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Scientific Theories


Ex. 1. Please discuss the following questions with a partner:

What is your favorite branch of science, and why?
What are some of the biggest scientific breakthroughs that have occurred in your lifetime?
What role does science play in shaping society and culture?
Is science able to answer all the questions?
Can science be misleading?
Do you think there are any ethical concerns with the way science is conducted or used in
society today?
What are some of the biggest challenges facing the scientific community today?
What is your favorite scientific theory, and why?
How do scientists come up with new theories, and how are they tested?
What are some examples of scientific theories that were once widely accepted but have since
been disproven?
Do you think it is possible to prove a scientific theory beyond a doubt? Why or why not?
Do you think there are any scientific theories that should be re-examined or revised? Why or
Scientific Theories

Ex. 2. Please match the cards and their definitions.

Ex. 3. Please discuss the questions with a partner:

What is the definition of evolution, according to the video?
What is natural selection?
What is the common misconception about evolution and progress?
How do genetics play a role in evolution?
According to the video, what is a common myth about human evolution?
What is the role of mutation in evolution?
How does the process of evolution challenge the notion of intelligent design?
What is the difference between microevolution and macroevolution?
How does the fossil record support the theory of evolution?
What is the current scientific consensus regarding the theory of evolution?
Scientific Theories

Ex. 5. Please discuss the following questions with a partner:

How can we tell the difference between credible scientific research and fake news or
Do you think there are any scientific theories or discoveries that are too controversial to
believe in?
Are there any negative consequences to blindly believing in scientific research or discoveries?
Should people be required to understand and accept basic scientific concepts, such as
evolution or climate change, in order to participate in society?
How can we encourage people to approach scientific research with a critical and open-
minded perspective?
What are some potential risks of genetic engineering and other biotechnologies?
Are there any scientific developments that you believe should be halted or slowed down?

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