Aji 2023 IOP Conf. Ser. Earth Environ. Sci. 1200 012035

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International Conference on Food Science and Engineering 2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1200 (2023) 012035 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1200/1/012035

Physicochemical analysis as food safety in pasteurized milk in

CV. Cita Nasional

HP Aji*, AMP Nuhriawangsa and LR Kartikasari

Department of Master of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sebelas
Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia

*Email: hutamaaji@student.uns.ac.id

Abstract. Milk is an animal-source food that has a high nutritional with contains 2.8% protein,
3.0% fat, vitamin A, B, C, D, and others. CV. Cita Nasional is one of the dairy processing
industries that produces pasteurized milk products. The purpose of this study was to analyze food
safety by conducting physicochemical testing of pasteurized milk products with the types HTST
(High-Temperature Short Time) or LTLT (Low-Temperature Long Time). The research method
used was physicochemical testing on the finished product of pasteurized milk including pH, Fat,
Total Solid, Brix and Organoleptic. Physicochemical testing was done by comparing the finished
product data in CV. Cita Nasional with the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) data. The Mann-
Whitney Test was used for the data analysis. The results showed a significant value for the
variables of temperature 0.565; pH 0.104; Fat 0.001; Total Solid 0.000 and brix 0.000. Based on
the data analysis results, the overall significance value was <0.05, which means that the Mann-
Whitney Test showed a positive effect on the physicochemical quality and that the
physicochemical test of pasteurized milk products meets the requirements of SNI.

1. Introduction
Food is a basic need for humans. The availability of food is becoming a special concern for the
government. It must be balanced with safety guaranteed by quality and safety [1,2] so people are able
to enjoy healthy, halal, and nutritionally balanced food. The food consumed can be obtained from
livestock or plants. Milk is one of the processed livestock products that contains a high nutritional value
that can contribute significantly to food security and human health [3].
Milk is a liquid substance produced from milk from the udders of livestock that has nutritional value
in the form of a nutritious source of protein, fat, micronutrients, prebiotics, and probiotics [4,5]. The
number of nutrients in milk is also one of the intermediary media for microbial growth and development
[6,7]. The characteristics of milk that are easily contaminated by microbes are the basis for the dairy
industry to determine special policies to regulate food safety for consumers. In addition, the dairy
industry must also ensure that the manufacture of dairy products from the collection of raw materials to
the delivery process has safe and healthy quality [8].
Food safety in milk is intended to provide consumer protection in consuming milk in terms of
physical, chemical, and microbiological properties [9]. Milk safety requirement is regulated in the
Indonesian National Standard (SNI) animal food requirements regulations. No. 3141.1.2011 concerning
the maximum limit of microbial contamination, which should not be more than 1x10 6 CFU/ml. Several
types of microbes can contaminate milk such as Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella sp, and

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International Conference on Food Science and Engineering 2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1200 (2023) 012035 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1200/1/012035

