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| Quick Work Neural NetworRg.. , [rece nes Nev Sa Date MTWTFSS, 6) Barrier —tnepy—>—— ence teh Py 2+) oe Liisi cial Nevial Networks Focal eval Nekoor= ; Aaiqicia! Nevial Netwotks are» forlar machine learning ech sigue Viate the |i mechontsm + Saget. biological : hat Se he Bt learnings inte -Biotosical — orgorium Liotogical hevron = Consists 4 three matr farts he 4 ee I nis 7 \ e Call boxy Dendrite. OpECS z 1) Cel} body > Where cell nucleus 25 ‘loentect - 7 T = ay Dedrives > BOTY iso Int givetve” where the nerve ig mee connected. the cell body « a Bxgnosy Ee isan an“ ovlyut- girctuve”— whi Carvies -impulees “Ye neuron sou) = fra [Axon connects oto the bulb like gifvetwe Cailleat as “Synapses w Function 9, the Biructue ki she _Nevron © Pron] connect» 40. sdhenatrite via, Synapses. +8 skoon only ve “iy ite Int Sigrel exceeds A Certain ameujy (tre Anveshol ) tmp... ehort) ferlncy 4 ime Eycitetory Synapses ~? _fr_connection formed bh the avon gE ore | neuron. and the denarite | —qnother: itary Synapses? fh aifect., connecon. blu axon. ef o0mes U mewn om tne cell body i TFese ove-| called Feed Fowwmre — Nevict pate ree [cent brlyy in fowaets Arties) reveal See (AND) = Biological vs prsijxial WEwon . ‘Brotoyical_revron | [Polonia _sevrory __| | Fats aw esBut 7 AWN ean effin inforeaiion reconing sysvan ~ Duluch ‘czamihg wll olagealneviel_netsor + + St possess large _tomber nected pattuasiig soma: [eet taty = qs Elements] Called 2 Sigrapus 1 t Ena pode oF nevront yo nolutle efdaley ae” ven an comeded by ober by a Conmetuon, JOR 7 Avon + | asic Components Enc. chmnection Vink is adocioted wht weigh ttc ons | nformadon) ober the trp eel Teron) St te he feeaneral wit a & evel nuh Th taku fn one or move fut Vala tat Paotun om opt | Welgn + ° ‘We serge of covetion Wo rene jmp Kwa ane citecily proforsional ~ = [jon we fear tes ofoitee june ov te oupat Motnersguica) wodel 4 * easifiial_ meuron - Vit enters. Home On inctome eh ve infu Vatu will Qn men Taciee iw Ne wit value In_Wis| eumset { the Tner ing Gd elueidated “as BD] Megane night ' : nual eo] M ste Hat input Zeal qe thaerecly ppoioal - Yin fo voy uit Ayloy pan == ot Xoton = Wiens ik tus me influence oe utfub « ix applied over’ * | piog * E wi espe, Air _constant addi bo. aie vinpat foe shift the. oA five weight cures porax Foon ecitellny —Snapity artivnin -hunett efter lept of GND. yf YO. MARE Tre data fit more 5 Closely = 2 = $ (ers wees tithe +b) 4 rT bies - by 5 “S| fei —g, tae Odin. 2) Joo. apes 18 yf ust Be Histon. re J Wyte 4 befivarion _foneuen me ne ee ) a re ai the 7 ay + “TytesNeoral Netouks Zhe stuctve, Eat Stix! qi ane | a etralge nnd os hare aa BY [singe ayer deed = foruerd serous ihe euipi _pepial fo te info - ied 8) [iMubutayer — Seed ~Fbwond netwere o 1 Mer ©) | ingle nese with its oon fees back >) Sqmsid Fon _ 4 Tay] Smge layer Fecuws ve hoes bs sore lft ij v2e fal i €)| Aaabaitag, Ot autand, ne haere A 0 thera L3 a a) | Sime layer feet~ forward netark G7 Tena ‘when av layer the _frocessing rod 1 formed, the The Squad turcu‘on euspub vas 49-0 oF de inguke) con tee Lorhectéa Fo these “nodes Win you'biin weglaa, —resviting ina serine yep C) Bypertoric Tanspnt Furetion | iz A Taal, a sings tayo feed formal neler “is fred Ht evo dhe “Rd fe we a 2) Rectifiea Crean Unik ae ferme tre infact if itd paste K zero alta wis 0. 