Chapter 28 Source of MAGNETIC FIELD SV

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Magnetic Field of a Moving Charge Current Element: Magnetic Field Lines


Exercises: 1, 5, 9, 11, 15, 17, 19, 21, 25, 29, 33, 35, 41
Problems: 47(52), 49(54), 53(58), 55( 59), 61(64), 69(71), 73(75), 75(77), 79(81), 81(83)

Dang Duc Vuong


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Magnetic Field of a Straight Current-Carrying Conductor

Magnetic Field of a Circular Current Loop
  Id  .sin 
dB  0
2  a.d  2
4 r .sin 
1  I  sin   2
  a cot   d  a d dB  0
2 0
sin d
sin  2
4  a  4 a
a  
r  sin   a
sin 
I 2
I x r
B   dB  0
 sin d    cos  cos 
1 2

1 4 a 1 4 a 

A Long, straight current – carrying wire Rotational symmetry about x axis  no B component perpendicular
o o
to x. For dl on opposite sides of loop, dBy have same magnitude but
  0 ;   180
1 2
opposite direction (cancel).
B  cos  cos     I  cos0  cos180    I
1 2
0 o o 0

4 a 4 a 2 a

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Ampere’s Law Force Between Parallel Conductors

The total magnetic field at any point in the path is the vector sum of all fields
B generated by lower conductor at the position of upper conductor:
produced by the individual conductors.
 
 Bd    I 0 enc lose

A Long, straight current – carrying wire Two long parallel current-carrying conductors
 
 Bd    I 0 e nclose
 the currents are in the same direction  attract
 I I the currents are in opposite directions  repel
I I  B 

 
enclose 0

 2 r
 Bd    Bd  B d  2 rB


r d

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Model of electron in an atom 28.47(52). A long, straight wire carries a current of 2.50 A. An electron is traveling in the vicinity of the wire. At the instant
e ev ev evr 2
I    IA   r    v  2
when the electron is 4.50 cm from the wire and traveling with a speed of 6.00x104 m/s directly toward the wire, what are the
An electron moving with speed v in a T 2 r 2r 2 er
magnitude and direction (relative to the direction of the current) of the force that the magnetic field of the current exerts on
circular orbit of radius r has an angular Angular momentum of e-
momentum L and oppositely directed    2 e the electron?
L  r  p  L  r  mv   rm  L
orbital magnetic dipole moment . er 2m

 F
h e e
ground state: Atomic angular momentum is quantized L    L  9.274  10  24
 Am 
2 Bohr Magneton B
2 2m 2m
Magnetic Materials
4.50 cm
Magnetization: I
  
F  qv  B
I   
B 0
F  q vBsin(v,B)  1.07 10  N 
2 r   I  
19 F  I since the electron is negative, the force is in v F
q  1.6 10 C
the same direction as the current

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28.49(54). In Fig. the battery branch of the circuit is very far fro m the two horizontal segments 28.53(58). A neophyte magnet designer tells you that he can produce a magnetic field B in vacuum that points everywhere
containing two resistors. These horizontal segments are separated by 5.00 cm, and they are much in the x-direction and that increases in magnitude with increasing x. That is, B = B0 (x/a)i, where B0 and a are constants with
longer than 5.00 cm. A proton (charge +e) is fired at 650 km/s from a point midway between the units of teslas and meters, respectively. Use Gauss’s law for magnetic fields to show that this claim is impossible. (Hint: Use
upper two horizontal segments of the circuit. The initial velocity of the proton is in the plane of the a Gaussian surface in the shape of a rectangular box, with edges parallel to the x-, y-, and z-axes.)
circuit and is directed toward the upper wire. Find the magnitude and direction of the initial magnetic
Gauss’s law for magnetic fields
force on the proton.

v = 650 km/s = 650 x 103 m/s

Let the wire connected to the 10.0 Ω resistor be #1; I1 = 10.0A  Apply Gauss's law for magnetic fields to a cube with side length L, one corner at the origin,
r1 v
the wire connected to the 25.0 Ω resistor be #2; I2 = 4.00A d and sides parallel to the x, y and z axes,
M   
At point M: B1 is and B2 is  B  B (x / a) i  B  x  axis
     
