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18 Augmented Reality as a Means

of Job Task Training in Aviation

Nikolas D. Macchiarella, Dahai Liu, and Dennis A. Vincenzi


Augmented Reality (AR)................................................................................................................ 334

Historical Overview: AR and Training.......................................................................................... 334
Cognition and AR........................................................................................................................... 338
Elaboration and Recall........................................................................................................ 338
Spatial Relations.................................................................................................................. 339
Memory Channels and AR.................................................................................................. 341
Knowledge Development and Training Transfer............................................................................ 342
What is the Future of Job Training—Training on the Job Literally?.............................................344
Conclusion .....................................................................................................................................346

Historically, the aviation industry expends significant amounts of time and resources training and
retraining its workforce to perform psychomotor and cognitive maintenance tasks necessary to
keep aircraft safely flying (Ott, 1995). The industry continues to dedicate a substantial amount of
its effort and capital ensuring that its workforce is prepared to maintain modern and complex air-
craft systems. Despite the rapid advances in computer-based training technologies (e.g., augmented
reality [AR]), aviation maintenance workers presently participate in job task training in traditional
face-to-face settings that would be familiar to aviation maintenance workers from generations past.
Changing the manner in which aviation maintenance workers are trained, with the goal of captur-
ing the positive effects associated with computer-based training technologies, has the potential to
optimize training.
Airframe and Powerplant (A&P) certified mechanics are serving as the primary workers in
the nation’s aviation industry. The United States General Accounting Office (2003) completed a
study that highlights the need for curriculum reform by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
for the training and certification of A&P mechanics. A relatively large number of workers in the
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aviation maintenance field possess an A&P license. The number of A&P mechanics in the U.S.
labor market is not forecasted to meet the industry’s needs by 2010 (U.S. General Accounting
Office, 2003). A panel convened by the U.S. General Accounting Office (2003) cited the current
curriculum for being “obsolete geared to smaller less complex aircraft …” (p. 1). Within the next
several years, institutions training future aviation maintenance workers will receive a new curricu-
lum for training A&P mechanics. This new curriculum will address the modern complexities of
systems and materials being used in aircraft. This change of curriculum, combined with significant
cost in resources and time necessary to train and retrain aviation maintenance workers, creates an
opportunity to change the fundamental nature of instructional delivery systems (IDS) being used in
the aviation maintenance training field. AR has the potential to help the aviation industry meet its
training need due to its visual-spatial dynamic that is analogous to a spatial graphical user interface
(GUI) (Majoros and Boyle, 1997; Majoros and Neumann, 2001; Neumann and Majoros, 1998).


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334 Human Factors in Simulation and Training

Several key factors are associated with training aviation workers: aviation maintenance work
tasks require a high level of knowledge in the field, from entry level (i.e., novice) to the highly
skilled level (i.e., expert); the FAA rigidly regulates training curriculum and certification of work-
ers; workers perform work tasks at irregular intervals (e.g., replacing an oil pump on a turbine
engine may only occur once in 5 years); and when workers fail to perform work tasks properly, the
consequences could be dire. Aviation accidents in general, often result in the loss of human life and
large-scale destruction of property. Highlighting the consequences of improper maintenance, the
National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) determined that the crash of Alaska Airlines Flight
261 in January 2000 was due to maintenance irregularities (U.S. General Accounting Office, 2003).
The FAA licenses and regulates aviation maintenance workers as part of its effort to ensure safe
aviation operations and protect the public in general.
The FAA originally developed its core curriculum for repairing and maintaining aircraft over
50 years ago (U.S. General Accounting Office, 2003). Aviation maintenance workers inspect and
repair engines, landing gear, instruments, pressurized sections, and other parts of the aircraft. Addi-
tionally, they conduct routine maintenance and replacement of parts; repair surfaces for both sheet
metal and composite materials; and inspect for corrosion, distortion, and cracks in the fuselage,
wings, and tail. While performing maintenance, A&P mechanics test parts and equipment to ensure
that they are working properly and then certify that the aircraft is ready to return to service. Avia-
tion maintenance workers often work under time pressure to maintain flight schedules. The major-
ity of them obtain an A&P license through certification by the FAA. Those who do not possess an
A&P license can only perform maintenance tasks under the direct supervision of an A&P-licensed
mechanic. Candidates for the A&P license must successfully complete a minimum of 1900 hours
of classroom instruction at any of the 175 FAA-approved aviation maintenance technician schools
or acquire documented evidence that they have at least 30 months of on-the-job training (e.g., ser-
vice as an aviation mechanic in the military), or show evidence detailing work experience with
aircrafts’ engines and bodies. After meeting the requisites for licensing, A&P candidates must pass
written and oral tests and demonstrate through a practical test that they can perform maintenance
tasks (U.S. General Accounting Office, 2003). Any instructional delivery system or new learning
paradigm that has a significant positive effect on aviation maintenance workers during their initial
training or retraining after receiving an A&P license could reduce training time and costs, helping
to meet the industry’s need for trained workers.

Augmented Reality (AR)

AR presents a visual-spatial dynamic that may elicit efficiencies during aviation maintenance train-
ing (Macchiarella, 2004; Neumann and Majoros, 1998; Valimont, 2002). AR applications that
deliver composite virtual and real scenes during aviation maintenance training are analogous to the
spatial GUI that now dominates human–computer interaction, and may aid attention, memory, and
Copyright © 2008. Taylor & Francis Group. All rights reserved.

recall (Neumann and Majoros, 1998). However, AR is an emerging technology, and essentially very
little research regarding its effectiveness as a training paradigm has been conducted. Consequently,
new research is constantly expanding the body of knowledge of the technologies necessary to bring
AR into the real world for application (Azuma, 2004).

