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iSSO'19 International Social Studies Olympiad QUESTION PAPER Duration : 60 Minutes Rea) Logos and certification help consumers to get assured of quality while purchasing the goods and services. But it is not compulsory for all the producers to follow standards. For which of the following products, however, it is mandatory on the part of the producers to get certified? {A) Laptops/Notebooks (8) Ceiling fans {C) LPG Stoves (0) cement In which Congress session the Non-Cooperation Programme was adopted? (a) At the Calcutta session of the Congress in September 1920 Ae the Congress session at Nagpur in | 7 December 1920, At the Ahmedabad session of the Congress in August 1821 (0)_Atthe Belgaum session of the Congress in 1924 3. The exact balance of power between the central and the state governments varies from one federation to another. This balance depends mainly @) (8) a the routes through which federations have been formed. the system of government and the system of, its division of power. the historical context in which the federation ‘was formed. (0) Allof these (8) to Which of the following has damaged the natural forest in South india? (A) Large-scale development projects (8) Teak monoculture (C}_ Agricultural expansion (0) Mining Till the First World War, European Managing ‘Agencies in fact controlled alarge sector of Indian industries. ‘Who among the following was one of such agencies? Wy rd girs 8 « «SE (8) Jardine Skinner & Co. (C) Andrew Yule Aa (0) Allofthese Roy The share © in the US GDP is: (A) 0.5% (8) 15% 7 (1% (0) 10% ‘Why do you think the makers of indian Constitution hhad chosen the model of a secular state? (Give the pastappronit response.) ion is seen a5 the basis of the Gr. leads toctemnmunalan). Pola ‘mobilisation on religous lines destructive fora sodigypike us. freme form, communalism leads to if that people belonging to different Teligions cannot live as equal citizens within ‘one-nation leading to sesare conflicts in (©) The communalism was and contioues to bee gne of the | challenges torcemocrcy in in LY india, The makers of our Constitution were” aeaesgtthe fect 17 (0) Allofthese 19.1 Pietra nema head &. In which of the following states of india deforestation due to mining has caused severe land degradation? won (a) Maharashtra ~ AO 8) Rajasthan 7 :). Western Uttar Pradesh (0) None of these Identify the speaker from below. ‘T have no hesitation in declaring that if the principle that the Indian Muslim is entitled to {full and free development on the lines of his own ‘culture and tradition in his own Indian home- lands is recognised as the basis of a permanent communal settlement, he will be ready to stake his all for the freedom of india.” ‘Sir Muhammad Iqbal (8) Muhammad Ali Jinnah (C)_ Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan (0) Shaukat Ali L~ 10. Inwhich of the following countries members and supporters of a party choose its candidates for contesting election? > (A) India — (8) United Kingdom (©) Srilanka {OY Ue ets re 11. The availability of resources is a necessary condition for the development of any region. However there are many regions in our country that are rich in resources but considered as ‘economically backward regions, Which of the following may be the reason for this? (8) Absence of corresponding changes in human resource (C) Absence of corresponding changes in the willpower of the government (0) Allof these O~ 12. Which of the following is incorrect? (A) For smetting iron in blast_furnaces, metallurgical coal, which is a high grade bituminous coal, has a special value. (B) In the manufacturing of bleaching powder, insecticides and paints manganese is also used. fa's bauxite deposits are mainly found in ‘the Amarkantak plateau, Mi plate the dill e fa WV'@ democracy? (A) “Any proposal for_political_reforms should think about 2 good solution only." (8) Legal-constitutional ways of reforming politics by themselves can overcome challenges to democracy. Democratic reforms are to be brought about principally through political practice. » \_~ (0) Allofthese 14. Which of the following was the first symbol of the new era? (A) Cotton (8) Factories (C)_A series of inventions in the eighteenth century {D) Use of machines 15. The infant mortality rate of which of the following states of india is higher than that of the iaimselewaige (A) West Bengal B) Assam (€)_sharkhand Madhya Pradesh 16. “Inindia, while