10 Chapter3

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Literature Review



Fabaceae or Leguminosae is a large and economically important family of

flowering plants which is commonly known as the legume family, pea family,

bean family or pulse family. The name 'Fabaceae' comes from the defunct genus

Faba, now included into Vicia. Leguminosae is an older name still considered

valid2, and refers to the typical fruit of these plants, which are called legumes

Fabaceae is the third largest family of flowering plants behind

Orchidaceae and Asteraceae, with 730 genera and over 19,400 species, according

to the Royal Botanical Gardens. The largest genera are Astragalus with more than

2,000 species, Acacia with more than 900 species, and Indigofera with around

700 species. Other large genera include Crotalaria with 600 species and Mimosa

with 500 species. Vigna genus also comes under Leguminosae family and has got

many traditional usages.

Literature Review


• Vigna aconitifolia

• Vigna angularis

• Vigna caracalla

• Vigna debilis

• Vigna dinteri

• Vigna lanceolata

• Vigna luteola

• Vigna marina

• Vigna maritima

• Vigna mungo

• Vigna parkeri

• Vigna radiata

• Vigna unguiculata

Literature Review



Fig:3.01 Photos of Vigna mungLinn plant and seeds

3.3.1 Taxonomical/Scientific classification Of Vigna mung Linn4

Kingdom : Plantae

Subkingdom : Vascular plants

Division : Magnoliophyta

Class : Magnoliopsida

Subclass : Rosidae

Order : Fabales

Family : Fabaceae

Genus : Vigna

Species : Mung

Literature Review

Morphological characters5:

Plant type : Vigna mung

Origin : India

It is an erect, hairy plant, varying in height from 30 to 90 cm, sometimes

long & twinning cultivated as a pulse crop nearly throughout India.

Fig: 3.02 Photos of Vigna radiataLinn plant and seeds

Literature Review

3.3.2 Taxonomical characterization of Vigna radiate Linn4:

Kingdom : Plantae

Subkingdom : Vascular plants

Division : Magnoliophyta

Class : Magnoliopsida

Subclass : Rosidae

Order : Fabales

Family : Fabaceae

Genus : Vigna

Species : Radiata

Morphological characters5:

Plant type : Vigna radiata

Origin : India

Plant type : It is an erect or sub-erect annual, cultivated almost throughout


Literature Review

Fig: 3.03 Photos of Vigna ungiculataLinn plant and seeds

3.3.3 Taxonomical characterization of Vigna ungiculata Linn4:

Kingdom : Plantae

Subkingdom : Vascular plants

Division : Magnoliophyta

Class : Magnoliopsida

Subclass : Rosidae

Order : Fabales

Family : Fabaceae

Genus : Vigna

Species : Ungiculata

Origin : Bangladesh

Literature Review

Morphological characterisation5:

Plant type : An erect or sub-erect cultivated twice annually in almost all parts

of India.

3.3.4 Cultivation requirements for the growth of Vigna genus plants6:

Zones : Tropical areas – with stands light frost or short cold spells

down to 320c if kept fairly dry.

Rate of growth : Medium

Light requirements : Full sun

Climate & soil :These genus plants are mainly cultivated in India,

Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Burma, Bangladesh and China, but also in hot

and dry regions of South Europe and Southern USA. In India and Bangladesh,

they are grown during two seasons. One is the Rabi season (starting November),

and the other is the Karif season (starting June). They are cultivated as tropical

(or sub-tropical) crops, and require warm temperatures (optimally round 30-

350C). Well drained loamy soil is best for the cultivation of Vigna genus plants.

Seeds are sown by either broadcasting or ploughed in rows. It is usually sown

mixed with other crops, such as jowar, bajra or cotton. It is believed to have same

restorative effect on the soil.

Collection: After drying pods will automatically bursts up and the seeds can be


Literature Review


This genus seeds are said to be a traditional source, used in treatment of paralysis,

for weight reduction, rheumatism, cough, fever and liver ailments.

Vigna marina:

This is used in fractured bone, remedy for food poisoning, to treat weakness after

child birth, in the treatment of head ache, to cure stomachache. This herb is used

to treat mouth infections and abscesses.

