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yr" Munoo’s Future Plan _Munoo does like to ignore the call by his aunt, the fact is that he is made to accompany his uncle to leave for town, where his uncle has arranged a servant's job for him in a sub-accountant named Babu Nathu Ram’s house. Munoo has heard of the people who have gone to the city and have brought back wonderful stories about the life there. However, Munoo is particularly interested in machines about Which he had read in his school books. He wants to see the new world, and desires to go to city but after passing all his examinations. ile grazing his cattle and playing in the field, Munoo heard the call for him: by his aunt and he reluctantly decides that he should hot delay anymore and so gathers his cattle and leaves for his hut to get ready to go to town. Chapter - 2 Munoo’s Journey to the Town con, Muno’is uncle Daya Ram took him a cnttantly urging the boy to walk at a quic “ove #h to stride with the long steps of his unel 7 ted the distance of ten miles, and his fe ja rh His which have became sore and weary after an * 8 are strained, Despite his worse con@iie™ 03 He is tired eady e town. along to the cer pace. The boy they hav: plistered. His b: austing journey: his uncle is not ™ MULK RAJ ANAND : COLI : A CRITICAL Eva EVALUAn, in @ condition to allow him for rest since he is afraid of m = office. Just then a cart passes by, the passing an ne ers a i but Daya Rom rejected it sving that the driver it ack for money The cart driver asked him to get on the cane td ce tina fea arrogance made them lose the opportunity + but ee et During the journey, Munoo undergoes some inter” experiences, He stared wiley and open mouthed at the of ferent carriages, to wheced bovike bamboo carts Back-odie ah .at-phaties which seemed to him curious nee a ove main road. He is amazed to see a rail sain which scmed fo be ikea ack camel pling a lege num of brown houses behind it He wants to know many more Ong cd Sagebee the ate which thes people graze and where a ry eee ac Hi tae tells him that these people hare ne cattle a s. The only money in their he : the ee eae, the sight of the ect ef Is eets in a sweet shi is seated to 25 Phmogram an he considers i ae sgh See ne oy indeed appears to be a romantic lac me oh eth dsbing sight of same hill folk carrying heavy Munoo’s Condition in Babu Nathoo Ram’s Home After covering the long distance from the village Bi laspur 0 Sham Nagar, is i gar, Munoo is introduced to Babu Nathoo Ram as th, as the nephew of Days bus wif tal large of Munoo, aya Ram. Babu’s wife, Bibiji takes charge of Mun ® Testing May and fo as they r, accountant, Imperial la woman of a sever illtreats him time and again Munoo’s Daily Work Munoo is working as a domestic serv: Nathoo Ram's ‘ing as a domest nt ‘ant in Babu Nathoo Rai 95 cludes cleaning utensils and fetching water from position is restricted to the kitchen only. Bibiji the PU critical of him, and she is always scolding him and finding js 079 him, She does not know the principles of hygiene but on fault i che teaches the lesson of cleanliness, When sometimes, the ee eT he company of Babu and talks to him, she gets angry uno? °F minds him of his position inthe house. However, Munco 31 age the gramophone and the record played on it by Chota is lod, wants to mix with their children and dance with them, Balj; makes him keep away from mixing with her children, The but athe house of hers conceives in his mind that in contrast bar pibiji, his aunt now appears to be a kind woman. He sometimes with Mory vestless at heart and greatly misses the free life of the feds WPfje on the other hand is fascinated to see the clothes and will the shes of the Babus. 