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Siphiwe M Mpungose.

Siphiwe M Mpungose. 2

THE VALLEY : Forbidden




She enters the hut in a hurry, wet from all the rain outside. MaNdwalane is seated on the mat near the
fire wearing her worn out yet clean pinafore, staring at her as she takes off her wet clothes putting
them on a bathing basin behind the door. She goes to the far end of the hut and take our dry clothes
from the basket.

She settles near MaNdwalane and heave a sigh; it can rain cat and dogs and she wouldn’t mind but
one thing she is afraid of is thunder. “
Ntombendala (Old woman)” Mandwalane stares at her, anger does not describe what she feels for her
right now.
“Nomthimba, how many times must I warn you to stay away from the forbidden valley” angrily she
“I am not afraid maNdwalane” She says and start dishing up food
“When the deadly beast feast on you be sure to remember those words, I will gladly move on with my
life because clearly you do not care about your life anymore” Nomthimba seems unfazed as she begin

It is quite a thunderous evening! Heavy rainfall has once again befallen the Kingdom of Mdima. The
African people believes that rain is a sign of blessing, a new beginning and prosperity.
That belief also applies to his majesty, king Hlahlindela ka Dlubekhasini ka Mdima.

He stands awfully silenced in the middle of his chamber room, awaiting in anticipation of the news on
the other side of the palace. It is happening once again, the birth of his successor and the future of the
realm. Years ago, he had the same anticipation, same nervousness but that is a story of another day.

Today is a big day, even the weather agrees to what is happening, amathonga avumile.
Outside the door is his right handman, his advisor and young brother, Sondlovu Mdima. An old
women nurse appears panting for air and deliver the news to him.

Like lighting he enters the King’s chamber, a smile plastered on his face and that has the King rushing
out in speed heading to where his wife and new born are.

Outside the rain is still pouring, lightning comes and goes every now and then. The Council affiliates
are all seated in the throne room awaiting the King’s words.
“It is a boy Ndabezitha” Queen Nomkhubulwane whispers, her exhausted yet estranged voice brings
nothing but pleasure. Laying on a huge bed, covered with a fleece she smiles, holding a new born in
her arms.

The room has quietened, all six women who helped with the delivery are watching as the King stares at
the new born baby in her mother’s arms. Tears drop from his eyes as he watches his hope coming to
life. Sondlovu is by the door, smiling from ear to ear.
“Mdima, Dumakude!” The king recites clan names, his voice buried with pride, unmatched joy at the
depth of his soul.
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 3

“Ndabezitha, it’s time to cut the umbilical cord” The nurse in charge finally breaks the joyful yet
soulful moment.

Suddenly lightning strikes that a night britens as a day, loud explosion of thunder roars in all corners
and the baby wails loudly then stops immediately.

“WHAT IS HAPPENING?” The king roars loudly, the baby has stopped breathing
“MY BABY, NDABEZITHA INGANE YAMI!” cries Queen Nomkhubulwane in agony.
The baby is gone
Tragedy has once again befallen the Kingdom.
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 4



The Mdima Palace

"We cannot just seat and watch the realm decaying, each and every passing day" one of the five
councel members, Qubula Magwaza states. He is the oldest among them all. He served the previous
King, Dlubekhasini ka Mdima and now is serving his son. An Eighty Five years old man with gray hair

"I agree Njini. Something must be done sooner, otherwise this kingdom will perish and be history in
the next few years" Debula Maduna states as well. Worried about the future of the realm the council
decided to let thier worries known by the king.

Sondlovu is seated amongst the Council members

"My brother just lost a son just a month ago and already you are stressing him with this? What's
wrong with you old men" he angrily says, staring at each and everyone of them
"We understand the pain his grace is going through but this matter need to be discussed sooner."
Gumbi adds, leaning against the huge couch.

They are all seated in the throne room, at the far front is the chair of a king followed by a smaller one
reserved for a queen. The king has been quite since the meeting started.
" don't say shit about understanding pain, have you ever lost a son hha? Not once but twice!" Angrily
he spits. Sondlovu say whatever, whenever and that angers other council members but he is who he is.
He is of royal blood and there is nothing they can do

"The future of this kingdom is thin. Everyone knows that. If we do not act sooner people will start
asking questions and questions lead to war. One day they will be brave enough to want to take the
kingdom down and we can not have that" Adds Qubula gaining nods.

" Worry not about an heir, the kingdom will not perish as long as I breathe" The king finally states.

"we have a crisis in this kingdom I agree. I am 59 years of age. The chance of conceiving are very slim.
My brother does not have children like me. I've thought hard about this."


"Among the ones who will hunt down the creature, one will conquer it. And that will be the future
"Mdima!" Council member chants in unison in respect of the king's sudden reveals.
The Mdima kingdom is the largest amongst other kingdoms and has ruled since the beginning of time.
Supremacy and wealthiness are what described the kingdom.

Twenty years ago, Mniniwezwe Mdima. A 16 year old son, the only heir and only child of the king
vanished in the deepest part of the Mgede Valley.

The king sent his most loyal and fearless warriors in search of his only son. only one returned with a
message, a beast had eaten all of the warriors. At first no one believed, it was like a myth that usually
happens in movies but when people and the livestock kept on going missing, people started to notice.
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Something had changed, the once beautiful valley had became the most fearful, forbidden place. That
was the beginning of the end for the Mdima Kingdom.

Twenty years later, still no sign of Mniniwezwe. Not even his bones were discovered. What used to be
the most powerful, wealthy kingdom is slowy being replaced by fear, despair and hunger. The king lost
all hope when his second born child died just a few minutes after birth

After every two years, the king release his best warriors in search of the deadly beast to defeat it. All
over the years, they have dismally failed.
No one can really tell its exact appearance; the few survivors always deliver the same words…” The
growling scary voice, the fog, and glowing red eyes…”

The beast has taken over the only passage in and out of the Mdima Kingdom, blocking development
and the import and export of goods and services from other parts of the world.

This Kingdom is the largest, isolated area away from many cities. It is said that the beast attacks
mainly in winter. The Valley is a forbidden area. No one dares to go there. Livestock has been
decreasing, each winter . people going missing ..

Every two years young men who have reached their late teen years gather in the royal homestead,
forming a warrior’s royal force. Young men all over the Mdima village awaits in anticipation for the big
Today is that day.

It is always a blessing to serve the kingdom but today the number of teen boys decreased rapidly.
Parents have refused to send thier children to an early grave.

Dressed in leopard skin Hlahlindela ka Dlubekhasini ka Mdima, the king of the Mdima kingdom
stands tall, quiet, and strong. His piercing amber eyes scanning each young man kneeled before him.
In them he can feel the courage, anticipation, and pride, he can only hope that this year is going to be
the end of it all.

“This kingdom has been suffering for years. It is time to end it all. I have one promise, the one who
will conquer the beast is the one who will be the future king and the future of this kingdom. He shall
be crowned king after my departure and he will lead the people and the land of my forefathers. He will
be King”
Loud whistles and joyful screams are head as he deeply he states. A man of few words he is.

Like lightning young men swiftly stands on their feet, ready for the anything.
The King returns to his chamber, the Queen follow behind and the personal guards and maidens for
the queen

“Being a warrior is every man’s dream. It does not only show fearless, it brings stability, protection,
selflessness and well.. lot of women” soft laughs erupts but quick as a second to vanish.
"Seems like this year we will all join the hunt to the Mgede Valley, I mean who wouldn't want to be
King" He jokes.
Bhekizimpi Jobe Sithole, the head of all the wariors in the village addresses them standing infront of
them all. He is in the middle of the speech when Nomthimba rushes inside the royal grounds joining
the first line.

“girly, are you lost? women are that side preparing a feats for the day” Bhekizimpi says, irritation
visible on his voice. He is a fearless, bold man that has a loud presence. Respect is given to him, he
does not command it. His presence does
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 6

“Jobe, I am not lost. I am joining as one of the wariors this year and I'm happy to be.. ”
Loud fits of laugher erups, disturbing her from finishing. Unfazed she stands, taller than most young
men and bold. She knew this would happen, maNdwalane did tell her .

“In war we fight, we shed blood, we bury sons, fathers in the bush . we do not wash panties, cook stiff
pap and fight over men. This is not a game girly, leave the men and join the women” calmly yet bold
he commands.

It is silence again, all eyes on a light skinned, skimpy yet tall woman who seems unfazed about the
situation she is in. It is a joke, no woman has ever joined men as one of the warriors. Ever, especially
when they are haunting a dangerous creature.

It is even worse this year, who would want a woman to seat on the throne! It's an abomination
“I may wash panties, fight over men or cook stiff pap as you put it but I can fight a man too. Who says
bleeding is something to be scared of, because I know I'm not. I am not here to play a game. I am here
to protect my king, my land and my people from the common enemy that has haunted our village for
years. I am here for me!”

For a while everyone sees her, analysing her short red hair who seems to lack life. Judging her
appearance that seems to ask for food.
"she'll die before she even see the beast. Look at those tiny hands, can she even ride a sword, or the
only thing she's good at is riding a dick"..
Laughter erupts once again as one of the young boys says, amuzed of the situation.
" leave these premises if you want to see the next sunrise. This is not a fuckin game! leave!" Jobe boldy
commands leaving no room for discussion..
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 7



"I'm not here to play games as I said commander, I'm here to fight for my people and I will do just
Nomthimba says fearlessly and bold.

There is silence for a while

Like any commander, Bhekizimpi hates being opposed. He breathes and decides to let her be. She will
not survive a 20 miles run, that he knows for sure.
"We will start by just jogging around the four corners of the palace today. It's just a warm up.
Tomorrow you will wake up as early as half three. I want to find you waiting for me at the training
ground. For now, follow me"

Nomthimba is behind them, matching slowly in the bunch of young men and she isn't afraid, nor is
she fazed by the disgusted looks and nasty comments she keeps on getting from her mates

Nomthimba listen and observe her surroundings. She's gathered since the run started that the name
of the boy who seems to be the leader is Qhayiya. She has seen him around. He is the son of one of the
council members.

Qhayiya has a fair body of a man, taller for his age and dark like any boys in the village. What make
him stand out is his stinking attitude and no respect for other people ,that she has gathered.
He is an arrogant bustard

They take a few minute break, throwing punches on air and kicks. Staring at Qhayiya, she already
knows he can challenge him shall he try something else.
She is many things but a walkover.

The palace is huge, with beautifully designed houses. The King mansion being the most outstanding
one with a beautifully decorated balcony. The only place with a double story house the entire palace.

Modern built rondavels surround the palace, with a water fountain in the middle of the big yard and a
beautiful garden.

The Royal gates are about 20 minutes away from the main palace if you walk by foot.
Near the gate is the huge house filled with beds. That's where the warriors spend their nights. In a
huge hall with just beds, showers and toilets.

The sun is setting when they finish.

They all meet outside the hall, breathing heavily
"half free on the dot averyone must be inside the training ground, waiting for orders. One more thing,
I do not train with pigs who do not bath. Make sure that you wake up early, take a cold shower and be
clean! It's an order"

Its silence

"what do you say when I speak?" Asks Bhekizimpi

They stare at one another confused
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"Start running back to the palace and come back with an answer" he commands sternly. With the
heavy spirits they start the run back to the palace from where they were.

As they return they find the commander waiting. Some even regrets being part of the warriors. They
are exhausted and hungry.
"I hope this run shifted somethings in your heads. Now, tell me what do you say when I speak?"

Nervous looks are staring back at the commander until Qhayiya and Nomthimba shout

He smiles and looks at them and show them how to do it, head held high, right hand on the temple
while the left hand ot hangs on the side.
"Your uniforms will be delivered to you for now go to the hall, eat, take a shower and rest because
tomorrow is going to be a long day"


With that being said the commander starts jogging back to where he stays leaving soft whispers.

"I can't believe we must be on the training ground by half three! Seriously! I mean the palace is so far
from here. Couldn't they give us accommodation closer" That's the rude boy, Qhayiya saying for
everyone to hear as they get inside the hall.
Some agrees with him complaining.

Everyone chooses their beds and Nomthimba charges to the one at the far corner and throw her heavy
body sighing

"Hey, get lost. That's my bed" her eyes shoot open. Qhayiya is staring at her like a used tissue standing
near the bed. With him there are four young boys staring at her ready to do anything shall she oppose.

"Who are you again?" she ask, leaning against the wall. There are no headboards.
"my name isn't important to you bitch. Move along before.."

"Before what?" She interjects. Standing on her feet. Their height are the same.
Whistles start blowing and everyone gathers around staring at the two.

"I'll mop these cold, filthy floors with your face, don't try me bi.."
A mean punch land on his face sending him straight to the ground.
"call me bitch again and you'll be the one mopping these floor with your balls"
Loud mocking laughter erupts

Just as Nomthimba seat down she is quickly grabbed by her legs and a fight erupts again

A Loud, deep voice emmediately exclaims and the fighting stops.
"When the time to fight in combat comes, you'll be sorry trust me. Come and take your uniforms.
When done, head to the kitchen and take your food. Tomorrow is another day"
The guard says, shooting daggers at them.

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It's the wee hours of the morning. Almost everyone is awake queuing to use the shower. There are only
five of them, while warriors are more then Forty.
Nomthimba is between the line as well. She never meant to wake up like everyone else. She's an ealry
bird but today she slipped up. And that made her to be the number Ten on the line. Her wristwatch
indicates that it Is few minutes to three o'clock.
Qhayiya comes out of the shower, the one she is going to use with a smile on his face and purposely
bump her on the shoulder.

A while later she's out but..

"hey, have you seen my uniform, I left it here on my bed" she aks the boy closer to her bad. He shakes
his head and get out

One person might do this and that is Qhayiya.

Looming around is nowhere to be found.

Her tears are now burning her eyes. She's looked everywhere. She's running late.
The watch indicates that it's few minutes to half three.
The are about four wariors remaining now.

"who's uniform is this?" she hears someone shouting. Her uniform is at the door, dirty and wet. It's
serving as a door met. But she has not time.
She waste no time putting it on and make the run of her life toward the palace

It's twenty to four as she comes running, behind her are four teen boys who are also late.

"Now that you are here, please go back to bed" orders the commander with a stern tone
"Commander somebody stole my..."
"Voustek! Go back to bed or get the hell out of these premises. You choose!"

She watches as the other boys join in and start marching leaving her standing.
Her heart is pumping hard, feeling hot and angry and sad..
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 10



"Ndodakaz" she turns and be met by bab Ndunakazi, smiling at her. He is one of the bodyguards in the
palace. The one who is kind and warm hearted
"baba" she says and continue washing the pile of dishes
"my wife cleaned your uniform, come to me when done here and get it. Okay"
She nods, her mind far away.

During lunchtime she was with the Kitchen team and had to dish up for the warriors while they gave
her a mocking laughter.
It is sad how the punishment only applied to her. The four boys who came behind her weren't sent
back like her
"This is where you belong, in a kitchen like other women. Kitchen lady"
Yes, again Qhayiya made this comment and had everyone on their feets laughing their lungs out.

"Nomthimba mtanam, That is dry enough now. Put it down now "Bab Ndunakazi is still standing next
to her as he says.
she's been wiping the same plate for more than she should.
Her mind is far away, this is not what she came here for.
She wants to be a warrior, not a kitchen lady cleaning and cooking after ungrateful men. It's so hard
and she finds herself resenting Qhayiya even more

When satisfied she gets out of the kitchen that is just meters away from the warriors hall.
She decides to do what she does best. Running.

They allow her as she get out of the royal gates. The moment she touches the outside ground she begin
running, harder than before.
Images running through her head, screams, cries, blood and fire.
Tears have found a way in her eyes, pouring as hard but she keeps on running.

Her palpitating heart in pain, unbearable pain that she suddenly sinks down and screams in agony.
She can feel every bit of pain, cutting too deep and making it hard to breath

The sun is setting as she reaches the bottom of the valley. She's been carefully crawling deep in the
forest. The trees are tall, dense and creepy.
The river is flowing freely, clean and not deep.
Its one of the good things the beast took from the village, the beautiful perennial river that used to be
everything and more.

She quietly sits counting minutes. It's only a matter of time before..
The fog suddenly covers an entire valley, she remains quite laying behind the tree branch . Not
breathing at all

Loud growls follow and in between the fog you can spot two sets of glowing scary eyes. She can feel her
heart beginning to race, her blood running cold. Indeed she is in a challenging and frightening
situation with an inhumane creature
Nomthimba spends most of her time in the valley.

The sudden car hoot has the beast growling even louder as it heads to where the noise came from.
People never listen. No one is allowed to pass through the valley at this time but…
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She can hear screams of agony and a gunshot going off..

It's after Eleven in the evening as she enters the royal gates. The Valley is strictly Six Hours away from
the palace.
She thought everyone would be asleep but to her surprise they are still wide awake and making loud
She first passed by bab Ndunakazi in the guard's house to get her uniform.
In the morning he saw that she was going through the tough time and he offered to help her out.

She gets inside the hall and immediately the room goes quiet.
"You gotta be kidding me! the kitchen lady is back, what a stubborn thing" Qhayiya is seated on her
bed as he exclaims. They thought she left.

Instead of fighting she takes her pillow and a blanket and looks for an empty bed that's in the middle.
She gets in bed, stares at her silver watch brushing it softly.

With the first crowing of a rooster she is wide awake and taking a cold shower. This time she goes to
the shower with her uniform and puts it in a safe distance.
Black pants and black vest.
They are using their own kicks.

Nomthimba is the first one to arrive on the training ground looking proper and ready. She is 15
minutes early.
Her eyes wander around the huge training ground. The lights are brighter for the entire training

There are many different types of training equipment, from a free standing sword trainer, a punching
bag, Nunchucks sticks weapons, large, tall obstacle rig to name a few.
Her heart leads her to the Sword trainer.

She's in the middle of it, hitting, diving, kicking when everyone else arrives. As she stops she finds the
commander behind her with a straight face and the entire group of warriors behind her. She got lost in
the moment and didn't realise she was the centre of attention
"Commander" she breathlessly says, greeting the commander properly.
"Improve your grip strength, the angle of attack your and your body must move with each swing"
He says staring deep in her eyes and turn to the warriors who have been glued staring at her

"What are you waiting for? This isn't a cinema. Find something to do!" he shouts. They scatter around
looking for something to do.

She continues when a voice says behind her

"Wow! That was good" it's a good looking young boy who seems to be the only light skinned one
"the commander doesn't think like that" she finds herself replying
"Oh please, he wouldn't admit it but we all saw. Damn Woman Im sticking with you from now. You
are going to teach me this"
She is smitten. This day might just be better than yesterday

The dark is slowly being replaced when a whistle suddenly goes off three times. Everyone quickly quit
what they were doing forming a line. Nomthimba is grabbed by the 19 year old boy, whom he learnt is
"you missed this part yesterday" he whispers telling him what a whistle mean.

"I hope everyone is doing well and slept well today" The commander says
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"Yes commander!"
"great. Get ready, we are about to take a 20 miles run"
Qhayiya mumbles something
"Do you wish to say something boy?" the commander ask and attention is on him
"won't we be given something like boots to run? I mean we haven't been given any kicks so far" he
"Have you ever been in a war mfana ka Gumbi?" It's like a daring question filled with authority
He shakes his head but a quick slap land on his face sending him to the ground
It becomes sour instantly.
"stand up. What am I to you?"
"My command.." another slap, this time he stumbles. Eyes becoming red, veins popping on his
forehead as he grit his teeth.

One thing about Bhekizimpi, he has been a commander for a long time. His hands feel like a thousand
needles and a hard iron fist on one's skin.
"What am I to you?"for the second time he asks.

