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Script Outline

Name: Hanan Al Aamri & Ishraq Al Tubi

Subject: English language
Title of Video: Exploring Nouns
Intended Audience (Who is this video for?): Third grade students.
Concept: Introduce famous noun categories and illustrate two types of nouns (proper &
common nouns).
Issue/trend: Students learn how to differentiate between different noun categories and
classify nouns into proper and common ones.
Runtime: 2:58 min
Software/ program used: Canva, Elevenlabs, CapCut, Adobe Express, WardWall, Fineshare,
Purpose (Why am I making this video? What do I want people to know?): To give a
simplified picture of noun categories and types to grade three.
Film Style (How do I want this video to look?): Animated/tutorial video
Scene Action Scenario
1 The front screen of the lesson appears with the ……….
name of the lesson. [Music]

2 The teacher ‘Mr. Tom’ stands in front of the Mr. Tom: Hello super students! With you
classroom with a big smile on his face. Mr. Tom. Today, we're going on an
exciting adventure to learn about a special
part of speech. Can you guess what it is?

[ A question that appears in “Nearpod”

where students have to answer in order
to ensure their ability of differentiating
nouns from other types of words.]
3 The students are looking curious about what Student 1: Is it something about words
the teacher said.

4 The teacher introduces the subject of the lesson Mr. Tom: You're absolutely right! Today,
and the definition of this type of words. we're going to explore something called
"nouns." Nouns are special words that
name people, places, things, and animals.
They help us talk about the world around

5 The teacher introduces two types of nouns Mr. Tom: Let's start by understanding the
"Common Nouns" and "Proper Nouns" to types of nouns. There are two main
further explain them. categories we'll learn about today:
common nouns and proper nouns.

6 Mr. Tom explains common nouns’ definition Mr. Tom: Common nouns are words that
with an example. are not specific and are used for general
things. For example, "dog" is a common
noun because it can be any dog. We don’t
know which dog it is.

7 Mr. Tom explains proper nouns’ definition with Mr. Tom: On the other hand, proper
an example. nouns are special names for specific
people, places, things, and animals. For
example, "Fido" is the name of a specific
dog. So now we know which dog it is.
8 [students engagement] Mr. Tom: Can anyone give me an example
Mr. Tom asks students to give an example of a of a proper noun?
proper noun. Student 2: New York City!
Mr. Tom: Great job! "New York City" is a
proper noun because it's a specific place.

9 Mr. Tom introduces Ms. Sara who will give Mr. Tom: Now, my students we will have
students an interactive activity about nouns. my guest Ms. Sara whom you will go with
on an interesting activity about nouns.

10 The interactive activity Ms. Sara: Hello dear students, with you
Ms. Sara. We're going to sort out these six
nouns into common nouns and proper
nouns. First, we have the word ‘Apple,’ so
apple is a specific name for a fruit and
thus it is a proper noun. So, the word
‘Fruit’ will be directly a common noun.
Then, we have the word ‘Teacher’ and a
possible name for a teacher which is ‘Mr.
Smith.’ So, ‘Teacher’ is of course the
common noun and we're left with ‘Mr.
Smith’ to be the proper noun. Finally, we
have ‘Nizwa’ which is a name of a city in
Oman, and we have 'City' which is the
general name for places. So, ‘City’ is the
common noun and ‘Nizwa’ is the proper
noun. Let's check our answers. Well done
dear students! You got the lesson.
[ A question appears where students
have to write two sentences using
common nouns & proper nouns to ensure
their understanding of the lesson and
their ability to apply the two types of
nouns learned in the lesson.]

11 Mr. Tom returns Mr. Tom: Welcome again, but this time
we will wrap up our lovely lesson. We
discussed nouns, their definition, types
and categories.

12 Farewell screen Mr. Tom: Bye bye dear students and see
you again on another topic in our English
learning journey. Take care!

13 The end screen. ……….


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