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JJBA RPG 2e Quick Reference

By Siciling-Kruger

This reference document is based on the second edition of The Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure - The
RPG created by Esby. The document is available at as a Google Doc here or check Esby’s Discord. Copy
the following two pages at your leisure and edit as needed based on your personal house rules.
Currently this reference covers how to run contests, player-created Fortunes, momentum moves, turn
order, range & movement, provoking, damage & wounds, and modifying abilities through Potential.
These were the elements I considered most likely to show up during active play like Contests that would
also potentially require rule lookups. I opted not to include additional stuff on account I wanted to
comfortably fit the reference on just 2 pages. I’ve included page numbers as reference so that rules can
be looked at in more detail in the primary document.

Turn Order (pg. 26): Greatest to Least Momentum, then Greatest to Least Willpower, then Greatest to
Least Speed, then Chance. Anyone with a Stunned Wound Condition goes last.

Possible Predict at + Momentum and/or Possible Provoke (+1 Momentum Provoker/-1 Momentum
Provoked; Opponents Provoked Trait Bonus doubled to +6) preceding Opponent Action. Predicting
Character declares what Stat they think they’re opponent will use. The opponent says whether they’ll
use that Stat in a binding decision. If they do, the Predicting Character automatically succeeds, otherwise
the contest goes on as normal. Either way, the Predicting Character loses 1 Momentum. (pg. 21)

Starting Character Rolls: Follow the below table to determine result, countering character(s) only roll if
starting character did not fail their initial roll & can only counter if they are within 10m/Close. Starting
Character may mark a player Fortune with a Secret instead of taking an Action if they’re at 0
Momentum. Secret: Mark Player Fortune with an ‘S’. No one else may use this Fortune, but you can’t use
other Player Fortunes. You may take an additional action using this Secret on a future turn. (pg. 20)

Feint: At – Momentum and + Willpower. Take a new action with a different impact using a different stat.
This starts a new Contest. If you lose this Contest, lose 1 Willpower. (pg. 21)

Start <= 10 Start >= 11 Start >= Counter+10

Counter <= 10 No Impact: counter +1 Full Impact: start +1 Same as Full Impact
momentum, start -1 momentum, counter -1
momentum. Possible momentum
Feint at Negative
Momentum & Positive
Willpower. Starting
character may create
Fortune if PC.
Counter >= 11 Same as No Impact. Reduced Impact: higher Same as Full Impact
roll +1 momentum,
lower roll -1
Counter >= Start+10 Same as No Impact. Same as No Impact. Reference (pg. 16-18)

1. Must make sense within the scene. Do not affect the story until they are interacted with by a
character, last until the end of the encounter, and may be destroyed.
2. Cannot be inherently dangerous or larger than a car, the same object can’t be a fortune more
than once in the same encounter.
3. May be marked ‘S’ for Secrets.

DAMAGE & WOUNDS (pg. 32-33)

Damage is calculated by subtracting damage reduction (Durability) from damage (Power or Environment)
Characters have 20 HP and are incapacitated when they hit 0. For every 4 damage a Wound is taken. The
four wound categories are: Shocked (all Trait bonuses limited to +2), Slowed (can’t move without
assistance), Bleeding (lose 1 HP each round damage is not taken), and Stunned (lose turn priority to
anyone who is not Stunned). A wound and the 4 damage can both be cleared at the moment you take
the damage by spending 2 Willpower.

TRAITS (pg. 50-54)

• IMPULSE (+3 if an action satisfies the Impulse/-3 if an action): Surface qualities. Mark this trait
each time satisfying this impulse gets you in trouble and you learn from the mistake. Advance
this trait when it’s marked 3 times. +2 Willpower and this Impulse only applies when you want it
• TRUST (+3 if an action helps the Trust/-3 if an action hurts the Trust): People they care about.
Advance this trait when you sacrifice something for a Trust, such as putting yourself in significant
danger or giving up the opportunity to complete a goal. +2 Willpower and you can give a +3
bonus to your Trust once per encounter.
• GOAL (+3 if an action works towards the Goal/-3 if an action moves away from the Goal): Things
they want to do. Advance this trait if you accomplish your Goal. +2 Willpower, remove this Goal
from your traits, gain a Stored Venture.

You may apply each Trait type to a roll no more than one time each.


At +3 or -3 Momentum you can set your Momentum to 0 to use a Venture. You add +10 to your roll and
cannot add Trait bonuses. If your opponent also uses a Venture this Starts a Clash Contest.

1. Higher roll gets full impact, lower roll gets no impact. Ties both lose.
2. Losing character may spend 1 Willpower to force a reroll.

RANGE & MOVEMENT (pg. 27-28)

You and your Stand may move to any point within 10m/Close as part of an action. As your full action you
may move one range band closer or farther from somewhere, assuming no opposition like difficult
terrain or interference from other characters.


Unlimited* 100m/Long 40m/Mid 10m/Close Within Reach
POTENTIAL (pg. 37-39) & NEW ABILITIES (pg. 45-48)


Any Momentum -1 Momentum -2 Momentum -3 Momentum Not Applicable
1. If you are at or below the Momentum value in the above table for your Potential you may
modify an ability. You can change its Target so that it may affect more than what it once did, or
its Effect so that it does something different. This change should make sense. You can make this
change permanent by giving up one rank of Potential.
2. During an Interlude you may give up two ranks of Potential to create a new ability. This ability
should not be worth more than 2 points and should fit in with your Stand.
3. Ability Cost Calculation: +1 per Target Type (User/Allies, Enemies, Objects) +1 per Powerful Effect
(Area of Effect, Independent Damage, Raising Stats) -1 per Drawback (Dependency: requires
something external in the form of a Fortune, Weakness: the ability can be ended early by an
opponent, Activation: the ability doesn’t work without some specific trigger).

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