He stands properly and politely say

"My commander"
The commander stares at him, for longer that he finds himself frightened
"Good. Let me clear one thing. I will not tolerate nonsense here. I want you all to listen carefully. This
isn't a getaway holiday. Our lives, your lives depend on this training. Our king, our village and its
people depend on us to defeat this monster. This year, we will defeat it! "


"At the gate you will be given water for the run and running shoes. Do pick your size and wait for my
order. I'll find you all at the gate."
Another run emerges as they head to the royal gates. Qhayiya feels like a wet chicken wishing for the
world to swallow him.

The sun has been scorching their skin as the run continues. The commander does give a few minutes
break but he does not take nonsense.

" Okay, this is it for me. I'm done and ready to die"Khethani mumbles slowing down.
Nomthimba is far from everyone, she's leading and not even sparing a look back. Running has never
been an issue, it's like a sport to her.

The whistle again blows three times. One time it means stop, two times means continue while three
times means stop whatever and form a line.
"We are approaching the palace now. I'll get in the car and leave you to it. Time on my watch is 9: 20. I
want you all to be at the training ground by 10 on the dot"
Bhekizimpi states
"Failing to do so will lead to serious consequences.." he then jumps inside the car and the royal driver
speeds up leaving the warriors even more confused, exhausted and feeling like the whole world is on
their shoulders.

"What the hell! We can't do that. Most of us are first time runners okay. That's just impossible. Can't
they see how exhausting this is!"-Qhayiya
As usual many agrees with him
"Let's just be late. All of us and we'll see who he will decide to punish.."
As they are still engrossed, Khethani realise that Nomthimba has begin running
"We are wasting our time here man. Look!" he says.
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Everyone suddenly regains their strength and the running pace picks up.
"Aw!!" someone cries out. No one pays attention as they run faster.

Nomthimba turns, feeling heavy steps behind her but her eyes land on someone who is limping
behind everyone else.
She stops..

It's almost eleven as she arrives at the training ground, with a limping young man holding onto her
" Can anyone tell me why these two are this late!" the commander asks the group of warriors
"Because they did not follow your orders, commander" - Qhayiya responds loudly. Nomthimba finds
herself in another sticky situation again, this time she might even be kicked out completely. But she
had to help that young man.

"Girly, take that man and head over there. Seat down, rest and eat.." the commander suddenly says
pointing at the kitchen team with refreshments.

"All of you will do a run again, from here to the gate and return in less than 10 minutes"
"What… no.. No" mumbles erupts
"Today I am teaching you a lesson. Never ever leave the other warrior helpless. In war we fight
together. If this was a one man war I would have prepared myself only and headed to the valley alone.
But that can never happen because a war is not about just one man, it's about each and every man
who is part of it. Today I want you to know that you stand together, unity is important, it is what keeps
the team strong and undefeatable..
Before you go, give a round of applause for the girl"...
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 14



"Ndlovukazi, someone is here for you" Phathokuhle, the Queen's personal maiden, alerts the queen,
standing respectfully by the door.
"Who is that Phatho?" she asks, not even sparing her a look. She's seated on the King sized bed with a
book on her hand
"it's his grace, Sondlovu" she says softly.

She instantly look up

"The king? Have you seen him around?"
She asks
"The king is at the training ground, my Queen."
She replies. Knowing the King, It will take a while for him to return.
"Tell him to come in. Please wait outside and let me know when.."
She quickly nods, knowing exactly what the Queen means.

Sondlovu slowly enters, staring in her eyes deeply

"MaGumbi" Gently he says
"Sondlovu why are you here, what if..?"
"He is not here"
She stand up to meet him halfway

Nomkhubulwane, she's a fair skinned, prettiest woman. She's aging like fine one, for a 52 year old
woman she looks like she's in her early forties.

"Barbie" his hands are already caressing her soft skin

"You shouldn't be here" She softly says,their eyes glued
"I had to check how you are doing, he's been around you a lot lately and I haven't had time to see you
She smiles
"He is my husband Sondlovu don't forget that. He had to be here. We lost a child.."
"No, we lost a child not him" he softly snaps

Nomkhubulwane closes her eyes shorty

"don't even say it.."
He can see the look on her face.
"It's wrong, we should st.."
He shut her with a steamy kiss

When Nomkhubulwane was chosen for the king, Sondlovu and Her were already secret lovers.
They were forced to break up but years later they couldn't resist the fire burning between them
" Why did you allow it to happen Sondlovu?" She asks
They are now cuddling on the bed
"What are you talking about?" she looks up at him
"You know what I'm talking about"
He sighs, drawing circles in her back
"even if I wanted to, I didn't know he was going to make such a stupid decision"he says
" I'm the Queen for crying out loud. I also have a say on who sits on the throne. And I happen to think
that this idea is so absurd and far-fetched. I hate it! "
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 15

She voices out

"I tried talking him out of it but he did not listen" Sondlovu says
"Don't tell me that! You are his advisor damn it you're supposed to call him out and make him listen to
you. How can you be so useless, Sondlovu?"

His eyes narrow, he always hate it when she shouts at him like a child
"I'm not a puppet, don't treat me like one Khubu" She shakes her head
"You know I'm right. This decision shouldn't have been taken without my consent. That throne should
be ours, it should be passed down to our own children"
Sondlovu kisses her and get on top of her, it's the only thing that can calm her anger

King Hlahlindlela only knows that his brother can't have kids, but Sondlovu is very much capable of
having kids.

The King is spending his day at the training ground today. His eyes has been glued on Nomthimba
who seems to be doing well than other trainees

After a 20 miles run, they all went for sword training. It's an essential training that everyone must
"who is she?" The king asks the commander kneeling before him
"She is Nomthimba, maNdwalane's grandchild." He replies politely
"I'm impressed" the King's words melt Bhekizimpi's heart. He also has seen a different kind of
Nomthimba that he has longed to see in many warios.
Strong, fearless, feisty, bold and stubborn. She knows what she wants and she's not afraid to be in a
house full of men.
Qhayiya is approaching as the king speaks
"She's a rare breed , she might be exactly what we need to win this war"

Time flies when one is busy. The warriors have descended to bed. It's after Ten in the evening.
But not Nomthimba. Just as everyone falls asleep she gets out and finds a quiet spot to continue her
training. She's always seen herself fighting with men other than playing a housewife.

Qhayiya's heart isn't at peace after what he heard. It's no secret that he doesn't like the lady.
He followed her when she got out and found her training.
He is tempted to do something, like break her leg or her arm. Something to make sure she fails and is
disqualified.. Who is she anyway?
Even the king likes her? The king?
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 16



It's another beautiful, busy day in the palace.

The sun is all out and shining brighter
It's lunch time already
Warriors are taking a break

After just a few minutes Nomthimba stands up and heads to the huge punching bag and starts
working her way around it.
"do you ever rest, Wonder Woman"
Khethani says, standing behind her
"Who is wonder Woman?" she asks

"you of course. I saw you yesterday night training. Do you know who else I saw?"
Nomthimba hates small talks. She keeps her mouth shut
"I'll tell you anyway. It is that douchebag Qhayiya. He gives me that creepiness you know. There's
something unsettling about him. Be careful and always avoid him at all cost"
She shakes her head
"what were you doing outside when you saw him?"
She asks

"now you wanna know what I get up to in these palace walls. Sorry I can't tell.."
"Get lost then"
She states

The whistle blows three times and everyone quickly gathers around
"it's time to get back to training. I need two volunteers to come forward right now" the Commander

Nomthimba is the first to come foward, Qhayiya follows

"I want you to apply your training. Everyone, give them enough space. Please do not hurt each other,
just apply what you've learnt so far"
A smile spread across Qhayiya's lips. Look at God, answering his prayers.

The fight begins.

In just a minute it's obvious, Nomthimba is stronger and a fast learner.
Qhayiya sees that and angrily throws a hard kick that she easily dodges, sending him straight to the
A whistle blows once and he knows he lost the chance..

"a round of applause for our volunteers, they were good"

The commander says..
"other volunteers, please!"

The sun is almost setting when the time to knock off hit the clock
"Before you leave, there is something I'd like to tell you. Anger is one thing that all of us possess when
we lose. Anger can be good because it drives you to do even better than next time.
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 17

But it can be bad too. Because once it consumes you, you see nothing but rage. And that can damage
not only those around you, but your mindset as well and before you know it, your life would be ruined.
So please, whatever you do, make sure that your anger drives you in the right place"
With that being said they get dismissed

"Wow! That was good out there bro. You did good" Qhayiya's best friend, Thetho nudges him. They
are seated on his bed, eating.
"we both know I wasn't so please, don't even try to make me feel better."
He snaps.

The room suddenly goes quite, the Queen is inside with her maidens. She spots Qhayiya and smile
Qhayiya leave everything and head out with the Queeen

"So, how is the training so far, my handsome nephew" they are outside standing in the dark. The
Queen is the younger sister of the council member, Gumbi. Who is the father of Qhayiya
"It would be great if there wasn't a girl among us"
He says

"what? There is a girl" she frowns. She's never bothered to be part of so many things happening
around the palace
"that's rather awkward and weird" she expresses
"I bet she's slower than everyone combined" she is laughing as she says
"Actually it's the total opposite. I think we might have a future Queen in her. We might win the war
this time around aunt" she cringes at what Qhayiya tells her
"Why am I sensing fear? Are you afraid of this so-called girl?"She can't hide the hatred that's slowly
growing in her heart.
"She's stronger than me. I can't compete with someone who trains during the night" He says
"Don't be a coward, Qhayiya. I can't believe you are letting a girl defeat you. Imagine bowing to her as
your Queen" his face becomes sour instantly, that would be a lifetime of horror.

He is back to the house in a moment. His mind is still stuck on her aunt's sudden visit. She's never
bothered since she became a Queen.
They don't get along, which is a mystery as to why she suddenly remembers she has a family other
than being a queen.

It's after ten in the evening when Nomthimba heads to her spot and starts training.
She's in the middle of it when something hard hits her head and she quickly falls into the ground
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 18



Qhayiya is heading out when he sees many shadows in the dark holding something
He screams and they seem to drop something down and vanish further in the dark
He runs faster but step on something hard

It's morning already. Qhayiya seems to be lost today. He can't shake off the strange feeling in his hear.
He doesn't like the girl but he feels that someone might have tried to hurt her last night.
She woke up the minute she stepped on her and refused to go for medical help. Royal doctors are
alwasy available for emergencies but he wouldn't forced her if she felt that she was okay

They are in the middle of their morning run. She is not fast like other days. She seems a bit lost today.

Her mind seems to be buried far away from it all.

When she woke up the first thing she asked was if she was bleeding or not. Fortunately she wasn't.

He runs to her "Hey, are you okay?" he asks

She frown and keep running
Qhayiya click his tounge
"forgive me for caring"
"I never asked you, leave me the fuck alone"

Just as they reach the training ground sword training begins. The Queen is also around today, just
seated by the king and watching as the training continues.
"Hey, ntombazane. You seem distracted. Are you okay?"
Ask Bhekizimpi
"I am okay commander" she says.
He nod his head and walk away

During the lunch time the queen walks to Nomthimba and compliments her for being a fast learner.

After that she head back in her chamber and the King follows right behind her
"I can't believe there is a girl this time around. Why did you allow a woman among other warriors.
What if we lose the war because of her? woman are meant to be in the kitchen serving their husband
and carrying children, not holding swords trying to be heroes "
She speaks, fatster. She's fuming for some reason. The king wears a confused expression, seating on
the bed next to her
"I'm not sure what to make out of this Nomkhubulwane. It is clear that you don't like this girl but to
say those things is stupid and low"

After a long day they head back to the house feeling exhausted. Khethani matches to her bed
"Wonder Woman" he says
"What do you want?" she snaps
"chill, just asking if you are okay. You seem to be lost today"
"mind your own business buddy"
She passes him and head inside the shower

Her head is pumping with questions. She's under the cold shower, water cascading down her body.
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 19

She wonders who would want to hurt her.

The lights suddenly goes off and screams start to emerge.
What is happening

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She's out in nanoseconds, the house is in complete darkness yet the screams haven't
stopped. She bump into a hard surface and feel a hard fist landing on her face. She's quick
to return the fist but lights quickly comes back to life, her eyes meeting each and every
warrior painting for air looking petrified as if they just survived a plane crash.

At the door stands Bhekizimpi, with an unapproachable posture. Besides him are two of his
assistants with looks that gives nothing away
"What do you think happens to war kids?" He is angry, his deep toned voice is laced with
matched anger and a mixture of dissatisfaction and disappointment.
"the lights goes off once, for a mere minute and already you are screaming like a woman in
labor delivering twins"
Nomthimba fails to understand why a woman must be matched with something considered
as weak.
A woman in labor screaming, was there no other words to use other than this.
Typical men, besides a woman delivering a baby does not show weakness, it shows
strength and power

"This was just a test to see if you even understand what you've got yourself into. What you
just signed up for. It is clear to me that you have no idea of what's going on here. In a war,
there is no time to scream and look for the nearest hiding spot!"a stern look is thrown at
those who are still crawling under their beds, decorated in shame

"There is no time to look for your nearest best friend and hug them. There is no time to nurse
your feelings and wipe your tears away, in a war you fight! What if this was an attack? Would
you have screamed yourself to death and let outsiders attack our king and Queen and
contribute to the downfall of our kingdom? Nc! NC! NC! What a shame!"shaking his head he
sternly utters.
Breathing shamefully they stand still, those who were hiding have joined the rest

"Outside the door there is are weapons, swords and shields. Silver made armor meant for
warriors. Take your time to observe and make yourselves look like true warriors you are
meant to be. You'll match to the usual sport once done. I'll meet you all there."
With that being said is out and get inside the car with his assistants and the car drives faster
towards the training grounds.

The atmosphere has changed. It's draped in the spirit of those who fought but sadly never
worn, of those lives who were lost in the deepest part of the woods and never buried.

The dark night has turned into something else, something heavy and saddening. It's only at
this very moment, dressed in silver armor that they are indeed in no picnic.
Everyone holding their weapons in their hands.
Quitely, standing beside each other and looking ready for war.
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 21

"Warriors. I'm glad we have made it to this day. Some might think that this is abuse. This
isn't time for training but to rest. This is time to take a long deep nap and dream about a
certain woman screaming your name while you buried inside them" soft laughs erups.
"or maybe a certain man just driving you to wonderland" he adds.
At this point he can not tell who is who, the silver helmet covering their faces makes them
eager and ready for anything
They look dangerous and somehow that alone brings back hope, hope that maybe things
might change this time around.

"I've said this probably a thousand times but I will say it again. In a war we fight and that's
why I brought you here, tonight. I am not trying to scare you. I am showing you that when
that beast attack, it won't choose a better time where you'll be less tired or where it'll be
during the day. In a war you stay ready for anything, anytime. Sometimes you'll be woken up
by screams or a blood of your best friend wetting your entire face. That won't mean seat
down and cry, you must grab your weapons and fight... FIGHT"


"What you are carrying aren't just weapons. They are what you make them to be. If you want
them to be the end of you, then they will. You will die with them in your hands. But you can
also make them your protector , guard them with your life and handle them with utmost
confidence and a burning spirit because they are your life from now on wards. Never ever
leave weapons just lying around, when you sleep make them your pillow, when you wake up
they must be the first thing you check for. They must be you and you must be them.. "

As three in the wee hours of the coldest morning hit the clock the whistle blows once
indicating that its time.

They all heave sighs but at the same time feeling somehow new and different. Training in
warriors costume, with real weapons is not something anyone would have anticipated.
Everyone felt it, the training during the night was difficult but strong. It as if there was a
magnet pulling them to train harder and harder.

They all head back to the house, their bodies feeling like thousands deaths.
It might seem sexy to be in a war costume but it is not. It is heavy both physically and

Being in it doesn't just hang on your shoulders, it hangs and clasp your soul as though the
souls of the passed warriors are awakening deep inside of you. Reminding you that what
you have started means more than just being labelled as a warrior. You become the
protecter of the realm and it's people, the hope of a better world with peace and happiness.

They are about to take long naps when the door opens again revealing the royal guards in
their uniforms
"the commander is asking for that girl over there" one of them says. There are four of them
in total. His Zulu is somehow not as strong as other villagers.
No one seems to pay attention as she stands up.
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 22

Their weapons are with them, for the first time they got to hold them and now they will be
sleeping next to them
"no need for that" the guard quickly say as she take the weapons.
She takes them anyway remembering that the commander said no matter what, never
abandon your weapons because war has no timing.
A simple peaceful lunch can turn into a bloodbath In a second and if your weapons are far
from you then you'll be counted as one of the casualties.
"I've never seen you around here, how long have you been working here?"just as she
reaches them she asks

Eyes becomes jumpy in a second

"just a month ago. Let me go get the commander" they quickly head out of the house leaving
her confused.

Not even an hour has ended yet thier eyes are all tightly closed as they rest on the beds,
sashaying in dreamlands.
Nomthimba is fast asleep when she feels something covering her nose making it hard to
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 23



Her hands quickly find her sword and she swings it to the direction of where the force comes
from. A sudden scream of a man has everyone on their feet,
alarmed of what might occur they speedily grasp their own weapons.

The lights are on, excellently showing about twenty men draped in animal skin. Their faces
adorned with white painting making them look like the ancient inhabitant of hunters and

"Who are you?" Qhayiya asks, these strange men are standing at the centre ready to attack
anyone who tries anything. In their hands are glimmering single handed short swords and
heater shaped shields. Like a lion pouncing on its prey they growl softly, moving slowly.

It is an attack!

Warriors share that one look, one that says we are in deep shit. As outnumbered as the
intruders are, no one can underestimate an enemy.

"We are here for the girl, let us take her and we will spare each and everyone of you,
weakling humans"
A deep, ruskier voice sethees. Saliva dancing in his missing teeths

"Why the girl? Why not me?" Khethani adds a question which has these intruders laughing

"We aren't here for chitchat, give us the girl or these floors will be mopped with your blood
and tears."


Everyone realizes that this is no prank, it is not one of the commander's unexpected moves.
This is a rather dreadful, outrageous moment and their thudding heartbeats are an indication
that indeed fear is slowly caging them in

"We are not afraid of you, barbarians' ' straight toned, Nomthimba states. She is haughtily
watching the one who has tasted her sword, a bleeding wrist is an indication of what she did
as he stands with anger besides his own people.

That has them staring at her. Burning, piercing stares that can make anyone shrink into the
nearest corner and pray for survival.

But not Nomthimba, not her.

"You should be afraid, Little girl"
Slowly they move towards her.
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 24

In a split second the fight erupts, warriors fighting the intruders.

It's chaotic, deadly and extremely intense as defeating sounds of agonizing screams and the
sound of swords against swords, swords against flesh fills up an entire warrior's house.
However the intruders seem to be stronger, wiser as they swiftly move as if they've been
fighting for ages.

The loud siren goes off, blasting in all corners of the palace indicating the royal grounds are
under attack.

It takes no second for the intruders to rush out leaving a bloodbath behind..

Two days later

Five warriors were lost during that excruciating, dreadful morning.

Yesterday during the night, those who lost their lives were laid to rest.
It was a saddening, yet powerful send-off fit for the warriors. They might have not completed
their training but they were warriors of the Mdima kingdom and a dignified send-off is what
they deserved.

They were laid to rest where other warriors are buried, a warrior's cemetery very far from
the palace.
Security has tightened. Everyone knows now, the girl who is wanted yet the reason behind
still remains nothing but a mystery to be solved.

To commemorate and mourn those who have sadly departed the land of the living, there is
no training today. Villagers from all over the Mdima Kingdom are camped outside the royal
palace in respect of the fallen warriors.
Since it is a critical time, only the relatives were allowed to enter the royal gates.