Mycobacterium Bovis [10,11]. Microbial contamination in milk can cause health problems for
consumers, especially Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, which continue to emerge as foodborne
pathogens that can cause poisoning [12,13].
Strategies that can be done to reduce the number of pathogenic microorganisms in dairy products are
pasteurization [14]. Pasteurized milk is milk that has been heated properly with equipment that is
operated, at a certain temperature, and held continuously for a certain time [15].The pasteurization
process carried out according to the SNI policy is the heating process of the milk heating process at a
minimum temperature of 720C for 15 seconds which is commonly called High-Temperature Short Time
(HTST) or at a temperature of 630C for 30 minutes which is commonly called Low-Temperature Long
Time (LTLT) [8]. The main purpose of the pasteurization process in addition to killing pathogenic
bacteria is also used to extend the shelf life of milk so that it is safer for consumption [16]. After
undergoing the heating process on the milk, it is cooled to ensure the microbiological quality. The
cooling process can be carried out at a temperature of 4-70C [17].
The milk pasteurization process on an industrial scale requires a system that ensures that milk is not
contaminated during the production process to produce a safe product for consumption. A guarantee
system that can be used is Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP). The philosophy of the
HACCP system is quality control and food safety which is useful for the preventing contamination
product safety assurance [18,19]. HACCP can be implemented in small, medium, and large industries
[20], aiming as a form of systematic and efficient prevention to reduce the risk of bacterial contamination
to produce high-quality dairy products.
The HACCP process is applied throughout the pasteurized milk production chain. The stages of
HACCP, include: 1) receiving fresh milk from suppliers; 2) filtering with laboratory analysis to test the
physicochemical quality of fresh milk; 3) storing fresh milk in the tank; 4) pasteurization process by
adding flavoring and homogenization; 5) storage of milk into tanks and packaging; 6) storage in a cooler
below 50C until the milk is ready to be distributed to consumers [21]. These stages must be implemented
properly, starting from the milk collection stage, processing to the storage stage. This aims to ensure the
safety of dairy products at every stage carried out [22,23]. Meanwhile, every industry must achieve the
food safety standards set by HACCP, so a physicochemical analysis is needed to ensure the quality of
the product.
Physicochemical, namely physical and chemical testing to ensure the content of dairy products by
applicable standards. The physicochemical parameters evaluated included the determination of pH, fat,
total solid (TS), brix (sweetness) and organoleptic [3,24]. The pH value based on SNI 3141.1:2011 is
6.3 to 6.8 [25]. Next, the minimum fat level is 3%, TS 10.8%, Brix 13%, and organoleptic, including
consistency of 2.75, odor or aroma of 5.63, and milk color of 4.63 [11].
Based on the opinions of several experts above, it can be seen that milk is one type of food rich in
nutrients. However, milk is also a source of microbial development that can endanger for human health,
if not processed properly. The way that can be carried out to minimize these problems is by using the
pasteurization process. CV. Cita Nasional is a company engaged in the processing of pasteurized milk
with various flavors, such as pure, strawberry, chocolate, mocha, and orange. Pasteurized milk is
packaged in cups, minipacks and purepack with the trademark Susu Segar Nasional. The process of
making pasteurized milk must be adjusted to SNI standards. Therefore, it is important to conduct this
research to determine food safety in CV. Cita Nasional based on physicochemical testing data. The
product tested in this study was cup pasteurized milk with strawberry, chocolate and mocha flavours.

2. Materials and Methodology

2.1. Material
Materials used to produce pasteurized milk were raw materials for fresh milk, and food additives in the
form of flavorings and dyes. The type of flavor used is D1 04231 for strawberry milk, D1 04253 for
chocolate milk and QL 96939 for mocha milk. Meanwhile, the dyes used were Ponceau 4R for
strawberry milk, Cocoa Powder for chocolate milk and no added dyes for mocha milk. Furthermore, the

International Conference on Food Science and Engineering 2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1200 (2023) 012035 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1200/1/012035

tool used for the physicochemical quality analysis process was a thermometer to test the temperature of
the milk. Alcohol testing used 71% alcohol. The pH value of milk was obtained using a pH meter. For
fat testing, butyometer tube and centrifudge were used. The materials included H2SO4 91% and
amylalcohol (C5H12O). Total solid was tested using a moisture analyzer and brix test (sweetness) using
a refractometer.

2.2. Physicochemical analysis

This study evaluated the physicochemical quality of the finished product of pasteurized milk which had
undergone a process of pasteurization and homogenization. Temperature testing used a thermometer on
milk. Alcohol testing used 71% alcohol solution and milk with a ratio of 1:1. Testing the pH value used
a pH meter that was inserted into the milk. The method of measuring the fat of pasteurized milk used
the Gerber method [26]. Test score ingredient total solid (TS) with heat milk with temperature 140 0 C
with moisture analyzer. Measurement score Brix (sweetness) with vision level scale on refractometer
and testing organoleptic milk using taste, aroma and color from product milk pasteurization.

2.3. Statistical analysis

Physicochemical data obtained at CV. Cita Nasional, such as temperature, pH, Fat, TS, and Brix were
evaluated statistically using the Mann-Whitney Test. The Mann-Whitney test serves to test the
significance of the comparative hypothesis of two independent samples if the data is in ordinal form[27].
The test results obtained are compared with SNI data, aiming to find out that the data is following the
standards that have been set.

