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‫ﷻ‬Allah is glori ed. He took Prophet ‫ ع ـ ــليه الس ـ ــالم‬Muhammad from Mecca to Bayt-

al-Maqdis of Jerusalem, and then unto highest heaven and back to this world.

This is an important sign, on which all Muslims should have belief.

You are all the descendants of those who were saved in the ark of Nooh ale


Do not be hasty praying for evil, out of ignorance.

‫ﷻ‬Allah has fastened your record of deeds on your neck invisibly. It shall be

opened on the day of judgement, which shall be taken as evidence, against you.

When ‫ﷻ‬Allah wants to Destroy a city, the a uent ones are tested, and when

they cross their limit, they are all punished.

Always give priority to hereafter, and strive for it.

Be kind to your parents. If any of them, reach old age, speak mildly, and with

respect. Pray ‫ﷻ‬Allah for Mercy in this life and also for herafter, for the

recompense of having taken care of you when you were small.

Do not squander your wealth wastefully. Neither be miser nor be spendthrift

becoming destitute.

Do not kill your children for fear of poverty. It is ‫ﷻ‬Allah who provides them as

He provides you.

Do not approach fornication or adultery.

Do not propagate any belief, that you have no knowledge. You shall be

questioned about use of your faculties.

Do not walk proudly, nor look down upon others. Mind that you are

insigni cant before ‫ﷻ‬Allah.

Had there been another god in addition to ‫ﷻ‬Allah, they would have challenged

Him, and gain supremacy, thereby the whole system of universe would have


On the day of judgement, when ‫ﷻ‬Allah shall each one, he shall respond, by

praising ‫ﷻ‬Allah, as there will be no other option left.

Speak in courteous and gracious manner with each other else shaitaan shall sow

discord in your heart.

Each and every city shall be destroyed before day of judgement.

Shaitan tempts you to do sin, and then mislead you and deceives you. ‫ﷻ‬Allah

permitted him to entice humans, as a challenge. If successful, shaitan can have

share in your wealth, and children. He them makes you stupid. He tempts you

to produce children unlawfully. ‫ﷻ‬Allah guards only those, who obey ‫ﷻ‬Allah


Whoever shall take the teachings of Quran easy, shall be resurrected as blind, as

a punishment.
If you fabricate lies against ‫ﷻ‬Allah, the disbelievers shall take you as a close

friend, but ‫ﷻ‬Allah shall give you double punishment, in this world and also in

the herafter.

‫ﷻ‬Allah has not taught us the knowledge related to soul. Only He has the

complete details of it. It is not easy for humans to understand that!

If all humans and Jinns would coordinate to produce any book like Quran, they

can never succeed. This is challenge of ‫ﷻ‬Allah!

As people to be guided are all human, the prophets sent to us were all human


Call ‫ﷻ‬Allah, by His di erent beautiful names. Do not raise your voice too high,

nor too low in praying Allah.


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