Since they arrived, it has been training after training and today seems to be a lazy, yet
painful day for all the warriors.
Some are sleeping, others just into small groups chatting quietly.
It hasn't been long since the training started, yet they feel as if the world has been turned
upside down.
Except for Nomthimba, Qhayiya and few warriors, many of them shed tears.

While others hardly knew the fallen warriors, some were close to them and saying goodbye
wasn't something they expected, that soon to say the least.

They haven't even made it to the final state of the training, haven't been to the forbidden
Valley to fight a deadly beast. It is not fair, why say goodbye so early?

Nomthimba is laying on her back facing the ceiling. Her hands behind her head as a pillow.
One leg resting on the wall while the other is laying down.
She is buried deep in the train of thoughts when someone speaks loud enough for everyone
to hear
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 25

"This is all her fault! Why did those men want her? She shouldn't here"
She turns, her eyes landing on a young man, probably 24 years of age. He is about five
beds away from her. Staring at her angrily, grief is all over his face. Eyes red, glittering with

"She should tell us why those men attacked us! The least she can do is to give us a reason,
a reason why we were attacked and lost our friends" he adds
"Langa! Come on. We are still grieving now is not the time" One of them says softly, patting
his shoulders but he screams, charging towards her

She is now seated on her bed, receiving fists and slaps from Langa that seems to go weaker
and weaker with each second and he cries, deep and painful that she herself starts to feel
tears welling up in her eyes. Slowly she puts her hands around him and holds him tight..

As the hug breaks almost everyone is holding onto someone, crying softly.
Like a tornado this grief hit them unexpectedly and the only thing they can do is weep and
wonder why?

The saddening moment is disturbed as the royal guards enters the door, with a king himself.
They all shift and bow their heads in respect.
The king ask for Nomthimba and leaves within a second.

She is inside the huge, elegant lounge that is somehow cool. With the heat outside one can
swear that inside is a mini heaven.

She seems uneasy as she stands near the wall.

The king orders her to sit and she does, feeling all emotions gathering in her body as her
bum rests on a comfy yet huge three seater couch. . She has never been inside the king's
mansion and that gives her nothing but fear and uneasiness.
Growing up in a hut, this is a heaven on earth

"I called you here because your life is being threatened. I'm not going to be asking questions
but I need you safe and protected. There is a reason why those intruders dared to enter my
grounds looking for you. Just you"
The king's commanding yet calm voice delivers. Sovereignty emitting in his eyes.

He then orders one of the guards to take her to the most trusted, best man inside the palace.
Bhekizimpi Sithole.

Her stomach is in knots as the guard knocks on his door. His rondavel is about four hundred
meters away from the royal mansion.

The commander of all people! A man who always wears a hard, ugly expression. She
knows the king wants her to be protected at all cost but why Bhekizimpi?

It takes a minute and when the door opens, her blood vessels dry up instantly. At the door
stands Bhekizimpi in nothing but a grayish towel covering his lower body ending just
between his knees
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 26

He is like a tall, muscular built Greek God as he slowly wipes wetness with a face cloth on
his bald head indicating he just took a bath.
"Njongo, what brings you to me?" he deeply ask, Njongo clears his throat as he feels an
unsettling aura of Bhekizimpi weighing him down
"The king ordered that you look after the girl" a deep, throaty chortle leave his mouth
"Your king must be losing his marble, I'm not a mere bodyguard" he boldly says, his burning
gaze glued onto Nomthimba who holds the gaze long enough to know that she doesn't want
to be here..
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 27



She is a feisty young woman who isn’t afraid to speak her mind. He still remembers how she
challenged him, staring deep in his eyeballs. In his life no one dares to stare at him longer
than a minute, let alone a woman. A young one for that matter. She blatantly told him that
she doesn’t need anyone’s protection, unfortunately it wasn’t in her hands anymore. When
the king speaks, everyone listens.

The mistake he made was letting her sleep on his huge, comfy bed with warm sheets and a
lingering elegant scent around them. He had left to have a word with the king, when he took
long she decided to jump on the bed just for a quick nap but the moment her head hit the
pillow she dozed off completely. When Bhekizimpi returned she was fast asleep, looking like
a sweet angel. He used the second bedroom and left her there

Nomthimba is peacefully sleeping, her lips pouting in a rather funny yet cute manner.
Bhekizimpi stands still beside the bed watching her. Isn’t she supposed to be at the training
ground as of now? Time on the wall indicates that half three has passed yet she is still
wallowing in the dreamland with no sign of waking up

He snaps out of it and leaves her sleeping. He thinks of leaving the door unlocked but
quickly remembers why she is here in the first place, for protection. Bhekizimpi is the most
feared warrior in the Mdima kingdom, he is known not to be messed with.

The training has long begun. As the sun shines over the horizon, warriors are out in their
usual morning twenty miles run. He returns back to his house and gets the shock of his life.

She is still sleeping!

The clock says it’s just after six. He drags a chair and seat just in front of the bed and
waits..if anger had a name then it would be Bhekizimpi Sithole. His fingers furiously playing
with his nose, his face hardened.

It doesn’t take long as she slowly opens her eyes, blinking them countlessly while yawning.
She cannot remember the last time she had such a beautiful sleep. She put the sheet on her
nostrils, inhaling and..she suddenly feels heaviness weighing her down and..

Looking up she is met with a rigid Bhekizimpi, murderous stare all over his face directed to
her. And it hit her. She overslept. For the first time she overslept!
The bedroom is so bright that even sun rays have found their way through the curtains.

“Why didn’t you wake me up?”She

Siphiwe M Mpungose. 28

Quickly get off the bed rushing to another door she sees while taking her clothes off.. wait a
minute. Is that question directed to the almighty Bhekizimpi
"Where the hell is the bathroom?" she angrily shouts on the other side…
He quickly gets out feeling anger suffocating him

She should be feeling shame as she joins the training like a superior but she walks with her
head held high. She joins the warriors who just returned from the morning run.
"Look what the wind just blew in my direction?" comments the commander, clearly frustrated
"Commander I am really sorry for.."
She is stopped before she can even finish

"You are a big girl now aren't you. Well let's see how big you are. Take your sword and come
forward."she do as told

"Who am I fighting commander if I may ask?" Soft laughter erupts, warriors finding humor in
all of this
"Since you have decided that you are no longer a trainee. You wake up like a princess in her
own castle, like you own these grounds. Other warriors are training while you are snoring
like a fuckin lunatic! Is this a picnic? "

Laughter instantly stops.

Bhekizimpi hates incompetence, being opposed and Nomthimba did exactly what he hates.
Anger is being felt by everyone now . They don't wish to be her

"Just because you share a room with me doesn't mean we are little buddies, you are nothing
but a little girl who causes nothing but trouble everywhere she goes. I shouldn't have allowed
you in this training, it's the decision I'll regret for the rest of my life! "he spits unshaken,
emotionless and that.. That pierced through her heart

She stares at him straight in his eyes and boldly ask

" I said who am I fighting with, commander?"soft gasp erupt

Bhekizimpi shakes his head, not believing that this girl is challenging him, in front of his men.
In broad daylights
"You are fighting your own size. Me"
Loud gasps
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 29



After the ugliest fight with the commander she couldn't even lift a finger. That's how bad it
Langa and Khethani are holding her side by side.

She flinches, tightening her eyes as they carefully put her on the bed. Then they just stand
still, staring at her worryingly
"You shouldn't have challenged the commander like that, look at you looking like a
marinated chicken" Says Khethani staring at her

"He is right, you were wrong to challenge him like that. What if he killed you" she sofly
chuckle and moan in pain
Her stomach feels like it's being poked with a thousand needles. Her entire body is in
excruciating pain
"I didn't break any r….. rules. Who said we shouldn't.. challenge Bhekizimpi. This was just a
start. "
Khethani shakes his head

"My goodness you are so stubborn. That man didn't just marinate you, he grilled you and
grated you. I don't know what liver you have but girl It's not a human one. Maybe it's lion's"
She closes her eyes letting pain shoot through her body.
Sword were put aside because he knew he'd hurt her even more hence he just went with

"Damn Bhekizimpi.. Was he trying to make me afraid of him? Because I know I'm not. "
She says and that alone is enough to make them turn and leave her in bed looking as if she
jumped on a moving train.
As hard as it is she slowly takes off what she is wearing

The training continues for the rest of the day and when it's time to knock off Bhekizimpi
passes by the royal house and ask Phathokuhle to follow her

"I thought you said we aren't meeting today" she gently says, glancing at him
"Yes we are still not meeting Phathokuhle" she fails to hide the pain striking through her
She stops
"is there someone else?"
They have been dating for a while now and he has never turned her down when she wanted
to visit him. This is new

"What makes you say that?" He is frowning, frustrated all of a sudden

"because you don't want to spend the night with me anymore Bheki" she snaps
"It's been what, just a day. One day and already you thinking such crap"
He is calm but anger is loud in his voice that she gulps a bit
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 30

"Bheki all I've been doing is to love you. Why can't you.."
"just... Shut up. I need you to do something for me" He start walking away and she has no
choice but to follow
Bhekizimpi walks through the door and his eyes land on Nomthimba who is helplessly laying
on the bed. Her eyes tightly closed.

"Aw! So I was right. There is someone.."

"ay awukahle man Phathokuhle. This is Nomthimba, she's one of the warriors. The king
asked me to protect her"
She laughs, a bit relieved
"so this is her, the girl that's been causing havoc around the palace. So, why am I here
again? "
Nomthimba opens her eyes and stare at these people next to her. She's totally naked under
the blanket and is wondering why she didn't try to take a bath while she was alone. As hard
as it would have been, she would have tried

"please take care of her, she's in pain" He says but gain a bitter chuckle
"He is wasting your time… You.. can leave miss, I can take care of myself" she says,
ignoring the pain shooting deep in her

"Don't listen to her, just do what you do best. Make sure she is… well taken care of" he says
"You mean I should bathe her and give her some painkillers.."
"Yey! Leave me alone. I don't need anyone to take care of me. I'm very much capable of
doing that on my own"
She says

"You know what. I'm out. I'm not going to be helping someone who doesn't need my help"
and she leaves

Hard stares are directed to Nomthimba.

His fingers furiously playing with his nose.
"Don't look at me like that, I'm not your buddy. I'm your own size remember. " she says and
try to seat up but pain shoots through her body that she moan a bit loud

Bhekizimpi heads to the bathroom, prepare warm bath and put remedies he uses for when
he himself is in pain. His head is telling him to stop all of this but he does the opposite
When done he returns to her
"I'm not going to sleep with someone who doesn't care about their health. If something
happens to you I'll be the one answering questions. don't you dare fight me"
His voice is hard as he says.
She is in his arms before she can argue further
"ARG! I Hate you. Put me the fuck down" just as she start to wiggles herself pain instantly
strikes harder like lightning engulfing all of her and she grunts, clicking her tongue.
The feelings of being helpless is frustrating and making her feel like a loser. She knows
she's going to get better and when that happens, she'll train like crazy and challenge him
again.. And again.. And again until she be a true, fearless warrior.

She's inside the bathtoob, warm soothing water is enough to make her heave a long sigh.
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 31

He stares at her, wondering what next. His head is in turmoil

"Just leave!" she snaps
Instead of leaving he takes the face cloth and try to touch her but she quickly slaps his hand
that the cloth flies out of his hand

Their eyes meet, her eyes deeply staring at him clearly mad and frustrated.

Heavy breathing!
The silence is somehow intense and heavy as a sack full of stones

Bhekizimpi is just as angry. His hard, burning dark eyes glaring at her. He doesn’t move in
front of her, his intense gaze piercing through her eyeballs..

Siphiwe M Mpungose. 32



Her heart is strangely beating a bit harder than normal as he gazes at her.

"Just.. Let me sock myself in here. I'll be fine" She softly says, which seems to be strange as
well, why is she even telling him this

He stands up and leaves her sighing a breath she never even realized she was holding.
Nomthimba closes her eyes allowing the soothing to swallow all the pain in her body,
wishing to walk out of the bathroom on her own without his help.
Why is he even helping, the man has hated her since she laid his eyes on her.

Her eyes wander around that she gets to admire this modern built Rondavel
The king might have hired the best interior designers. There's a bit of modern and
Africanicity in it.

It's been a while since she sat inside the tub that she sinks a bit deeper, drowning her head
"Are you crazy! Trying to kill your self?"
That's Bhekizimpi screaming, rushing inside the bathroom.
He wastes no time picking0 her up as wet as she is and putting her on the bed.

Her hands quickly find the blanket and she hides underneath and murmur
"just great.."
"Just when I thought you could be human, you disappoint me again. What were you thinking,
drowning yourself?"
Wait.. Is that a sound of a panic
"Were you trying to kill yourself?"

"Oh please don't bore me. Why would I try to kill myself" she says carelessly
"You were drowning in the bathtub damn it."
He snaps
"and your commander's mind decided to resurface and concluded that I was killing myself,
for what? Life is too precious to kill and besides I have a beast to kill so…"

He leaves her heading to the bedroom he is using

Mixed emotions are attacking his heart and mind at once. It annoys him that he clicks his
tongue even.

Bhekizimpi is shocked to find an empty bed on which she is sleeping as he wakes up in the
wee hours of the morning. His heart stops beating for a minute.
He flies out but bumps into her getting inside. She's walking, slowly but she is managing
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 33

"usuyangcikake manje ntombazane. Are you crazy or this is another stunt to get yourself
killed?" she passes him and stand by the bed
"I'm talking to you as your commander, girly" he seethe following her

She glances at him shortly and realizes the man in front of her is furious.
"I was training commander"
He hovers over her. She looks up at his tall frame ending just on his chest. As tall as she is,
Bhekizimpi is still taller.
"Alone, in that state ? Have you forgotten that I am meant to protect you? How am I even
supposed to protect someone who's naive and crazy as you"
As calm as his voice is, anger is loud and making her edgy
"Let me remind you, this is not your house. This isn't your boyfriend's house where you just
do as you please. I never wanted you here, I still don't because you are crowding my space.
If it weren't for the king you wouldn't be here at all. So please don't make my life a living hell,
I don't owe you anything. You are here because the king wants you here, not me"
So she looks down as it hits her. This isn't her home, she came here to become a warrior
and that's what she's going to do.
"I apologize, commander, I won't do it again."

She wasn't allowed to go out for a morning run but she remained behind for training.
The day goes by quickly and when it's time to get back to the commander's house she does
the opposite and follows the warriors to their hall.

She is dead exhausted as she reaches the hall. The first thing she does is to go to her bed
and take a long nap.

"Is she not supposed to be with the commander?" that's Zethembe, one of the warriors
asking Langa.
He shrugs his shoulders and closes his eyes.

Just as everyone is falling asleep the doors fly open and the commander gets in.
He says nothing to no one and heads to where she is sleeping. He just grabs her, puts her
on his shoulders and leaves..
"The fuck.."
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 34



Indeed time flies, the toughest training is almost over. It's been weeks of sweat, tears,
dedication and that has birthed the warriors of the Mdima kingdom.

The dark clouds make the day a bit gloomy, giving it tension and uneasiness.
Today is the big day where the captain of the warriors will be chosen among them.

The training grounds are surrounded by a number of villagers and the king himself.
It is always a beautiful celebration that everyone looks forward to. The noise is deafening,
happiness blooming like spring in every single one of them.
These warriors represent hope for the village and that deserves a victory.

After the toughest fight only two have remained, Qhayiya and Nomthimba

Armed with a shield and single edged sword, her eyes are glued on his brown eyes as he
stands before her. Both of them boldfaced.

She readjusts her movements, in a slanted position, her knees bent making her smaller than
her usual height

The sword is gripped properly in her right hand, shield on her left hand just as gripped. Left
foot ahead of the right she bends, the sword pointed on the ground.

The whistle blows and the fight begins, everyone on their toes as they watch in anticipation
at the intense fight unfolding between the two who have proved to be the best warriors.

One hard move has her shield flying out of her hand, leaving her with just a sword. A sly
smirk on Qhayiya's face is hard to miss as he slowly charges towards her, proud of his bold

He attacks! And the clicking sound of the swords meeting brings nothing but utterly silence
and intense emotions.

The blades of their sword are against each other, both of them blocking the attack.
She's a stubborn, fearless and a wonderous woman. They both stare at each other
breathlessly, engraved in utmost power.

Slowly she's succumbing while he grips harder pushing her down.

Their veins popped out, blood rushing in speed and heartbeat as loud as a summer storm.
"just give up already.. You would never win this position. You're a woman..." hisses Qhayiya
staring down at her. Her heart stops beating for a second and like a bull she arises quicker
regaining her full strength, pushing him as he falls on his butt....

Siphiwe M Mpungose. 35


The commander announces and the warriors bow their heads, one knee on the ground as
they welcome their new CAPTAIN. Crowd is going crazy, bewildered and unbelieving that
behind the fierce, best fighter is a woman.
She has taken off the silver helmet, she's looking beautiful. Her skin is glowing. Her curly
hair has grown allowing her heart shaped face a full view for everyone to see.

The first woman captain, the first in the history of the Mdima kingdom to be trained as a
warrior among men. She's a dominator, a winner and a queen of her own castle, she is

She moves forward, standing tall with her head held high as she looks at each and every
warrior in front of her, the crowd surrounding the training ground.

"Some might look at this tiny girl and wonder, who is she? She can't be a woman. A woman,
hey, something I've been struggling to define over the years. A definition of a woman. One
day I stopped and asked this young girl what defines a woman. She said, a woman bears
children, a woman looks after the children, a woman cooks and takes care of her family. A
woman is nothing without a man. Reaching home I headed to the mirror and asked myself, is
that all that I am, is that all that I can be?"


"For the course of my long 24 years of life, that has been ringing in my ears. Not because a
young girl, probably ten years old, gave me such a definition. It was because of the truth that
statement held, as I looked around I also witnessed it with my own eyes. As young as she
was once again the society has given that definition and she gladly accepted it."

"I have seen how women are treated in this village. I am not disputing that, however I stand
to believe that a woman can be more than just a man's shadow. A woman's duty must not
start and end with a man's word. I am here today because I believe that it's high time we see
women among the warriors, among council members and in higher places. To those women
who've wanted to be something more but the society blocked them, I am here for them. To
tell them that nothing is impossible, work hard and break those chains because the world is
ready for you, you shall take that crown and reign because that's what you are, a Queen!!."
Whistles are blowing, ear piercing noise fills up an entire training ground, hands are clapped
in happiness..

"you have grown so much. Today you have given me not just a name but respect among
these people.I'm very proud of you" MaNdwalane says as she stands in front of Nomthimba.
She smiles and they both engulf each other in a warm hug.
The villagers have scattered around, eating and singing.
The day where a captain is chosen is usually followed by the big day, where a ceremony is
held for those who have completed the journey and yet to begin another one.
Tomorrow is that day.
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 36

After a big, beautiful day she heads back to the commander's house with a smile on her
face. Her heart is swollen with nothing but joy.
She stands before the huge mirror and a wide smile spreads across her lips.
She's still armoured, her light skin is glowing, her hand running through her grown hair

It feels like yesterday when she joined the warriors.

Bhekizimpi enters right after her and stands by the door staring at her.
She feels his presence and her heart does that thing, a strange feeling that has her turning
her head staring at his dark face.

He slowly moves towards her and stands in front of her

They are still at it, arguing always and forever
"My captain" He deeply states causing her to smile
"aw! Is that a smile, I must be dreaming"
He says and she shakes her head
"as if you ever show your smile, at least I do smile now and again unlike you who's always
"I'm proud of you" second time hearing these words. They hit different this time.
She feels his heavy stare as they glare at each other
"thank you"...
Staring continues, either of them backing away.
A hard knock at the door disrupt the moment
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 37



The Mdima Kingdom is entirely adorned with a massive amount of fog. One would mistake it
as a giant tsunami rolling in from the ocean up to the earth's surface.
The white fog is rolling in perfect density, making the palace look like an Iceland with tiny
water droplets restricting visibility from a far distance.