Historical Overview: AR and Training

Essential to understanding the concept of AR is the need to distinguish between real objects, virtual
objects, and objects that display characteristics of both reality and virtuality. Milgram and Kishino
(1994) effectively defined AR and placed it into a mixed-reality continuum (see Figure 18.1). Mil-
gram’s virtuality continuum is useful for categorizing surroundings as perceived by the human
mind. On one end of the continuum is the real environment. It is comprised of real objects that have
an actual existence. The virtual environment at the other end of the continuum comprises objects

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Augmented Reality as a Means of Job Task Training in Aviation 335

Mixed Reality

Real Augmented Augmented Virtual

Environment Reality Virtuality Environment

Figure 18.1 Milgram’s reality–virtuality continuum. (Adapted from Milgram, P., and Kishino, F.,
1994. A taxonomy of mixed reality visual displays. IEICE Transactions Information Systems, E77-D(12),

that exist in essence or effect but not in a formal or actual state of being. Between these two ends
lies the world of mixed-reality (Azuma, 1997; Azuma et al., 2001; Billinghurst, Kato, and Poupyrev,
2001; Milgram and Kishino, 1994). The distinction between varying degrees of reality and virtual-
ity are not significant in terms of human interaction with the mixed-reality world. However, from
a technical perspective for creating a mixed-reality world, varying degrees of reality and virtuality
are significant. It is more difficult to bring virtual elements into real environmental settings (viz.,
outside a laboratory setting) than it is to bring a real environment object into a computer-generated
virtual environment scene (e.g., using one’s hand, fitted with a haptic input device, to grasp a virtual
object). Effectively, AR is any scene or case in which the real environment is supplemented by using
computer-generated graphics.
Azuma’s (1997) monograph defines AR as a variation of virtual environments (VEs) and
provides detailed information on all key aspects of AR-based systems. VEs are more commonly
referred to as virtual reality (VR). Users of VE technologies are fully immersed in a synthetic envi-
ronment. An AR system supplements the real world with virtual (i.e., computer-generated) objects
that appear to coexist in the same space as the real world. Azuma (2001) defines AR systems as
having the following properties: combines real and virtual objects in a real environment, runs inter-
actively, runs in real-time, and registers (i.e., aligns) real and virtual objects with each other. AR is a
machine vision and computer graphics technology that merges real and virtual objects into unified,
spatially integrated scenes. Azuma (Azuma, 1997; Azuma et al., 2001) deconstructs all AR systems
into three subsystems: scene generator, display device, and tracking–sensing device. He clearly
defines AR as its own field of study due to AR’s unique blending of computer-generated worlds and
the real world to form a new world for humans to function within.
AR systems fall into either one of two categories (Feiner, MacIntyre, and Hollerer, 1997;
Kalawsky, Stedmon, Hill, and Cook, 2000). The categories are: optical-based technologies (see
Figure 18.2) and video-based technologies (see Figure 18.3). Optical-based systems typically
employ a head-mounted display (HMD) that is comprised of see-through lenses that enable the user
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Head Graphic
Head Tracker images
Scene locations


Figure 18.2 Simple schematic of an optical see-through HMD AR system. (Adapted from Azuma, R. T,
1997. A survey of augmented reality. Presence, 6(4), 355–385.)

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336 Human Factors in Simulation and Training

Stereo glasses
Monitor (optional)

Locations Video cameras

Video of
real world

generator Graphic Combiner

Figure 18.3  Simple schematic of a monitor-based AR system. (Adapted from Azuma, R. T., 1997. A sur-
vey of augmented reality. Presence, 6(4), 355–385.)

to see the real world with the virtual world projected on combiner lenses positioned in front of the
eye. The combiner lenses are partially transmissive, enabling the user to look directly through them
to see the real world. The user sees the virtual world superimposed over the physical view of the real
world. Video-based systems use video cameras that provide the user a view of the real world. Video
from these cameras is combined with the graphic images created by a scene-generating computer
to blend the real and virtual worlds. The result is sent to the monitors in front of the user’s eyes in a
closed-view HMD or to a traditional computer monitor.
Fishkin, Gujar, Harrison, Moran, and Want (2000) propose that AR-like systems have the
potential to transform human–computer interaction as drastically as the GUI-transformed comput-
ing. They state that “the physical configuration of computational devices is a major determinant
of their usability” (p. 75). The authors highlight that traditional physical interaction with com-
puters is limited. Humans primarily interact with computers through a pointing device, display,
buttons, or keys. This means that the human–computer interaction is identified as the windows,
icons, menus, and pointing devices (WIMP) approach (Shneiderman, 1998). Applying the uses of a
piece of paper by humans as a metaphor for the human–computer interaction, humans use paper in
numerous and varying ways while recording data, including writing, flipping, thumbing, bending,
and creasing. Humans have developed dexterity, skills, and practices that are not brought fully to
bear on computational device interfaces; human interaction with paper is more varied than typical
human–computer interaction.
Billinghurst and Kato (2002) provide an overview of the technologies associated with creat-
ing AR and some of the possible applications for enhancing collaborative work in educational
settings. The authors use scenes from the movie Star Wars as a metaphor. In Star Wars, charac-
ters communicate with each other, across great distances, while observing computer-generated
Copyright © 2008. Taylor & Francis Group. All rights reserved.

