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The Choice by Avuyile Jange

Description : Choices huh?Which way?Left or right?Candy never thought in her

teenage stage she would take choices to save her insanity. She thought it was a
choice for now and everything will be fine. Then she realised that she might have
to live with it forever.

What choice do I have?Do I defy my parents'wishes and follow my dreams?Do I do what I want or
what they want?As a young person you have to make a choiceeither make yourself happy. Growing
up I knew my father only saw himself in me and I happened to be a girl. He hated seeing me in
dresses I didn't play with dolls I played with carson my spare time I wore my green overall and head
to the garden or clean the car. Even at school I wore mostly black pants since girls were allowed to
do so. My father when he found out that my mother bought a uniform for mehe looked for it and
burnt it end of story. My life was planned from A to Zthere wasn't suppose to mistake made from my
side at all or I would face my father. My pastor gave up telling my parents to stop dressing me in
jeans. I had those fade hairstyles on my head I hated them but I grew up to like them. Subjects I was
going to take from the tenth grade were already planned by my fatherlike I said my life was already
planned from birth. Things were a different for a short time when my younger brother was borntoo
bad the nigga was Mommy's boyfather tried with him but he didn't agree at all. So back to me while I
was hitting stage teenage hood I was defiant to a point I wouldn't sleep at home I would go to my
grandmother. He would say this and I would say that to a point he kicked me out for a week and I
was in the tenth. One would ask where is your mom?She was right there cheering for him like a
whack cheerleader. Then I made a choice that got me disowned.


Me:"Ng'yathemb' uyabona
Sofela Khon' empini
Ngeke baskhona
Lingashon' emini
Ng'yathemb' uyabona
Sofela Khon' empini
Ngeke baskhona
Lingashon' emini
Kutheni na yini udangele?
Konakele amathemba akho
Wonke uwabeka kimi
Awazi na? Abant' abayifuni intw' enhle
Bayamangaza bak'limaza bak'buk' emehlweni
Ng'yathemb' uyabona
Sofela Khon' empini
Ngeke baskhona
Lingashon' emini"
I was singing out loud in the house knowing very well that no one was home. I checked the time
before taking my earphones off grabbed my books and discarded them on the table. I fixed the
couches and quickly put my phone in the charger I ran to the kitchen and washed the dishes I was
using before running back to the table. I had to act like I was still studying even though I wasn't. I
heard the door I was writing for my grade ten December exams and my father wanted distinctions. I
hated the man. One would be surprised that I don't even remember wearing a dress in my life if I did
then I have no memory. First I thought my father hated them but it was clear that I wasn't to wear
one even in primary I never wore one. I was three when my brother was bornhe shifted his attention
to him but it was already obvious who Mandla favoured and that was Mother. He did not want to be
held by him at all. Years went by me being told what to do and not to do. The more my brother grew
it was getting clear that he didn't want to listen to our father I was scared of the man. If I wasn't
cleaning the car I was out in the garden and doing things boys that did. Sometimes I wanted to do
girl but Dad had a huge problem with that. I remember this other day Mom got me a dollhe found out
made it clear that I am never getting one and he burnt it. I was heartbroken but with his stare I had to
keep quiet. Mandla was ten when Father fully focused on him on some "He will be a teenager soon".
I really could see that he tried but Mandla wouldn't dare listen to him. He then shifted his focus back
on me right when I was fourteen years old I had a very bad temper I snapped back at him of course
it earned me some ass whooping. We had way too many fall outs I was becoming a rebel and he
had no idea how to get me back on line. Sometimes it would go to a point I had to go and sleep in
my grandparent's house because me and him clashed. It happened the entire eighth grade to ninth
grade. Nevertheless I had to do what I was told if I wanted a better lifehis words not mine. I did not
understand why he wanted me to be like a boy yet I was a girl. Not even once I heard him call me
daughterit was always CJ and nothing else. Sometimes I think he hated me because of the way he
would shout most times. I had to accept everything as it is. Puberty was also making me rude I even
told him that I hated him but he didn't care at all.
Me:Sorry was just trying to memorize some few words.
Dad:Are you going to pass CJ?
Me:With a distinction.
He raised his eyebrows.
Me:With a distinction Father.
Mom:How was your day?
Me:Like as if you care.
I moved and his hand missed me I stood far from them.
Dad:Each day that nasty attitude of yours is getting more worse.
Me:I wonder why?
Dad:Are you talking to me?
Me:No Father.
Dad:Who are you talking to?
I just looked at him I really didn't care if I got beaten up just like yesterday.
Mom:Lungelo let her be.
Dad:This child is disrespectful.
I grabbed my things and walked out. I hated home with passion sometimes I just did things or said
things so I could get thrown out and spend time with Granny. Life at home isn't exactly glitters and

my father's word was final and no one could argue with that it's something that they got from my
grandfather the man was just controlling as hell and Father happened to be his last born. Father
planned everything out for methe sports I playthe subjects I will choosemy chores hairstyles and
dress code. I wasn't allowed to wear tight jeans I was allowed to stay out with friends at night. He
was turning me to a boy I did not even understand why. I wasn't exactly allowed to do anything that
had to do with girls I had nastiest attitude around guys including my father.
Sometimes we got along at home for just a short spare of time then it was back to square one. We
were one of the richest families in Trenius well Janges were basically rich. My cousins were rich
married to rich men and I was busy playing a boy at home. My father just talked about how I was
going to continue his legacy I hated everything having to do with his businesses actually I hated
businesses. I wanted to go to art school and they had money to do that but it wasn't going to happen
at all. I was good in sports and was definitely good in fashion designing I was busy with fashion
studies at school and thank God my father never bothered to ask about. I was also in a choir and he
said nothinghe would just comment this and that sometimes but I really didn't care. I passed my
tenth grade and my eleventh gradethings were getting more tense and tense home. I was receiving
pressure each and every day sometimes I would lie down and cry. Sometimes I would burst out and
say things I actually meant I hated my parents and the only thing good was my little brother. He had
no idea why I had to be a boymy father would say things like "You are a sissy boy". He still didn't
understand and I only grew up to hate each day sometimes I asked myself if I was their child.


Me:Come back here!
She laughed as she ran around in circles. The funny part about high school I was popular.
Her:Catch me!
Me:I am tired of chasing you around.
She ran back grinning this was my best friend Bongile very annoying being to be precise. We had
other friends but we weren't around them that much.
Her:So how was the competition?
Me:I won.
Her:You are not happy.
Me:Yes I won the fashion designing competition fair and square what I didn't know is that there will
be ambassadors of an art school looking for children that they would sponsor.
Her: Isn't this what you want?
Me:What I want definitely doesn't matter in the House of Jangehe wouldn't even care if I showed him
the prizes I got.
Her:Well how about you just accept this sponsorship without telling your parents?
Me:Number two do I look like I have been in London?
Her: It's in London?
Me:I have to cover my travelling fees to London I could get lost and get kidnapped.
Her:You are so negative!
Me:I would get disowned too!I have been kicked out of home many times so I know better than think
I won't be disowned.
Her:When are we burning your father?
Me: Sometimes I wish he could tell me that I am not his child maybe I would be more less rude and
nasty towards him.
Her:But you are their child.
Me:Why is treating me like the way he does?
Her:I wish I knew Candy but I don't and I would be lying if I said that I do. Don't you think thi-oh boy.
Her:Your boyfriend is coming.
Me:Oh shit let's run.
Her:Too late.
I turned and smiled at him.
Him:Hi babe.
Me:Hi love.
Him:I missed you.
Me:I missed you too.
And hate youof course I wasn't about to say that the only thing about him is that he gave great sex
and he was a player cheating like nobody's business and I acted like I believed him instead and I
didn't. All my exes were people that I knew were risky and would destroy me but I really didn't care
about that.
Me:Hear that? School is out.
I did not waitI was already heading to the gate with Bongile right behind me. The car was already
waiting as we got in I dreaded Friday's because I will find my family home.
Her:Talk about being rude. I don't even get why you are dating guys like him when your real
boyfriend is coming this weekend. Oh damn that guy is hot and sweet. You are cheating on him.
Me:He doesn't know that.
Her:What happens when he does?
Me:I will act dead.
I didn't live far from Trenius High but the car took me from and to school still. I groaned as we walked
out they were home.
Her:So should I walk you in as always?
Me:Yes please.
My heart was hammering I felt like I was in trouble. Wait it's how I feel everytime my parents are
home before me and it's bad enough. We walked in.
Mom:Hey baby.
Dad:Umlibele uMama?(You forgot Mama?).
Me:Molo Mama.(Hi Mama).
Dad: Bongile nice to see you please go home and remove the uniform you and your disrespectful
friend will see each other tomorrow.
Her: Yes Mr Jange.
She was already at the door I went to my room to get undressed. Of course I was wearing tracksuit
as I went back to the dining room.
Dad:Do you think you passed your June exams?
I didn't answer.
Dad:Do you think you passed your exams?
I just stared at him.
Dad: I am going to let this pass because of the guests we will be having I don't want them to find half
of your face looking like a mountain.
Me:I should just report you for child abuse.
Dad:I have told you many times that you can do that.
Me:So you would make it out like I am losing my mind?Give you the satisfaction that you were
destroying me!I am not going to stop going against an animal like you.
Time to practice my flexibilityone twothreefour and fi-ve. I ducked going under the table.
Dad: Disrespectful little brat.
Mom:Lungelo no!
I was already on my feet on the other side of the dining room I always knew that he would beat me
for how I spoke to him but I never really cared.
A knock echoed and the door opened Mandla walked in followed by a family that had a father just
like mine. We were once told to get to know each other well specifically me and their son. The old
son has two wives while stupid has four. I didn't know what I was suppose to know about the old son
actually there was nothing we were going to talk about. He always followed his parents when they
came to dinner all the timehe would constantly try to talk to me and I hated that. One fuck offtwo fuck
offthree fuck off.
Mom: Sit down.
As usual he is staring at me I just glared back and he smiled. Fake blonde bitch. Of course I didn't
say that I wanted to live.
Dad: It's a good thing you finally came I was just telling her about her guests.
He was?Yep he always referred to me as her simple.
MrKonile: It's a good thing you told at least something about us Lungelo.
Dad:This is about tightening up our family's friendship.
Mom:Here some drinks and snacks.
Mrs Konile:Thank you Mam'uJange.
I just continued looking at the freak watching me.
Me:Excuse me.
Dad:Where are-
I was already out of the room I had a bad feeling about today.
Him:So we will have to talk about the lobola.
Me:I want her to finish her schooling and business studies in university. I don't want her to be an
uneducated wife she's getting married to polygamy so she needs to have something to hold on to.
Him:It would be better that they get engage now then wedding can happen on holidays next year.
Me: I get what you mean.
Him:We are willing to pay more than you ask forthis girl is beautiful and she would give our son very
beautiful children.
Me:How much are you willing to pay?
Vuyani:A million and fifteen cows and other things you would ask for.
Me:Where is CJ?
Her: Outside.
Me:Call her to come back here.
CJ:I am already here.
Me:Sit down. You know Vuyani?
CJ:No I just know that they keep coming here.
Me:Do not be rude.
Vuyani:She is being honest.
Me:They are here to negotiate your lobola.
She just looked at me blank.
Me:Vuyani is going to marry you.
CJ:Third wife in the makingsounds amazing.
Me:So you better get rid of all these boys around you and know that you will be engage soon by next
Him:Well that was definitely easier than I thought.
CJ:Can I walk out now?
My heart has stopped beating as I walked to my room I wanted to scream I wanted to cry out but I
haven't cried in a long. I think I have forgotten how to I was struggling to think about why my father
hated me this much. Everything in me was painful as I realised that he had just sold me and he didn't
care. I knew better than to argue I wish I could run away last time I tried I got beaten up so bar and I
never did again. A knock echoed and my mother walked in.
Me:What do you want from me?
Mom:To check on you.
Me:You are a disgrace of a mother I never want to see you in my room ever again. Get out!
Me:Get out you are all dead to me. Each day I fight myself not to cry you are destroying me but you
can't see it at all. You are not a mother you are busy cheering for your patriarchal husband and you
don't see anything wrong with that. Clearly something is wrong with you. Are you even my mother
Mom:Please don't say that I am your mother and I wish I could do something about this bu-
Me:Your father's word is final. Why are you still married him?Is it because he does not treat you bad
like he does to me?All I want is my parents to accept me as I am instead of turning me to someone I
am not and I will never be. I am about to marry a man who only sees my body nothing. How far are
you going to go to destroy me huh?Take your leave I want to sleep.
She looked hurt but I did not careshe just walked out. I screamed I wasn't about to cry at all forget it.

I put the clothes on the hanger. Lungelo walked in.
Me:I don't think Candy should get married at this age.
Him:You were married at this age.
Me:She is not meshe is our daughter.
Him: Isn't that the same thing your mother said when you and I were arranged to be married?
Me:This is our daughter Lungelo and times have changed people don't marry someone that they
don't love.
Him:We ended up falling in love with each Zusakhe.
Me:We!I don't remember Candy being in that equation. Have you seen how broken she is?
Him:She is just good at faking it that's all.
Me:LungeloCandy is not Lizwilam and she will never be him!
Him:I don't remember assuming that she was him.
Me:She dresses like a boy you have turned her to some boy. I don't even recognise the daughter I
gave birth to.
Him:I am not going to be questioned by you on how to raise my child.
Me:Your daughter!Your daughter Lungelo!She is a girl!A bloody girl!
Him:I will sleep on the couch you need space.
He grabbed a blanket and walked out. I sighedthere was no way to make him listen.
Me:Oh God what do I do?Our daughter already hates us and this is getting far worse than I had
imagined. Lizwilam my child I wish you never died.
We had a son Lizwilam before Candy. He was eight when he started getting sick and Candy was
two years. His heart was failingon the other side Candy had bought of her kidneys failing. The
doctors gave us an ultimatum to turn the machines off and donate Lizwilam's kidneys to Candy.
Lungelo did not want to let go but turned the machines off and Candy got to live again. Of course
she doesn't know that but we might even get to a point where I will tell her. Lungelo started acting
weird around her didn't want to see her in dresses basically he turned her to a boy. He treated her
like a boy and he didn't seem to stop at all.
Me:You just stop at the other gate not this one.
Chauffeur: Yes Miss Jange.
Me:Thank you.
Chauffeur:Are you okay?
Me: Don't worry Mr Hlazo I am going to be just fine.
He stopped the car I got out and closed the door. I headed to the entrance I smiled as he stood there
looking at his phone. This guy was handsomeno cap I have to accept that sometimes I wish that I
could be loyal but I couldn't accept that he loved me at all.
Me:Likhona Dingani.
He jumped and looked at me.
Him:Candy crush.
He grabbed me and hugged meas always I drank his cologne and he always smelt so good.
Him:You should have admitted that you missed me Candy.
Me: Would you have showed up in the middle of the week?
Him:I would have done exactly that my love.
Why can't I just accept him?I wish I could because he made me all soft inside.
Me:I feel special.
Him: What's wrong?
Me:Nothing is wrong with me.
Him:Tell me I am listening.
Me:You know Vuyani Konile?
Him: Everyone knows the guyhe is an industrialist well a rich one.
Me:So him and my family are friends aaaaaand my father just accepted arranged marriage from him.
Him:The hell is wrong with your father?How can this man can be so cruel?
Me:Be calm Likhona!
Him:Why is your father so beset?
Me:I don't know why Likhona

he is an industrialist well a rich one.

Me:So him and my family are friends aaaaaand my father just accepted arranged marriage from him.
Him:The hell is wrong with your father?How can this man can be so cruel?
Me:Be calm Likhona!
Him:Why is your father so beset?
Me:I don't know why Likhona I can't wait for this year to end and I can have peace.
Him:Why are you letting him do this to you?
Me:I have grown tired of talking to him about this Likhona I am tired of going against him and I have
gone tired so tired to a point of no return. I have accepted that my parents are not parents I have
been destroyed by them. I have gotten used to them I think I am toxic too. I even think I have
Stockholm Syndrome.
He hugged me I hated how I cried around this guy.
Him:Well I brought you my laptop I have scholarships well international and the first person that
came to me was you. Especially this college London College of Arts.
Me:Well the fashion competitionsome people from the same college were there and they have
offered me something like that.
Him: It's a good thing that you have a bestie like yoursshe gave me a copy of your documents and I
applied for you.
Him:And Sir Brown School of Arts and Technology.
Him:I love you Candice and if it means getting you to another country then I don't mind but you have
to leave. Your father won't realise how wrong he is if you stick around and let him do what he does to
Me:I feel like my little brother will go through what I am going through if I leave him.
Him:But my love you have to be selfish and think about you first.
Me:I don't know what to think.
Him:I have hope that you will be accepted.
Me:I will need money.
Him:I can give you some.
Me:You have done so muchthis I have to do myself.
Him:But if it's not working you will go for me.
Me:I will do that.
Him:So the movie or we are going to the stadium?
Me:A movie.
He grabbed my hand and we walked inside the mall.
Mom:So how is she?
Me:I know Likhona will make her happy for the time being.
Mom:Lungelo has turned out to be something I have never thought.
Me:The way he treats her is something I can't imagine how she is really feeling.
Mom:God doesn't let you go through something that you won't survive.
Me:But Ma this is just beyond. How can a Father do what he does to her?I thought maybe he is not
her father but she looks like a female version of him.
Mom:Be supportive and be there for hershe has to get tired so she will leave.
Me:How come other family members don't see what is going on?
Mom:What are they going to do?The man is not willing to listen to anyonehis father was just like him
of course his brothers total understand that he is just like their father. They won't see anything. What
can the cousins do?They have no power in their uncle's house remember.
Me: She needs someone.
Mom:She needs a friend family will think that talking is the key thinking he would listen. What will
they do if he doesn't listen?
Me:Maybe take her in.
Mom:Baby your friend needs to leave this place and stay away from her family for some time. Time
and space heal wounds you need to stay away from what is hurting you and that is what she needs
not her family. You need to encourage her to gather the strength and let herself be disowned by her
familyshe needs to let go and leave.
Me:I hear you Mom.
I hope Likhona finally convinces her to leave.