Vigna philosa:

Roots are bitter, sweet and can be used as aphrodisiac, germicidal. They are used

for treating cough, fever, diarrhea, hemoroids, opthalomapathy, burning sensation,

dyspepsia, violated condition of vatta, pitta, and kapha.

Vigna radiate:

It is employed as light diet during fever, as a cooling agent, as an astringent.

Pulses were prescribed for vertigo. A decoction of seeds is used as an effective

treatment for Beri-Beri. The V.mung extract is said to be protective and curative

properties in poly neuritis granuloma.

Literature Review

Vigna ungiculata:

Roasted seeds are used to treat Neuritis, Insomnia, weakness of memory,

Indigestion, Dyspepsia, sensation of pins and needles in limbs, periodic

palpitation, Congestive Cardiac Failure (CCF) etc. It is an excellent medicine for

stomatitis, corneal ulcers, colic diseases, Kwashiorkar, Marasmus. Decoction of

leaves is used to treat hyperacidity, nausea and vomiting.

Vigna vexillata:

Seeds contain L-Dopa, a medicine for parkinsons disease.

Vigna mung:

Used in liver disorders, rheumatism, infection of nervous system. Root is said to

be narcotic and is used as remedy for aching bones, black gram is considered as

diuretic and is used in dropsy and cephalgia. V.mung leaf extract were used as

wound healing agent. V.mung Bean is a traditional food source of our Indian

people. Vitamins, calcium, irons, phosphorus ratio higher than crude rice. So it

has got good values both as food and medicine.

Literature Review


Phytochemical review

1. Florencio E. Podest. A, has done work on Vigna radiate Linn seeds and

purified an enzyme known as phosphoenolpyruvate phosphatase (PEP)

from germinating mung beans8.

2. Suseelan Κ Ν, et al has worked on Blackgram (Vigna mungo L) seeds

contain two galactose-specific lectins, BGL-I and BGL-II. BGL-I was

partially purified into two monomeric lectins which were designated as

BGL-I-1 (94 k Da) and BGL-I-2 (89 k Da)9.

3. Joseph C. Onyilagha et al has made a survey of the biochemical

constituents of 11 species of Vigna indicates the absence of the non-

protein amino acid canavanine in their seeds, and absence of

proanthocyanidin (polyphenol) in their leaves10.

4. Kite GC, et al worked on comparative phytochemical studies on legumes

using hyphenated technique like GC-MS and LC-MS isolated some

aliphatic compounds from the seed of o-acetylethanolamine,

1-triacontanol 11.

5. Hayman AR isolated Flavonoids from the seeds Vigna mariana : Aureol,

coumestrol, cyclokievitone, dalbergioidin, 2,3-dehydrokievitone, 5-

deoxykievitone, genistein, 2-hydroxygenistein, isovitexin, kievitone,

myrtillin, phaseol, phaseollidin, vitexin 12

Literature Review

6. Kasai T isolated some compound from the seeds Vigna radiata: ß-

sitosterol, stigmasterol, soyasapogenol C, 1,4-butanediamine, 3-(carboxy

methyl amino) propanoic acid, 1H-Imidazole, Spermidine, Spermine,

amino acids and peptides 13

7. Takeuchi et al has done the interconversion of (-)-quinic acid and 3-

dehydro qunic acid, which has been extracted from black gram sprouts. 14

8. Singh and Rao et al isolated lectin from the seeds, it get agglutinates only

in trypsinised red cells and its sugar specificity complex as none of the

common sugars is oligosaccharides or polysaccharides exhibits affinity

with it.15

9. Pandey et al isolated anthocyanin delphinidin-3- glucoside, while the

purple red hycotyl contains cyanidin-3-glucoside. 16

10. Akihisa et al isolated several sterols, 24-Epiclerosterol, three ∆8(14)-

sterols, four 14α-methyl and sitosterol as the principal constituents.17

11. Quinic acid has been detected from green gram seedlings, coumesterol the

simplest naturally occurring coumestan and of particular interest because

of its pronounced oestrogenic property is present in germinated


12. Narayan et al has substituted green gram extract instead of corn step liquor

in the production of pencillin.19

13. Malhotra O P has isolated and characterized an enzyme known as phospho

enol pyruvate phosphatase from germinating mung beans.20

Literature Review

14. Green gram is poor source of calcium; it is rich in iron and phosphorus.

Germination increases the amount of availability of iron and also

decreases the phytin phosphorus.21

15. Occurance of phosphoglucomutase in the seeds has been demonstrated.

phosphoglucose isomerase present in the seed ( also in leaves, stems,

roots) brings an equilibrium between glucose-6-phosphate and fructose 6-


16. Two starch metabolizing enzymes phosphorylase and Q- enzyme have

been isolated from aqueous extracts of green gram seeds23.

