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Function Code Decimal Signed Type

Compressor Al_Generic_C1_L1 0 False Alarm
Compressor Al_Generic_C2_L1 0 False Alarm
Condenser Al_Fan1_L1 0 False Alarm
Fan Al_Fan2_L1 0 False Alarm
Fan Al_Fan3_L1 0 False Alarm
Fan Al_Fan4_L1 0 False Alarm
Fan Al_Fan5_L1 0 False Alarm
Fan Al_Fan6_L1 0 False Alarm
Compressor Al_Prb_Suct_Press_L1 0 False Alarm
Fan Al_Prb_Cond_Press_L1 0 False Alarm
Compressor Al_Prb_Suct_Temp_L1 0 False Alarm
Compressor Al_Prb_Disch_Temp_L1 0 False Alarm
Others mAL_Liquid_Level_L1 0 False Alarm
Fan mAL_Low_Cond_Press_L1_Mst 0 False Alarm
Compressor AL_High_Suct_Press_L1 0 False Alarm
Compressor AL_Low_Suct_Press_L1 0 False Alarm
Compressor mAL_Com_High_Press_L1 0 False Alarm
Compressor Al_Generic_C3_L1 0 False Alarm
Compressor Al_Generic_C4_L1 0 False Alarm
Fan AL_High_Cond_Press_L1_Mst 0 False Alarm
Compressor Al_Generic_C5_L1 0 False Alarm
Compressor Al_Generic_C6_L1 0 False Alarm
Condenser Al_Fan10_L1 0 False Alarm
Fan Al_Fan11_L1 0 False Alarm
Fan Al_Fan12_L1 0 False Alarm
Fan Al_Fan13_L1 0 False Alarm
Fan Al_Fan14_L1 0 False Alarm
Fan Al_Fan15_L1 0 False Alarm
Fan Al_Fan16_L1 0 False Alarm
Fan Al_Fan7_L1 0 False Alarm
Fan Al_Fan8_L1 0 False Alarm
Fan Al_Fan9_L1 0 False Alarm
Compressor AL_Com_Low_Press_L1 0 False Alarm
Compressor Al_Generic_C12_L1 0 False Alarm
Compressor Al_Generic_C11_L1 0 False Alarm
Compressor Al_Generic_C10_L1 0 False Alarm
Compressor Al_Generic_C9_L1 0 False Alarm
Compressor Al_Generic_C8_L1 0 False Alarm
Compressor Al_Generic_C7_L1 0 False Alarm
Compressor Suct_Press_L1 1 True Analog
Compressor Suct_Temp_Satur_L1 1 True Analog
Compressor Suct_Temp_L1 1 True Analog
Compressor Superheat_L1 1 True Analog
Compressor Setpoint_Comp_Compens_L1 1 True Analog
Fan Cond_Press_L1_Mst 1 True Analog
Fan Cond_Temp_Satur_L1 1 False Analog
Compressor Disch_Temp_L1_Mst 1 False Analog
Others External_Temp 1 True Analog
Transcritical RPRV_Open 1 True Analog
Transcritical HPV_Setp_Actual 1 True Analog
Transcritical HPV_Open 1 True Analog
Generic functions Gen_Probe1_Value 1 True Analog
Generic functions Gen_Probe2_Value 1 True Analog
Generic functions Gen_Probe3_Value 1 True Analog
Generic functions Gen_Probe4_Value 1 True Analog
Generic functions Gen_Probe5_Value 1 True Analog
Compressor Setpoint_Comp_L1 1 True Analog
Compressor Reg_Comp_Diff_L1 1 True Analog
Fan Setpoint_Fan_L1 1 True Analog
Fan Reg_Fan_Diff_L1 1 True Analog
Transcritical SPV_RPRV_Setpoint 1 False Analog
Others Liquid_Temp_L1 1 False Analog
Others Liquid_Temp_L1_Value 1 True Analog
Transcritical Receiver_Press 1 True Analog
Heat reclaim HR1_Req_L1 1 False Analog
Heat reclaim HR2_Req_L1 1 False Analog
Heat reclaim HR_TOT_Req_L1 1 False Analog
Others Sys_On_L1 0 False Digital
Others On_By_Superv_HR1_L1 0 False Digital
Fan Fan1_L1 0 False Digital
Fan Fan2_L1 0 False Digital
Fan Fan3_L1 0 False Digital
Fan Fan4_L1 0 False Digital
Fan Fan5_L1 0 False Digital
Fan Fan6_L1 0 False Digital
Compressor Comp1_L1 0 False Digital
Compressor Comp2_L1 0 False Digital
Compressor Comp3_L1 0 False Digital
Compressor Comp4_L1 0 False Digital
Compressor Comp5_L1 0 False Digital
Compressor Comp6_L1 0 False Digital
Heat reclaim HR_1_Status_Out_L1 0 False Digital
Others Superv_OnOff_L1 0 False Digital
Heat reclaim HR_2_Status_Out_L1 0 False Digital
Others On_By_Superv_HR2_L1 0 False Digital
Compressor Comp10_L1 0 False Digital
Compressor Comp11_L1 0 False Digital
Compressor Comp12_L1 0 False Digital
Compressor Comp7_L1 0 False Digital
Compressor Comp8_L1 0 False Digital
Compressor Comp9_L1 0 False Digital
Fan Fan10_L1 0 False Digital
Fan Fan12_L1 0 False Digital
Fan Fan13_L1 0 False Digital
Fan Fan14_L1 0 False Digital
Fan Fan15_L1 0 False Digital
Fan Fan16_L1 0 False Digital
Fan Fan7_L1 0 False Digital
Fan Fan8_L1 0 False Digital
Fan Fan9_L1 0 False Digital
Fan Fan11_L1 0 False Digital
Fan Inverter_Fan_Out_Msk_L1 0 True Integer
Compressor Power_Percent_Cmps_L1 0 False Integer
Fan Power_Percent_Fans_L1 0 False Integer
Others Refrigerant_Type_Cond_L1 0 False Integer
Parallel compressor Modulate_Comp_Parallel_Req_Mst 0 False Integer
Parallel compressor Modulate_Comp_Parall_Out_Mst 0 False Integer
Parallel compressor Parallel_Comp_Status_Msk 0 False Integer
Parallel compressor Percent_Power_Comp_Parallel 0 False Integer
Compressor Status_C1_L1 0 False Integer
Compressor Status_C10_L1 0 False Integer
Compressor Status_C11_L1 0 False Integer
Compressor Status_C12_L1 0 False Integer
Compressor Status_C2_L1 0 False Integer
Compressor Status_C3_L1 0 False Integer
Compressor Status_C4_L1 0 False Integer
Compressor Status_C5_L1 0 False Integer
Compressor Status_C6_L1 0 False Integer
Compressor Status_C7_L1 0 False Integer
Compressor Status_C8_L1 0 False Integer
Compressor Status_C9_L1 0 False Integer
Water chiller Chiller_Kp_Running 0 True Integer
Water chiller Chiller_Ti_Running 0 True Integer
