KCR Supplemenatary Information Form

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Supplementary information sheet

(Please complete in Black Ink)

Full name (as per your passport) Dina Trisnawati Bt Aja Arifin

Date graduated as a nurse: 08 September 2007 Date of birth: December 13,1986

Nursing qualification (tick box): GNM √ Bsc in nursing

Post graduate training (if any) tick box: 3/6 months 6/12 months

Title of postgraduate course

Please describe in as much detail as possible your current work place

Name of Hospital: Al Noor Specialist Hospital in Makkah

Date From 11 April 2023
Type of Hospital: (public/private, university teaching/district: Ministry of Health Saudi Arabia

Number of beds in your current hospital: 700 Bed Capacity

Number of beds in your current ward/unit: 50 Bed Capacity

Current work place: (type of ward/unit, summary of conditions of patients)

Emergency Department in my place we have division of ER first in Respiratory Care Unit the patient will bring this
place immediately when patient having critical case and urgent and all devices are completed such as ventilator each
bed,cardiac monitor and oxigen and 2nd room is observation room which patient will keep patient in this room to having
not critical but must intravenous acces before entering this room and 3rd is trauma room which patient having minor to
major trauma such as accedentally road and etc 4rth is vital sign room which patient just came after triage we put here to
obtain the vital sign 5th is respiratory particularly for those patienthaving positive antigen we will put here till negative
and canulation room for patient to get acces intravenous fluid and extracted blood.

Describe your duties in a typical day on your ward/unit: quick thinker in development pathway and direct to the team as
one cooworker,ability to stay grounded and focused at all times in the ER,know how to management the critical
case,monitor record and update patient vitals with the ability to deliveran assessment patient’s health status to other team
members and ability to handle surgical cases such as wound care and trauma care

Do you have any extended roles on your ward/unit? (eg. gNurse-in-charge, Preceptor or Mentor, Infection control nurse)
Nurse Incharge know how to handle in all area and make the schedule of the staff and make the orientation to the new
staff,know how to dealing to the specialist doctor and to communicate with friendly to solving the problem in all
area.having more knowledge to management the circumstance.

Names of equipment you use on the unit (only if currently working in in ICU/ NICU / Operating Theatre)
Surgical devices such as artery forcep,scalpelhandle,surgical scissor,etc.ventilator device,cardiac monitor,ECG
machine,syringe pump,infussion pump,blood measure device,hammer,and lighter for pupil,insulin syringe etc.

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