Him:I love you.
Me:I love you too.
He kissed me as we sat outside my house in his carthis guy was doing his second year at Trenius
University. We met back when I was in ninth grade and he was in eleventh grade I told him where to
get off then tenth grade I gave him a chance. He had to keep me in order because I was juggling
between relationshipsa whole lot was still doing so but he didn't have to know that. I avoided
sleeping with the guys because I couldn't find in me in being guilty.
Me:I have to go.
Him:You will think about this right?
Me:I will do so.
I opened the door and walked out of the car. I watched him drive away before walking in the yard. I
stopped in my tracks when I saw cars parked in the yard. I knew one of the cars I sighed and walked
in. I didn't have an energy for another family dinner today where I have to pretend that I care about
being around the family.
Me:MJ's Dad.
UncleSenzo:You still call me that?You are growing I am sure you would look so beautiful in a dress.
Dad:She can't be showing legs to these lustful boys.
UncleSenzo:She is a girl for a reason Lungelo.
Me:Can we stop talking about me like I don't exist?Is Aunty Dineo in the kitchen?
I walked to the kitchen.
I hugged her.
Me:I missed you.
AuntyDineo:You still dress like this?
Me:Ask your brother in-law.
Mom:Candice how was your date?
I just looked at her and rolled my eyes I opened the fridge taking out some yoghurt and walked out of
the kitchen. I walked back and took a spoon before walking to my room. I pushed the door open only
to scream.
Me:What are you doing in my room?
Mandla:Big sister.
Micah:Big sister.
Me:Nono what are you doing in my room?
Uncle Senzo and Aunt Dineo have three kidsEndimthandayoLisakhanya and Minothando in short MJ
the First Lady Micah's mother. My grandparents gave birth to twins Uncle Senzo and Uncle
SibusisoNiyaAiden and Melodythen Uncle Musafather to Napoleon Elizabeth and Aliza and lastly my
fatherLungelo father to me and Mandla. All my cousins are rich well as a Jange you are bound to
follow suit but except me. When I look at my cousins I envy them because they are happy to get
parents like theirs but me I ended up with a Father like Lungelo instead.
Micah:Mom said that you should come to visit days like this.
Me:Do you know how crazy it easy that I can't really go anywhere with a guard in the state house?
Mandla:Micah is here.
Me:There are guards scouting around that I am sure of.
I chuckled they went back to playing with their game as I laid on the bed.
Him:Why are you doing this to your own child?
Me:I am preparing a better future for her Senzo and you can't tell me shit about it.
Him:You are destroying your daughter day by day but you don't see anything wrong with that.
Me:I am not destroying that child.
Him: Can't you see that you are? Can't you see how much you have destroyed her?She has suffered
because you have not healed from losing a child. When you lose her completely remember this day
and the things you have done to her.
Me:Did you come here to judge my ways?Why don't you leave?
Him:You keep forgetting that I am your oldest brother and I will not hesitate to punch you Lungelo.
You are a patriarch just like your father.
I looked at himthe same the wives walked in. Micah and Mandla walked in.
Me:Where is CJ?
Mandla: Sleeping.
Me:We are-
Him:Let the girl beshe might be going through her monthly time.
Him:Can you just stop thinking that you know everything?She is sleeping and that's that Lungelo so
we can eat in peace. I will forget my manners

keep quiet.
I opened the doorshe was sleeping on the bed peacefully. All the family pictures in the room were all
on the floor facedownher phone vibrated. I looked around for it and still can't find it. I watched hershe
looked just like memaybe this is what I hated the most about but I didn't hate her I just wanted to do
what was best for her. I walked out of her room.
Me:She is sleeping.
Her:Of course she is.
Me:And then?
Me:Are you still angry?
Her:I have endured everything for years hoping that you can change Lungelo. What kind of a mother
am I watching my only daughter being mistreated by her only father?I have turned out to be just the
most terrible Mother in the entire world I can't believe what I have done.
Me:What are you trying to say?
Her: Twenty five years of marriage I am willing to let them go.
Her: If my Candy gets married consider this marriage. I have tolerated way too much from you
Lungelo you have gone too far with the marriage. You won't listen to me because I am just a wife. I
would have divorced you ages ago but I know that you would have taken my childrenthe power of
being rich. Now Candy is going to be eighteenshe has a right to choose who she wants to live with. I
don't care if you take everything I have to destroy but as long as I have my daughter with me. Make
a decision before the lobola negotiations or I will make it for you.
She continued packing the dishes humming.
I looked at the message and grinned. I dialled her number.
Me:Love of my life.
Her:What did I do?
Me:I applied for you two weeks ago and someone already suggested you.
Her:Woah aren't you just lying to me?
Me:You have been accepted to study at London College of Artsthe scholarship is also accepting
Me:What is wrong?
Her:I don't know how to feel I don't know how to take this at all.
Me: You are going to be free.
Her:In a foreign country Likhona with no one by my side. How do I even start?
Me: Applying for study visa I am sure you would get it way earlier since you have been already
Her:Let me try to think about it.
Me:I love you okay?
Her:I love you too.
I turned the phone off.
I loved the girl but she doesn't believe me at all I still can't believe after some time of trying to get
Him:So you are in love and you want her to go to another country?
Me:Come on dude this is not about me I can't love her and let her go through the things she's going
through. If she has to leave this country then so be it.
Him:How does the long distance relationship work?She might have to come back when she's
financial stable.
Me:I know that I have to let her go and accept that we will see each other.
Him:How do you support something like this?Other countries aren't exactly kind to foreignerscome
on dude you are sending your girlfriend to a country that you never went to.
Now I was doubting the decision.
Me:I am only doing this to save her I can't let her go through this anymore.
I was trying to feel a little better but I was worried.

Me:Good morning.
Mandla:Morning Mom.
Her eyes were redshe looked at me and went back to her phone.
Lungelo:CJ your mother is talking to you.
She continued looking at her phonehe looked at her and said nothing.
Me:Do I mind if I drop you to school today?
CJ: I'd rather walk to school if I have to be in the same car as yours Mother.
I was used to those comments from her.
Me:Do not say anything Lungelo.
She looked at him as he sighed.
I grabbed the fruits.
Me: Let's go Mandla.
Mandla:Bye people.
We went to my car.
Mandla:Why do you let Dad treat the way he does?
Me:I have tried to make him see but he doesn't want to Siphamandla I have gone tired now.
Mandla:Why haven't you stood up for her?
Me: First I thought it would pass but now I have realised that I have been too welcoming I have let
my only daughter down. I have been too relaxed I know that she would never forgive me for
everything I have done to contribute to this.
Mandla:Why is he like this?
Me:Do not tell Candy about this. You had a brother Lizwilamhe was eight when he got really sick
and Candy was two. Candy was born with one kidney working right now with her brother so sickthe
doctors said that he wasn't going to make it. The machines were the reason he was alive. So they
told us that we could donate his kidneys to Candy so she could live. It took a toll on your fatherhe
was looking forward to having him back home I think I healed because at the moment I was
pregnant with you and I still had Candy. Your father was the one who turned the machines off and
Candy was sent immediately to surgery. Your father acted different towards herhe wants her to fill
that void leading to this. I have understood for too long why he was doing what he was to her hoping
that he would notice how wrong he was. I have been wrong for thinking that.
Je didn't say anything just looked at his phone.
Me:Thank you.
I looked at my passport and sighed.
Her:You will collect all the necessary things you will need to apply for study Visa in a week's time.
Me:Thank you.
No one knew that I wasn't suppose to be at school I just waited for everyone to leave so I could go to
Home Affairs and collect my passport and ask for papers so I could apply for Visa. I was trying so
hard to think about my decision. What was I doing?I was literally planning to escape to a foreign
country. What if I get trafficked?
Me:You are doing this.
I already had an acceptance letter for Trenius University and I had to collect money I could use to
leave. I would probably make it in a week's time. I was going to be given money for the third and
fourth term's stationerylunch money and other necessary things. Father controlled almost everything
but he gave me way too much money to use I would end up with two thousand as a change and he
didn't ask for it. I had a money box where I put the change. I was hoping that I had enough to take
me to London. I was really thinking about doing this.
I was busy making potato chips for me and Mandla when Father walked in Mandla literally told me
everything Mom told him. The anger I felt was something elsehe was trying to make me mimic
someone who died and isn't me.
As always Mandla answered not me. I moved the pan and stood on the other side of the island as he
stood on the other pouring juice for himself.
He coughed and looked at me.
Me:Do I look like him?Are you satisfied with your work?Have I turned out just like you think he would
have turned out to be?Do you even care about me as in me?
Him:You are not him!
Me:Then stop treating me like himstop making me carry a burden that isn't mine. If you didn't want
me to live you should have left me to die I am sure heaven would have been better than this.
Him:Keep quiet Candice!
Me: Hell I will!What makes you think I will stop talking just because you said so? Have I turned out to
be Lizwilam?I am never going to be himhe is dead

sure hell I don't care that he is. I am in this mess because of you and himwhy didn't you just hang
yourself along with him then?
I moved backhis hand hit the handle of the pan flipping it over towards me. I froze as the pan came
flashing to me pouring the boiling oil right on my hipbone down to my thigh and leg. I could hear
ringing as I looked at this Father looked at me shocked probably the fact that I wasn't screaming.
Then it sank infelt like my skin was being ripped off I screamed in agony as I pulled my tracksuit
down. Mandla was already on his phone calling an ambulancemy skin looked like it was falling off as
I screamed in pain. I looked cooked as I looked at my skin. I was getting a little disoriented and I
went crashing to the floor.
I was right at the door when I heard a scream I ran inside to find Candy on the floor. My heart
stopped as I looked at her legit was just nastyher father just stood there looking stunned. I grabbed a
jar and poured water before splashing her leg I was terrified because I was thinking that she was
dead and I did nothing to help her. I could hear the sirens as me and Mandla pulled her up.
We waited as she was taken to theatre I didn't want to tell Likhona he might panic and come here.
Mrs Jange came rushing to the waiting room.
Her:What happened?
Mandla:Father what happened?
Wait he didn't burn her?No he wouldn't go that lowno ways.
Him:The pan fell.
Mandla:You were about to hit her and instead you hit pan and it flipped. It had boiling oil!
Oh God why are you letting your child go through something like this alone?
Mrs Jange just looked at him and didn't say anything else. I was scared and worried. I didn't want to
snap so I just walked out of the waiting with tears on my face.
Dr: She suffered from second degree burns.
Her:What do you mean?
Dr:From a small part of her stomach to her ankleit was severe she will have to take this lightly and
she needs therapy. She might be still in shockhot oil could have made her have seizure if it covered
her stomach. We cleaned the wound and bandaged. She needs to stay away from straining her
legshe has to take it east.
Her: So she's not going through any other malfunction?
Dr:Second degree burns leave scarsthe part will be black for the rest of her. The burn will probably
heal after three to eight weeks.
Slowly I was starting to lose my manners.
Me:Only if her father didn't hate her this much we would have been talking a different story. You
don't deserve to be called parents you deserve hell!
I grabbed my hoodie and walked out I wasn't about to stick around I called my mother and told her
that she will find me outside the hospital.

Things are quiet at homeme and Mandla talk to each otherMandla talks to his mother then that's it.
We sit together at the table and enjoy eating alone. Actually we both cook knowing very well that we
are the only ones eating. I was already starting with my preliminary exams with a burnt leg now I was
grateful that I wore pants. Everytime I looked at it I kept dying each and everydaymy father never
said anything about what happened well I didn't expect him to. So I continued with my life like
nothing. I wasn't about to continue arguing with him at all.
Her:So you are packed for next year?
Me: Definitely.
Her:I can already see myself crying already.
Me:Bongile ave unedrama!(Bongile you have drama!).
Her: It's not everyday you get a friend who is going international. I am going to miss you.
Me:Bongile I won't miss you.
She laughed as he held my handwe were walking home.
Her:I know you will especially your boyfriend Likhona.
I just laughed.
Her:Oh no she's blushing.
Me:I am not.
Her:Of course you are!Oh God you are in love!
Me:I am so what?
Her:So two years of relationship.
A car hootedwe both turned it was on the other side.
Me:I don't know itdo you?
Her: Nope.
We continued walking again the car hooted as it continued following.
Voice: Candice!
I turned as the person walked out. I asked no question just ran to them.
Me:Oh my goodness you are here!
Aliza:You missed me.
Me:Well you guys don't visit anymore.
Aliza:You guys leave so farall the way from Red Empire to here is a stress.
Me:Bongile come here. So this my best friend and this is Aliza.
Her:Nice to meet you.
Aliza:I have been in town so I wanted to see you before leaving. How is the leg?
Me: It's fine.
Aliza:What really happened Candice?Dad said something that didn't sit well with me something
disturbing about your father. He said he wouldn't be surprised if Uncle Lungelo did this.
Me:He wanted to slap me and he hit the pan with boiling oil.
Aliza:He didn't apologize. Why don't you talk?I thought you are some sort of tomboy all along you
are being forced to dress like this.
Me: There's nothing you can do about this Aliza.
Aliza:I don't give a damn about keeping everything under wraps I am not your father's sibling. If your
father isn't treating you right tell uswe will know what to do. You basically know how to get to us yet
we have no idea what is going on. Your uncles know talking because he is their brother but as for
me I don't care. I am going to tell MJ what has been happening under her nose. I am telling
Napoleon MJEndiLisaAidenMelody and Niya about what is happening here. Actually let me go to the
office now.
She walked back to the car leaving us both stunned.
Me and Bongile just sat in silence with the parents and Mandla they had no idea why. A harsh knock
echoed at the door before it was pushed opened. The first person that walked in was the reason I
was scared because she was terrifiedshe did not really talk that much but it was allover her face.
Niya followed with Aliza.
Dad:This is a surprise.
They waited for him to get up MJ out of the blue three a fist that had him staggering backwards.
We were all on our feets as we looked at thisMJ was already pulling her sleeves up. Everyone in the
family knows that she is military trained. Mom helped Dad up.
Dad: What the hell is this about?
MJ:We don't piss people like me Uncle Lungelo you are a dog.
Dad:You can't be talking to me like that MJ!
MJ:What can you do about it?Touch me and see what happens.
She wanted to get to him but Mom was on her way.
Mom:You cannot come here and do this.
Nia:She speaks for her husband

you are a dog.

Dad:You can't be talking to me like that MJ!
MJ:What can you do about it?Touch me and see what happens.
She wanted to get to him but Mom was on her way.
Mom:You cannot come here and do this.
Nia:She speaks for her husbandonly for her husband. When were you going to tell us about your
husband turning Candy to Lizwilwam.
MJ:Candy get your clothes we're leaving and you better not argue with me. I am not in a very good
state to argue.
Dad:Where are you taking my daughter?
Nia:Try and stop us.
He knew better than do that touching MJ could result to years in prison. She was the President's wife
and wasn't so kind when it came to beating up someone.
MJ: Actually just grab your books and uniform I will buy some clothes.
I ran to my room and grabbed everything.
I watched as she walked out with themshe was really leaving and I had no idea when I would
probably see her.
MJ:Do not try me ever again.
They walked out.
Me: You are happy?
Him:This is not over!
Me:They have done Candy a favour! You burnt her not once did you apologizenot once did you hold
your daughter and apologised for what you did Lungelo. Let her goGod clearly gave her to the wrong
parents and that is me and you.
I walked to the bedroom I wanted to scream as I paced around. I grabbed my phone and dialled a
Me:I am so tired Mama I am so tiredI have had enough of this. I have let a man destroy my children.
Her:Come home Hlalanathi take a break from everything and come home. Take that three months
leave to think about everything.
Me:And Mandla?
Her:He is writing. You are doing this for him too you need to know why you have kids you need to go
back to your roots. You have neglected your kids I am sure that he wouldn't mind that you are
I dropped the call.
I wiped the tears from my face.
Me:Do you mind if I leave you here?I will ask Bongile to come and check up on you.
Mandla:Where are you going?
Me:Going home.
Mandla:Take all the time you need Mama.
He hugged me.
Me:I love you okay.
I grabbed my suitcase and shoved my clothes inside.
Him: What is going on here?
Me:I am leaving and don't say anything about it.
He looked stunned as I grabbed the suitcase and walked out. I have to leave I have to leave that is
what I sang all the way to East London.
I was still stunned at what has just happened in the house. Candy was gone and most probably not
coming back to the house. A knock echoed. I opened the door someone just threw themselves on
my arms and wrapped his hands around me.
What I hated the most is the fact we were the same heightit was definitely annoying.
Me:What is wrong?
Him:Mom just left too.
I just hugged him I felt bad for the poor guy his sister was gone now his mother.
Me:Come and sit down so I can make you some coffee.
While I was busy making coffeethe cologne smelt a little too strong. I knew Candy was responsible
for making the child use expensive colognes. I chuckled and walked back to the dining room with the
cups I sat right next to him.
Me:I am the best when it comes to coffee.
Him:Candy keeps telling me that.
Me:You don't believe me.
He took a sip and scrunched his nose.
Him: It's fine.
He put it back on the table.
He laughed.
Him:I am joking it's good.
Me:If you feel like not going home you can sleep here and Mom wouldn't mind.
He looked at me. Woah this guy has nice lips.
Him:What is it?
Me:Sorry I just remembered something that I had to do. I will probably do it later.
BongileBongile what the fuck?A childa child he is a child!Since when do I notice lips?

