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Computer Networks 233 (2023) 109896

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Survey paper

A systematic survey on content caching in ICN and ICN-IoT: Challenges,

approaches and strategies
Pruthvi C.N. a , H.S. Vimala a , Shreyas J. b ,∗
a Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering (UVCE, IIT Model College), Bangalore
University, Bengaluru, India
Department of Information Technology, Manipal Institute of Technology Bengaluru, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, India


Keywords: Context: Data traffic increased in recent years due to the expansion of IoT (Internet of Things) applications,
IoT and most IoT applications follow a content-oriented paradigm. The host-to-host nature of the existing internet
ICN architecture makes it inefficient for handling content distribution and information sharing. ICN (Information
Centric Network) is a content-centric network that offers guaranteed solutions for data transfer between
consumers and producers. ICN caching enables the caching technique in available resources, which can enhance
ICN-IoT caching
the overall network performance by enabling users to access data within the network.
Objective: This study aims to review the literature on caching approaches and strategies in ICN-IoT to identify
areas that need more attention in current and future research directions.
Method: A systematic mapping study was conducted to identify the relevant literature, and 88 publications
that are categorized as caching approaches and caching strategies were chosen as the most relevant studies.
Result: Based on caching approaches and caching strategies, the articles are grouped. Edge caching (50%), in-
network caching (25%), and hybrid caching (25%) represent the majority of the articles on caching approaches.
Popularity-based caching (26%), cooperative caching (17%), collaborative caching (17%), machine learning-
based caching (19%), and probabilistic caching (7%) represent the majority of the articles in caching strategies.
This study further presents the simulators, performance metrics, parameters and performance evaluation of the
existing literature.
Conclusion: The results confirm that ICN is a futuristic internet architecture that assigns a content name
to each content in the network and enables in-network caching; it is a superior technique for resolving IoT
challenges and increases the overall network efficiency.

1. Introduction traffic load generated in a network [4]. Fig. 2 depicts the global growth
prediction of IoT devices in use until 2030, which are expected to be
IoT enables billions of devices to connect through wireless IP (Inter- exponential [5].
net Protocol) network, that is embedded with sensors, communication, [6] says that, in a minute, the internet sends around 34.7 million
and actuation capabilities. IoT objects sense the data from the envi- messages and 30% of IP traffic is obtained from mobile traffic. In
ronment and transfer it to the user. They are highly constrained with this, the maximum shared data is multimedia. Hence it is necessary
minimum memory space, battery, and fewer cost requirements [1,2]. to separate host-centric-data networks from data or information-centric
IoT’s primary objective is to gather and process data by connecting
various devices, which makes applications and services make better
Currently, TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Proto-
decisions and understand the environment. Applications enabled by
col) is used as a network architecture for IoT, which is proposed
IoT are found in many areas as shown in Fig. 1, which includes smart
to connect a limited number of devices and share limited network
homes, smart buildings, health care, environmental awareness, online
resources using limited address space in the network layer, which is
shopping, digital development, e-education, automotive, transportation
inefficient to meet the needs of IoT [7]. To fulfill all the needs of IoT,
and logistics, business, and so on [3].
ICN has recently become an effective technique. In ICN, content is iden-
As the applications of IoT increase, the number of devices that
tified using the name rather than location; it makes content available
uses IoT application also increases. It automatically increases the data

∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (Shreyas J.).
Received 25 November 2022; Received in revised form 27 March 2023; Accepted 18 June 2023
Available online 24 June 2023
1389-1286/© 2023 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Pruthvi C.N. et al. Computer Networks 233 (2023) 109896

metrics, caching strategies, and applications. Authors in [10] produced

only merits, challenges, schemes, and strategies for ICN caching. In [7]
performance metrics, applications of ICN-IoT and caching schemes
with simulators are presented. In [11], authors explained only about
security aware caching schemes with issues and challenges were men-
tioned. [12] is described only about ICN caching but does not mention
about IP v/s ICN network differences, simulators and application area
of ICN-IoT. [13] mentioned only about some of the caching strategies
and applications of ICN-IoT. Our survey differs from existing works as
it offers new categories of ICN-IoT caching approaches and strategies.
We choose a significant number of research papers for this survey and
focused mainly on caching approaches and strategies of both ICN and
ICN-based IoT networks. Furthermore, considering recent development
in ICN-IoT caching, this survey includes the state-of-the-art techniques
in the area. This survey produced ICN projects, requirements of IoT,
merits and challenges of ICN caching in IoT with the difference between
IP-based and ICN-based networks. It also includes ICN-IoT caching
simulators, performance metrics with parameters considered, and IoT
applications with uses ICN caching.

1.2. Purpose of the survey

Fig. 1. IoT applications.

The objective of this survey is to furnish a heterogeneity of ICN-

based IoT caching approaches, strategies, simulators, and applications
that have been presented in various existing works by multiple authors
in 2015–2022 (till the time of revision).

1.3. Motivation

IoT aims to connect all its devices through the internet to access
those from anywhere at any time. Having billions of IoT devices con-
nected to the internet generates a lot of data. The key problem becomes
handling and storing this enormous volume of data. Hence, ICN in-
networking caching helps to store cache in routers that can handle this
challenge by caching content at intermediate nodes and separating the
receiver from the original producer. These features of ICN in-network
caching motivated us to conduct this survey, which takes into account
Fig. 2. Global growth prediction of IoT devices. a variety of caching approaches, strategies, and algorithms of existing
papers published in the field of both ICN caching and ICN-based IoT
anywhere in the network. Communication in ICN is receiver-driven,
which enables the receiver to control communication [8]. 1.4. Contribution of this survey
ICN in-network caching enables every network node to store content
locally and cache from intermediate nodes. Since IoT contains many
The following are the significant contributions of this survey:
sensor nodes, ICN in-network caching reduces the hop count in the
transmission path and helps to overcome IoT challenges in terms of 1. The main contribution of this paper is to provide an exten-
storage capacity and battery life. Caching at routers or intermediary sive study on ICN-IoT caching strategies to cache IoT data in
devices in the IoT has several advantages. The security and scalability intermediate nodes to meet IoT requirements.
of the IoT network are improved by caching the contents from interme- 2. This study divides caching approaches into in-network, edge,
diate nodes because the receiver is no longer connected to the original and hybrid caching based on the method and location used for
producer. It is possible to increase the energy efficiency of constraint- caching.
oriented devices and handle mobility in an effective way. Effective 3. This survey classifies caching strategies into popularity-based
caching implementation can increase the resilience and lifespan of IoT caching, collaborative caching, cooperative caching, machine
networks [7]. learning-based caching, and probabilistic caching based on the
caching techniques used.
1.1. Related surveys 4. This survey summarizes the ICN caching solutions for IoT prob-
lems addressed in each literature.
In the existing, several surveys are conducted to review caching in 5. This survey also provides detailed benefits and future works
ICN-IoT, as summarized in below Table 1. of recently published papers in the area of ICN-IoT caching,
The literature from [6–13] are available as survey papers in ICN and and each method provides a comparison among them, including
ICN-IoT caching. In [6] the characteristics of caching strategies, issues, performance metrics for researchers to understand the different
and challenges for ICN are mentioned but not other characters shown techniques, hence allowing them to select the most suitable one
in the table. Authors in [9] present issues, challenges, performance based on their requirements.

Pruthvi C.N. et al. Computer Networks 233 (2023) 109896

Table 1
Comparison between related surveys.

Main characteristics considered for survey

Caching Approaches/Schemes
Merits and Challenges

Caching Applications
Performance Metrics
Caching Simulators
Caching Strategies
ICN Projects

IP v/s ICN
Ref. No Major concern
[6] ICN caching ✓ ✓ ICN cache management strategies,
performance evaluation, challenges and
future direction.
[9] Green caching strategies ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Green caching, research ideas related to
green caching.
[10] ICN caching ✓ ✓ ✓ ICN features, ICN naming and caching
schemes in 5G network
[7] Recent advances in ICN-IoT ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ICN naming, caching, mobility and
security approaches for IoT, research
challenges and issues, operating systems
and simulation tools.
[11] Security aware ICN-IoT ✓ ✓ Security aware caching schemes in
caching ICN-IoT.
[12] ICN caching ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ICN architectures and their features,
caching features, cache characters to
improve caching, issues and research
[13] Survey on ndn/ccn in IoT ✓ ✓ Caching management and naming
Our survey ICN-IoT caching ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ All the above mentioned categories
are described.

