Information About You:: Personal Qualities

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Information about you:

Dobrin (30.10.1991)

Personal Qualities
You cannot be in a positive and a negative state. On the positive side, everything is good, and you
feel wonderful. You live easily, are satisfied with everything and are happy. When a negative state
is expressed, it means that you “lost your way”. There may be negative situations and difficulties
in life. As soon as you go back to positivity, troubles end and life gets better.

In a Positive State

(3) You are the representation of luxury and earthy fertility, the energy of material goods, wealth
and prosperity. For you, success is important in every life component: family, home comfort,
public recognition. High social status is quite often necessary, so the desire for leadership is
always noticeable. You know how to earn money and be lucky in running the business. You are
distinguished by good taste and a passion for beautiful things. There is always a perfect order,
comfort, and a beautiful atmosphere in the house. You have the skill to get along with children
and not forget about yourself. You have the ability to always look stylish and well-groomed,
having an attractive appearance and powerful energy that attracts the opposite sex. You feel
good in the company of women and perfectly understand the weaker sex. You are endowed with
innate taste and the ability to give valuable advice to any woman when shopping. Participation in
household chores is not alien to you. You take the opportunity to engage in everyday life with
pleasure: cooking, cleaning, home design. At the same time, it is difficult for you to succeed in
traditionally male professions, where the application of great physical strength is required (for
instance, a miner, a military man, an athlete). Success will be achieved if you work in the field of
design and style and choose a creative profession. You can also be good at helping people to
become more beautiful and successful, creating a comfortable environment for life. The
entrepreneurial industry would also be suitable, as well as the position of a manager, especially
in a women's team. Despite the socially accepted opinions, it is worth finding your niche in your
professional career. Do what you are passionate about and good at, for example, becoming a
retail assistant or a stylist. For a more harmonious relationship with your partner, you will have to
take a more active position. A woman will sooner or later want to see a man as a leader and
hand over the duties of managing the family. It is necessary to learn to take responsibility for
loved ones and make decisions - this way you can earn authority among them.

(10) This is a real lucky and fortunate one, born under a lucky star. Luck and other various
benefits are always accompanied you. Somehow, all the opportunities are opened for you, and
other people offer their support or favourable terms of cooperation. You are easy-going, pleasant
in communication, do not strive to be leaders. You perfectly work in a team, while energy and
talent together with luck help them to promote any project. You have the ability to take life easy,
almost without any effort. Therefore, many people think that you are lazy. In fact, it is important
to catch your own energy wave (a vocation, an idea or a business) and relentlessly follow it. Good
luck also accompanies people who surround such an extraordinary personality, but only if you
feel happy and comfortable around them. Being open to the whole world allows you to easily
learn all the necessary skills. Positive thinking and funny temper, willingness to share everything
distinguish you. Transparency of thoughts and actions towards other people is combined with

In a Negative State

(3) If for some reason, there is no opportunity to develop as a specialist and become successful
in society, your character starts to deteriorate. Breakdowns on loved ones are present,
authoritarianism and despotic behaviour are manifested. You hate someone's weakness and do
not forgive mistakes. You try to do everything at once. However, it is often difficult for you to
simultaneously be successful specialists, leaders at work and masters of creating comfort at
home. If you do not cope, you begin to blame yourself and put in even more effort. Excessive
pride and arrogance towards others can also play a destructive role. You quite often consider
yourself better, smarter, more important than others. You interfere with other's life and
excessively control loved ones. At the same time, you demand a lot of attention to yourself. It
seems that surrounding people do not respect or appreciate you enough. The manifestation of
intolerance and the priority of material goods over everything is also a bad trait.

(10) While you live easily and freely, relying on luck and the wisdom of fate, everything in life goes
smoothly. As soon as you start being nervous, stressed and fussed, negative changes begin to
happen. You start turning away from a lucky path, taking every opportunity and exhausting work.
Everything gets even worse. If you do not find a middle ground in life, troubles will begin.
Distrusting yourself and your path confuse the personality, while desperate workaholism gets
replaced with laziness. At the same time, you forget that the life benefits are given to them for a
reason, and some things need to be done independently. On the negative side, you are
sometimes scared to make a decision, do not want to take responsibility and are not ready to
make the first steps in any business.