Water chiller Chiller_Win_Temp_prb_L1 0 True Analog
Water chiller Chiller_Wout_Temp_prb_L1 0 True Analog
Water chiller Chiller_AntiFrz_Temp_prb_L1 0 True Analog
Water chiller Chiller_AntiFreeze_Al_Thresh 0 True Analog
Water chiller mAl_Chiller_AntiFreeze 0 False Alarm
Water chiller Prevent_Chill_AntiFreeze_Warn_L1 0 False Alarm
Water chiller Warn_Chiller_Flow_Switch_L1 0 False Alarm
Water chiller AL_Chiller_Win_High_Temp_L1 0 False Alarm
Water chiller AL_Chiller_Win_Low_Temp_L1 0 False Alarm
Water chiller AL_Chiller_Wout_High_Temp_L1 0 False Alarm
Water chiller AL_Chiller_Wout_Low_Temp_L1 0 False Alarm
Water chiller Al_Prb_Chiller_Wout_Temp_L1 0 False Alarm
Water chiller Al_Prb_Chiller_Win_Temp_L1 0 False Alarm
Backup RPRV_Backup_Function_EN_Mst 0 False Alarm
Backup HPV_Backup_Function_EN_Mst 0 False Alarm
Backup RPRV_Warning_Integration_Mst 0 False Alarm
Backup HPV_Warning_Integration_Mst 0 False Alarm
Compressor Percent_Power_C1_L1 0 False Integer
Compressor Percent_Power_C2_L1 0 False Integer
Compressor Inverter_Comp_Warn_L1 0 False Alarm
Compressor Inverter_Comp2_Warn_L1 0 False Alarm
Others Or_Alarms 0 False Alarm
Others Or_mAlarms_Global 0 False Alarm
Compressor Disch_Press_Prb_L1_Mst 0 True Analog
Heat reclaim Water_Inlet_Temp_HR1_L1 0 True Analog
Heat reclaim HeatRecl_1_Temp_L1 0 True Analog
Heat reclaim Water_Inlet_Temp_HR2_L1 0 True Analog
Heat reclaim HeatRecl_2_Temp_L1 0 True Analog
Heat reclaim HeatRecl_Temp_Shp_L1 0 True Analog
Modbus Modbu Modbus Modbus
PV Modbus Modbus A
Dimensio s Function Function
Read/Write Address In Address Out Value
OnlyRead 1 1 16
n 16
Length DigitalInput
Type SingleCoil
Read Type Write 1
OnlyRead 6 6 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 7 7 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 8 8 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 9 9 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 10 10 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 11 11 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 12 12 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 16 16 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 17 17 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 18 18 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 19 19 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 27 27 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 38 38 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 40 40 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 41 41 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 58 58 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 61 61 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 62 62 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 78 78 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 104 104 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 106 106 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 403 403 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 404 404 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 405 405 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 406 406 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 407 407 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 408 408 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 409 409 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 410 410 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 411 411 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 412 412 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 447 447 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 594 594 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 605 605 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 611 611 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 617 617 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 623 623 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 629 629 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 1 1 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 0.1
OnlyRead 2 2 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 0.1
OnlyRead 3 3 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 0.1
OnlyRead 4 4 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 0.1
OnlyRead 5 5 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 0.1
OnlyRead 6 6 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 0.1
OnlyRead 7 7 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 0.1
OnlyRead 8 8 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 0.1
OnlyRead 9 9 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 0.1
OnlyRead 11 11 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 0.1
OnlyRead 12 12 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 0.1
OnlyRead 13 13 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 0.1
OnlyRead 19 19 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 0.1