The clouds are however gray and thick but the unmatched joy and happiness seems to be
disregarding the unpleasant weather

It's utterly silent as they wait in anticipation for the grand entrance of warriors. And like a
beautiful day they make their grand entrance, being led by their own captain. They are
armoured and looking regal as they move at the center slowly and beautifully.

They are all honored, the king smiling and shaking hands with each and every one of them
And to the entire village the king makes the big announcement that whoever conquers the
beast shall be named the king or Queen of the Mdima kingdom.
King Hlahlindlela is the greatest king, he is loved and respected and that makes his word to
be final and be received with chanting and loud ululation.

The beautiful day goes by quickly as well, darkness is slowly replacing the daylight as
Qhayiya makes his way to the Queen. The car opens and he gets in and is greeted by a
hard slap slamming across his face. He is confused, most of all angry
"One thing, you had to do one thing. Be better than that thing but noo! She seems to be
better than you!" she feels anger rushing through her veins as she says, clicking her tongue
in the process

"The journey is still long, the woods are full of many things. Who knows what might happen
to her"
Says Qhayiya still rubbing his burning cheek
"I like that spirit. Keep it strong. Nephew" she says.

Nomthimba is with her granny just outside Bhekizimpi's house. Bhekizimpi organized
transport for her granny so she can arrive home safe.
"Your hair is growing. Why did you stop cutting them?" she asks, staring at her neat, tied
high ponytail
She's looking like a pretty girl.

"I had no time"she replies

"they are also loosing the red color. Don't forget why they are red to begin with. And please
don't leave your contacts. It's for your own good"
She nods
"okay, the car is here. I'll be praying for you. Be safe out there. I love you, Tamia" she says
and hugs her tightly without letting go..
A sad moment this is.
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 38

"I love you too dodo, I'll be safe. I promise"..

Her heart is heavy as she seats on the bed. Saying goodbye was the final stamp. She really
is going to war and for the first time she digest all the feelings of fear. As best as she has
become, she still has fears inside her and that alone has her sighing in distress

Instead of sinking deep into fear she heads to the mirror and try to take off the armor. She's
buried in many thoughts that it becomes a mission and she curses
"Need help?" his deep voice utters out of nowhere. she turns at the door and be met by him,
still in his commander Armor looking like a true warrior that he is

"no" she says and try again but still..

He says nothing and slowly takes strides to her and just settles behind her that her breathing
hinges a little.
She feel his presence weighing on her shoulders, his body way too close
behind her and his chin just above her head.

In the mirror their eyes lock, something is pulling her to stay in the same position and stare
at him longer than she should. He is not as bad, under normal circumstances she can admit
that Bhekizimpi is a fine man that almost every single woman craves. The way he carries
himself, fearless, bold and always in control.
"I won't bite. Allow me" his voice is gentler than normal and she finds herself nodding

His strong hands slowly help her out of the Armor until she is in nothing but underwear. She
should have stopped this, since she suddenly felt his electric touch on her body for the first
time; it just made the situation impossible to control.

His eyes haven't left hers, as if caging her in his command and leaving her powerless
"You look beautiful" he whispers and plants a soft kiss on her left shoulder. Foreign feelings
fill up her stomach, her knees becoming wobbly
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 39



This is a first, being at such a close length. She feels her knees loosing control as if her body
suddenly gained few pounds, heartbeat sharpening, shuddering harder against her heart.
Heavy breathing are hard to miss as if they just ran a comrade marathon
Tension thickens as their eyes are glued in the mirror..

His strong electric touch turns her around, slowly as if she is a glass that might break any
moment. A robot she has suddenly become, allowing him to do as he please with her body.

Her shuddering breathing hinges as she gently bounces on his hard, strong chest. She
should have stopped this!
Her mind is in turmoil
Her upturned eyes aren't showing any single sign of blinking as she stares at his eyes
showing a different story then the one she's used to.

At this moment Bhekizimpi the commander is no more. In his eyes she is drawn, there is this
warmth and a soothing feeling that keeps shooting like fireworks in her tummy. Is he not a
dramy, fine man!

Her lips are lightly opened, failing to contain himself Bhekizimpi rest his right hand on her
soft cheeks and the tingling foreign feelings engulfes her tummy even more
He slides on her lower back and gently brings her even closer to him.
His face lowers and then…

Like house on fire thier lips converge awakening unknown burning feelings, their hearts and
soul magnet, like a flower attracting bees.

A soft, lingering kiss erups, causing her eyes to shut automatically as she dives in the
deepest part of him that she never knew she longed until this very moment.

The sudden loud siren erups, shaking the walls of the palace and that can only mean one
The door burst open and Njongo screams
"We are under attack!"

In a nanosecond he is out, rushing to where the king is.

There are saddening screams, it's crowded and getting hard to move as she manoeuvre his
way towards the mansion. A loud growl is heard from a distance

Reaching the mansion he is met with a king groaning in pain, laying on a huge couch.
There's an open wound on his lower abdomen, blood is oozing out.
There are dead bodies and injured men all over the floor.
His body is in shock
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 40
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 41


If it had a face than it would be Bhekizimpi.
Caged and wallowing in guilt he couldn't leave the King's side until the sun came up. He
feels responsible, had he been by the King's side none of this would be happening. He
would have saved many defenceless, innocent souls

What was he thinking?

He is a commander, a warrior meant to protect the King and its people.
He never cries, ever. Today he desired just a little bit of tear on his face but it hasn't been in
his genes for a long time.

Bhekizimpi Sithole comes from a family of chaos and selfishness, one sided support is what
ruled the Sithole yard. The man who gave birth to him had five wives, countless mistresses
and that meant a mother had to be a father to her kids.

During the old days wars ruled the Mdima Kingdom. Before the beast age, there were
gruesome wars that took the lives of many and his mother suffered the same fate leaving
him motherless and fending for himself.

At the age of Seventeen he had to fight to stay alive, he had to make end meets and that
came at a price. That meant no one had time to pick him up, to wipe away his tears and be
strong for him.

He comes from a family with no advantage to ask for help from a brother, a mother, an
uncle or an aunt. He strived alone and that made him the strongest.
He was once the most undermined and youngest warrior, today he has become one of the
most respected and feared warrior in the history of the Mdima kingdom.

But since the attack, he felt that little boy who lost a mother, who cried for days with no hope
of life ever moving on slowly creeping in.
It's one of those atrocious, ugly memories that he had buried deep within him and now they
were brought back and thrown right on his face.
All because of what? A distraction.
Love is just that, a distraction.

Today is the day.

It's the day to say goodbye not knowing if you'll make it back or not.
It is the day to live behind a life that you've know for a long time and embark on a new,
frightening journey.

Goodbyes have been said and done

Those who lost thier loved ones during the attack had to be strong because time is now..

The cars are ready to transport the warriors to the Forbidden Valley, also known as the
Mgede Valley.
All that will be needed has been loaded and now..
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 42

"It is time"
Bhekizimpi addresses the warriors.
They are before him, today filled with heavy hearts and hope that what they trained for all
this time will be a pay off

"for the longest time I have stood here, watched and bid farewall to the warriors. They all
looked like you now, full of hope, ready to take on that beast and bring peace to the
And then I have also stood here once again, received bad news that we have lost good and
best men to the beast.
That beast has take a lot from this village, brothers, fathers and sons."

"It is painful, because once again we are here. With a better hope that things might differ this
He keeps quite, veins popping on his face indicating that what he feels is just as sad.
Intense sorrow is looming all around as they stand quietly.

"I am tired of sending good men only to return with nothing but bitter news to deliver to their
families. I am tired of burrying my brothers, my friends in the deepest woods, I am tired to
be defeated!"

"May this be the last journey to the Forbidden Valley, May this be the journey we have all
been praying for. MAY WE WIN THIS WAR!"


Siphiwe M Mpungose. 43



Forbidden Valley!
It’s all the perfect definition of the green pastures. The tall, wholly canopied trees leaning on
each other as mother hen hugging her chicks, the grass gently maneuvering with flowers
blooming in all season.

“We are here” Bhekizimpi states gently and they all astonishingly stand, taking it all in. The
aesthetic, breath-taking beauty of the Valley. The Lush green forests, unruffled breeze and
copious wildlife greets anyone standing at the bottom of the valley. The diversity of birds
chirping beautifully and flying freely.

The beauty is deceiving and somehow making it hard to believe that such beauty is home to
a monstrous creature. Bhekizimpi leaves them to take a pee and disappear in the bunch of

“WOW” Mlamuli, one of the warriors fails to hold it in and finds himself admiring all that his
eyes are seeing.
“Wow indeed” states Nomthimba near him. They share a look and a smile spreads across
their lips. One could swear that it is a vacation they have all been waiting for.
‘’Ever heard of a ravening wolf in sheep's clothing? This perfectly defines it” she says, her
eyes roaming her surroundings in bewilderment.
“Damn! Looks are deceiving” adds Qhayiya, just as amazed.
“This is devious and deceitful, are you sure we are in the right place? Because right now I
feel like I need a camera to take a photo”- Khethani
“Not to forget a bottle of wine and just having a good time swimming on that river” Langa
adds staring at a river just few meters away from them

They all ecstatically jump up throwing the backpacks on the ground and rushing to the river
as a child given candy on a Christmas day.

The laminar flow of the river whispers softly as if warning those who are yet to cross that a
deadly, gigantic beast on the other side is waiting, hungry for blood and lost souls.
“What are you doing? Do not get in there! ” Nomthimba screams at Mlamuli as he takes off
his clothing attempting to get in. He stands on top of a big stone staring down at the river
“The water doesn’t look that deep, it looks calming and harmless”..
“Come on don’t..”
The loud splashing of water follows as Mlamuli jumps in without prior notice
“See, not that deep, just cold” he happily says, the water is above his waist and unclear but

His best friend Nqoba is about to join when the laminar flow suddenly turns into turbulent
flow in a nanosecond.
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 44

“What’s that? Hey look out!’ something jumps on him and the fight in the water begins.
Within a blink of an eye Nomthimba jumps in and …

“What’s going on here? “The commander roars in anger just as Nomthimba gets out of the
water carrying Mlamuli. Thumani rushes to his side followed by Mnqobi and start inspecting
his wound.
‘’One second! That’s all it took for you to forget who you are and the reason why we here” he
is bleeding on his left thigh, wheezing and coughing

His burning eyes land on Nomthimba and she feels her heart skipping.
"And you? Are you not the captain? I look away for a second and your people make the
stupid decision. Why are you the captain if you can’t handle your men? If this position is too
big for you then say it so we can pass it to someone more deserving. How can you be so
stupid and careless?”
“I’m sorry…”
“Save it! I want no lame sorries from you or anyone else for that matter. Remember why we
are here. This isn’t a game damn it! It isn’t a fuckin holiday or a stupid getaway”
And just like that the happy, amazed faces are gone, replaced with disheartenment and

They are all facing down as the commander's wrath slices them apart.
“Do not let the beauty of this valley fool you. On the other side of this river lies our enemies.
They are the ones we are here for. Do not eat anything you find in these woods. Do not jump
on the first lake or river your eyes lay on. Do not dare go alone, take at least two people with
you and please, do not forget that your weapons are your lives. Take your backpacks and
follow me, will cross on the upper river not here. Your whistles must also stay closer to you.
Be aware of your surroundings because anything you touch, smell or step on can be your
Tummies fill up with shivers as they start diving deep into the heart of the woods, Mlamuli
being carried by Mnqobi and Thumani.

It's been hours since they started walking. The sun is now setting, slowly but surely
"We will camp here. This is going to be our from now until we accomplish our mission.
Hopefully it won't take too long"
In the deepest part of the woods is where they are. They start making a way for the tents
and start putting them on.

Nomthimba moves away from the crowd and stand alone at a far distance, just letting herself
feel the woods breathing and whispering.
She suddenly feels a heavy, as if there is someone staring at her and as she looks closely
something swiftly moves from the trees and then vanish just as quick making her question
her sense of sight

As she returns everyone has decided on which tent they will be using for the time being.
And to her surprise they are full
"Commander, the captain has no place" that's Khethani letting the Commander know.
He chuckles and say nothing
"Dont worry about me, I'll sleep on the tree" She says
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 45

"That won't happen. Hey Langa, you'll be with me and she will take your place" says the
And that.. Hurts

She has finally realized. He is giving her a cold shoulder and that is breaking her more than
she care to admit.
"now, listen up. We will sleep with our eyes open. We aren't alone in these woods.."
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 46


The dense trees surrounding them aren’t exactly as easy to be around as they hoped.
Sometimes even the sounds of birds just have everyone on their feets with their weapons on
the hands. This marks the third day since they arrived
“as I said, this isn’t something to rely on, we will use when necessary. That’s why I never
taught you during your training. A gun is important but what’s more important is to be able to
fight an enemy without it” Bhekizimpi states
It’s been a gun training since their arrival. This war requires more than just swords and
It's hard to wait, not knowing what might happen next.
It's nerve wrecking

"so, what's the plan from now, if I may ask. Commander" Nomthimba says
"For now, we wait until we know for sure what we dealing with"
She shakes her head
"there's something else Commander. What are you not telling us?"
"What makes you feel like you can question my authority?"
He sternly ask, moving towards her and stand too close to face that she suck in her breath
"There is a difference between questioning and being concerned, commander" she bravely
responds, as intense as it is.
His eyes emits that burning authority that makes you feel small and casting down your eyes..
But Nomthimba is again challenging him
Their eyes are glued, making everyone around them feel the intensity
"do what I say and stay in your lane"
with that he turns and return back to his tent

They are gathered around the fire, sharing jokes and getting to know each other better. It is
getting a little dark now.
“The change of scenery is never easy, even your own shadow can be scary on its own.
You’ll be staring at it like, hey are you you’re my shadow, I mean it can’t be” soft laughter
erupts as Thumani says

“This other time I was taking a pee, and I stare at these trees, I was so sure they were

“What we are facing here isn’t something you can just understand in just few days. I really
wish we were prepared even mentally, not just physically to deal with this. Having to change
your own life not knowing if you’ll make it back alive isn’t something to be taken slightly. It
takes bravery, a heart of a lion.”
Its silence for a while.
“Thumani, I think you made a wrong choice by coming here with us. Your place is in a
comfortable office as a psychologist or a doctor. Look how you have been taking care of
Mlamuli. ”States Langa
“We all have reasons why we here. I have mines too” softly he says.

Nomthimba leaves the crew and head to him. She isn’t the one to shy away from people.
She knocks on his tent and wait in anticipation.
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 47

He can’t give her that knee weakling kiss and just give a cold shoulder as if nothing
happened. He owes her answers and he will deliver today

When she gets no reply she gets in and instantly regret it as he looks at his hard, strong
chest all in the open.
“uhm..ahem”speechless, that’s what she has become
“Can I help you?” she quickly turns and get out hating herself for even getting on that tent in
the first place

She's heading back to her tent when she suddenly feel heavy. Maybe these trees do move
as they said, but..
She's too quick to scream running faster to her tent for weapons.
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 48



Faster than her heart rate she moves in between the enemies, a sword on her hand slashing
the flash of men leaving them extremely bleeding and some…

All warriors fighting besides her are moving just as fast. It's a bloodbath and they seem to be
Their emotions are evoked, scattered in their mind and soul that even the darkness seems to
pour power

Almost one after the other, the screams are agonizing and ear cracking, contained with
utmost power and energy as a soccer player after scoring a last minute goal.
The ground is soaked with nothing but blood as they stand against their enemies.


Sunrise, no one has dared to close their eyes.

Dead bodies are all over the ground.
Two warriors were lost yesterday, leaving them in pain and in despair.
"On this earth your lives have ended but your spirits will live on from generations to
generations, your blood will nourish the grind of our free village. Be safe as you begin your
next journey, brothers"
Bhekizimpi says deeply, his voice buried in nothing but sorrow.

This is it
The commander did say that in war you bury your friends, brothers and at this very moment
it is a reality and not just a talk.
uncertain on whether to cry or scream the warriors stand still before the open grave.
Staring at their fallen brothers one last time.
Sadness and heavy hearts are all around them.
How does one deal with such pain?

As much as they were told of this hard moment, everything seems to be in slow motion as
they start pouring soil over their bodies.
Some let tears fall, blinding their vision.
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 49



After the sad send off he decides that it's about time
"History, I'm sure some of you do know of our history but many of you don't. " Bhekizimpi
says and they stare at him, failing to understand how history is connected to what they are
faced with

"No offense commander but we just buried our brothers and some of us didn't even finish
school so" Mnqobi utters

They are standing at the center of their tents. There are now only Five tents remaining,
accommodating about 5 people. The three got damaged during the battle.
"Keep that hole under your nose tight and closed if you're gonna utter nothing but shit. I'm
not a friend to you boy. I'm your commander" Khethani stifle a laugh, while other just keep

"Maybe he is right. What does history have to do with this sudden attack? Why are we being
attacked by people instead of a beast? Why are we still here? From what I heard we are to
kill a beast and from where I'm standing we are just camping here, waiting to be killed"-

Her voice is bold and she herself is not afraid as she says.
"Captain, you don't lead by example do you. There is something that you must all know.
Something that I never shared with you at the palace. These woods go deeper than you
know. Once upon a time there were people called the wood dwellers. We called them
barbarians. They lived in these woods for as long as I was told, there were great wars
between them and our people until one day the war was conquered by our people.
We thought that maybe they fled or vanished until.. the attack at the palace"

Silence falls upon them

"I've read about this one time and it is said that these people are very clever and can spend
decades planning someone's downfall. If this is true then.. I think we are all going to die"
Thumani sadly reveals and they feel their blood running cold.

Exhausted as hell from also burying the dead bodies of their enemies.
Only two were captured. Six of them died while the rest fled in the deepest part of the
The sun is slowly vanishing deep in the horizon and everyone is still buried deep in painful
thoughts digesting the devastating

Some are seated while others are just standing, staring at the two injured men tied on the
tree branches.
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 50

Their faces are still painted in white, with a blood mix in between making them look weird.
Their ears are pierced, skin color is lighter to pale that even their veins are visible.

"Who the hell are you? Just start talking already! " Qhayiya seethe for the umpteenth time
and the answer is still a hard look, no words exchanged.

"Please just stop begging man, can't you see they don't want to talk" Thumani states
"And how do you know, mind reader?" he shouts back

"First of all, we've been at this for hours. Secondly, we have tried torturing them and still
nothing. Thirdly, they don't even seem scared to be here. Look at them, it's like they are
actually feeling sorry for us instead..
And by the way I'm not a mind reader, I just tend to observe more"
He says, brushing his messy afro fade.
His caramel skin almost changing to a pitch black like Langa who is approaching them

"Miss Captain, these so called barbarians came looking just for you, you only. Maybe you
know something that we don't" Qhayiya is still at it as he stands before Nomthimba.

"HEY, I'M TALKING TO YOU LITTLE BITCH!" He screams and Nomthimba is fast to throw a
mean punch and the fight between them begins until strong hands grab her from behind.

She wiggles herself but still the hands are stronger

"Hey!" His bold voice drives her mind back to normal as she is in between Bhekizimpi's
Her heart is racing, from anger and something else.
Somehow his touch is electrifying and soothing and..

