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Date: 12/06/2023

By: Jennica Santos

Anchor: Good evening. Our top story tonight involves the Philippine Department of Tourism, as their
latest campaign, "Love the Philippines," is facing scrutiny. Reports from and CNN Travel have
revealed that the campaign included foreign stock footage. Our correspondent Jennica Santos has more
on this controversy.

1st Example of Traditional News Script

Correspondent : Jennica Santos : Thank you, [Host Anchor Studio name ]. The Department of Tourism is
under fire after it was discovered that their promotional campaign, aimed at showcasing the beauty of
the Philippines, used footage not originally captured in the country. The issue was first brought to light
by, and CNN Travel further explored the international implications of the controversy.

[Include brief quotes or statements from the DOT representative ]

The DOT has acknowledged the oversight and is now taking steps to address the situation. They assure
the public that measures are being implemented to replace the foreign stock footage with authentic
content that truly represents the diverse landscapes and attractions of the Philippines.

Example of Traditional News Script

2nd Choices of the correspondent of script

Correspondent : Jennica Santos : Thank you, [Host Anchor Studio name ]. The Philippine Department
of Tourism (DOT) is under scrutiny following revelations that their latest campaign, "Love the
Philippines," included foreign stock footage. and CNN Travel reported on the controversy,
prompting the DOT to acknowledge the mistake and vow corrective measures.

[Include brief quotes or statements from the DOT representative]

The incident highlights the importance of vetting promotional material for authenticity. The DOT assures
the public of their commitment to showcasing the true beauty of the Philippines, promising
transparency in their efforts to replace the stock footage.

As the tourism industry remains a crucial economic driver, the controversy sparks discussions on
responsible tourism marketing, emphasizing the need for accuracy to maintain a positive global image of
the country.
Example of Traditional News Script

3rd Choices of the correspondent of script

Correspondent : Jennica Santos: Thank you, [Host Anchor Studio name ].In a recent statement, the
Department of Tourism (DOT) addressed concerns and controversies surrounding the use of stock
footage in their latest promotional campaign, "Love the Philippines." The campaign, aimed at attracting
tourists to the picturesque landscapes and vibrant culture of the Philippines, has come under scrutiny
after reports surfaced regarding the use of foreign footage in the promotional material.

The issue was first brought to light by an article on, highlighting the use of stock footage that
wasn't originally captured in the Philippines. The DOT responded to these claims, acknowledging the
mistake and explaining that the inclusion of foreign footage was an oversight. The department assured
the public that corrective measures are being taken to rectify the situation.

[Include relevant quotes or statements from the DOT representative]

Furthermore, CNN Travel also covered the controversy, shedding light on the international attention
garnered by the misstep. The CNN report delves into the impact of such controversies on the global
perception of the Philippines as a tourist destination.

[Include relevant quotes or statements from the CNN article]

The DOT, in their official statement, expressed regret for any confusion caused by the oversight and
reiterated their commitment to showcasing the genuine beauty of the Philippines. They emphasized that
steps are being taken to replace the stock footage with authentic content that accurately represents the
diverse landscapes and attractions the country has to offer.

The incident raises questions about the vetting process for promotional material and the need for
increased scrutiny to ensure that future campaigns truly capture the essence of the Philippines. As the
tourism industry plays a crucial role in the country's economy, maintaining the authenticity of
promotional content is vital to attracting visitors and fostering a positive image on the global stage.

The DOT has promised transparency in their efforts to rectify the situation and has invited the public to
share their thoughts and suggestions on how to improve future campaigns. The controversy serves as a
reminder of the importance of diligence in promotional efforts and the impact that such oversights can
have on the perception of a destination.

As the DOT works to salvage the campaign's reputation, the broader conversation about responsible
tourism marketing continues, prompting industry stakeholders to reevaluate their approaches to ensure
accuracy and authenticity in promoting the beauty of the Philippines to the world.
4th choices

Correspondent : Jennica Santos : Thank you, [Host Anchor Studio name ]. The Philippine Department
of Tourism (DOT) is under scrutiny following revelations that their latest campaign, "Love the
Philippines," included foreign stock footage. and CNN Travel reported on the controversy,
prompting the DOT to acknowledge the mistake and vow corrective measures.

[Include brief quotes or statements from the DOT representative ]

The incident highlights the importance of vetting promotional material for authenticity. The DOT assures
the public of their commitment to showcasing the true beauty of the Philippines, promising
transparency in their efforts to replace the stock footage.

As the tourism industry remains a crucial economic driver, the controversy sparks discussions on
responsible tourism marketing, emphasizing the need for accuracy to maintain a positive global image of
the country.

[Include relevant quotes or statements from the CNN article]

The Department of Tourism (DOT) has acknowledged an oversight in the "Love the Philippines"
campaign, expressing regret for any confusion caused. In their official statement, the DOT reaffirmed
their commitment to showcasing the genuine beauty of the Philippines and outlined active steps to
replace the controversial stock footage with authentic content that accurately represents the country's
diverse landscapes and attractions. The incident has prompted a crucial examination of the promotional
material vetting process, underscoring the necessity for increased scrutiny to ensure future campaigns
genuinely capture the essence of the Philippines. Given the tourism industry's integral role in the
country's economy, maintaining authenticity in promotional content is deemed vital for attracting
visitors and fostering a positive global image. The DOT has promised transparency in their efforts to
rectify the situation and has invited public input on how to improve future campaigns, acknowledging
the importance of diligence in promotional endeavors.

As the DOT works to salvage the campaign's reputation, a broader conversation about responsible
tourism marketing has emerged, urging industry stakeholders to reassess their approaches for accuracy
and authenticity in promoting the beauty of the Philippines to the world. This controversy serves as a
reminder of the potential impact of oversights on a destination's perception and emphasizes the
ongoing commitment to portraying the Philippines truthfully on the global stage. The DOT's engagement
in this dialogue, coupled with their transparent approach to rectifying the situation, reflects an evolving
and resilient stance in the face of challenges, reinforcing the sector's dedication to showcasing the
Philippines' genuine allure.

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