(12) Spiritual experience and knowledge of human nature help finding a common language with
people and interact with them. They are often attracted to you to ask for help or advice.
Nevertheless, it is essential for you to communicate with each of them on equal terms, without
exalting yourself. It is important not to attach to someone so much that it will be impossible to
live without them. You should learn to defend personal boundaries and interests. You should not
be shy about consulting with someone about your problems and questions, admitting the
unawareness in some issues. You are able to defend your boundaries if, during a conversation,
you talk not only about the problems and interests of the interlocutor but also about themselves.

Previous life
(18-6-6) Karmic debt from a previous life

In the previous life, you passionately loved someone without getting it in return. Your desire to be
together was so strong that love magic was not used carefully (independently or with someone's
help). Taking away someone's will and freedom of choice is a serious crime.

In present life

You continue to encroach on something that does not belong to you. At the same time, you
constantly search for love and cannot calm down, distinguish where true love is. It is as if you
need someone to point out that this is your strong and mutual feeling. A problematic situation
usually happens since childhood, when a child does not get enough care from parents and
relatives. They are raised by grandmothers and nannies, often away from their parents, or the
parents often travel and work a lot. Therefore, in adulthood, tactile contact is critical for you, and
you start showing love. You want to come back home, and a partner should hug, calm down and
stroke them. Any obstacle on the way to a relationship is met with hostility, even if it is your child.
The situation is incredibly destructive for men. During the wife's pregnancy and with the presence
of children, the spouses become distant, and connections on the side begin. When it seems to
you that you are unloved, you immediately strive to look for a new partner, rush from one to
another. You often make a choice, but the wrong one. You become a hostage and an unhappy
victim of your actions.

Lesson and recommendations

You need first to learn to give love and wait for it in return after. Otherwise, someone else's
energy is simply taken away, and this is equivalent to love magic. It is worth focusing on one
partner, learning to see their positive sides, listen and understand them. You cannot deceive
yourself. You should use all the opportunities to show and accept love, and not just through
physical contact and tactile sensations.

Scenario of life (NEW)

<b>Strategy of devaluation</b>

A person acts and makes decisions from a position of lack of love. They attract situations where
they are disappointed and receive proof of their inadequacy


Feeling unloved by their parents

Unrequited feelings


Emotional swings

Problems with heart

Fixation on private life

Disregard for loneliness

Changing partners

Apathy, depression

Victim of abusive relationships

Willingness to sacrifice, to die for love

Loneliness and feeling empty

Demands for proof of love



Fear of losing a partner

Fear of loving and being loved


<b>New strategy: </b> <i>Available in the paid version</i>

<b>Steps to take: </b> <i>Available in the paid version</i>


Talents from God

Fortune (10)

You are capable of ruling destiny. And not only your own, but others. <i>Available in the paid

Archpriest (5)

You gather people around you, creating a circle of like-minded people with common values. You
teach them to live by the rules that you adhere to either. <i>Available in the paid version</i>

Freedom (22)

Your talent is in adapting to any situation and being successful even in the most difficult
circumstances. You are able to feel easy, relaxed in conditions of bondage and limitations.
<i>Available in the paid version</i>

Talents from mother

Fertility (3)

Everything around you comes alive and pleases the eye: flowers bloom, animals feel great. There
is a special energy field. <i>Available in the paid version</i>

Mercy (12)

Your gift is mercy, the ability to serve for the good of others. You are a born psychologist, you
understand other people, help find their way. <i>Available in the paid version</i>

Wiseman (9)

You are a discoverer of secret knowledge, sage. Philosophy, psychology, esotericism, history -
those sciences where you will surely succeed. <i>Available in the paid version</i>

Talents from father

Transformation (13)

You are ready to start over and over again. You reject the remnants of the past, change and
reform the reality around you. <i>Available in the paid version</i>

Archpriest (5)

You gather people around you, creating a circle of like-minded people with common values. You
teach them to live by the rules that you adhere to either. <i>Available in the paid version</i>

Prosperity (19)

You know how to be happy here and now. The ability to enjoy all aspects of life makes you a
positive person. <i>Available in the paid version</i>

Up to 40 years old you need to decide who you are, what you like and what you want to do. Tests,
complicated situations and difficulties are given to help you, overcoming which you find answers
to your questions. Some of the tasks can be very difficult. This is the time for personal growth in
all spheres of life. It is important to remember that maintaining a balance between spiritual,
internal improvement, and the development of skills that are necessary in the material world is
essential. Time from 20 to 40 years old is the best for starting a family, surrounding yourself with
friends and like-minded people. Good relationships with loved ones bring harmony, positive
emotions and happiness to your life. After 40 years, there comes a stage when it is necessary for
you to start sharing the accumulated experience and knowledge. When you begin to do this, then
material well-being will come to you. If you have found integrity, answers to your questions, know
who you are and your desires, have developed talents and skills, created a family, then your life
develop successfully and harmoniously. Throughout life, it is important to remember and pay
attention to your inner and spiritual development. This will help you find the strength to overcome
troubles in difficult moments and feel the support of higher power.