1 raises a vision in him of becoming ean some day and he resolved to work like a model servant iyp, England’s Visit in Babu Nathoo Ram's House abu Nathoo Ram had urged WP. England many times to visit pis boos. One aftemean WH. England visits his house fort party his use of persistent requests of the former. Mr. England did not beetthe walk to Nathu Ram's house because he had to pass through ‘narrow dirty streets which are lined by crowded houses and he had ay 0 face the embarrassment of being stared at by a large number ‘fr people. ‘The tea party proves a fiasco since ‘Mr. England refused of pepPany sticky Indian sweets and pakoras and English made pastry ‘pecause of hot weather. He only asked for a cup of tea. Munoo Pasty rod to bring in the teatray and he scurries and the tea-tray is ordvom his hands and the precious China crockery breaks into piewes. Munoo is slapped after the visitor had left by Bit have beaten him mercilessly if Chota Babu had not been intervened favfave him, One’ day; Munoo has a half holiday, he expresses his ‘hecire to go to his uncle to take home made rice and dal: He leaves re house without a meal. He reaches to his uncle when be has taken Hae meal, and moreover, he is then in a vicious mood, rebuked the fy for having bought him a bad name by breaking the Babu's tea, wey hen Munoo requests for some money from his uncle, he refuses fo give him money and beats him mercilessly: He tells him ‘T have either sympathy nor food for you". a. ie work pot ic taP. biji and she would a MULK RAD ANAND ¢ COOLIE : A C1 A CRITICAL, py, EVA Misfortunes in Munoo's Life ‘\ More in service of Babu Nathoo Ram's house, While cervant Munoo used to go to fetch water from py a8 a iitote a fight with two other servants named Var pull tap im meetarvant of a judge who not only makes fun and Ln oo cute jokes about his mistress. The matter wa the in Yong {rama docs not allow Munoo to fill his pitcher at thet ‘by he has been monopolizing for a long time. Along with ne, a i) 4 Ne to beat Munoo. Munoo is also infuriated 4, Vy gniitedly but one of his opponents gives him, a fot fithig face with a heavy wooden stick. This causes ‘a wound blow 6. face wt Doctor Prem Babu gives him better treatment ont ie siyt he is taken to rest in a corner of the kitchen. Tho Of his he received has been so painful that it gives him a 1 rete yy he suffers for several days. After the recovery Fah Keven paetes ancther setback which disgraced him src the gm Sheila and her friends are practising dance and he reer ably “re som and begins to play his monkey dance. Sheila ke, Shes intg Ehnce her mother does not want him to play with the og him 9, thy pulls his ear and as the other girls laugh, she goes on a iden 8) puparder and harder: Munoo gets infuriated and bite, ing My cheek. The git] begins to ery and Babuji and Bibiji 28 ber on spot and the former kicks him and beats him arent a wp attention to the poor boy's requests. When Munoo a a 2 pouse, he runs away from the house and runs ae, Lot ala He manages himself to approach near the railway god wrt the hil ae railway carriages, he jumps into one of them thr, Seeing a hdow He hides himself under a seat in the vacant 9 rough Which is soon filled with people. And the train starts PMP arte cut of Sham Nagar, taking Munoo to some unknown tla lay Chapter - 3 New Employees ‘Munoo in Daulatpur : Munoo comes to know that the train is taking him ; to Da In the meanwhile he comes across Seth Prabha Dyal a pata, to Kangra and now running a pickle factory in Daulatpur accompanied by his co-partner Ganpat. Prabha Dyal is child he wishes to adopt the child as his son, on the other hand, Gey agrees to take Munoo along with them to make * anpat unpaid labourer. make him work as ‘Munoo is received heartily in Prabha’s hot is tla a's home. His wif very tenderly and he is given a most sumptuous meal The nas i - ext day lee — ” SUMMARY OF COOLIE making re he find making ed Maharaja wh? wifes tory by a" fact face. He then tature ; taken to the pickle factory whet js workers is tad essence. He meets a worker nam Je farough the window over the wall into the Kruno? Massive thapeless man with « thick animal fa’ He vith Bonga, the other worker who is a boy of short 5 et igo deaf and dumb. Tulsi is the other worker who see and are immediate superior, Her ha Dyal thefferous man whereas Ganpat, a cruel aad re gasigmed here not only to do various odd jobs slutty to deliver gonds at various shops in the city. prabha Dyal one day takes him along with him to the _Pralitice him to the shop-keepers. Munoo finds Daulatpur @ 1 ace eémpared to Sham Nagar. He amuse market ry .d himself by inte jign-boards outsid bas tefing the si s outside the shops. Munoo recalls that he ha: re aulatpur in one of his school books. Prabha Dyal then eats