and projected three-dimensional (3-D) life-size virtual images. These images are superimposed
on the real world. The authors cite these scenes as foreshadowing collaborative AR. They state
that the long-term goal of AR research is to make it possible for the real world and virtual world
to blend seamlessly together; real and virtual worlds would become indistinguishable from one
Billinghurst, Kato, and Poupyrev (2000) discuss a technology and its implications for collabora-
tive learning through the use of AR. The authors developed “The MagicBook” to explore the use of
AR to bring text-based books to life with virtual animations. The reader, or readers when used in
a collaborative learning environment, read the book while looking through a handheld see-through
display. The handheld see-through display is similar to a heads-up display in a fighter aircraft. As
the reader observes pages, virtual 3-D avatars and images appear on the book page and act out
scenes that are described in the text. This article illustrates the stunning technology available to
transform two-dimensional (2-D) books into the “third dimension.”

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Augmented Reality as a Means of Job Task Training in Aviation 337

Neumann and Majoros (1998) provide a review of cognitive studies and analyses relating to how
AR interacts with human abilities. They describe how these AR-enhanced human abilities may ben-
efit manufacturing and maintenance tasks. The authors describe possible applications for AR and a
prototype system designed to facilitate aviation worker training and performance of aviation main-
tenance tasks. They state that AR has a considerable effect on recall by establishing to-be-recalled
items in a highly memorable framework; by using AR to develop scenes in an easy-to-remember
framework, AR can complement human information processing. This complement can reveal itself
in training efficiency applicable to a wide variety of maintenance tasks. The authors provide a list
of potential AR uses and state that the possible applications of AR are nearly limitless.
Majoros and Neumann (2001) propose that AR can complement human information ­processing
during the performance of aviation maintenance tasks (e.g., on-orbit maintenance procedures). They
provide analysis of cognitive models that suggest that scenes merging real and synthetic ­features
(i.e., AR) will complement human information processing by controlling attention, ­ supporting
short- and long-term memory, and aiding information integration. They state that applications
of AR enable immediate access to information; immediate access to information is akin to an
expert’s retrieval from short-term memory or well-encoded long-term memory. Easy interaction
with the design interface should allow rehearsals and stable links between graphics and the real
Yeh and Wickens (2001) report their findings regarding an application of AR as a means of
providing “intelligent cueing.” Intelligent cueing is the application of AR to a scene assumed to be
important by a computer-based optical searching assistant. In their experiment, the authors used
16 participants actively serving in the U.S. Army or U.S. Marine Corps. Participants were presented
with a high-definition virtual-reality scene of a desert environment. Virtual targets were placed
into the scene and were observable by the participant and the computer-based optical searching
assistant. Reliability of cueing was manipulated between 100% and 75% reliability to help the
authors develop inferences regarding cue reliability and detection behavior (i.e., detection distance
and accuracy). The researchers defined reliability as the degree of accuracy the cue provided to
the participant as it pointed to the virtual object in the desert scene (e.g., cueing that is 75% reliable
accurately points to the virtual target three out of four times). Unreliable cueing was found to induce
the cognitive response of disuse of the cue. Reliable cueing was found to induce user reliance on
the cue, or in some cases, overuse.
Kalawsky, Stedmon, Hill, and Cook (2000) provide a brief background of AR to define terms
and provide information on psychological and physiological aspects associated with AR. They high-
light that AR does not have to be a purely visual augmentation; additionally, it may encompass the
use of other sensory modalities. One of the sensory modalities highlighted is the use of 3-D sound
to provide enhanced spatial awareness. The authors do make a key point that AR is not widely used
due to technical problems associated with registering the virtual world to the real world. Registra-
tion is the process of creating one coherent scene. It is a difficult process outside static settings such
Copyright © 2008. Taylor & Francis Group. All rights reserved.

as those found in laboratories.

Poupyrev et al. (2002) report on their development of a “tile” system approach to implementing
an AR environment. Each tile has a unique marker that a computer-based AR system can recognize
and then use to render a virtual image as an overlay on a real-world scene. The authors positioned
the tiles on a magnetic whiteboard to demonstrate an application for the rapid prototyping of an
aircraft instrument panel. In addition to tiles replicating aircraft instruments, the authors included
tiles with the functionalities of delete, copy, and help. These “functionality” tiles enabled the user
to manipulate the AR environment in a manner similar to the way icons interact with the common
GUI found on personal computers.
Several studies identify that the development of AR environments for training purposes is an
inherently interdisciplinary pursuit (Macchiarella, 2004, 2005; Macchiarella, Gangadharan, Liu,
Majoros, and Vincenzi, 2005; Vincenzi et al., 2003). The design of an effective AR environment
entails incorporating theories of computer design, empirical research in several fields, the nature

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338 Human Factors in Simulation and Training

of human perceptual and cognitive systems, reasoning with diverse forms of information, human
learning under varying situations, technology for presenting information to the human user, and
getting information to and from the user and the computer in an effective manner. Developing an
understanding of human abilities and complementary applications of AR to create mixed-reality
worlds is an essential element in the design of any AR learning environment that complements
human cognitive activity. Vincenzi and Gangadharan (2001) identify distinctive human abilities as
being able to:

• Detect meaningful stimuli and patterns

• Integrate information within and between sensory modalities (e.g., sight, sound, and smell
as indicators of condition)
• Compare information/events to standards
• Perform qualitative judgments

They identify complementary applications of AR annotations as follows:

• Tethering virtual annotations to real-world work pieces minimizes the need to search
for information.
• Virtual images can provide examples of correct conditions.
• Markers or flags can direct attention to specific real-world work piece features.
• Virtual annotations can influence the users’ anticipation, (e.g., knowledge of possible
defects with the real-world work piece.
• With input options, users can obtain the desired level of information detail for the work task.
• Virtual objects offer an easy-to-use interface for recording work task steps.

