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Scope: this whatsapp group was created with the

intention of fun and love. Rules and regulation are cre‐
ated for the sake of this groupe and the members of
CONTACT. The rules were put to words on 30.6.2018
and are in stage alpha (check section B). Evryone shall
read and understand all rules and regulations.

Four kinds of members exist:
1. The member. The member is a newcomer that
passed a red vote in to the group. The member is
not granted the ability to cast any vote or request
for a vote. The member will follow the rules and
enjoy the group without interference.
2. Elite member. To become an elite member you
must have 1 month(check rule15) in the group
without causing any problems to the health of
contact. The Elite member is given the ability to
participate in blue and white voting . The Elite
member will be able to request white voting.
3. Legend. To become a Legend you must have 3
month in the group as an Elite member, pass a red
voting of becoming a Legend and do a headstand
for 30 seconds somewhere cool. The Legend has
all the rights of the Ancient ones.
4. ANCIENT. Only the originals of contact shall be
granted this position. ANCINETS can vote and
cast any kind of voting. The ANCIENTS are Riwa
Nour Azar, Stefanel Ghoul, Abdo Hilany, Charbel
Zeinaty, Imad Jabbour.

B- Rules Stages

• Duration: 15 days.
• Changing rules: white vote
• Duration: 2 month.
• Changing rules: blue vote
• Changing rules: red vote


White vote
• Privacy: open
• Passing: half+1 (if the grp had odd number of
members half+0.5)
Blue vote
• Privacy: private
• Passing: half+1 (if the grp had odd number of
members half+0.5)
Red vote
• Privacy: private
• Passing: 100%

1. Contact first
2. Don't break the rules
3. Friendship between members shall not be broken
4. No 2 members are allowed to fight for more
then 48 hours
5. Don't abuse the rules
6. Don't find a loop hole in the rules
7. 1 red vote per 48 hours is allowed
8. 2 blue votes per 24 hours per member are allowed
9. 1 white vote per 60 mins per member is allowed
10. One must not ignore this group a lot.
11. U must love dogs
12. No outsiders are allowed to type or send voice
msgs in CONTACT
13. Siblings can ignore rule 12
14. Significant other can ignore rule 12 if they are cute
and not harming the group.
15. Every one is responsible for writing down the date
and time of things that need time. Fhemto? Ok ra7
a3te example: if abdo was banned from saying
the word work for 24 hours abdo must write in the
group the date and time of the ban to keep track.
The countdown shall only star after the date and
time are sent by abdo. Same goes for member
leveling and evrything.
16. CONTACT will die and be deleted if an ANCIENT
left the group for more than 24 hours.
17. ANCIENT and Legends can request a white vote
against his ban once every 3 bans

All members are subjects to bans. Some bans can be
granted by the Judge instantly.
Other bans must be white voted.
Details about ban duration shall be wrote before
the end of Beta stage.
Last modified: 13:03

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