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Magnetic Field
Electric field: A distribution of electric charge at rest creates an electric field E in the surrounding space.
The electric field exerts a force FE = qE on any other charges in presence of that field.
Magnetic field: A moving charge or current creates a magnetic field in the surrounding space (in addition to E).
The magnetic field exerts a force Fm on any other moving charge or current present in that field.
A charged particle moves in region B   
Exercises: 1, 3, 11, 13, 15, 19, 21, 25, 31, 33, 37, 39, 47, 49, 51 F  (v, B)

Problems: 53(53), 57(57), 61(61), 65, 67(67), 71(77), 75(75), 79(79), 83(83), 85(85)
 
F  qv B  qvB sin(v,B)
m 

Uniform magnetic B: Helical path

Dang Duc Vuong v  vsin  causes circling v  v cos  is constant

Email: F  qv B  qvB sin 

B 

v2 v 2 sin 2 
FB  ma rad  m   m
R R Pitch:
mv mv sin  2m
R   p  v T   v cos   .
qB qB 
2 R 2 m qB
T   ; 
v 
qB m

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If charged particle moves in region where both, E and B are present A straight segment of a conductor carrying current I in a uniform magnetic field B
Magnetic force on a straight wire segment

Magnetic force on an infinitesimal wire section:

 
E  const E  const
    
B  const B  const Magnetic torque:   r  F
    Torque on a current loop
EB E B
  0  0  2   Fsin    IBa  b sin   IBAsin 
 
Magnetic moment   IA
  
Magnetic torque:    B
B: non uniform magnetic mirror Electromagnetic lens  
Potential energy: U   .B   B c os 

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27.53 (53). When a particle of charge q > 0 moves with a velocity of v1 at 45.0° the +x-axis in the xy-
Magnetic Field Lines and Magnetic Flux plane, a uniform magnetic field exerts a force F1 along the -z-axis (Fig. below). When the same particle
Magnetic field lines have no ends they continue through the interi or of the magnet. moves w ith a velocity v2 with the same magnitude as v1 but alon g the +z-axis. A force F2 of magnitude F2
is exerted on it along the + x-axis. What are the magnitude (in terms of q, v1 and F2) and direction of the
magnetic field? (b) What is the magnitude of F1, in terms of F2

   
      case v (F  F k) : B  (x0y)   
 
1 1 1z
F  qv  B  F  (v,B)      B  y  axis  B  B j y
case v (F  F i ) : B (y0z)
2 2 2x

   2
   
i x
 F  qv Bs in(v , B)  qv Bs in 45  qv B k
F  qv  B  F  qvBsin(v,B)   1 1
1 1 1

 F  qv Bsin(v , B) z
 qv Bsin 90  qv B 0 Finding the direction of the cross
 2 2 2 2 2
product by the right-hand rule.
 
 F  F  F  F i
 2 B B 
j 2
       
 

Gauss’s Law for Magnetism F  qv B  qv qv1 1 F  qv  B & v  v k  F i  q(kv )  (B j)  qv B (k  j)  qv   B  i
 1
2 
1 2 2

2 2 2 2 y 2 y 2 y

Finding the direction of the cross

F  qv B F  2 F 
product by the right-hand rule.  2 1 B  B j y
    F  F 
1 2
2 F
F i  qv  B  i  B  
2 2
 B
j j y
2 2 2

qv qv qv 2 2 1

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27.57(57). T he magnetic poles of a sma ll cyclotron produce a ma gnetic field with magnitude 0.85 T. T he poles have a radius of 0.40 m, 27.61(61). A particle with negative charge q and mass m = 2.58x10-15 kg is traveling through a region containing a uniform
which is the maxim um ra dius of the orbits of the accelerat ed part icle s. (a) What is the maxim um energy to which protons (q = 1.60x10 -19
magnetic field B = - (0.120 T)k. At a particular instant of time the velocity of the particle is V = (1.05x106 m/s )( -3i + 4j +
C, m = 1.67x10 -27 kg) can be a ccelerated by this cyclotron? Give yo ur answer in e lect ron volts and in jo ule s. (b) What is the time for one
12k) and the force F on the particle has a magnitude of 1.25 N. (a) Determine the charge q. (b) Determine the acceleration
revolution of a proton orbiting at this maximum radius? (c) What would the magnetic-field ma gnitude have to be for the maximum energy
a of the particle. (c) Explain why the path of the particle is a helix, and determine the radius of curvature R of the circular
to which a proton can be accelerat ed to be twice that calculate d in part (a)? (d) For B = 0.85 T. what is the maximum energy to which
alpha part icles (q = 3.20x10 -19 C, m = 6.65x10-27 kg) can be accelerat ed by this cyclotron? How doe s this compare to the maximum energy component of the helical path. (d) Determine the cyclotron frequency of the particle. (e) Although helical motion is not
for protons? periodic in the full sense of the word, the x- and y-coordinates do vary in a periodic way. If the coordinates of the particle
 v  qB  v  qBR
at t = 0 are (x, y, z) = (R, 0, 0), determine its coordinates at a time t = 2T, where T is the period of the motion in the xy-
 13

