Resistivity Interpretation

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REW Training - PEPTEC

Clean Single Lithology interpretation

Interpretation Level 4 Tasksheet 3/4


 Study Petrophysics OLT Module 7 (Basic Interpretation - topics 1, 2 and 3).

 Complete tasks and exercises of basic petrophysics interpretation.
 Obtain manager approval validated by FSM or a member of the technical


 Complete Resisitivity, Nuclear and Sonic Interpretation A.


1) Explain the various methods for Rw calculation.

2) Understand flowchart for clean lithology reservoir interpretation.





Rating Supervisor signature


Select a set of logs (Gamma Ray, SP, Resistivity -micro, shallow, deep-,
Density, PEF, Neutron, Sonic) with:

1)  Clean, single lithology formation - water-bearing zone(s)

 Clean, single lithology formation - oil-bearing zone(s)

Make a thorough LQC of the logs, and then zone the logs to identify
2) shale zones, water zones and pay zones.

3) Determine the lithology.

4) Determine hydrocarbon type.

Select a minimum of 3 points each in a clean sand water-bearing zone

and in a clean sand oil-bearing zone. Perform environmental corrections
5) on all selected points using the chartbook. Make bed thickness
corrections if necessary.

Compute the porosity from porosity logs. Choose the most appropriate
6) to proceed with your interpretation. Explain your choice.

Compute Rw using at least two different methods. Choose the most

7) appropriate to proceed with your interpretation. Explain your choice.

8) Calculate Rxo and Rt.

Compute both Sxo and Sw in the oil-bearing zone using Archies

9) equation (with oil in the formation, you will assume that the porosity
does not need correction for light hydrocarbon).

10) Compute the movable oil volume.

Rating Supervisor signature


Formation Evaluation Principles chapter 8 "Pore fluid identification and

1) quantification", sections: Saturation in clean formations, Rw and Rmf determination
(Expected publication Q2 2007).



Comments By Supervisor:
Name Signature Date
Managers Name Manager Signature Date

LMS Code REWRL-RES-INT-RES-4 Philippe Laurent
Date Revised 10 Jan 2007 Approved by Ben Alaya

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