Living in a presidential home sucks I am telling you. There are guards at each door standing like
MJ:In this life you have to make a choice and live with it Candice. I chose to fight for my country and
love I made that choice I live with that and I am happy. I was never rich actually let me tell you a little
story. I was a brat you know when I grew upborn to money respected certain and few people. I
wasn't kind because I was privilegedFather was a minister of Justice I had everything I needed but I
couldn't buy one thing I longed for. Love. All of a sudden things changedmy father was shot to a
coma and I was being hunted because I had this thing my father said I must guide with my life. Right
there I learnt that being kind is something you should have as a human being I was running for my
life to a point I skipped the country and disappeared. That's how I got to the military doing the
government's assassinations on certain people. I have killed a lot of people Candy I am not proud of
that. I fell in love with this guy and my enemies killed him. It was another wake up call that I should
wake up but I didn't. I was living in Germany someone from here sent our organisation a message.
She wanted us to kill the deputy president.
MJ:The guy who is my husband now was the deputy president back then when I was asked to kill
him. I kidnapped the guy only to fall in love I had to make a choice and know very well that I was
going to live with it for the rest of my life. I made it and look at me now I am the First Lady of this
country. Now I want you to take this opportunity to go to London learn to stand on your own two feet
and you won't regret it. Make a choiceare you staying here or are you leaving?
Me:I am leaving.
MJ:Are you going to live with your choice?
Me:Yes I am.
MJ:That is the spirit. Now come let's go and have breakfast I am sure the kids would be happy to
see you around.
She kissed my foreheadit was weird but I will live. I walked following her as she walked to the dining
They all screamedit was definitely annoying but I will live. They had five
kidsMicahNgimphiweUngowamKungawo and Amzolele who were twins. The twins were six years
oldMicah same age as me Ngimphiwe same age as Mandla Ungowam twelve and Kungawo nine.
Me:One at a time.
Ngimphiwe:The drama you harbour woman.
Me:You are dramatic.
Zac:Hi kid.
Oh no not that name again.
Me:Mr President.
Zac:Really Jange?
Me: Yes Manona.
Zac:I think I should take you with me this afternoon.
MJ:Yes you should.
Me:Go where?
Zac:I am meeting with some UN countries in the Trenius House Of Order.
Me: Countries?
I was panicking.
Zac:Mini will take your measurements and send them to a designer. We will be meeting with
presidents and the Crown Prince.
Me: Don't I have a choice?
MJ:You need some fresh air Melamina.
Me:Yooh do you have to use my second name?
Zac:Are you ready for school?
Me:The entire world will be watching me. Oh God!
Mandla drank some pills for a headache he and slept overso I took it upon myself to go to his house
and get his uniform. He woke up at dinner and ate before ironing his clothes. I fixed my tie and
knocked at the room.
Him:Come in.
I pushed the door and stepped in.
Me:You have to come out for breakfast before we leave for school Siphamandla.
Him:You didn't have to say my name Bongile.
Me:I am not leaving without you coming out of this room.
The bathroom door opened and he walked out I looked up from my phone. Damn he is truly giftedhe
was wearing nothing on top and nigga had a six pack.
Me:How on earth did you get a six pack?
Him:I play soccer rugby and cricket so I spend most of time at the gym.
He grabbed his vest and shirt before walking past me I sighed as he went past.
Me:Bongile girl you are fangirling on him.
Him:On who?
Him:You said you are fangirling.
Me: Let's go have breakfast Mandla.
He chuckled as we went to the kitchen.
Mom:Woah Mandla you have been watered weren't you short just last week?
Him:I was never short I am taller than her that's it.
Me:Do you have to use me in your measurements?
Him:Oh come on I am taller than Candy you two are kids.
He grabbed my head putting it on his chest.
Him:See?She can't even reach my neck.
I moved back feeling a little uncomfortableMom coughed I looked at her she wanted to laugh.
Him:Let me get my books.
He took his bowl and walked out.
Mom:So it's me who is seeing how uncomfortable you are?
Me:I am not used being around him that much I always see him when I visit Candy or at school
when he plays nothing much.
Mom:Ben Ten.
Mom:The cartoon Bongile what do you think I am talking about?
She laughed before grabbing her things and walked out.
I pushed the door openit was so quiet in the room I couldn't hear anything at all.
Me:Do not come back Hlalanathi.
I gulped the rest of the contents of the bottle I staggered trying to move but I couldn't. So I just sat
down and looked around.
Me:I am always what did I do?I was straightening the damn child yeah I didn't apologize for the other
things I did to her because it was a waste of time. She has a mouth because of me and you want me
to stop raising her the way I do.
I could hear the door opening.
Me:Who is it?
Mandla came to view and went pass me with a dish on his hands.
Me:The prodigal son arrives.
He looked at me and went straight to his room.
Me:I didn't see you here last night.
Him:I am not scared to push you off these stairs you are drunk Father. I am very young I will just tell
them you tried to grab me and I pushed you off. I am minor they would believe me.
Me:Cleary you would kill me.
Him:With pleasure.
He went past me with his backpack and walked out.

Me:Your brother has a six pack!
Her:How did you see it?
Me:He was getting dressednigga feels comfortable walking around half naked.
Her:I have walked around him half nakedhe doesn't see a problem with that.
Me:We are not siblings.
Her:Bongile you never had a problem with Mandlacome on the guy is trying to impress both his
Her:One from this school and other from TP High for Girls.
Me:He is a player?
Her:There is this other girl he said he really wants but doesn't know how to get her I promised to
Why was I disappointed?Come on I have a boyfriend.
Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
Me:Hey love.
Him:I called yesterday and someone answered.
Me: That would be Candy's brother.
Her:He answered your phone?
Me:He was in the house and I went shopping.
Him:Ohh I thought it was your new boyfriend.
I chuckledCandy literally stared at me.
Him:Just checking on you.
Me:I will see you around.
He walked away.
Her:Wanna come to a boring UN countries meeting this afternoon?Well you are I already gave MJ
your measurements and you will get to avoid my brother.
Me:Why am I avoiding him?
Her:Should I spell it? First thing in the morning you suddenly can't talk around him. Hec-tic.
Me:I don't know what you are talking about.
Her:You always liked him taller than you and beautiful I would want him in my bed too. Remember
when he was ten and-
Me:He is a child!
Her:And already circumcisedtry him and see woman.
Me:You can't be encouraging this thing Candice.
Her:Stay horny forever then.
Me:Why would I take a child to bed?
Her:Testing123. Testingdo you copy?
Me:Shut up he's coming.
Mandla:I am broke sisi.
Her:Fuck her good and she will pay you.
Me:The fuck?
I slapped her as he laughed I ended up laughing.
Mandla:Will you?
Me:Leave me alone.
Her:He is asking for money to buy his other girlfriend some lunch.
Me:I am broke.
Her:I am not. Here you go brother your sugar mama don't want to bless you because you want to
impress someone else.
Me:Fuck off with your nonsense Candice.
Mandla:I love you sisi and you too Bongile.
He walked away as I smacked Candy.
Me:Did you have to?
Her:You did the same thing to me.
Me:He is your brother.
Her:Try him for a night I am vouching for him because he is my brother. We are little freaks it's in our
blood as Janges.
Me:I am never coming back from that.
Her: You're coming mos?
Me:What are we doing in a meeting like that?
Her: Apparently your crush is going to be there

it's in our blood as Janges.

Me:I am never coming back from that.
Her: You're coming mos?
Me:What are we doing in a meeting like that?
Her: Apparently your crush is going to be there I only noticed when I saw the list.
Me: Who?
Her:His Royalty.
Me:Prince Dante of England?I am coming with you.
Her:This woman.
I sat down on the floor with a book on my hand.
Voice:Hello Mam.
I looked up at the man.
Him:I am looking for Mrs Zusiphe Jange.
Me: That's me.
Him:Sign here.
Me:Okay here you go.
He walked out and came back with a huge bunch of flowers.
Me:Put them here.
He did before leaving. I took the card.
Me:"I don't know what to do I have ruined everything I have touched".
My heart broke as I read the note over and over again. I wiped the tears before taking my phone I
stopped when I saw his number. I had twenty missed calls already but I locked my phone again and
just continued like nothing happened. I grabbed my phone again and dialled Candy's number.
Me:Candy it's me your mo-
The line went dead. I sighed and dialled Mandla's number.
Me:Hey boyzin how are you?
Him:Good Mama and you?
Me:I am doing great my love. How are the exams?
Him:They are not that bad.
Me:Have you decided on which subjects you will be taking next year?
Him:Well I want to continue with my rugby career while also doing law.
Me: That's good. And Candy?
Him:Last time I checked her and Bongile were getting ready to go with Zac to some UN meeting.
Me:Is she okay?
Him:She looks happier. Dad is drinking everydayhe has taken a leave from his companies just
orders alcohol every night since you left. I am not saying that come back I am telling you the truth
because you asked.
Me:I won't come back now.
Him:I have to go I have practice. Love you.
Me:Love you too.
I wanted to book the next flight to Trenius but I told myself not to.
We were dressed in our two piece suit as we walked alongside the President on the red carpet
leading to the Trenius House of Order. There were cameras everywhere I was used to them but I
wasn't really comfortable as they flashed I grabbed Bongile's hand. He greeted and we had to do the
same I was already planning when we will be leaving. There were other young people around at
least. Zac didn't want us far from him as we sat right behind him. The interesting part the chairs had
papers written our names on.
Me:I am tired.
Her:I am here for my crush.
More presidents of other countries came in passing Zac to greet him. More and more came.
Her: He is coming.
I really didn't care about the Prince he wouldn't even notice her while we are sitting right next to him
so nah. The guy was beautifulgreen eyesbrown hair and he was fit. He was named the world's
sexiest man Bongile told me everything about the dude. Celebrities aren't going to notice even if you
were doing their hair that I knew. They notice other celebrities but of course my friend thinks
otherwise. On top of that a man like him wouldn't even dare marry her. He is the crown Prince of
Britain and he's bound to marry from royalty. I tried to tell my good friend that.
Her:He looked at me and smiled.
There was this guy talking to Zac and he was looking at her.
Her:Creep!No the Prince.
Me:I zoned out.
I wanted to laugh I am sure he was thinking of how he was going to shag her.
Me:I am sorry.
Her:We will ask the President to introduce us don't worry.
I am going to run as soon as this is over.

I walked towards President Zac Manona something was making me look around I knew that there
was something that wanted me to look. I caught a glimpse of someone as I approachedshe was
looking at my direction but I couldn't see her clearly.
Me: President Zac Manona.
Him:Your Majesty.
Me:I am definitely not that old mate.
Him: Everyone should be given the respect they need.
I looked behind himthere were two girls I smiled.
Him: It's nice to have you here.
Me:Thank you.
I wanted to look a little closer but the guard was already pointing where I would be sitting. I walked
and satthe girl was sitting right behind him but I couldn't even see her clearly. I sighed I will probably
see her when this is over.
As the meeting finished I saw her following the girl she was with. I got up from my chair and followed
I didn't even know how to call them as they ran laughing on the passage. The guards were following
I reached the door they walked in. I paused to see it full by young people. I darted my eyes around
but I couldn't see her. Why was I looking for the girl?What was going to do with the girl!She looked
younger than my own sister when I looked at her something had my heart humming a sweet hymn. I
sighed and turned to go back.
I turned the Prince was standing at the door looking around.
Me:Why is he following us?
Her:Who?Oh the Princewell you did say that you two looked at each and smiled.
Me: Maybe he is just lost or whatever.
Her:And then?
Me:Oh come on a man like him would want to have sex with me and move.
Her:You never know until you try.
Me:You once said-
Her:I am not saying force yourself on himif it's meant to be then it shall be. Look at MJshe was a
trained killer and she ended up marrying a president. Aliza was in a abusive marriage ended up
falling for Hunter whom she thought was just beyond.
Me:I get youbut I cannot just walk up to him and say I like you.
Her:You can do that thing you said you would ask Zacto introduce us to the guy. Let's go.
I followed as we went back to the hall just in time as Zac walked out with some men.
Zac:There you are I almost died thinking that the guards lost you.
He pulled us both to his sides while he talked to the men.
Zac:Yes Candy.
Her:Can we ask you something?
Zac: Excuse me gentlemen I need to attend to my kids. Yes ladies.
Me:He is right there.
And he was looking at our direction.
Her:Can you introduce us to the Prince?Well her.
He laughed before pulling us towards him I wanted to turn around and leave. He was beautiful I
wanted to turn around and leave. He was beautiful dressed in a suit but you could see how fit he
was under those clothes.
Zac:Your Majesty.
Candy was behind us as Zac pulled me so I wouldn't leave.
Him: President. The meeting was a success I am hoping that the next one we would be the ones
hosting this time.
Zac:We did suggest that plus we need some royal food.
Him:And Britain knows how to feed.
Zac:I have these ladiesthey wanted to meet you. This is Bongi and where is she?
Him:Nice to meet you Bongi.
He took my hand and kissed it. Okay I am already planning everything.
Zac:And this is Candy.
He kissed her hand.
Him:Nice to meet you Candy. Are you going to bring them to the next meeting?
Zac:I hope it won't be in the middle of their exams just like today.
Him: It's refreshing seeing young people aroundmakes you feel like you are doing something great.
Zac:If you get to set the time then I will try to contact you about the possible dates.
I moved back to Candywe walked away.
Her:Whatever body moisturizer he is using smells good.
Me:He likes staring.
He was watching as we walked away.
Me:He is beautiful.
Her:You didn't even say anything to him.
Me:He is my crush!
Her:You live with another crush in your house.
Me:Can you stop saying that?
Her:I am not possessive but I know you two like each other I don't know about love. I should ask
Likhona about that or even ask Zano your boyfriend in case you forgot.
Me:Piss off.
Her:You and Siphamandla can just fuck with each other.
Me: Forget it I am not about to fuck with a child. A minor in case you forgot.
Her:"This stays between us"just ask me how to do that I am a master.
Me:One would say I am the bad influence all along it's you not me.
Her:Looks are deceiving.
I just laughedshe looked and sounded better than I thought. Sometimes I ask myself if she never
thought of suicide but this woman has told me her deepest fears but never once she said anything
about committing suicide.
I have been in Bongile's home almost everyday avoiding being around Father all the time. Bongile's
mother said she talked to my mother about me staying with her and she said yes. I was given my
own room I got dressed up in my shorts and rolled my mat on the floor before doing my workout. A
knock echoed as I was doing my pushups.
Bongile walked in and said nothing. I stopped and looked at her.
Me:Are you okay?
Her:Umm I should leave.
I got up and walked to her pushing the door closed.
Me:What is going on?
Her:Mom said that I must check on you because you will be living here with us.
Me:You are not exactly comfortable with meare you?
Her: It's not that I am not used to you walking around half naked.
Me: Don't you think you should get used to it if you will be seeing me for the rest of your life?
Her:Thank God this year will end soon and I will be gone.
I chuckledshe didn't get what I meant. I am fifteen but I surely know a lot of things but Bongile thinks
I don't. I stepped closer to her and she moved back.
Me:I want to remove the white thing on your face.
I wiped the corner of her lipshe looked down as I did.
Me:One of these days I might find myself kissing someone.
She looked up so fast and I was already close just closershe didn't move as I lowered myself.
Me:Just say that you like me more than you think woman I might even kiss you.
I moved and walked back to my mat to continue my workouts.
Me: Please tell your Mom that I am settling just fine and I am definitely going to enjoy being around.


Me:Stop laughing!
She continued laughing as we walked out of the schoolwe were done with our preliminary exams.
Her:I love my brother.
Me:Mxm I can't believe he did this to me
Her:So are you going to shag him?
Me:No I'd rather not. Zano will hurt him.
Her:He will have to deal with me then. Anyway Zac said that this two weeks holidayhe wants me and
you to come with him to London plus he wants me to show the college I will be attending.
Me:What is he doing in London?
Her: There's a briefing to choose which country will be holding the UN meeting this December and
he thinks Britain should.
Me:I don't want to seem like I am taking advantage of his kindness.
Her:Tell your Mother what I said and stop telling me about taking advantage. Show up or I will
personally hunt you down.
Me:You are so stubborn.
Her:My father got frustrated how I seem to have words to say back even when I have been beaten
Her: It's the truth I might as well accept it.
Me:I can never be sorry enough.
Her:Just come with me along with Zac.
Me: I am coming with you.
I jumped and Candy laughed.
Him:What is going on?Why are you jumpy?
Me:You surprised me Zano.
I also turnedhe was wearing his rugby kit. Damn this child was just damn!
Him:Are you sure that you are okay?
Voice:Zano bro!
Him:You know about our date tonight?
Me:Yeah I do.
He kissed me before walking away. I watched as Candy pointed at me I was uncomfortable with
whatever they were talking about.
Her:Come here!
I walked towards them feeling more uncomfortable than before.
Her:I am getting chips be right back.
Me:You can't leave me here!
Mandla:With me?
Me:No it's not like that.
Mandla:Is it because of what I did yesterday?
Me:Yea-no I am just umm not in a good mood to be around people. Yeah that's right.
He chuckled before walking towards me grinning.
Me: Don't do thatwe are in school.
Mandla:I didn't do anything I am just stepping closer to you Bongile.
Me:You are worrying.
Mandla:When do you want me to kiss you?
Mandla:You heard me.
Me: I-I-I-I-I-I umm so like yeah dude.
He looked at his watch.
Mandla:I will see you at home tonight Bongile.
Me:I won't be home tonight.
Thank God.
Mandla:I wasn't asking I will repeat in case you think I am joking. I will see you at home tonight
Bongile Mkhwananzi when I get in the house I expect you there no I am not trying to dictate you. I
can be very melodramatic and Zanomxm.
He kissed my forehead and ran out.
Her:What did I miss?
Me:Bitch you were standing right there and you heard everything.
Her:And the nigga knows how to throw a drama series.
Me:He can't get what he wants.
Her:He is going to get it and we both know that.
Me:Why are you doing this to me?
Her:I am enjoying this cougar shit.
Me:You deserve to die. What am I going to do with a fifteen years old?
Her:Fuck him good so he thinks he's very old.
She laughed making me laugh.
I pushed the door open and walked in the house. I knew that he was somewhere upstairs drinking as
Him:Again what?
Me:You are drinkingday and night. Aren't you suppose to be fighting for your family?
Him:Mxm you left on your own you will get back on your own.
Me:You are an abomination.
Him:Me?Says one of my sperms.
Me: Useless sperm donor.
He got up and staggered towards me.
Him:You are not going to talk to me like that.
Me: That's it.
I grabbed him and dragged him towards the stairs.
Him:Let me go Siphamandla!
Me:Okay as you wish Father.
I closed my eyes as he went crashing down the stairs I could hear him groaning as he fell down. I
took a deep breath before opening my eyes I could hear him groaning as he fell down. I took a deep
breath before opening my eyeshe laid down in a pool of blood.
Me:What have I done?
I quickly grabbed my phone and called the ambulance. I was trying to calm myself down as they told
me that they are on their way.
I would have called my mother and sister but I didn't.
Voice:Good afternoon.
I looked upit was the police.
Her:Dr Murray and I would like to ask you few questions.
Me: I was in the kitchen making myself coffee when I heard something falling down the stairs I found
him bleeding on the floor.
Her:Do you think he jumped?
Me:He was drunk I am sure he missed a step. I seriously don't know maybe he wanted to kill
himself. I mean it's not even that long since him and Mom separated.
Dr:The child shouldn't be questioned without a social worker next to him he just experienced a very
traumatic experience and you are asking him. His father consumed a lot of alcohol and according to
the test it was just beyond.
Her:I apologize. How old are you?
Her:Dr get the social worker so he can talk to her to make sure that he is okay.
Me:How is my father?
Dr:He suffered just internal bleeding and some injuries but he's going to be fine soon.
Me: That's good.
Dr:Your mother has been called already.
I am a devil if you tell me. My phone rang.
Me:Big sister.
Candy:Your mother just sent a message telling me about your father. What happened?
Me:I pushed him off the stairs.
Candy:Did he make you angry?
Me:Not really I just got tired of him not seeing how wrong he is so I pushed him off the stairs.
Candy:Did the police come?
Me:Yeah and I told them that I was in the kitchen when he fell.
Candy:If they ask you again just be a very heartbroken son I will be there to get you as soon as
Candy:I love you okay and I know why you did that I almost chopped his fingers off. It doesn't mean
that you are a killer there's a time for each person to get tired.
I found Mandla talking on his phonehe immediately dropped it before getting up and hugged me.
Me:I am sorry baby I shouldn't have left you.
Him:All that blood.
Me:Shhh baby don't talk about it.
Dr:Mrs Jange your husband just suffered few injuries we expect him to be awake in few days. He
broke an arm and some ribs nothing major.
Me:Thank you. See he is going to be just fine.
He moved and looked at his sistershe looked better than before.
Her:Mandla please.
Him: Sorry me tell me when you get home.
Me: Can't even acknowledge me?
Her:The dead should stay dead Zusiphe don't you think?
Me:I wish I can turn back time and change everything.
Her:You suddenly want to be Immortal Time congratulations Mama Bear.
She grabbed Mandla's hand and walked out.