2) Sojtmax Funct” $k | Converts jhe Miput (hte Frorapititg Atta bain over erat Clowes” | 4 sup [Rigoat The ulaput Loge geraams pe _cutfuk Hu vents >_> : ia ahaa fyor has eno _ fuer en Sige’ layers vecunsent, Teheoma Reuter aie feedbooe ; newer. 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Gas Sm Oo ¢ — Kn) Whe “fim Sous * lean” usten to Ya ct pet [weg for “ein ometel ales mie te ton {pit “I(s)) ye (yieiyt Naat tte. ( ee tet a v bws eee ofesal (yin P I! asT:)0ClCUTT!U™t<“<; Jowest gotnu > ow BO {otal Lantana 9 «ther fotat 2 FIO) 25 ty 000s) 20 ici A —— Ta Te BO aad Fe _gredent descent aun afm 3 to fina gldat ~ mivimifn —volibt !_avehaing! focal eriniona = B= Lome). © vo ia a db" als Salt - ine 1H Grocien | aescet tan Poizction —algortthini ued “4p + : ¥ E > minimize | COE felon by tev atively mmavinge ita TAL FA CR direction) seep detent. ea. dafired by He) “oy _ gaia Ra rae fuss Loeatell [> Cal ‘minima, ZA Dag [Waintg oy Never Neon | Orca indo fiat |e |* berg set) of vous [0% _W sich Wer (yiagiy a mot. -| the means ‘puaittion 4 Veowing mode) wil forme to he Tanger facuiat output, vo os “In _aphetient descent, inBied oy Geuig, ~ Tegan Cov wel, | vit ab ca Himes, we, foe; at sth ole fr - — Hoe che fonttin Vine « ; 5 : — : 1 Groaidar descent works well —tehuyy Wut have Convex 7 - — 2 cw rot sige - 7 to! swe) dt Sty F Ls mn a=te pia a a w!= w 4m db. . sone Quick Wor * sadaient ee 7 |) Tk tee jo determing Yow Te Cr es wage 4 Biases gy he nebo _ste ighly aunt 9 a is el proce _4 ievatively —aeysting the + alg neh. 7 ! = ane ue Bajos 5 ] ; = pr weignl > Dittereetee bl _biolegicat neural rencuk & _arstficial er : revral | nehae® - ; = (a) Biotogfear _neyrow a D slower fo frocessing —Fafore fe taee aT 5 to) a) Sores [ike ifort ey Fypaphe io he La 3) Tree [ie aa central unt [aydn ANN, Central unit ay CG) For flceting Informe im | monitor all _activiticn t a tre Ucn 7 Te gohi_o back profogatin i to optimize the. weignt £0 trot | dren neural —_nenowR.” an learn how jbo lanuinery Urge fo outfut - - designing. maad Rew Ry: A ithe “begrtming, we UY Big fine & wore Complex | 4) Small size & Yeo Comply ile wt wetgnes with Some Fandom Valuer, it Cot D1 hedeans 10" inter onnedion| 5) Verso on ™ Jyfe af Valuer ye have selecteok aftieation £ ReRIEK alias Mar wnatever weight be Conece Badioy : 4 S\_to Vt 4 pemory + €) Fometins mumey aay lo Hons b 2 7) ty es oun tolerance Z i F) Tiwitea four Toler — [eB Ve] dens tratning vor lealatng algstithom » : Tetame — infprativos ge TM Gf a Stondalet meted oof i ctatntag. *Fficiak v0 newab heluel Gar vphed whew «tnier comedl «oop sro by Ctemple. you nubmit_ tofu _atagithm are disconect re] nampa What! pga warts