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Topic 2: Digital transformation is a necessary innovation in 4.0 era.

Write a
paragraph about digital transformation activities at your school or in education
that you know and its benefits
Digital transformation is an integral innovation in current age. It is applied in
many fields such as agriculture, economics, advertising and so is education. And
one of the most crucial digital transformation activities in education in recent
years have been applying science and technology in teaching and studying. This
activity has positive influences on student’s learning. First and foremost, there
are a variety of sources for providing better education it can be said that thanks
to technology students can approach new knowledge and broaden their
understanding. Students can assess a variety of materials online ,for example
students can do their research comfortably when they stay at home without
having to go the libraries to look up needed information in referent books. As a
result pupils can improve their academic achievement secondly science and
technology will make the lessons more interesting and attractive with diverse
sounds. In the past teachers only use chalks and blackboard in their teaching.
Therefore, the lessons became so dull that students couldn’t understand them
fully. By dint of technological equipment computerized education programs are
good examples for this, the lessons will be more exciting so they cannot only get
more information easily but also learn it quickly. Last but not least, due to
science and technology, the learners can study online instead of having face-to-
face classes. It helps students study more convenient and especially during the
COVID-19 pandemic scholars who are in quarantine and can’t go to school but
they can still study online. To conclude, digital transformation possitively
effects pupils.

Topic 3: climate changing has caused many bad effects to humans’ life. Do you
agree or disagree with this statement? Use your knowledge to write a paragraph
about causes- effects and solution of climate changing
Whether climate change has exerted detrimental impacts on the human race is
disputable. Some people believe that there is no point in debating about the
negative side of the issue. But others hold on that the existence of human being
is threatened by a serious environmental cause known as climate change. In my
opinion, I totally agree with this statement and in this paragraph, I’m going to
analyze the causes- effects and remedies to this issue. To begin with, the
important causes of recent climate changing are, firstly, the industrial revolution
in modern times has led to an increased release of gases to the atmosphere like
carbon dioxide, mathane, etc. These gases are known to increase the temperature
of the Earth, which results in climate change. What’s more, the population
explosion has resulted in excessive dependence on fossil fuels like coal, oil for
electricity heat and transport. Furthermore, ozone layer is depleted from many
parts of earth, thus allowing harmful rays of sun to enter the earth’s surface .
Obviously, climate change has been wreaking havoc with humankind. First and
foremost, it is a culprit of hotter temperatures. Higher temperatures increase heat-
related illnesses and make working outdoors more difficult. Wildfires start more
easily and spread more rapidly when conditions are hotter. Morever, it puts the
survival of species on land and in the ocean in jeopardy. Surveys have shown that
the world is losing species at a rate 1,000 times greater than at any other time in
recorded human history. The causes of climate change are multifactorial, thus
needs a systematic approach from government organizations and individuals to
tackle the issue. First of all, one of the most crucial measures that government
needs to take to reduce climate change is implementing strict norms and
encouraging to plant more tree in the cities. In addition, the local residents
should enhance the awareness of inhabitants of protecting environment and
using public transports by organizing propaganda sessions in schools as well as
companies. To conclude, climate change is a extremely serious issue, which
needs addresing at the priority. Therefore, the goverment and individuals should
join hands to reduce this problem and save the future generation.
Topic 4. Traffic has been changing much better in the recent years. However it
has some problems. Use your knowledge to write a paragraph about ways to
reduce traffic accident or traffic problems
Despite the rapid improvement of traffic in over recent years, it has some
drawbacks, in particular, traffic accident is becoming a huge problem in most
countries. In my opinion, this problem must be tackled because it is a global
issue and most people, especially those who live in big cities, are suffering from
that. In this paragraph, I’m going to discuss about 2 main measures to diminish
traffic accident. First and foremost, the driver’s awarness of abiding traffic rules
should be enhanced. In fact, one of the main reasons for traffic accident is
the lack of having cognizance of people of driving vehicles. There are a lot of
dangerous drivers on the roads, who have drunk, don’t wear helmets and exceed
permissable speeds. But it is not impossible to find good and effective ways to
control this issue. The goverment and the city traffic polices should organize the
public awareness programmes to educate civilians about road safety. Also, the
residents should implementing strict norms about following the traffic rules and
they might increase the fine of violation. Secondly, transportation infrastructure
in many big cities should be reconstructed results from the lack of necessary
road signs and poor lighting on roads and highways. The road should always
have at least two lanes on each side with a divider in the centre. This will reduce
the road accidents by a great number and the divider will prevent head-on
collisions.( va cham truc dien). The city roads and highways have a great
number of automobiles and it is very much advisable to have ample number of
road signs put up to warn and alert the drivers. To conclude, traffic accident is a
extremely serious issue, which needs addresing at the priority. Therefore, the
goverment and individuals should join hands to reduce this problem to save the
future generation.
Topic 5: it is said that the improvement of modern society causes bad effect on
teenagers. Use your knowledge to write a paragraph about necessary life skills
teenagers in 4.0 era should have to become a good citizen.