1.5. Organization of the paper RQ6. How many articles have looked at in-network, edge, and hybrid
In Fig. 3, the organization of this paper is depicted. Section 1 con-
RQ7. How many articles have looked at popularity-based, collabora-
tains an introduction. Section 2 contains the survey methodology. Sec-
tive, cooperative, machine learning based, and probabilistic caching?
tion 3 provides ICN-IoT features. Section 4 discussed ICN-IoT caching
merits. Section 5 describes different caching approaches. Section 6 RQ8. What are the most relevant simulators and replacement algo-
discussed ICN-IoT caching strategies. Section 7 contains performance rithms used in ICN-IoT caching?
metrics and parameters used in existing ICN-IoT caching. Section 8
contains performance evaluation. Section 9 describes ICN-IoT caching RQ9. What are the applications used ICN caching in IoT?
applications. Finally, the conclusion is given in Section 10.
2.2. Literature sources and search strategies
2. Survey methodology
This survey considers book chapters, transactions, journals, and
We adopted the systematic mapping methodology proposed by [14] conferences as basic literature sources to search the research papers
to carry out this comprehensive review, which gives a detailed system- on ICN and ICN-based IoT caching techniques published in Google
atic review of specific topic. scholar, IEEE explore, ACM, Elsevier, Springer, MDPI, etc. The research
on ICN started in 2013 hence we considered research articles from
2.1. Systematic reviews and mappings: Research questions 2013 for our primary relevant count. In the first step, a keyword-based
search method [15] is used based on the terms ‘caching’, ‘ICN-IoT,’ ‘ICN
The following research questions are considered for the retained caching,’ ‘IoT,’ ‘ICN-IoT caching’ etc. Around 183 papers were selected,
papers: and 147 are considered as primary relevant articles for this survey.
RQ1. How does research papers on ICN caching and ICN-IoT caching Further, to find the most relevant sources, a string and advanced search
been dispersed throughout the years? options are used by considering the title, abstract, and keyword, and
selected 88 articles. In that 88, around 66 articles are retained for ICN-
RQ2. Which articles in the ICN domain have received the most ci- IoT caching classification in this survey from 2015 to 2023 (till the time
tations on caching and ICN-IoT caching and who are the prominent of revision). Table 2 shows the number of collected papers per database
contributing authors? with and without selection criteria.
RQ3. In which forums have research on ICN, ICN caching and ICN- In a response to RQ1, Fig. 4 shows the year-wise distribution of
IoT caching been published, and which forums have published more retained papers. Research on ICN-IoT began in 2013 since then articles
articles? published are increasing. These data attest to the topic’s significance,
which is steadily gaining attention from the research community. We
RQ4. What are the challenges and future direction of ICN-IoT caching?
considered articles from 2015 to 2023 (till the submission time), and
RQ5.What are the most prevalent types of performance metrics and articles from 2021–2022 and 2023 are fewer because we are in the year
parameters used in ICN-IoT caching? 2023 hence many articles are not published yet.

Pruthvi C.N. et al. Computer Networks 233 (2023) 109896

Fig. 3. Taxonomy of survey.

Table 2 Table 3
Number of collected paper per database. Most cited papers in ICN and ICN-IoT caching.
Database Total Primary relevant Most relevant Retained papers References [16] [17] [18] [19] [6] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27]
for survey
No. of 406 289 227 193 138 122 95 90 85 74 62 55 54
IEEE Xplore 59 54 37 35 citations
Elsevier 31 25 17 11
References [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38] [39] [10]
Springer 13 8 3 1
MDPI 16 10 10 9 No. of 53 50 46 41 41 40 39 39 36 30 29 29 26
ACM 7 6 3 3 citations
Others 57 44 18 7
Total 183 147 88 66

Table 4 shows the list of contributions made by each author in the

Regarding RQ2, the most cited papers in ICN and ICN-IoT caching ICN-IoT caching. Since there were so many authors, we have only
are shown in Table 3 (based on Google Scholar citation on the search included those who had published at least two papers.
period). Listed in descendant order of articles that have been cited more To address the RQ3, the publication forums of the retained papers
than 25 times. are identified. Table 5 lists the summary of the retained papers’

Pruthvi C.N. et al. Computer Networks 233 (2023) 109896

3. ICN-IoT: Before ICN-IoT

3.1. IoT

The architecture of IoT depends on the type of application. A

comprehensive end-to-end IoT architecture is comprised of several
components, Fig. 5 shows three basic layers of IoT architecture.
The basic three layers are:

1. Perception Layer: The perception layer contains sensor devices

used to sense and gather environmental data.
2. Network Layer: The network layer contains routers and gateways
that are used to connect and transmit devices over the network
using the application layer.
3. Application Layer: Storing, and processing of data, with provid-
ing specialized services and functionality for users.

The Internet has more than 25 billion linked devices, which gener-
ates a lot of data that should deliver at the correct time, and accurately
Fig. 4. Year wise distribution of retained papers.
to the correct end user. This leads to managing excess data produced
by devices and increasing IoT network management. Data storage,
Table 4 processing, and analysis are essential requirements of IoT networks
Contributions made by each author in the ICN-IoT
which mainly affect data transmission in the network. IoT applications
Author’s name Publication count
are increasing daily; hence data transmission and retrieval take a
significant role in the network.
B. nour 6
M.A naeem 5 Data transmission in IoT is shown in Fig. 6. The data acquisition
M. amadeo 4 phase is for collecting signals that represent actual physical occurrences
D. Gupta 4 and converting them into a digital representation in which a computer
H. khelifi 3
Z. Zang 3
and software can handle [40,41]. In the data transmission phase, the
L. Zang 3 data acquired by IoT devices will be sent to a gateway server, which
S. Kumar 2 will aggregate the information and transfer it to a cloud platform
Y. Meng 2 for further processing. When IoT nodes are distributed across a large
Y. Liu 2
B. Cheng 2
region, nodes that are remote from the gateway server must send data
R. Ullah 2 via many hops to the gateway server [42–44]. The data processing and
O. Serhane 2 management phase is responsible for data storage and management,
M.I.A Zahed 2 as well as data updates as new information becomes available. It is
L.U. Din 2
necessary to process the massive amount of data produced by IoT
devices in order to transform it into usable data for users.
The data produced by the sensor devices must be properly stored
publication forums. The most frequently used forum was the sensors to make into the user-required information. Because of the potentially
journal. There were 9 transactions, 38 journals, 16 conferences, 1 large volume of data collected by sensors, a scalable cloud service is
magazine, 1 letter, and 1 workshop publication in the search period. used to store it [45]. The user interface is a feature used to interact with
The distribution of the retained papers by publication type is shown in a computer system. Applications on computers and smartphones are the
Table 6. most visible examples of user interfaces [46]. Storing and managing
the vast amount of data and enabling users to access data efficiently
becomes a significant challenge in IoT.
2.2.1. Inclusion criteria
1. The articles must describe the caching techniques applied to
3.2. ICN
ICN-based IoT applications.
2. The articles related to efficient caching strategies in ICN-IoT.
3. The articles should address the efficient caching framework for ICN is the Publish–Subscribe Internet (PSI) architecture, in which
IoT using ICN in-network caching. users are primarily concerned with network contents and are uncon-
4. The articles must report on caching merits and challenges in IoT. cerned about the source of that information. This enables users to
5. The articles related to IoT caching, caching architectures, and search and access content using names than addresses. ICN mainly
ICN projects are also considered. focuses on information delivery rather than host-centric end-to-end
connectivity. [47]. In the IP network information exchange depends on
the URLs (Unified Resource Locator) and DNS (Domain Name System)
2.2.2. Exclusion criteria resolution. ICN’s main objective is to fetch data from any location using
1. The articles related to general IoT caching. (CI) Content Identifier rather than fetching data from a specific content
2. The articles related to the general system model for ICN-IoT data producer or host. It treats content or data as a priority element [48].
transmission. ICN names all devices and content of IoT network by using the ICN
naming feature, which helps to connect and combine billions of IoT
After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria on 150 papers, we devices and a massive amount of IoT data. In addition, because ICN
finally selected 137 papers that are most relevant to caching in the provides receiver-driven communication, the receiver has complete
ICN-IoT network. control over the communication [7].