I couldn't leave when I saw the ambulance and police leave the Jange house. My heart
stoppedCandy called and told me what has happened and I had to call Zano and tell him that I
wasn't coming. Mom was working for the night so I was home alone. The door opened and Candy
along with Mandla walked in.
Me:Oh I am sorry.
He just hugged me.
Candy:He said that he is going to be fine I am going somewhere and I will be probably be back
tomorrow. Please don't let him out of your sight.
Me:I promise I won't.
Candy: Siphamandla.
Candy:Ndiyakuthanda uyeva?(I love you hear me?).
Him:Ndiyakuthanda nam Sisi.(I love you too sister).
I loved these two their love was something I wish I had but being the only child was my curse. She
Me:You should go and lie down.
He held my hand as he walked with me to his room.
Him: Lie with me.
Him:I don't want to be alone tonight please.
Me:Just lying on the bed because you need comfort.
Him:Unless you want something else.
He pulled me as I moved.
Him:Funny I thought you wouldn't be around the house.
Me:I couldn't just leave.
Him:Are you going to tell me when to kiss you?
Me:Siphamandla the blankets.
Him:I happen to sleep half naked.
Me:This is why I am sleeping with my clothes on in case.
Him:In case you become a little heated next to me?
I choked on my own saliva.
Me:Does Candy know the things you talk about?
Him:Are you coming or not?
Me:Stay on your side Mandla.
Him:I am not going to touch you relax Bongile.
I sighed and got on the other side of the bed. Why did I even agree?
I felt pressed and I wanted to pee but I couldn't move. His hand was holding my thigh as it laid on top
of himmy head lying on his arm. I tried to move but he was holding my thigh tight.
Him:You can just say Mandla let me go.
I jumped.
Me:Let me go.
He got up and walked to the bathroom. I got up and pulled the door but it didn't bulge I looked for the
key it was nowhere to be found.
Me:The key!
He didn't answerso I rushed to the bathroom to find him washing his face.
Me:The key!
The way I was pressed I rushed to the toilet and relieved myself luckily it had its own door.
Me:You are evil do you hear me?
He looked like he was already waiting for me to come out I didn't know if he was sleepy or it was me.
He looked straight at me coming closer and grabbed me. He put me on the island before getting
between my legs.
Him: Should I?
I nodded so fast my head felt like it would fall off. He positioned my face before coming closerhis lips
felt tender as he kissedhe nibbled on my lower lip before going for my upper lip. It was getting
heatedmy hands laid on his chest as he kissed me I could feel the boner against my thigh making
me cringe. My stomach tightened I sure hell was horny but I wasn't abou-fuck I moaned. He
chuckled and laid my head on his neck.
Him:This is bad.
Me:You think?
Him:Come let's go sleep before I decide to trap you with a baby.
Him:I am joking with you.
I was gone forthe fact I wasn't fighting him meant far worse.
I stood at the window watching as the nurses attended to him I walked to the door and entered.
Me:Is he going to be awake?
Nurse: After the injections wash off he will be.
They walked out leaving me and him alone. I stared at him

I walked to the door and entered.

Me:Is he going to be awake?
Nurse: After the injections wash off he will be.
They walked out leaving me and him alone. I stared at him the things he has done flashing on my
mind. I grabbed one of the pillows slowly and held it.
Me:The way I hate you is just beyond.
I was about to cover his head when his eyes snapped open and he looked at me shocked. I didn't
move I still looked at him with the pillow positioned to silence him forever.
Him:What are you doing?
Me:I am killing you.
I covered his face with the pillowhe struggled someone grabbed me the pillow fell on the floor and I
clicked my tongue.
My uncles and aunts literally stood there in shock.
Mom:You were not about to kill your father weren't you?
Me:I was just sending him where he would be happy which is hell not here.
Mom:You are not a killer Candy!
Me: There's first time for everything Mother. Get your hands off me so I can leave.
She moved and I walked out. I got inside the car and sighed. What on earth was I about to do?How
could I be so like him?Oh God was I really willing to kill someone?I could feel my nose getting
blocked as hot tears fell on my face. What have I become?Oh God what is happening to me?
Me:I can't kill someone I cannot do that.
I continued with the same mantra as I went back to the state house. The guards opened the doorthe
moment I stepped in MJ was already waiting with a concerned.
I let out a sob as I threw myself to her warm embrace.
MJ:I am sorry my love I am very sorry my love. I know what you are going through. I do.
I was going through something I have thought I would never go through I have thought about killing
him but I never went through but now I am almost did I felt way guilty.
I was terrified I was shocked I was worried I was going through a phase I didn't know. My own
daughter was willing to kill her fathershe was willing to have his blood on her hands.
Me:Oh God what have we done with our kids.
We had to call the doctor since he went on shock.
Dr:I had to call the policemy patient was suffocated.
Me:I get it Dr.
The police arrived as we walked to the roomLungelo was awake as they followed us.
Me:Are you okay?
Him:You are here.
Detective:I am Detective Murray and we were called by the doctor telling us that someone
suffocated you. Now brings us to question if you really fell by yourself on those stairs.
We looked at himhe just stared in a space.
Detective:Mr Jange?
Detective:Can you tell us what happened?
He stared into space still.
Detective:Mr Jange?
Him:I remember what happened and I didn't fall by myself on those stairs.
Oh God! I moved back from him and watched clearly this man is not going to change ever at all.
Detective:You do?
Him:My daughter Candyif you have noticed she doesn't stay home because we don't get along. She
pushed me off those stairs and was here to finish me off with a pillow. Check the Hospital cameras.
All of them are witnesses.
I died right there and was raised back to life.
Me:Please do also sign those divorce papers.
Him:We shall do honey because I know a mother would do anything for her child and you are going
to do exactly that. Candy tried to kill me and you want me to pretend?
I grabbed the pillow and the Detective grabbed me.
Me:I should have killed you myself!
I pushed the detective off and walked out. Who on earth did I marry?

Zac:How is she doing?
Me:She is going to be fine I have contacted a therapist to talk to her about this I am very worried
about her you know. No matter how much you hate your parentit shall not go to the point you try to
kill them.
Zac:What if Lungelo reports her?
Me:After everything he has done to her?
Zac:The guy likes to be in controlhe could do that to get all of them back dancing to his tune simple
as that.
Me:All I know is simpleCandy isn't spending one single night in a prison cell. I'd rather burn Lungelo
Zac:So you won't believe what happened at the meeting. Prince Dante literally wants to see the girls
Me:Him out of all people?
Zac:Well Bongile wanted to be introducedhe literally kissed their hands leaving me stunned.
Me:The guy never takes interest on girls.
Zac:Well I do not know what changed but he literally suggested that I bring them with to the next
meeting especially if it's going to be in Britain.
Me:You are lying!The guy is an asshe thinks that the entire world should fall on his feet well women.
A knock echoed.
The head of guards walked in.
Me: What's going on?
Him:Mr PresidentMy Lady there's a Detective Murray on the waiting room and they have a warrant of
arrest Miss Candice Melamina Jange.
Me:The fuck did you just tell me?
Zac:He did not just do that!
I got out of bed grabbed my gown and sleepers. Uncle Lungelo is going way too far!
Me:Zac talk to Candy I will deal with this.
I hurriedly walked to the waiting room.
Her:My Lady.
Me:Why are you here at this time?
Her:We are here to arrest Candice-
Me:You are trespassing do you know that?
Her:I have a warrant-
Me:On what grounds?
Her:On attempted murdered of Mr Lungelo Jangeher father.
Me:I will bring her myself tomorrow she's a child not a killer.
Me:This is a state house and I happen to make the lawbe careful by tomorrow you could have no job
now I will bring her tomorrow morning myself. Are we clear?
She wanted to argue.
Me:Guards escort her out of my grounds and make sure that her or any police are banned from
coming here.
I turned and walked back inside.
Candy:I know why he is reporting mehe wants me to go back home.
Me:I will deal with this.
Candy:Nono if you do that this will get nasty. The entire world will know that I tried to kill him and you
are trying to cover it up. I can't drag everyone who decides to help me.
Me:One thing that is not happening is you sleeping in a cell.
I sat in the room waiting for the Detective to show up I was scared but a big part of me didn't care.
The door opened and she walked in.
Her:I am Detective Murray. I have few questions for you. How is your relationship with your father?
Me:There is none.
Me:Ask the scars on my body spirit and mind.
Her:It would be nice for you to answer what I ask. Why?
Me:He wants me to be my dead brother.
Me:I would but it would incriminate me.
Her:Okay. Why did you leave home?
Me:He burnt me with hot oilmy cousins found out and said that I must leave.
Her:Why didn't you report?
Me: Last time I did that your partner called me a conniving teenager.
Her: So in other words you have a reason to kill him?
Me:I won't answer that in case I incriminate myself.
Her: Answer the-
Me: It's my right not to answer Detective you read them to me.
She sighed.
Her:You are facing attempted murder.
Me:If I wanted to kill him I would have done it ages ago.
Her:Did you push him off the stairs?
Me:I was in the state house at the time of the accident.
Her:Did you try to suffocate him?
Me:I didn't try you read them to me.
She sighed.
Her:You are facing attempted murder.
Me:If I wanted to kill him I would have done it ages ago.
Her:Did you push him off the stairs?
Me:I was in the state house at the time of the accident.
Her:Did you try to suffocate him?
Me:I didn't try I did but his wife saved his ass.
Her:You know that you are eighteen?
Me: Actually I am not and if you think you are going to wait for November until I am eighteen to try
me you must be in Cloud 9. You have the evidencetry me and see which court is going to allow
persecution of a minor. I am a Head girl in schoola girl like me wouldn't dare kill someone.
She looked stunned I came here prepared I wasn't going down on this. A knock echoed and Father
walked in.
Him:Can I talk to her alone?
She got up and left.
Him:You know you must be thinking a lot of things right now but I am going to do whatever it takes to
get everyone back in the house and you just gave me everything.
Him:Imagine I tell them about the monitors in the house and they find out who actually pushed me
off the stairs. What would happen to him?He would be tried in children's court and they would wait
for him to be eighteen.
My heart stopped.
Him:Imagine you struggling to work because you have a record of trying to murder your own Father.
Now I will drop the charges if you and your brother go back home like nothing happenas for your
mother she will come back home with her own two feet.
I looked at the man and realised that he is never going to change. I got up and walked out with tears
on my face.
MJ:He is doing it isn't he?
They said that this was his sick way of getting us all back. Mandla was standing outside with Mother
and Bongile. I wasn't about to let him be destroyed too.
Me:I will go back for my little brother just for him I cannot let my little brother be destroyed for a spare
of the moment choice that he took.
I walked out.
Me: It's okay.
Mandla:What is happening?
Me:We go back only because of you Lala.
Mandla:They were not lying.
Me:Please don't bother yourself about this it's just another phase we are going to be fine.
Mandla:I am sorry. What do I do?Do I go in and tell them that it was me?
Me:Nono just forget about this and continue with life.
I wiped my face I told myself right there that I was done crying because of a man. If he wants to treat
me this way then so be it I will not fight anymore for myself.
Her:Kanti lonke eli xesha nditshate inja?Hayi uSathane akasoze acinge ngongqubeka kuwe.(All this
time I married a dog?Satan would never think of trying you.)
Me:What are you doing here Zusiphe?
Her:I don't care if I can't divorce you but what goes around comes back around. When you wake up
and see the damage you have done I hope that no one would be here. I hope that Candy will be long
gone. I hope Mandla never turns like you. I wish Lizwilam haunts you til you jump from the highest
building I hope that God forgives you because you don't know what you are doing. I hope one day
your legs stop working and you can't do anything about it. I wish that I never married youoh how I
wish I never stopped Candy. How I wish you get to see everyone being happy without you. I wish
you lose everything that you have Lungelo. Twenty five years of marriage and I still don't know why I
stayed married.
I kept quiet as she wiped her eyes I couldn't say anything at all. I have destroyed my family beyond
repair because of an obsessive behaviour of getting what I want and for things to go my way.
Me:I am trying.
Her: Don't fuck with me!You destroying us is trying?What did we ever do to you? You are not the
man I fell in love with you are not the father I thought you are. You are not the man I married and
promised my all to.
Me:Tell me what to do.
Her:We are here now but stay away from the kids stay away from them. Apologize for everything
you have done Lungelo and you need help. Goget help and be better than this. Candy isn't going to
be fully your child ever again whether you get better or don't. And I want that divorce Lungelo when
you feel like giving it to me go ahead and do it.


I sure don't know how those two feelsome would say that I should be worried about the fact that they
both tried to kill their father. The thing is I have experienced how it feels like to have him as a Father
I have defended Candy thousand times and I saw how he treats her. I would have killed him many
years ago. We didn't go to Londonwe just prepared for our final exams which were starting very
soon. Mandla was trying to be okay I checked up on himwe would kiss here and there no go too far
than that. We would lay together for a night I don't know what we were doing but I sure hell enjoyed
it. Nigga would come to our spot every Friday to bring us ice cream it's something we used to do
altogether but now he said that it's his duty. On weekends we would all three of us go out most of the
time they were avoiding being around their Father.
Me:So we are writing our second paper today.
Her:Likhona is coming.
Me:He has been visiting almost two times a week. Are you pregnant?
Her:Oh come on the guy loves me.
Me: Like you love him.
Her: Won't he turn against me?
Me:What do you mean?
Her:If my Father can do it what is stopping my father from doing so?
Me:Hayi Candy.(No Candy).
It broke my heart to hear her say that.
Her:Yinyani. Xa utata wam endenza lentoakhonto emisa uLikhona ukwenza le nto inye.(It's the truth.
If my father is doing this there's nothing stopping Likhona from doing the same.).
Me:Likhona is different.
Her:Someone who would hurt me the same as my father is doing. A man's love is something that I
don't know I am not even sure if it's what Likhona is giving me. My first love is suppose to be my
father look at mine. What if men are like that but just good at hiding it?I panic when I see or hear
Likhona is mad I suddenly think of all the words he's going to sayhow he will slap me. I am broken
beyond repair aren't I?
I grabbed her and laid her head on my chest.
Me: Hold on and finish your exams you are leaving Trenius and you are not going to turn back. I
don't care how many years you take to come back but you are leaving. I will probably cry but I will be
at peace Candice I will be here anytime for you to call me. I will be here when you come back home I
will not leave until you come back.
We both cried as we held on to each other. The bell rang indicating that we should be in class for our
exams. I helped her up.
Me:You are much stronger than this okay?
I wiped her face.
Me:I love you.
She hugged me before we walked to the classes.
I sat on my chair looking through the papers. Being an accountant sometimes was a stress itself I
ran my own auditing company it was successful because all the Jange companies used it. A knock
Me:Come in. Oh Mahle can you please get me another copy of these there's something that I can't
seem to understand between some journals.
Mahle:What do you mean Boss Lady?
Me:The money was recorded right to the Journal then to the Ledger but I see different amounts then
their bank account there's another different amount.
Mahle:Someone is stealing money from the company.
Me: Exactly what I thought.
Mahle:Anyway there are two gentlemen who wants your help with their journals. Big shots who could
really boost this company.
Mahle:Umm Damian Black and umm Mateo Kingston.
Me:Do not play like that.
Mahle:I am serious.
Me:Send them in.
She walked out. I fixed my dress and waited for them to walk in. Damian walked in followed by
Mateothese guys still looked handsome.
Damian:Miss Jange.
Mateo:Mrs you piece of nonsense.
Me:Please sit down. How can I help you?
Damian:You can write your number on the back of the papers I am already thinking about how I am
going to take you out on a date.
I laughed.
Mateo:I shouldn't have brought you with me Damian you are still chasing skirts.
Damian:Come on look at the woman she is beautiful.
Mateo:I have checked her out in social media she's really beautiful.
Okay these men didn't really come here to compliment me.
Me:Guys are you going to tell me how I can help you?
Mateo:Damian get the other papers in the car.
He looked at him and sighed before walking out.
Mateo:This is what made us come all the way from Glass Land to here.
He handed me the papers

she's really beautiful.

Okay these men didn't really come here to compliment me.
Me:Guys are you going to tell me how I can help you?
Mateo:Damian get the other papers in the car.
He looked at him and sighed before walking out.
Mateo:This is what made us come all the way from Glass Land to here.
He handed me the papers I looked at them. I could feel his eyes I looked at him he was looking at
his phone.
Me:The accountant is playing games with youshe or switches the amounts to make it look like an
accident. Look here the amount suppose to be deposited to this accountis deposited to this one.
Then this one is nowhereR545 379 isn't anywhere in the records which means that it was taken.
Mateo:Can you write a statement?
Me:I will just email it to you before tonight just write your email address.
I watched him write the e-mail address I took the paper to see his details. I looked at him.
Mateo:You are really beautiful.
Oh God.
Me:Thank you.
He got up and walked out. I smiled by myself I looked at my ring finger well I took my wedding ring
off when I left for home. I looked at the papers and sighed. I knew about Mateo Kingston not that
much but what was there to knowwas in a wheelchair for sometime because his wife shot him. His
son was reported missing because no body was found with his girlfriend Zac's sister. No one knows
where they went or what happened that night.
Me:Ask Troy to scan these and make sure that he points out every thing I underlined and make a
She walked out. I took the divorce papers out they had my signature except his. Til this day I am
trying to understand what is going on in Lungelo's mind. I grabbed my phone and dialled my lawyer's
Me: Advocate Manona.
Him:Mrs Jange.
Me:I sent a scan of the divorce papers. Has he signed them?
Him:His lawyer hasn't gotten back to me but I will definitely call him or we take this to court.
Me:Please also tell them that I want nothing from him.
Him:It doesn't mean that he won't want something from you. Your company?
Me: It's in our kids' name he can't take itboth my cars are under their names.
Him:Well I will arrange a meeting with them as soon as possible.
I was sure more than before that I wanted the divorce and I was divorcing him.
"I think it's time we confronted the situation in front of us
And I think it's time we talk it out and forget all the fuss
And if it's not me I'll have to understand and I'll be out your way
No drama involved
But if you feel it's me if you feel I'm the one
You're gonna need to make a way for me to see it
But as for me you're the one
And in my heart our time will come
Till the end I'ma always be right by your side
But as for me you're the one
And in my heart our time will come
Till the end I'ma always be right by your side
I know you're the one
I know our time will come
I feel you in my heart
I see you in my dreams
I keep you in my prayers"
I watched her as she slept peacefully under my arm with the speaker booming this girl was still
sleeping. I kissed her lipsthen her cheek before kissing her entire face. She laughed yawning.
Me:You finally decide to wake up.
Her:You woke me up.
Me:I just kissed you that's it. I missed you.
Her:I am right here in case you can't see.
Me:How did you sleep?
Her:Like a baby.
Me:And me?Like the nanny.
She laughed. Damn I love this girl.
Me:I love you.
She stopped and looked at me with those black eyes of hers.
Her:I love you too.
I kissed her.
Her:No ways I already need a wheelchair to get out of this bed. You are not going to try me.
Me:Oh come on.
Her phone rang.
Her:Who is this?Who?Umm I am not sure if she gave you the right number. Yes I know her maybe
she wrote mine by mistake. Okay I will do that. Eeh this is weirdmy mother gave some man called
Mateo Kingston my number I am trying to think how is that even possible.
Me:Just like I gave my brother yours because I wrote Mine and suddenly I thought it was my new
Her:I don't know about herthis guy sounds old.
Me:So what do you want to do?
Her:Stay in bed.
Me: Let's eat first.
I coughed.
Me: Don't play me like that.
She pulled me down I looked at her as she grinnedshe wrapped her legs around my waist.
Her:Dessert tastes far good in the morning.
Me:You little freak.