OnlyRead 20 20 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 0.1
OnlyRead 21 21 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 0.1
OnlyRead 22 22 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 0.1
OnlyRead 23 23 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 0.1
ReadWrite 36 36 16 16 Holding SingleHolding 0.1
ReadWrite 37 37 16 16 Holding SingleHolding 0.1
ReadWrite 40 40 16 16 Holding SingleHolding 0.1
ReadWrite 41 41 16 16 Holding SingleHolding 0.1
ReadWrite 57 57 16 16 Holding SingleHolding 0.1
OnlyRead 67 67 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 0.1
OnlyRead 83 83 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 0.1
OnlyRead 121 121 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 0.1
OnlyRead 222 222 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 0.1
OnlyRead 259 259 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 0.1
OnlyRead 265 265 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 0.1
OnlyRead 43 43 16 1 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
ReadWrite 48 48 16 16 Coil SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 79 79 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 80 80 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 81 81 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 82 82 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 83 83 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 84 84 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 88 88 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 89 89 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 90 90 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 91 91 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 92 92 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 93 93 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 116 116 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
ReadWrite 191 191 16 16 Coil SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 195 195 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
ReadWrite 197 197 16 16 Coil SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 231 231 16 16 Coil SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 232 232 16 16 Coil SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 233 233 16 16 Coil SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 234 234 16 16 Coil SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 235 235 16 16 Coil SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 236 236 16 16 Coil SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 436 436 16 16 Coil SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 438 438 16 16 Coil SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 439 439 16 16 Coil SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 440 440 16 16 Coil SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 441 441 16 16 Coil SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 442 442 16 16 Coil SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 443 443 16 16 Coil SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 444 444 16 16 Coil SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 445 445 16 16 Coil SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 668 668 16 16 Coil SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 5020 5020 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 1
OnlyRead 5036 5036 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 1
OnlyRead 5037 5037 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 1
OnlyRead 5095 5095 16 16 Holding SingleHolding 1
OnlyRead 5171 5171 16 16 Holding SingleHolding 1
OnlyRead 5172 5172 16 16 Holding SingleHolding 1
OnlyRead 5173 5173 16 16 Holding SingleHolding 1
OnlyRead 5210 5210 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 1
OnlyRead 5267 5267 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 1
OnlyRead 5268 5268 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 1
OnlyRead 5269 5269 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 1
OnlyRead 5270 5270 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 1
OnlyRead 5271 5271 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 1
OnlyRead 5272 5272 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 1
OnlyRead 5273 5273 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 1
OnlyRead 5274 5274 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 1
OnlyRead 5275 5275 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 1
OnlyRead 5276 5276 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 1
OnlyRead 5277 5277 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 1
OnlyRead 5278 5278 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 1
ReadWrite 5509 5509 16 16 Holding SingleHolding 1
ReadWrite 5510 5510 16 16 Holding SingleHolding 1
OnlyRead 666 666 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 0.1
