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a “ "between the ruin w. Clans of Kaiser - the River People “The Danube fights its way through Europe with hard determination. Reduced to barely a trickle, the post-Eschaton climate changes almost defeated it. It recovered To the early settlers of Kaiser, the Danube took the place of something supernatural, They watched it gain more and more water every year and it strengthened their belief that someone, somewhere, was watching cout for them, They drank from the clear stream, They routed the water into fields to give life among the scrap wastes. They retreated into the water when land-based danger was near. And some of them braved the water in simple ships and floats. They paddled up-river to reach areas too dangerous to reach by land. They let the water take them south, but few returned. Hundreds of years later, the descendants ofthese brave souls call themselves the River People, and the Danube istheir goddess with many faces. A bright day, and she wears the mask of a benign matriarch. She coddles her children with gifts, ets their ships travel at leisurely speed. (On dark days, she is a fury, The fresh meltwater pelts against the shores of land dwellers. The boats shake on troubled rapids, She takes you into the dangers east of| Kaiser without warning. Yet, the River People love Her unconditionally, They paint their low swimming boats in bright natural colors to make Her happy. ‘Over the years, they have learned many dangerous lessons. On the soe seer only hours after Teaving the safe waters aroumd Kaiser, death awaits ‘Traveling past the ruins of Pestisto enter the domain a the vessel with of the devil, Usudi savag spears. Oversized. sea creatures with oily black skin Tat 1¢ hull and by : ch, Fither can be repelled with strength and BaF the siren:song is che Plier. Sounds echo eflect back and forth, getting stronger with every repetition. ‘The ‘mind wanders breaks, s rearranged: The soul dies ‘The River People saw only one way. They deafened themselves, shut the sense of hearing off. They can still feel the song in their bones, but it’s power is lessened, Suddenly, the Voivodatesarewithin reach. A passage is. ‘made, and the River People are its masters. 3 Today, the River People still hold to the traditions of their pioneer ancestors. Newborns are held under the flowing water of the Danube, as their eardrums are pierced. They emerge from the bosom of the Danube crying and in pain, but ready for life on the river. They learn the complex sign language of their clan, and spend their early days helping out on the boats. [As teenagers, they make their first journey south. They see frst hand the realm of the devi, fee the siren song clash against their mind like waves against a rocky shore. They understand why their people live like they do, Why their sacrifice matters. ‘The clan lives ina strange state of seclusion. They goto anchor in the harbor of Haven and trade in Bridgemarket, but seldomly leave their boats. Aside from a few chosen interpreters, outsiders are not permitted to learn their language, and are only welcomed on the boats as passengers ‘They are an integral part of life in Kaiser, but chose to remain a society apart. Lately, their ships have become a less welcome sight. Rumors have existed for years, ever since the arrival of the Africans in Mansworth, Was it the River People who helped them travel upstream? Suspicion has widened the rift between land dwellers and the people of the Danube. Without their boats, and their trade, Kaiser would be weakened, ‘The queen senses impending conflict. Something must be done to stabilize the situation, Credits Sergey Vases Bip wwwartsationcony/arovork PRD Page 1 6 5s Rank 4 - Builder ‘Credit: Edhan Scheu: hups:// Page 2 0- BOY/GIRL PREREQUISITE: Being born to River People parents, deafened at birth DESCRIPTION: Children of the River People don't hold any true named rank. In the hierarchy of the crew, nothing past their gender really matters, Aside from their parents, few even know their name. They live on land houses at the outskirts of Bridgemarket, cr on boats that seldom travel far away from Kaiser. ‘They learn all the basics they will need later in life Most ofall, they learn to trust and respect the river RESULT: Despite their low rank and minimal experience, they are already better on a ship than the average land dweller, +1D to AGI+Navigation and INS+Orienteering when on a ship or boat. Their sign language exists outside the spoken one. Unless an interpreter is present, -18 when interacting socially with those that don't understand their signs. This ‘malus persists through all ranks EQUIPMENT: river-related trinket (a piece of ancient driftwood, a stone smoothed by the water) 1-CREWMAN PREREQUISITE: at least 14 years old, has been on a trip south past Pest; AGI+Navigation 4, INS+Orienteering 4, Renown 1 DESCRIPTION: They have taken their first journey south, They have earned their place on a boat and the respect of the crew. Over the next years, their captain will judge their skills and find a specialization for them, RESULT: The bonus to AGI+Navigation and INS Orienteering on ships and boats increases to 42D. They are welcome on any vessel ofthe River People and they know their sign name. EQUIPMENT: - 2- ABLE PREREQUISITE: AGI+Navigation 6, INS+Orienteering 6, INS+Perception 6, BOD+Melee 6 -or- AGIsProjectiles 6, Renown 3 