Pruthvi C.N. et al. Computer Networks 233 (2023) 109896

Table 5
Publication forums of retained papers.
Publication Source No
Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 3
Transactions on Vehicular Technology 1
Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 1
Transactions on Multimedia 1
Transactions on Green Communications and Networking 1
Transactions on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems 1
Transactions on Network and Service Management 1
Sensors 5
Internet of Things Journal 6
Computer Networks 3
Future Generation Computer Systems 3
Computer Communications 4
IEEE Access 3
Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 1
Wireless communications and Mobile Computing 1
Electronics 1
Wireless Communications 1
Multimedia Tools and Applications 1
Future Internet 1
Journal of ICT Standardization 1
Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 1
Applied Sciences 2
Journal of Internet Technology 2
Network 1
Conference proceedings
Conference on Information-Centric Networking 1
International Conference on Communications 1
International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems 1
International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems 1
International Conference on Communications 2
Global Communications Conference 1
International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference 1
Global Communications Conference 1
Conference on Emerging Networking Experiments and Technologies 1
Conference on Computer Communications Workshops 1
International Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks 1
International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications 1
Conference on Local Computer Networks 1
International Conference on Network Protocols 1
International Conference on Communication Software and Networks 1
Magazines and letters
Communications Magazine 1
Internet Technology Letters 1
Workshop proceedings
Workshop on Network Meets AI & ML 1
Total 66

Table 6
Distribution of retained papers by publication type.
Publication type 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total %
Transaction article – – – 1 3 1 2 2 – 9 14%
Journal article – – 1 4 10 7 6 7 3 38 58%
Conference proceedings 1 2 1 3 4 3 2 – – 16 24%
Workshop and letter proceedings – – 2 – – – – – – 2 3%
Magazine proceedings – – – – 1 – – – – 1 1%
Total 1 2 4 8 18 11 10 9 3 66 100%

3.2.1. ICN architecture replaced with names. The key feature of a TRAID is content
Many architectures and different models are proposed for ICN. routing, transmitting, and caching [49,50].
Significant changes have done in each architecture. Many ICN projects • DONA (Data-Oriented Network Architecture) [51] is the first
are developed to make content-based networks efficient. Fig. 7 shows clean-slate redesign architecture for Internet naming and name
the proposed ICN architectures, and this section explains the main ICN resolution developed in 2007. In this architecture, flat, self-
architectures and projects developed for ICN. certifying names are used in place of DNS names and use a
name-based any cast primitive instead of DNS name resolution,
• TRAID (Translating Relaying Internet Architecture integrating that exists above the IP layer. By offering a separate mechanism
Active Directories) was developed in 1999 [47]. In TRAID, pack- for pathfinding, DONA’s name-based any-cast primitive can re-
ets are having name-based pseudo-header, and the address is lieve a load on the lower-level addressing structure.

Pruthvi C.N. et al. Computer Networks 233 (2023) 109896

Fig. 5. General IoT layers.

Fig. 6. Data transmission in IoT adopted from [7].

• 4WARD [52] is a European FP7 first project based on NetInf mediation plane, and the forwarding plane. Name and content
design developed in the year 2008, and it is further developed resolution as well as finding a path for content delivery is the two
as a SAIL project. responsibilities of the content mediation plane. Delivering content
• SAIL (Scalable and Adaptive Internet Solutions) [53] developed back to the content consumer is the responsibility of the content
in 2008, and funded by EU FP7 under NET INF architecture. forwarding plane.
SAIL uses different models for forwarding requests and uses a • CONVERGENCE [52] is the publish–subscribe model used in the
flat naming scheme. The first model is the NRS (Name Resolution European FP7 project. VDI (Versatile Digital Item) is CONVER-
System), which links a name to its coordinates where the NDO GENCE’s new content distribution unit. VDI serves as a container
(Named Data Object) is stored, where NDO is the Information for storing information such as names, metadata, and resources
object. NRS creates a hierarchical resolution system consisting (data). In VDI, metadata is linked to a license, which defines the
of global and local NRS, using multilevel DHT (Distributed Hash actions that can be taken on the resource. The XML (Extensible
Table). The local and global scope ensures that the user’s chosen Markup Language) format is used to express VDI.
location is always near to station. NRS also records the user’s • Mobility First [55] is a new clean-slate research initiative in
request and collects statistics about it. The second model is the 2010 funded by the FIA (Future Internet Architecture) initiative
Name-Based Routing model. A routing protocol is used to store of the National Science Foundation. This initiative aims to ad-
and disseminate NDO information in network routers. dress the concerns of universal wireless access and mobility, as
• PSRIP (Publish–Subscribe Internet Routing Paradigm) [54] have
well as provide innovative multi-cast, any-cast, multi-path, and
developed in 2010 and funded by EU FP7. Its goal is to look at
context-aware services for upcoming mobile internet application
fundamental changes to the current internet’s IP layer, eventually
replacing it with a new type of internetworking. This project’s
• Green ICN is mainly concentrated on energy efficiency, man-
primary goals were to design the information-centric architec-
aging the devices and network scalable in an energy-efficient
ture, make the information a center of attention, and improve
manner [56], developed in 2013 and funded by EU FP7-ICT.
performance efficiency by innovating multicasting and caching
• ICE-AR (ICN-Enabled Secure Edge Networking with Augmented
Reality) [57] is a research team project worked on NDN (Named
• PERSUIT [53] is the successor project of PSIRP. A data unit is
Data Networking), developed in 2017. This architecture includes
referred to as the information phase and SId (Scope ID) and RId
features like data naming, security, computing, effective use of
(Rendezvous ID) are two identifiers for each information item.
resources, asynchronous publication and consumption.
SId identifies which category an information item belongs to,
whereas RId identifies each piece of information. Each piece of
information must belong to at least one aspect. For each category 3.2.2. NDN based ICN
of information items, the scope provides policy enforcement and NDN is the most effective, prevailing architecture among all ICN
access rights. architecture; this is an extended project of a Content-Centric Network
• COMET (Content Mediator Architecture for Content-Aware Net- (CCN). The definition of network service shifts from sending packets
works) [53] is an ICN architecture developed in 2010 and funded to a particular destination address to obtaining content designated by
by convergence EU FP7 project. It is an approach to content access a particular name. NDN consists of two different types of packets,
based on mediation. It follows two plane approaches, the content namely: An interest packet and a data packet, as shown in Fig. 8.

Pruthvi C.N. et al. Computer Networks 233 (2023) 109896

Fig. 7. ICN architectures and projects.

Fig. 8. NDN packet types adopted from [58].

The interest packet contains the content request, and the data room temperature data, it requests through the nodes R3, R2, and R1.
packet contains response data for the interest packet. A content name If the requested data is available, the data is forwarded to consumer
identifies both packets and it used for routing and caching. When the 1 following a similar path. All the nodes in the ICN network are able
interest packet reaches the nearby node, if the requested content is to cache the data. If the consumer 2 requests the same data, then the
available, it sends a data packet to the requester using the same path request is satisfied through the intermediate nodes R1, R2, and R3. If
from where the interest packet came [59]. NDN contains three data consumer 1 requests any other data which is not available, then it adds
structures, namely: Content Store (CS), Pending Interest Table (PIT),
a request to PIT; if a matching request is found in PIT, then interest is
and Forwarding Information Base (FIB).
redirected to the next node as prescribed by its FIB [31].
A flowchart of NDN-based ICN operation is shown in Fig. 9. When
a user sends the interest packet to a node, it checks in its CS and if the
requested content is available in the cache, it is referred to as a replica 3.2.3. IoT requirements
node. In this case, a data packet is forwarded to the requester using the IoT is mainly composed of sensors and actuators, and due to limited
same path in which the interest packet came. If the requested content is resource constraints, some of important requirements [7,61,62] should
not available in the cache then it checks in the PIT entry. In this case, if
take into account while designing IoT solutions.
the request already exists in the PIT then it increases the request count
else it adds a new request entry. Then it checks the FIB to forward the 1. Naming and Addressing: Developing IoT in large-scale environ-
interest towards the next hop or content provider. ments requires assigning a unique name or address to each
When the node gets data packets from other nodes, it checks its device, data generated by those devices, and their services.
PIT entry. If the same content request entry is found, it sends it to all
Processing lengthy addresses for tiny communications would
the previously requested nodes else it discards the data packet as an
be complicated for constraint-oriented primary devices since it
unsolicited packet. At the same time, the nodes along the data path
results in a waste of resources.
decide to cache the data based on cache policy [60].
When consumers request the data from the producer through the 2. Scalability: The ability to add new devices, services, and func-
routers or intermediate nodes, the requested data is fetched from sensor tionalities for users without reducing the quality of the current
nodes and forwarded to consumers. Intermediate nodes in the delivery network is called as IoT scalability. Adding new operations and
path cache the data for future requests [7]. supporting new devices is challenging when there are numerous
The operation of NDN-based ICN architecture under IoT deployment different hardware platforms and communication protocols to
is shown in Fig. 10. When consumer 1 requests the smart building consider.