17. A proteinase has been isolated in crystalline form from green gram


18. A trypsin inhibitor is present in all parts of the plant- seeds, leaves, stems

and roots25.

19. Nucleo proteins have been reported to occur in seeds26.

Literature Review

Pharmacological Work

1. Stephen M. Bovie et al has evaluated Estrogenic activity using an

estrogen-dependent MCF-7 breast cancer cell proliferation assay in seven

legume extracts containing phytoestrogens27

2. Yogendrasinh B. solanky has made a work to evaluate any

immunostimulatory activities of the extract of V. Mung seeds in an animal


3. Reena Randhir, Yuan has worked on “phenyl propanoid pathway” (PPP)

which was stimulated in V.Mung bean sprouts through the pentose

phosphate and shikimic acid pathways, by natural elicitors such as fish

protein hydrolysates (FPH), lactoferrin (LF) and oregano extract (OE)29.

4. Perumal Siddhuraju has worked on the antioxidative properties and total

phenolic contents of two varieties of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) were

extracted with 70% acetone, the extracts were freeze-dried and


5. Perumal siddhuraju has worked on the two different extracts of Vigna

ungiculata for its antioxidant activity using DPPH model, Ferric reducing

activity using acetone and ethanolic extract31.

6. Urd V.Mung is much valued medicine, used in rheumatism, infections of

nervous system & disease of liver and reported to be used as a remedy for

aching bones.32

Literature Review

7. Pulses showed marked cholesterol lowering effect, when fed to rats

receiving normal or hypercholesterolemic diet, serum phospholipid levels

are also lowered 33.

8. Dilwari et al has screened V.Mung been extracts used in rheumatism and

its roots are considered narcotic. It also proved to possess hypoglycemic


9. Narayana et al used black gram flour,as a supplement to culture media in

streptomycin fermentation35.

10. Baveja et al has done formulated a new drug using black gram flour

contains mucilage which has the ability to sustain the release of freely

soluble drug36.

11. Chung IM et al conducted a study to evaluate protective effect of organic

solvent fraction from the seeds of Vigna radiate against antioxidant

mechanism37 .

12. Reen Randhir et al has done antimicrobial and antioxidant activities in

dark germinated V.Mung bean sprouts by stimulation of phenolics in

response to peptide and phytochemical elicitors38.

13. Pulse is used for treating vertigo in phillippines, a decoction of seeds is

used as diuretic in Beri-Beri and also in the treatment of poly neuritis39.

Literature Review


1. Pullaiah T, Encyclopedia of world medicinal plants, 4th Edn. 1987:

2042- 2049.

2. Burkitt D P, Trowell H C. Refined carbohydrates in foods and disease.

Some implications of dietary fiber. Crown publisher, 1st Edn. 1985: 251-


3. A new breakfast cereal containing guar gum reduces postprandial plasma

glucose and insulin concentration in Normal-weight human subjects.

British Journal of Nutrition. 1999; 76: 63 –73.

4. http://www.nutrafem.ca/index.cfm?Fuseaction=article&ArticleID=491.

5. Dilawari et al. Plant Food hum nutr, Phillips. Indian J med Res. 1993;


6. The wealth of India Vol:X. sp-w; 2005 : 484.

7. Kushwah A, Rajawat P, Kushwah H S. Nutritional evaluation of extruded

Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) as a protein supplement in cereals based diet in

rats. J. Exp Biol. 2002; 40(1): 49 – 52.

8. Florencio E. Podest A and William C. Association of Phoshoenol pyruvate

Phosphatase Activity with the Cytosolic Pyruvate Kinase of

Germinating Mung Beans , Plant Physiol. 1991; 97(4): 1329.