OnlyRead 665 665 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 0.1
OnlyRead 668 668 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 0.1
ReadWrite 669 669 16 16 Holding SingleHolding 0.1
OnlyRead 787 787 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 788 788 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 786 786 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 783 783 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 784 784 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 781 781 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 782 782 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 778 778 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 779 779 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 818 818 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 809 809 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 822 822 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 821 821 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 5073 5073 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 1
OnlyRead 5074 5074 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 1
OnlyRead 23 23 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 581 581 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 754 754 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 397 397 16 16 DigitalInput SingleCoil 1
OnlyRead 191 191 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 0.1
OnlyRead 192 192 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 0.1
OnlyRead 194 194 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 0.1
OnlyRead 193 193 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 0.1
OnlyRead 163 163 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 0.1
OnlyRead 80 80 16 16 AnalogInput SingleHolding 0.1
Encoding Description EN Mask Index
0 Binary L1 - Generic alarm for compressor 1 ALC90
0 Binary L1 - Generic alarm for compressor 2 ALC90
0 Binary L1 - Fan 1 alarm ALF01
0 Binary L1 - Fan 2 alarm ALF01
0 Binary L1 - Fan 3 alarm ALF01
0 Binary L1 - Fan 4 alarm ALF01
0 Binary L1 - Fan 5 alarm ALF01
0 Binary L1 - Fan 6 alarm ALF01
0 Binary L1 - Suction pressure probe alarm ALA24
0 Binary L1 - Condensing pressure probe alarm ALA02
0 Binary L1 - Suction temperature probe alarm ALA25
0 Binary L1 - Discharge temperature probe alarm ALA01
0 Binary L1 - Liquid level alarm ALB05
0 Binary L1 - Low condensing pressure alarm ALB03
0 Binary L1 - High suction pressure alarm ALB15
0 Binary L1 - Low suction pressure alarm ALB16
0 Binary L1 - alarm High condesing pressure by pressostat ALB02
0 Binary L1 - Generic alarm for compressor 3 ALC90
0 Binary L1 - Generic alarm for compressor 4 ALC90
0 Binary L1 - High gas cooler pressure alarm ALB04
0 Binary L1 - Generic alarm for compressor 5 ALC90
0 Binary L1 - Generic alarm for compressor 6 ALC90
0 Binary L1 - Fan 10 alarm ALF01
0 Binary L1 - Fan 11 alarm ALF01
0 Binary L1 - Fan 12 alarm ALF01
0 Binary L1 - Fan 13 alarm ALF01
0 Binary L1 - Fan 14 alarm ALF01
0 Binary L1 - Fan 15 alarm ALF01
0 Binary L1 - Fan 16 alarm ALF01
0 Binary L1 - Fan 7 alarm ALF01
0 Binary L1 - Fan 8 alarm ALF01
0 Binary L1 - Fan 9 alarm ALF01
0 Binary L1 - Common low pressure alarm ALB01
0 Binary L1 - Generic alarm for compressor 12 ALC90
0 Binary L1 - Generic alarm for compressor 11 ALC90
0 Binary L1 - Generic alarm for compressor 10 ALC90
0 Binary L1 - Generic alarm for compressor 9 ALC90
0 Binary L1 - Generic alarm for compressor 8 ALC90
0 Binary L1 - Generic alarm for compressor 7 ALC90
0 Binary L1 - Suction pressure Aa01
0 Binary L1 - Saturated suction temperature Aa01
0 Binary L1 - Suction temperature Bab03
0 Binary L1 - Superheat Aa05
0 Binary L1 - Suction working setpoint Aa01
0 Binary L1 - Gas cooler pressure Bab04/Daa39
0 Binary L1 - Saturated condensing temperature Aa20
0 Binary L1 - Discharge temperature Bab11/Caaba
0 Binary L1 - External temperature Bab15/Daa20
0 Binary RPRV valve opening Bad15/Eia07
0 Binary HPV actual setpoint Aa58
0 Binary HPV valve opening Bad14/Eia06
0 Binary L1 - Generic probe 1 Bab20/Efe06
0 Binary L1 - Generic probe 2 Bab22/Efe08
0 Binary L1 - Generic probe 3 Bab24/Efe10
0 Binary L1 - Generic probe 4 Bab26/Efe12
0 Binary L1 - Generic probe 5 Bab28/Efe14
0 Binary L1 - Suction setpoint Cab03
0 Binary L1 - Suction differential Ab02
0 Binary L1 - Gas coolersetpoint Dab03
0 Binary L1 - Gas cooler differential Ab06
0 Binary RPRV valve regulation setpoint Eib22
0 Binary L1 - Gas cooler outlet temperature Bab61/Daa43
0 Binary Line 1 liquid temperature value, from original or backup probe Bab61/Daa43
0 Binary Receiver pressure Bab66
0 Binary L1 - Heat Reclaim 1: actual request Aaax
0 Binary L1 - Heat Reclaim 2: actual request Aaay
0 Binary L1 - Heat Reclaim 1 and 2: total request Aaa77
0 Binary L1 - Unit state is ON Ac01/Ac02
0 Binary L1 - Heat reclaim 1: on by supervisor system On_By_Superv_HR1_L1