Pruthvi C.N. et al. Computer Networks 233 (2023) 109896

Fig. 9. Flow chart of NDN-based ICN operation and table structure.

Fig. 10. NDN based ICN architecture under IoT deployment.

3. Mobility: IoT contains mobile devices with tiny screens and short 6. Heterogeneity and Interoperability: IoT contains many sensors
battery life, including tablets and smartphones. IoT applications that are heterogeneous with features like memory, processing
demand anytime and everywhere connectivity since users want speed, and battery varies widely. Various underlying mecha-
to use their emails and make phone calls at any time and from nisms are used to communicate between these sensors. As a
any location. Network architecture should facilitate seamless result, an interoperable IoT network architecture is necessary
mobility and roaming to make data available everywhere and to handle heterogeneity across device specifications and various
underlying communication technologies and methodologies.
deliver with fast and reliable connectivity.
7. Energy Efficiency: Most of the devices used in IoT applications
4. Security and Privacy: Physical objects are accessed over the
are smart devices, and wireless devices contain low battery
internet, security becomes a serious concern. Data transmission
power. Hence the mechanisms with energy efficiency are more
through the applications requires more security and privacy.
necessary for IoT.
5. Storage and Caching: Storing and accessing time of data should
be less in IoT since it increases application performance and 3.3. Current IP based IoT vs ICN-IoT
efficiency. Caching enhances data availability, dependability,
and processing speed in IoT networks, particularly in wireless The IoT architecture must be flexible enough to manage applications
networks. according to its requirements [63]. Many approaches are developed to

Pruthvi C.N. et al. Computer Networks 233 (2023) 109896

Fig. 11. NDN and IP stack adopted from [58].

Fig. 12. Content retrieval in IP based and ICN network adopted from [60].

full fill these requirements. All the projects developed for IoT are IP- has the content. Consumer 4 request is satisfied by the producer for the
based architecture [7]. This IP-based networking is location-dependent, first time. During this process, the intermediate routers can save copies
where each device or node communicates using their addresses. It is of the content. When the same content is requested by consumer 3, the
mainly on host-to-host communication; here host plays the leading role. request is fulfilled by the R2 itself, by reducing the burden of reaching
TCP/IP establishes a point-to-point route based on the information of the producer each time [60].
the source and destination addresses. The packets are transmitted along In IoT, each node can be a producer or consumer of data, data
the route that connects the two nodes [57]. ICN is an information- retrieval and distribution become the main issues. Here the requested
centric network, and more priority goes to information rather than the data is more important than the address of the producer. When a
address of that information. greater number of requests are raised for the same content then the
flash crowd will occur, which increases network traffic. The location-
In ICN, the location-centric (where) is shifted to the data-centric
dependent network creates certain limitations and inefficient informa-
(what) model and it differs from IP-based networks in a few aspects.
tion retrieval and distribution [64].
Fig. 11 compares NDN and IP stack. The two concepts of strategy
When a flash crowd occurs, there is typically a sudden surge of
and security are represented as additional levels in the protocol stack
requests and data transfers across the network. This can cause smart
of ICN. Because of its easier interaction with layer 2, ICN completely
devices to work harder to handle the increased traffic, leading to
uses several simultaneous connectivities (e.g., ethernet and 3G, and increased battery consumption. In some cases, this increased power
Bluetooth and 802.11) [58]. consumption can cause devices to run out of battery faster than normal,
Fig. 12 shows the content retrieval in IP-based IoT and ICN-IoT or even to shut down if the battery is depleted.
network. In IP-based IoT communication, a consumer should know the ICN in-network caching can help to overcome the flash crowd issue
content producer’s address and access the required data through the in IoT by storing frequently accessed data closer to the end-users,
IP routed path as shown in blue lines, consumers 1 and 2 accessing reducing the need to fetch data from distant servers. In a flash crowd
data directly from the producer. In ICN-based IoT communication, the scenario, where a sudden surge of requests overwhelms the network,
content name is used to request the content; the request is forwarded in-network caching can help alleviate the load on the network by
using name-based routing until it reaches the destination device which providing local access to the cached data.

Pruthvi C.N. et al. Computer Networks 233 (2023) 109896

Table 7 ICN caching is different from traditional or IP-based caching; differ-

ICN features supports IoT challenges.
ences are listed in Table 8 [68]. Caching is more important in ICN-based
Sl. No IoT Challenges ICN Features
IoT, to transfer information rapidly and inexpensively to edge devices,
1 Scalability In-network caching, naming, content-based
because certain IoT applications require new content with strict time
2 Naming and addressing Naming and addressing constraints. Caching in intermediate nodes offers more benefits. As
3 Mobility Naming, receiver driven connectionless the receiver address is not required to cache content, the security
communication, decoupled mode, location of the IoT network and scalability increases [69]. The resilience and
independence, in-network caching
4 Security Content integrity, per packet signature,
durability of IoT networks may be increased by adequately deploying
location independence, content-based caching [30]. Mobility can be better managed, and constraint-oriented
routing and caching devices’ energy efficiency can be boosted [70].
5 Heterogeneity and Naming and resolution, customized naming
interoperability and caching
ICN caching refers to the process of storing frequently requested
6 Energy efficiency In-network caching, naming, content-based content in routers along the path from content producers to consumers.
routing This caching helps reduce network congestion and improve content
7 Data availability In-network caching
8 Reliability Multi-path routing, In-network caching
On the other hand, ICN-IoT (Internet of Things) caching refers to
the caching of content in IoT devices that are connected to an ICN
Table 8
Comparison of traditional caching with ICN caching.
network. IoT devices have limited resources like memory, processing
Traditional Caching ICN Caching
power, and battery life. Therefore, ICN-IoT caching aims to optimize
content delivery by caching content in IoT devices that are in close
Caching occurs at the application layer Occurs at Network layer
proximity to the requesting IoT device. This reduces the amount of
Caching nodes are fixed and predefined Not fixed nor predefined
traffic that needs to be sent to the cloud or other centralized servers.
Caches whole content Caches content chunks
The difference between traditional ICN caching and ICN-IoT caching
Application dependent Application Independent
with respect to caching parameters is listed below.
The same content might appear under many Same domain can use same
names on various domains. content Table 9 shows the major difference between traditional ICN caching
Domain based naming Content based naming and ICN-IoT caching.
Caching topology can be a hierarchical or tree Caching topology are arbitrary
based • Content distribution: In traditional ICN caching, content is dis-
caching content from immediate nodes is not Can cache content from tributed from content producers to end-users through a hierar-
possible immediate or intermediate nodes chical network topology, where content is cached in routers. In
All routers in network do not contains cache All routers in network contains contrast, ICN-IoT caching aims to distribute content through a
memory cache memory
more decentralized approach, where content is cached in IoT
devices that are near the end-users.
• Cache size: Traditional ICN caching often involves caching con-
The naming feature of ICN enables information to locate globally. As tent in high-capacity routers with large cache sizes. In contrast,
IoT consists of billions of devices and large amounts of data, this nam- ICN-IoT caching often involves caching content in low-power IoT
ing feature more suits for IoT, and heterogeneity among devices can devices with much smaller cache sizes. Therefore, the content that
easily handle. IoT receiver is more concerned about data than consumer is cached in IoT devices is often limited to a subset of the most
hence ICN supports receiver–driver communication. The name of the frequently requested content.
content is used to search instead of the address it makes communication • Content popularity: Traditional ICN caching focuses on popular
secure. Table 7 shows ICN features that support IoT challenges [7]. content across the entire network. In contrast, ICN-IoT caching
focuses on caching content that is popular among a specific group
4. CACHING IN ICN-IoT of IoT devices located in a particular area or region.
• Latency: Traditional ICN caching aims to minimize latency by
The critical challenge for ICN performance is how to cache data gen- caching content in routers that are closer to end-users. ICN-
erated by its users or received from the outside network optimally [27]. IoT caching takes a similar approach but also aims to minimize
The main objective of ICN is in-network caching and storing of content; latency by caching content in IoT devices that are near the
this can be achieved by inserting cache memory in all routers [65].
requesting IoT device. This can help reduce latency further, es-
Caching is the temporary storage of information, data, and objects
pecially for IoT applications that require low latency, such as
in a place for future use at frequent or closely related intervals [12].
industrial automation, smart cities, and remote healthcare.
It helps to minimize data traffic produced by fetching data at end
• Security: ICN-IoT caching has some unique security challenges
user [66]. ICN replaces the address of nodes with names of data; hence
compared to traditional ICN caching. For example, IoT devices
it improves popular data delivery [16].
are often deployed in unsecured environments, such as public
Main components of ICN-IoT caching are are described below and
shown in Fig. 13. spaces or industrial plants, and are vulnerable to physical and
Content producer: IoT devices that produce data by sensing. Exam- cyber attacks. Therefore, ICN-IoT caching must consider security
ples: sensors, tablets, servers, IoT devices, smart buildings, etc. threats specific to IoT devices, such as malware, denial-of-service
Content consumers: Users who request content produced by IoT attacks, and data breaches.
devices. Examples: Smartphones, personal computers, servers, Business Overall, traditional ICN caching and ICN-IoT caching share some
organizations, Etc. similarities but also have significant differences in network topol-
Cache routers: Each router in ICN-IoT is capable of caching the ogy, caching location, cache size, content popularity, latency, and
content and can serve the user’s request without accessing the main security. Understanding these differences is crucial for designing
memory. Caching operations including validating and locating cache efficient and secure ICN networks for various applications and use
content are handled by these routers [67]. cases.

