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Level 1 : Basics of Css

Paddng is space between border and content

Margin is space between two contents

Display Properties:

Inline : Takes the space required by the element

Block : Takes Full Space Available in Width
Inline-Block : Similar to Inline but can set Margin & Padding
none : to remove the element from document flow
Visibility : hidden (when set to none space is reserved but for display set to

Units in Css:

Relative (different): % , em , rem

% : define size as relative to an elements parent object

Em : 1 em relative to font size of parent
Rem : font size to root element

Position Property in Css:

Static : default position(top,right,bottom,left ,z-index wont work)

Relative : element is relative to itself (top,right,bottom ,left,z-index will work)
Absolute : position relative to its closet postion ancestor(remove from flow)
Fixed :

FlexBox (Arranging items in rows or columns)

Flex-Direction : Row,Column ,Reverse

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