a) E  1 mv   R m 8.9 10
2 m  13
 E  8.9  10 J  max
eV  5.5MeV  19
2  E  1 mv 2 1.6 10
 max max (a) Determine the charge q
2             
 v  qB R  
F  qv  B  q  1.05 10  (3i  4 j  12k)   0.120k    0.1201.05  10  q( 3i  k  4 j  k  12k  k)
6 6

b) E  2E  new
 max
 m new
     
1   v  2v  
new max
 B  2B new remember i  k   j; j  k  i ; k  k  0 
E  mv  2
 qBR     F
2  v  1.25
 m
 F   q 1.26  10  (4i  3 j)  F  q 1.26 10  4  3  6.3 10 q  q  
5 5 2
 2
 1.98 10 C 5
5 5

6.3 10 6.3  10

v qB qBR 2 R 2  2 m b) Determine the acceleration a of the particle.
c) 
v  T     7.6  10 s 8

    
R m m v  qBmax
2    F   1.98 10 1.26  10 (4i  3 j) 0.250(4 i  3 j)
5 5
 
m q m  2q
p  F  ma  a     9.69  10 (4i  3 j)  m / s  13 2

d) For alpha particles E ( )  E (p)  E (p) p  p

 E (p) m 2.58 10  15
2.58 10  15
m q max
 4m  q

ma x

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(c) Explain why the path of the particle is a helix 27.65. The cube in the fig., 75.0 cm on a side, is in a uniform magnetic field of 0.860 T
    parallel to the x-axis. The wire abcdef carries a current of 6.58 A in the direction
F  0.250(4i  3 j)N  F  (xoy) in the z-direction the particle moves
 with constant
 speed
     indicated. (a) Determine the magnitude and direction of the force acting on each of
v  1.05  10  ( 3i  4 j  12k)  m / s 
v  1.05  10  .12k  12.6 10 k z
6 6

the segments ab, bc, cd, de and ef. (b) What are the magnitude and direction of the
F v  In the xy-plane the force cause the particle to move in a circle total force on the wire?
  v mv m( v  v ) 2 2 2 2

F  ma  F  m  R   x y
T he Ampe Law
      
ra d
R F F F 2 2

dF  Id   B  F   Id  B  I   B
x y

 15
2.58 10      
  
0.250 4  3 2 2
 1.05 10 6 2
 (3)  1.05  10  (4)  5.69cm 6 2

    j  F  I   B  I   j    B i    IB k  4.24k
ab ab ab

           
d) Determine the cyclotron frequency bc ab bc    
   i  k  F  I   B  I  i  k  Bi  IB( k  i)  4.24 j
v v 2 2           

  1.47  10 Hz
x y 7   k   j  F  I   B  I   k   j    B i   4.24( j  k)
cd cd cd

 2R 2 R         Finding the direction of the cross

   k  F  I   B  I   k    B i   4.24 j product by the right-hand rule.
e) Determine particle’s coordinates at a time t = 2T de de de

      
at t = 0 are (x, y, z) = (R, 0, 0)  at t = 2T are (x, y, z) = (R, 0, z) ,     i  F  I   B  I   i  Bi  0
ef ef ef    
1   
z  z  v t  0  (1.05  10 ).12  2 
0 z
  1.71 m
  
7 Total force F   F  4, 24 j
 1.47 10  net

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27.67 (67). A straight piece of conducting wire with mass M and length L is placed on a frictionless
27.71(77). A thin, uniform rod with negligible mass and length 0.200 m is attached to the
incline tilted at an angle £from the horizontal (Fig.). There is a uniform, vertical magnetic field B
floor by a frictionless hinge at point P (Fig.). A horizontal spring with force constant k =
at all points (produced by an arrangement of magnets not shown in the figure). To keep the wire
4.80 N/m connects the other end of the rod to a vertical wall. The rod is in a uniform
from sliding down the incline, a voltage source is attached to the ends of the wire. When just the
magnetic field B = 0.340 T d irected into the plane of the figure. There is current I = 6.50
right amount of current flows through the wire, the wire remains at rest. Determine the magnitude
A in the rod, in the direction shown. (a) Calculate the torque due to the force on the rod,
and direction of the current in the wire that will cause the wire to remain at rest. Copy the figure
for an axis at P. Is it correct to take the total magnetic force to act at the center of gravity
and draw the direction of the current on your copy. In addition, show in a free-body diagram all
of the rod when calculating the torque? Explain. (b) When the rod is in equilibriu m and
the forces that act on the wire.
makes an angle of 53.00 with the floor, is the spring stretched or compressed? (c) How
    much energy is stored in the spring when the rod is in equilibrium?
 