People have differet views about how modern world effects the youths. While
some people argue that current society ecerts detrimental influences on the
young, I believe that teenagers in 4.0 era should cultivate essential life skills to
become a good citizens. First and foremost, to survive and devolop, having self-
reliance is one of the most crucial skills that teenagers should have to become a
productive members of society. As teens approach college and adulthood, it’s
incredibly important that they become as independent, confident, and self-reliant
as possible. From living with parents and following a high school schedule
to living on their own, taking care of their personal needs, and managing their
unique university schedule. This change can be a lot for many teens, so it’s best
to encourage your child’s independence as early as possible, especially as they
approach college. Secondly, the youth also need to improve their behavioral
skills, results from the more and more rude actions and behaviors of the young
in cyberspace. The character of an individual shows in the way they behave;
therefore, teenagers have to build a strong personality by develop healthy
behavior. For instance, morality is the core quality ( phẩm chất cốt lỗi) of a good
citizen. That teaches them to stand up for what they believe is right, , and a
sense of responsibility for the less fortunate. In conclusion, having life skills is
extremely important for everyone, especially in this modern world, where each
idividual is required to constanly improve his or her value.

Topic 9: write about good side and bad side of online learning
Whether learning online brings on the best conditions for students is a thorny
issue. Some people cling to that learning online helps students studying becomes
easier but others believe that learning online causes harmful impacts on student
health or makes them lazy. My pagraph is going to analyze both negative and
positive sides of the issue . One the one hand, there are a variety of benefits that
learning online provides with. First and foremost, learning becomes more and
more well timed and comfortable because the learners can study online instead
of having face-to-face classes. It helps students study more convenient and
especially during the COVID-19 pandemic scholars who are in quarantine and
can’t go to school but they can still study. Secondly, science and technology will
make the lessons more interesting and attractive with diverse sounds. In the past
teachers only use chalks and blackboard in their teaching. Therefore, the lessons
became so dull that students couldn’t understand them fully. By dint of
technological equipments that teachers can utilize when teachinh online,
computerized education programs are good examples for this, the lessons will be
more stimulating. On the other hand, learning online has detrimental impacts on
students. First of all, sitting behind the computer screen for too long is not good
for student’s health since they c an suffer from some diseases like obesity,
shorted eyes or even depression. Besides, when studying online, students will be
able to refer to many articles instead of thinking by themselves. This will make
students become lazier and their academic achievements may not good. In a
nutshell, each idea has its own validity. Notwithstanding fact that learning
online brings bad influences on student’s health, it is the most appropriate way
to study during COVID-19 unprecedented times

Q1: Global warming is one of the most serious issues that the world is facing
today. What are the causes of global warming and what measures can
governments and individuals take to tackle this issue?
In this industrial world, the existence of human being is threatened by a serious
environmental cause known as global warming. In this paragraph, I’m going to
analyze the causes and remedies to this issue. To begin with, the important
causes of recent global warming are, firstly, the industrial revolution in modern
times has led to an increased release of gases to the atmosphere like carbon
dioxide, mathane, etc. These gases are known to increase the temperature of the
Earth, which results in greenhouse effect. Furthermore, ozone layer is depleted
from many parts of earth, thus allowing harmful rays of sun to enter the earth’s
surface. The causes of climate change are multifactorial, thus needs a systematic
approach from government organizations and individuals to tackle the issue .
First of all, one of the most crucial measures needs taking by the government is
implementing strict norms and encouraging to plant more tree in the cities. In
addition, the local residents should enhance the awareness of inhabitants of
protecting environment and using public transports by organizing propaganda
sessions. To conclude, global heating is an exceedingly serious issue, which
needs addresing at the priority.
Q2: technology has made the world a better place to live. Do you agree or
disagree with this statement?
In this day and age, it is undeniable that technology has brought a number of
merits to human life. And I strongly concur with the statement that the world is
changing better and better by dint of technology. First and foremost, the
development of technology has positive influenes on education. With the variety
of sources for providing better education,it makes learning becomes more and
more well timed and comfortable. For example students can do their research
comfortably when they stay at home without having to go the libraries to look
up needed information in referent books. Secondly, technology brings benefits
to the industry. High-tech machines have transformed our perceptions of time
and efficiency, particularly in high-tech businesses where streamlining data is
the standard and the Internet is the backbone of operations. Processing
automation allows everyone to relax and let machines handle everything. In
conclusion, the world has changed a lot positvely due to technology’s

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