Pruthvi C.N. et al. Computer Networks 233 (2023) 109896

Fig. 13. Components of ICN-IoT Caching adopted from [68].

Table 9
Difference between ICN caching and ICN-IoT caching.
Caching parameters Traditional ICN Caching ICN-IoT Caching

Caching location Routers along the path IoT devices

Content distribution Hierarchical topology Decentralized approach
Cache size Large cache sizes Small cache sizes
Content popularity Popular across networks Popular among specific IoT devices
Latency Minimized by caching content closer to end Minimized by caching content in IoT devices close to
users requesting IoT devices
Security Security threats related to routers Security threats related to IoT devices and their
deployment environments

4.1. Main merits of ICN-IoT caching • Predictive Caching: ICN-IoT caching can employ predictive caching
techniques and proactively cache content that is likely to be
• Improved content delivery efficiency: ICN-IoT caching enables requested. This can further improve content delivery efficiency
caching the frequently accessed data in intermediate or edge and reduce latency.
nodes near IoT devices. This reduces the number of nodes re- • Dynamic Adaptation: ICN-IoT caching can adapt dynamically to
quired to travel during content transmission and increases the changes in the network topology and demand for content. This
efficiency of content delivery. ensures that content is always delivered efficiently and with min-
• Reduced network congestion: ICN-IoT reduces network conges- imal delay, even when the network topology constantly changes.
tion by caching the most popular data near end users. This As response to RQ4, some issues and challenges need further
reduces the network traffic that needs to traverse the network, attention in ICN-IoT caching. While developing efficient ICN-IoT
resulting in reducing the load on the network and improving caching techniques, some of the caching challenges and ICN-IoT
overall network performance. caching challenges still exist in IoT. The challenges and future
• Increased content availability: ICN-IoT caching enhances content directions are listed below [6,48,71].
availability, especially when IoT devices have an intermittent
connection. In-network caching feature of ICN enables storing 4.2. Challenges of ICN-caching
content near the end user, which ensures content availability in
the network even when the devices are disconnected from the This section explains the ICN caching challenges which are still
network. existing while developing efficient ICN content caching techniques for
• Reducing the load on the publisher: Since ICN-IoT caching allows IoT.
intermediate routers to store cache, a request for IoT data from
the user does not need to travel to the original content producer 4.2.1. Unique naming
or server. This reduces single-point failure and increases network Since IoT contains more devices and generates more content, iden-
reliability and security. tifying each content in a unique name is more important. Suppose the
• Efficient Use of Network Resources: ICN-IoT caching can help same content is cached in multiple names leads to content duplication.
to efficiently utilize network resources by reducing the amount The unique naming of caches is also vital for keeping track of the
of traffic that needs to be transmitted over the network. This caches that contain content requested by the end user. Using names
can lead to significant cost savings, especially in limited network rather than numbers like IP addresses, becomes more challenging in
bandwidth. ICN. Other than the content name, cache naming is also necessary for

Pruthvi C.N. et al. Computer Networks 233 (2023) 109896

ICN. Caches can be named by referring to the name of the content 2. Mobility: IoT devices are often mobile, which means that the
router that includes them. Hence naming becomes a major challenge content they generate can be cached in multiple locations. How-
in ICN-IoT caching. ever, identifying the optimal cache location and keeping the
cached data consistent across multiple caches can be challeng-
4.2.2. Popularity of data ing.
To make caching efficient, the content with more demand has to 3. Security: IoT devices are vulnerable to security threats, and
cache instead of all the content. Caching the most required data or the data they generate can be sensitive. Caching this data in
popular data improves network performance however, the popularity of a centralized cache can increase the risk of data breaches, and
data is uncertain in the network. For example, in IoT, sensors sense the securing the cached data becomes a challenge.
environmental data that constantly changes, requiring frequent access. 4. Quality of Service: Caching can improve the quality of service
The number of time content is accessed or requested in the network can by reducing latency and bandwidth requirements. However, the
be considered to compute the popularity of data. Computing popular- caching strategy should be designed carefully to ensure that the
ity every time increases computation complexity and needs frequent cached data is available when needed and that the cache does
computation. Hence identifying which data to be cached becomes a not become a bottleneck.
challenge in ICN IoT. 5. Energy efficiency: IoT devices are often resource-constrained,
and caching can help reduce the energy required for data trans-
4.2.3. Storage space and storage location mission. However, caching requires additional resources, and
IoT has an endless amount of content that users can access and balancing the energy efficiency benefits against the additional
the volume of such content is more than what network node caches resource requirements can be challenging.
can hold. Storing even only popular data may require more space. As 6. Device heterogeneity: IoT devices can be very diverse in terms of
a result, maintaining cache storage in ICN network nodes is another their processing power, memory, and connectivity capabilities.
difficulty. Where to cache the content and selecting a proper location to This heterogeneity can make it difficult to design a caching
cache becomes another issue in ICN because storing content in multiple system that works well across all types of devices.
locations leads to data redundancy and waste of cache. 7. Data heterogeneity: IoT data can come in many different for-
mats, from sensor readings to multimedia content. Caching sys-
4.2.4. Staleness or freshness detection of data tems must be able to handle this data heterogeneity and store
The majority of content in a network is dynamic nature. However, and retrieve data in a way that is appropriate for each data type.
when consumer access data, it may not have its latest state. IoT devices 8. Interoperability: Different IoT devices and networks may use
sense the data every time, and data sensed earlier can be staled after different communication protocols, which can make it difficult
some time. Hence staleness or freshness detection of data is the main to design a caching system that can work seamlessly across all
challenge in ICN IoT. The ICN architecture must have the capacity to devices and networks.
detect staleness or freshness of data because named content copies are
widely distributed in in-network caches. 5. Caching approaches