"just let me go"

Qhayiya is being held by the shortest men out of all the warriors, Mnqobi.
"Are you crazy? We are facing a serious crisis and all you care about is fighting. Jeez!"
Mnqobi says in anger

"I'm not even going to try and understand this. You all are annoying right now" Bhekizimpi
states, shooting daggers at both of them shaking his head in disappointment

A sudden loud laughter erupts. It is Khethani staring behind them

"Look what I found from our fellow barbie friends, I feel like King Shaka. Long live his
majesty!" he arrogantly says, taking a pride walk.
His dark skin is all out, that's Langa, wearing nothing but a calfskin covering his buttocks and
his front
" Commander" A bow is made as he passes the commander.
"So, let me get this straight. When we were fighting, you were busy taking off our enemies'
clothes just to have them yourself. Aren't you afraid to be haunted by their evil spirit"
Khethani says, still laughing.
Others are just stunned.
"I didn't take them off during the fight, come on what do you take me for. I took them when
we were.. You know burying them"
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 51

Before the tree is a short grass that he seats on and lie on his stomach
"So, in other words you robbed a corpse"
"No, not exactly.. I just took something from a dead barbie and decided to use it. I can't let
all these goes to waste
"They are barbarians, not barbies" Thumani corrects
"What's the difference, genius? By the way, I saved at least four so don't be afraid to borrow
one" to him he just found the most perfect thing he can relax on
"Come on! Those things belong to the ghost…"
"Kalansedrwa…" This isn't a language that they understand as one of the captured men
"wait, what was that?" Thumani asks but a growling scary voice suddenly burst making even
the ground they stand on shake and woods are quickly draped in a huge fog..
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 52



Her breathing is shallow as she lean behind the tree branch with a sword on her hand.
The grounds once again start vibrating rapidly and intensively indicating that something of
great physical weight just stepped on it

A gruff, angry and deep prolonged growl has everyone shivering

The beast is growling louder and louder that even an angry growl of a lion seems like a
whisper compared to the situation at hand.
Ever heard of heavy, severe summer thunderstorms, that's the roaring sound of a beast.

Nomthimba takes a long, shaky breath and come out.

Along the years she has visited this valley, always peaked through the trees staring at a
But all in all this is the day she has been waiting for
To stand before this creature
It is foggy, however she can see the biggest, tallest shadow in between the white fog. Its as
tall as a giant.
Its eyes glowing as fire as it is moving closer and closer to her.
Each step harder, stronger and heavier

She's about to strike when Bhekizimpi snatches her out of nowhere making her fall on the
ground and he stands before the beast, ending just on its waist as a kid facing an Eifel
And within a blink he strikes but one biggest, strong hand grabs him by his head and he is
harshly thrown in the air.

One simple moment has suddenly turned into a disconsolate winter night!
As gloomy as it is, the night still keep on darkening, harrowing screams are defeating taking
young lives away. The warriors are growing melancholy with each second, engraved in terror

Nomthimba is quick to be on her feet again and her sword land on the long big legs of this
"COME ON WARRIORS! COME ON WHERE ARE YOU!" She yells out of her voice
snapping out of it they all stand up and join in, attacking any near spot but it takes just a
second and they are all flying and harshily being thrown on the ground.
The unmatched strength of a beast is overwhelming and greater than them combined
making it hard to keep fighting.
Almost every warrior is on the ground moaning in pain.

Nomthimba is on her feet again yelling a the beast

away from everyone, heading towards the deepest woods.

Hard, heavy footsteps are hot on her tail.

Siphiwe M Mpungose. 53

She is running faster, pushing the trees in front of her when she steps on something and
harlshily she start rolling down until her head hit something hard and she slips into the


The next day….

The first thing she feels is severe pain on her head. Moaning she opens her eyes and be
met by a morning breeze shining through the long trees surrounding her. A dark, gloomy
forest this is even daylights don't give it that life. It's as if she is in a graveyard, feeling heavy
presence and terrifying feelings
Her heart skips a bit, her blood running cold and shivers engulfing her entire body.

It is too quiet, she can see the birds flying from a distance freely.
She's in the deepest large area, surrounded by long dense trees and shrubs.
Her first step is louder that she feels fear caging her even harder and squeezing her
remaining bravery.
But she has no choice, she must go back to her brothers, her fellow warriors.
These scary woods weighs down on her, as if there is an eye somewhere just staring at a
distance, her hair stands up as she tries to be strong, what a haunted no go area this is.
She's about to take the next step when she steps on something that just breaks

For a minute her heart stops beating, her eyes landing down on old bones in a human frame
peeping out of the pile of dry leaves.
A shaky breath is released, her knees shaking vigorously. She is beyond shocked, the dread
presence of a dead person rips her apart. Her loud heartbeat is hard to miss…
She is too frightened to move as her body gives in to fear, trembling badly.

After being gripped by a horrifying scene she finally regains her composure and keep going.
She's in a steep slope but she manage to make her way up holding her head while taking
small steps.
She has nothing on her hands, just her battered clothes and one shoe.

It is quite as a graveyard as she reaches what used to be their home in these scary woods.
Everything is damaged, just on the ground as if it's a waste station.
"my watch" her voice echoes in the most quiet wood as she furiously looks for her wrist
watch in the pile of damaged things . Even trees are too tall today, the birds are too loud and
her footsteps are too strong.

Yesterday was long, disastarous and full of terror.

Where did it go?
How did she lose it?
She's been keeping it safe for so long and just one night costed her.
Hatred for this beast grows even more, gripping her heart.

Kneeling on the ground she painfully screams, hitting and kicking furiously, tears streaming
down her face. Her pumping heart feeling every single pain.
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 54

Headache feeling worse as if she is carrying an entire world

How did they get here?
They might have not been the closest buddies but at least they had each other.
And now.. She is all alone

Her shuddering breathing is loud as she slowly stands up and head under the tree then sinks
down until she is butt flat on the floor.
She looks around, dead bodies in front of her just making it even hard to breathe.

The dark clouds have gathered, turning into something dark and cold indicating that a
storm is coming any second.
She is drained of energy, Her dirty, bloodied hands are trembling, her breathing is heavy.
Her heart bumping, She's dead tired after digging holes and burrying her fellow warriors. All
alone, broken and angry all at once.
The day is coming to an end, and slowly welcoming the dark.
Atleast in the pile of dead bodies, his never appeared. Perhaps he is alive somewhere.
That's hope she is willing to bet on. She's got nothing else but hope and she will hold onto it
for as long as it takes..

Sweat is cascading all over her face as she stands before the new graves
She whispers
"We shall meet one more time, brothers"
She whispers, saddened and in utmost pain
It takes one drop of liquid to make her realize that this is real.
Another drop follows and it doesn't take long for rain start pouring harder..

She run under the tree for shelter but the drops are even heavier and she quickly returns to
the damaged tents and start searching for a better one to hide herself.
It hits her now, instead of looking for a shelter she was busy wallowing over her lost watch.
A loud roaring of thunder has her caged in fear…
Lonely and blue, in the deepest, terrifying woods. Depressed of losing her people, dispirited
and drowning in the darkness of sorrow.
Despondency has found a home in her heart., for the first time in a long time she is she is
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 55


Twenty One

"He's been staring at that watch for a while, as if he thinks she'll just reappear out of it. It's
depressing seeing him so lost like that"
Whispers Nqoba watching Bhekizimpi.

He has been staring at a silver watch since she found it laying in the woods.
They are in the deepest woods,
Eight of them in total.
Bhekizimpi is at a distance, on his feet just staring at Nomthimba's watch.
In Front of him is a stream of water with a turbulent, yet soothing sound of water flowing on
hard rocks and long, green trees surrounding them.

"I don't think she survived, man. I mean, did you see that Thing? I don't even know why I
wanted to be a warrior to begin with. Do you guys think it's possible for me to go back
home? I miss my mother's tasteless food" whines Langa gaining a back slap from Qhayiya

"Voetsek! Stop being a sissy"

He says
"Okay, I'm starting to be worried. I've never seen that man this vulnerable" Mlamuli adds.
They are all just gathered around the fire, roasting the biggest wood mice.

They had to feed their stomachs and Bhekizimpi had to change the rules. The poor wood
mice had to be around
"Did you know that the wood mice are critically endangered and always facing a high risk of
extinction?" Thumani

Everyone sighs at his revelation

"OH God! Not again doctor Barbie. I beg" Langa says dismissing him
"I'm serious, we can find something else in these woods other than.."
"Jeez! We don't have time to be looking for less endangered animals here. We have barbies
looking for us, a huge beast and we lost our brothers okay! We don't have time to be
worrying about stupid endangered shits!
Hell we are captainless! Who knows. We don't even know if she is alive.."

Bhekizimpi's voice roars loudly and they quickly get their hands on their food


The morning sun is shining through the woods, making it hard to believe that just last night
there were heavy storms.
She is fast asleep covered under a damaged tent but it was able to protect her from heavy
storms last night.
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 56

She couldn't sleep, kept on jumping at every noise she heard. When dawn approached, she
slowly slipped into a deep sleep.

"I lost it, Daddy!" she says, eyes twinkling with tears
He hugs her and smile. Like he has always done
"you are strong my Tamia and I am proud of you. Now wake up. The world is waiting for you"
He says and she breaks down
"I miss you.."

Something hard hits the tent and it instantly tears up. she is up in a split second with a sword
on her hand. She had to take the weapons of the dead warriors since she lost hers

There are four barbarians just staring at her hungrily.

Attacking comes from her side and the sword fight begins.

As the fight ends, four dead barbarians are on the ground. And a bleeding Nomthimba is on
her feet, breathing hard.
She's quick to turn with a sword when she feels a heavy presence.
He is met by one of the warriors, looking like he is a bad shape.
She runs to him and he he falls before she reaches him
"Hey! Where are the others that survived? Where are you coming from?" her hands
becomes even bloody, there is a bad, deep wound on his chest and he is breathing slolwy
"Kheth.. khet" a one long breath follows before he can say more and tears twinkled her eyes
as she watches him taking one last breath.

"Hey.." Khethani says suddenly and she quickly takes her sword but sigh in relief.
She is quick to hug him. And they embrace each other..
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 57


Twenty Two

Khethani and Nomthimba are making more weapons, mainly the long sticks which are edged
on the front.
She's in deep thoughts when she suddenly stops what she's been doing and furiously
brushes her long, blackish hair.
"I've noticed how strangely your hair keeps growing and. changing the red color to back.
That's weird right?" Khethani says but gains no response
"Okay, we need to finish up here so we can go back, or else we will be prey to the
barbarians" Khethani says, standing as well but far from her

She heaves a heavy sigh and suddenly start singing, a soft melody that fills up the woods as
she sings while moving around the tallest big trees.
Her heart is swollen but somehow hopeful.
She feels alive and brave once again.
As hard as it is now, things will get better.

"wow" Khethani claps hands as she stops, wiping tears that welled up in her eyes
"I didn't know you could sing! I'm so amazed and speechless!" he adds, looking so
"I miss him, my father" she says
"I had a dream about him. After a long time and I felt so close to him. I might not be sure of
the next few days here but, we will win this war Khethani. I know we will"
Khethani smiles at her

"I trust you, but do you think the others are really alive. That night when you ran in the woods
many of us just scattered around."
He worryingly confesses

"They are alive. Wait.. Something Is not right. Can you feel that?"
Before he can make sense of it the barbarians emerge out of nowhere surrounding them.
There are more than twenty of them, just a against two.

Bhekizimpi is running, faster to where the melodic voice came from. It has stopped but his
has hasn't stopped beating so loud in his chest.

He might have not known her that well but something in him strongly believes that it was her,
it had to be or else that will means he is going crazy.
And who would blame him in a situation like this

They were very far when they heard a beautiful voice singing. It took some time to finally
point out the possible direction.
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 58

They've been walking for a while, and breathless when Bhekizimpi finally let them take a
A hard kick land on Langa's bums sending him straight to the ground
"What the hell bro!" he screams at Qhayiya
"why are you singing that loud, attracting enemies dum ass. Have you forgotten that our
lives are in danger"
He shouts back staring down at him
"and you big, stupid head decided that I should be kicked?"
He angrily shouts charging back to him and throws a punch on his face

He pushes him hard and he lands on his ass again, he is about to fight back when his hands
touch something wet.
"OH.. Blood!" he screams, Bhekizimpi is quick to jump up

After some inspection his heavy eyes looks at them hopelessly

"She was here.."

Siphiwe M Mpungose. 59


Twenty Three

Being in a dark place, tied hands, ankles and a blindfold on your eyes can be scary and
hard to comprehend..
Mixed in magnitude of emotions
Anger, fear, hopelessness, bold, strong and anger all over again

She whispers as she hears another moving sound

"Khethani… can you hear that?"
He sigs
"I'm hungry" he's been singing the same song ever since and
"I'm thirsty!" simultaneously they states
A soft laughter erups until it gets distracted by a loud voice of a woman
"It's nice, you're sharing a laugh aren't you"
They can't see
But they laugh even harder instead of being afraid
"QUITE!" Roars the woman in anger
"What do you want?" she screams
Her voice echoing
"You! It's you that we want. No one else, just you."
Its a different voice this time, that of an old man
"Why me?"
"Because you are special. Bella, Take off the blindfold , I wanna see her eyes"
The voice commands

She blinks a couple of times and her eyes land on a different kind of place
It's not entirely dark but it can't be the outside world.
She's moving her eyes reading her surroundings as fast as she can
"you are in a cave honey, so no matter how hard you try to escape, You won't find your way
out, no matter how much you scream, no one will hear you. Not that there is anyone coming
for you anyway.."its that woman again, she's a middle aged woman with long messy
brownish hair, her skin pale like her kind.

The huge cave is surrounded by armed barbarians

The old man is in front of her, staring in her eyes
"The prophesy said that.. Like clear blue skies, so are her eyes. Her beauty mustn't fool you.
For she will be your downfall"

Her shuddering breathing is loud, draped in confusion and something else

"This is not HER!!!!"
An old man screams in anger, hitting his chest harder

Commotion grows louder and she's quick to spot a sword hanging on a man standing next to
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 60

She swings her legs in between his and that land the man on the ground, he is up in a
second, throwing a hard slap on her..
But she can take that slap..
I mean, mission accomplished.

The arguments haven't stopped, the barbarians shouting at each other and that gives her
the time she needed.. It will only be a matter of time.
Cave or not, she will get out of here..

"I'm not sure if I still have feet, Qhaqhayi can you kiss my feet?" That's Langa and everyone
They've been on their feet until it became darker
"Voustek! My name is not Qhaqhayi damn it! " - Qhayiya
"Let's rest here for today. But I need you all to know that looking for your captain has costed
us a lot of time. Its time to do what we came here for, to kill the beast"
He says, as breaking as it is. He has a mission to accomplish, and that Is to kill the beast

"What if we die, like our friends. That thing Is scary and.. So huge and powerful. We can't
defeat that. How do you fight something that can make you fly with just a finger! I do love
flying but not when I'll die when I hit the ground. I am too young to die! "
Langa whines, they all laugh except Bhekizimpi, he has learnt to ignore his stupid comments

"I'm glad that you all know what we are up against. We are not going to hunt that beast. It is
stronger, stronger than all of us combined. But, we must make the beast hunt us..
"What.. Hhu!" confused comments erups

"These ground that we are standing on right now, we will make them our home, we will have
to be smart and beat this thing once and for all. As of tomorrow, we will use what we can to
trap the beast to us, plant different weapons on the ground, dig holes and make sure that we
exhaust all its strength before it reaches us. Do you hear me? "
"Yes commander"

"Sleep with one eye open, don't be too comfortable in your sleep. We are here for one
mission, let's not forget who we are, we are the warriors. The warriors of the Mdima kingdom
and we will not accept defeat. Not this time!"
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 61


Twenty Four

When everyone seems to be asleep she quietly uses her strength. The fallen sword is under
her feet, she crawls and grab it with her hands.
After a while she managed to untie her hands and quickly helps Khethani.

They are on their feet heading to the only entrance when Khethani steps on something that
makes huge noise waking everyone.

They make a run of thier lives. Not knowing where they are going.
It is dark, but who cares so long as they survive this night.

Reaching a more open yet bone chilling place, the barbarians quickly stop running after
them and return back to where they came from.
"okay, that's weird and totally unsettling" comments Khethani.
"Why am I getting a feeling, you know that one you get when you're about to see a ghost.
Okay, I'm scared and my knees are literally shaking. Maybe we should go back..".
"Just follow me so we can hide. And stop talking for once! " she snaps

It doesn't take long to find somewhere to hide.. It is no doubt that where they are is as scary
as being in a graveyard. Her instict can detect danger but she doesn't have a choice right
"Let's take a rest for now" She whispers and seat. She lies on her back and closes her eyes.
"wait.. Here? In this drakest dungeon that looks like some zombies might crawl out and bite
my neck.. Hell no!"
She clicks her tounge and keep her mouth closed. She knows that for now it's even more
difficult to find a way out. It's way too dark…..
Khethani has no choice but to seat as well
"The Lord is my best friend, I shall not…"
"Shepherd, moron. The Lord is my shepherd. And stop praying please, you're making
"Our father who.. who ate in heaven. By in the kingdoms of temptatati…"
"oh God! Stop butchering the Lord's prayer. What did I do to deserve someone so stupid as
you" Nomthimba says..

"maybe she can't even see with those eyes! She's blind and stupid. She's a witch" one
young girl screamed for everyone to hear
Tiny stones are thrown at her as she passed a group of children. She ran faster, stones
hitting her back but she did not stop.

She was breathless as she reached her home.

"Tamia, what's wrong my angel?"
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 62

Adam worryingly asked, picking her up as crying as she was

She was just a four year old child, with different features from other children in the small
village closer to the Mgede valley.

MaNdwalane was standing next to his son, Adam. She was just worried as he is
"They.. Said I'm a witch…" breakingly she uttered, tears blinding her vision.
A soft hand caressed her back shushing her innocent yet broken spirit. His other hand was
running through her long, black hair
"you are not a witch my Tamia, you are beautiful, strong and smart. Those children are just
mean because they can see that your beauty is exceptional. You are my Tamia, my angel
and one day the world will see how special you are"-Adam

" I can get something for her eyes to look normal. " MaNdwalane said, also brushing her
His sin was to fall in love with a woman he met in a forest while hunting. After she gave birth,
she left the baby in his arms and vanished in the deepest part of the woods and never
looked back
"what about her hair?" Adam asks
"I'll think of something.."
"I just don't want her to hide her true nature mama" Adam says
"This is not what I want either but this world of ours will never understand or accept her. For
her childhood to be normal we must do what we have to do.."
Adam was about to head inside the hut with her when a loud growling of something scary
suddenly bursted.

Tamia was crying, watching her father being ripped into pieces, blood all over the place. It
happened quickly, his watch dropped in front of her tiny feets and she screamed.

Nomthimba wakes up screaming, panting for air, her eyes warterly and her chest tightened.
"Hey! What's wrong?" Khethani is quick to wake up
No voice comes out. It's been ages since she had this dream.
She wipes her tears and swallow the lump on her throat.

This is not the time nor the place to be going down such a gruesome memory lane.
"Just.. Sleep. I'll be on the lookout" she dismisses him..

Back in the cave the old man is pasing up and down in anger
"How can you let this happen?" he screams
Bella folds her arms and stare at her father
"she wasn't the one, and they won't survive the cave at this time, our beast is looming
around already. Just go back to sleep. Tomorrow is another day"

"We should have taken that world by now. We should be rulling yet we are still here. Stucked
in this God forsaken cave!"
An old man still shouts

"If you listened to me when I told you to take that kingdom back. But you never listen to me.."
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 63

Bella spits in anger

"The plan was that we attack when our beast was strong enough. And you know it is.." She

" I couldn't ignore the profecy Bella. Pianor never lies. Ever. Even if we attack and take down
the kingdom, it will all be for nothing it we don't find that girl. She is the only one that can
defeat our weapon and you know without that weapon we are doomed. What's the use of
taking back that kingdom only to lose it in a split second, Pianor said that she will be our
"Stop thinking with your emotions and make sure that you find that girl as soon as

Sleep is like a thief, it comes unexpectedly. She is fast asleep when the the grounds start
vibrating excessively and in a second she's up on her feet. That sword she took from a
barbarian is already on her hands as she stands tall.

