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Chapter 10 – 360

Copyright ©2014 Bill Millard.

Intrinsic Motivations

1. Find specific people who know you and love and care for you that represent each of the
following categories:
• Parent/Guardian.
• Teacher, Friend, Sibling or relative who is younger than you.

2. Provide all of the people you have identified with a copy of the IMAGE 360 (not the Mirror)
chart below and ask them to rank the seven intrinsic motivations based on what they've seen
in your life. Let them know that the top three are the most important, so if they are unsure
once they get beyond the top three, it is okay to leave them blank. Encourage them to give an
example for the top three. If they have examples for others beyond the top three, let them
know you would value those as well.
Use numbers
from 1 to 7 to
rank how strong
Can you give me an
you've seen the
IMAGE example of when you have
Description intrinsic
360 seen me serving others in
motivations in
this way?
the columns to
the left operating
in me.
You tend to first determine what is
right and/or wrong in the situation yes
Proclaiming 7
and then speak out about your
You tend to first look for practical 2
needs or tasks others in the
Helping situation have and then physically
assist them to meet these needs
and tasks.
You tend to first carefully study to 5
understand the situation and then
Teaching present this information to those
involved in a way that is clear to
You tend to first look for practical 6
steps of action appropriate for the
Exhorting situation and then advise those
involved on how to take these
steps of action.
You tend to first use your own 6
financial or material resources to
Giving solve a problem or support the
efforts of others trying to work
with the situation.
You tend to first organize the 7
situation by setting goals for those
Managing involved to meet and then
coordinate their activities and
You tend to first identify the hurts 2
and/or emotions of individuals in
Comforting the situation and then provide
comfort for those emotional

Explorer's Guide 3rd Edition / Chapter 10 Page 2

Teacher, Friend, Sibling or relative who is younger than you.
Use numbers
from 1 to 7 to
rank how strong
Can you give me an
you've seen the
IMAGE example of when you have
Description intrinsic
360 seen me serving others in
motivations in
this way?
the columns to
the left operating
in me.
You tend to first determine what is
right and/or wrong in the situation
and then speak out about your
You tend to first look for practical
needs or tasks others in the
Helping situation have and then physically
assist them to meet these needs
and tasks.
You tend to first carefully study to
understand the situation and then
Teaching present this information to those
involved in a way that is clear to
You tend to first look for practical
steps of action appropriate for the
Exhorting situation and then advise those
involved on how to take these
steps of action.
You tend to first use your own
financial or material resources to
Giving solve a problem or support the
efforts of others trying to work
with the situation.
You tend to first organize the
situation by setting goals for those
Managing involved to meet and then
coordinate their activities and
You tend to first identify the hurts
and/or emotions of individuals in
Comforting the situation and then provide
comfort for those emotional

Explorer's Guide 3rd Edition / Chapter 10 Page 3

3. Now record the rankings you have personally determined in Exercise 1 or 2. Share an
example of where you have seen the intrinsic motivations operating in your life.

You ranking of
What has been my most fulfilling
IMAGE the seven
experience serving others based on
Mirror intrinsic
this intrinsic motivation?








Explorer's Guide 3rd Edition / Chapter 10 Page 4

1. Compare the top three intrinsic motivations you identified for yourself to the top three identified
by others in the IMAGE 360. What do others see in you that you may not see in yourself?
What can you learn about your perception of yourself?

2. Reflect on what you learned from your IMAGE assessment and from this Exercise, and
summarize below what they have revealed to you about yourself.

Explorer's Guide 3rd Edition / Chapter 10 Page 5

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