3. Results and Discussions

The production process is a series of activities carried out to produce raw materials into materials that
have more usability. The production process also determines product quality and can determine the
selling price of production. The pasteurized milk production process must be carried out effectively and
pay attention to hygiene because milk is a product that is susceptible to physical, chemical, and
microbiological contamination [8,18,19]. CV. Cita Nasional has several production lines to produce
pasteurized milk products starting from receiving milk from suppliers, processing milk (mixing,
homogenizing, pasteurizing) and packaging to distribution to consumers. Production flow in CV. Cita
Nasional can be seen in Figure 1, as follows.

Fresh milk Laboratory Cooling PHE

Analysis 60C

Heating PHE
Sugar, stabilizer,
flavor and food

Fresh product Laboratory mixing


Cooling Pasteurization 850C Homogenization

process PHE ±15 detik ± 1300-1400 psi

Figure 1. Production flow of CV. Cita Nasional (Source: primary data, 2022)

International Conference on Food Science and Engineering 2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1200 (2023) 012035 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1200/1/012035

Based on Figure 1, the production flow of CV. Cita Nasional is following the provisions of the
HACCP guarantee system, started from receiving milk, laboratory analysis, milk storage, pasteurization
and homogenization processes, refrigerated storage and packaging of finished products ready for
distribution to consumers [20,21]. In addition, healthy milk must implement the HACCP system from
the collection, and processing to the storage of milk to minimize the risk of microbial exposure in the
dairy product [23]. To obtain dairy products that comply with SNI, a physicochemical analysis is
required at CV. Cita Nasional.
This physicochemical quality test aims to control the quality of milk produced through laboratory
analysis (Quality Control) to produce quality pasteurized milk products following the provisions of SNI.
Physicochemical testing is carried out at the time of taking raw materials (fresh milk) and finished
products (pasteurized milk) [21]. After milk undergoes pasteurization and cooling process until it
becomes a product so, done testing quality physicochemistry product so from milk. Arrangement
temperature becomes an important thing in the process of storage milk pasteurization. Storage until
consumer with a temperature low or about 50C can extend power save milk up to 7 days [16]. Storage
at low temperature, milk can still be consumed for up to 7 to 9 days. Temperature low could lead to
adaptation period bacteria becomes longer resulting in blockage growth bacteria in milk pasteurization
Test alcohol on table 1 shows results negative that is no clumping occurs. SNI which states that
requires quality milk that is tested 70% alcohol negative [11]. The test obtained show that the product
milk at CV. Cita Nasional good quality as well worthy to consume because no occur counterfeit milk.
Counterfeit to produce milk by increasing the volume (addition of water) and extending the power save
(addition substance inhibitor) can damage quality milk as well as dangerous for health consumers [5,29].
By because that, needed to test alcohol for knowing quality milk from something industry certain. The
following are physicochemical test data obtained from CV. Cita Nasional.

Table 1. Physicochemical analysis data on finished products at CV. Cita Nasional

Variable Chocolate Strawberry Mocha
N 10 8 4
Min 6 7 6
Max 9 9 8
Stdev 1.06 0.89 0.96
mean 7.7 7.75 6.75
mean (-) (-) (-)
N 10 8 4
Min 6.43 6.4 6.51
Max 6.87 6.74 6.7
Stdev 0.12 0.11 0.08
mean 6.63 6.56 6.63
N 9 8 3
Min 0.5 0.8 0.6
Max 1.3 1.1 1.1
Stdev 0.24 0.13 0.26
mean 0.84 0.93 0.9

International Conference on Food Science and Engineering 2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1200 (2023) 012035 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1200/1/012035

Variable Chocolate Strawberry Mocha

N 10 8 4
Min 11.19 11.09 11.68
Max 14 13.15 12.22
Stdev 0.85 0.67 0.22
mean 12.09 11.72 11.94
N 10 8 4
Min 12 12 12
Max 13 14 13
Stdev 0.52 0.83 0.58
mean 12.4 12.88 12.5
Org (Organoleptic)
mean Standard Standard Standard

