (c) BC > AB (d) AB =AC

@ The measure of the exte or angle of the equilateral triangle equals ..... .. . ....
(a) 180' (b) 60' (c) 360' (d) 120'

I The numbers 5 r4,..... ... can be lengths ofsides ofa t1iangle.

(a) 8 (b) 9 (c) 10 (d) 12

Ial ffM is the point ofintersection of the medians ofA ABC and D is the midpoint of BC
r then AD =
(a) 2 AM (b) 3 MD rao (d) AM
1cy J
jl In AABC, if AB =AC, n(L B) = 6 x, m (1 A) = 3 X, then x = " """"'
(a) 12' rh) 30' (c) 60" (d) 90'

iE] If the lengths of two sides in an isosceies triangle are 8 cm. and 4 cm.

then the perimeter ofthe t
angle equals ..... ....... cm.

(a) 16 (b) 32 (c) 20 (d) 12

E Complete the following :

11 The median of the isosceles t angle from the vertex angle

Ir The number of axes of symmetry of an isosceles triangle is .. .......... .

[, If ABC is a dght-ang]ed triangle at B AB = BC , then m (Z C) =

[A] The number of medians in the dght-angled triangle is
lql If m (1 A) = AO' , then m (reflex Z A) = ..... '
E H A ABD is obtuse angled at B , then the longest side is .... ... ....

E [a] In the opposite ligure :

ABC is an equilateral triangle

Prove that : BA I AD-
Finol Exominotions ?
lbl In the opposite figure :

es- /i tT ano E: ut sects LYAZ

Prove that t XZ > YZ

p 1a1 In the opposite frgure :

ABCD is a quaddlateral in which

AB=6cm. 'BC = 4 cm.
rCD=7cm. 'DA= 8 cm.
ProYe that : m (Z BCD) > m (Z BAD)

lbl In the opposite ligure :

X r Y are the midpoints of EB- r AC- respectively

rCX= 12cm.
Find with proof : the perimeter of A MBC

E [a] In the opposite Iigure I

m (1 B) = 90', m (z ACB) = 30"

, E is the midpoint of AD
r F is the midpoint of CD

ProYe that : AB = EF

[b] In the opposite ffgure :

ABC is a tdangle in which : AB = AC

r AE uisects z BAC
hove that : fil
BE =
BD = cD
+ BC



Educational Directorate
Maths lnspector

Answer the following questions :

II Choose the correct answer :

il In the dght-angled tdangle , the ratio betweer the length of the hypotenuse and the
length ofthe side opposite to the angle ofmeasure 30" equals
(.a) 1 .2 (b)2r1 (c)1:1 (d)1:3
l, The measure ofthe exterior angle ofthe equilateral triangle is .

(a) 30' (b) 60' (c) 90' (d) 120'

@ The two diagonals are equal in length and not perpendicular in the " '

(a) square. (b) rhombus. rectangle.

(c) (d) parallelogram.

3lInAABC,ifAB <AC,thenm(Z C)...... .. . m (1 B)

(a)> (b)< (c)= kD>
lE The two base aflgles of the isosceles triangle are ......
(a) supplementary. (b) congruent. (c) straight. (l) obtuse.

[q]The point of intersection of the medians ofthe triangle divides each one by the ratio
of ...... . . from the vertex.
(a)7.2 (b)2:3 (c)2.1 (d)1:3
Z AABC is ght-angled atA , AB = AC , then m (Z B) =
(a) 30" (b) 45' (c) 60' (d) 90"

]4 A ABC is an isosceles triangle in which 4 cm. , 8 cm. are the lengths of two sides ,
then the length of the third side equals ......

(a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 8 (.Ll) 12

19- lf L A, L B arc two supplementary angles a1ld Z B = Z A, then m (Z A) =

(a) 45" (b) 60' (c) 90' (1) 180'

llqrWhich of the following numben can be side lengths of a triangle ?

(a) 5 ;3 t2 ,3 ,2
(b) 6 (c)6,3,3 (d)3,3,3
@ ABC is a triangle , which m (1A) = 40' ,m(Z C)= 100' ,thenithas " of
symmetry axes .

(a) one (b) two (c) three (d) infinite number

Finol Exominolions 7
[12]If M is the point of intersection of the medians ofA ABC and AD is a median of it
r AD = 6 cm. , then AM = .cm.
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 ku4
!qXYZisat angle in which m (Z X) = 110" ,m(ZY)=40' ,therXY ............ YZ

(a) > (b) < (c) = (.d) ll

14 lf AABC-AXYZ.then AB=
(a) XZ (b) xY (c) YZ (d) BC

llslABC is a tiangle in which m (1 B) = 90" , then . .............