I shook my head as she walked in.
Him:Where were you?
Him:The entire weekend?
Her:Of course duh.
Me:Lungelo just leave her alone.
Her:Anyway Zusiphe you gave some guy my number.
Me:Why would I do that?
Her:He was asking for you and he said that you sent this number along with the email you sent.
Me:It must have been a terrible mistake. Who?
Her:You have to tell me how you typed my number instead of yours then I will tell you.
Me:I was stressing I guess I was thinking about you and I mistakenly wrote yours. I apologize for
Her:Mateo Kingston is the one that called.
Jesus Christ!
Me:I am sure he wanted to give me a feedback.
Him:On what?
Me:None of your business better sign those divorce papers Lungelo.
Her:What divorce papers?
I blinked and looked at him.
Her:If you two are divorcing what is going to happen to Mandla?
Him:He is staying with me!
Me: You must be damned to think I will let that happen.
Him:You are going to raise him with what money?I will be coming for everything you got.
Me:Awe you are so adorablein case you forgot everything I own is under our kids' names so I don't
know what you are coming for. Removing me from my company means putting Candy on the seat
since she's the majority shareholder after all she's turning eighteen in a week's time.
He looked stunned.
Me:And everything that is written under her name that you own will be hers. Wait isn't this house
written under Candy? Aren't your companies written under her?You were raising her as a son and
heir so she will be eighteen and I think it's her right to take what's hers.
Him:You got me right thereso the charges are also hers Zusiphe I just go back and say she tried it
Me:How can you be so cruel?
Him:If you think I am going to let any of you walk away from me just like that you must be damned. I
am getting better for you and you want to walk away like that. Forget it!I will give you this you can go
ahead and stay in your own house but these kids are staying. It's your choice I hold the cards.
He got up and walked out.
Her:Not even Generations the Legacy has this much drama.
I grabbed my phone and walked out too I was defeated.
Her:Woah you are not planning to jump off the bridge and die are you?
Me:I am just getting fresh air Melamina!
Her:I happen not to care I need you to help me with accounting.
Me:You never ask me to-
Her:Mxm forget it I am trying to be nice before I disappear but no Candy.
She walked back to the house I battle with myself on what to do.
Her:Management accounting focuses on the measurement analysis and reporting of information that
can help managers in making decisions to fulfill the goals of an organization. In management
accounting internal measures and reports are based on cost-benefit analysis and are not required to
follow the generally accepted accounting principle (GAAP). In 2014 CIMA created the Global
Management Accounting Principles (GMAPs). The result of research from across 20 countries in five
continents the principles aim to guide best practice in the discipline.
Management accounting produces past-oriented reports with time spans that vary widely but it also
encompasses future-oriented reports such as budgets. Management accounting reports often
include financial and non financial information and may for example focus on specific products and
Me:Cost accounting is defined as"a systematic set of procedures for recording and reporting
measurements of the cost of manufacturing goods and performing services in the aggregate and in
detail. It includes methods for recognizing classifying allocating aggregating and reporting such costs
and comparing them with standard costs." Right?
She smiled.
Her:You got that right I don't even know what you need from me exactly. Often considered a subset
of managerial accounting

its end goal is to advise the management on how to optimize business practices and processes
based on cost efficiency and capability. Cost accounting provides the detailed cost information that
management needs to control current operations and plan for the future.
Cost accounting information is also commonly used in financial accounting but its primary function is
for use by managers to facilitate their decision-making.
I looked at her as she wrote on my black board. We could have gotten along.
Me:I don't hate you and I will never do I may say that I do but I don't. I know how hard it is to leave
something you have invested so much into. Acting like you don't love him is going to destroy youall
you have to do is make a choice and be sure that you will live with it Mommy. Don't make a choice
and regret it later I can see it in your eyes and his that you two love each other more than you do to
us. If you fighting for this marriage to survive do not let him bully youstand tall and fight him. I am not
saying do what I did no. Stop arguing with him go to church I heard that it helps.
Her:When did you become so wise?
Me:My parents have hurt me I had no choice but grow up and walk with my head tall. Not once did
you hear that I beat up another student because I made choice not to let someone out there get to
me like you two. Everyone thinks that I have it all but I don't. The choices we makebuild you up.
She looked teary I went back to my notes.
Her:I don't deserve you at all.
Me:Of course you don't but God gave you us.
She looked hurt.
Me:You know exactly how to hurts not to recognise the person you lovenow you know how I feel. My
parents neglected me raising me to fulfill their dead son's spot and having no idea why can't you just
be yourself. It's okay I am going to hit back so harsh you won't even forget it. I am going to leave a
permanent scar you will be here tending to your wounds and I won't even feel guilty.
It was a promiseit was the choice I have taken and I was going to live with itall I had to do was act
fine way too fine to be around.
Her: Won't he be disappointed not to see them in the meeting?
Me:Do you think he wants both of them?
Her:He is white I don't think he is going to do that.
Me:I don't know exactly who he wants.
Her: Didn't you say that Bongile was the one who wanted to be introduced?
Me: Isn't he too old?
Her:I don't know too. He is coming.
Him: President Zac and My Lady.
Me:Prince Dante.
Him:How is London treating you so far?
Me:I think I should just buy a house here.
Him:Ah and your country?
Me:I will leave Bongile and Candy in charge.
He tried not to smile MJ pinched my hand.
Him:Where are the ladies?
Her: Unfortunately they are writing their final exams and I don't even want to think about them in
charge. South Africa will be a disasterall men would be slaves.
Him:They are not that bad.
Oh really?
Him:What did you say their names were?I just got confused on who is who.
Her:Do you have a phone with you?
I looked as she logged in his Instagram. She searched and followed them both.
Her:Check your search history I followed both of them.
Him:Wait one of them is related to you?
Her:My sister and her best friend.
Him:Thank youlet me go and check on other guests.
He walked away.
Me:He is good at hiding things I don't even know which one he likes.
Her:I think I have a good ideathis guy has been hit by love at first sight. He would be changing
history if he dares date a black woman and on top he is going to be a frequent visitor to our country
that I am sure of.


Me:I am not drinking at all.
Candy didn't come to the celebrationour rugby team won against WB High for Boys so we were
celebrating around a bonfire. I wasn't even interested.
Zano:Come on babe.
Me:I said no!
I pushed him and walked closer to the bonfire.
Voice:Now I really thought you and Candy are inseparable.
Me:She dumped me for Likhona.
Him: Clearly you are not so important anymore.
Me: Whatever Mandla.
He laughed.
Him:Want to leave?
Me:Hell naw!I am not leaving with you.
Him:What did I do?
Me:My mom isn't around and leaving with you is a huge risk.
Him:What would I do to you?
My mind screamed and said it's a trap.
Me:Kiss me.
Him:Then I won't go.
His phone vibrated.
Him:The driver is here let's go.
I followed him like a lost puppy.
Zano:Where are you going?
Zano:With this boy?
Me:We are neighbours duh.
Him:Bro don't call me this it won't end well.
Zano:You think you will win against me?
Him:I don't think I know.
So fast Mandla's connected with his chin sending him crashing to the ground.
Me: Let's go.
The guy was calm way too calm as we walked to the car. I stared at him stunned.
Him:If you want to knock someone down hit under their chin simple.
Me:You are not angry.
Him:I am not.
I turned the lights on as he followed me around.
Him:So when is Mom coming back?
Me:Somewhere next week.
Him:We have time.
Me:Time for what?
He grabbed my hand and lead me to the room he used to sleep inhe locked the door. He pushed me
against the wallit still amazes me how he pushed me up so easilyhe had both legs around his waist.
He kissed me slowly when I was about to complainit was getting all hot as he pulled my polo neck up
. He put legs on the floor before pulling my jeans downhe chuckled when he realised that I wasn't
wearing any panties or bra. I don't even know when he took his clothes off but nigga was in his
briefs. My mind literally screamed I was about to move but he grabbed me back to place. He pushed
me up kissing my neckhis hands under my legs I don't even know what he was doing as I held his
head more like making sure that he doesn't stop kissing me. Having a light skin was going to be a
huge problem because he was biting and nibbling on my neck. His hands held me on my waist I
could feel my coochie getting tingley. He touched me just massaging nothing more I was already
feeling the intensity. He put one leg down letting it hang before rubbing with his dick on my coochie. I
haven't been dry for some timeZano was-no don't say it Bongile.
It came out unexpected as he thrusted and stayed inside without going in and out. He was like a
ticking time bomb I could feel all the nerves zapping my body. He slowly thrusted in with his teeth
taking small bites on my neck and chest. I held on him moaning and half screaming on his ear. I
could feel my muscles contracting tightening around himmy stomach became tight and clenched
down I could feel the warm liquid oozing off. He moved towards the bed slowly laid me with him still
inside. My ass on the edge of the bedone leg down and other he held it with his hand. He thrusted in
as I moaned grabbing the blankets. I looked at him only to find him staring at me alreadyCandy
always I must avoid doing that otherwise I will catch unnecessary feelings but I was hypnotisedthe
devil literally grinned before lowering himself and kissed on the lips. His dick was getting harder
inside and I knew he was about to cum as I wrapped my legs around his waist. Niggas half groaned
and moaned in my ear. Fine I caught whatever wasn't thrown my side that I knew. His hand was
grabbing something next to the lamphe moved and took the condom before tying it he went to the
bathroom and came back with a towel to wipe me. He grabbed his phone from his pants and turned
the speaker on.
"Sexy tease me with your lingerie (Yeah)
Water drippin' on me
Do what you wanna do
Talk dirty
Look me in the eyes and say (Whoa)
Ooh fuck me please"
He walked back to megrabbing my legs put them over his shouldershe moved up on the bed and put
on another condom.
"This droops (Woo) slaps (Woo) I'ma smack that ass (Yeah)
As rough as you want it in the front or the back
It don't matter you like it slow
Then go faster we're rollin' on the floor oh
It's only you and me stuck with each other and I love it (Oh)
Girl I'm gon' give my all can't get rid of me yet
Put you on a plane can't get rid of me yet
Put you on a plane whenever you on a jet (Jet)
Snatch your rapper chain whenever you need a check (Check)
You know you can come and stay when you fight and he upset
Ain't nothin' change side nigga I remain I fuck with you because you're"
He kissed me looking at me straight in the eyehe thrusted so fast and little rough. He pushed my
legs towards my heard as he thrustedthe tingles washing my body like electric shock wave. The
rhythm had me scraping his armsbut he didn't stop.
"Sexy (Sexy) tease me with your lingerie (Yeah 'rie)
Water drippin' (On) on me (Mm)
Do what you wanna do
Talk dirty (Ooh whoa)
Look me in the eyes and say (Whoa)
Ooh fuck me please"
He separated both my legs while he continued thrusting inhis skin was getting sweaty as he
continued fucking the living lights out of me. He was fast thrusting in and out his hands holding my
legs aparthe pushed one up and still continued thrusting I could feel my muscles clamp as he went
way fast I could feel my stomach tighten but he wasn't stopping as he continued pumping. I could
feel my whole body clamping down but he did not stop and continued thrusting in and went deep
making me jump. I could feel the anticipation going up again and he slowly before his dick jerked
inside. He put his head next to my facehe kissed the corner of my lips before moving and took out
the condom wiping me in the process. He moved me and covered me with the blankethe kissed my
Him: Sleep tight.
Said the nigga putting me in his armsit was weird but he was a little warmer than me.
I got up from the chair and walked out.
Me:We are going there this Christmas season.
They only gasped.
Me:What have you discovered about the girl?
PI:Nothing muchshe is goes to Trenius High School there's nothing about her love life but there's a
guy who seemingly is interested in her.
Me:Fine you will get to know about her when we land to South Africa in tomorrow. I don't have to
remind you about what will happen if this conversation leaves the four of us. I am going hang all of
you dead.
They nodded.
I looked at my phone I was going to do whatever it takes to get her whatever. I will deal with the
royal family later but for now I am getting her.
Voice:Your Highness.
I stopped in my tracks and turned.
Me:Lady Celeste.
Her:What is it I hear that you are planning to spend your Christmas in South Africa?How come I
wasn't told about this?
Me: Don't you know now?
Her:Were you planning to tell me?
Me:When did you start confusing fucking and a relationship? Actually My Lady where is your
Her:So you throwing me to the dirt just like that?What is it?Have you found a new woman so you are
bored of me?
Me: It's a good thing that you know and is clever to notice it. I am going to South Africa and I
wouldn't want to bump into you somewhere. Focus on your marriage woman.
She squinted her eyes and clicked her tongue before walking away from me.
Me:Make sure everything is sorted for tomorrow.
I looked again at the pictures and sighed.
Me:I don't know about making you see me I don't even know where I will start to look for you.
I knocked at the door and opened without waiting to be told to enter. I laid next to her and blew on
her face.
Her:Stop it Mandla.
I wanted to laugh. I kissed her noseshe covered her face I kissed her hands and purposely licked
her hand.
Her:Euw Mandla.
She opened her eyes and screamedshe fell grabbing me with her along.
Her:What are you doing here?
Me: Bitch you are fucken naked what the fuck were you doing with Mandla?
Her:I don't know what you are talking about.
I squeezed her her nipples as I sat on top of her.
Her:Aaah fuck you!
Me:Oh come on Bongile spit it out!
Her:Okayokay we slept together!Let my fucken nipples go!
I looked at her before getting up.
Me:Woah PG-13 darling.
Her:My nipples arghh!
Me:You do know that we are suppose to be in the White House?
Her:White House?
Me:YesMJ asked us to come with her to do some shopping.
Her:I forgot.
Me:I suggest you wear something to cover your neckdamn I can't wait for Monday.
Her:Oh nono!
She stood in front of the mirror.
Me:Baby brother is a freak.
Her: Fuck you.
Me:He is still in the house.
Me:He is making breakfast.
She literally ran to the bathroom I laughed. The door opened and Mandla walked in.
Him:What did you do?
Me:Told her that you are still in the housefreaked out and went to take a shower.
I was fascinated as he changed the bed and did it. He grabbed her clothes from the floor before
walking out.
Me:Heh this is a movie.
She walked out with a towel around.
Her:My clothes?
Me:I think he's washing them. Am I seeing things?My boy is the perfect gentleman.
She blushed.
Me:Pinky pinky.
She laughed as she walked out same time he walked in.
Him:You good?
Her:I am fine.
Him:I made some breakfast before I go to practice.
Me:How were the semifinals?
Him:Bongile was there.
Me:Ohhh wasn't she there to cheer for Zano? Speaking about him is it true that a certain Jange
knocked him down?
Him:He was getting on my nerves.
Me: Let's go eat before I die from hunger.
Her: Don't they feed you at home?
Me:Wait I am here to pick you for the MJ thingy I almost forgot. Let's eat fast so I can go do the
grocery that I am suppose to do fast. I think we have enough time.