The data in tble 1 shows the average data on the physicochemical tests of finished products for a
month. The test was carried out for 30 times, it can be seen that the average pH value shows 6.53-6.63.
The pH value of fresh milk based on SNI 3951:2018 is 6.3 to 6.8 [25,30]. Pasteurized milk can increase
the pH value compared to fresh milk, allegedly due to the activity of microorganisms that are
temperature resistant because the pasteurization process does not eliminate all pathogenic
microorganisms in milk so it affects the pH value of pasteurized milk. The pH value of chocolate,
strawberry and mocha flavored milk decreased due to the addition of other ingredients as food additives
in the form of flavorings and lactic acid bacteria which can reduce the pH value of milk [16,31,32]
Table 1 shows that the fat of pasteurized milk with chocolate flavor is 0.84%, strawberry flavor is
0.93, mocha flavor has a value of 0.9%. This is following SNI 3141:2011 which states that the fat is
3.0% for fresh milk, 2.8% for unflavored pasteurized milk and 1.5% for flavored pasteurized milk [11].
The value of milk fat with flavor is determined by the raw material and processing process. In table 2
the fat value decreased significantly (P<0.05) compared to the fat of fresh milk. The value of fat
decreased after undergoing the pasteurization process because of the addition of flavorings or other food
additives [25].

Table 2. Results of the Mann-Whitney Test

Temperature pH Fat% TS% Brix
Mann-Whitney U 2276,500 1937,500 1227,500 1243,500 881,500
Wilcoxon W 2529,500 2190,500 1437,500 1496,500 1134,500
Z -576 -1.626 -3.351 -3,814 -4.916
asymp. Sig. (2- .565 .104 .001 .000 .000

Total solid is a component of milk other than water which includes fat, protein, lactose and minerals
[14,33]. The total solid value in table 1 shows 12.09% chocolate flavor, 11.72% strawberry flavor,
11.94% mocha taste. The total solid value of fresh milk according to SNI 3141:2011 is a minimum of
10.80% [11]. Several factors that can affect the total solid milk include feed, disease, age, lactation
period and season [34]. Pasteurized milk processing with flavor significantly (P<0.05) increased total
solid. This shows that the process of adding flavors, sweeteners and other food additives can increase
the total solid value of milk [25].

International Conference on Food Science and Engineering 2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1200 (2023) 012035 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1200/1/012035

Brix level (sweetness) value is used to measure the level of sweetness in flavored products. The brix
level value in table 1 shows that the sweetness level of chocolate, strawberry and mocha flavored milk
is in the range of 12-13 levels. This is following BPOM which states that the basic characteristic of the
brix level for flavor is not less than 13 [35]. In table 2, the brix level of pasteurized milk products by
adding food additives in the form of flavorings to pasteurized milk is following the standards
recommended by BPOM. Brix testing is also related to organoleptic, covering, the addition of flavorings
and dyes gives a better taste, pleasant aroma and attractive in terms of appearance so that it can be
accepted by consumers [36]. Organoleptic shows standard results, if brix is at level 12-13 according to
BPOM regulations, as in table 1 the brix assessment produces an average of 12.4; 12.88; and 12.5. The
natural coloring agents used for food and beverages do not cause side effects to consumers and make
the products more attractive and safer for consumption [37]. However, natural dyes also have
disadvantages, namely the color is easy to fade, the price is more expensive and the availability of
materials is limited.

4. Conclusions
The results of the physicochemical quality test on the finished chocolate flavored pasteurized milk
product showed an average temperature value of 70C, negative alcohol test, pH value 6.63, fat value
0.84%, total solid value 12.09%, brix value 12.4 with standard organoleptic. Furthermore, strawberry
flavored pasteurized milk showed an average temperature value of 70C, negative alcohol test, pH value
6.56, fat value 0.93%, total solid value 11.72%, brix value 12.88 with standard organoleptic. Finally,
pasteurized mocha flavored milk showed an average temperature value of 60C, negative alcohol test, pH
value 6.63, fat value 0.9%, total solid value 11.94%, brix value 12.5 with standard organoleptic. Most
of the physicochemical quality test results showed significant differences in fat, total solid and brix
levels. This is due to the provision of food additives in the form of flavorings and dyes. Testing the
physicochemical quality of pasteurized milk products with chocolate, strawberry and mocha flavors has
been effective in ensuring the HACCP of milk production so that pasteurized milk in CV. Cita Nasional
can be consumed safely by the public.

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