I     BdA   BdA   BdA
B  1
0 1
v B
front ba ck
2r 1    
  
I  I  I  B F  BdA  B (x / a )  dA  i .i  B (x / a)  dA 2 3
 BdA  B (L / a).L  B (L / a)
0 0
B  0 2
BB B  0 1
 4.80 10 T 2 5  18
F  qvB  5.00  10 N fr ont
 
  
2 0 0
2 r 1 2
d proton xL fr ont
   BdA  B (L / a)  0 3
F  qv  B   B 0
d in the direction Force is to the right  BdA  0 because x  0
r r 
1 2
b ack

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28.55(59). Two long, straight, parallel wires are 1.00 m apart (Fig. below). The wire on the left carries a 28.61(64). The long, straight wire AB shown in Fig. carries a current of 14.0 A. The rectangular loop
current I of 6.00 A into the plane of the paper. (a) What must the magnitude and direction of the current I2 be whose long edges are parallel to the wire carries a current of 5.00 A. Find the magnitude and
for the net field at point P to be zero? (b) Then what are the magnitude and direction of the net field at Q? (c) direction of the net force exerted on the loop by the magnetic field of the wire.
Then what is the magnitude of the net field at S? F1
I1 x

a) at point P I F2  I  II L
B  1
0 1
I2 x
F IB LIL  0 2 0 1 2
2r 1
1 1 21
2 r 2 r

I   6.00A    I   I  II L Ftop
    I  2.00A
0 0 2
B2  0 2  I1 x r1
2   1.50m  2   0.50m  2 F  I B L I L  F 0 1 0 1 2

2 r2 2 2 12
2 r 2r
2 1

B B Fright
1 2 c) at point S I2 . Fle ft
I 6
B 
0 1
 2.00 10 T F2 Fbott om
I   6.00A  2 r 1
b) at point Q B      2.40 10 T
0 1 0 6
I 7
2r 2   0.50m  B 
 5.00 10 T
The forces on the left and right sides cancel
1 2 r
I   2.00A 
The forces on the top and bottom segments of the loop are in opposite directions, so the magnitudes subtract.
B 
  0
  2.67 10 T
2 0
B  B  B  2.06  10 T
 I IL
2r 2   1.50m  2 F  top
0 wi re

2r 1  I IL  1 1  5
B  B  B  2.13 10 T is to the right 6
F  F F    7.97 10 N 0 wire

2  r r 
top bottom
1 2
 I IL
F  bott om
0 wi re 1 2

2 r 2

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28.69(71). A long, straight wire with a circular cross section of radius R carries a current I. Assume that the current density is 28.73(75). Knowing Magnetic Fields Inside and Out. You are given a hollow copper cylinder with inner radius a and outer
not constant across the cross section of the wire, but rather varies as J = .r, where  is a constant. (a) By the requirement that radius 3a. The cylinder’s length is 200a and its electrical resistance to current flowing down its length is R. To test its
J integrated over the cross section of the wire gives the total current I calculate the constant a in terms of I and R. (b) Use suitability for use in a circuit, you connect the ends of the cylinder to a voltage source, causing a current I to flow down the
Ampere’s law to calculate the magnetic field B(r) for (i) r < R and (ii) r > R. Express your answers in terms of I. length of the cylinder. The current is spread uniformly over the cylinder’s cross section. You are interested in knowing the
(a) Find total current I strength of the magnetic field that the current produces within the solid part of the cylinder, at a radius 2a from the cylinder
axis. But since it’s not easy to insert a magnetic-field probe into the solid metal, you decide instead to measure the field at a
dA = 2rdr the current through the ring is dI  JdA   r  2 rdr 
2  R
3I point outside the cylinder where the field should be as strong as at radius 2a. At what distance from the axis of the cylinder
I   dI   r  2 rdr  
R  3

0 3 0 2 R 3
should you place the probe?
(b) Find B(r) (i) r < R Apply Ampere's law to a circle of radius r < R.
3 Use Ampere's law to find the magnetic field at r = 2a from the axis
r r
2  Ir
I   dI   r  2 rdr   r  3

