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Primeiro locutor:Hello everyone, welcome to today's EcoChats! I am Livia

Segundo locutor:.And I'm João Felipe, we're here to bring you another episode about the
environment and today's theme is green energy
Primeiro locutor: The future is green. Let's talk about how we get there!
Segundo locutor: To begin with, let's talk a little about the importance of this subject, which
is very relevant today, as energy is at the heart of the climate challenge and is the key to the
Primeiro locutor: Next, let's look at the transition to green energy and its impacts on the
Segundo locutor: Currently, with technological evolution, the creation of sustainable
alternatives to the use of oil has been widely considered by several world powers. From 1990
to 2000, global carbon emissions increased by an average of 1.1% per year, and jumped to an
annual growth rate of 3% over the next 7 years. Oil is not just one of the main energy
sources used by humanity. In addition to its importance as an energy supplier. The effects
caused by an oil exploration unit are of great extension, for example: ecological changes
resulting from a spill with physical and chemical changes in the habitat, in the physiological
growth and behavior of individual organisms or species and destruction or modification of
entire communities of organisms through the combined effects of toxicity and suffocation
Primeiro locutor: wow, how terrible! [sound effect]
Segundo locutor: The variation in the growth rate of carbon emission is the result of the
increase in demand for energy, which has led to an increase in the use of fossil fuels and,
consequently, in carbon emissions. thus, it is necessary to reduce carbon emissions, which
cause major impacts on the environment, one of the measures taken to reduce carbon
emissions was the transition from fossil fuels to renewable sources. Vegetable oil, for
example, is neutral in regenerative CO2, as well as free of sulphur, heavy metals and
radioactivity, which is why we can mention the switch to biodiesel and vegetable oil, which
would be a much more sustainable source of energy.

Primeiro locutor: and thanks to technological evolution, we now have a variety of sustainable
and renewable energy sources, such as hydroelectric, solar, wind, biomass, among others. In
Brazil, the most used source of clean energy is hydroelectric, due to a series of factors, one of
them being the great hydroelectric potential that Brazil has.

Segundo locutor: In addition to decreasing carbon emissions, the transition to green energy
has great potential to positively affect the economy, such as job creation and lower energy
costs. The green transition could also affect the price of fossil fuels and other particularly
renewable energy sources.

Primeiro locutor: Already bringing up this subject on social networks, which is quite
controversial, on Twitter we have many people who are there just to make fun of the subject
and spread fake news, such as saying that the use of this energy will negatively affect the
country's economy.

Segundo locutor: My God, what uninformed people! I looked there too and saw a lot of
people in favor too like Web Hobhouse (@Wera_Hobhouse) member of parliament from the
UK who says countries should invest in green energy. Just as this subject is positive on
YouTube, we even have channels that deal only with the subject, such as green energy, as
well as videos of newspapers recorded on the subject such as CNN, with very informative
and scientific content.

Primeiro locutor: I saw on TikTok that the United States government approved, on Monday,
the 13th, a huge oil drilling project in Alaska, known as Willow, however, many people were
dissatisfied, such as groups of advocates of climate causes, the Project Willow will
undermine President Joe Biden's climate-related goals, as well as pose health and
environmental risks. More than a million letters were written to the White House in protest
against the project and a petition, organized on the Internet, had millions of signatures. On
the same network I found interesting comments, such as the idea that cooking oils after use
can generate biodiesel, or how biodiesel already makes up 12% of current diesel and intends
to take more space for a sustainable nation

Segundo locutor:I even signed several petitions! I saw that there were many videos on tik tok
about this subject at that time, several people were moved by the situation. About the
sustainable area, I saw that there is not much popularization of the subject, which should be
talked about more encouraged by the sustainable community

Primeiro locutor: And they really should because it's a very serious situation indeed.

Segundo locutor: Well, before we wrap up, let's recap some of the main points discussed in
this episode. [sound effect]

Primeiro locutor: We know that most greenhouse gases are generated through energy
production and the burning of fossil fuels. And that to avoid the worst impacts of climate
change we need to reduce these emissions!

Segundo locutor: And for that, we need to end our dependence on fossil fuels and invest in
alternative energy sources, such as green energy, which allow us to walk in a less polluted

Primeiro locutor : And that's it for today! Hope you learned something new and interesting
about green energy! Until next time!

Segundo locutor : Together, let's explore ways to protect our planet and ensure a greener
future. Until the next EcoChats!

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