ne Network fo do, | ’ 3 | “it hogs din mabye Wet rue Go that ik amy “ etual aus —enyat for a fete on : a Teeny fy Valu!’ otuwice ye acre te wel : = = [se tee ene ae + Tun mowerms ave bsed for simple Pattern Reeognitiin & we . : teeg ree at aia ig fener 0 elo whut x_oure lewoge|, Output _is Wey rusty af Oh veigokVelar > wt wereboe the eae tran | eon netsh super” frac. eons _ fh Mo)” nee We Mop A that te he imal wah Velue | 1s high « smerny AENET - | fe 4 5 involveck 1h Gack projogauion Te tate = the error , we nent. to sneha explain - the swodel | to Change tne weighs such that —_ OM “hitomgs [ aetl Formara _(rofogation « Ninh For this he use backpropegdiuon tratetay Te Whew ror a Trafetrg set ove. faxeec get ee rotons Algor wim?” hy We find tre tet met rpur te ton Rasen layer fady to make neal i 2 fe) using folowing» - farmutae « Say t wei 5 : 5 7 WE UN Awan? A bt ar co Se E ovtput —> Catcadare see fy 4 S — Z moaeh ede) eae / et te Wan, 4 Wy Xia + BAL 1B (omat- pusioes) Vor | ren fang signid activation findion Coleone the Daft ye e vi tao, | ON BP Tw fe % wth Back pro gagalin aliprittm wate _ghoatient decent technigliae svg wena [ee eh fo _erininige Ye vd 9] oven puncte 7” gq ‘ | : : Ret Gis woh wuthi ot we ¥ py) tba wt im | + hee gre _tigng Yo get he. vate of want Soe it nek OL = Wy Koulhy + we yor ty + bx de Anak [COM beeen minimum» tiwe Nave ote feet ynemer He nee FO, lrevenaty | Quick Work Pre aTWTRSS | ee [SSE a Bown « 3 ecieam the OWL we Han altace tl the fora eo act We value Pat wp ere Vorrng uh a Halnings ely» Ae cower 5 C4 = Te Don So we Caloidare ne eWay Ys‘ Ws - “x O Eres > learning edo, bapa | 3 wee ‘ton finden} 1 _| dus rarpat | men Or 2 Oa |g gf iE eine eee Te eg Gigs oe ep ts nen tg ne mul Eo. a (toget 0, — 6u 02)” x ( we Will confinve _backwas t> Caleulase uy Valu “The jot er for jne__mevrat_network is Te wi, Wa, We FX Wy as” 4a ae : wie 7) X 0 Efe wz! = w2-% X OE Eton) * Bo) + Bos + > ore 2. jon — sep 3 | Cackworch propagation 1 Crom tay = Ws x 0 Etat Ours O45 CTThe Sieetive bode puogogitin 12 40 Change the) wedges a Q_Bao for the neunow ,* (a efter 40) bring | Pun [Final , we drome update all of oun twelfats woe fimcten ty minimum + Z =] tse [trot we wih ogetr —Pfopagote foywaret & _Coleulad e teow ua” will prepogate backwards vy aot] tee [oudpue . 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LC -40—wet—9-4} Z Revere vals Sy 4] rage evety pteel will have Vatu “past Channels! for__teck_y epeen blue —Gslouy Vays | | S81) Cavahubinet lag St vferation Teena _ on vate eben frames” from Aner ough 2 vay cite Taattepaa ftom 2 Colin ap_@_Wwenr — ofercin tion fovols dt gin 9 Side! she... oumber af ‘anutliflicatin | &_—S eto welgnt “The ubyinveaion if | yeeformed Muon aNNay of witty __ dtu Tap fide oun fiver retix over the inpur wala Tnpak fant @ & 2D aMag 24, wei sabia ‘ Sa = 4 7 moe the filer one pixel at a tne. iter |xeened : 2 ro) | erie eal 4 mne jne fier two pixel at a tig. “Size owe filter a Smaller Jin re Inpur data oe | Stride wt prDducn Baller festa maps {plication _perfotmed filter size" pateh 4 ve | imate data & he + filter is. a dot porduct | ot TOT OFOLO+OtO+O On PE] Aa rich | i ren sumed R gered As Singh valanr) | 2) odor [a Proro Ferre = 2 FERS ops safgtemati cally + do Cad it + Fike. | apt from multiplying tre filter its the naa borer dpping faa Oh Sned foes op ta one | vime ia a fimpe value ,.e2 tre filer us oppol z tout | dora, teft oto Might ey-rdup fo boton «117 [_enuthifn “Himes ty the infu aay yt Prods a 2P g arlene] |My [Oy suthet Vale ota Syn crap” TY the fier is aepent to tte ov spite type || nat | Heat eta tne” Topar (image). shen it atocounz> |/ ~? Musipu troll) Alter com be etalgrat do atte out plc frat | few onywune in ee ; a feauh wi. He theye a, Tere ath wegib —tovbtye Ieagmuc, dey Hel tHatte 1 Hy aty joe - 0 Hat. “yet wel feat au extracted fiom tae ‘nfiut Fmog] fo velo hy it i The | iter is. applied > cul sleorn — furuples fillers in. fon 32 te SIZ filters in o 1 \ | FF input” inge > capetiine spoges, MR ge _ te (ie pee) Pc aut} lun ho ype: _fo : TT Soaking Convolution [ays etews 10. Arn of | | : f ae aE a ape Boe Set — EEE 7 Eihpae mageys gsm alo lo le aah : 54 5 lifters awe peen utd ther feagus Onap home axa 3 Pet depyl 4 3 moog pe TT Sap feeding te ep OT tay noe COnvelvtng —yilton - The more Mumbo) filters * Ingak Files P= fadaing | nen) x Exe) aE SRS - 7 fem mop = | | OF a el y [eee ye Wo FPG, i_t z Lek gs. J ES Convohibih Oppaiinn —ollduns the Size Of fmage (spat a - Ginn] decree) —? 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Tee Funclioe ye Wree Ren - Linear Furtlise y Signatid , Bott % Rely Irecte ayer falas input pum ‘Flatten tayo told Crt? ib a Speickeen * tyre 4 Mrtwal eetv0 AR emolel “aiga] Lusionat Jaye. (LD layer). The dota comby fom Pilla for vptirg vith iney ma ~ ayo lis _ponud frat _to_fifine finéllen arc ren fy Nan- Teor fundiion. The Cembinatin 4 L Affine” fimet™ < t Non- bisa swap FC (Fully etomnected J ot L Hier lope f TE PES Pe a pea We dope vada Mrutltipe tuo “Jaye baged «Sv try capt fo: Jath, : feu] WA wordt tp Wake BW wlawificalin ede Note that fis g 2 Dlatieteg | Cntirelly “eepends oni thee Tring date aor Outer fom the Sp 8 eis 4 comentin &_faby poe os he Tet Naam lage 8 sem, 1 Seffnox py Syma poms feats [tepmatatadir te Wires > he uh f tin fir [Poeokuily astaabain ovr” fad Sk fol mien gy ihe ang * mH Fira pooling. Jayow Sato co Simp) | “velo | ‘eyo tan Vow nay [Wei ; jt} wd Flatt: olla fete, rt" Sb ii3 O| fo ras| [a | pel ah ata = Viexs ] > [exams i sxsis’ | 2b x6. Spl i Se site « festa ope oo oH | e. ul 4 fitane ve wee | imbipte filton fo delet ti = mea 4 np image : . B ae wer anne Sap frcqwolalibn — eke sage a Se trey ; iG 1 juyex6. Jotlo#l 6. B femal #f | Ei el Ema I i | al, Beo A Hing | Toston Cr a ae pen = bye PEL Sx5K6 = Yoo ai Fea) eae ay Rg SA Ton ex La Pe tae wet ART wfc o/ / Douek ote MTWTFSS YVy \ ig ||) Cy) FR) Ei | |\4 4 Ui - g| | 1 4 E ie L as 3 7 % LEY We} VL le . a |. 2 ~ . 3 ee PD EYE oe AYE io) aA NSE VY

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