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1. What are the reasons for fall of Roman empire?

a. Invasions by Barbarian tribes. In 410 the Visigoths successfully
sacked the city of Rome. The empire spent the next several decades
under constant threat. It was raided by the Vandals. In 476, the
Germanic leader Odoacer deposed the Roman emperor.
b. Government corruption and political instability. Ineffective and
inconsistent leadership also weakened the empire. Civil war
created chaos, and there were more than 20 emperors over a 75-
year span.
c. The arrival of the Huns and the migration of the Barbarian tribes.
The Huns invaded Europe in the late fourth century, leading to
migration of Barbarian tribes.
d. Weakening of the Roman legions. Unable to recruit enough Roman
citizens to serve as soldiers, Roman emperors hired foreign
mercenaries to fill out their armies.
2. Why Constantine did divided the empire.
Constantine I , aka Constantine the Great, was Roman emperor from 306
to 337 CE. Realizing that the Roman Empire was too large for one man to
adequately rule, Emperor Diocletian (284-305 CE) split the empire into
two, creating a tetrachy or rule of four.
3. What are the long term and short term causes for the fall of Roman
Short term cause.
The most immediate effect of Rome's fall was the breakdown of
commerce and trade. The miles of Roman roads were no longer
maintained and the grand movement of goods that was coordinated and
managed by the Romans fell apart.
Long term causes:
The political structure and culture changed greatly in Europe. The many
different barbarian tribes established their own kingdoms throughout
Europe. These groups tended to live in small communities that were
independent from each other.
4. The Influence of Romans :
Ancient Romans pioneered advances in many areas of science and
technology, establishing tools and methods that have ultimately shaped
the way the world does certain things. The Romans were extremely adept
engineers. They understood the laws of physics well enough to develop
aqueducts and better ways to aid water flow.


1. Write out the main message which god gave Muhammad in the early
Muslims believe that the Quran was verbally revealed from God to
Muhammad through the angel Gabriel .
His people to worship only one God, Allah. People should believe in
him, they should live simple lives and share their wealth to needy .The
messages explained that, after the death of their bodies, God would
judge each person to decide whether or not they should be let into
2. What was the war between Muhammad and Quraysh?

The Battle of Badr was the first large-scale confrontation between Muslims and
the Quraysh. More than a thousand men engaged in the battle, which lasted
hours and resulted in a decisive Muslim victory. Six years later, the Quraysh in
Mecca peacefully surrendered to an army led by Mohammed. military land

3. Why did the leaders of Koraish worry about Muhammand and his
. Leaders worried because Muhammed would become more powerful
than them.
. It also for financial reasons, they collected taxes from pilgrims who
visited ka’ba.
4. Muhammad migration from mecca to medina.
The Hijra is the migration of Muhammad and his followers from
Mecca to Medina, 320 kilometers (200 miles) north, in 622 CE.
Muhammad instructed his followers to emigrate to Medina until
nearly all of them left Mecca.
5. Christians count their years from the birth of Christ. Muslims count
from the start of Muhammads time in Medina. Why do you think so.
A Hijri month alternates between 29 and 30 days. This makes a Hijri
year about 11 days shorter than the Gregorian, with one year coming
to 354-355 days. So your Hijri age may be different from your
Gregorian age.
The years are counted with reference to the birth of Christ. The
concept of using the time when Jesus lived has been universally
accepted. It is B.C for referring to time before christ,

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