Me:I give it to himthe guy is just something else. Where did he learn all these things?
Her:I kind of gave him access to the internet.
Me:Candy what?
Her:I was sixteen and he was thirteen I told him everything that is there to know about sexmy father
was focused on me to talk to him. My brother talked to me when he had a wet dream. Do you realise
how embarassed he was when he realised what was happening?I taught him everything using the
interneteach day I learnt a new thing I told him. I wanted him to grow up knowing the do's and don'ts
I don't want him to wake up one day and say if my father blah blah. I just think kids need to be told
the truth not try sugarcoat things by saying bees talk. Tell them what happens when they have
unprotected sexwhat will happen when they hit pubertybroken heartscrushesbonerhorny etc.
Me:You raised him you are a good teacher.
Her:I didn't teach sex positions I defined sex. Pornhub can answer that one.
Me:That is far disturbing.
She laughed.
Her:What are you two doing exactly?I need to prepare for Zano's tantrums. You do realise that he is
the captain of the rugby team?
We walked to the shop grabbing the trolley.
Me:Do you think he will know?
Her:Well last time you wore a scarf to school was when he left bites on your neck so I don't know
this time.
Me: Couldn't you mention this way before?
Her:How?You should have thought about that I still can't believe that you shagged my little brother.
Me:You are too chilled.
Her:I have to be I am not going to fuck him mos this is not Pornhub.
Me: Shouldn't you be screaming and say no no don't fuck him!
Her:My brother deserves to be happy I am not saying that you should make him happy. Sometimes
you can think you are in love with someone but you are notenjoy it while it lasts nothing is changing
between me and you.
I hugged her.
Her: feel like this place has a celebrity so many guards.
Me:I think it's us.
We both laughed.
We both turned to look at the man I widened my eyes and stared at him in shock. He was in a
suitguards stood not far from him.
Her:He looks weirdly familiar.
She whispered.
Me:Prince Dante.
I bowed a little.
Her:Wait is he that guy that wa-
She bowed her head and looked up. He bowed also.
Him: It's good to see you.
Me:Likewise Your Majesty.
Her:Uhlala phi na lo Mlungu?(Where does this white dude live?).
I wanted to laugh.
Her:Hayi yimovie!Ke ngoku uzothini aphaesithe phuhlu amehlo aluhlaza?Ingathi izakudika nalento
yakhe yoncuma udoti.(It's unbelievable!So what is he doing here staring at us with green
eyes?Seems like this thing of his smiling at us is going to be annoying.).
Me:Usile Candy.(You are naughty Candy?).
Her: Aren't you suppose to be in the state house or something?
Him:I came here for fresh air. Do you live around?
Her:No we live almost out of town in a place called Tefikawe are in town so we have to get the
Him: Let me not waste your time.
Her:Sele ulithe waste but asoze usive sithetha ngalonto.(You have already wasted it but you would
never hear us talk about that).
I watched as he leaves.
Me:He is trying to be nice.
Her:Look this one is getting more creepier you posted that we were going to be here and he's here. I
bet you post our next stop he would be therehe oddly weird too I mean he is following both of us on
Her:I am telling you the truthcheck it out. I don't know but to prove itcheck it out. I don't know but to
prove itI am going to post that we are going to the Trenius state house.
Me:Maybe he likes me
Her:I thought you liked it young and fresh.
Me:Why did you thought?
We burst out laughing.
Me:Wait don't open yet. Ready?
Her:I can't wait to see that you are going to be disappointed.
We walked in and we stopped on our trackthe Prince was sitting with MJ and Zac having some
Me:Fifty rands ncaa kuCandy.(Fifty rands to Candy).
She took it out and handed it to me.
MJ:My babies.
Me:Lo bhuti uyasilandelabesikhe sambona eTown.(This man is following uswe saw him in town).
MJ:And what is wrong with that?
Me:I am not Bongileshe finds it cute but I don't.
Her:Why me Candice?
Zac:We also want to hear what you are whispering about.
Me:Big brother.
I literally threw myself on him.
Zac:So much love.
Me:You know how much I love you.
Zac: Getting weird what is going on?
Me:We will be finishing with exams so we were thinking about visiting Red EmpireLiza or Blackwell
the in-laws. Asseblief.
Zac:Just because you are manipulative.
Her:Your Highness we see you again.
Him:Such a huge coincidence.
He looked at us and smiledhe is getting more weird about weird.
Me: Can't we kidnap him and demand billions for his release?Oh shit I was suppose to say that in
Everyone burst out laughing I was embarrassed as I tried to cover my face.
MJ:We have a conference callplay nice.
Her:Of course.
Me:I wonder what are we playing with an old man Sisi.
They laughed and walked out.
Her:Mhle kodwa Candy.(He is handsome though Candy).
Me:Jonga amehlo wakhe adreen.(Look at his eyes are dreen).
Her:Not green?
Me:Dreen yes.
Her:Awugezi maarn.(You are so naughty). Where is the bathroom?
Me:Down the hall on the third door.
He was on his phone but put it down.
Him:You are beautiful.
Me:Umm thank you.
Him: Seemingly you love wearing pants instead of dresses.
Me:I had no choice.
Him:For a moment I was a little worried that you are a tomboy.
Me:I am not.
He was looking at me.
Me:You are staring at me I am Candy not Bongile.
He laughed.
Him:I don't even know why I am in South Africa but after I met you something told me that I should
come here. It's funny I thought I liked my women with long hair. Actually white no offence.
Getting creepy each second....
Me:Bongile are you done?
He laughed and stood up. He walked towards me.
Me:Jesus of Nazareth!
He stepped closer I literally ran crashing to Bongile.
Her:What is it?
Me: Nigga I mean whigga whatever he is just flirted with me telling me about how I am the reason he
is in South Africa. I think he wanted to kiss me or whatever it is.
She burst out laughing.
Her:I knew it I knew it that he is interested in you.
Me:What am I going to do with an old dude?White? Prince?He just wants to see how naive and
stupid I am and get me to bed.
She laughed.
Her:I cannot believe that you still do this nonsense of running away from guys.
Me:Well he creeps me out.
Her:I got you.
She hugged me.
I can't stop laughingthis girl literally ran away from me. I dialled from my phone.
Me:Her name is Candice Jangefind out everything you need to know about her. Everything you find
about her I want it first thing tomorrow morning.
MJ: Sorry.
I dropped the call.
Me:My Lady.
MJ:The girls?
Me:Well Bongi went to the bathroomCandy ran the moment I talked.
Zac:She still runs away from guys?
Me:Oh she does that?
MJ:Yes I do not even know how Likhona convinced her.
MJ:Her boyfriend of two years I love those two the love they share is something that is beyondso
young and innocent. Out of all guys that one gets herhe has seen her at her lowest but didn't back
down at all.
Oh this is going to be far worse than I thought. They walked back inshe was watching her steps as
they walked to MJ.
Her:Can we leave?
It was funny how creeped out she was of me but at the same time it was making me curious. To me
it seemed like something was going on with herthe way she looked scared the moment I got up had
me way worried.


I have been avoiding being in the same room as my father for obvious reasons. I looked around and
it was quiet.
Voice:Right here.
I turnedhe was leaning on the door.
Him:How long were you thinking that you are going to avoid me?
I looked at him.
Me:As far as I can.
Him:So you can sleep with CJ's friend in peace?
I stopped breathing.
Me:I don't know what you are talking about.
Him;I was fifteen before difference is she could get arrested for sleeping with a minor.
Me:Is that a threat?
Him:I thought you weren't doing something with her. What is his name again?Zanokuhle Malangeni
Me: Her boyfriend.
Him:He just reported you for assault but since you are youngthe police said that there's nothing plus
there's no evidence.
I looked at him stunned.
Me:Why are you telling me all of this?
Him:I am telling you this because he just told them that you are sleeping with her now they are
interested because you are a minor.
Him:Do yourself a favour and stay away from her.
Him:She is listening to this conversationif she knows what is good for her and you she will stay away
from you. As for you I don't think you want to destroy her future because she won't be accepted in
Trenius University anymore.
He showed me the call on my phone.
Me:Why do you even care?
Him:Yeah right I don't care but we are talking about someone's child hereif you don't care about your
future at least care about hers.
Me:You out of all people should be enjoying this.
Him:I don't play when it comes to someone finishing their schooling Siphamandla in case you forgot.
I just looked at him and walked out.
I was frozen to the same spot as I listened to the conversationwe were in the car heading to the mall.
I could hear my heart packing its stuff and walking out on me. It definitely felt like a heart breaka very
painful one too I don't even know if I was breathing right or what. I didn't even know that I was in love
with Mandla until now.
Him:I am not against the relationship but this is going to ruin your life if you let it continue.
I dropped the call and looked at it in shock. We were all silent in the car then Candy burst out crying
waking me from my own bubble. So fast she was sobbing the driver stopped the car so fast almost
crashing to the one in front of us. I turned to hershe was sobbing I was stunned to be exact because
I also wanted to cry too because of her. The guards came to the car with MJ.
MJ:What is going on?Why is she crying?
Then it clicked.
Me:The Princehe is white.
MJ looked confused before realising what has happened.
MJ:Turn the cars around.
We were in grade ten when one of our white neighbour ambushed us on our way back home
everyday he would throw comments about Candy wearing like a boy. This day he was waiting for us
at the corner grabbed Candy so fast and ran to his house. By God's grace my mother was just
leaving when she heard me screamingshe called one of the neighbours we went rushing to the
house. I could hear Candy screaming for memore people camethe man came out with her. He said
that he wasn't going to do anything but her uniform was in shreds. Black people and mob justice
same What's App group. The police was called only when he was barely breathing and we never
saw him again. She had a habit of freaking out if a white guy came a little closer even at school. It
went to a point when our principal wanted to congratulate on passing Business Studiesshe tried to
be calm but she panicked and fainted. She had to go to therapy but she hasn't gotten over it
especially with her father acting the way he does.
Me:Please don't cry.
I wanted to join her for my own problems but I had to be a little more resistant until she's fine.
Me:Oh God the Prince is still in the house.
MJ:What did he do?
Me:He likes her to be specific

she tried to be calm but she panicked and fainted. She had to go to therapy but she hasn't gotten
over it especially with her father acting the way he does.
Me:Please don't cry.
I wanted to join her for my own problems but I had to be a little more resistant until she's fine.
Me:Oh God the Prince is still in the house.
MJ:What did he do?
Me:He likes her to be specifiche was flirting with her that is when she freaked out.
MJ:I will talk to him about it.
She laid her head on my shoulderthis one is going through things I don't know how she will
overcome. I cried a silent prayer to God hoping he hears her prayers. We were born on the same
year me a little older than her but our mothers always dressed us up like twins. Mom even bought
me jeans tracksuits so I wouldn't make her feel bad. We practically are twinsfunny there's not even
one single day we stayed away from each otherwe fought but always talked.
Me:Ndiyakuthanda ke mna njeba uzenza mbi.(I love you while you are busy making yourself ugly).
She chuckled.
Her:Andikuthandi ke mna.(I don't love you).
Me:You are hurting my heart.
She laid her head on my lap.
MJ:How are you feeling?
Her:I just went back to the past when he got up and moved closer. I really need serious help.
MJ: When are you finishing your exams?
Me:Well I am finishing on Wed and she's finishing on Friday with Accounting. Wait a minute it's the
twenty seven on Friday right?
MJ:Wait it's her birthday right?Guess what we are not flying to Blackwellwe are having a road trip.
MJ:I just love the two of you I am going to talk to your parents myself today about this. I don't think
they will say no to the First Lady. Micah must be jealous that I am always with you because he
happens to be Momma's boy.
Me:He will heal.
Lungelo finally agreed to come and sign the papers. My lawyer along with his lawyer.
Thato:My client is not asking for anything from you just divorced from Mr Lungelo Jange.
Lungelo:Can the papers be processed after this December holidays?
He was too calm.
Thato:If my client-
Me:I don't mind.
He took the papers and signed them I watched only to notice something weirdly odd. He was right
handedmy whole entire world just went crashing right there.
Lungelo:What do you want to know?
Me:How do I separate you from him?
Lungelo:He is right handed obsessed with a perfect family shit. He lost his family in a car accident
and he went a little obsessed with perfection after that.
Me:So you are left handed and he is right handed. You guys look so much alikeeven Candy cried
when he saw both of you.
Lungelo:I am trying with my twin-
Thato:Mrs Jange?
Me:No don't sign the papers.
Me:Just give me this month to accept this.
Him:I already signed.
Me:Okay fine this month we should wait and see if we want to get divorced or what.
He looked confused.
Him:I am not following you at all.
Me:I just remembered something Candy said and I realised that she's telling the truth. Actually I will
decide then if I still want a divorce.
I got up and walked outhe followed.
Him:I am sorry.
Me:For what exactly?
Him: For everything I have put you through.
Me:Now I am actually proud we didn't have sex for the past ten years after you were discharged
from the hospital.
Him:So you are telling me that you simple refused to have sex with me just because I came from the
Me:Oh yes Lungelo I have been asking myself how is it possible to refuse to sleep with my own
husband. You turned to an animal overnight I don't even recognise you at all. You are not Lungelo
and the father of my kids.
He looked at me with sympathy.
Him:I am sorry for everything I have put you through. I have realised that I need to work on myself
that's why I assigned myself to a clinic that is going to help me.
Me:When are you leaving?
Him:Can you drop me there?
My heart was pounding as I looked at him. How the hell didn't I not notice this?This is was not my
husband I was distracted by the fact he seemed different about the chemotherapy. Is this why he
didn't like going home because his mother would notice that he was not Lungelo but Lungisani?If he
is here then where on earth is my real husband?



I literally ran up the stairs with my heart on my sleeve. I pushed the door open and found the doctors
standing around him.
Me:What is happening with him?
Dr:We did what we said we would do we called the doctor that was suggested. This is her.
I looked at the young womanshe undeniable looked like Zac.
Her:Haven Solman from Washington DC Hospital.
Me: How is he?
Her:The surgery was fineall was needed to be done was making sure that he is on the machine
while removing the bullet from the artery. It was trickywe had to insert more pipes to do the job
before giving him another heart likely it was a dying patient so we could extend the size of the
Dr:The moment I realised that it was this easy I just couldn't believe that we wasted time.
Her:I have checked his progress for days and he's getting better and betterwakes up but hasn't
talked even one bit. Unlike the time he could only look and don't move.
Me:I am grateful for you Doctor Haven. Something is weird about you you look exactly like the
woman that disappeared fourteen years ago but you haven't aged one bit.
Her:Just like the woman I bumped into when I was coming here three weeks backshe said that I was
alive. I think she mistook me for someone else.
Me:I am so grateful for what you have done for me and my family Dr Haven.
I took my phone walking out and went on Zoom dialling.
Me:He is awake and kickingwakes up but hasn't talked. They managed to remove the bullet along
with the heart.
Sibusiso:Thank God it is done.
Musa:Ten years this guy has been staring at us now he can comment.
Sibusiso:Lungisani won't take this lightly.
Me:Cain and Abel history repeating itself. I don't even know how to protect the kids without harming
them. I am glad that they haven't noticed that the man controlling them isn't their father otherwise we
will be talking another unnecessary story.
Musa:Have you seen the damage he has done?He has destroyed those children and I don't know
about them ever coming back from this.
Me:You know how obsessed Lungisani iswe know what happened when Dad confronted himhe
ended up dead and we have to pretend for peace's sake.
Sibusiso:I am still saying that he has a psychotic disorder.
Musa:Never!My daughter Eliza conspired with Andrew to marry her sister Aliza so they can steal her
money. They were going to sell her to prostitutionshe was clear minded when she agreed. Lungisani
is obsessed with perfection and he will do whatever it takes to do that even if it means killing his own
twin to stand in his place. He only had sons so it was only necessary that he changes Candy to be
Liso his son.
Sibusiso:What do we do?
Me:Do what we have been doing for the past ten years. Wait.
Musa:Sometimes I look at him and try to think what is going on in his mind. Can't he stop?I want to
ask him but we all know what happens when you try the guyhe is manipulativehe is
obsessedjealoushe is always calculating conniving and a step ahead. Only in a Bible a brother killed
his brother for his things. I didn't think our own will do that.
Me:I have to go but Sibusiso please arghhh never mind I will talk to Zac myself. There's something
about the doctor and there's no coincidence.
I dropped the call as the doctor walked out.
Me:Sorry Dr Haven Ma-Solman are you married?I could not help but notice the wedding finger has a
faint line on it.
Her:Oh yes I am beautiful thirteen years of marriage.
Me:Any kids?
Her:Landokuhle and Lethokuhle they are twins.
That's no fucken coincidence!
Me:Where is your husband?
Her:He will be here to start a new branch in a week's time.
Me:And his name?
Her: Juan-Marcos Solman.
There has to be a reasonan explanation of what was going on.
Me:Nice to meet you.
The moment she walked away I was already on my phone calling Zac.
Me:Get your family and the Kingstons together Saturday we need to talk about Haven Yvette
Manona and Juan-Marcos Kingston. I can't be freaking out alone.
I literally took every paper in the house out to display documents and everything I could get my
hands on. The more I checked papers signed by him the more I realise that this wasn't my husband's
writing. I have bypassed all the red lights in front of me I was becoming more stupid and stupid each
day. I looked at the pictures and realised that I have been a fool

I was becoming more stupid and stupid each day. I looked at the pictures and realised that I have
been a foolthe biggest fool. They were identical but different I had to learn the hard way. If he is here
where on earth is my husband?
Voice:This is interesting.
I looked up to see Candy with a picture on her hand.
Her:Wait how come there are two sets of twins here? Isn't this Father or this one?Wait Father has a
Me:You are never to speak about any of this okay?
Her:Where is Lungelo?
Me; Business trip.
Her:I am here for my clothes.
Me:Okay. Why are your eyes red?
Her:Why yours white?
She left me there I dialled Senzo's number.
Me:Molo Bhuti unjani?(Hi Brother how are you?).
Him:Ndiyaphila enkosi unjani wena?(I am good thanks and you?).
Me:Ndiyaphila.(I am good).
Him:Is everything okay?
Me:Umm where is Lungisani?
He paused.
Him:I am not sure I wouldn't know at all.
Me:It took signing the divorce papers to notice somethingas we speak I have papers that I could find
on the floor telling me I am not being paranoid.
Him:Slow down and tell me what is going on?
Me:Ten years later I only realise now that he has been using a right hand.
Him:What are you talking about?
Me:My husband is left handed and this man I have been living with is right handed my husband had
no temperliked acting fine and this man has short temper. Oh God this is sick the more I think about
Him:I still can't understand.
Me:Tell me it's just my mindtell me I am just going crazy about this. This man isn't Lungelo it's
Lungisani not Lungelo. Oh God!
The silence sold it away.
Me:Oh God what kind of people are you!Have you seen the damage he has done and you let him?
Him:Do you have an idea what Lungisani can do?
Me:He is a murderer! Manipulative bastard!Oh God all this time I have thought that pain changed
him it's not my husband. You watched my baby girl go through the most and said nothing to me. Ten
damn years how was I so stupid and blind?
I dropped the call and cried on the floor. How on earth did this happen?Candy paused on her tracks
Her:You will heal my lovethis is life. Do not cry too longMandla is coming with so I don't think there's
someone who will be comforting you.
Me:Do whatever you want Candy.
I laid on the floor sobbingmy phone vibrated but I didn't care and wasn't about to.
It was flipping intense in the car with Mandla sitting with Micah at the backCandy sleeping on my lap.
It was much worse than I thought because my phone continued vibrating but I couldn't get it. We
stopped at a garage I had let Candy sleep as we walked out.
Mandla: It's not going to work.
Mandla:You ignoring me.
Me:I don't even know how we will be surviving a month under one roof.
Mandla:I can't stay away from you but I am not about to get you arrested for my own selfish reasons.
Me: Siphamandla.
Mandla:I will be here anytime when it is time to get back.
Me:I am not sure what you mean.
Mandla:I need to be over eighteen to be with you I don't care if you decide to get engage in the next
three years but I am coming for what is mine.
Me:I didn't take anything that is yours Mandla.
He stepped close.
Mandla:You are mine do not even dream about forgetting that. Aren't you suppose to get the chips
instead of being stuck in front of me?
He dropped the chips on my basket before leaving me.
Ngimphiwe:This is interesting.
Ngimphiwe:The sexual tension between you and my cousin.
Me;Oh Lord another fifteen year old!
Ngimphiwe:I know rightwe hit the right nerves.
I just chuckled as she helped me get the snackswe found everyone waiting outside.
MJ:I gave her very strong pillsshe will be awake late this night and we will be already by then for her.
This has to be perfect I already asked everyone to do whatever it takes to make sure everything is


I felt exhausted as I stretched I opened my eyes only to be met up by eyes. I blinked because
everyone was sitting staring down at me.
Me: Should I freak out or scream?
MJ:You choose.
Them: Surprise!
Me:Aah! Keep quiet I acted surprised mos.
Bongile jumped on top of me grinning.
Her:Baby girl is legal.
MJ:So me and my husband decided to get you something that you will use next year.
Me:A plane?
They laughed.
MJ:Here are your car keys.
Me:Oh yeah!Oh yeah!Get off I want to dance.
My birthday's were always beautiful because of my cousins and mother I was bummed that day
when she didn't even say happy birthday or the fact I left her crying. Everyone was handing out their
gifts I managed to escape and call her. It rang the first time but she didn't answer I called again.
I paused and looked at the phone again.
I was getting a little emotional I can't believe I am that cruel to leave a crying woman behind.
Mom:Yes Liefie.
Me: Please stop crying.
She chuckled.
Mom:I needed to hear that.
Me:I love you okay?I said I love you Mama.
I turned the phone off. I walked back in the house.
I found the door opened and walked in.
Me:I was missed today.
Letho:Baby Mama.
Me:You two are scaring me what's up?
Voice:This is what is up.
I looked up and smiledhe stood there grinning.
Me:Oh my goodness!
Him:My love.
Me:Why didn't you tell me that you were here?I would have came home early.
Him:I wanted to surprise you.
The kids left us in peace.
Him:This house was oddly familiar.
Me:So first day my GPS acts up and I can't find the hospital I remember something about the
production company. I bumped to this woman just looking at my face she fainted and called me
Haven. She said something about me being alive.
Him:Do you think they know about where we come from?There were people taking pictures of me
when I landed calling me Kingston.
Me:Look at this. The woman Lupita Kingston I searched her and I found this. This is you with hershe
is your sister and we happen to have children that look exactly like us.
He read the story I still don't know how we got to Florida but we didn't remember where we came
from but we had our ID's and everything else nothing else. We looked for fourteen years but having
no idea who you are or where you come from.
Me:I saw me tooHaven Yvette Manona. It's me it's really me.
Him:This is creepy. Who do we call?
Me:I got the man's numberhe is Senzo Jange and he happens to be the father to the First Lady who
is married to the Presidentmy brother. Let me call him.
It rang I was sweating as it kept ringing.
Voice:Jange speaking.
Me:This is Dr Haven Solman and I really want to talk to you.
Voice:Can I send you an address for tomorrow morning?Can you come?
Me:I will come with my husband.
Voice:That would be nice.
Me:Thank you.
I dropped the call.
Him:What is going on?
The phone vibrated alerting a message coming through.
Him:Is that the address?
Me: It's the Kingston Mansion.
Him:How come we don't remember?What happened exactly?
Me:I don't know exactly

I was sweating as it kept ringing.

