Phase 2 Final Project

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Lakeview Elementary School Report

Brittany Davis

Post University

EDU 515

16 April 2023
This writer believes that the two most significant issues that are impacting the

organization are both the test scores (SPI for CMT) and chronic absences. These issues are

significant as test scores are important indicators for academic progress and chronic absences do

not help with this progress. These issues are unfortunately weaknesses within the Lakeview

Elementary School organization, and a SWOT analysis should be instated. When issues start to

arise within an organization or flaws start to develop, the writer suggests implementing a SWOT

analysis as it “guides you to identify your organization’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as

broader opportunities and threats” (Work Group for Community Health and Development,

University of Kansas, 2016). Having a deeper understanding and more of an awareness of the

situation aids with strategic planning as well as decision-making.

The writer suggests taking these poor test scores and exploring the possibilities for new

solutions to this vital concern. As test scores are indicators for academic progress, they also help

educators decide how to address knowledge gaps in a given subject. Not only do these test scores

help educators with these matters, but they also allow administrators to figure out which teachers

might need additional training. Poor test scores could sadly be due to lack of training on a

teacher’s part and does not always have to be the student. Being able to overcome these

weaknesses by taking advantage of opportunities for success is of great importance when

conducting a SWOT analysis. When considering an analysis, it is important to create an action

plan while reaffirming goals and identifying the issues that are intended to change. Planning is to

be your growth area and permits you to start with the opportunities your organization might take

to develop (OnStrategy, 2021). Lakeview Elementary School should turn a weakness (poor test

scores) into an opportunity by introducing new programs that are designed to help students to

address their previous test concerns and how they can improve in the future. Lakeview
Elementary School should also provide additional training for all teachers, as the SPI for this

school has been inadequate for quite some time. Articulating this plan and including

organizational alignment within that plan can help answer what is important currently (test

scores) and who must do what to keep the plan in motion (teachers, administration, etc.). This is

of great momentousness as taking the organization alignment one step at a time helps your

institution focus on one thing while taking it a step further the following year (OnStrategy,


In addition, chronic absences are also considered a weakness and a significant

circumstance within this organization. It is important to note that when a child is absent

numerous times a school year, especially in elementary school, they miss out on routine

instruction that is needed to develop basic skills (American University, 2021). Unfortunately,

“children in early grades are particularly susceptible to falling behind in fundamental reading

skills, which can have a snowball effect that impacts future learning (American University,

2021). This is exceptionally alarming since Lakeview Elementary School has a 16.7% chronic

absenteeism rate, with the district at 21.2%.

To remedy this situation, recognizing that chronic absences are a weakness within this

organization and turning this into an opportunity is essential. As educators, teachers and

administrators within Lakeview Elementary School can set clear expectations by setting

guidelines for both the students and the parents regarding attendance and what the ramifications

are when a student exceeds too many absences. Teachers and administrators could also engage

with specialists for case management solutions such as child welfare agencies or even mental

health professionals. Introducing fliers or e-mails/text messages to parents making them aware of

how many absences their child has could also reduce the amount of absences their child
continues to have. There are many opportunities that Lakeview Elementary School can take

when coming up with solutions and strategies to reduce the chronic absenteeism rate and

increase their poor test scores. The writer suggests that Lakeview Elementary School consider a

SWOT analysis immediately to rectify the unsatisfactory circumstances that have been constant

for the last few years.


Chapter 3. Assessing Community Needs and Resources | Section 14. SWOT Analysis: Strengths,

Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats | Main Section | Community Tool Box. (n.d.).


Dsals. (2022, October 27). Why Is School Attendance Important? | American University. School

of Education Online.

Lakeview Elementary School. (n.d.). 2013-2014 Lakeview Elementary School profile. [EDU 515

course notes].

OnStrategy. (2021). How to Perform A SWOT Analysis | OnStrategy Videos. OnStrategy.


What is a School SWOT Analysis — and How Can it Increase Enrollment? (n.d.).


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