Destiny 20-40

(16) The material wealth is important for you, which has to be achieved without fixation on
money. <i>Available in the paid version</i>

(5) Your life mission is to explore new things and share the acquired knowledge. <i>Available in
the paid version</i>

(21) The destiny of a person like you is peaceful work all over the world, uniting people, creating
and participating in global projects. <i>Available in the paid version</i>

Destiny 40-60

(21) The destiny of a person like you is peaceful work all over the world, uniting people, creating
and participating in global projects. <i>Available in the paid version</i>

(12) From the birth you are given many talents which are best to be expressed in a creative field
where it is possible to use artistic skills the most. <i>Available in the paid version</i>

(6) You must open up your beauty from different sides, including not only physical but also
spiritual attractiveness. <i>Available in the paid version</i>

Destiny Common

(9) It is important for you to find the middle ground in everything, including respecting the
balance of feelings and mind. <i>Available in the paid version</i>

(10) You quite often experience periods of unemployment, about which you should not stress too
much. <i>Available in the paid version</i>
To become successful

(5) Access to finances opens through prioritising family, knowledge, following laws. <i>Available
in the paid version</i>

(20) Financial well-being will come through your family. <i>Available in the paid version</i>

(7) One way or another, money and success are related to your active movement, determination
and skill of teamwork. <i>Available in the paid version</i>

Financial Flow

- financial flow

Following the negative money pattern of your parents

Refusing to support relatives, criticising their activities and earnings, rejecting the motherland

Lack of spiritual development

Doing work that does not match your level of skills and degree. <i>Available in the paid version</

- financial flow

Insecurities and doubts about your competence

Illegal ways of making a profit, disobeying laws

Conservatism and stereotyped thinking, stubbornness. <i>Available in the paid version</i>

- financial flow

Being categorical, aggressive and intolerant. <i>Available in the paid version</i>

- financial flow

Tight schedule, excitement, debts and loans block the money aspect in the matrix of fate

Focus on money, excessive materialism, stinginess, inability to postpone and have a safe option

No goals in life or living not your life, but how your parents or surrounding people see it, toxic

Fear and limiting attitudes: it is not possible to earn money from a favourite business, there
should only be one job that you do all your life, etc. <i>Available in the paid version</i>

Inquisition (10-5-22)


The person has a fantastic persistence of their beliefs, is not influenced by others. They have
extensive and unusual interests in several areas. <i>Available in the paid version</i>

Potential issues: <i>Available in the paid version</i>

Recommendations: <i>Available in the paid version</i>

System error, virus (13-21-8)


This kind of individual can think globally and abstract from the situation. At the same time, they
pay attention to the necessary details. <i>Available in the paid version</i>

Potential issues: <i>Available in the paid version</i>

Recommendations: <i>Available in the paid version</i>

Avarice (14-22-8)


The individual has the ability to make generous gestures, not regret spending money on
themselves and their loved ones. The concept of financial planning is also familiar. <i>Available
in the paid version</i>

Potential issues: <i>Available in the paid version</i>

Recommendations: <i>Available in the paid version</i>

Destruction of property (16-21-5)


Strong suits

Such a person is able to experience deep feelings for a partner, to love moral virtues and not the
outer shell. Has no attachment to property, will not spoil relationship with a person because of
broken things, even very expensive ones. <i>Available in the paid version</i>

Potential issues: <i>Available in the paid version</i>

Recommendations: <i>Available in the paid version</i>

Magical Knowledge. Idealization of the Family (18-5-5)


There are strong magical or other unusual skills that have been inherited from one generation to
another through the ancestral line. This is a very serious person, who does not like spontaneity,
avoids empty words and promises. <i>Available in the paid version</i>

Potential issues: <i>Available in the paid version</i>

Recommendations: <i>Available in the paid version</i>

Comfort (18-6-12)


This kind of individual has the ability to do a lot of things at the same time, to move forward
continuously. They love taking care of everything around them, even when it comes to small
things, and striving to bring any task to an ideal. <i>Available in the paid version</i>

Potential issues: <i>Available in the paid version</i>

Recommendations: <i>Available in the paid version</i>

Expulsion from system (20-7-5)

Strong suits.

