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Set: A Objective Questions


Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Subject: Criminal Law -II Full Marks:10
Program: B.A.LL.B Pass Marks:
Level: Bachelor Time:
Semester: Fifth
Course Code: BALLB 351
All the questions are compulsory. Each questions carry one mark. Choose the
correct option. ( 10*1=10)

1. What does the term ‘mens rea’ represent?

(a) A guilty act carried out by the defendant.
(b) The reason that the defendant carried out the guilty act
(c) The ‘guilty mind’ – the state of mind of the defendant must have when
carrying out the guilty act to make that action a criminal offence.
d. None of the above.

2. What is an offence of strict liability?

a) An offence that requires mens rea but no actus reus

b) An offence created by statute
c) An offence that can only be tried before a jury
d) An offence which does not require mens rea to be proved in relation to one or
more elements of the actus reus.
3. How much imprisonment shall impose for life imprisonment according to the
Muluki Criminal Code 2074?
a. 20 years
b. 25 years
c. 10 years
d. 30 years
4. “Repeal violence by violence in time where the state help cannot be obtained.”
What is the rational and justification behind this statement.
a. Private defense
b. Right to handling of Law
c. Tit for tat
d. eye of eye
5. What do you mean by unlawful detention?
a. custody of the police.
b. stay under prison.
c. arrest by the police.
d. maliciously detention of any person in any other manner except in
accordance with law.

6. “…………………" means any offence punishable by a sentence of imprisonment

for a term of more than three and less than ten years;
a. grave offence
b. heinous offence
c. simple offence
d. no0ne of the above
7. The provision about Prohibition of untouchability or discriminatory treatment
on ground of caste is written in
a. Section 166 of Criminal Code
b. Section 167 of Criminal Code
c. Section 156 of Criminal Code
d. Section 277 of Criminal Code
8. If a complain has been made pursuant to the Muluki criminal code, 2074, the
court shall issue a summon or warrant for arrest to enforce the appearance of any
accused who is not present along with the charge sheet of a case, How many days
sum0mon or warrant shall be issued by the court?
a. 15 days
b. 7 days
c. 21 days
d. 35 days
9. What is the age of criminal responsibility in Nepal?
a. 17
b. 19
c. 20
d. 18
10. What is the punishment in bigamy?
a.1- 5 yrs and10 to 50 thousand fine
b.1- 4 yrs and10 to 60 thousand fine
c. 1-7 yrs and10 to 30 thousand fine
d. None of the above
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Subject: Criminal Law-II Full Marks:
Program: B.A.LL.B Pass Marks:
Level: Bachelor Time: 3 hours
Semester: Fifth
Course Code: BALLB 351
Candidates are required to give their answers in their words as far as practicable.
Group - A
Attempt any two questions of the following. (2*10 = 20)
1. What is crime? Explain about classification of crime on the basis of criminal
2. What do you mean by homicide? How do you differ prevocational homicide
from intentional homicide? Explain with Nepalese cases.
3. Write short notes on any two.
a. Crime of strict liability
b. Human trafficking
c. Forgery of documents

Group- B
Attempt any five questions of the following. (5 * 6=30)
1. Define theft. How does Nepalese criminal law classify the offence of theft?
2. What do you mean by abduction and kidnapping? Explain.
3. Define the offence of rape. Distinguish the offence of rape with incest.
4. What is hurt? How hurt offence is classified?
5. Write facts and principles laid down by the Supreme Court of Nepal in the
case of Manish Shrestha v. Gov. of Nepal.
6. What constitutes the offense of Looting? How does it differ from Dacoit?

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