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5 core principles

of UX design

1. Usability
Establishing a high standard of usability is the best thing you can do
for your users. This means checking that users can complete tasks
comfortably, that the product behaves properly and that it does its job.

2. Consistency
Consistency plays a key part in the learnability of a product: one with a
consistent design is picked up much faster by new users. In practice,
being consistent implies using and repeating the right UI components
while maintaining consistent behavior throughout the entire product.

3. Hierarchy
At its core, visual hierarchy is how we rank elements relative to each
other, taking into account how important or relevant they are. By
adjusting different properties of these elements, we give our content
structure that helps guide our users to their goal.


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4. Accessibility
It’s easy to forget about accessibility when so much emphasis is placed
on usability. However, designers need to check that all their users can
use the product, even those that suffer from some sort of disability.

5. Context
When designing, you need to take into account the user’s context. The
factors you need to consider includes user’s location, their time
available, their emotional state, the device they are using, the people
who influence them, and so on.

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