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SECTION-A Wat £0 he Ak hag Me ew Product — aa rot Note: Atompt any fve questions. St0e¢ devtcomentn earl may, fare or eat or rg SE ATT ne eg, 1. Explain th 0090 ofemational Marketing ee sees Pret 38 ards a ce ae reer Zire | * Semen ttn etc tty, Seve RT & to ra ‘PR A (cis) es 4a WHY do firs go ternaona 7 Expainwih hag ‘hate You understand by Special Econeie ane? of examples from Indian Context, ete sai or ane ar ama & > Pathe wel site rr meh? aretha aap What do you mean by Letter of Cred 2 Beet A ee Remo omer ag) ‘rer 8 omver ae ered? 4 State various steps involved in intemational sales for ‘What ae the main objectives of WTO 2 managerient FECA oh om otee 87 sions Rowe afer zat ware Ft 9. Is intematonal mareting necessary 7 Explain ath a ork ar 7a siete nora areeees 2 ree @) OB.6614 @) PPro} LL.B.-66/4 4 LL B.66/4 ‘tempt any two guests. 250-5 feel et wet re ANE Define international Business, Difrentiate betwee, Intemational rade and domestic rade keer eae We HO keer ote ata ae # aha sie ee ATE Explain the nature and characterises of nematon, Marketing and Business. feta fm arr 3 eg te RA ‘area @ Explain the need and importance of internation marketing ieee Fer af ee EE eee HR Explain te International Promotion mixwih exam fre ae Peer ah ere aR HTT 4) Rollo... 66 [BBALLB. (Fourth Semester) Examination 2030 INTERNATIONAL MARKETING AND Fine: Two Hours 90 BUSINESS, {Maximum Marks; 100, Minimum Pas Marks 36 [ote The queston papers aided ino two pars - Pana and Part’ Pat’ caries lta ten (10) marks (10) questons of Par caries total four (08) questons of twenty ve (25) marks each chided among Four unis, with each uni carrying one (01) quaston, “Answer any five (05) questions trom Part’ and any ‘wo (02) questions trom pet’ ve neva & srt # fear rt Te Ser Ba wer a (0) FS BT (10) BR sr 9 a (0s) eet Rea GH AT (OTT 2, Sea ay et (a5) Feo Br ‘ar Pat i (osprey eH eB feel (ne 8 om aA a Pro. ote 66490 PART-A ; (arr ai) Answer any five quesbons. (51059, eat ta net & ore A Describe the nature fintemational marketing, air (hat are the ype of international business 2 sie aren sare en B 2 2 'sietematonal marketing necessary? Why 2 Fr okra Prone ome & 7 ait 7 p. Wt anole on the working of IM SR 3h ae oe Reh ft Note: What are the objectives of WTO 2 RE. 8 om shea 8? 16499 What do you mean by Letter of Crag wa oH 8 SI ar ame & > Bil of lading isan important document in interational business, How Write a note on commercial invoice, aR SO oe Ce Reo Fett, Deseribe the $2008 of inteatonal business, ‘siarigfa area & ay ay Ti ar What do you know about Special Economic Zone 7 Pitt os a & at 3 om ar orm & 7 Parte (Ta) ‘item any two questions 61490 st re a SEAT ATO er te RT A HET a sje cequirement (07 : rast , rd ae & Fre ee TET HS ere reer wE 1s mean by Foreign Exchange Maret eae pee rn er one EA 7 TR aad a of Fre petine Muit-national Corporat sevarlages and dsadventages ? age Fo a a rl eo eT jon. What are i ay RotNo, 66 B.B.A.LL. B. (Rive Year Integrated Course) (Fourth Semester) EXAMINATION, 2019 Paper Second INTERNATIONAL MARKETING AND BUSINESS Time : Three Hours} {Maxum Marks : 100 Note : The question paper is divided into two Parts—Pant "A" and Part ‘BY. Par“A’ caries eight (08) ‘questions of four (0) marks each, Part“B? cares ‘otal eight (0) questions of twenty (20) marks each, Aivided among four Unis, with each Unit carrying ‘wo questions. Answer any fv (08) questions fom PPart“A" and choosing one question (1) from each Unita total of four (04) questions fom Part“B We revs at § aes Bane a ser a SVL arr ar oR mer aR os tet SGA ore (otis) P.7.0. me Note: tempt any fie questions, "+ PRetGovoumean by Iain Marketing» 2 BI i (a) a Bane Fe ay wade meandrtny eter oC? 35 0) We Ff we ay sree a oa Pit 817 A AOA He) red a a iin tec ea Mastin nd Busines pa Soa oh omy a 4 Fe (oy) cea oe ee 2? erm) Fara Pata (3) (rr) Note: Attempt on question fom each Uni ete Fore 8 OF oT oR iE) Art sta re & oe unrr—y ay aa rh 8 > 7 oe gre Rooms a aeeETRT TE | feet é bal _ ‘Wt short otro the folowing: italy examine te pest ag of fg). iofLading inastotr for expr prmain. Conmerial invoice Dole cate # ft sais aay ser archers va oe wNT3 6) aa ar (eit) () aitine erate (ahifieer store) 411, What are the objectives of Intemational | Reconstston “and Devenpment hy crane manage sige pain ed Rove fo & a; B98 Wor Tea Rte wie) o What do = atop men yf exchange RA RR any wer wend #7

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