Literature Review

9. Suseelan K N, Bhatia C R And Mitra R. Purification and characterization

of two major lectins from Vigna mungo (Blackgram). J. Biosci.

1997; 22 ( 4): 439-455.

10. Joseph C. Onyilagha. Comparative phytochemistry of eleven species of

Vigna (Fabaceae) J Phytochem. 1982 ;21 (2):1149-1151.

11. Kite G C ,Veitch NC, Grayer RJ. The use of hyphenated techniques in

comparative phytochemical studies of legumes, Innov. food sci. and

Emerging tech. 2007; 8(2):258-60.

12. Hayman AR. J. Phytochem. 1987; 26 :839.

13. Kasai T. J.Phytochem. 1986; 25 :679.

14. Takeuchi et al. Bio Sci Biotechnol Biochem. 1992: 56:1134.

15. Singh &Rao. Indian J.Biochem Biophys. 1991; 25: 439.

16. Pandey et al. Proc Indian acad sci. 1989; 99: 301.

17. Akihisa et al. J. Phytochem.1992; 31: 1765.

18. Kasai T. Agricultural Biological Chem. 1971; 35:1603.

19. Narayana &Iyer. J.sci Instr, Res. 1960; 13:187.

20. O.P.Malhotra. J.Phytochem. 1991; 30:765

21. Rama sarma et al. Arch.Biochem. Biophy. 1954; 53: 167.

Literature Review

22. Florencio E, Podest A and William C. Plaxton , Association of Cytosolic

Pyruvate Kinase on Germinating mung Beans Clin taxol. 1991; 27(4):


23. Quemener B. Journal of Agricultural Food Chem.1986;34:282.

24.Donandia S, Staver M J, Alpine M C, Swansone J.B, and Katz S.J,

J.pharma sci.1991; 252:675.

25. Pullaiah T. Encyclopedia of world medicinal plants. Regency publications

2006; 1: 2050- 2051.

26. http://www.nutrafem.ca/index.cfm?Fuseaction=article&ArticleID=491.

27. Stephen M, Thomas E, et al Evaluation of the Estrogenic Effects of

Legume Extracts Containing Phytoestrogens. J.Agric.Food.chem. 2003 ;


28. Yogendrasing B. Solanki Y, Sunita M. Jain Immunostimolatory activities

of Vigna mungo L. extract in male Sprague–Dawley rats. J. Phytochem.

2010; 7(3):213-218.

29. Reena Randhir, Kalidas Shetty et al .Stimulation of phenolics, antioxidant

and antimicrobial activities in dark germinated mung bean sprouts in

response to peptide and phytochemical elicitors. J phytochem.


Literature Review

30. Perumal Siddhuraju and Klaus Becker, The antioxidant and free radical

scavenging activities of processed cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L).Seed

extracts agri, ecosystems &environ, 1988;24(4):453-458.

31. Perumal Siddhuraju and Klaus Becker, The antioxidant and free radical

scavenging capacity of phenolics of raw and dry heated moth bean (vigna

aconitifolia) marechal seed extracts, Biochem systematics and Ecol, 2003;


32. Donandia S, Staver M J, Alpine M C, Swansone S.J. and Katz.

J.Pharma.sci.1991; 252: 675.

33. Baveja et al. Indian J Pharm Sci. 1989; 51: 115.

34. Dewari et al. J.Phytochem. 1970: 775.

35. Narayana &Iyer. J.Sci, Instr, Res.1960:187.

36. venkatesh &sreenivasaya. Indian J.Pharm. 1953;15:302.

37. Perumal Siddhuraju and Klaus Becker. The antioxidant and free radical

scavenging capacity of phenolics of raw and dry heated moth bean (Vigna

aconitifolia) marechal seed extracts, Biochemical systematics and

Ecology. 2003 ;31(8):813-843.

Literature Review

38. Reena Randhir, Kalidas Shetty et al .Stimulation of phenolics, antioxidant

and antimicrobial activities in dark germinated mung bean sprouts in

response to peptide and phytochemical elicitors, J phytochem. 1986;


39. Balandrin M F, Kinggorn A D, and Farnsworth N R. “Human medicinal

agents from plants’. 21st Edn M F Acs Symposium Series 534 ,

Washington; Dc;1993:28.


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