Voice:Jange speaking.
Me:This is Dr Haven Solman and I really want to talk to you.
Voice:Can I send you an address for tomorrow morning?Can you come?
Me:I will come with my husband.
Voice:That would be nice.
Me:Thank you.
I dropped the call.
Him:What is going on?
The phone vibrated alerting a message coming through.
Him:Is that the address?
Me: It's the Kingston Mansion.
Him:How come we don't remember?What happened exactly?
Me:I don't know exactly I really don't know.
Him:I am already worried about what will happen tomorrow.
I read the newspaper article I could feel the guilt covering me like a blanket and the anger was
something else. I should have checked all my sources before doing what I did to the girl. I looked at
the pictures and sighed I had to stay away from her until I was ready to face her. My phone vibrated
and I looked at the screen.
Me:Did Father and Mother ask you to call me?
Her:Partly plus I was in school and I come back to find out that my brother is in South Africa on a
holiday. Holiday!
Me:I have been meaning to tell you about that.
Her: Interesting now I know and I am confused. You usually bring one of us what happened now?
Me:I have a lot of things to do.
Her:Your bride is waiting also confused that you just up and left.
Me:Anistasia is becoming a nuisance more than before.
Her:Have you fallen in love out of the rules and regulations of the Royal Family Dante?
Me:I never said anything about falling.
Her:Your behaviour has been spotted after that meeting in the same place that you are in as we
speak everyone is curious Dante and I can't stand up for you knowing nothing.
Me:I should be standing for you not the way around.
Hwr:Tell what is going on?You cannot fall in love Dante I am not saying it's bad falling in love but we
both know what happened when the last time you did that.
Me:She was assassinated I know I know.
Her: We have to accept reality Dante you can't be the reason another woman well for the third time
dies. As for you no one is going to touch you but the girlthe elders will come for her.
Me:I did not say I am in love Dinah.
Her:I don't mean to make you feel guilty I am sorry I am just worried because I have seen you in
love. You act irrational and do things with your heartthe elders sent someone to check what you are
doing in South Africa. They will be there in two days so whatever is going on make sure that you are
not risking someone's life.
Me:Thank you.
Her:I will keep you updated okay?
Me:Thank you.
Her:I love you too.
Me:This child. How was school?
Her: It's funny how I haven't gotten a roommate for six monthsgirls hate me for my birthright which is
being a princess. I just wanted a normal life.
Me:You should have let me talk to them.
Her:So they will have more reasons to turn my roommates against me?But the school sent me a
form of this new student who is from South Africa and they think she will be good.
Me:Have hope then.
Her:I do and I checked her out she is pretty and I even checked her out her social media accounts.
Such a beautiful black girlshe just turned eighteen and I am dying I want to say'happy birthday'.
Me:Says the girl who said stalking people isn't right.
Her: It's not everyday you meet such beautiful black shorthaired girl.
Me:I don't want to even think about what you might do.
A knock echoed.
Me:I love you I have to go.


I was going through the worst phase of my life I knew that I shared a bed with my brother in-law only
God knows why I didn't even get tempted to sleep with him. I have no idea where to start or what to
do as I head to Glass Land. I had to find out where is my husband.
Me:Good morning. I am here for my husband I don't know where is his ward.
Her:His name?
Me:Lungelo Mandla Jange.
Her:Umm let's seeuhm mmhm Ward 7room 2.
Me:Thank you.
I hurriedly walked in to the elevatorin my head I was thinking about how he was going to escape. I
was bouncing in the elevator the moment it opened I went running outside.
Me:Room number 2.
I pushed the door opened and walked in.
Me:How interesting!The three musketeers altogether.
Sibusiso:We wanted to tell you but he is very dangerous.
Me:Voetsek Sibusiso! Voetsek do not tell me shit!You let me sleep on the same bed with that man
for yearsyou watched my daughter go through hell because you hid the truth. You went too far acting
like you care when you didn't. Ten years.
Musa:Lungisani shot him and he thinks he's dead!
Oh God!
I was losing balance as I tried to move.
Me:He tried to kill himhe tried to kill him. I curse you all I hate you. My husband lies on this bed and
nobody bothered to tell me anything. What kind of sick and twisted men are you huh?What kind of
brothers are you?I have let my daughter be bullied it's a choice I took which I will probably live with
forever. Your choice destroyed the only daughter this man has and you call yourself family. Madness
and bullshit!Bullshit and I am going to sue you. You are going to regret crossing me you fucken
whack black bitches.
Musa:You are refusing to see the point Zusiphe.
Me:Voetsek Musa Jange!I am suing you and remember this day I never want to see you near or
anywhere close to my children ever again I am going to tell them exactly what you have done. As
soon as this man wakes up I am suing you and you must be damned to think I will back down. If you
know what is good for you and this family of yours you will not fight me not now or anytime. You are
going to wish you never knew me!
I walked over to himhe laid sleeping he looked to be in peace.
Me:How stupid a person can be? You will be disappointed in me when you find out what exactly
happened in these ten yearsthe things I have donehow I helped Lungisani destroy our children
Christmas has passed now and I don't even know how they are doing. Mandla would tell me but
Candy would spit on my feet if I dare question her. What have I done Lungelo?I am like your brother
in so many ways I had to accept that I have ruined our children I will live with that I have broken our
kids I will live with that maybe I should die maybe I should die.
We have been staring at each other for twenty minutesno one saying anything at all.
Dad: Kingston.
My brother stared at him and didn't move.
Me:He doesn't remember anything about you Father. These are your kids fourteen years old.
Haven stepped closer to them they were crying as she hugged them.
Her:God will show us the wayHe would never forsa-
She jumped and looked at them.
Me:She remembers her.
Then it started raining like the night they disappeared

Kingston fell to the floor and Haven started speaking in a strange language. Everyone stood afar
watching as it rained more than before then it stopped. Haven sat on the floor.
Her: Kingston followed me that night and he got in Leviathan's way after he stabbed Ariel. Ariel used
the last of her powers to save us from what happened and transported. We woke up in Florida with
new identitieswe had no idea where we would look for our families but God chose to give us a
chance of a clean slate. I am sorry for what you have gone through because of thatHe sent us here
knowing very well what would happen.
Kingston got up and looked around.
Dad: Kingston?
I was emotional as I hugged themit was going to be a beautiful day indeed. The Manona's were
crying as they hugged their daughtershe was finally back homevery much alive.
Her:You psycho ran me down.
Me:You bumped into me.
Her:You fainted for a second I agreed that I was a celebrity.
Me:Still crazy.
Her:Just turned to Hicki Kinaj in seconds woman.
Me:Oh my goodness you have not changed one bit.
Her:Why would I change-who did you marry?
Xavier:Me of course.
Her:It wasn't that obvious Vorcan I mean you weren't all of that or any of that.
Me:What is that?
Her:I don't know you tell me.
Mrs Manona:I can feel our headaches and migraines coming already.
Him:I always said that to her woman would bring painkillers just in case.
Her:We got married. What happened to Princess and her mother?
Me:Someone took them and they ended up being murderedthey were found dead.
Her:What about the companies?
Me:Your brothers have helped to take care of them for the time being.
Her:I am so happy to see you again.
I was sleeping on the couch when my phone rang I looked at the international call with London code.
Me:Candy speaking.
Him: Please don't drop the call.
I huffed and listened.
Me:I won't even ask how you got my number Prince Dante but how do I help you?
Him:I am in Blackwell to drop a late birthday gift not stalking you. You can bring guards if you think I
want to hurt you.
I looked at everyone watching TV. Why would I want a gift from him?
Him:I am serious.
Just try childmy brain said.
Me:Finego to Glass Land Hospital meet you there in an hour.
Bongile:Where are you going?
Bongile:You should have said that he must come here so he could join us for New Year's day.
Me:We are going out in a restaurant and the hospital us the easiest direction for someone who
doesn't know Glass Land.
Me:In fact let me get dressed up and leave.
I got up and walked to the room we were usingit was all of us kids home the old people were
somewhere out there. I looked at my pants and sighed on what to wear exactly.
Me:Since when am I interested in getting dressed?
I grabbed my red tracksuit and sneakers before walking back to the dining room.
Me:I will be back in a second.
Mandla:Yeah right you always say that knowing very well Likhona isn't about to let you come back
I took the car keys well it's not exactly minebelongs to MJ but I was avoiding going with the guards.
I was outside the hospital when I saw my mother walked out crying followed by my uncles. I looked
as they looked to be in a heated argument I stepped out and walked towards them.
Mom:You must be damned if you think I won't sue you!Fucken damned.
Me: This is a surprise.
They jumped and looked at me.
Uncle Senzo:What are you doing here?
Me:Nice to see you all I have to go.
My phone was ringing.
Me: Yeah?
Him:I have been waiting at the N parking.
Me:I will be there.
Me:I have to go anyway. Who were you visiting?
They looked between each other.
Me:Why are you suing them?
They stared at me.
Me:See you around.
I walked to the underground parkingthere were guards allover one walked towards me.
Him:Miss Candy this way.
I followed himthe Prince sat next to a car.
Me:Be snappy.
He turned and looked at me.
Him:Thank you.
The guard walked away. There was a box sitting next to him.
Him:You can take it I kind of stalked you to find out what you wanted. Was a little tricky to find them
but I managed to do that.
I opened the box and looked at them.
Me:Red bottoms Louboutins.
It was heels I posted before my birthday saying that I wanted to be blessed with them. I was worried
about them because they were expensive.
Me:So are you trying to buy me?
Him:A gift isn't buying the person just appreciating them nothing else no need to mistake that. I know
that I am the one feeling you not you I am not about to force you on me. I am leaving first thing
tomorrow and this gift is from the bottom of my heart I want you to keep it and maybe send pictures
when you wear them. I am not going to throw comments that say I am in love with youdo not worry I
know better than force you. I can't make you love me.
I looked at him.
Me:I am glad that you have noticed that we are not soulmates or whatever you feel we are but I am
not returning these shoes back to you.
He chuckled.
Me:Oh my you have dimples.
His face turned red making me laugh.
Me:I am sure we will meet one day.
He smiled.
Me:Thank you for these shoes.


MJ:Where is Candy?
Me:She lied about going to meet up with her boyfriend.
Uncle Senzo:We bumped into her when we left the hospital not so long ago.
Me:She is meeting the person there a-
Candy walked in with a box.
Me:Ask her.
She put the box on the floor and took out the shoes.
Me:Holy smoke!Do not tell me it's Louboutins!
MJ:Where did you get the heels?
Everyone gasped.
Her:Do not even think about itthe guy literally begged me to show up and gave me these. He said
that he understands that I don't want him and it's okaythis is a gift coming from the heart.
Me:Oh wow.
MJ:From the heart?
Her:Wait isn't this Aunt Haven?
Haven:Melamina? You have grown.
Mandla got up and stood right next to meit was uncomfortable with his hand touching my waist.
Mandla: Don't you want shoes like these?
Me:I need to have money to buy them.
Mandla:Your birthday is on March so I am sure me and Candy would get them.
I looked at this guyhe was smiling making my heart flatter as I looked at him. I want him so bad but
million reasons were there sometimes it was weird how I felt him on my skin but I had to accept
Me:Please don't they are expensive.
Mandla:I happen to have my own mind Bongile.
He purposely brushed my waist before touching my butt and moved. Good gracious this boy has to
stop playing with adults like that I literally squeezed both my thighs thinking about him. He should
leave adults alone I don't want to be arrested. My phone vibrated.
Voice:Where are you?
Me:In Blackwell.
Voice: For the entire December?
Voice:With him right?
Me:Who exactly?
Voice:Do not play with me!
I walked out.
Me:I don't know what you are talking about.
Voice:Mandla Jange.
Me:He is in the house.
Voice:You are sleeping with a child and you see nothing wrong with that!
Me:Candy is herethe Manona's are here the Kingstons the Jange's are here it's a holiday not some
baecation. Actually who on earth said that I am in a relationship with Mandla?What is wrong with
you?One simple punch has you trying to screw everyone over. I bet you wouldn't even say what you
are saying to Candy you are scared of her she would never let you finish. Forget this relationship
and stay away from me or Mandlahe did nothing to you. Have a problem with your lack of intimacy
go to man's clinic bitch.
I dropped the call. I leant on the wallout of the blue I felt a hand on my neck making me jump and
turn. His lips were on me so fasthe stopped and looked at me.
Mandla:Damn this.
I huffedhe let me go and walked back inside the house.
Me:What am I doing?
I don't even know what they were saying or whatever they were trying to say to me.
Voice:Do you understand Dante?
I blinked and looked at my grandmother.
Her:So when?
Me:When what?
Her:Is the Royal wedding?
Me:Wedding?Who is getting married?
Dad:Were you listening?
My brothers and sister were stifling a laugh as they stared at me.
Me:No Father I wasn't.
Mom:What happened in South Africa that you can't think straight?
Dad:Then why didn't you postpone this meeting?
Me:I apologize Father I thought I could handle it but I couldn't I am very sorry.
Her: Let's postpone and you better be ready tomorrow to be clear.
I got up first and walked out of the throne room I was exhausted my head ached as I walked up the
Dinah: Speak now or forever hold your breath.
Me: There's nothing to talk about.
Irvan:You are bottling things again as if you have lost something.
Hamilton:He was like this when he lost his girl. So who is it that the old people killed?
Me:She is alive and wants nothing to do with me. Actually she doesn't feel what I feel at all.
Octavius:Oh poor you!
Dinah:I am sorry but it's for the best brother.
Me:What was the meeting about?
Hamilton:Are you telling me that you heard absolutely nothing?
Octavius:Father thinks you should take over in two years which means that you will be thirty five and
the wedding has to happen between now and before your crowning. They were thinking this year
announcing will have to be a big ball where everyone is invited to rejoice and here the news before
they are made public.
Me:Whatever they do I don't carelet them tell the world that I am engaged to be married to the most
beautiful woman on earth I really don't care.
Irvan:This is strange dude

I really don't care.

Irvan:This is strange dude you are not fighting this.
Me:What exactly am I fighting?I am not going to marry someone that I want not who they want I am
not being given a choice in this so what can I do?The only choice is to accept and move on. This is
not Disney world where you get a happily ever after where a prince falls for a beautiful woman and
live happily ever. I am never going to be happy whether I like it or not.
Dinah: Clearly love have hit you differently this time.
Me:It feels different I am not even willing to put her through this horror. I wanted her but I had to
make a decision to keep her safe knowing that I will never see her again in this life or next.
Her:Aunt Lupita told us everything described you in such way I thought she was a little extra.
Him:How weird that she was telling the truth I mean we look exactly like you not exactly exactly.
Me:I am glad to finally meet you.
Kingston:We have two sets of twinssounds like a disaster.
Me:If the boys are not like you then I don't mind.
Her:Well he is more like you Mommy.
I ruffled his hair.
Him:Fine by me unlike you.
Me:At least one takes after me because even these two are their father's children. I am so unlucky.
Kingston: Clearly my genes are strong.
Him:More like mhmm.
Kingston:Say it Junior.
Me:He has no filter.
Him;More like perms.
We burst out laughing.
Me:He is fourteen duh.
Him:Thank you and everyone here knows what sperms.
I smiledmy family back on track.
Letho:We are in trouble then.
Lando:Having a crazy brother is already going to be a trick.
Him:Look at me I am Juan-Marcos Kingston Junior I make gorgeous girls drop on their feet. Beauty
exists here.
Kingston:We do have a mini Havenmuch worse than I had imagined.
Him:Ugly people don't be jealous I am all of that.
Her:All of what?
Him:You tell me I don't know.
We just laughed he was really me.
Me: It's creepy watching yourself in someone else.
Kingston:Bad influence.
They were very flexible children thanks to Lupita for what she did for me I will forever be grateful for
her and everyone else who raised my children when I wasn't around.
Me:I am already dead.
Him:So Mom are you related to Ungowam Mano-oh never mind she is very much related to us.
Lando:I told you!
Me:Oh God!
Him:What about Quinn Black?
Me:Who is that?
Her:Nobody important.
Him:Oh no twin you are not getting away from this. Quinn Black is quiet famoushe is sixteen years
oldmodel already and happens to be around sometimes. This one right hereYvette Kingston could
give you a million if she had it because of Quinn Black.
Letho:Mom Quinn Black is Quinton's and Narnia Black's last born.
Me:What he has grown?
Him:She has a cru-
Yvette jumped on him and they rolled on the floorLando and Letho joined.
Kingston:Can I ever stop telling you how much I love you?
Me:I love you too.
Kingston: Tomorrowthe day afterall the days of our to eternity.