DESCRIPTION: Their captain assigns them a ‘weapon, and a forward position at the bow. They've made a name for themselves as great observers, and strong fighters. Whether they fought off an Usudi attack, or came out of a tavern brawl with the least amount of bruises: the important thing is that an Able is ready for violence when the need arises. They must also be the first to see this need, when it comes, RESULT: In addition to the previous bonuses, the Able gets +1D to INS+Perception in ships and boats. Their reputation precedes them even outside the clan: +1D to PSYsDomination when intimidating others. EQUIPMENT: a steel spear or a harpoon gun, leather armor made from a creature of the river 2- ENGINEER PREREQUISITE: AGI+Crafting 4, INT+Engineering 7, Resources 3 DESCRIPTION: The engineer has shown a knack for the machines that keep the boats chugging, and thei captain has supported it. A Builder has mentored them over the years and they have learned to tain, and improve upon the engines of the ancient boats. They can feel the stutter of the ship underneath their touch; itis like a second language to them, RESULT: In addition to the previous bonuses, the Engineer gets +1D to INT+Engineering when dealing with ship repairs and maintenance, and all kinds of combustion engines. EQUIPMENT: personalized toolkit (+18 on any AGI+Crafting and INT+Engineering check), engineering manuals Alex chim heps/nnweatstationcomyarseork9 59 3-BOSUN PREREQUISITE: Has served on a vessel for atleast ten years; AGI+Navigation 8, CHA+Leadership 5, INS+ Empathy 4, INS+Orienteering 8, Renown 3, Authority 3 DESCRIPTION: They stand out from their own crew, and are well known among the clan, They take on responsibility: when the captain is off the ship, they arein charge. RESULT: Retain any bonuses of previous ranks. In addition, others know that when they speak, they speak with the authority of their captain: count as having the same Resource and Allies score as their captain (usually at least 4) IFthey use this without their captain's knowledge and they find out, their Resource and Allies scores drop to 0 until they are publicly forgiven. EQUIPMENT: personal mark of authority (varies from ship to ship) 4- CAPTAIN PREREQUISITE: Has served asa Bosun for at least 5 ‘years; One of the following: must present proof to the Builders that they are worthy of a new ship, or, their captain dies or steps down after nominating them as the next captain, CHA+Leadership 10, Authority 6, Resources 4, Allies 4 DESCRIPTION: A lifetime on the water breeds strong soulls. Any captain of the River People has earned that rank through skill, hard work, the blessing of Lady Danube, anda fat load of huck, RESULT: On their vessel, the captain’ authority is absolute. Their crew obeys every order, but they are also responsible for them. It is bad form for a captain to not bring in enough to keep their crew and their families fed. Like the Builders, they are very well respected among the clan and get #28 on any social interaction with other River People. If their ship is destroyed and sinks, they must be the last person to leave it EQUIPMENT: Captain's hat (passed on from another captain) 4- BUILDER PREREQUISITE: Has been an Engineer for at least 10 years; AGI+Crafting 8, INT+Engineering 10, Resources 4, Network 4, Secrets 2 DESCRIPTION: Their years of experience have taught them one thing: without their ship, the crew is nothing, With a heavy heart, they turn away froma life on the river to work inthe shipyard oftheir people in Haven. They oversee the overhaul of old ships, and the construction of new ones. They even work together with engineers and mechanics of other cults: they respect the crafting knowledge of Scrappers, the technical expertise ofthe Chroniclers and the building skill ofthe Hellvetics. RESULT: Very well respected among their people. +25 ‘on any social skill when interacting with people ofthe clan, They retain all bonuses of previous ranks. In addition, they have learned to communicate with outsiders! Fither they leamed to form words, use the written word or simplified signs. The penalty to social Interactions with hearing people is removed. EQUIPMENT: Master toolkit (+2S on any AGI Crafting and INT+Engineering check), a necklace with a wooden hammer carved from a plank of the first ship they lived on, 5 - MATRIARCH/PATRIARCH PREREQUISITE: The former Matriarch or Patriarch dies. On the same day, a council ofall captains and builders currently in the city elects them from among their ranks, DESCRIPTION: The head of the clan, both a spiritual and political leader. They oversee the ritual birth of newborns into the clan. They christen newly constructed ships. They negotiate with the kings and queens of Kaiser and with the commanders of the Hellveties, RESULT: Absolute authority among the River People. ‘No captain would refuse them passage on their boat. Any family would be honored to grant them a seat at their table. If their former rank didn’t remove it, the penalty to social interactions with outsiders is removed: they are so well known outside the clan that others respect their form of communication, even if they cant understand it. Their Allies, Authority, Renown and Resources background scores g0 to EQUIPMENT: elder staf (an ancient driftwood staff passed down the generations), set of pithing needles for birth rituals Page 4

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