Khethani is also up, shaking and hiding behind her.

The beast growl loudly, it's eyes glowing in the dark as fire..
It slowly moves, just around them growling as if searching for them.

"don't move..don't breath. " she whispers and he nervously nod his head, as dark as it is.

She has gathered something, the beast follows a heavy sound.

"Now.. Slowly move forward" she whispers.
He doesn't move but a pinch on his arm is enough to get him moving away.

Nomthimba steps on old bones and the noise is loud that the beast quickly runs to where
she is and that all it takes for her to start attacking..
Khethani seeing that this is a disaster he rush back and grab her running with her screaming


It is morning already, after a long night.

They are extremely exhausted as they see a light at a distance indicating that the cave is
coming to an end.
"I thought she said we wouldn't find our way out. Look at that" Khethani adds.
Nomthimba is bloody, she has a bleeding wound on her left thigh and scratches on her face
and stomach.
She's limping, Khethani is holding her as they walk.

She hasn't said a thing since

"You could have died you know. I don't know why you thought you can fight that thing alone
Nomthimba. At night, what if I wasn't there?" he politely utters.
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 64


"it killed my father" she suddenly says.

"I'm sorry. I heard that the beast killed many people over the years but I didn't know that you
are also the victim. I'm really sorry" he says
"I had a dream, about that day and just few minutes after that dream the beast appeared so I
lost it. Thank you for saving me" - Nomthimba
"Anytime friend" Khethani says and smile
"Friend" she says, smiling as well. The word seems foreign to her. She's never had someone
to call a friend.
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 65


Twenty Five

Days later

Back at the palace

The King hasn't made it out of the woods
Since the attack his health has been deteriorating
Sondlovu is by his side, he is breathing shallow as he lies on his huge bed
"Brother" he softly whispers
Sondlovu tighten his hold on his hand and squeeze a little, fighting back tears.
"I'm here, my king" he says
"If something happens to me before the return of the warriors, make sure that my wish is
honored" staring in his eyes for assurance, Sondlovu nods
Nomkhubulwane enters the bedroom with a bowl of soup and start feeding the king.


The clouds are darker, so is his heart

Where did she go? Nomthimba.. He has managed to block any memory of her
But it is hard. Harder than he thought it would be

Bhekizimpi is laying behind a tree branch, warriors also scattered in all the direction as they
wait for the beast in anticipation. They've heard it growling at a far distance.
Its been days
Days of planning
Of training once more
And practicing how to defeat the beast

The are footsteps approaching.

He can tell it isn't a beast. They are soft and very calculated
Barbarians maybe..

They too have been quite, which remains a A mystery because they should have also
attacked them as well but nothing has happened

He takes a peak, he sees someone, walking but a face is covered in a black worn out cloth
Quickly he attacks but the person seems to be a fighter as she responds to his attacks
quicker and harder..
Somehow her fighting strength, her angle of attack seems familiar

She is under him as he suddenly remove the cloth and…

He blinks
Dazed, flooded with electrifying feelings
The world somehow standstill
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 66

His hands find her face as she stares up at him with much bewilderment
And he attacks her with a much needed, passionate kiss that takes their breaths away..
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 67



"ahem" Khethani clears his throat for the second time. Only than does the kiss stop.
They stand up, him holding her closely.
"Hi" She says, as they stare at each other closely.
Their heights almost the same, she ends just above his chest.
"Hey" He gently says, smiling so warm that even she feels tingles filling up her tummy..

"I've been worried about you, you lost this"

She smiles, tears glittering in her eyes as he hands her the watch
"My father's watch. You found it"
Her voice is filled with love, joy and happiness as she says.

She quickly attacks him with a tight, warm hug and he hugs her just as tight.
Laying in his hard, manly chest and listening to his heart beat is soothing. As if finally, she is
where she belongs.
"thank you Jobe" she whispers, buried in his big, warm arms..

As the hug breaks their eyes meet. Both of them just staring beyond the naked eye, as If
their souls are connecting as one.
Thousand words are said, only understood by their hearts which are beating harder than

His strong hands find her cheeks, gently he brushes them making her knees weak and a
warm feeling occupying her mind, body and soul. Her heart seems to be on fire, drumming
hard and somehow there are warm feelings that are bursting inside her chest.
"I thought I'd never see you again" she whispers
"I'm here" he says softly
She blinks and a single tear escape her eyes that he quickly wipes.
His hands brings her closer and their lips meet, there is something about her shuddering
breath that has him capturing her warm lips like candy.
The kiss is intense, filled with unsaid words that are powerful than their own voices.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife , well in this case commander and the captain
ladies and gent.…oops scratch ladies.just gentlemen!" that's Langa, clapping hands as he
stands at a distance.
Others are still consumed in shock, this never occurred to them.
Nomthimba is a bold, fierce woman and Bhekizimpi is just an authoritative, rigid man.

" okay, this doesn't make sense"Thumani finally says

" Have they forgotten that we are in the woods, in a war. Not in some honeymoon of some
sort"Qhayiya comments, just as amazed.
" Let them be, we all deserve some loving in this God forsaken place don't we"Khethani
states as well
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 68

The day can run faster, especially when one is over the moon.
"I don't know what's happening with me, am I going crazy?" she ask, staring up at him.
Laying on his chest, in the woods a bit far from everyone.
The grass can be a bit itchy sometimes but as long as you are buried in the arms of the one
your heart beats for, nothing else matters. Even the sounds of birds chirping seems like a
lullaby to their ears.
The trees they are laying under are like a beautiful hotel room holding nothing but warmth
and comfort.

"What I'm feeling for you is strange and uncontrollable, it just overwhelms me and I can't
help but wonder if I'll ever survive a life without you in it" says Nomthimba softly.
He intertwines their hands and peck her lips
"I love you, that's what I'm feeling for you. It is love, and I'm sorry that I wasted so much time
afraid to admit what I was feeling. But these past days have been tormenting enough for me
to know that I don't wanna waste any second. I want to every moment with you, here, in a
battle field and anywhere else in the world. You matter to me, my beautiful mermaid"
A heartfelt, warm laugh escape her mouth

"Really, a mermaid?" he shakes his heard and joins in laughing

"I'm a hopeless case when it comes to these things, had you came sooner in my life maybe
I'd be a bit better by now" she laugh even more
Her eyes twinkling, reflecting love and affection

He is warmly looking at her as she laughs.

"I love the sound of your laughter. I can listen to it all day"
The moment get even more intense as they share a warm look..

His head dips slowly and they kiss intimately, his hands traveling every inch of her body
awakening electrifying feelings. What a long, memorable night it's going to be..

Nothing beats a beautiful night draped in twinkling stars and the moon up in the sky, a
strange weather it is. No one can tell that the skies were dark during the day.
Wallowing in the deepest nights, she lies awake. Naked in his arms as she draws circles on
her back leaving tingles

"When are you removing those contacts in your eyes?" he suddenly asks, throwing her in
He feels her body tensing
"How did you know?" she ask
"I noticed them when we first kissed…"
A loud sigh escape her mouth
"I'd like to see your real eyes. I'm sure they are as beautiful as you. Why are you hiding
Her body loosen up and she looks up at him again. Onother thing she has learnt about
Bhekizimpi is that he is observant. No one has ever detected that her eyes are fake, until
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 69

"It's a long story, its a part of me that I can't share with the world because I don't want to be
labeled as a witch. "
He frowns.
"As long as I live, no one will dare say those words to you. I promise you that" he swears
and that alone fills up a piece she never knew was missing
"what are you gonna do if someone were to call me a witch then?" she ask him, giggling
"I'd kill them. I mean it" the seriousness of his voice is enough to make her believe him.
"you'd do that for me?"
"I'd die for you Nomthimba."

Another intense stare.

"I love you" she says and that has his heart in turmoil.
"There is something I must tell you.. About the barbarians and wh.."
She doesn't get to finish the sentence..
The ground are suddenly shaking vigorously
Something of great physical weight is closing in on them as the ground shakes
"The beast!" Thumani screams at a distance

They have all scattered different in positions.

Fog has covered the area, once again they find themselves in a complicated situation,
crippled in fear.
They do not attack, this is the moment they have been waiting for.

Just as the beast appears Bhekizimpi screams, leading the it to the direction that he knows
very well is a trap.
And the beast follow just as faster but it steps on something that quickly engulfes it in a huge
It growls, fighting, trying to break free until it falls down on the long hole…

"woo, I think it's done. Did we just succeed in trapping the beast?"...
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 70


Twenty Seven

"woo, I think it's done. Did we just succeed in trapping the beast?"...-Langa
They all stand still
Still failing to grasp the unbelievable reality

Nomthimba whispers and stares back at the warriors
"WE MADE IT!"She screams, louder and excitement suddenly engulf them all
Like a Christmas tree their faces lights up

And they jump, hugging and kicking all at once. It's suddenly a glorious night for the warriors
as they squeel in excitement and joy..

She finds Bhekizimpi staring at her and she quickly heads to him
"You don't look to thrilled like everyone, what's wrong?" he ask her softy, studying her
"It's too easy, something just doesn't feel right" she says softly
"Look around you, that hole is too long the beast won't survive trust me. Everyone is happy.
What else is bothering, my little mermaid?"
A soft laughter escapes her lips
"I don't know, deep down I feel odd, as if this is not the end" she confess
"And that's okay, this wasn't an easy journey Captain but here we are, happy and finally
captured the beast. What we must do now is to finish what we started. We owe it to our
fellow warriors that never made it this far, we owe it to our king, to our village and to those
who fought before us and never won. We owe it to the victims, our relatives, friends and
families who lost their lives in the hands of that beast. This is something we've been training
for, we've been waiting for, for so many years and this right here is a win that we must
celebrate. So please, take this win with an open heart and enjoy this moment because it is
one in a million"

She looks at him warmly, a man with wise words.

"Help me take them off" She blut out
"Take what?"he ask, a bit confused.
She gives him a look that has the answer
" Are you sure?"
She stands on her toes, brings his face closer and kisses him gently
" I'm sure" she utters as they closely stare at each other..

She blinks, one more time and her eyes glow a bit under the brightest fool moon
As blue skies, her long hair completing her exceptional beauty
Bhekizimpi is stunned
His eyes glued on hers
His heart is beating so hard in his chest
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 71

His mouth slightly opened

" My mother was a barbarian, I was told that she left after giving birth to me. So this is me, a
unique woman with abnormal eyes..
I am a witch, so they used to say"
She's speaking softly.. And he is just speechless….
"Our village was attacked by a beast when I was young. We were the first one who got
attacked and I lost my father that day.. My grandmother named me Nomthimba and made
sure to hide my true identity to give me a normal life. And my name is Tamia, my father
named me Tamia"

"Say something" yearning for his response she whispers..

But he is just staring at her, it's as if he has even stopped breathing.
His stare though
It is like he is looking at something he has been searching for, for years.
He looks at her as a King, staring at his beloved queen

"You are beautiful, you are beautiful my Tamia, my beautiful witch. Only I get to call you that,
no one else"
She smiles, tears quickly falls down her face and she sniffs.
A wave of strong emotions hitting her entire self
"And I love y.."
"Hey there love birds, come and celebrate with us. We are about to turn the beast into
ashes" that's Khethani, uttering near them and she turns
" look.. Different. Are your eyes… Blue?"
He frown, staring at Nomthimba as he closely look at her eyes.
Bhekizimpi is quick to send a slap at the back of his head.
"ouch, that hurts commander"he complains
" and that will teach you a lesson to mind your own business or you'll deal with a far worse
pain next time. Trust me"
With that they leave him alone

Khethani rushes in the deepest woods and take out the whistle. He's been keeping it safe,
safer than any other object he's ever owned.
And four times.
Four times he blows a whistle

"What are you doing?" Nqoba ask confused making him turn quickly, nervous and shocked
that there was someone behind him
"What do you mean? I should be asking you the same thing.."
He says, charging towards him slowly

"Khethani, what was the meaning of that whistle?"

He smiles
A sly, bone chilling smile that has his heart in fear
"OH Shit…" he turns trying to run but he is quick to grab him shutting his mouth with his
Nqoba is trying to fight when he feels something slashing his throat..
"This will teach you to mind your own business.. Little human"
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 72


It's the middle of the night at the palace.

King Hlahlindlela has been bedridden for a while. His body is giving in to the sickness, taking
a last breath on the bed is not something he wants for himself. That is not how it is done.

He heaves a sigh and stand up taking slow steps heading out. On the throne, that's where
his father took his last breath, and all the kings before him.
He folds a letter and hand it to one of his trusted guards then continue his last journey to the
throne room… one slow steps after the after, some says other people can tell when their last
minutes on earth start ticking, when death start crawling and whispering their name.
Maybe it is the same with the King, Maybe it is not..

Nomkhubulwano is not in bed, she is with Sondlovu in the throne room arguing.
"All you had to do was to give me something that will end him quicker. And he is still here,
breathing down my neck!" she screams
"He is still my brother damn it!" he screams angrily
"funny how you forgot that when you were busy sleeping with his wife" she interject
Knowing her, she won't stop until..
He attacks her with a kiss, that meant to shut her but the emotions get the better of them as
they take each other's clothes furiously..

A loud roaring of a man has them in shock.

And his body gives in, succumbing to the ground..
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 73


Twenty Eight

"Its time" The commander announces.

They all gather around the long hole, staring down at the beast as it growls angrily
"Where is Nqoba?" Thumani asks, checking everyone
"We must burn that thing alive…"
The sudden shaking grounds has everyone shocked.
Loudly, angrier the beast growl
Fog is moving upwards from the hole "Commander! It's crawling up!" screams Thumani and
it takes a mere second
For the beast to grace the grounds they are on

"OH.. Dear God! How is this possible"

It becomes a bloodbath instantly.
Unbearable, painful screams explodes.
Angier, the beast has suddenly regained its strength, breaking bones, slashing flesh.
And in a nanosecond last breaths are taken.

Nomthimba, she's on her feet again.

A bloody sword in her hands, pointed down the ground as she stands firm infront of a beast.
And she attacks, using her entire strength, swinging behind the beast and slashing its knees
and legs..
Somehow the beast does the unexpected, taking long strides towards the woods
disappearing in the bunch of trees..

She turns.
Her mouth hangs open, a sword drops on the ground
Her knees starts to shake

Bhekizimpi is on the ground

Gaping for air
Wounded badly and coughing blood
She rushes to his side and crouch down next to him taking his hands
"Wh…Bhe.." choking in her pool of tears she ends up releasing a trembling sob

"Finish this.. For all of us.. I trust you.."

"Please… don't.. Do this.. Jobe" Tears are harshly flowing down her face
"I.. Love you Tami… a.." a single tear drops down his left eye.
Breathing is becoming hard with each passing second
And he just stares…
not moving

"No.. No" with a trembling voice, buried in pain she whimpers weakly.
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 74

Her hands are on her chest as she hold it tighter falling on her butt, sharp feelings of
sadness Attacking her.
And she feels every bit of pain, building from deep in her tummy rising up. "Aaaaaaaahhh!"
Wrenched in tears she wails hysterically.
Heavy and yet devastating emotions hitting her, cutting her heart into million pieces…

"She is here! There she is!" a voice screams. Wiping her tears furiously she sees barbarians
approaching her, with swords in their hands and she is fast to run, vanishing in the deepest
woods as the barbarians run after her..

She's dashing in a fast pace, dodging trees and jumping.

Barbarians are hot on her tail, angrily screaming and shouting just behind her.

A scornful laugh erupts from Bella as she comes to a standstill.

She's reached a dead end, standing just above the end of the mountain and before her is a
huge waterfall.
The full moon giving the full view of water cascading down a steep slope to a dark, deep
river that seems scarier.
"Finally, we get to meet her, a girl with blue eyes" Bella exclaims, slow-moving towards her
She gulps, staring at more then twenty barbarians before her and a scary, deep river behind
She's in a complicated situation,
With no weapon to fight the enemies before her…

As the gap narrows between her and the enemies, she mistakenly misses a step and in a
blink of an eye she flies down.. Down the waterfall vanishing inside the water..
A loud sound of splashing water follows
Which is music to their ears..

"It's done. We've won. Its time to take back the world."


Gripped in sorrow the Mdima kingdom is covered in dark clouds as morning comes.
Sad news have traveled an entire village, the King has fallen.
Deep down Sondlovu knows that something dark is coming but he refuses to acknowledge
that fear.
The King must take his last breath on the throne, not in a ground while cursing angrily and in
pain of being betrayed by his own blood.
It is not how the king should depart the land of the living.

Sondlovu is seated on the throne, council members grilling him with harsh words and angry
"As I've said to you, I'm the king now. My brother is no more."
"This is not right! The king hasn't even been laid to eternal rest and already you are taking
over! This is abomination!" Qubula Magwaza, the oldest council member says in anger.
"A am of royal blood, the only living son of King Dlubekhasini ka Mdiba, the only living
brother of the late King Hlahlindlela Ka Mdiba. You have no say in this old man, you should
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 75

be enjoying your last days on earth eating pension and not poking your nose in the royal
business, commoner! "

They all stand simultaneously. All the council members

"This kingdom is doomed to end, bad things will befall this village, mark my words" the old
man says, slowly turn heading out.
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 76



Twenty Nine

Dozens of villagers are seated around the huge training ground, waiting for Sondlovu to
deliver formal news about the passing of the king..

They all stand in respect as he joins the crowd

"Considering the situation our village is facing, people of the Mdima kingdom, I extend my
warm yet saddening greetings to you all. I am feeling a little bit better to be in front of you all
and feel your sympathy"

"I lost a brother, a queen lost a husband and you people lost your king.
But I am here today with no doubt that you will be able to sleep tonight, our king did not
leave nothing behind. Yes he did not have an heir but.. He had a brother and that is me. I


Not only are they shocked, they totally fail to hide it.
A raised hand is seen amongst the crowd.
" You may speak" Sondlovu says, seeing that everyone has suddenly gone mute

"We are not here for that, we are here to know when our king will be laid to rest. We are here
to honour his majesty, not to discuss the future and wanna be king of this kingdom because
that is too soon and a disgrace and a plain disrespect to the King. And If I remember
correctly, the late King stated that he who defeats the beast shall be crowned king. And from
where I'm standing you are not a warrior and that makes you unfit to be our king"

And with just one person, with a strong voice and unafraid to speak his mind, everyone
suddenly regains their voice and agree with him

"Our king will return from the Forbidden Valley, only then will we have a king in this village"
one voice is loud enough for everyone to hear and a loud round of applause erupts..

However it is quick to vanish as a sudden growl of a beast has everyone on their feets
running to whichever..

It becomes chaotic in a second, Sondlovu runs inside the house with the guards behind him.
Surprisingly the beast hasn't attacked anyone.. Yet

The royal grounds are full of barbarians, shouting and screaming and rejoicing at once…

Opening her eyes she blinks countlessly, coughing hard..

Siphiwe M Mpungose. 77

"you're awake" a deep, husky voice says and she quickly sits up.
"Aw!" she moans in pain, holding her head
"Don't be too hard on yourself, you are still in recovery young lady"...

She's seeing clearly now, covered in a fleece in a corner.

She's in a house, with a middle aged man handing her something a bit warm on a bowl

She just stares, without moving as thoughts of what occurred last night fills up her head.
Her lip start to tremble,
Tears start streaming down her face, one after the other wetting her face completely.

And she silently cries, feeling her chest tightening with each second.
Too soon, it was just too soon for him to leave.