about Ds cot fp tne shopksopers that the bay will deliver essences to them P ariawore pute with Prabha's Neighbours Mai-Babadur Sir Todar Mals are the next door neighbours of protnn Dyal The ovens in the factory emits foul smell which causes Prabeo to ns neighbours, Kai Bahadur is a lauyor by profession anciember of the City Municipal Committee. The wife of Rai ur shouts abusive language to the factory owner for the Bance the amoke eauses her. Ganpat no more bears her and he auifors her back rudely. ithe Rai Bahadur’s son, who is Sub-Inspector in the British Raj hapiens to boat Ganpat and causes him to fall into the gutter Prabha may however, apologizes to the Todarmals and also cools down the DaMtpy sending her a gift of two pots of pickle and jam. Sir Todarmal ladys a pompous complaint to the City Health Officer and some vive later, Health Officer visits the site, however, no action is taken cn sir Todarmal’s complaint as the matter is resolved when Prabb: ments some jam to the lady ‘Todar Mal . i to Mresting Pl pist an pabad! Pp Manoo’s Sickness Munoo works in the pickle-factory. One day he arg number of unripe mangoes which re bith Oe oe rickling. He falls sick. Ganpat guesses that he has been stealing mangoes and eating them, therefore he slaps him. Ganpat takes him Inte the house. Prabha's wife takes care of him with great tenderness and affection. After his recovery, he is treated with kindness and ea NULK RAJ ANAND : CooL, 4 crn, ICAL Ay, Pata given only light work. Munoo fee] Is more obj Wwife’s kindness, lige to p Ganpat’s Betrayal to Prabha Dyal at returns fem collecting the duos whi on ti in his Tong absence, Prabha Dyes d lady Todai On his return Ganpat’s behaviguy se. Without being asked to Munoo he beat fy he found him giving a jar of jam to lady. Today Mal? pleads that he is doing so on his, master's rere a ares that he has only fifty rupees also admits that he has collected about th he keeps with him because Prabha has not. hy profit. Infact, he has collected eight haa _ ea the amount on a coustesan, Prabha tele Tg es given ‘him instructions earlier that he shoul be trait Hhancial matters: Ganpat abuses Prabha Dyal and gy He refuses to give any money to his partner, re in na Caley takes °° Om loans Seems and decide, there to leave him. The partnership gets disvolved it’s 4 the in great disgrace. He fen there mera Ganpat does not coms Hee Hence, Prabha D, iS ruined. He loses his factory and goes back to Kajy ts et Dial work as a coole. ' Ae Munoo Works as a Coolie AS their mastor falls ill and their mistress mii A istress nurses him, Mun al “Tulsi decide to go to the grain market, and: dhe ie tunee something to make there own tation er ee They come to see that there is market, Munco finds it difficult market hefty and strong lies, However he gets a job of a eoalic, but Ie is incapable a e teavy sack, and stumbles and falls At hic failure he is cursed by the Lallas. He th en works in a vegetable market, but foe aN ean e. He then goes to the railway station He resi it the policeman chases him away, fe. he has 20 ficence. He reaches the Mall road, 7. Men it boarded with English shops both sides, After that, ane day he is attracted by He maguneing the circus of ‘Tara Bai and tho © makes friends with an elephant driver and he > —~- gets only scant earning he jobs, E odd jo sma oF C00! ders him. sor, not how but also FO city, Bo ‘ 1 him the show Ov ly shows er brings him in © ot ant Chapter cveys the ‘The gouth, SUF" "tg .g0 in Bombay orth to arns 0 uno pris travelling | °1 ay city, te i aches Bombay tation PI ‘about in d not finding the meal and not finde ‘to have a drink feel happy © ae put he does not 3 se nd to be heavy strewn ory st water and bearel mppy because te sous wife wi and Ratan : The ts fim an Munoo, Ha Factory Hari and ‘Thomas who ate at a commission ‘on high interest. ‘The hut is in @ 1 Works and Exploitat Jimmie 15 9 end Munoo cotton fact an of the co! en and children a eee some money ree rupees & t tory, Munoo’s the foreman a s jobs to Hari at s fo rn fins He also Se i lets ‘out a hut to oe oa ba we 7 jidated condition. 4 tory He hai 1 a Nando of the Tar mt preaks. He a Fae f the thread with knots a Se asta ae ;

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