B  
   Bd  B.  2 r   B.  2 .  2a   
enclose 3

  0 0 3 R B

   Bd  B.  2 r 

  Ir  2   I  3a  3 I
I  B 
0 0

 2a   a   
 B  

 3a   a 
2 2 2

 I 2  R  3  I  4a  8a  32 a

B 0 enc lose  B 0 enclose

0 2

Ampere’s Law (i) r < R Apply Ampere's law to a circle of radius r  Ir 2  I

B 0 3 B 0 I
  2 R 2 r Outside the cylinder B  0

   Bd  B.  2 r    I 2r
 B 
R r 3 I I 16
 I I 2 r The value of r where these two fields are equal  r a 0

B 0 e nclose  0 32a 2 r 3

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28.75(77). A long, straight, solid cylinder, oriented with its axis in the z-direction, carries a current whose current density is J. (a) improve total current I = I0 2
The current density, although symmetrical about the cylinder axis, is not constant but varies according to the relationship 2I   r  
the current through the ring is dI  JdA  1     2 rdr  0

a   a   2

2 a
2 4
2I   r  
4I 4I  r r  a

I   dI   1     2rdr   0
 (a  r )rdr  a    I
0 2 2 0 2

where a is the radius of the cylinder, r is the radial distance from the cylinder axis, and I0 is a constant having units of 0 a   a  
a a  2 4 4

amperes. (a) Show that I0 is the total current passing through the entire cross section of the wire. (b) Using Ampere’s law,
derive an expression for the magnitude of the magnetic field B in the region r > a. (c) Obtain an expression for the current b) the magnetic field B in the region r > a
I contained in a circular cross section of radius r < a and centered at the cylinder axis. (d) Using Ampere’s law, derive an   I
 Bd   I  B(2 r)   I  B  0 0

expression for the magnitude of the magnetic field B in the region r < a. How do your results in parts (b) and (d) compare 0 e ncl ose 0 0
2 r
for r = a? 2
4I  r   Ir  r  r
2 2

dI   1    r dr  I   dI  2  
0 0
c) I (r < a) 2 2 2
a  a  a  a  0

d) the magnetic field B in the region r < a

  Ir  r   I r r  2 2 2

 Bd   I  B(2 r)   2  B 2  0 0 0

a e ncl ose
a  2a  a  0 2 2 2 2

e) Compare r = a: same value B  0 0

2 a

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28.79(81). An Infinite Current Sheet. Long, straight conductors with square cross sections and *28.81(83). A piece of iron has magnetization M = 6.50x104 A/m. Find the average magnetic dipole moment per atom in this
each carrying current I are laid side by side to form an infinite current sheet (Fig.). The piece of iron. Express your answer both in A.m2 and in Bohr magnetons. The density of iron is given in Table 14.1. and the
conductors lie in the xy-plane, are parallel to the y-axis, and carry current in the +y-direction atomic mass of iron (in grams per mole) is given in Appendix D. The chemical symbol for iron is Fe.
There are n conductors per unit length meas ured along the x-axis. (a) What are the magnitude
    7.8 10  kg / m 
3 3
and direction of the magnetic field a distance a below the current sheet? (b) What are the Magnetization M     M.V t otal

magnitude and direction of the magnetic field a distance a above the current sheet?
  55.847 10
 kg / mol 
 M.V
The average magnetic moment per atom is  
 t ot al
N  6.022  10  atoms / mol 

Consider the individual currents in pairs, N N A

apply Ampere's law m(kg) .V e

Number of atoms in volume V: N  n.N 
N  N A A
 
 9.274 10  24
 Am 

 (kg / mol)
 (kg / mol) Fe
2m e

for each pair the z-  

 Bd    I  6.50 10  55.847 10   7.73 10
4 3
M.V M.V M
components cancel, and 0 enclose
     Fe 2 5
Am 2

 In
N VN N  7.8  10 3
 6.022  10  23

that above the sheet the  B2L    nLI   B  0


field is in the -x-direction

2  Fe

and that below the sheet it e e  h   24 2

is in the +x-direction B is independent of the distance a from the sheet. Bohr magnetons   B
    9.274  10 Am   atom
 0.0834 B
2m 2m  2 
e e

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