AR is a relatively new field within the computer science field of study, and its nature is inherently
interdisciplinary. The concept of augmenting an observer’s perception of reality has age-old roots
(Stapleton, Hughes, Moshell, Micikevicius, and Altman, 2002). Reality alteration or augmentation
was, and still is, used by magicians and entertainers in the form of illusions and other gimmicks
to bewilder, amaze, and entertain. The desired goal is to make people perceive ordinary objects in
extraordinary ways. The modern development of computer-based AR has the ability to bewilder,
amaze, and entertain. However, commercial applications of AR designed with the goal of improv-
ing education, training, and work task performance can create a new mixed-reality world incon-
ceivable just a few decades ago. AR requires connecting reality with imagination to make people
perceive ordinary objects in extraordinary ways.

Cognition and AR
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Elaboration and Recall

Ormrod (1999) and Haberlandt (1997) identify key aspects of elaboration and recall. The manner in
which information is encoded and retained determines how easy it will be to retrieve for future use.
Cues can be used to aid this retrieval immediately and for the long term from memory. Although
not yet thoroughly tested, researchers have theorized that AR-based learning may inherently pos-
sess a great potential for facilitating retention of learned material to be retrieved later for real-world
application during work tasks (Macchiarella, 2004; Majoros and Neumann, 2001; Valimont, 2002).
AR-based learning can affect many more modalities of human senses than present learning para-
digms. By complementing human associative information processing, and aiding information inte-
gration through multimodal sensory elaboration by the use of visual-spatial, verbal, proprioceptive,
and tactile memory while the learner is performing a knowledge acquisition task, AR can enable
increased elaboration during the time the learner participates in an AR-based learning environment

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Augmented Reality as a Means of Job Task Training in Aviation 339

(Bjork and Bjork, 1996; Majoros and Neumann, 2001; Vincenzi et al., 2003). Hypothesizing that
the uses of text labels in AR scenes serve as cues for retrieval is consistent with the Tulving and
Osler (1968) study. The study found that, when subjects studied a list of words with an associated
mnemonic aid (i.e., cue word), they had a significantly higher level of recall as compared to a group
that did not use a cue word. Applying the same principle to the AR environment, virtual text labels
appearing on real-world objects serve as a word cue, or mnemonic, for the object.
Elaboration is the process by which one expands upon new information by creating multiple
associations among the incoming information. Stein, Littlefield, Bransford, and Persampieri (1984)
conducted research to determine the effectiveness of elaboration on immediate recall. They found
that, when the elaborative cue was closely related to the to-be-recalled material (e.g., information
to-be-recalled, the strong man read a book; the cue, about weight lifting), the learners displayed a
significantly higher level of recall. With regard to educational practice and cues, Reigeluth (1999)
defines four key elements of elaboration: selection, sequencing, synthesizing, and summarizing of
the subject-matter content. It draws from different sensory inputs and past information already held
in long-term memory. In terms of learning procedural tasks, the learner focuses on sequential steps
to help select and sequence acquisition of knowledge in a manner that will optimize attainment.
Elaboration has been shown to greatly improve the encoding and retention of newly acquired infor-
mation. When precise cues are applied in AR scenes (i.e., virtual text annotations naming functions
and components of a real-world object) higher levels of recall can be anticipated.
Mayer (1992) provides a brief monograph of psychology theory and research. He begins with
E. L. Thorndike’s work (1905) and concludes by citing contemporary authors who address the
application of cognitive psychology in educational practice. He ties together developments in
the fields of psychology and learning theory to show the origins of recent educational practice.
The author concludes that the behaviorist influences in educational practice are waning, and
educational practice based on cognitive psychology is prevailing.
Research has shown that retrieval and recall of learned information is most effective when
the similarities between the learning environment and the task environment are maximized.
­Meaningful learning occurs when the learner has relevant prior knowledge to form a frame of
reference from which to draw (Bjork and Bjork, 1996; Knowles, 1984; Stein, Littlefield, Bransford,
and ­Persampieri, 1984). Elaboration, within domains of knowledge the users are familiar with, may
be one of the key strengths associated with using AR in learning settings. In terms of elaboration
and recall, AR may have the ability to facilitate the sequencing of ideas that will assist in learning
­cognitive and complex psychomotor tasks (e.g., isolating a fault in an aircraft electrical system).