(a)AC>CB (b)AB >AC (c) BC >AD (d) AB =AC
16 A ABC is a righl-angled rriangle dt B .-BD is a median ol lcngrh J cm.
r then AC = . cm.

(o) 9 (b) 6 (c) 1.5 (d) 12

llzlABC is a triangle in which AB =AC , m (Z B) = 50o , then m (Z A) =
(r) 50" (b) 110' (c) 40" (d) 80"

LrlIInAABC,if m (ZA) = 100' , then the longest side is .. ...

(o) AB (b) AC (") BC (d) the median.

@ The sum of the lengths of any two sides of a tdangle is . the length of the
third side.
(a) less than (b) more than (c) equal to (d) half

Eql If AD is the symmet.y axis of BC , rhen AB .. ......... AC

(a) = (b) = (.c) // (d) 1
2r ABC is a ffiangle in which AB = AC , m (Z A) = 60" and thc pedmetet of this triangle
equals 18 cm. r then BC = cm.
(a) 10 (b) 12 (c) 6 (1) 8

E In t}te opposite ligure :

A LYZ is an equilateml tdangle

(L XYZ) = 70"
Fnd I rn (L XZL) , wdte the proof.

(\A: r) \
f, / ur &l Y/ (oL,Jl 4Q! ).6ULdl LE 137

E In the opposite figure : A,

ABCD is a quaddlateral
,CD=8cm. rAD = 7 cm.
Show that I m (.a BAD) > m (Z BCD)

@ In the opposite figure :

m (1 ABC) = 90"
, D is the midpoint of A-C
rAC = 6 cm.
Find : the perimeter of A ABD

Baltim Educational Directorate

Kafr EFSheikh Governorate Math Supervision

Answer the following qaestions :

I Choose the correct answer :

E ABC is a triangte in which AB = AC ,n(LB) ='70' , ther m (Z A) = "" '

(a) 40' (b) s0" (c) 55' kl) 70'

[ 2- ABC is a ffiangle in which m (1 A) = 40', m (1 B) = 50' : then """ """'
(a) AB >AC (b) AB < AC (c) AB = AC (d) AB I AC

El If the measurc of one angle of a dght-angled triangle is 45' then the number of its
axes of symmetry equals ........

(a) o (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3

E ABC is a triangle in which AB = 4 cm., BC = 6 cm.' then the length of the thid side
may be equal to .... cm.
(a) 1 (b) 2 (.) 3 (d) 10

[E] IfM is the intersection point ofthe medians ofAABC , D is the midpoint of BC
, then AD =
(a) 2 AM o) ?MD cl f ar''r (d) 4 MD

@ Asquare with side length 10 cm., then its area = . ....... cm?

(a) 100 (b) 20 (c) 40 (d) 25

Finol Exomino'lions 7
E Complete :

E] A rectangle with dimemions 10 cm. , 5 cm. , then its perimeter = ............... cm.

{4 If two angles of a triangle arc congruelt r then the two sides opposite to these angles
are ...... . . and re triangle is .

li! The bisector ofthe vertex of an isosceles triangle ............... and .....-.........

14 The length of the hypotenuse in the thifiy sixty fiangle equals ........... the length of
the side opposite to the angle of measue 30'
{9] In a triangle , if two sides have unequal lengths , then the longer is opposite to --.........

lql ABC is a tdangle in which m (Z A) = 100' , then the greatest side is ..............

E [a] In the opposite figure :

ABC is a dght-angled triangle at B

,m (z ACB) = 30' , m (Z ADC) = 90'

r H is the midpoint of AC-,AB = 7 cm.

Eird : rhe length of B

each ol Aa aid DH-

lbl In the tdangle ABC 'if m(ZA)=40' rm(LB)='15" arange the lengths of sides
of A ABC descendingly.

!l [a] In the opposite figure :

, n (L ACD) = 125'
Prove that : A ABC is an isosceles triangle.

[b] In the opposite figure :

ABC is a triangle in which AB < AC

,xv ttec
Prove that : m (Z AYX) < m (Z AXY)

El [a] In the opposite frgure :

, AD- // BC m (Z BDC) = 65"

' R 139

lbl In the opposite figure :

ABC is a triangle in which CD

,IE are two medians , AH- n CD = {M}
,AH = 15 cm. , MC = 14 cm.

Find : IJle length oieacL of nM . MD

El-Fayoum Governorate Directorate of Education

Answer the following questions : (Calculator is allowed)

E Choose the correct answer from the given ones :

I The diagonal length of the square whose area is 25 cm? is """" cm.

r4sF G) s{t (c) 5 (d) l0

i2 ] If 6 cm. , 3 cm. and X cm. arc the side lengths of an isosceles triaflgle
,thenX=...... ....

(a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 9 Gt) s

3l The triangle which has three axes of symmehf is "'

(a) scalene. (b) isosceles. (c)equilateral. (d.)dght-angled.