Me: "Sometimes everyone has to make a choice regarding their future. I want to design clothes it's
my passion and exactly what I want but not what you wantmy dream is my dream and I am following
it. I don't hate you and will never will but I am actually proud at what I am doing. Putting me before
you I cried to God so many nights asking why I got you as parents instead. Actually let me stop
trying to make you feel better I am not going to Trenius University to study stupid business nonsense
I never wanted to do Business Studies but I was given no choice. I know what I am doing means that
I am no longer your child like Lungelo said fucken dickhead. I am not even sorry you pieces of
rubbish and nonsense. In fact voetsekdie die bitches!"
I looked at the letter and laughed.
Me:"I don't give a fuck signed CMJ." I am going to burn in hell for this.
I put it in the envelope and sealed it. I got up and walked to Mandla's room.
Mandla: What's up?
Me:I want you to keep this for mewell you will give it to Mom and Dad at dinner tomorrow night.
Mandla:You are not planning on staying in res and never come back.
Me:I am going to a different school.
Mandla:I am happy for you.
I smiled.
Mandla:I will happily give it to them.
Me:So where are they?
Mandla:Buying clothes for tomorrow.
Me:Mxm I am just going to varsity not to another world.
Mandla:Dad even said it's time they get you a car.
Me:Just because I am following their own dream clearly they have no idea. He gave me ten k hard
cash bra.
Mandla:Five k to buy a new uniform. Clearly old people's "business trips" sound like psychiatric
Me:I don't give a fu-
I could hear the door openMandla put the envelope in his book and followed me downstairs.
Me: Shopping?
Mom:You are going to varsity!
Me:To follow someone's dream of me to take over his legacy. We all know who.
Him:Where were you last night?
Him:Out where?
Me:Outside the house watching the stars rejoicing that I was finally leaving your place.
Mom: Can't you let her do what she wants?
Him: She knows that she's destined to follow my footsteps.
Me: Destiny immortality! Immortal Time wow you two are like sugar and spicesame Tsap tsap
immortality group.
I don't know howhe missed me by a millisecond.
Him:You will go there with bruises.
Me:I don't want to do business or whatever the name of the course. I want to design I want my
designs to be recognised.
Him: Nonsense! Designs is for stupid people clearly you must be one of them.
Him:Wait Zusakhe!If she continues with that nonsenseshe must make a "choice" according to
hershe wants that nonsense then.
He took a deep breath.
Him:Then I will consider myself daughter less.
My heart stopped for the first in years he just called me his daughterhe has just acknowledged that I
was his daughter not son.
Him:You are doing business management.
Me: Whatever I was just making a conversation don't be so angry. Just few days I will be showing
you flames.
I kicked the paper bags from the floor before walking out.
Me:You are going to regret it you know!I wish I could push you off and watch you die.
I sat on the chair listening to my music over the earphones someone tapped my shoulder. I opened
my eyes and looked up.
Me:You came.
Him:Of course I did. How are you?
Me:Scared actually I don't know what to think about this.
Him:This about and for you.
Me:To be honest I don't know about being away from you for this long. Imagine a month!
Him: Little dramatic if you think about it.
Me:I will be back home two times a year well to the state house because the moment I leave I am
disowned forever.
Him: Can't we just burn your father alive?
Me:I am not a killer LikhonaGod will deal with him that's all.
Him:I love you so much Candy I know long distance relationship only works if both parties are
committed to each other.
Me:I don't want to lose you I don't even know what will happen if I do. God what would I do?You
showed me unconditional love when I thought there wasn't you taught me love you taught me to love
myself before you. I mean you basically mentored me to be better for myself. Look at me because of
you I became a head girl for Trenius High and I can't stop thanking you for everything. I love youas
long as you are willing to be with me I am not going anywhere.
Him:Can I cry?
We laughed I loved this guywe were young and crazy in love like hell. Three years on the making but
I was willing to continue with that.
Me:I love you.
Him:I love you too.
A knock echoed.
Me:I got it!
I opened the doora man and a woman stood at the door.
Me:Good afternoon Sir and Mamcome in.
The man looked uncomfortable as he walked following the woman.
Her:Hello my love. How are you?
Me:I am doing good Ma and you?
Her:I am goodgood. Are you busy?
Me:I am packing for varsity tomorrow.
Her:What are you going to be studying?
Me: Economic Science.
Her:That is something big even if I don't know it.
Me:I am sorry I think my mother left the gate opened by mistake or whatsoever.
Her:I am glad she did. When will she be coming back?
Me:I don't know how long shopping takes but as soon as she finishes.
Her:I am Thandokazi Nhlakanipho and this is my husband Mxolisi Nhlakanipho.
I had no idea who they were at all nothing rang a bell at all.
Me:Bongile Mkhwananzi.
The front door opened the man looked worried as he looked at the door.
Candy:I am ho-
She paused and looked at them.
Me:This is my best friend and neighbour Candy Jange.
Her:The Jange's?Your mother must be Hlalanathi Mthimkhulu you look like her when she was young
you two look like your mothers when they were young. Hlalanathi and Zizipho made it and are living
next door to each other.
Candy:How do you know them?
Her:I grew up with them Hlalanathi coming from royalty opened a lot of routes for herZizipho was her
biggest friend and she didn't want to leave her behind.
Me:I did not even know their friendship ran that deep.
Candy:I didn't even know that she is from a royal family.
Her:I guess they didn't tell you everything.
The door opened and Mom walked in.
Mom:Take the groceries from the car a-
She looked shocked to see them.
Mom:Ndaze ndalingwa!(Someone is trying me!).
Her:Please calm downwe need to talk.
Mom:Nono we have nothing to talk about. What do you want?
Him:To apo-
Mom:For what?The fact I was kicked out of my home because of you I was lucky that I wasn't stoned
to death because of Hlalanathi.
Me:Wait Mom is this the man you told me about?The one that denied making you pregnant?
She nodded with tears on her eyesyes she told me how my father denied me and said that she
seduced him. Back in their village it was forbidden to sleep with a man you weren't married to they
fell in love and she fell pregnant. He denied everythingshe got kicked out of their home by her family
and in the village they were planning to do the same but Candy's mom intervened. Took her and
they both came to TreniusMom continued working while pregnant.
Mom:Eighteen years and you have the nerve to come here?
Her:I kno-
Mom:Did you tell her who you are?
The woman looked worried.
Mom:Her name is Thandokazi Mkhwananzimy sister the same one that stood by him saying I was
trapping him with a child and now they are married. I know your mother is sick and you think you
should settle this.
Me:Look I don't hate any of you but I never want to see you in this house ever again I will call police
on you for trespassing. I cried long time ago I healed and moved on so please leave.
They got up and walked out.
Me:Please don't cry okay?I got you.
Mom:I know I know.
Candy:We should open our own soap opera the drama around.
We laughed.
Me:So Your Highness..
Candy:Chief Mthimkhuluchief chief yes I pretended not to know forgive me.
We just laughed.
I looked at him as he stood on the other sidewe were practicingsince they were leaving the seniors
had to give us a match plus I was going to take over his place as captain. We stood close as we
prepared for him to kick off the ball. The whistle was blownthe ball went flying up and we started
running trying to catch it. Luckily one of us got to fast I was already on the other sideZano caught it
in the middle and started running towards the touchline. I ran to him I knew what he was trying to do
go for a try goal. So fast I jerked my shoulder connecting it with his jawhe went crashing to the floor
and I grabbed the ball and went running for the goal line. My team cheeredhe looked livid as he got
up and stormed towards me. I wasn't going to fight him I ducked when his fist came rushing to me.
He was pulled away from me.
Him:You damn boy did that on purpose.
He spat blood on the ground.
Me:Did what?
Him:You jammed my jaw!
Me:I had no idea I apologize.
Him: First you take my girlfriend-
Me:You are not serious boy I don't take girlfriends I take girls who are single.
Him:Did you just call me boy?
Me: Askies boy maarn I mean bro.
He jumped on me and we went crashing to the ground they grabbed him so fast after he threw a fist
on my arms that were covering my face. I swung my fist and it connected with his eye.
Me:I am sorry bo-bro.
He looked angry I just gave him a wink.
Coach:Take him away from here. Jange are you good?
Me:He got me on my face I am sure it won't bruise if I just take care of it early.
Coach:Gogo and help it!
I ran out of the field and walked to where he was sitting.
Me:Try yeast I heard it helps in growing balls and a little penny dick.
I wasn't going to stick around so I ran to the front gate where the car waited.


I looked at my room and sighed I had packed everything into its place. I only took the smallest of my
suitcases I already had clothes that MJ bought waiting for me at the airport. I couldn't believe that I
was doing this probably never coming back here that I knew obviously. I grabbed my suitcase and
walked out of the room.
Mom:Such small suitcase?
Me: It's carrying my business mos not yours.
She bit her lips and looked back to her laptop.
Mandla:I am going to miss you.
Me:What did you do yesterday?
Mandla:I forgot Likhona was also yesterday. I was playing with the guy.
Me:He sent a video and you-
I laughed.
Me:Yeast?You are going to be in trouble Siphamandla the guy is hurt.
Mandla:I don't care about that.
Dad:Are you ready?
Me:As always.
We all walked out Bongile was loading her suitcase in the car. Her Mom stood watching her smiling.
Her:My little angels.
She hugged me.
Me:I don't know about angel because mmhm.
Mandla:I was about to say that.
Me:Oh come on give me a hug.
I kissed his lips.
Mandla:You sick bastard!
Me:I wanted a taste!
Mandla:I love you!
We hugged Bongile's mother before getting in the car.
Me:Drive to the airport first.
Her:I am going to miss you.
Me:You don't know how scared I am. What if I die out there?
Her:Come on you have the greatest opportunity take it and don't look back. I know very well that
there is no way I will forget you never.
Me:I love you.
We just hugged each other as the car headed to the airport. I was more relaxed now. You know I
love Trenius because sixty percent of the buildings were named after the JangesMJ was the first
black woman billionaire. She owned buildings more than I can count like the airport MY[Minothando
Yanelisa] JANGE International Airport. She was inspiring and deadly. Listed as the most powerful
woman in the worldthere buildings named after her the Tefika town hall was named after her two
hospitals around Trenius district were built by her you named them. I wanted to start my own legacy
not someone's legacy. I guess my father would rather not have me as his daughter. It didn't hurt you
know because I knew how he hated my existence so I learnt to accept and move on. Bongile
grabbed my suitcase I pocketed myself checking for the paper I wrote the important numbers that I
would need. I left my phone back at home I knew that they were going to try and track me down.
MJ:Here is my little sister I almost thought you were not coming.
Me:A little delay on the traffic lights.
MJ:You have to go before we start cryinghere is your new phone.
Me:I am so grateful to have women like you in my life I am forever indebted to you.
They both hugged me. I dragged both suitcases towards the scanner and passed I turned and
looked at them smiling at me. I was really leaving so I turned and walked forward with my mind set. I
have taken the greatest choice of a lifetime.
I flew to Glass Land right after Candy left I got a message from Senzo that Lungelo was awake full
time now. I walked to the room to find the brothers waiting. He was staring at everyonehe moved his
mouth but nothing came out.
Senzo:The doctor said that he needs to train his muscles slowly until they get used to moving. He
can't get up without falling down.
He weakly smiled.
Me:Oh how I missed the man I married. Did they tell you?
Musa:Now isn't the right time.
Me:They let me sleep with your conniving twinhe has replaced you everywherehe has replaced you
everywhere your companies and he is Lungelo too. Your brothers told me nothing about you I am
suing them when you walk out of here. Candy hates us well me and the man they know as Father.
You better wake up quick so I can stop seeing your brothers. Ten years of horrible experience for
me and our kids because your brothers chose to keep Lungisani safe.
He looked stunned.
Me:"Beam me up and let me meet my maker" famous lyrics I hope Lungisani knows. I love you
I walked out and I had my mind made up as I walked out.
I looked at the flat I was going to be living in I was already imagining how Candy was going to jump
around. I was going to miss her. I sat on the bed and sighed I was on my own alo-a knock had me
Me:Umm who would it be?
I walked to the door honestly can't believe I didn't lock the gate. I opened the door someone pushed
me closing the door. I looked at him.
Me: Siphamandla.
Then he was on me so hungrily I did not even get a chance to stop him as he pulled the dress off
squeezing my breasts in the process. He laid me on the bed the drive was just extra high as we
kissed. I pulled the hood he was wearing before helping him pull his pants down. I was already
feeling a little hot downbusy clenching my thighs I could feel him growing big as he kissed me. He
paused and looked at me.
Him:I don't know how to stay away.
Before I could answer his teeth tugged on my nipple making me jump.
Me:The fuck is wrong with you?
He chuckled I was still focused on my nipple when I felt it enter slow. I dragged my nails on his back
I was anticipating his driven thrusts. So fast he was thrusting fast aggressively and I couldn't stop
moaning. I could feel my body temperature getting higher and higher. I could feel my body
threatening to make me release so fast I tried to stop it but the nigga was hitting my spot making it
boilfew more thrusts I was going to blast. It's like he knew as he increased the pace I felt my body
scream before clamping down and let the cum out. He moved so fast and put his dick on my thighit
jerked and I could feel the warm liquid on my thigh. I sighed and closed my eyes.
I didn't even know that I had fallen asleep until I heard my phone ring.
Me: Mkhwananzi.
Him:You are not sleeping Bongile.
I got up from the bed.
Me: No I am not.
Him:Then get up and eat.
Me:Where are you?
Him:At home about to deliver a letter and a phone left by my sister.
Me:I don't wish to be you.
Him:I will have to do it tomorrow though because Mother isn't around.
I looked at the two plates covered on the table.
Me:Wait you made lunch and supper?Can I keep you in the house?
Him:By the end of first day my dick would be on fire you are too addictive it's driving me nuts.
Me:You should stay away from me.
Him:Of course I am to do that.
Lord knows that the guy wasn't lying when he said that he was going to stay away.


Mom read it and passed the letter to Dad Candy's phone was on the table.
Dad:Do you know where she went?
Me: Unfortunatelyshe said that she is following her dream in a different school.
Dad went to his phoneCandy's phone rang on the tablehe cursed before walking out and left. Mom
continued eating her cereal before getting up.
Mom:Come on grab your things so I can drop you off.
Me:The driver doesn't mind taking me to school.
Mom:I also don't mind plus I am meeting clients in town so I won't be going to the company.
In the car no one said anything about what has happened. She dropped me off at the gate before
driving away. I sighed and walked to the gate.
Me:Oh fucken way!
I pretended not to hear and continued walking.
Voice:Mandla Jange!
I turnedshe came running to me and jumped on meof course I would have let her fall but I caught her
in time and put her down.
Her:I have been calling you.
Me:I guess having a lot in your mind changes everything.
Her:You are getting bigger each day.
Her:Your girlfriend must be really proud to see how committed you to rugby.
Was she expecting me to say that she wasn't?
Me:I think she loves the muscles she is always playing with my arms.
She looked off guard and stunned.
Her:She must be beautiful.
Me:Did you come to talk about my girlfriend or what?
Her:We are classmates so I thought I should check up on you.
Me:We were classmates and I don't need to be checked. Clear?
She nodded and I left her there. I dialled on my phone.
Me:I am sure Dad is on his way to you.
Her:He already called me.
Me:Do not let him bully you.
Her:Trust me I won't.
Me:I am going to stay away from you not because I want to but I have to.
She kept quiet I dropped the call.
My phone rang again.
Her: Open the gate.
I walked out and opened the gate. There was a police officers with them as they walked in.
Officer:Miss Mkhwananzi we have questions about the disappearance of Candice Jange.
Me: Didn't he give you the letter?Of course I know about the lettershe told him that she left to follow
her dream. There's no disappearance here.
Him:Candy is a child!
Me:Now you notice that she is a child?Candy is an adult and following her dreamsshe is doing just
fine if that's what you want to know.
Him:Where is she?Officers arrest her.
Me:For what?You think I would tell youin fact have my phone records and figure it out. I don't give a
damn I am not opening my mouth and let it slip. Candy is out there in a different school following her
dreamssue me for protecting her for people like you.
The officers looked confused they just walked back to their car.
Mom: It's okay my love.
Him:You and her think are so clever right?I am going to show you how I do things.
Me:Now that's interesting you are going to go on circles in case you forgot and find nothing. You
should accept defeat now because you are not going to find her anywhere that is a promise Mr
He looked angry before walking to his car.
Mom:So Candy seriously left?
Me:I can't tell you anything because her mother is your friend and you would tell her.
Mom:I get that. So you already have a boyfriend?
Mom:I know your clothes and that hood isn't yours.
I looked at the hood hanging on the chair. Bloody Mandla!
Me:Zano came here not so long agohe thought we were going to kiss and makeup so I kicked him
out. Please give to Mandla so he would give it to him.
Mom:Bye baby.
I sighed and sat downthis was really tricky. My phone vibrated again.
Me: Mkhwananzi.
Zano:Your boyfriend was sent by you isn't it?
I dropped the call and turned the phone off. I wasn't interested in a fight.
I quickly sent a message to MJ that I have arrived. The taxi dropped me in front of the gatethere
were students coming in and out. The school was made out of stone bigger than colleges that I knew
in South Africa. My hands were sweating as I dragged both my suitcases and headed to the
receptionthere wasn't that much queue.
Me:Candice J-a-n-g-e.
I handed my ID.
Her:Look at the camera don't smile.
I looked at it and it clicked two times. I waited as she did what she was doing.
Her:Welcome to London and London Art College. On your left just scan the student card.
I took the papers and everything else I walked where I was suppose to scan and did. It was a small

I walked where I was suppose to scan and did. It was a small doorit opened and a bag with the
school's emblem came out on top of what looked like a traythere was a small box on top. I took the
bag and put it on the floor and opened the box. There were keys and a chocolate.
Me:Block Droom 103.
I looked at the map and looked around.
Voice:Can I help you?
I turned it was a dark skinned guy I am sure he was American or mixed.
Me:Block D.
Him:Let me help you with that.
He grabbed my bag and other suitcase.
Me:Thank you.
Him:I am Kevin Orsano.
Me:Candy Jange.
Him:So where do you come from?
Me:TreniusSouth Africa.
Him:I am from GeorgiaNorth America.
Me:Nice to meet you.
Him:What will you be studying?
Me:Fashion designing is one of my majors I will have to choose the others.
Him: Interesting. This is Block D let me help you up because room 103 is on the fourth floor.
We walked to the elevator. He helped me to the door before leaving. I was about to take my keys
when I heard someone talk on the other side I knocked before pushing the door opened. It was like a
moment of awe when she turned pretty blue eyeslong black hair smooth skin and beautiful legs.
Her:Thank you.
Me: What?
Her: You just complimented my eyeshairskin and legs.
Me:I said that out loud!Darn it.
Her: It's okay. I am so glad to finally meet you.
Her:I already know but I didn't think that you were this pretty in real lifefilters work wonders.
Me:How do you know?
Her: Last year I had a roommate who hated me because of who I am went to a point that she and
her friends dragged me on social media.
Me:That is just sad I am sorry you went through that.
Her: Seven months I had no roommate so the school sent me your info so I could check you out and
I did.
Me:So who are you?
Her:DinahPrincess Dinah.
Oh good gracious!
Her: Unfortunately yes.
Me:So Prince Dante?
Her:My oldest brotherthen Irvan Hamilton Octavius and me..
Me:You are the fifth in line for the crown of Britain?
Her: It's not like I would ever rule I don't want to rule this country its politics are too much. Nice to
finally meet you.
Me: Nice to meet you Your Highness.
Her:Dinah is fine.

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