Spatial Relations
Spatial cognition (i.e., cognitive functioning that enables the ability to process and interpret visual
information regarding the location of objects in an environment—often referred to as visual-spatial
Copyright © 2008. Taylor & Francis Group. All rights reserved.

ability) relates the representation of spatial information (e.g., location) in memory. Spatial informa-
tion has been found to be an extremely powerful form of elaboration for establishing associations
in memory that facilitate recall. Researchers have found that spatial information is automatically
processed when visual scenes are encoded into long-term memory (Lovelace and Southall, 1983;
Neumann and Majoros, 1998; Pezdek and Evans, 1979).
Pezdek and Evans (1979) conducted four experiments to assess the role of verbal and visual pro-
cessing in memory for aspects of a simulated, real-world spatial display. Participants viewed a 3-D
model of a city with 16 buildings that were placed on the display. The buildings were represented on
the model with, or without, an accompanying name label on each building. The participants studied
the display and subsequently were tested on recall and recognition of the building names, ­picture
recognition of the buildings, and spatial memory for where the buildings were located within the
model. Overall, picture recognition accuracy was low, and the presence of a name label on each
building significantly reduced picture recognition accuracy but improved location recognition

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340 Human Factors in Simulation and Training

­accuracy. The authors concluded that spatial location information was not encoded independently
of verbal and visual identity information. In this study, labeling facilitated location identification
accuracy. It did not significantly affect visual recognition. The authors’ real-world spatial display
(i.e., 3-D model) in several ways is comparable to the AR environment. AR environments are
inherently 3-D in nature. The real-world objects occupy three dimensions of space, and the virtual
­component of the scene can be rendered to present a 3-D appearance.
Saariluoma and Kalakoski (1997) conducted four experiments to test the effects of imagery
on the long-term working memory of skilled chess players. The purpose of their experimentation
was to gain insights on effects of visual and auditory inputs on game play. The authors hypothesized
that the visual modality would have the most significant effect on how chess players form mental
images of game play. The authors concluded that skilled imagery is built on long-term ­working-
memory retrieval structures and that effective transformation of information between these retrieval
structures and visual working memory is required to construct complex mental images. Expert
chess players are better able to construct complex mental images of task-specific materials than less
skilled chess players. Regardless of modality of information transmission, the chess move is trans-
formed into visuospatial code and stored as such by the chess player. Participants in AR learning
environments view scenes that contain both the real-world object being studied and the correspond-
ing virtual overlay. It is reasonable to believe that these mixed-reality scenes are encoded into long-
term memory as one integrated scene and, when the scene is recalled, a transformation to long-term
working memory is required to construct mental images in the visual working memory. Should this
effect prove true, participants in AR-based learning would demonstrate significantly higher levels
of recall when compared to participants using traditional forms of learning.
Nakamura (1994) describes research conducted to measure the effect, on recall, of different
types of spatial relations. The spatial relations are grouped into three categories: scene-expected,
scene-unexpected, and scene-irrelevant. The author’s findings contribute to the body of knowledge
dealing with spatial relations with regard to attention and recall. When spatial scenes incorporate
elements that are not naturally associated with the scene, viewer attention is drawn to the scene.
When the scene contains multiple surprising but naturally occurring elements, the viewers demon-
strate higher levels of recall. Application of these findings can facilitate learner recall in various
training and educational settings.
Phaf and Wolters (1993) report on four experiments they conducted to examine the processes
that determine the effectiveness of rehearsal on long-term memory. They cite previous research
that divided rehearsals into one of two categories: maintenance rehearsal and elaborative rehearsal.
Maintenance rehearsal involves rote repetition of an item’s auditory representation. Elaborative
rehearsal involves deep semantic processing of to-be-remembered items, resulting in the produc-
tion of durable memories. The authors’ experiments led them to several conclusions. First, the
effectiveness of a rehearsal depends on the degree of attentional processing applied to the material
being rehearsed. Second, an important criterion for attentional processing seems to be the “novelty”
Copyright © 2008. Taylor & Francis Group. All rights reserved.

of stimuli being rehearsed. Third, attention may result in faster learning because novel patterns
may enable the development of new associations. These findings may affect instructional design;
increasing attention during rehearsals could lead to higher levels of recall.
Pham and Venkataramani (1997) report on their investigation of the processes of source identi-
fication and its effect on effectual communication. The authors propose a framework that identifies
four types of source identification processes: semantic cued retrieval, memory-trace refreshment,
schematic inferencing, and pure guessing. They hypothesize that these processes are sequential in
nature. The authors report on two experiments. They support their position that these processes occur
in a contingent manner; their experimental cases all supported this position and were statistically
significant. Additionally, the authors hypothesized that cued retrieval was the dominant process.
Moreno and Mayer (1999) review previous research and report on their research regarding the
learning effects associated with multimedia instructional designs that employ varying combinations
of text, narration, images, and animation. They elaborate upon the contiguity principle that states:

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“The effectiveness of multimedia instruction increases when words and pictures are presented
contiguously in time and space” (Moreno and Mayer, 1999, p. 385). The authors refine the contigu-
ity principle into the temporal-contiguity effect and spatial-contiguity effect. The spatial-contiguity
effect occurs when text and images are integrated into one visual scene. The temporal-contiguity
effect occurs when visual and spoken materials are temporally synchronized. They conclude that,
when learners are presented with a visual presentation that incorporates text or narration, narration
has a more significant effect on the learner. The authors qualified their findings by calling for more
research. In this experiment, they did not factor in individual differences in spatial ability, coordina-
tion ability, and experience.
Waller (2000) conducted a multivariate study of relationships between several factors and the
ability to acquire and transfer spatial knowledge from a VE. The author bisects spatial ability into
related dimensions: spatial visualization and spatial orientation. Spatial visualization is the ability
to manipulate figures mentally. Spatial orientation is the ability to account for changes in viewpoint.
When both factors are psychometrically assessed as being higher in an individual, that individual
demonstrated an increased ability to acquire spatial information from a VE. Additionally, profi-
ciency with the VE’s interface was found to significantly affect performance measures of spatial
knowledge. The author postulates that a likely explanation for this finding centers on user attention
while engaged in spatial learning (i.e., effortful processing of the interface interferes with the user’s
ability to learn in the environment). Waller’s research empirically demonstrates that measured spa-
tial abilities correlate to the ability to learn from a VE, and additionally, that the degree of attention
or level of difficulty associated with the user interface detracts from one’s ability to learn spatially.
Replication of this study with an AR environment would quantitatively substantiate the position
that AR inherently leads to efficiencies while learning due to its low-effort interface and attentional
nature that creates spatial scenes for learning.
Several studies have found that gender affects spatial ability, and males tend to have higher
levels of spatial ability (Cutmore, Hine, Maberly, Langford, and Hawgood, 2000; Czerwinski, Tan,
and Robertson, 2002; Hamilton, 1995; Waller, 2000). Cutmore et al. (2000) conducted research
into cognitive factors affecting virtual navigation performance, while navigating within a desktop-
computer-generated VE clearly describes the differences in spatial ability between males and
females. Various cues were used as treatments to experimental groups (e.g., compass pointers, icons
for association with locations, and icons for association with landmarks). Males acquired route
knowledge from landmarks quicker than females. The specific cause of this difference is specula-
tive. However, multiple studies substantiate its existence. Cutmore et al. (2000) make an important
point that gender should be a factor when designing VE training environments. Further research
into gender differences with regard to spatial ability is necessary for mixed-reality worlds. How-
ever, postulating that it exists is prudent.
By its inherent nature, AR presents a visual-spatial dynamic that can be expected to enable
Copyright © 2008. Taylor & Francis Group. All rights reserved.

learning advantages associated with spatial cognition that helps effective encoding of information
into memory and facilitating recall. Virtual text labels, or virtual overlays in general, become asso-
ciated with the real-world object and encoded into memory as one visual image. Spatial cognition
is an integral element of AR and human learning (Majoros and Neumann, 2001; Neumann and
Majoros, 1998).

Memory Channels and AR

AR interfaces affect more modalities of human senses than present learning paradigms (Bjork and
Bjork, 1996; Macchiarella, 2004; Neumann and Majoros, 1998). AR is believed to complement
human associative information processing by aiding information integration through multimodal
sensory elaboration. Multimodal sensory elaboration occurs by utilizing visual-spatial, verbal, pro-
prioceptive, audio, and tactile memory while the learner is encoding the information into long-
term memory. This elaboration on the subject material may occur due to an increase of memory

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342 Human Factors in Simulation and Training

c­ hannels, enabling a greater chance for information to be encoded properly and retained in long-
term memory. Effective encoding is key to the learner’s ability to recall information for application
in a real-world environment.
Mania and Chalmers (2001) studied the effects of immersion in a VE on recall and spatial
perception. Several of their findings were inconclusive, but they did find a significant correlation
between recall and environments that presented multimodal sensory elaboration as found in three
different environments with corresponding inherent levels of immersion. The environments for the
research comprised the real world and a virtual world, in which the subjects were fully immersed,
and a virtual world created with a desktop computer, in which subjects were partially immersed.
Their research found overall that relevant multimodal stimuli enhanced recall.
Gamberini (2000) studied groups of subjects who were exposed to a fully immersive VE or
a nonimmersive VE (i.e., a virtual world depicted within a real-world setting on a desktop com-
puter). The researcher found that subjects in the nonimmersive group scored higher in the areas of
recall for spatial and visual memories. He postulated that several factors affected this outcome. His
key factor for consideration was that the nonimmersive environment is more familiar to subjects
because they see both real-world and virtual-world objects. In an AR learning environment, real-
world objects (e.g., turbine engine aircraft oil pump) are presented to learners, and the learners can
engage in learning in a multimodal sensory fashion.
Multimodal sensory elaboration can create a framework of associations that aid recall and
learning (Majoros and Neumann, 2001; Neumann and Majoros, 1998). Each association of a virtual
object (e.g., virtual text label) with a real-world object serving as a work piece is the basis for a link
in memory that might not otherwise exist. Together these links (e.g., a visual arrangement of text
callouts in an AR work piece scene) may form a framework like that created when subjects use a
classic mnemonic technique to remember a list of items. With this method, a subject associates
items to-be-remembered with invented places or landmarks on an imaginary path (Neumann and
Majoros, 1998; Yates, 1984). During recall, the subject “mentally walks” on the path, encounters a
mental landmark, visualizes the item associated with the landmark (e.g., to-be-recalled item on a
real-world work piece), and then processes the to-be-recalled item into working memory. AR has
the potential to expand these mental landmarks to include multimodal sensory input that establishes
multiple channels to the memory. Users of AR are provided a framework (i.e., the real world) that
holds the items that will be recalled. This association and multimodal elaboration does not neces-
sarily happen intentionally; it can occur as a by-product of the use of enhanced work piece scenes
(Neumann and Majoros, 1998).

