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INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY KHARAGPUR Mid-Autumn Semester Examination 2022-23 Date of the Examination: Session: Duration: 2 hrs Full marks: 60 Subject No.: MI31207/MI31005 Subject Name: Ventilation and Climate Control Department/Center/School: Mining Engineering Specific charts, graph paper, log book etc, required: No Special Instructions (if any): Answer ALL questions. Use the given chart to dete psychrometric properties as needed ‘La. In a decline as shown, two diesel powered LPDTS (low profile dump trucks) operate such that each LPDT has a rated power of 300 kW, MUF 0.7 and WER: 6.0. Air entering the decline at the surface has flowrate of 70 kgda/s, TD 34°C, and mixing ratio 0.018 kg/kgda. At the bottom of the decline TD is 32°C, and mixing ratio 0.030 kg/kgda. Determine the sensible heat and the latent heat transferred to air from the mine the rock in KW. Do not neglect auto-compression. (10) Lor on SIPS Surfote, 300m Level ‘Lb. Explain why: (3) i. An underground atmosphere saturated at 30°C provides higher thermal ‘discomfort’ when compared to an atmosphere having TD = 35°C and TW = 30°C, although both have the same heat content of about 100 ki/kgda. {i In an underground situation diesel powered equipment is less desirable when compared to battery operated equipment. 2.2.A spot cooler is placed in the forcing ductin a blind heading as shown. The CoP of the spot coolers 35. ‘The compressor of the spot cooler has efficiency 0.8 and output power of 17.15 KW. Air enters the duct at TD and TW 35°C and 30°C respectively, and flow rate of 6.0 m®/s. Estimate the air TD and TW at the face. If 40 kW of later heat is added by rock in the heading, what is the TD and mixing ratio as the air exits the heading. Barometric pressure at the location is 101.3 kPa. (20) 2. b. Explain the following statements: (5) i. Sweating is a very important component of human thermoregulation mechanism. ii Itis good to have the AC plant on surface while actually accomplishing the cooling air close to work place. 3.a, In the Western Deep Levels mine in South Africa, the surface Bulk Air Cooling (BAC) plant operates on direct heat exchange process (chilled water sprays). Air enters the BAC plant at @ barometric pressure of 101.3 kPa, flow rate of 600 kgda/s , TD 28°C and TW 18°C. The chilled water flowrate is 500 V/s (litres per second) at an inlet temperature of 3.5°C. The Factor of Merit of the BAC plent is 0.6 (chart given below). Estimate the cooled air temperature as it leaves BAC plant, the water outlet temperature, and the plant cooling duty. (19) < unc Reon eon 2 mmcnecunetinn’ | | a tercruan | soe a a oa a as aga 3. b. Identify what the major heat load sources for a deep coal mine are. Why is it in general, that coal ‘mines of comparable depth have more heat load when compared to metal mines? (5) 4.a. In the figure below, determine the barometric pressure at Station A, assuming the mean density of air 81.2 kg/m*. The shaft diameter is 5.0 m, and the roadway has rectangular cross-section with width 4.0 m and height 3.0 m. 100 m/s is the flowrate through the shaft and 50 m/s is the flow rate through the level roadway. Surface barometric pressure is 99.392 kPa, (10) DIFF. Press 4s Pa TIRTITINY | Cerra Silface 4a(k 4 oom 2 3 =| S Satin A q ame --- —“— > SST SIS CStohic Praiour Port b. b, Distinguish between the features of laminar and turbulent flow regimes in terms of frictional pressure loss, velocity profile, mean velocity etc. What do you understand by ‘fully developed steady turbulent flow? (5) 7 De NAUTICA DEHUMIDIFIERS, ING. -866,628.8424 PSYCHROMETRIC CHART Normal Temperature slUnite SEA LEVEL BARCMETRIO PRESSURE: 101 251P6 & RMIT RAT cfs MOIETIRE PERL CORA ORY pheverlesilerrebesselererbessibissilestitstels adil peelesepbisesbics ¥ $ ‘ t fi e 2 b &

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