4.2.5. Caching same content repeatedly We have classified caching approaches into three categories: in-
Caching popular data increases network performance; the main network caching, edge caching and hybrid caching.
issue here is how often popular data should be cached. If the frequency
of storing is considered, then it results in caching everywhere and 5.1. In-network caching
creates more redundant data. If the content is rarely cached, the search
time of content becomes more and affects network delay. Therefore, In-network caching enables to cache content within the network,
it is necessary to determine how frequently the same data should be as a result, anyone can access the information at any time and from
cached. anywhere, potentially reducing network load and latency [72]. Since
every node serves the data request in the network, in-network caching
improves the data availability in the network without connecting the
4.2.6. Content mobility
data producer and consumer. The following list summarizes the four
Searching for content will be more time-consuming if there are
primary benefits of in-network caching. [60].
no caching devices in the predicted locations. The Vehicular Ad Hoc
Network (VANET) and Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) are examples 1. Separates the content from its original producer.
of such environments where every device, even the router, is mobile 2. A replica of data is saved in all network nodes; it can serve
and the location of these devices are unpredictable. It is essential to consumer requests from any network node. Hence it avoids the
take content mobility into consideration for implementing ICN-caching. producer-side overhead and avoids failures.
Many ICN-IoT caching techniques are proposed to overcome the 3. If packet loss happens, it facilitates multi-casting and enables
issues and challenges mentioned above. In further sections, we first, re-transmission.
discuss some existing caching approaches. Second, caching strategies 4. Gives better results in content retrieval and reduces the network
and cache replacement algorithms come under ICN-IoT caching to delay, energy consumption, and latency.
overcome these challenges.
Takemasa et al. [73] Author analyzes the caching effects for energy
4.3. Challenges and future direction of ICN-IoT caching reduction and integrated the caching and green networking techniques.
Further produced a realistic energy model for ICN routers. ICN for-
In ICN-IoT, caching plays a crucial role in improving the effi- warding software is used as a forwarding engine to show how caching
ciency and performance of content delivery. However, there are several reduces energy consumption and how to enhance energy-aware routing
challenges associated with caching in ICN-IoT: in the green networking technique. The proposed work proves that ICN
forwarding engines increase the energy efficiency of a green network-
1. Scalability: IoT devices generate massive data, and the number ing strategy that frees up many links by rerouting traffic to other links
of devices is growing rapidly. Caching the data generated by and turning off the power of links that are not in service.
these devices in a centralized cache can become challenging, as Zhang et al. [74] Video streaming is increasing tremendously on
it may not be able to handle the massive volume of data. the current internet, , which results in increased network pressure.

Pruthvi C.N. et al. Computer Networks 233 (2023) 109896

Efficient distribution of video becomes a challenge. To overcome this To improve the content delivery quality in IoT, Hua et al. [78]
challenge, the authors integrate SDN controller and ICN in-network present a fog cluster-based technique that uses in-network caching and
caching. First, the proposed work turns the caching problem into a end-user devices to cache data near the edge network. To overcome IoT
0-1 ILP (Integer Linear Programming) problem. The ILP problem is challenges regarding data delivery, a near-path strategy is implemented
then resolved by anticipating future video requests and converted into a by using caching nodes close to the delivery path. Reactive and proac-
dynamic problem by considering the time scale. An SDN-based caching tive caching is used to avoid congestion during network peak times.
decision strategy is proposed using in-network caching and the SDN Simulation results compared with existing techniques prove that this
controller’s global view. The proposed method considers both video method improves the cache hit ratio and internal link load and path
popularity and delivery latency ratio to make decisions. This makes the stretch metrics.
suggested method can apply to dynamic networks like IoT. It reduces To address the problem of content propagation among users in
the content transmission overhead that is produced by broadcasting. location-based networks like IoT, Liu et al. [33] implemented an an-
Tremendous growth of connected devices increases the load on the alytical framework based on edge caching. It mainly concentrates on
network. The existing ICN solutions for 5G networks are not scalable selecting the content holder when users request the content. Further-
and distributed. Serhane et al. [75] present a distributed and efficient more, it provides the requested content to users in its primary node.
caching scheme called Cache and Split (CnS) by using ICN in-network The framework records the user check-in in the first stage to obtain
caching to fill this gap. It contains two main steps. The first one is the linked edge node. Then a location-based social network approach
calculating the popularity of the content and finding whether it is worth is used that considers three factors: user distance, user interest, and
caching or not. Second, if the content is cacheable, then only execute contact rate, to obtain propagation and latency. This method improves
it. Based on the amount of received demands and content popularity, the probability effects and content dissemination by comparing it with
CnS is meant to create a trade-off between cache use and content previous works.
delivery time. The results show increased cache use, data retrieval To minimize the access delay and to increase resource utiliza-
time, and content cache dispersion. The proposed caching scheme can tion, Zhang et al. [79] implemented a novel architecture for coop-
be enhanced to overcome IoT problems when load increases due to erative edge caching for 5G networks that takes advantage of com-
increased connected devices. putational power to improve edge caching capabilities. In order to
To overcome the dynamic content problem in IoT networks, and to share content-related responsibilities with the base station, the au-
use ICN caching for device-to-device communication Ullah et al. [35] thors focused on mobility-aware caching by considering smart cars
propose an ICN-edge-enabled 5G network architecture. Furthermore, as caching agents. Further introduced a new cloud vehicular caching
the authors implemented a name-based strategy to fetch dynamic con- and proposed vehicle-aided caching method. Results illustrate that the
tent from the server. Communication between the devices in an ad hoc proposed method reduces content access latency and increases resource
manner; allows the device to communicate with its neighbor devices. utilization.
The results show that enabling ICN with EC (Edge computing) at To efficiently distribute the content in the vehicular network, Su
various places in a 5G RAN (Radio Access Network) reduces network et al. [20] implemented the edge caching technique in RSU’s (Road Side
access time and content access latency. Units) and analyzed the characteristics of vehicular content requests
Existing caching schemes cache the content at routers along the path based on the pattern of content access, the speed of the vehicle, and
of content which may increase the network cost and bandwidth utiliza- the density of the traffic on the road. With the help of vehicles request
tion. To fill this gap, Qazi et al. [29] proposed ICN based optimization and RSU’s, a cross-entropy-based dynamic content caching system is
bases caching scheme called opt-cache policy based on in-network proposed to cache the information from the edge of VCNs (Vehicular
caching using cache resources efficiently. Content popularity and dis- Content Networks). Simulation results shows that this method can
tance of the source node are considered for caching the content in improve performance in terms of hit ratio, overhead and relative delay.
the edge network. The popularity of less often requested content has To overcome the service replacement problem of edge or fog envi-
decreased over time. Overall bandwidth and latency are reduced due to ronment, Ben-Ammar et al. [80] proposed a new novel caching strategy
the appropriate content distribution across the CCN routers. Compared called 3Q; it extends an existing algorithm 2Q, which is efficient in
to existing schemes, the suggested system performs better in bandwidth caching for ICN. This work has been proposed using NDN in an edge
usage and latency while utilizing fewer network resources. The pro- or fog environment. Three types of cache methods are used, namely
posed scheme can be enhanced to use in IoT networks to use cache Virtual Cache (VC), Main Cache (MC), and Auxiliary Cache (AC). VC
resources efficiently and to decrease the network cost. and MC provide the services, and AC is for the source code. It provides
IoT contains heterogeneous devices, including mobile devices, which the service when consumers request service if the content is available
can generate tremendous amounts of data. Since IoT devices are resource- in MC. Otherwise, it searches in AC, and that requested content is
constrained, energy efficiency becomes the primary concern. Serhan forwarded upward to store it for further use. Simulation shows that
et al. [76] concentrated on in-network caching in IoT to increase energy this method achieves optimal results.
efficiency. Proposed an energy-aware caching scheme to maximize the To optimally select the caching auction and examine the content
energy-saving rate by considering transmission energy and caching delivery quality, Cao et al. [36] proposed an optimal method for the
energy. The proposed method is compared with existing methods, and service providers to increase the Quality of Experience (QoE) and for
results depict that improvement in cache hit ratio ensures low data effective caching. The SP (Service provider) allocates cache space over
replication. data and customer payment depending on the user’s value reporters to
Table 10 summarizes selected in-network caching approaches. maximize the SP’s predicted income.
To improve content caching at edge and core network of IoT, Rui
5.2. Edge caching et al. [81] presents a caching technique based on edge and cloud
cooperation. This technique separates the network into core and edge
The contents are cached in edge devices at the network’s edge, near components to explore alternative caching techniques by implementing
the end-user. Edge caching allows users to cache from edge nodes; it distinct caching targets for different places using sensible caching algo-
increases content retrieval time and decreases delay. It avoids unnec- rithms in the core and edge networks. In addition, the study establishes
essary end-end connections and makes use of edge device resources. PN nodes to coordinate and optimize cache resources between the edge
Users can access data without communicating with data sources, which and the core. Compared to previous approaches, experimental findings
reduces data traffic, and the request is served with an edge device with reveal that ECC offers considerable benefits regarding the average hop
better QoS [77]. reduction ratio, server load reduction ratio, and cache redundancy.