B  F  (B, I)  F  (xOy)

N  Force F in this direction   
F keep
 
the wire from sliding down  The current in the wire: right to left The torque on the small section of the rod d   r  dF  d  IBrdr
 F, N, w exerts the wire


 I y  The total magnetic torque    d   IBrdr  (clock wise torque)

F B 2
    Ox : w sin   Fcos   0 I 0 0

 0 The total torque = 0  The torque from the spring force: (counterclockwise torque)
w x
F  N w  0    F  w tan 
  Oy: N  w cos   Fsin   0 dr
  r the spring is stretched   F Lsin   kxLsin 
s spring

F  IBLsin(I, B)  mgtan  dF  IBdr IBL 2

  IBL  mgtan   I  P  kxL sin   0  x   57.65mm  U  kx  7.98  10 J
2 3

w  mg  BL 2 2k sin  2

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27.75(75). The rectangular loop of wire shown in Fig. below has a mass of 0.15 g per 27.79(79). A Voice Coil. It was shown in Section 27.7 that the net force on a current loop in a
uniform magnetic field is zero. The magnetic force on the voice coil of a loudspeaker is
centimeter of length and is pivoted about side ab on a frictionless axis. The current in the
nonzero because the magnetic field at the coil is not uniform. A voice coil in a loudspeaker
wire is 8.2 A in the direction shown. Find the magnitude and direction of the magnetic has 50 turns of wire and a diameter of 1.56 cm, and the current in the coil is 0.950 A. Assume
field parallel to the y-axis that will cause the loop to swing up until its plane makes an that the magnetic field at each point of the coil has a constant magnitude of 0.220 T and is
angle of 30.00 with the yz-plane. directed at an angle of 60.00 outward from the normal to the plane of the coil (Fig. below).
       Let the axis of the coil be in the y-direction. The current in the coil is in the direction shown
F  IL  B  F  (I, B)  F  (xOy) (counterclockwise as viewed from a point above the coil on the y-axis). Calculate the
magnitude and direction of the net magnetic force on the coil
side ab: the net torque = 0
 side bc, da: the net torque causes by magnetic forces exert N = 50 turns B = 0.220 T
F  d
D = 2r = 1.65 cm  = 60.0o
on bc,da = 0  F   F 1 3

   I = 0.950 A Fmag =?
 The torque due to the gravity forces w , w , w is clockwise
w d  1 2
 3

 The torque due to the magnetic force F is counterclockwise  B must be in the +y direction
2 The y-components of the magnetic field provide forces which cancel as you go around the loop.
F1   The x-components of the magnetic field, however, provide a net force in the –y- direction.
w 1 F For the loop to be in equilibrium

c  L L F   dF 
w   0 w sin   w
sin   w L sin   F L cos   0
1 y

  F  N  I  rd  B sin   N.2 rIB sin 60  0.444  N 

2 1 3 2 1 2 1
2 2 dF  IdB  I  rd B sin   0

m1 =0.15x8=1.2 g L L mgmg y x

 m g sin   m g sin   m gL sin    IBL  L cos   0  B 

3 1 2
tan   0.024T
1 3
 
m2 =0.15x6=0.9 g 2 2 IL 2 F  0.444 j (N)

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27.83(83). An insulated wire with mass m = 5.40x10-5 kg is bent into the shape of an inverted U such that the horizontal part 27.85(85). A circular loop of wire with area A lies in the xy-plane. As viewed along the z-axis looking in the -z-direction
has a length l = 15.0 cm. The bent ends of the wire are partially immersed in two pools of mercury, with 2.5 cm of each toward the origin, a current I is circulating clockwise around the loop. The torque produced by an external magnetic field
end below the mercury’s surface. The entire structure is in a region containing a uniform 0.00650-T magnetic field B is given by  = D(4i - 3j). where D is a positive constant, and for this orientation of the loop the magnetic potential
directed into the page (Fig. below). An electrical connection from the mercury pools is made through the ends of the energy U = -.B is negative. The magnitude of the magnetic field is B0 = 13D/IA. (a) Determine the vector magnetic
wires. The mercury pools are connected to a 1.50-V battery and a switch S. When switch S is closed, the wire jumps 35.0 moment of the current loop. Determine the components Bx, By. and Bz of B.
cm into the air, meas ured from its initial position. (a) Determine the speed v of the wire as it leaves the mercury. Assuming
that the current I through the wire was constant from the time the switch was closed until the wire left the mercury,
determine I. (c) Ignoring the resistance of the mercury and the circuit wires, determine the resistance of the moving wire


b) In a distance of 0.025 m the wire’s speed increases from zero to 2.52 m/s .

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