0 Binary L1 - Fan 1 status Bacbt
0 Binary L1 - Fan 2 status Bacbu
0 Binary L1 - Fan 3 status Bacbv
0 Binary L1 - Fan 4 status Bacbw
0 Binary L1 - Fan 5 status Bacbx
0 Binary L1 - Fan 6 status Bacby
0 Binary L1 - Compressor 1 ON/OFF status Bac02
0 Binary L1 - Compressor 2 ON/OFF status Bac08
0 Binary L1 - Compressor 3 ON/OFF status Bac15
0 Binary L1 - Compressor 4 ON/OFF status Bac21
0 Binary L1 - Compressor 5 ON/OFF status Bac28
0 Binary L1 - Compressor 6 ON/OFF status Bac34
0 Binary L1 - Heat reclaim 1 status Eeaa06
0 Binary L1 - ON/OFF via Supervisor Superv_OnOff_L1
0 Binary L1 - Heat reclaim 2 status Eeaa16
0 Binary L1 - Heat reclaim 2: on by supervisor system On_By_Superv_HR2_L1
0 Binary L1 - Compressor 10 ON/OFF status Bac56
0 Binary L1 - Compressor 11 ON/OFF status Bac61
0 Binary L1 - Compressor 12 ON/OFF status Bac66
0 Binary L1 - Compressor 7 ON/OFF status Bac41
0 Binary L1 - Compressor 8 ON/OFF status Bac46
0 Binary L1 - Compressor 9 ON/OFF status Bac51
0 Binary L1 - Fan 10 status Baccc
0 Binary L1 - Fan 12 status Bacce
0 Binary L1 - Fan 13 status Baccf
0 Binary L1 - Fan 14 status Baccg
0 Binary L1 - Fan 15 status Bacch
0 Binary L1 - Fan 16 status Bacci
0 Binary L1 - Fan 7 status Bacbz
0 Binary L1 - Fan 8 status Bacca
0 Binary L1 - Fan 9 status Baccb
0 Binary L1 - Fan 11 status Baccd
0 Binary L1 - Percentuale attivazione inverter ventilatori Bad07/Daa38
0 Binary L1 - Active compressors power percent Aa03
0 Binary L1 - Active fans power percent Aa22
0 Binary L1 - Condensing refrigerant type Daf04
0 Binary Parallel compressor request Aa67/Aa77
0 Binary Parallel compressor actual capacity Aa67/Aa77
0 Binary Parallel compressor status Aa67
0 Binary Parallel compressor power percent Percent_Power_Comp_Parallel
0 Binary L1 - Compressor 1 status Bac02
0 Binary L1 - Compressor 10 status Status_C10_L1
0 Binary L1 - Compressor 11 status Bac61
0 Binary L1 - Compressor 12 status Bac66
0 Binary L1 - Compressor 2 status Bac08
0 Binary L1 - Compressor 3 status Bac15
0 Binary L1 - Compressor 4 status Bac22
0 Binary L1 - Compressor 5 status Bac28
0 Binary L1 - Compressor 6 status Bac34
0 Binary L1 - Compressor 7 status Bac41
0 Binary L1 - Compressor 8 status Bac46
0 Binary L1 - Compressor 9 status Bac51
0 Binary Chiller kp value for PID running Cab23
0 Binary Chiller ti value for PID running Cab23
0 Binary Chiller water inlet temperature on L1 Aa09
0 Binary Chiller water outlet temperature on L1 Aa09
0 Binary Chiller Anti freeze temperature on L1 Aa09
0 Binary Chiller anti freeze alarm threshold Gca11
0 Binary chiller anti freeze alarm ALA96
0 Binary chiller anti freeze ALA97
0 Binary Chiller flow switch warning (flow with pump running!) ALAa0
0 Binary High Chiller water inlet temperature alarm L1 ALAa3
0 Binary Low Chiller water inlet temperature alarm L1 ALAa3
0 Binary High Chiller water outlet temperature alarm L1 ALAa2
0 Binary Low Chiller water outlet temperature alarm L1 ALAa2
0 Binary Probe Alarm for Chiller water outlet Temperature on L1
0 Binary Chiller water inlet temp. probe broken or disconnected
0 Binary RPRV backup enabled MST ALAa7
0 Binary HPV backup enabled ALAa7
0 Binary Limit setted of integration is reached, warning enabled ALAa9
0 Binary Limit setted of integration is reached, warning enabled ALAa9
0 Binary L1 - Compressor 1 status Aa04
0 Binary L1 - Compressor 2 status Aa04
0 Binary L1 - Compressor inverter warning ALW03
0 Binary L1 - Compressor inverter 2 warning ALW07
0 Binary Or of all alarms
0 Binary Or all memory alarms
0 Binary L1 - Discharge pressure reading Bab75
0 Binary L1 - Heat Reclaim 1: water inlet temperature Eeaa04
0 Binary L1 - Heat Reclaim 1 temperature Eeaa03
0 Binary L1 - Heat Reclaim 2: water inlet temperature Eeaa14
0 Binary L1 - Heat Reclaim 2 regulation water outlet temperature Eeaa13
0 Binary L1 - Gas cooler bypassed temperature Eeaa27
LINE 2 Modb Modb Modb Modb
PV us Modbus
Deci Signe us us Bit us us
Function Code Type Read/Wri Addre Function
mal d Addre Positi Dime Lengt
Compressor Al_Generic_C1_L2 0 te
False Alarm OnlyRead 57 ss
57 0 16 16 Type Read
ss In on nsion h
Compressor Al_Generic_C2_L2 0 False Alarm OnlyRead 59 Out
59 0 16 16 DigitalInput
Compressor Al_Generic_C3_L2 0 False Alarm OnlyRead 67 67 0 16 16 DigitalInput
Compressor Al_Generic_C4_L2 0 False Alarm OnlyRead 68 68 0 16 16 DigitalInput
Compressor Al_Generic_C5_L2 0 False Alarm OnlyRead 105 105 0 16 16 DigitalInput
Compressor Al_Generic_C6_L2 0 False Alarm OnlyRead 107 107 0 16 16 DigitalInput
Compressor mAl_Prb_Suct_Press_L2_Mst 0 False Alarm OnlyRead 117 117 0 16 16 DigitalInput
Compressor mAl_Prb_Suct_Temp_L2_Mst 0 False Alarm OnlyRead 119 119 0 16 16 DigitalInput
Compressor mAl_Prb_Disch_Temp_L2_Mst 0 False Alarm OnlyRead 120 120 0 16 16 DigitalInput
Compressor AL_Low_Suct_Press_L2_Mst 0 False Alarm OnlyRead 123 123 0 16 16 DigitalInput
Compressor mAL_Com_Low_Press_L2_Mst 0 False Alarm OnlyRead 132 132 0 16 16 DigitalInput