Pruthvi C.N. et al. Computer Networks 233 (2023) 109896

Table 10
Summary of In-network caching approaches.
Ref No. Year and Caching Policy Algorithms Simulator and Evaluation Compared with Accuracy Future
publication scheme policy language used metrics enhancement
proposed considered
[73] 2015 IEEE In-network Realistic energy Abilene topology Content retrieval Compared
conference caching consumption rate, energy caching with
model consumption integration,
cutting off links
and no-control
[74] 2020 IEEE Dynamic caching SDN-based Own simulation Average number MPC, LCE, and 17.3% and 45% In future this
Transaction caching policy using C++ of hops and RPC work can extend
cache hit ratio in 5G network.
[75] 2020 IEEE Popularity-based Cache and Split Cogent1 Cache LCD, LCE, EC Less delay, User and content
Xplore Content Algorithm topology, Python utilization, higher cache mobility should
Replacement 3 average network utilization and consider and in
Policy. delay, and hop better hop future work
reduction ratio reduction deep learning
techniques can
use to predict
[35] 2020 elsevier Name based – ndnSIM C++ cache hit ratio, ECCN, MEC 8.3% less traffic, It is a difficult
content average content 10%–12% of challenge to
prefetching retrieval delay cache hits enable ICN with
strategy EC for 5G
networks, and
more attention
must be paid to
this area.
[29] 2019 WILEY Opt-cache – ICARUS python Latency, link Prob cache, LCD, Latency = In the future,
load, hit ratio, CL4M, LCE 4%–18% Path this work can
path stretch stretch = implement
18%–51% dynamic
topologies and
can include
mobility factors.
[76] 2021 IEEE In-network Energy-aware Own simulation Cache LCE, EC, 41.0% of energy Can enhance this
caching caching policy using python utilization, cache Betweenness and efficiency to adapt to
hit ratio, energy LCD real-world
saving rate, and scenarios.
energy efficiency

To reduce the data dissemination problem in IoT, Meng et al. [82] and support for the base station at first. Secondly, various certainty
implemented a novel strategy called DCS (Distributed Caching Strat- decisions on caching in layered architecture are presented and used
egy) at the network’s edge in VSN settings to minimize the amount near path caching to offer caching near the delivery path. At last,
of complete data dissemination issues. The implementation of the proactive and reactive caching is used to control traffic in the network
developed DCS method is compared to that of conventional caching during peak hours. This method significantly improves the cache hit
algorithms in terms of memory consumption, cache hit ratio, path ratio and content retrieval time.
stretch ratio, and content eviction ratio. According to extensive sim- To use ICN caching efficiently for IoT, Asmat et al. [86] proposed an
ulation data, the suggested technique beats current benchmark caching ICN-IoT caching scheme called Edge Linked Caching (ELC). The nodes
solutions. near end users are selected to cache the content and call those nodes
To achieve faster content distribution for IoT users’ requests, Gupta leaf nodes. The nodes near IoT devices are called edge of the network,
et al. [83] suggested an ICN-IoT caching technique using AI-based these nodes are responsible for caching and managing the content. A
collaborative filtering in the edge cloud to support heterogeneous IoT path table is implemented to maintain the content records in each node.
architecture. This strategy helps to manage cloud database traffic by Each content is aggregated with a timestamp and the content in the
caching content on edge nodes. The evaluation proved that the pro- cache is evicted based on the timestamp. The simulation results show
posed approach gives better results in an average gain, content retrieval that the proposed method overcomes the existing strategies in terms of
delay, cache hit ratio, and average hop count. energy efficiency, hop reduction ratio, and response latency.
To minimize the interactions between constrained data sources Table 11 summarizes selected edge caching approaches.
of IoT, Amadeo et al. [84] designed and analyzed a probabilistic
Internet-scale caching method for IoT data. Which further implements 5.3. Hybrid caching
two reactive caching strategies, called Caching in the Core Strategy
(CCS) and Caching at the Edge Strategy (CES). The proposed design Because each type of method has its own set of strengths and
outperforms the existing solutions regarding cache hit ratio, hop re- drawbacks, hybrid caching is a concept that combines both types of
duction, and energy consumption. Overall it improves the IoT network techniques to use both types’ strengths while minimizing both types’
ecosystem. flaws by leveraging common network topology aspects.
The multimedia applications growth in IoT demands to shift net- Management and placement of content are essential in resource
work functionality from the central server to end users. It also increases constraint networks to use cache resources efficiently. Sun et al. [87]
the peak-hour data traffic and burdens the core network. Gupta propose a Path Segmentation-Based Hybrid Caching Scheme (PSBC) by
et al. [85] propose a layered architecture first to offer communication considering user access latency and network resource usage as cache

Pruthvi C.N. et al. Computer Networks 233 (2023) 109896

Table 11
Summary of existing edge caching approaches.
Ref No. Year and Caching Policy Algorithms Simulator and Evaluation Compared with Accuracy Future
publication scheme policy language used metrics enhancement
proposed considered
[78] 2020 Elsevier Reactive and A Fog Icarus Simulator, Cache hit ratio, Edge caching, PS = 27.9% PHR Only Network
proactive cluster-based Python Path stretch LCD, CL4M, = 8.5% capacity and
caching scheme, A near (PS), Internal CSM, RAND, topology are
path method link load. LCE, Random, considered for
ProbCache and cluster division.
Bernoulli Content
distribution and
caching capacity
to be considered
in future work.
[33] 2019 IEEE – Simulated – Content Random Content Malicious attacks
transaction annealing (SA) – Propagation selection dissemination = can happen in
based algorithm Effect (CPE), 24.6%–57.8%. network hence
Content CPE = security of
Propagation 25.4%–65.6% network can be
Delay, Runtime considered in
of Algorithm future work.
[79] 2018 IEEE Cooperative edge Cloud-aided – Average Caching without Accuracy is Designing a
Journal caching caching scheme downloading MEC, Caching better than the smart caching
latency, Edge with MEC, traffic existing methods scheme to deal
caching hit ratio density, different with end users
types of content and traffic
becomes a
Security of
content and
network can be
considered in
future work.
[20] 2018 IEEE Popularity based A cross-entropy MATLAB, C++ relative delay, PWDP, LRU, LFU Accurate then The pricing
TRANSACTIONS based dynamic hit ratio and existing methods model of RSU’s
content caching overhead to provide
content for users
can be
considered in
future work.
[80] 2020 IEEE 2Q 3Q ccnSim, C++ cached services LCE, LCD and 96% Future work
conference hits, latency and OPT includes
cloud usage developing
analytical model
and network
overhead impact.
[81] 2019 IEEE Cooperative edge and cloud NDNSim, C++ Server load NEC, AEC Accuracy is Designing a
Conference caching coordination reduction ratio, better than the benefit function
(ECC) cache existing methods of cache and
redundancy and threshold
average hop selection will be
reduction ratio future work.
[82] 2019 MDPI Distributed Selection of CCNsim Memory Flex PoP, CC, Better than Integrate DCS
Caching Strategy Popular content consumption, CCS existing methods with VSN to
(DCS) stretch, cache hit improve
ratio, Eviction reliability of
ratio VSN.
[83] 2021 MDPI Popularity and Collaborative Icarus, python CHR, content LCE, LCD, CL4M, CHR = 15%, Need to check
prediction based filtering-based retrieval delay, and ProbCache CRD = 12% with other NDN
content caching average hop schemes.
strategy count
[84] 2022 IEEE CCS and CES – NDN sim 2.0 Cache hit ratio, CEE, RC, LFF, Cache hit = 78% Integrating NDN
Transaction C++ packet delay, FGPC, BEP for 200 requests with SDN is
Hop count considered in
future work
[86] 2020 Elsevier Edge-leaf Edge leaf based ndnSIM Hop reduction, LCC and LCE Better efficiency Can enhance to
caching caching Latency and test in vehicular
energy efficiency network with

