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NIM : 050306409

1. Bacalah percakapan di bawah ini. / Please read the conversation below.

A: I would like to make an appointment for a project meeting.

B: I will be available on Monday or Tuesday. Which day would you prefer?

A: I would like to meet on Monday.

B: Could you bring me the outline of the project when you come?

A: Yes, I can bring the outline when I come to the meeting.

Pertanyaan / Questions
A. Identifikasi ragam bahasa apakah yang digunakan dalam percakapan tersebut./ Identify
what style of language used in the conversation.

Answer : The language style used in the conversation above is Formal Language

B. Apa alasan Anda untuk jawaban A?/ What is the reason for your answer in question A?

Answer : Because, they are talking about a project meeting and the language use is
longer and more perfect
C. Identifikasi topik percakapan tersebut. / Identify the topic of the conversation

Answer : Formal language is language used in serious and polite situations. This
language is commonly used in the workplace,

"I would like to make an appointment for a project meeting"

In this sentence they are talking about making an appointment for a project meeting,
indicating that this style of language uses formal language.

It is also reinforced by the choice of words and the use of longer and more perfect
For example: "Could you bring me the outline of the project when you come?"

2. Tulislah sebuah paragraf deskripsi singkat dalam bahasa Inggris mengenai tempat kerja
tersebut sebanyak kurang lebih 150-250 kata. / Imagine it is a picture of your office. Write a
descriptive paragraph about the place in 150-250 words.

Answer :
I work in one of the private companies in the hospitality sector. I have been working for 2
years as a Human Resources Officer. My office is located in Kartika Plaza road, Tuban, Kuta.
This building has two floors. The ground floor is for reception and my office is on the 2nd
floor. My office is very comfortable, clean and spacious, the colour of the room is white and
there are some paintings about the company's philosophy in the corner of the room. The
windows are so big that when the air conditioning is off, the wind comes in and the air is
fresh. There are some plants on the table to decorate my room. What's interesting about this
room is that the computer equipment is very modern and sophisticated, the price is around 40
million, so I feel very comfortable working with very appropriate technology. I love this
workspace, it makes me feel more comfortable when I work.

3. Please identify:

A. the sender of the memo

Answer : The sender of the memo is Daniel Livingstone, director of personnel

B. for whom the memo is for

Answer : The memo is intended for all employees in the company

C. What the memo is about?

Answer : The memo is about a reminder that next month's growth initiatives is clocking
in on time

D. Who will get the benefit of a half-day of paid time off?

Answer : The department with the most on-time employee
4. You are interested in applying for the My City Got Talent competition but you could not find
the information about where you can download the forms. Write an email based on that
situation in 50-100 words by including:
• Salutation
• Introduction/Opening
• Content / body email
• Closing / Sign off

Answer :

Dear Sir or Madam,

Hope this email finds you well.

Regarding the information about the talent competition that I received on social media, I hope
that I can participate and show my talent through the City Got Talent Competition.
Unfortunately, the folder cannot be downloaded properly, if you do not mind would you
resent the form, that make me able to be a part of this event, please.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Best Regards,
Afdila Syarani

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