The middle aged man is just as lost, just staring at her while seated at a fair distance.
She sniffs
"How did I get here? I need to keep going. I must finish this" she stands up suddenly and
feels light headed losing balance.
He is quick to hold her
"Hey, take a breather. We found you lying unconscious at a river bank this morning.."
Nomthimba pushes the man and head for the door but she bumps on a woman carrying
wood in her hands
"Where do you think you are going in that state? "
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 78




Days later

"As I've said, these people will listen to me. If you want to rule this kingdom, you need me.
I'm your only shot here" - Sondlovu

Bella releases a sarcastic laugher, which annoys him more

"This world belonged to all of us once, but your ancestors saw it fit to throw us aside,
discarded us in the woods like some wild animals. Guess what, those wild animals are now
the rulers of this kingdom, so listen to me and listen good because I'm never going to repeat
Go out there and tell your so called people that this world belongs to us now. This time the
roles have turned, they must migrate this land to the woods. Those who fail to do so will
curse the day they were born"

Old man, who's name is Planderah smiles

"couldn't have said it better, Bella. We've given you enough time to do whatever mambo
jambo you had to do. That so-called king has been buried now. We've shown you mercy,
something we were never shown. Ever!" His fists furiously hit the table separating them and

"Now, go out there and tell your people that today is the last day, any and I mean anything
human that will be seen in these villages will die a slow painful death. We have a hungry,
violent beast here that can feast on you any moment, with just one blow of this.. " Adds
Planderah pointing at a tiny horn, as little as a finger hanging around his neck.

"This is the only thing that's stopping that beast from attacking. Be a good royal shit head
and tell them to pack all their belongings and leave before the end of today. This is our home

With that Planderah leaves the room heading out to where the beast is.
He passes a group of people whispering.
He knows, it would never be that easy

Considering that the villagers are good in numbers, there are many of them.
They can fight and win if they are strong enough to attack.

But the beast is the one thing that stops them..

It was just yesterday when the king was laid to rest, with barbarians surrounding them like
hawks carrying weapons. And a beast, just growling in a scary manner.
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 79

They've heard stories about a beast, but not once did they think they might come face to
face with it.
They are afraid, agitated and hopeless.

Few people know about the history of the Mdima kingdom, the barbarians' history and that
alone caused even more confusion.

Looking at the largest kingdom of Mdima, Planderah knows it will never be that easy to just
take over.

Returning back he bumps into Sondlovu as he is heading out with a saddest, horrible
expression. He has always been an arrogant man, having to be helpless in front of people
isn't something he looks forward to

"I was actually looking for you, I wanna have a word with you one last time. Just hear me out
before you even think of opposing me" he says, quickly and softly.
Nomkhubulwane is by his side as he says

"You are an old man, and I believe th.."

"that I'm useless and stupid. Is that it?" he barks in anger

"No.. No, that's not what he meant. What he is trying to say is that you are an adult among
your people and they listen to you. Not because of age, but because of your
wisdom…"Nomkhubulwane gently says, trying so hard to save the situation

" I know for a fact that all of us here were not even born when the war between our people
occured. None of us were there yet we are here today, paying for their stupid mistakes.."
"You have absolutely no idea about us. Yes, you are right that we were not there. It
happened a long, long time ago yet you are living a lavish life while we had to grow up in the
woods, in caves suffering like wild animals.. Don't even stand here and try to justify what
your ancestors did. You won't understand a thing because you've never lived a day in our
world "

Tension thickens, the barbarians standing at each corner of the house start to come closer
with weapons dancing in the air..

" Okay, okay.. Can we sit down and discuss a way forward at least. I admit I know nothing
about your ancestors but I know a lot more about my people and trust me when I say they
won't take this lying down. They will fight. beast or not, they won't leave just because you
said so, they'd rather fight until their last breath. They might look shaken for now, but they
will regain their strength and when that happens you won't be able to stop them. Only I can
stop them, so tell me then, what's the use of a kingdom without followers. Those people will
listen on their own and that is Sondlovu and I.. "-Nomkhubulwane

"and I'm pretty sure your beast will also need some provision of food, our people are very
rich in livestock. This land is no longer woods where the beast can just hunt down wild
animals for lunch. Even if the beast can match down to the woods, they are very far from
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 80

here. What makes you think my people won't use that little chance to attack all of you.
Because let's be honest here, you are outnumbered compared to us.. "-, Sondlovu.

"so, what do you say?"

Once again the training grounds are filled.

Villagers from all over the village are gathered waiting for Sondlovu to address a way
forward to them.

Sondlovu joins, Nomkhubulwane standing next to him

"People of the Mdima kingdom, I have an announcement to make. And I urge you all to
listen attentively and do as told because it is for your own good. "
Those are his first words.
There are whispers here and there but..
Barbarians are all over which makes them edgy and in fear..

"This Kingdom now has two Kings, King Sondlovu and King Planderah. Follow orders from
your Kings or be banished from this land"

Like thunder, the noise start roaring as people shouts simultaneously, standing up and
charging to Sondlovu
Some saying he is selling their land, others just showring insults

They go crazy and start attacking the barbarians.

Planderah is quick to call in for a beast..
And suddenly the once peaceful land becomes a bloodbath as screams of agony burst up an
entire palace..


"Are you sure?" A woman ask her as she stands by the door
"Yes, I'm ready now. It's time to fight for my people. Thank you again, for your hospitality. I
will forever be grateful"
She says and take her leave after given directions

As the day darkens she is deep in the woods, heading to where she lost everyone. That's
the first stop she's willing to make.
To give her people a final goodbye, a respected send off they deserve and that is to bury
them. And give them a final resting place..

It's during the night when she arrives.

Too dark to see and she has no choice but to look for a perfect hiding spot to take a nap and
wait for the next day..

Back at the palace Khethani is hit by a mouth watering aroma as he enters the throne room.
He finds Planderah, Bella and other barbarians celebrating and devouring various, tasty food
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 81

"I'm smelling blood straight from the gate to here,I can't believe you're already killing these
people. Anyway, what are we celebrating?" he ask, joining as well
"We are winning, and we are rejoicing. How did the search go, is she really dead?" Bella
"I've looked everywhere but there is no sign of her. Maybe she is gone" he replies and grab
himself a plate and dish up

"That's great, but you must go back one last time tomorrow. If you don't find her, then we can
safely say she is dead, eaten by the fishes and crocodiles"
An ear-bursting laughter erupts.
The barbarians are loud, their voices are too loud that it's even hard to ignore.

Siphiwe M Mpungose. 82


Thirty One

As the sun came up, she was already wide awake.

She's been in the same spot where he took his last breath.
It is hard to believe that one night just turned everything upside down, leaving her all alone
and having the hardest mission to complete, alone.

There are graves, they seem new and somehow that is a relief. At Least someone saw it fit
to give them a well deserved resting place.
But the question remains again, who buried the dead bodies? Who survived that night?

Bhekizimpi was the most respected commander, the king deserves to know of his sudden
death, so are the people.
He served the kingdom well, which gives her a final conclusion.

After a while she started running her long way back to the palace.
All she wants is to deliver the news to the King, then she will return as quick to complete her

If not for her, then for the fallen warriors, for Bhekizimpi, for the people of the Mdima
kingdom and for her father.
This is one thing she will die trying to accomplish if it comes to that.

She has been meeting many cars driving away, towards the Forbidden Valley.
She keeps running, wondering why there are so many cars. Some are filled with loads as if
they are moving..

One car stops next to her and a window scrolls down revealing a man's face
"Baba" she greets in respect.
A man looks at her, frowning as if trying to remember something
"Are you not the captain, the girl that was sent to the valley with the other warriors?" he asks

Nomthimba smiles
"it is me" the man get out of the car and attack her with a tight hug that leave her very

"baba, is everything okay?"

She quickly asks as he lets go
"OH my child, our village needs you, the king needs you all. Where are the others? I need to
tell you something"
She feels her heart getting heavier
She faces down and fight back tears that are fighting for their way out

"Ahem.. There are no others. It is just me now"

The frown is back again, this time deeper and adorned with worry
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 83

"What do you mean there are no others? You are our hope to defeat these intruders and that
horrifying beast that has taken over our village?"

Her heart stops beating for a second.

"What's that supposed to mean?" she asks, praying that what she just hear is maybe a

Nomthimba is frozen, shaking visibly and her vision becomes blurry as she listens to the
man narrating how the village has turned into something unrecognisable.
She feels responsible, had she left the day she woke up maybe she would have stopped
everything. Maybe none of this would have happened

"That's why many of us are leaving, we can't live in the same place as that.. Thing.. The
King's brother sold our land. It only a matter of time before we are turned into meals for that..
Bloody beast."

She gulps, wiping away her teary eyes

"How did this happen?" it's a question that needs no answer as she utters
"I need someone to be my eyes and ears in there so that I can plan my attack…"

The man shakes his head

"that can never be me, I am leaving."

"Please do not leave, we've been wrong maybe over the years. For thinking few people can
defeat what was out there, this war doesn't need one needs all of us because this
is our home. If we don't fight for it then who will?"

Four more cars comes, she runs in the middle of the road and they quickly stop

The day is slowly coming to an end.
The Magwaza homestead is about an hour away from the main palace.
Numbers of villagers entering the gates have been increasing.
She took it upon herself to restore hope in the village. And she asked that the word must be
sent to the villagers to meet at the council members home, Magwaza.

She stand before them as they all quietly stare at her

"You all might think that this war is over, that we have lost and that these lands aren't our
home anymore. But you are all wrong.
Go out there and let the others know. We will take our home back, come rain or sunshine.
Beast or no beast we will take it.
I am here today to remind you why we have to fight, I lost my fellow warriors in that valley… I
lost people who meant the world to me"


"However, I'm not the only one who's lost, many of us in this village have been suffering for
years because of that beast. How many people must we lose to finally realise that this war is
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 84

for all of us and not just for a few warriors. My commander used to say this time we will not
accept defeat, we will win! And I'm telling you that we will win! No one can fight for our home
except us, NO ONE!
She moves away and Magwaza, the old council member meets her halfway and shake
hands with her

"These people are afraid, changes are very scary", he says as they head Inside the house
"I know" she adds
"A leader is what they need. A little reminder that we are all in this together. They need
someone to stand up for them and make them realise that this village is worth fighting for.
You are what we need, you are our Queen"
She laughs shaking her head,
"I'm no queen, I'm just a girl who is fighting for her home. Nothing more"

Sondlovu is laying on the bed, Nomkhubulwane laying on his hard chest drawing circles
" What if we won't be able to survive this? What if we all die and they take over our home
and make it theirs? What if.. "
" hhay suka Sondlovu, warif nyanyif yani?stop being a sissy and start acting like a king.
These people need us just as we need them.. "
Nomkhubulwane says in anger
" But for how long? We can't live like this and you know it" He adds, worryingly
"We can, we will live like this for as long as it takes. This world is messed up anyway. At
least we are lucky to be on the other side of this, to be able to make decisions and keep the

The door bursts open unexpectedly And Bella enters, followed by Planderah.
Sondlovu and Nomkhubulwane are quick to stand on their feet
"Your people are up to something.."

Siphiwe M Mpungose. 85



Thirty Two

The moon is dancing with the stars up in the sky, the time indicates that it is after eight in the
evening. She's seated on a couch, across MaNdwalane, Magwaza and other council
members that have joined.

The letter in her hands was written and signed by the king himself, her hands visibly shaking.
The king in the letter clearly states that he who defeats the beast shall be an heir to the

"Why are you giving me this?" she sofly questions, staring at their eyes one by one.
"Because what I said to you earlier wasn't just me buying your ears, it is what the king
wanted. It is what this village needs, a Queen to lead our stranded people" Magwaza adds

She laughs softly

"I'm sorry to disappoint you my elders but the beast hasn't been killed yet so it wouldn't make
sense to just make me your queen when I haven't even fulfilled the King's wish.."

"We trust you, we believe in you my lady"

Even that my lady is starting to annoy her
"When I joined the warriors I didn't do it because I wanted the throne, I did it because I
wanted to be part of something big, to play a role in bringing peace and our home back. I
didn't do this for fame or to be awarded. I myself had my own score to settle, the beast killed
my father."

"I'm afraid it is not up to you anymore my lady. It is up to the people now.."

It's silent for a while. She furiously brushes her long, black hair at the back breathing heavily
Her blue eyes blinked every one and then. She's upset. The throne isn't something that she
What she wants is a world free of the beast, free of the barbarians who look like white
people with their exposed light skin.
Must have been nice living in the woods, away from the highlands with highest

"Have you seen me? I'm different. My eyes are blue, my hair is curly and longer than other
villagers.. I was once called a witch. I'm.. I'm a "
"Nomthimba just accept the throne so that we can all move on"
MaNdwalane chirps in immediately, foreseeing what she wanted to say. She herself was
amazed to find out from other villagers that her precious Tamia is back.

"I don't want the throne! I don't deserve the throne. I'm not fit to be something of such
greatness.. I am sorry but I can't accept it"
She says, standing up but Qhayiya's father suddenly speaks
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 86

"I lost a son, my boy. My heart is bleeding, I don't know how he died, if he was in pain or
suffering. I don't know how terrified he was, dying in the woods, knowing fully well that his
family won't even get a chance to see him one last time. It must have been awful"

The atmosphere changes immediately

The man's eyes are becoming red, he clenches his Jaws fighting the tears.
His voice is slow, adorned in utmost pain and sorrow
His face is hard, draped in sadness.
The dark clothes he has on are making the situation even more excruciating.
Slowly she returns back to her seat.

"When I heard that you were back a part of me hoped that maybe, just maybe my boy might
be alive and be with you. But deep down, deep down I knew. I knew that he was gone. He is
my blood, I felt it in me when he …took his last breath"
A single tear drops and stream down his face
" Ahem… What I'm trying to say is that I'm not the only one who lost someone dearly. For
years many have lost their sons and now.. Now I share the same pain, same story..
But this is the first time we have something to hold onto, some hope because you are here,
my lady."

"In you I see the bravery and strength you carry, something that many of us don't have
anymore. We've never been to the Forbidden Valley and survived, we've never walked in
your shoes yet you are still here, still strong and hopeful that we will win this war. Being a
queen might not be something that you want but we want you. The throne needs someone
like you. Someone who is a fighter, who's strong, young, selfless, fearless, confident and
resilient.So please, lead us, my lady. Wherever you go, we will follow"
And with that he stands up slowly and then suddenly kneel with one knee and face down
Others suddenly joins in and
The room is filled with utmost intensity
She feels shivers gathering all over her body, her heart pumping harder than normal..
This has to be a dream.

Khethani is limping heavily as he enters the Magwaza premises, injured and in a bad shape.

The premises are now heavily guarded, the villagers have been gathering since the news of
Nomthimba's return.

The guards quickly spot him and take him to the house.
They find the room deadly quite, everyone kneeling before her, and she looking lost and

"my lady" the three guards quickly kneel down, forcing Khethani with them and he moans in

Siphiwe M Mpungose. 87

She couldn't sleep, she kept tossing and turning until she decided to go out and start
As the sun came up she was just trapped in her own web of thoughts.
The sun is shining differently and beautiful today. It's a promising day

Khethani goes out and heads to her as she stands in the middle of the crowded yard, people
passing her by and the self-proclaimed guards just moving all around.

The Magwaza homestead has a very big yard, with a four roomed house and seven huts
surrounding the entire yard.
The centre of the yard is a kraal full of live cows. Magwaza is a traditional man who still
believes in the domestication of livestock
The entire household is fenced. When the beast started haunting the village, they had to
keep themselves protected and fencing became a norm in the village.

"For someone who was badly injured last night, you look brand new to me now"she says,
staring straight in his eyes. Not even blinking

"Miracles happen. So what's with you and these people who keep bowing?"
He asks, staring at everyone who is bowing as they pass her.
Today the yard is even more fuller than yesterday.

There are even camping tents just surrounding the entire Magwaza homestead. People have
been gathering, coming in numbers to settle where everyone is

"Ask no questions, how did you survive?"

A tallest, very dark man is approaching as she asks Khethani. His posture is that of a strong
man with a wide chest and pointy knees.
He is wearing a leopard vest with umbhlaselo and very worn out mbadada's that can make
anyone die of laughter.
There is a stick in his hand that rests on his shoulder and a shield made of animal skin.
His head is very bald and glistering as the sun shines harder..

"I don't know, I hardly remember any of it. But some men helped me. I don't know how I
He responds

"nkosazana, can you please follow me inside. Your life isn't normal anymore. You can't just
stand in the middle of the yard alone.."
"This yard is full of people, I am not alone" she responds quickly

"An enemy never rest nkosazana, they might be watching and waiting to strike as it is.
Among these people not everyone who smiles is your friend. Some are just undercover
bustards for those vultures. One more thing, the training in the wee hours of the morning
alone is unacceptable, it's too risky"
She frowns, looking at the man

"Who are you again?"

Siphiwe M Mpungose. 88

"Mthombo Zungu lo, nkosazana yesizwe sako Mdima. Unogada oseqophelwel eliphezulu
kulendawo (the best bodyguard of this village) " he says, slowly bowing in respect.
"And what makes you think you can make decisions on my behalf? And how did you know I
was training? "
She boldly ask, folding her hands

"Bab Magwaza tasked me to guard you 24/7 my lady. From now onwards I'll be by your
side making sure that no enemies touch even your shadow. I am your protector and I will do
whatever it takes to keep you protected at all costs. Even if it means defying your orders, I'd
rather be a dead protector than being a breathing fool. "

"Wow" she exclaims, speechless

"With that being said, you boyizana. Leave"

His deep voice commands Khethani
He laughs but Mthomb is quick to grab him by the collar

"I said leave. If you want to talk to the queen you will have to talk to her in the council's
presence and me.."

"Just put him down. I was with him in the woods. He is one of the warriors Mthombo"
Nomthimba utters in annoyance.
Khethani is like a wet laundry as he gulps in fear
"Where was he all along? Why did he resurface now? Who told him that we are here? And
why on earth did he come with bad injuries that seemed to heal in just one night?"

"Just let him go or I'll have your head as breakfast." Says Nomthimba and he does as told.
Khethani quickly rushes inside the house with a dropped jaw
"Hhay nkosazane, did those woods turn you into cannibal?"
Nomthimba smiles, showing her perfectly aligned white teeth
Her blue eyes twinkling, sun rays reflecting on her eyes
"I'm kidding Mthombo, I won't have your head for breakfast.."

"I know, I'm too stubborn to be eaten. Impela ngingaphekw unyaka wonke ngingavuthwa"
Says Mthombo with a straight face
This is the first time in a long time that she feels laughter escaping her mouth..

"Why did you manhandle my friend like that? He should be treated with equal respect too.
He can still kill the beast and be crowned King if I fail to kill the beast" she utters as
Mthombo walks alongside her heading to the house. Bhekizimpi wasn't as tall as this man
besides her

"Something doesn't add up with that friend of yours, be careful. My gut is telling me
something, and my guts never lie. Nx, lelinkankane elibomvana"
Again, her stomach feels light
"there is no need for name calling Mthombo"
She says
Mthombo shakes his head
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 89

"Nkosazane, we are going to need weapons. Lots of them and I know exactly where to find
Nomthimba finds a well made table with mouth watering dishes, how did life change so
One minute she was just an invisible being. a
All of a sudden she has people all over her and showing her respect..

Siphiwe M Mpungose. 90


*unedited *

Thirty Three

"OH Noooo" Nomkhubulwane cries harder than ever before as she hears the growling sound
of a beast, she can feel in her bones that it is tearing someone's flesh into pieces.
The beast is kept in one of the rooms
"Will you stop! You are annoying woman! Nx" Interject Sondlovu in anger.

They have been jailed inside the royal dungeon, just a bit closer to the royal house
"Don't tell me that! We are here because you are too weak to fight, Hlahlindlela was way
better than you" tears stream down even more as she screams at him.

