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CSE40418: Advanced Structural Analysis

2nd Tutorial:

Question 2.1: Calculate the natural period of the system as shown below. It is known that when
a cantilever column with flexural rigidity EI and height h is subjected to a transverse force P at
its free end, the corresponding transverse deflection at the same point is u = .


l1 = 1.5l


Question 2.2: A single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) system as shown below is excited by

harmonic base motion y(t ) = Y0 cos t . The mass m is linked to the base through a damper with
damping coefficient c and connected to a fixed end through a spring with stiffness k. Write the
governing equation of motion and determine the steady-state response amplitude by: (i) taking
the absolute displacement of the mass as response variable; and (ii) taking the relative
displacement between the mass and the base as response variable.
Question 2.3: Two rigid, massless bars of length l each are connected by a hinge. Two vertical
springs with stiffness k1 and k2 are attached at the middle of each span, respectively. There is a
mass m lumped at the mid-point of the right bar. Determine the natural frequency (Hz) and
period of vibration of the mass m. Assume small vibration amplitude.

k1 k2
A B m C

l/2 l/2 l/2 l/2

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