This person can give a second chance to people who are rejects by society. <i>Available in the
paid version</i>

Potential issues: <i>Available in the paid version</i>

Recommendations: <i>Available in the paid version</i>

Program 8 (3-18-15)
Apogee (Crash). Best/worst


This individual has a wide circle of acquaintances and friends. <i>Available in the paid version</

Potential issues: <i>Available in the paid version</i>

Recommendations: <i>Available in the paid version</i>

Silence (9-16-7)


The person has the gift of speech, which they hide very deeply in themselves. The personality is
very calm and rational, able to maintain balance in any situation. <i>Available in the paid

Potential issues: <i>Available in the paid version</i>

Recommendations: <i>Available in the paid version</i>

Fairy World. Writer, Director (9-6-15)


This is a very creative person who can invent ideas out of nowhere and literally out of unusual
things. Such skills were given to storytellers, and now these are observed in talented designers,
writers, directors, directors. <i>Available in the paid version</i>

Potential issues: <i>Available in the paid version</i>

Recommendations: <i>Available in the paid version</i>

(12-6-18) There is inevitably the same scenario in your relationship with different people. At the
beginning, you try to conquer, be a very ideal person, comply with all possible and impossible
requests of a partner. You create a desired image but not for a long time. Then, you look for
partner’s shortcomings and wait for their mistakes, even provoke them yourself. Thus, you get
the opportunity to stop behaving ideally and show your true face. Someone did not appreciate
you or behaved badly (according to your standards), so you now have the right to behave as you
want and even harshly. A partner simply may not respond to some of your requests or ignore
them completely. Then, you turn from an ideal lover into the opposite. Experiments with limits of
what is allowed begin. These can be cheating, tough sexual scenarios, that are unexpected for
your partner. They have already " fallen” in your eyes, so (according to your thinking) you can
allow yourself to do anything with them that you did not try before. The problem is that you
punish your partner without really voicing your claims. From your second half’s point of view, it is
really difficult to understand what you really do not like. They live with emotions and memories
from that perfect time, blame only themselves for these changes. It is important not to cling to
the relationship and take responsibility for your behavior, not blaming your aggression in sex on
alcohol or the influence of a partner.


Possible insult against parents (men)

<i>Available in the paid version</i>

Possible insult against parents (women)

<i>Available in the paid version</i>

Resentment against parents

(3) Mother has played an essential role in your childhood. <i>Available in the paid version</i>

(18) You are afraid of loneliness and losing close ones. <i>Available in the paid version</i>

(15) It is most likely that your parents had a rather raging lifestyle. <i>Available in the paid

(3) A child will teach you how to be a kind, gentle, loving and wise father, showing softness and
care. <i>Available in the paid version</i>

(18) Children will help you to believe in yourself and discover unique abilities. <i>Available in the
paid version</i>

(15) Thanks to the child, you will see the dark sides of your personality, which you carefully try to
hide. <i>Available in the paid version</i>
(5) An ideal partner for you will be someone conservative in all senses, thoughts, actions and
habits. <i>Available in the paid version</i>

(18) The most exciting partner for you will be the one who always has a mysterious attraction,
depth and seems unreachable. <i>Available in the paid version</i>

Ideal partner

<i>Available in the paid version</i>

Life Guidance
<i>Available in the paid version</i>

Year's Forecast


(11) This is a period of growth and success but at the same time of significant energy
consumption. You can succeed in your career and society up to having a strong influence on a
large number of people, creating new directions. The period is positive and gives a lot in return
but only when power is used reasonably. Right now, it is important to get in shape, to learn how
to work effectively and not overwork. It is good to balance your daily routine, exercise regularly,
and spend time outdoors more often. Spend time on hobbies, allocating free time for this. By
doing so, your efficiency will be much higher than if you rush from one project to another, do
everything at once, constantly create intense activity and stay at work until late.

You should not regret spending time preventing chronic diseases and scheduled medical
examinations not to miss something important. Otherwise, workaholism accompanying such a
period can lead to complete physical and nervous exhaustion.

Potential key events:

The period of going through the endurance test, a lot of hard efforts in sports, work, business,
any productive activity. You handle the situation and get a promotion and recognition...
<i>Available in the paid version</i>


Lack of energy, health, weakness, inability to resist circumstances and the influence of enemies
or competitors. On the physiological level, diseases, surgical interventions, depression, complete
loss of strength, depression are possible... <i>Available in the paid version</i>

(3) The period when you can get results from your previous efforts in all spheres of life. There is
usually a promotion in career. At the same time, there may be a difficult choice between family
interests and your social realisation.

