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LegalEdge Classroom Handout

Part of the Most Comprehensive & Consistently Successful Study Material & Test Series Module,
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c o m
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k e

All German philosophers, except for Marx, are idealists. From which of the following can the statement above
be most properly inferred?

o p
(a) Except for Marx, if someone is an idealist philosopher, then he or she is German.
(b) Marx is the only non-German philosopher who is an idealist.
(c) If a German is an idealist, then he or she is a philosopher, as long as he or she is not Marx.

(d) Marx is not an idealist German philosopher.
(e) Aside from the philosopher Marx, if someone is a German philosopher, then he or she is an idealist.

A company’s two divisions performed with remarkable consistency over the past three years: in each of those
years, the pharmaceuticals division has accounted for roughly 20 percent of dollar sales and 40 percent of
profits, and the chemicals division for the balance.

Which of the following can properly be inferred regarding the past three years from the statement above?
(a) Total dollar sales for each of the company’s divisions have remained roughly constant.
(b) The pharmaceuticals division has faced stiffer competition in its markets than has the chemicals division.
(c) The chemicals division has realized lower profits per dollar of sales than has the pharmaceuticals division.
(d) The product mix offered by each of the company’s divisions has remained unchanged.

3. Advertisement: Today’s customers expect high quality. Every advance in the quality of manufactured
products raises customer expectations. The
0S8Tcompany that is satisfied with the current quality of its products
will soon find that its customers are not. At MegaCorp, meeting or exceeding customer expectations is our goal.
Which of the following must be true on the basis of the statements in the advertisement above?
(a) MegaCorp’s competitors will succeed in attracting customers only if those competitors adopt MegaCorp’s
goal as their own.
(b) A company that does not correctly anticipate
0S8T the expectations of its customers is certain to fail in advancing
the quality of its products.
(c) MegaCorp’s goal is possible to meet only if continuing advances in product quality are possible.
(d) If a company becomes satisfied with the quality of its products, then the quality of its products is sure to
Head Office: 127, Zone II, MP Nagar, Bhopal |+91-7676564400| Page 1 of 4
4. Due to high jet fuel costs, airline carriers are looking for new ways to increase revenues and thereby counteract
declining profits. Airline A has proposed increasing the number of passengers that can fit on its airplanes by
creating several standing room-only “seats” in which passengers would be propped against a padded
backboard and held in place with a harness. This proposal, since it relates to passenger safety, cannot be
implemented without prior approval by the Federal Aviation Administration. The above statements, if true,
indicate that Airline A has made

Which of the following conclusions?

(a) The addition of standing room only “seats” will generate more revenue than the cost of ensuring that these
seats meet safety standards.
(b) The Federal Aviation Administration will approve Airline A’s specific proposal.
(c) The revenue generated by the addition of standing room only “seats” is greater than the current cost of jet
(d) There are no safer ways in which Airline A can increase revenues.
(e) Passenger safety is less important than increasing revenue.

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People often pronounce a word differently when asked to read written material aloud than when speaking
spontaneously. These differences may cause problems for those who develop computers that recognize speech.
Usually the developers “train” the computers by using samples of written material read by the people who will
be using the computer.

The observations above provide most evidence for the conclusion that

k e
(a) It will be impossible to develop computers that decode spontaneous speech.

(b) When reading written material, people who have different accents pronounce the same word in the same
way as one another.

read aloud.

o p
(c) Computers may be less reliable in decoding spontaneous speech than in decoding samples that have been

(d) A “trained” computer never correctly decodes the spontaneous speech of a person whose voice sample was

used to train it.

(e) Computers are now able to interpret oral speech without error.
The fire that destroyed the Municipal Building started before dawn this morning, and the last firefighters did
not leave until late this afternoon. No one could have been anywhere in the vicinity of a fire like that one and
fail to notice it. Thomas must have seen it, whatever he now says to the contrary. He admits that, as usual, he
went from his apartment to the library this morning, and there is no way for him to get from his apartment to
the library without going past the Municipal Building.

The main conclusion of the argument is that

(a) Thomas was in the vicinity of the fire this morning
(b) Thomas claimed not to have seen the fire
(c) Thomas saw the fire this morning
(d) Thomas went directly from his apartment to the library this morning
(e) Thomas went by the Municipal Building
this morning


Head Office: 127, Zone II, MP Nagar, Bhopal |+91-7676564400| Page 2 of 4

7. The annual Journal for Publication, which often solicits articles, publishes only those articles that are both
submitted before March 6 and written by certified psychoanalysts, Stevens, who publishes frequently in
psychoanalytic literature, submitted an article to the Journal before March 6. This article was accepted for
publication in the Journal.