Knowledge Development and Training Transfer

Reduced costs and increasing capabilities of computer-based technologies have initiated dramatic
increases in the application of computer-delivered instruction such as computer-based training, Web-
Copyright © 2008. Taylor & Francis Group. All rights reserved.

based training, multimedia learning environments (Brown, 2001), virtual reality (Stone, 2001), and
augmented reality (Majoros and Neumann, 2001). Computer-based training has become ubiquitous
throughout the government, military, and commercial training associated with the aviation field.
It typically gives the learner the loci of controls over instruction. Learner-controlled environments
offer learners choices regarding practice level, time on task, and attention.
Transfer of training refers to how well learned skills and information can be applied in a differ-
ent work setting. In the case of AR-based training, skills first acquired in a mixed-reality work set-
ting would serve as training for subsequent skill application in the real world. Application of these
skills could involve cognitive or psychomotor work tasks. In the future, the new mixed-reality world
may redefine how workers are trained (Kalawsky, Stedmon, Hill, and Cook, 2000; Majoros and.
Neumann, 2001). The traditional training paradigm employs some form of training (e.g., computer-based
tutorials, face-to-face instruction, self-study with printed manuals) prior to licensing or assignment to a
work task. In this future mixed-reality world, AR may make some forms of training unnecessary or

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Augmented Reality as a Means of Job Task Training in Aviation 343

at least reduced in time and scope (Macchiarella, 2005; Macchiarella, Gangadharan, Liu, Majoros,
and Vincenzi, 2005; Majoros and Neumann, 2001; Vincenzi et al., 2003). Cognitive tasks normally
associated with training could be performed for the human by the AR system. This characteristic
of AR may enable just-in-time training functions that occur simultaneously with work task
performance. As an example, AR could provide scenes that are annotated with types of informa-
tion that is customarily learned through training. This presentation of information could support
humans in inspection tasks or enable them to perform work tasks that are rarely encountered and
with little prior training.
AR scenes, in the same manner as VR scenes, have the ability to direct learner attention and
facilitate the acquisition of spatial knowledge regarding a real world or virtual world (Witmer,
Baily, and Knerr, 1996). Virtual environments provide direct natural feedback that symbolic media
(e.g., a map or photograph) cannot provide. Witmer, Baily, and Knerr (1996) conducted a study using
undergraduate students at the University of Central Florida in conjunction with the U.S. Army.
Selected test participants rehearsed navigation through a building either using VE or photographs
and maps. The participants using the VE rehearsal were significantly more accurate in their navi-
gation of the real building. Additionally, the authors postulated that additional VR cues, tactile
or aural, would enhance the participants’ gained knowledge and improve navigation through the
building. The creation of an AR-based mixed-reality world, where the positive transfer information
occurs with users, could enhance training environments.
Waller, Knapp, and Hunt (2001) conducted research involving the effects of visual fidelity and
individual differences on the ability to learn in a virtual environment, and subsequently transfer the
learned knowledge to a real-world use. They found that the fidelity of the VE is less important when
used to train tasks that do not require higher-level cognitive processes. Additionally, the authors
found individual differences, such as cognitive abilities and level of computer-use experience,
did impact the transfer of training for virtual-to-real and real-to-virtual environments more than
the fidelity of the simulation. Two possible positive effects can be inferred regarding AR and this
research. First, AR can be designed to deliver information that normally is obtained through train-
ing, in effect reducing cognitive load and helping to mitigate differences in cognitive abilities while
training. Second, the AR interface is intuitive, and typically does not require an interface device
(i.e., trackball, joystick, etc.). The intuitive interface of AR may help mitigate differences in levels of
computer use skills. The users of AR look at a real-world object, and virtual scenes of information
are automatically presented for use.
Self-efficacy (i.e., people’s judgments of their capabilities to organize and execute courses of
action necessary to attain designated types or levels of performances; Bandura, 1986, 1997) is
­central to the success or failure that learners experience as they engage the tasks necessary to attain
knowledge in a given field. High self-efficacy helps create feelings of serenity or “peace of mind”
as learners approach difficult tasks and activities that comprise decision-making and complex work
tasks. Neumann and Majoros (1998) postulate that AR scenes may support self-efficacy by creating
Copyright © 2008. Taylor & Francis Group. All rights reserved.

an environment where the learner, or user of AR, has the loci of controls over their learning envi-
ronment. A high level of individualized control for the learning situation has a positive effect on
learning (e.g., allow users to invoke an AR scene with virtual “paste and copy” to keep information
accessible while conducting a real-world work task; Ormrod, 1999).
With regard to concurrent training and performance, AR enables learning experiences where
users train for tasks in a manner that identically replicates performance of the task in the real-world
environment; this type of a “real-world” training environment has shown to provide advantages
regarding transfer of knowledge and training (Majoros and Neumann, 2001). Rose et al. (2000)
empirically ascertained that VEs do transfer training as effectively as real-world training. They
also highlight that three main factors influence interference between concurrent task learning: task
similarity, practice, and task difficulty. Regarding task similarity, the authors concluded that the
extent of interference between two separate tasks is dependent on the degree they share a stimulus
­modality (e.g., visual, auditory, and tactile) and whether they rely on the same memory coding

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344 Human Factors in Simulation and Training

p­ rocesses (e.g., verbal and visual). Rose et al. (2000) cite research by Sullivan (1976) as corroborat-
ing their position that concurrent tasks are impaired when the difficulty of the tasks is increased.
They differentiate between performance that is resource limited (i.e., dependent on the mental
­processing resources available to devote to the task) and data limited (i.e., dependent on external
stimulus quality—instructions, notes, cues, etc.). In both cases of performances, both resource
limited and data limited, AR has the potential to enhance concurrent training by delivering anno-
tated work scenes that reduce mental workloads through virtual text callouts, equipment diagrams,
and instructions with step-by-step sequencing.
As AR training environments mature, creation of just-in-time or concurrent training may be
­feasible (Majoros and Neumann, 2001). One objective of future applications of AR may be to
­provide annotated visual scenes that supplant the need for certain aspects of training. This substitu-
tion for training would occur by providing AR-delivered information to the user, during work task
performance, in lieu of the user recalling work task steps from long-term or working memory.

What is the Future of Job Training—Training on the Job Literally?