If AD is a median of A ABC , M is the point of concurrence oI the medians

, MD = ,tr cm. , then AM = .. cm.
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 8

f! In A ABC r if AB = AC , ther the exterior angle at the vertex C is "" " '

(a) acute. (b) (c) obtuse. (d) rcflex.dght.

Li l If two vertically opposite angles are supplementary , then the measure of each angle
equals ......
(a) 60' (b) 90' (c) 180' Gl) 45"

a Complete the fbllowing :

InAABC,if m (Z B) = 111" , then the longest side is ......

ln .rny triangle , il the lengths of two sides are not equal , then the greate. side in
iength is opposite to
IgInALMN, if LM =LN ,n(LL)= 100" r then m (1M) =
lArn L){YZ' tl n (LZ) = 30", m (z Y) = 90',XZ = l0 cm.
then XY = ...

j r+o
Finol Exominotions ?
If two straight lines are parallel to a third straight line , then these two straight lires
4re.. .. .....

The number of the medians of the obtuse-angled triangle is

E [a] In the opposite frgure :

XYZ is a triangle , L is the midpoint of XY
rE is the midpoint of iZ
,ev n iz= 1ul ,LE=4cm.
rLM=166. rYE=6cm.
Find : the perimeter of the triangle YMZ

lbl In the opposite ffgure :

O is the point of concurence of the medians of the tiangle ABC

rm (Z BAC) = 90' :AB = 12 cm. :AC = 9 cm.

Find : the length of AO

E lal In the opposite ligure :

, rn (Z OMN) = In (Z PNL)
tr'ind with proof : the peimeter of A LMN

[b] In the opposite ligure :

ABCD is a quadrilarerat . a.D / BC

, In (Z ACB) = M (Z ACD)
, IrI (Z ADM) = m (Z CDM)
Provethat:EDA=DC te] DM-.1 AC gAM=MC

E [a] In the opposite frgure : L

LMNO is a quadrilateml

Proye that : m (Z M) > m (Z O) ON

lbl In the opposite figure :

AB//CD,m(zB)= 100'
I 2lProYe that ; AD > BC

I Qena Governorate
Qena Directorate of Education
Math Supervision

Answer the following questions :

E Choose the correct answer :

!lThemrmbers7,4, ..... canbe lengths ofsides ofa triangle.
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 9 (d) 12

I tr lf A XYZ is a dght-angled triangle at Y r then YX " 'XZ

(a) < (b) > (c) (d) =
lilThe niangle in which the measures of two angles of it are 52' and 76'
is... ..tiangle.
(a) an isosceles (b) an scalene (d) a right-angled
equilateral (c) a

ElThe point of concurence of the medians of the t angle divides each median in the
ratio of from its vertex.
(a)1:2 (b)2:3 (c)3:4 (cl)6::
l p-A XYZ is an isosceles tiangle in which : m (Z X) = 110', then m (Z Y) = """" "'
(a) 110" (b) 70' (c) 60" (d) 35"

al The measure of the interior angle of the equilateml tdanSle equals '
(a) 60' (b) 90" (c) 120' (l) 180'

EB Complete each of the following :

I1 lThe longest side in the dght-angled triangle is ......

, llAB-XB-,1'r"n3E=
....... ..
q ll X<) dndb<a.lheny-a>"""""'
Ia]The medians of the triangle intersect at " " point.
's lThe number o{ zr"tes of syrnmetry of the scalene tdangle equals
L4 The bisector of the vertex angle of an isosceles triangle " ' and........ ..

Finol Exominof ions 7
E tultnaanc,if m (z B) = 40.,m (z c) = 80. , auange its side lengths ascendingly.

[b] In the opposite figure :

A ABC is right angled at B .-' ../)
,".^. ,,{,1
,m (Z C) = 30" r D is the midpoint of AC
r E is the midpoint of BC , AE n BD = {M} ,,tC = tZ cm.
-,6d, / ,\

Find : uhe length ol each of 85 . Efr'anO A B CEB

!l [a] In the opposite figure :

m (L XYZ\ = rrr (LYME) = 90"
r m (1 EYM) = 60'
, M is the midpoint of k-Z
Prove that : ZX = EY

[b] In the opposite ligure :

AD- // BC m (Z BAC) = 35"
: m (Z DAC) = 30"
Proye that : AC > BA

E [a] In the opposite ligure :

m(Z B) =90',m (1 BAC) = 60"
, E is the midpoint of AD
F is the midpoint of CD
ProYe that : AB = EF

lb l ln the opposite ffgure :

ABC is a fiangle in which : AD r CB

,m (z DAB) = 30" ,m (z BAC) = 70"
Prove that : AC < BC

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