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‫ﷻ‬Allah revealed this Quran upon

‫ﷺ‬Muhammad, so as to lead people to

the straight path of Islam, by His


Whoever prefers this life to herafter ,

and bar people from Islam, shall be

subjected to severe punishment.

The duty of every messenger was to

make people understand the

instructions of ‫ﷻ‬Allah. Most of the

people like to be astray, and reject the

instructions given by ‫ﷻ‬Allah. ‫ﷻ‬Allah is

not dependent on anyone. People who

take easy the given instructions will

themselves be losers inally.

Recall what all ‫ﷻ‬Allah has blessed upon

you. If you thank Him, He shall bless

more. If you are ungrateful Him, You

shall be severely punished.

Mind that ‫ﷻ‬Allah is Praiseworthy.

How can anyone doubt ‫ﷻ‬Allah, don’t

they know that He originated Heavens

and Earth.

N e v e r fo l l o w b l i n d l y w h a t y o u r

forefathers followed. Read and

understand the instructions of Quran.

Always put your trust in ‫ﷻ‬Allah alone.

He guides you perfectly. You need to be

patient and steadfast always.

No one on the day of judgement, can

avail making excuses like being weak in

the society that he lived, and was under

pressure from arrogant leaders.

The Imaan of true Muslim, is like a date

palm, whose roots are irm, and the

branches reach up above. It yield fruits

all the time, by permission of ‫ﷻ‬Allah.

The Imaan of a hypocrite is like grass,

that can be uprooted anytime, as it is

not deeply rooted.

‫ﷻ‬Allah helps you to sail in the ships,

comfortably. He created rivers, Sun and

Moon, day and night, for your bene it. If

you try counting the Blessings of

‫ﷻ‬Allah, you can never succeed.

Almost all are unjust to ‫ﷻ‬Allah, by being

ungrateful to Him.

Recall how Ibrahim a.s prayed ‫ﷻ‬Allah,

to make Mecca the city of peace and

security, and to preserve it from idol

worship. Whoever worships ‫ﷻ‬Allah

alone, is a Muslim in fact.

When Ibrahim a.s prayed ‫ﷻ‬Allah, to

bless him with a son, he was blessed

with not only Ismail but also Ishaaq.

Pray ‫ﷻ‬Allah, to help you establishing

Salaat, and to forgive you, your parents

and all the Muslims, on the day


Never presume that ‫ﷻ‬Allah is unaware

of evildoers’ deeds. He gives them

respite till day of judgement. On that

day, they will be puzzled, rushing

headlong, head raised, eyes unblinking

and with hearts void.

Mind that ‫ﷻ‬Allah is Almighty and an

Avenger. He exacts punishment based

on bad deeds.

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