Compressor mAL_Com_High_Press_L2_Mst 0 False Alarm OnlyRead 133 133 0 16 16 DigitalInput
Compressor Al_Generic_C7_L2 0 False Alarm OnlyRead 212 212 0 16 16 DigitalInput
Compressor Al_Generic_C10_L2 0 False Alarm OnlyRead 213 213 0 16 16 DigitalInput
Compressor Al_Generic_C11_L2 0 False Alarm OnlyRead 217 217 0 16 16 DigitalInput
Compressor Al_Generic_C8_L2 0 False Alarm OnlyRead 219 219 0 16 16 DigitalInput
Compressor Al_Generic_C12_L2 0 False Alarm OnlyRead 220 220 0 16 16 DigitalInput
Compressor Al_Generic_C9_L2 0 False Alarm OnlyRead 225 225 0 16 16 DigitalInput
Compressor AL_High_Suct_Press_L2_Mst 0 False Alarm OnlyRead 372 372 0 16 16 DigitalInput
Others AL_Liquid_Level_L2 0 False Alarm OnlyRead 437 437 0 16 16 DigitalInput
Compressor mAL_High_Cond_Press_L2_Mst 0 False Alarm OnlyRead 477 477 0 16 16 DigitalInput
Compressor mAL_Low_Cond_Press_L2_Mst 0 False Alarm OnlyRead 482 482 0 16 16 DigitalInput
Fan mAl_Fan6_L2_Mst 0 False Alarm OnlyRead 500 500 0 16 16 DigitalInput
Fan mAl_Fan5_L2_Mst 0 False Alarm OnlyRead 501 501 0 16 16 DigitalInput
Fan mAl_Fan7_L2_Mst 0 False Alarm OnlyRead 502 502 0 16 16 DigitalInput
Fan mAl_Fan8_L2_Mst 0 False Alarm OnlyRead 503 503 0 16 16 DigitalInput
Fan mAl_Fan9_L2_Mst 0 False Alarm OnlyRead 504 504 0 16 16 DigitalInput
Fan mAl_Fan10_L2_Mst 0 False Alarm OnlyRead 505 505 0 16 16 DigitalInput
Fan mAl_Fan11_L2_Mst 0 False Alarm OnlyRead 506 506 0 16 16 DigitalInput
Fan mAl_Fan12_L2_Mst 0 False Alarm OnlyRead 507 507 0 16 16 DigitalInput
Fan mAl_Fan13_L2_Mst 0 False Alarm OnlyRead 508 508 0 16 16 DigitalInput
Fan mAl_Fan14_L2_Mst 0 False Alarm OnlyRead 509 509 0 16 16 DigitalInput
Fan mAl_Fan15_L2_Mst 0 False Alarm OnlyRead 510 510 0 16 16 DigitalInput
Fan mAl_Fan16_L2_Mst 0 False Alarm OnlyRead 511 511 0 16 16 DigitalInput
Fan mAl_Fan4_L2_Mst 0 False Alarm OnlyRead 514 514 0 16 16 DigitalInput
Fan mAl_Fan3_L2_Mst 0 False Alarm OnlyRead 516 516 0 16 16 DigitalInput
Fan mAl_Fan2_L2_Mst 0 False Alarm OnlyRead 517 517 0 16 16 DigitalInput
Fan mAl_Fan1_L2_Mst 0 False Alarm OnlyRead 566 566 0 16 16 DigitalInput
Fan mAl_Prb_Cond_Press_L2_Mst 0 False Alarm OnlyRead 583 583 0 16 16 DigitalInput
Compressor Suct_Press_L2_Mst 1 True Analog OnlyRead 108 108 0 16 16 AnalogInput
Compressor Suct_Temp_Satur_L2 1 True Analog OnlyRead 109 109 0 16 16 AnalogInput
Compressor Suct_Temp_L2_Mst 1 True Analog OnlyRead 110 110 0 16 16 AnalogInput
Others Superheat_L2 1 True Analog OnlyRead 111 111 0 16 16 AnalogInput
Compressor Setpoint_Comp_Compens_L2 1 True Analog OnlyRead 112 112 0 16 16 AnalogInput
Fan Cond_Temp_Satur_L2 1 False Analog OnlyRead 114 114 0 16 16 AnalogInput
Compressor Disch_Temp_L2 1 False Analog OnlyRead 115 115 0 16 16 AnalogInput
Fan Cond_Press_L2_Mst 1 True Analog OnlyRead 124 124 0 16 16 AnalogInput
Compressor Setpoint_Comp_L2 1 True Analog ReadWrite 129 129 0 16 16 Holding
Compressor Reg_Comp_Diff_L2 1 True Analog ReadWrite 130 130 0 16 16 Holding
Fan Intercooler_Temp_L2_Mst 1 True Analog OnlyRead 166 166 0 16 16 Holding
Fan Setpoint_Fan_L2 1 True Analog ReadWrite 263 263 0 16 16 Holding
Fan Reg_Fan_Diff_L2 1 True Analog ReadWrite 283 283 0 16 16 Holding
Others Sys_On_L2 0 False Digital OnlyRead 139 139 0 16 1 DigitalInput
Compressor Comp1_L2 0 False Digital OnlyRead 178 178 0 16 16 DigitalInput
Compressor Comp2_L2 0 False Digital OnlyRead 179 179 0 16 16 DigitalInput
Compressor Comp3_L2 0 False Digital OnlyRead 180 180 0 16 16 DigitalInput
Compressor Comp4_L2 0 False Digital OnlyRead 181 181 0 16 16 DigitalInput
Compressor Comp5_L2 0 False Digital OnlyRead 182 182 0 16 16 DigitalInput
Compressor Comp6_L2 0 False Digital OnlyRead 183 183 0 16 16 DigitalInput
Others Superv_OnOff_L2 0 False Digital ReadWrite 192 192 0 16 16 Coil
Fan Fan7_L2 0 False Digital OnlyRead 520 520 0 16 16 Coil
Fan Fan8_L2 0 False Digital OnlyRead 521 521 0 16 16 Coil
Fan Fan9_L2 0 False Digital OnlyRead 522 522 0 16 16 Coil
Fan Fan10_L2 0 False Digital OnlyRead 523 523 0 16 16 Coil
Fan Fan11_L2 0 False Digital OnlyRead 524 524 0 16 16 Coil
Fan Fan12_L2 0 False Digital OnlyRead 525 525 0 16 16 Coil
Fan Fan13_L2 0 False Digital OnlyRead 526 526 0 16 16 Coil
Fan Fan14_L2 0 False Digital OnlyRead 527 527 0 16 16 Coil
Fan Fan15_L2 0 False Digital OnlyRead 528 528 0 16 16 Coil
Fan Fan16_L2 0 False Digital OnlyRead 529 529 0 16 16 Coil
Compressor Comp7_L2 0 False Digital OnlyRead 548 548 0 16 16 Coil
Compressor Comp8_L2 0 False Digital OnlyRead 549 549 0 16 16 Coil
Compressor Comp9_L2 0 False Digital OnlyRead 550 550 0 16 16 Coil
Compressor Comp10_L2 0 False Digital OnlyRead 551 551 0 16 16 Coil
Compressor Comp11_L2 0 False Digital OnlyRead 552 552 0 16 16 Coil
Compressor Comp12_L2 0 False Digital OnlyRead 553 553 0 16 16 Coil
Fan Fan6_L2 0 False Digital OnlyRead 567 567 0 16 16 Coil
Fan Fan5_L2 0 False Digital OnlyRead 568 568 0 16 16 Coil
Fan Fan4_L2 0 False Digital OnlyRead 569 569 0 16 16 Coil
