Solutions Elementary - Unit 8B - Be Active! (Grammar)

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Lesson 2: Grammar

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
- Use new words related to the lesson
- Know and use the structure of going to and will
Stages Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Purpose Note

Warm up (the T can choose one activity from these) - Talk with the T - Help the student
to brainstorm about
- Greet the S the topic
- Have a small talk with the S about their
friend/idol/daily routine/anything

- Lead the S to the lesson

Presentation Vocabulary - Listen and repeat the new - Provide new

- Give the S new words that they may have in the words knowledge which
lesson is included in the
- Ask the S to listen and repeat - Take note lesson for the
Grammar: going to (affirmative, negative and student
- Give the structure of going to
- Give the S of going to in affirmative, negative and
interrogative forms
- Give examples
- Ask the S to take note
- Give the S the usage of will: we use will to talk
about the future and to make predictions
- Give the forms of will in affirmative, negative and
+ We form the will future with will / ’ll or will not /
won’t and the infinitive of the verb without to. The
form is the same for all persons
+ We don’t use the short form ’ll after the names or
other nous, or in short answers
- Give examples
- Ask the S to take note on their notebook
Will and Going to
- Give the different usages of will and going to
- Give examples
I think / don’t think + will
- Give the usage and structure for the S
+ When we make predictions, we often use I think
… or I don’t think + subject + will
- Give examples
- Check understanding of the S
- Ask the S to take note on their notebook
Practice Task 1. Read and listen to the dialogue. Who is - Do the exercises through the - Practice the
going to take part in the judo competition? Is it ... T’s instructions knowledge they
- Ask the S to read the dialogue and underline the have learnt in
key words to get general information - Interact in English as much “presentation”
- Ask the S to read and answer the question (Who is as possible stage
going to take part in the judo competition? Is it ...)
and then circle the correct answer - Interact in
- Ask the S to give their answers English with the T
- Check the answer and give feedback to improve
Task 2. Find the examples of going to reflection
(affirmative, negative and interrogative) in the
dialogue in task 1.
- Ask the S look the Learn this! box
- Ask the S to find and underline the examples of
going to in the dialogue in task 1 (affirmative,
negative and interrogative)
- Ask the S to give their answers
- Check the answer and give feedback
Task 3. Complete the sentences with the correct
form of going to and the verb in brackets.
- Let the S to read 6 sentences and pay attention to
the verbs in brackets
- Give the meaning of the words if necessary
- Ask the S to complete the sentences with the
correct form of going to and the verb in brackets
- Ask the S to pay attention to the subject in each
sentence conjugate the verb correctly
- Take the first sentence as an example if necessary
- Check the answer and give feedback
Task 4. Listen to six dialogues. Write sentences
about people's plans for the weekend. Use the
affirmative or negative form of going to and the
verbs in brackets.
- Ask the S to look 6 sentences and pay attention to
the verbs in brackets
- Ask the S to listen to the tape and write sentences
about people's plans for the weekend by using the
affirmative or negative form of going to and the
verbs in brackets
- Play the tape and pause after each dialogue for S to
write sentences
- Check pronounce of the S and give feedback
Task 5. Put the expressions below into the correct
order, starting with the soonest. Can you add any
other future time expressions to the list?
- Ask the S to read all the future time expressions in
the box
- Give the meaning if necessary
- Ask the S to put the future time expressions in the
box into the correct order, starting with the soonest
- Ask the S to give any other future time expressions
to the list
- Check answers and give feedback
Task 6. Listen to the teenagers again. Then write
sentences with going to using the names and
verbs below and a future time expression from
task 5.
- Ask the S to read the prompts in 6 sentences
- Ask the S to listen to the tape and write sentences
with going to using the names and verbs below and a
future time expression from task 5
- Play the tape and pause after each dialogue fore S
to write sentences
- Check the answer and give feedback
Task 7. Complete the sentences with the correct
form of will / won't and the verbs below.
- Ask the S to read “Learn this!” box (slide 11) and
check understanding of the S
- Ask the S to look at the verbs in the box and read 6
sentences and underline the key words
- Ask the S to complete the sentences with the
correct form of will / won't and the verbs in the box
- Take the first sentence as an example
- Check answers and give feedback
Task 8. Make predictions about these possible
Use I think or I don't think.
- Ask the S to read “Learn this!” box (slide 13) and
check understanding of the S
- Ask the S to read the prompts in 6 sentences
- Give the new words if there are any ones
- Ask the S to make predictions about these possible
events by using structure of I think or I don't think
- Take the first answer as an example
- Check the answer and give feedback
Task 9. Make predictions about your future. Talk
about your ideas. Use I think / I don’t think.
- Ask the S to read example and know what they
have to do
- Ask the S to read the rest of the prompts and
translate them
- Ask the S to make predictions about their future by
using structure of I think / I don’t think
- Check answers and give feedback
Task 10. Complete the sentences with will or
going to.
- Ask the S to read “Learn this!” and check
understanding of the S
- Ask the S to read 8 sentences and underline the key
- Ask the S to pay attention to the verbs in brackets
- Give the new words if there are any ones
- Ask the S to complete the sentences with will or
going to
- Take the first sentence as an example
- Check answers and give feedback
Production Task 11. Find the mistakes and correct them. - Listen to the T - Help the S to
- Ask the S to read 5 sentences and underline the key remember the
words - Do the task knowledge deeply
- Give meaning of words if necessary
- Ask the S to find the mistakes in each sentence and
correct them
- Take the first sentence as an example if necessary
- Check the answer and give feedback
Wrap up - Summary the lesson - Listen to the T - Let the student
remember what
- Homework - Do homework at home they learnt and
- Goodbye practice at home


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