spinning continues tobe centralized, weaving is highly decentralized’ Which of the following according to you is the reason for decentralization of weaving in india? ‘or, weaving cannot _use much of the high quality yarn produced in the country. (8) For ing scoy incor the traditional skills and designs of weaving in Brto1 etc. — © wea is done by handloom, powerloom and in mils (Fire ‘the mid-eighties, the spinning sector has been given a lot of attention by the government, at the cost of weaving. ; 47. Which of the fol correctly matched? (A) Educatigh, vale AdgBtign > Union List” (8) Police, Agriculture, Education - state List (C) Commerce, Curtency, Communication , > Concurrent List. we (0) None of these x 18, Which of the following isa false statement? In Gujarat, the Sabarmati basin farmers were eo ‘when higher priority was given to water_supply_in_ urban, areas, particularh Torngdroushiso ~ (8) taaesreer isan ih large and dense_4sopulation and urban'“‘ifestyles have Relped in of resour (©) Regulating and damming of rivers affect their natural flow and the flow of their sediments. (0) Today in western Rajasthan, the practice of rooftop rain water harvesting is on decline as plenty of water is available due to Rajasthan canal 18, Who among the following celebrated the natianal struggle through his operas and music, turning: folk Gances like the polonalse mazurka i nator symbols? = (A) Karol Kurpinski ~* og, (B) Johann Gottfried Herder {C) Giuseppe Mazzini 1" we pox__(0) Duke Metternich . — ae @) East-West corridor connects: — (A) Silchar and Porbandar (8) Kolkata and Mumbai“ (C)_ Ahmedabad and Kolkata (0) Asansol and Kandla O—~ 1 Wikltbe plowbe kibelileaboperat food « with respect to area and production? ore) (A) Pulses (0) Maize vy 22. The past two decades of globalisation ha mas seen rapid movements in: —— (A) investment teche and people ©. ‘countries. (8) investment, services and people within, countries. (C) goods, investment and people withir pecan cose: 23) Kakrapar nua? Power sation is located inthe state of: (Ay Gujarat (8) Maharashtra, {C)_ karnataka, {0) Arunachal Pradesh, 1h 1815, representatives of the European powers rita, Russia, Prussia and Austria = whe had collectively defeated Napoleon, met afTfennaies draw up a setlement fr Europe. @2 What, was their main intention? oo The majyAntention was to restore the We monarchies. that bd been overthrown oo emer Ste main intention woo create ‘new contentiveerer in wre joc eames eri ‘main intention was to prevent £1 pansion — Clo) Bothaandsy Which ofthe foowingis he padetia with those afected by Rs exercisgoand who vm, have ee (C) A legitimate government is 77 cars, trough patti, segue stake inthe system, (0) Both A and c 6, Fhe oe raged cnc tally his height (meters). + (8) Total weight of a person (in kg) is divided by — ‘the half of his | (C) Total weight of a person (in kg) is divided by ‘the square of his height (meters). 7 gE aii height (meters). ss B,. eh 27, Lookatthe map given below carefully and identify the soll typeof the area marked. et PRE ors (a) ed and vedio (eymsiedesi, (C) Alluvial soil (0) Lateritic soil 38, Which ofthe fllowing was theft Indian cyto get the smoke nulsance legislation and in which ar? wh ) Bombayfe35 (8), ) Delhi, 1871, (0) 30. In which of the following countries the Napoleonic Code was not mo “ay sui 8) {) tay Z ator! ee 31. \Given below is statement Tolfowed by two aeguments. sagan strongly supports the given stater ae sed to say thot religion con never be. “Feparated from politics. {8) Only I is strong. _ (0) Either | or His strong. 32. Which of the following indiakg) clear eatery me i fore e A 3d. Read both the statements carefully and pick the correct option. ‘possible ond sometimes quite desirable in o democratic system. «7 roc eoresin cf pnb ena political mobilen on Tis gas fled 10 improve women’s role in public li. BY Only is correct. (2) Both and ilar correct. {0} nettert he 35. Which Indian state passed the fat resolution Tor “frm ‘the Jint Forest Management (FM) programme a ) prograr a8 n1988? A ‘cali, (A) Tamil Nadu” (0 Moye Rees) aan > 36. In india how many children are there In whoo going age group? Sees ote ae (A)_About 100 million (8)_About 150 millon UGTAGeRC ROO MIEN) About 250 millon 37, To organise business Interests, Indian merchants _y ‘2nd industrialists formed the Federation ofthe BED Xindian Chamber of Commerce and industries (FCC) inwhichofthefollowing yeas? Wis correct. ee polluted? ee ese Laftadee w (3% Tony. (0) 75% HOA L acest ARES alton governments (C) Policy of decentralization (0) Secularism = 40. Who among the following sald/wrote in 1834 that “The ci ofthe Zolverin isto bind the Germans economically ito @ notion. 