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Disbelievers will feel sorry on the day of judgement, for

having missed the opportunity of being Muslim.
‫ﷻ‬Allah has promised to retain the text of Quran, as

revealed originally, till the day of judgement, from all sorts

of tampering and distortion.
‫ﷻ‬Allah promises to give provision, for you and your

dependents, so worry not much, about that.

‫ﷻ‬Allah informs us, that He Created Jinn, from intensely

hot re. He cursed Iblees, the father of all Jinns, for

having disobeyed Him. He has given respite to live, till the
day of judgement. Iblees promised to misguide humans
and mislead us from path of Islam. ‫ﷻ‬Allah ensures that

he can never misguide the sincere slaves of ‫ﷻ‬Allah. All

those who follow his misguidance shall be in Hell nally.

‫ﷻ‬Allah shall award the righteous people with Paradise,

and shall remove all their ill feeling, if any, in their hearts,

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that they had with each other. They will be like brethren in
Paradise, seated on their couches facing each other.
They shall never get bored there, nor they shall be
removed out of paradise any time.
‫ﷻ‬Allah reminds us, that He had punished, the people of

Sodom, for committing homosexuality, and not heeding

to the advise of Prophet ‫ عليه السالم‬Looth.

Hijr is a rocky tract near Hejaz, of Saudi Arabia. Once the

people there, had rejected their messenger Salih ale
salaam, inspite of seeing the signs of ‫ﷻ‬Allah. They were

skilled to carve dwellings in the mountains there, and

they were proud of their profession. They thought they
were secure, and no one could destroy them. ‫ﷻ‬Allah

punished them in their own houses by blasting them o .

‫ﷻ‬Allah blessed Muslims, with 7 oft-repeating ayats of

Quran, called Surat-Fatiha, along with rest of chapters.

‫ﷻ‬Allah emphasises us to keep worshipping ‫ﷻ‬Allah

alone, till our death.

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