Fan Fan3_L2 0 False Digital OnlyRead 570 570 0 16 16 Coil
Fan Fan2_L2 0 False Digital OnlyRead 571 571 0 16 16 Coil
Fan Fan1_L2 0 False Digital OnlyRead 572 572 0 16 16 Coil
Compressor Status_C7_L2 0 False Integer OnlyRead 5099 5099 0 16 16 AnalogInput
Fan Power_Percent_Fans_L2 0 False Integer OnlyRead 5113 5391 0 16 16 AnalogInput
Fan Power_Percent_Cmps_L2 0 False Integer OnlyRead 5121 5121 0 16 16 AnalogInput
Compressor Status_C1_L2 0 False Integer OnlyRead 5360 5360 0 16 16 AnalogInput
Compressor Status_C1_L2 0 False Integer OnlyRead 5360 5360 0 16 16 AnalogInput
Compressor Status_C2_L2 0 False Integer OnlyRead 5361 5361 0 16 16 AnalogInput
Compressor Status_C3_L2 0 False Integer OnlyRead 5362 5362 0 16 16 AnalogInput
Compressor Status_C4_L2 0 False Integer OnlyRead 5363 5363 0 16 16 AnalogInput
Compressor Status_C5_L2 0 False Integer OnlyRead 5364 5364 0 16 16 AnalogInput
Compressor Status_C6_L2 0 False Integer OnlyRead 5365 5365 0 16 16 AnalogInput
Compressor Status_C8_L2 0 False Integer OnlyRead 5366 5366 0 16 16 AnalogInput
Compressor Status_C9_L2 0 False Integer OnlyRead 5367 5367 0 16 16 AnalogInput
Compressor Status_C10_L2 0 False Integer OnlyRead 5368 5368 0 16 16 AnalogInput
Compressor Status_C11_L2 0 False Integer OnlyRead 5369 5369 0 16 16 AnalogInput
Compressor Status_C12_L2 0 False Integer OnlyRead 5370 5370 0 16 16 AnalogInput
Compressor Inverter_Fan_Out_Msk_L2 0 True Integer OnlyRead 5408 5408 0 16 16 AnalogInput
Compressor Percent_Power_C1_L2 0 False Integer OnlyRead 5103 5103 0 16 16 AnalogInput
Compressor Percent_Power_C2_L2 0 False Integer OnlyRead 5104 5104 0 16 16 AnalogInput
Compressor Inverter_Comp_Warn_L2_Mst 0 False Alarm OnlyRead 175 175 0 16 16 DigitalInput
Compressor Inverter_Comp2_Warn_L2_Mst 0 False Alarm OnlyRead 838 838 0 16 16 DigitalInput
Compressor Disch_Press_Prb_L2_Mst 0 True Analog OnlyRead 198 198 0 16 16 AnalogInput
A B Encod
Function Description EN Mask Index
Value Value ing
Type Write
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Generic alarm for compressor 1 ALC96
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Generic alarm for compressor 2 ALC96
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Generic alarm for compressor 3 ALC96
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Generic alarm for compressor 4 ALC96
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Generic alarm for compressor 5 ALC96
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Generic alarm for compressor 6 ALC96
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Suction pressure probe alarm ALA29
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Suction temperature probe alarm ALA30
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Discharge temperature probe alarm ALA28
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Low suction pressure alarm ALB18
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - alarmLow suction pressure alarm from pressosta ALB08
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - alarm High condensing pressure alarm from pres ALB09
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Generic alarm for compressor 7 ALC96
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Generic alarm for compressor 10 ALC96
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Generic alarm for compressor 11 ALC96
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Generic alarm for compressor 8 ALC96
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Generic alarm for compressor 12 ALC96
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Generic alarm for compressor 9 ALC96
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - High suction pressure alarm ALB17
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Liquid level alarm ALB12
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - High condensing pressure alarm ALB16
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Low condensing pressure alarm mAL_Low_Cond_Press_L2_Mst
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - alarm fan 6 ALF02
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - alarm fan 5 ALF02
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - alarm fan 7 ALF02
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - alarm fan 8 ALF02
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - alarm fan 9 ALF02
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - alarm fan 10 ALF02
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - alarm fan 11 ALF02
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - alarm fan 12 ALF02
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - alarm fan 13 ALF02
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - alarm fan 14 ALF02
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - alarm fan 15 ALF02
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - alarm fan 16 ALF02