Family men may have a daughter. If a boy is born during this period, then he will be distinguished
by a soft personality.

A single man is most likely to meet a future spouse or one with whom a serious strong
relationship will develop. Such a partner will significantly affect your life in the future.

It is important to pay enough attention and care to women of the genus, working through your
masculine traits. If there are grievances, misunderstandings with relatives, it is important to
connect with them and improve your relationship.

Potential key events:


Things progress, success in business, the beginning of new ambitious (and especially creative)
projects. Business brings profit, and success accompanies not only business, but also your
personal life... <i>Available in the paid version</i>


There may be some issues with the family, problems with children, cheating, jealousy.

You can experience problems with money, financial instability or bankruptcy, serious losses or
stagnation in business, lack of growth... <i>Available in the paid version</i>

(14) This is an excellent time to learn about yourself, explore your deep inner Self and the secrets
of your soul. There is often an interest in creativity, art, beauty and subtle things. There may be
situations that will help you to manifest some personality traits that have not been shown before.
This is especially true when it comes to humility, patience, the ability to accept situations and
things as they are. It will not be easy to get rid of and or change some of them. Therefore, you
will have to take on the role of a wise and humble observer who gives themselves up to the will
of fate. This will be the best possible solution.

Do not show impatience: every event has its own time. It is also better not to complain, be greedy
or question fate. Everything will be rewarded to you in its time. Begin to trust the good flow of life
and thank it even for the small things.

This is a great time to learn to be in harmony with yourself. Do things that you like or that you
have been dreaming about for a long time. Do not be afraid of the changes associated with this.
You will be given exactly as much as you need for a quiet, comfortable life and hobbies, creativity,
self-development, etc.

You will want to take care not only of mental comfort but also of a physical one. It will be useful
to pay attention to your nutrition and cleansing. It is possible that you will discover an interest in
the field of natural remedies, such as herbs, oils, minerals, water. Use the potential of your natural
gifts as much as possible, but do not overdo it. During this period, moderation in everything is
crucial. Listen to the signals of the body. Whatever you start, bring it to an end. Focus on quality,
not quantity. Pay attention to your emotions while smoothing over difficult situations and not
accumulating negativity.

Potential key events:


Stability in life and business. Minor and gradual growth in career, business... <i>Available in the
paid version</i>


Lack of stability in all areas of life, as well as in the inner world. Excessive expression of
emotions, harshness, irritability, you may lose your nerve... <i>Available in the paid version</i>


<i>Available in the paid version</i>

Personal brand (NEW)

The uniqueness of a person's personality gives additional value to their product or service. It
forms a personal brand that makes it possible to show their own opinion, vision and skills to
absolutely everyone. The originality and ease of broadcasting oneself is formed by combining
the diverse image of one's personality.

Topics for opening up your personality

The key quality is softness. <i>Available in the paid version</i>

The basis of your personal brand is your uniqueness and creativity. <i>Available in the paid

The audience sees you as an open, easy-going person and sometimes even with an incredible
"oddity". <i>Available in the paid version</i>
Self-positioning topics

<i>Available in the paid version</i>


<i>Available in the paid version</i>


The brain, hair, upper part of the skull.

<i>Available in the paid version</i>

Occipital and temporal lobes of the brain, eyes, ears, nose, face, upper
jaw, upper jaw teeth, optic nerve, cerebral cortex.

<i>Available in the paid version</i>

Thyroid gland, trachea, bronchi, throat, vocal cords, shoulders, arms,

seventh cervical vertebra, all cervical vertebrae, lower jaw, lower jaw

<i>Available in the paid version</i>

Heart, circulatory system, respiratory system, lungs, bronchi, thoracic

spine, ribs, shoulder scapular area, chest.

<i>Available in the paid version</i>

Gastrointestinal tract, abdominal organs, pancreas, spleen, liver,

gallbladder, small intestine, central part of the spine.
<i>Available in the paid version</i>

Drenal glands, uterus and ovaries, kidneys, intestines, prostate gland in

men, lumbar spinal column.

<i>Available in the paid version</i>

Urogenital system, lower limbs, large intestine, tailbone, sacrum, legs.

<i>Available in the paid version</i>

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