Sondlovu is at the corner, just butt flat on the floor. The barbarians had them jailed after they
couldn't keep their end of the deal, which was to keep the people under their command.

"Yet you still cheated on him, as good as he might have been, he wasn't good enough for
She charges towards him and kicks his feets furiously.

The dungeon has about 5 other rooms.

She's never been in such a stinking, horrific situation before.
She knew that there were dungeon in the royal homestead, war once ruled the village so it
is not something shocking
However what is shocking is her being the prisoner in her own home.

Khethani marches inside the royal grounds and is surprised that the number of people has
decreased drastically.

He finds other barbarians with Bella, Planderah is seated on the throne, while drinking
expensive wine that he doesn't even know

"About damn time" Bella says as he makes his way inside

"We have a problem, these people weren't just conspiring. They are also planning to attack
us but so far, I overheard that there are no weapons."
He speaks, faster and edgy

"Finally, we hear something. We've been waiting for so long. Why didn't you come sooner?"
Bella asks as she joins Khethani who is on his feet

"It was so hard to get out! I couldn't just go out. I had to make sure that I wasn't being
He responds
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 91

"And we have another problem. The girl is alive and they are now referring her as the queen"

The room goes into intense mode instantly.

All of them are on their feets now
"How? How did that happen?" roars Planderah in anger

"I suggest you stop feeding the beast and when the nightfall comes, do the worst. I'll be
waiting on the inside.."
That's Khethani again

"This time I'll make sure that she dies, if she dies that will make me the next in line. No one
knows nothing about me"


Nomthimba is outside when she sees Khethani appearing in front of her.

"Where have you been?" she asks.
"Just needed some fresh air." he says
"fresh air, in such a complicated place. You do have games don't you"
Mthombo interject. He is with them , standing beside Nomthimba

The day goes by pretty quick.

She is in the sitting room with the council members telling them about the plan

"weapons are available. The issue is to get them" She says

"Why is that an issue?"

"They are in the royal house."Mthombo says

"We just need a plan to get…"

A loud, yet aggressive scream suddenly burst which has them on their feets instantly.
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 92



Thirty Four

"IS THERE A SPEAR IN THIS HOUSE?" She yells loudly,everyone is shaking in fear and
she seems to be in order, she's bold. She's fearless and ready to go out there and face the

"There is my lady, let me go look" Magwaza's quivering voice responds in terror and he
quickly rushes to his bedroom feeling air closing in on his lungs.
He is just an old man who should be enjoying his eighties with sweets and grandchildren
alongside but not in this village.

Upon his return he hands her the spear and she looks at Mthombo who is by her side
"Chances are, barbarians are also out there attacking our people. Go out there and fight!
Fight until you know that everyone around you is safe. Do you hear me Mthombo?"

Her stern voice is laced with unmatched authority, more bold and deeper than ever Her eyes
glaring at him emit command and fire that he quickly bow and head out with nothing but his
The queen has ordered and he can only follow.
Only if the weapons were already here

Nomthimba is out, as usual the fog is dancing in the air with the massive shadow of a beast
manoeuvring and growling deeply and loudly, stepping on hard grounds leaving them
quaking rapidly.
Each unlucky soul loses their lives as it mercilessly and ruthlessly grabs any nearby flesh
and slashing it into bleeding pieces.
She screams, screams loud enough and the beast follows a loudest sound hence it turns,
and it takes long, decisive steps towards her direction.
Her eyes squinting, she studies its calculated movements, its strength. She has faced this
beast more than once and she knows now..

Indeed the few barbarians are here, fighting and somehow the people are fighting back.
Some have taken the barbarians weapons and the fight continues..

It's all sticky, blood oozing out. Deafening screams and loud sound of swords against
swords, swords against flesh and that alone is enough to send intruders back to where they
came from..

Nomthimba has been having it hard, the beast having its way with her but her eyes land on
everyone slowly moving towards her direction.
Heaving, bloody and ready to join in and fight alongside her.

Her shuddering breath is hard as she regains her strength and stand tall.
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 93

And she begins, attacking the beast with every strength she has..
The power is to attack its legs, never standing in one place and be jumpy in a diving manner,
and unstoppable avoiding its hard, biggest hands at all cost.

The beast seems to be losing balance and in a nanosecond it takes one long strides away
from Nomthimba heading to the fence.
Just as the beast jump off the fence
She bends and throws the spear with every ounce of strength in her body
A long, deep growl burst out that they quickly block their ears and
And it vanishes through the dark…

She turns
Blood all over her
Her chest heaving and falling
Her long hair jumped from side to side.

One after the other, villagers kneel.

Slowly until every one last of them
Leaving her the only woman standing..
Mthombo says loudly

It's midnight
No one has had the audacity to close their eyes..

It is crowded outside as if it's during the day.

Nomthimba is now seated inside, on a couch with Mthombo near her.
She is wounded but it's nothing she can't handle

Khethani is standing before them handing her a hot remedy, smoke flying all over the mug
"specially made for you, my friend. you need to drink something warm. This will do for now.."
She smiles and take the mug
"What's this for?" she ask
"my secret remedy for healing," he says, grinning innocently.
"Wait, is this what you used when you miraculously healed?"
He nods, proudly
"thank you my friend" she says
She's about to drink when Mthombo gently take the mug from her hands leaving her

"aibo, that's for me" she annoyingly says

"You said this is a remedy?" he asks Khethani, disregarding Nomthimba's glare that is
somehow making him uncomfortable
"Yes" he says, feeling bored and trying his best to remain calm
"What did you put in this?" he ask, sniff a bit and look at him dead in the eyes
"Mthombo come o…"
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 94

"Please, let me do my job nkosazane. Tell me, what's in this so-called remedy?"

Khethani shifts a bit and showcase his best smile moving a bit further
"it's a secret remedy, it's a family recipe that you aren't supposed to know" a defending tone
laced his voice
Mthombo release a deep, unsettling chuckle
"since it's your family secret that you are only sharing with the beloved queen. Why can't you
do the honours and take at least three sips. You know, for family"
His heart stop beating for a moment
Drops of sweat start forming in his forehead
"and then? What's the meaning of this? I was with the queen in the Forbidden Valley,
fighting beside her and saving her life! What makes you think I can poison the queen?"

Nomthimba stands up, studying his features and his suddenly high pitched voice
"I don't remember mentioning poison. Or I did and maybe it slipped my mind, my queen?"
side eyeing the queen he asks

Nomthimba shakes her head slowly

"since we are already in the poison part then you can do the honours of drinking this remedy
first, you can do that right?"-Mthombo
Khethani's eyes bulge out in panic

"Khethani, drink this remedy" Nomthimba commands him.

"What? I specifically made this for you. It would be such a disgrace and a plain disrespect to
drink something reserved for the queen"
His panicking voice speaks faster
"and I am honoured, Khethani. But as your queen, I command you to drink this. If you have
nothing to hide you won't have a problem drinking this. "
He gulps, his eyes moving from one place to another
One thing for sure, he is screwed
He jumps and tries to run but Mthombo is too quick to catch him..
"I told you that not everyone who smiles is your friend, my queen.." Mthombo says as
Khethani screams to be let go.

She staggers back, feeling lightheaded, air leaving her body.

A stinging feeling hits her and she quickly holds her chest. Is this how a betrayal feels like?
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 95

*unedited *



It's morning already, but not a good one.

Even the sky is adorned with gloomy clouds,
Wind is blowing in all directions.
The world is not a better place for him at the moment. He is tied with chains on a chair, both
his legs and feets leaving him in a vulnerable, hopeless place.

The thought of being a failure is suffocating him, after all these years he failed at the last
minute. .
His mind is on Bella, her disappointed face is haunting his mind and that alone is horrific. He
can't afford to disappoint her. He wonders how she'll react when she hears that he is after all

Nomthimba is staring at the plate of food before her. Totally failing to stomach anything. Her
heart is heavy, her mind ambushed with many questions.
Out of all people Khethani is the only one who managed to even make her feel like she
belongs, it doesn't make sense.

She enters the hut he is kept in and their eyes meet, no words exchanged. Mthombo is by
the door, watching.
She's been dreading this kind of moment to see him in a vulnerable state. He isn't the
Khethani she knows, or what he presented to her because clearly he is more than what
meets the eye.

An urge to scream at him or hit him with everything she sees grows but she fights it and
sighs exhaustedly.

"Why? Why did you try to kill me? Is it because of the throne?" she whispers, enough for him
to hear.
"Why Khethani?" this time her voice is a louder

"I knew the first day I saw you that you were special. The only mistake I made was failing to
kill you with many chances I got.."
Khethani's warm face is gone. It's replaced with a conniving man she's never seen.

"You will die, a slow painful death like the traitor that you are. laugh as hard as you can
because this might just be the last laugh on this earth."
Panic flashes in his eyes and he quickly hides it

"I'm sure you know that your beast might have not even made it to this morning breathing.
Your barbarian friends are vulnerable and outnumbered without the beast.. . We will win this
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 96

war Khethani and I hope these walls will remind you of the worst person you are, I hope it
was worth it" she says
As she turns to leave he speaks

"Even if you win, you will never be accepted for what you are"
"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I hope these people that claim to love you will still look at you the same when they learn the
real truth about your identity.."
She quickly gets out leaving him screaming

"Nkosazana what was all about?"

Mthombo quickly asks
She turns and stare at him
"Call everyone, there is something that I need to say"

Everyone has gathered, she is standing before everyone

"Firsly I'd like to thank everyone for everything. For believing in me and your selves. The
hope is not lost, without any doubt I know that we are going to win this war."

Whistles and ululation burst out.

"There is something else that you must know about me. Maybe some of you have asked
yourself why I am so different. I was told that my mother was a barbarian…"

The arguments break and noise is deafening .

MaNdwalane is fuming and shocked. Nomthimba did not tell her what she was about to do.

" You can all stand here and hate me or judge me. I don't care. I'm not going to apologise for
being born by a woman that left me in my fathers arms before I could even open my eyes.
I'm not going to apologise for being different, for being appointed queen because in the end
you asked that I take this throne. That I lead you. I didn't want any throne. The only thing I
wanted was justice and an ending to the beast that's been haunting our village for years. I
wanted to avenge the death of my father because that beast took him from me when I
needed him the most! Now I am here today, being a young woman who wants nothing but
justice. At the crack of dawn I'm matching towards enemies and I will finish this. Those who
want to match with me are welcome. For those who feel like I don't deserve to be treated like
a normal being, I don't care. This world is too big and I won't stand in a place where I won't
be able to live my life truthfully.
Thank you"

She leaves everyone as confused as they are and head to where Khethani is kept
"if you still want to see the next day you will do what I tell you to do. Are we clear?"
Gone is a heartbroken Nomthimba.
She is now a feisty, bold woman
Khethani nods

"Tell me more about the beast, can it really be killed?"

Siphiwe M Mpungose. 97

She asks
"You know, I thought you were smart. I can't believe you haven't figured this out. Why do you
think there was a sudden beast right after the son of the king vanished".

Her breath quickens

"Beasts aren't born Queeny, they are created.."
She feels her blood vessels drying up…
Siphiwe M Mpungose. 98



"Oh look at you, So lost. Do you really think that what I did was just for the throne? Wake up
girly, there are bigger things other than the throne. You and I are the same, you know. The
blood that runs through your veins is the same as mine. Difference between us is that I
would never side with the enemies like you, I'll always choose my people".. Khethani's words
are still ringing in her head. Her Jaws are tightening, even thinking about it makes her blood

"I can't believe he had us all fooled" Mthombo adds, standing next to Nomthimba after she
narrates what Khethani told her. She shrugs her shoulders in defeat.
"He hid it too well, I never suspected a thing. Yes he is lighter skinned compared to other
villagers but I just didn't think there was a background story. Khethani fooled us all"
She says, brushing away countless thoughts attacking her mind.

"We might have another problem" after a short silence she breaks, they stand at a far
distance from the royal grounds

The dark night is slowly being replaced with a morning light as they still wait for weapons
"I know, the numbers of our people decreased the moment you stood there and admitted
that the blood of our enemies runs through your veins"
She sighs and look at Khethani tied in chains, being held by one of the people behind her.
"It was either I tell them myself or someone else does"
"Well, I applaud you. That was brave and honourable"
Mthombo's words somehow gives her comfort
"I just wish they could see it the way you do"

"They are not me. The truth about your identity hit unexpectedly, especially now when our
people are still in fidgety. They are just afraid and acting out."

"Let's hope by the time they realise that this war isn't about me we will still have our heads
intact" her voice is adorned in sadness as she says.
Staring behind her there are just a few people who can be counted with just your eyes. Not
even a single council member joined, even Magwaza is nowhere in sight.

"Have hope nkosazana, these people might just surprise you" Mthombo assures her.

"Khethani said something about the beast, he said they are created and not born. He
insinuated that the son of a king that vanished years ago might be the beast" she finally
finds the courage to voice out another thing that's a thorn in her mind

Mthombo blinks, shock hitting him hard

"That explains why the beast just came out of nowhere. What does this mean now? How do
you help someone who's been a beast for so long and how do you even turn them into
human again?"
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His voice is laced with shock as he says

"How is that even possible? What kind of witchery these people did to turn a human into
something so horrible and inhumane"
Anger is slowly becoming visible

"We can't save him, Mthombo. The only thing we can do is to offer him a proper send off.
Wait, they are here"
She smiles, feeling hope creeping in again.
Five men emerge carrying weapons.
"Took you long enough" - Mthombo
With the forced help of Khethani, he was able to give them an insight of where and how to
get the weapons unnoticed..

"How is the situation there?" Mthombo asks as they throw them in the ground

"It was awfully empty. It's as if they were gathered in one place, maybe planning how to
defeat us I'm not sure"
One of the guards responds.

"Perfect time to attack, thank you gentlemen"Says Nomthimba, they bow in respect.
Even though many people remained behind, those who still have hope are behind her as of
now. Ready to fight
Mthombo Leans closer to her and says" It's time"

She stands before them and they stand quietly

"When I started my training to be a warrior it was never easy. I was mocked for being a
woman amongst men, for looking skinny and unfit to be a warrior but I never gave up. When
the attackers started gunning for my life again I was blamed for the death of the other
warriors who died during that ambush but I never gave up. When I found myself alone in the
deepest woods, afraid and agitated I never gave up. When the barbarians captured me, I
never gave up. When I faced the beast more than once, fighting and afraid for my life, I
never ever gave up. When I lost warriors, my commander Bhekizimpi Sithole I never gave
up. I've seen and faced heavy storms head on so I am not going to give up now and I will not
allow each and everyone of you to give up"

Only the slow blowing of a wind is perceptible by the ear.
glaring at everyone she stands tall, Undaunted, fearless and optimistic

"We might not be in great numbers or have a beast alongside us to fight with but I am telling
you that we are not going to lose. For the sake of our people who never got the courage to
fight, for those who lost their lives before our eyes and we couldn't save them, for those who
never got to say goodbye to their friends and families because they died in war, FOR
She loudly and boldly says.
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"a moment of silence for our people, for our King and for the ancestors of this village. Let us
bow our heads in respect and commemoration"

Strong emotions evoke as they slowly bow their heads, closing their eyes.
The atmosphere around them thickens, the intense silence is loud in their hearts, evoking
their spirit with strength and hope. Heaviness roams around, after all they are not alone. The
spirits of those who passed are among them.

"One last message, we are winning this war today. Those people inside those gates are
enemies, we will leave them bleeding and lifeless, we will slaughter each and everyone of
them and stand tall because we are the fearless, strongest warriors of the Mdima kingdom.
Do not be afraid because together, WE WILL WIN THIS WAR! "
WIN THIS WAR!...... "

Chanting in unison, strength and energy engulfed in them as they begin marching, faster and
faster towards the Mdima palace carrying weapons, swinging and swimming through the air

Their feets touch the royal sands of time just as the rising sun brightens the gloomy morning
of battle.
Chest heaving and falling, hearts beating louder and hands gripped on swords the battle
Barbarians against the villagers.

It's utterly chaotic as violent sounds fill up the entire kingdom.

The atmosphere is deadly, saddening screams erupting everywhere.

It is swords against swords, swords against flesh. The battlegrounds are a bloodbath, blood
falling down the sand like a summer heavy rain.

The once clear air has been replaced with a stinking blood, Bella and Nomthimba finally
come face to face.
Their chests are heavily pumping, eyes shooting daggers and hands gripping on swords.

One attack Bella makes gives her power to take over the fight, however she's facing a
stronger and a wiser opponent, swiftly she moves like an all time fighter.
Both of them are bleeding, but no one dares to back down.

Mthombo has reached his last strength, barbarians seem to have an upper hand.
Anyone can tell that the battle is no longer in their favour. Barbarians are the most powerful
and experienced fighters compared to the villagers.

Nomthimba steps on a tiny stone and she falls down, Bella uses the chance to jump over her
and point a sword on her chest
Running her eyes around she feels hope decaying
They are losing, her people are lying down and Mthombo is showing signs of exhaustion.
Any second he might fall down like the rest..
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Her eyes closes a bit, Bella's mocking and proud laughter bursting
"She opens her eyes. at a distance she sees something..
Or rather

A loud roaring and screaming of angry villagers suddenly burst in all directions.
In large numbers they emerge, getting closer and closer, striding towards the battlefield.
That's all it takes for her to regain her strength..

As they reach the battlefield it instantly becomes overfilled and powerful.

The moment is marked with the spirit of powerful solidarity and togetherness. The saving of
the Mdima village lies in each and everyone of them. From teenagers, middle aged to old
men and women they all fight. Carrying sticks, old wood and anything they could find nearby.
It is still a mystery and a historic event to remember.
Everyone is fighting against one enemy.


"Indeed it is true that we are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided”
Nomthimba states, as bloody and Wounded as she is.
Villagers gathered around the dead bodies of the barbarians.
"Togetherness has paved a way for our success and ended years of misery. People of the
Mdima kingdom, WE HAVE CONQURED"

Whistles and ululation erupt, some dancing and jumping. Happiness and joy defining the
glorious moment

"It's a new day, a new beginning" she whispers..

Just as she turns to leave she bumps into Magwaza, a council member carrying a frying pan
in his hands.
His old face is adorned in joy as he smiles widely, dancing around her.
She looks at the frying pan and frowns. It is full of blood showing that..
"Was that..?"
" weapon, my lady, don't judge me. Some of us are too old for swords.."
Mandwalane appears out of nowhere, panting for air and carrying a bloodied four pound
"wooh, that was a heavy object" she says, throwing it down and sighing.

Then she hugs Nomthimba and pat her back

"I am proud of you"
She says, tightening her arms around her
"We all are," Magwaza utters softly.
"Be Joyful now my Tania. It is all over, your father is smiling down on you"
Tears burn her eyes and she blinks letting them fall, lying in her warm chest and allowing
such a comforting, soothing embrace inside her heart.
"It's all over now Tamia" she says, slowly brushing her back.
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As the hug breaks she blinks, shock washing all over her like a waterfall.
Everyone, everyone before her has kneeled. Only Mandwalane and her are standing now
The silence can be cut with a knife
"What are they doing?" she ask, panicking
"They are kneeling before their queen"
With a proud smile she responds. And slowly she also kneels…
"HAIL TO THE QUEEN!" Magwaza screams

Khethani was able to free himself while everyone was still engulfed in a battle.
He cries as he looks at his hope vanishing before him
His eyes are staring at a dead body of a beast that is just laying in a dungeon. Staggering
back he lands on two other dead bodies.. Sondlovu and Nomkhubulwane's body pieces all
around.. "Where do you think you are going, little traitor" - Mthombo.
He is about to run when a sword land on his stomach, slashing his flesh that a loud
agonizing scream fills up the room..

^^^THE END!! ^^^

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