1 wil strengthen the ation materiales much by protectin its imeess aos by stimulting is mera! ese fe (8) Journalist Andreas Rebmann (©) Frédéric Sorrieu (0) Emest Renan O) ‘Which of the following has helped to deepen Ti eon of sos uewen te cv wd ae | ies (8) indeoendenge of judy . (ejiconstittona : (0) Fundamental Rights guaranteed by the Constitution (0) The averse processes, through whieh nation states and nationalism came into being in Aineteenth-century Europe. 43. Read the following statements carefully and pick the incorrect match. uh “ bess hteerdtictorestans avaiabity per peson per anu. (8) In India the dams that were constructed to control floods have riggereé floods = Tue eet Nes af (0) The keishne-Godavar dispute i regarding the diversion of more water at Koyna by the ‘Maharashtra government for a muipurpose ____ tae . Repair aware heaaena Senge tn shrvof ea sctse ey iGO simitor shift has not taken ploce hat ‘ety the starement given cbove with the most Se Pporopeiaie argues (A). More than half ofthe beret eo are working in the wo ‘mainly in ae agricunafe, produetfg only a quarter of cor = Yee han aie pen (¢}) There are more is necessary. In_other_words, age eras © ‘agricultural sector are underemployed. eo ‘Tusk to identify, promote and locate industries and services ifgemi-rural ‘ewmber of people been undertaken ere large emalayed has not ee Mn {@5._Carefullyread all the statements given below and ¢ Pick your option. Statements: Qesdaoning soiol diferences create possibilities of deep social divisions ond tensions {social eifferences cross cut one another, itis ficult to pit one group of people against the other. (Catholics ond Protestants have had conficts ‘in Northern ireland. (A) Statement 1 is the cause’ and statements It) w “and IV are its effects and the statement Mis (8) Statement I! fs the cause and statements I and V are its effects. Ae aie; Le age! IF you ore Cotboi n wetana) your Eun ‘re so more likely to ony may - veloed have suffered o histor of discrimination. 3 ie v — Mowe 301 = 0" Eur 5 pts (€) Statement isthe cause and statements | andivae ts ees. (0) Statement vis the cause and statements i and ae ts effects. 435._Aer the fallare of Round Table Conference, the ‘business class of ina fost their intrest n Ct Disobedience Movement. Which of the following, ‘was ot the reason for thelr disinterest? Pa nr ate fe ed of ab a FETE were worried” about “pre = WE atsrupton of business. X ©) They were worried of the growing i ee) “2 \ 0%of sociale amongat the youngee * ofthe Congres a (4) Ont Oni ane (2) Onlyiandin_S (oyENenernese 47, Which of the following Is the correct land rallet feature of india? (A) Plain-43%; Platenus-30%; Mountain 27% > TRAE —) Piains-30%; Piateaus-27%; Mounjatha3% 3 — Plaid » yy fedaplaeauar Moun (0) Mountarn-a3% Pareaus 30%; PISS ET 448 Read the given points carefully and choose a ‘correct Heading/ Tile for these. + Government's policies must protect the interests, not onlyoftheichand the powerful, ‘but of all the people in the country. ‘+The government con ensure thot labour laws ‘are properly implemented and the workers get ther rights + Government can support small producers to “improve their performance til the time they become strong enough to compete. + Government can use trode ond investment Darrers, if mecessary. + Government can align with other developing countries with simlrintereststo fight ogolnst the domination of developed counties inthe wro. (A) Government protecting the economic Interest ofthe country inged (6) Measures to protect economy from the bad Impact of globalization (0) W1o and Government 43. Political parties are 0 necessary condition for a democracy, Which of the following is/are weak argument/s in support of the statement given above? |) As societies became large and complex, they need some agency to gather different views ‘on various issues ond to present these tthe ii) Democracy needed a mechanism to support (or restrain the government, make polices, Justify oF oppose them, {AY Only andi (8) Oniyi (€} Only andi __(OVFonWvH) 50, Keeping in mind the consumer's rights, find the ‘odd one out. mrt basic aa wy Sen 5 0.

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