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - alarm fan 4 ALF02
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - alarm fan 3 ALF02
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - alarm fan 2 ALF02
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - alarm fan 1 ALF02
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Condensing pressure probe alarm ALA27
SingleHolding 0.1 0 Binary L2 - Suction pressure Aa32
SingleHolding 0.1 0 Binary L2 - Saturated suction temperature Aa32
SingleHolding 0.1 0 Binary L2 - Suction temperature Bab07
SingleHolding 0.1 0 Binary L2 - Superheat Aa35
SingleHolding 0.1 0 Binary L2 - Suction working setpoint Aa32
SingleHolding 0.1 0 Binary L2 - Saturated condensing temperature Aa50
SingleHolding 0.1 0 Binary L2 - Discharge temperature Bab48/Cbaao
SingleHolding 0.1 0 Binary L2 - Condensing pressure Bab08/Dba39
SingleHolding 0.1 0 Binary L2 - Suction setpoint Cbb03
SingleHolding 0.1 0 Binary L2 - Suction differential Ab04
SingleHolding 0.1 0 Binary L2 - Intercooler regulation temperature master variab Bab73/Dba42
SingleHolding 0.1 0 Binary L2 - Condensing setpoint Dbb03
SingleHolding 0.1 0 Binary L2 - Condensing regulation differential Dbb07
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Unit status is ON Ac02
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Compressor 1 ON/OFF status Bac73
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Compressor 2 ON/OFF status Bac79
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Compressor 3 ON/OFF status Bac86
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Compressor 4 ON/OFF status Bac92
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Compressor 5 ON/OFF status Bacaa
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Compressor 6 ON/OFF status Bacag
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - ON/OFF via Supervisor Superv_OnOff_L2
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Fan 7 status Bacct
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Fan 8 status Baccu
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Fan 9 status Baccv
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Fan 10 status Baccw
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Fan 11 status Baccx
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Fan 12 status Baccy
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Fan 13 status Baccz
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Fan 14 status Bacda
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Fan 15 status Bacdb
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Fan 16 status Bacdc
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Compressor 7 ON/OFF status Bacan
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Compressor 8 ON/OFF status Bacas
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Compressor 9 ON/OFF status Bacax
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Compressor 10 ON/OFF status Bacbc
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Compressor 11 ON/OFF status Bacbi
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Compressor 12 ON/OFF status Bacbm
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Fan 6 status Baccs
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Fan 5 status Baccr
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Fan 4 status Baccq
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Fan 3 status Baccp
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Fan 2 status Bacco
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Fan 1 status Baccn
SingleHolding 1 0 Binary L2 - Compressor 7 status Bacan
SingleHolding 1 0 Binary L2 - Active fans power percent Aa52
SingleHolding 1 0 Binary L2 - Active compressors power percent Aa33
SingleHolding 1 0 Binary L2 - Compressor 1 status Bac73
SingleHolding 1 0 Binary L2 - Compressor 2 status Bac73
SingleHolding 1 0 Binary L2 - Compressor 3 status Bac79
SingleHolding 1 0 Binary L2 - Compressor 4 status Bac86
SingleHolding 1 0 Binary L2 - Compressor 5 status Bac92
SingleHolding 1 0 Binary L2 - Compressor 6 status Bacaa
SingleHolding 1 0 Binary L2 - Compressor 7 status Bacag
SingleHolding 1 0 Binary L2 - Compressor 8 status Bacas
SingleHolding 1 0 Binary L2 - Compressor 9 status Bacax
SingleHolding 1 0 Binary L2 - Compressor 10 status Bacbc
SingleHolding 1 0 Binary L2 - Compressor 11 status Bacbh
SingleHolding 1 0 Binary L2 - Compressor 12 status Bacbm
SingleHolding 1 0 Binary L2 - Percentuale attivazione inverter ventilatori Bad10/Dba37
SingleHolding 1 0 Binary L2 - Compressor 1 status Aa34
SingleHolding 1 0 Binary L2 - Compressor 2 status Aa34
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Compressor inverter warning ALW04
SingleCoil 1 0 Binary L2 - Compressor inverter 2 warning ALW08
SingleHolding 0.1 0 Binary L1 - Discharge pressure reading

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