Which one of the following conclusions follows logically from the statement above?
(a) Stevens is a psychoanalyst.
(b) The Journal frequently accepts Stevens’ articles.
(c) Stevens is an authority on a large number of topics in psychoanalysis.
(d) The Journal asked Stevens to write an article.
(e) Stevens’ recently accepted article will be interesting to Journal readers.

8. Blood banks will shortly start to screen all donors for NANB hepatitis. Although the new screening tests are

estimated to disqualify up to 5 percent of all prospective blood donors, they will still miss two-thirds of

donors carrying NANB hepatitis. Therefore, about 10 percent of actual donors will still supply NANB-
contaminated blood.

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Which of the following inferences about the consequences of instituting the new tests is best supported by
the passage above?

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(a) The incidence of new cases of NANB hepatitis is likely to go up by 10 percent.
(b) Donations made by patients specifically for their own use are likely to become less frequent.
(c) The demand for blood from blood banks is likely to fluctuate more strongly.

(d) The blood supplies available from blood banks are likely to go down.
(e) The number of prospective first-time donors is likely to go up by 5 percent.


Informed people generally assimilate information from several divergent sources before coming to an opinion.
However, most popular news organizations view foreign affairs solely through the eyes of our State

Department. In reporting the political crisis in foreign country B, news organizations must endeavor to find

alternative sources of information.

Which of the following inferences can be drawn from the argument above?
(a) To the degree that a news source gives an account of another country that mirrors that of our State
Department, that reporting is suspect.
(b) To protect their integrity, news media should avoid the influence of State Department releases in their
coverage of foreign affairs.
(c) Reporting that is not influenced by the State Department is usually more accurate than are other accounts.
(d) The alternative sources of information mentioned in the passage would probably not share the same
views as the State Department.
(e) A report cannot be seen as influenced by the State Department if it accurately depicts the events in a
foreign country.

10. When a polygraph test is judged inconclusive, this is no reflection on the examinee. Rather, such a judgment
means that the test has failed to 8Mshow0Swhether
8T the examinee was truthful or untruthful Nevertheless,
tr-5O2S 4S2R
employers will sometimes refuse to hire a job applicant because of an inconclusive polygraph test result.

Which of the following conclusions can most properly be drawn from the information above?
(a) Most examinees with inconclusive polygraph test results are in fact untruthful.
(b) Polygraph tests should not be used by employers in the consideration of job applicants.
(c) An inconclusive polygraph test
tr-5Oresult is0S
2S8M4S2R sometimes
8T unfairly held against the examinee
(d) A polygraph test indicating that an examinee is untruthful can sometimes be mistaken.
(e) Some employers have refused to consider the result of polygraph tests when evaluating job applicants.

Head Office: 127, Zone II, MP Nagar, Bhopal |+91-7676564400| Page 3 of 4

11. The public is aware of the possibility of biases in the mass media and distrusts the media as too powerful. The
body of information against which the public evaluates the plausibility of each new media report comes,
however, from what the public has heard of through the mass media.

If the view above is correct, it provides a reason for accepting which one of the following conclusions?
(a) If there is a pervasive bias in the presentation of news by the mass media, it would be hard for the public
to discern that bias.
(b) The mass media tailor their reports to confirm to a specific political agenda.
(c) The biases that news media impose on reporting tend not to be conscious distortions but rather part of a
sense they share about what is interesting and believable.
(d) News reporters and their public hold largely the same views about what is most important in society
because news reporters come out of that society.
(e) When a news event occurs that contradicts a stereotype formerly incorporated into reporting by the mass
media, the public is predisposed to believe reports of the event.


o m
In an experiment, two-year-old boys and their fathers made pie dough together using rolling pins and other

utensils. Each father-son pair used a rolling pin that was distinctively different from those used by the other

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father-son pairs, and each father repeated the phrase “rolling pin” each time his son used it. But when the
children were asked to identify all of the rolling pins among a group of kitchen utensils that included several
rolling pins, each child picked only the one that he had used.

k e
Which one of the following inferences is most supported by the information above?
(a) The children did not grasp the function of rolling pin.

(b) No two children understood the name “rolling pin” to apply to the same object.

(c) The children understood that all rolling pins have the same general shape.

(d) Each child was able to identify correctly only the utensils that he had used.

(e) The children were not able to distinguish the rolling pins they used from other rolling pins.

T tr-5C2K8I4G2D


1. e 2. c 3. c 4. a 5. c 6. c
7. a 8. d tr-5O9.
2S8M4S2R0S8T d 10. c 11. a 12. b

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