Applications of AR can enable learning environments embedded in the real world and make the real
world part of the computer interface (see Figure 18.4). Future applications of virtual environments
can take the form and function of a mixed-reality world with hypertext linking to vast resources of
information and instructional content. The visual nature of the AR scenes is, in many ways, analo-
gous to a GUI in the mind’s eye. AR may have a positive effect on recall by enticing elaboration
through the creation of multiple associations between the real-world object being studied and the
to-be-learned virtual information (Macchiarella, 2004; Valimont, 2002).
In this new mixed-reality world, multimodal sensory elaboration can create a framework of
associations that aid recall and learning. Each association of a virtual object (e.g., virtual text label)
with a real-world object could serve as a basis for a link in memory that might not otherwise exist.
Together these links (e.g., a visual arrangement of text callouts in an AR work piece scene) may
form a framework like that created when students use a mnemonic technique to remember a list
of items (see Figure 18.5). With this method, in the mind’s eye, a student would associate items to
be remembered with places or landmarks after viewing mixed-reality images of the studied item.
During recall, the student “mentally walks” on the path; encounters a mental landmark, visualizes
the item associated with the landmark (e.g., to-be-recalled aspect of a real-world work piece), and
Copyright © 2008. Taylor & Francis Group. All rights reserved.

Figure 18.4  AR-aided inspection of an aircraft elevator.

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Augmented Reality as a Means of Job Task Training in Aviation 345

Figure 18.5  AR scene with instructions for servicing a turbine engine oil pump.

then processes the to-be-recalled item into working memory. AR has the potential to expand these
mental landmarks to include multimodal sensory input that establishes multiple channels to the
memory. Users of AR are provided a framework (i.e., the real world) that holds the items that will
be recalled. This association and multimodal elaboration does not necessarily happen intentionally;
it can occur as a by-product of the use of enhanced work piece scenes.
Transfer of training refers to how effectively learned skills and information can be applied in a
work setting. In the case of AR-based training, skills first acquired in a mixed-reality work setting
would serve as training for subsequent skill application in the real world. Application of these skills
could involve cognitive or psychomotor work tasks. In the future, the new mixed-reality world may
redefine how workers are trained (Kalawsky, Stedmon, Hill, and Cook, 2000; Majoros and Neu-
mann, 2001). The traditional training paradigm employs some form of training (e.g., ­computer-based
tutorials, face-to-face instruction, self-study with printed manuals) prior to licensing or assignment
to a job task. In this future mixed-reality world, AR may make some forms of training unnecessary
or at least reduced in time and scope (Macchiarella, Gangadharan, Liu, Majoros, and Vincenzi,
2005a; Macchiarella and Haritos, 2005). Cognitive tasks normally associated with training could
be performed for the human by the AR system. This characteristic of AR may enable just-in-time
training functions that occur simultaneously with job task performance. As an example, AR could
provide scenes that are annotated with types of information that is customarily learned through
training. This presentation of information could support humans in inspection tasks or enable them
Copyright © 2008. Taylor & Francis Group. All rights reserved.

to perform job tasks that are rarely encountered and with little prior training.
AR has the potential to transform computing as drastically as the GUI transformed computing
(Fishkin, Gujar, Harrison, Moran, and Want, 2000; Vincenzi et al., 2003). Physical configuration of
computational devices is a major determinant of their usability. Despite the rapid advances in com-
puting technology afforded by exponential increases in computational power, humans still interact
with computers in a very limited manner. The mode of interaction available for humans with com-
puters primarily consists of a keyboard and a pointing device. In most cases, the pointing device is
a mouse, and humans are limited to pointing, dragging, and drawing. When contrasting the various
ways humans interact with each other (e.g., speaking—actual meaning of words, speaking—use
of tone, listening, touching, gesturing, etc.), human interaction with computers is relatively simple
(Alessi and Trollip, 2001). As researchers, computer scientists, and practitioners of AR solve the
technological issues associated with using AR in real time and in the real world, AR-based human
and computer interaction can become more like human-to-human interaction and engage more

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346 Human Factors in Simulation and Training

human modalities. The movie Minority Report (Frank and Cohen, 2001) portends human interac-
tions with computers in an insightful and powerful way. The film depicts numerous applications of
AR. Police officers interact with computer-generated images from human minds through a wall-
sized interface device they manipulate with speech and touch. The officers can tear virtual media
from the display, move media around, change view aspects, and generally use the virtual media in
the real world as if it were a real-world object. Another interesting application of AR in the movie
is for marketing and sales purposes. Pedestrians walk past scanners and receive an iris scan that
positively identifies them. This application of biometric identification enables a computer to gener-
ate a holographic 3-D salesperson that is implanted into the real world as an AR feature. The 3-D
salesperson makes a personalized sales presentation to the pedestrian. The movie presents many
other innovative examples for applications of AR.

As the computational power of computers continues its rapid advance, as prophesied by Moore
(1965), developers of AR-based training, during the upcoming decades, will have the opportunity to
create AR workstations that are portable and powerful. These portable and powerful workstations
can enable AR in the real-world work settings of the aerospace industry. AR has the potential to
positively affect training by enabling higher levels of recall and just-in-time training functions.
Training could occur in the actual work setting and at times simultaneously with job task perfor-
mance. The net positive effect resulting from the use AR as a learning medium may derive from the
learners’ ability to mentally match augmented information directly with the work piece in front of
them; future research is required to fully ascertain these effects on the cognitive activities associ-
ated with job tasks.

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