Pruthvi C.N. et al. Computer Networks 233 (2023) 109896

Table 12
Summary of existing hybrid caching approaches.
Ref No. Year and Caching Policy Algorithms Simulator and Evaluation Compared with Accuracy Future
publication scheme policy language used metrics enhancement
proposed considered
[87] 2021 MDPI On path caching path ICARUS, python Cache hit ratio LCE, LCD, 48%, 40%, 18%, Future work
and lightweight segmentation- and access ProbCache, and 22% includes
mechanism based hybrid latency CL4M optimizing the
caching scheme path
(PSBC) segmentation
[37] 2019 MDPI Entire-object Progressive ndnSIM Server hit WAVE, LCD, Better than Can extend this
caching and popularity-aware reduction ratio, Probcache, LCE, existing caching in sensor
partial- caching scheme cache hit ratio, HECTIC enabled ICN
progressive hop reduction network in
caching ratio, cache future.
enhanced ratio
[88] 2019 ACM Deterministic HCache ndnSIM, C++ Access delay, LCE, LCD, MCD 17.45% and Need work on
conference caching and cache hit ratio, 52.5% other metrics of
probabilistic link traffic ICN-IoT network.
[24] 2021 IEEE Content EPPC ICARUS, python Cache hit ratio, ProbCache, MPC, EPPC have Can implement
Journal placement and latency and and Client-Cache outperformed to this work in 5G,
replacement average stretch achieve efficient SDN, fog
caching ratio caching computing, edge
mechanisms performance computing, and
[89] 2021 IEEE Push-caching Water-depth- – Delay time and Traditional ICN Better than UIoT –
Journal and pull caching aware caching normalized and UIoT and Traditional
mechanism power ICN

measures. The proposed work has divided data transmission paths into Rapid increases of multimedia traffic in IoT demand for high-
user-edge and non-edge areas. The authors implemented a heuristic quality services and content dissemination. To achieve efficient content
caching strategy to decrease user access latency in the user-edge area. delivery, Naeem et al. [24] present a new hybrid method called EPPC
And in the non-edge area, caching content migration and optimization (Efficient Popularity-Aware Probabilistic Caching) that chooses con-
were implemented to maximize resource use in the network. The tent based on frequency from the edge or leading node. Content is
simulation results demonstrate that the suggested strategy improves the replaced using a time stamp and presents a content eviction function
cache hit ratio and access latency. and backup for caching nodes. The simulation compares and contrasts
Frequently accessing popular content with large sizes by users in- the suggested technique with NDN-IoT caching solutions regarding
creases the access time and content redundancy in IoT. To avoid average latency, cache hit ratio and average stretch ratio. According
this, Nguyen et al. [37] present an intelligent caching method called to the simulation results, the proposed hybrid technique outperformed
progressive popularity-aware caching scheme that eliminates redun- caching performance in NDN-based IoT situations.
dant cache and improves data availability. This method avoids storing Traditional ICN is not suitable for underwater IoT due to the slow-
multiple copies of the same content on the path and increases content ness of water propagation. Wu et al. [89] presents a wireless sensor
diversity by storing no more than one replica of specified content. The networking scheme with water depth awareness. Underwater commu-
author further proposed a replacement algorithm to optimize cache nication is divided into push and pulls traffic to balance delay time
utilization. This scheme outperforms the simulation result’s existing and energy consumption. A water depth-aware caching mechanism
policies regarding cache redundancy, latency, and content availability. is presented to conserve energy on deep water sensors. From the
Traditional coordination caching schemes are hard to balance be- experiment results, the suggested strategy performs better in terms of
tween the user’s QoE and resource utilization. Zhang et al. [90] presents latency and energy consumption.
a new hybrid cache coordination method that separates the network Table 12 gives the summaries of selected edge caching approaches.
into core and edge areas to balance the user’s QoE and the network’s
resource utilization. The hash-based policy is applied to the core area 6. Caching strategies
to increase cache diversity, and LCE and LCD algorithms are used in
the edge area. This separation method helps to work even on large net-
Many caching schemes are developed, that are divided into different
works. The simulation result shows that the proposed scheme improves
categories. From the existing cache management works in ICN-IoT,
user QoE and resource utilization.
we divided caching strategies into (1) Popularity based caching, (2)
Wu et al. [88] addressed how existing caching methods fail to bal-
Collaborative caching, (3) Cooperative caching, (4) Machine learning
ance between the user’s experience and the service provider’s demands.
based caching, and (5) Probabilistic caching.
To overcome this challenge, authors present a hybrid caching technique
(HCache) that combines the benefits of multiple caching strategies in Cache replacement algorithms
different locations. The cache network is separated into the core and If the cache is full and new content arrives, then the content
the edge. The edge regions employ deterministic caching to decrease existing in the cache is evicted based on the cache replacement poli-
access time. Still, the core area uses probabilistic caching to enrich cies [91]. Content already present in the cache is evicted and new
cache variety and minimizes inter-domain congestion. This feature of content is added. Replacing old content with new content is a replace-
the suggested caching strategy can be suitable for complex networks ment method. Hence listed some popular and still useful existing cache
like IoT to improve content delivery efficiency. replacement algorithms here before proceeding to caching strategies.

Pruthvi C.N. et al. Computer Networks 233 (2023) 109896

Cache replacement algorithms are essential for effective caching [9], that effectively uses the cache capacity. It enhances QoS during content
in each caching strategy authors used existing cache replacement algo- delivery. Caching operations are performed using a threshold value
rithms or proposed a new replacement algorithm. Cache replacement and caching decisions are taken based on popularity and distance
algorithms are usually based on the type of recent requests and the traveled by the content. The authors focused more on efficiently
number of requests. Some of the primary cache replacement algorithms utilizing cache resources and efficiently selecting routers for content
are mentioned below. placement. This optimizes the caching decisions and makes efficient
usage of cache capacity. The results indicate that the suggested method
• LRU (Least Recently Used) The content not accessed for a long outperformed the existing caching methods for several performance
time is removed from the cache. [92]. LRU is based on the
metrics, including hit ratio, hop count, latency, and network traffic.
assumption that content that was recently accessed is more likely
This feature of the proposed work can improve the performance in
to be reaccessed in the near future.
demanding applications like IoT, vehicular networks, and 6G.
• LFU (Least Frequently Used) The content that has been accessed
Since IoT is a data-driven network, on-path and hash caching meth-
the least number of times is removed first. [93]. LFU is based
ods are more time-consuming. Hasan et al. [97] designed an architec-
on the assumption that the popularity of content changes over
ture that works in two different scenarios for multimedia delivery in
time and that content accessed less frequently are less likely to
IoT. In the first scenario, data is transferred from the edge node to
be re-accessed.
the user, which is downstream data flow management. In the second
• FIFO (First In First Out) The oldest content is replaced with
scenario. data is forwarded to a central server and stored in a local
newly arrived content [94].
cloud server called upstream data handling. Further implemented ef-
• TLRU (Time-aware Least Recently Used) Keeps content as per
ficient caching technique for edge devices to cache the most popular
the content access time [94].
data. Content popularity is calculated by using below Eq. (2)
6.1. Popularity based caching 𝑃𝑐 = 𝑃𝑐 + 𝛼 (2)

The fundamental difficulty that ICN-caching is still dealing with Where Pc is the popularity of the content, initially, it is set to zero,
is, choosing a suitable router to cache content during transmission and the alpha value increases after every successful cache hit. The
that can give low latency in data connectivity and low congestion mathematical and simulation results show that the proposed method
while reducing the distance between customers and producers. Because better than the existing mechanisms.
each router decides where to cache information to improve overall Pushing popular content to edge nodes in a network can lead to the
caching efficiency, the most popular content should be cached at the failure of efficient usage of cache and limited performance. To over-
node from which it would be requested next. Consequently, the re- come this problem, Banerjee et al. [32] propose a content placement
searchers have developed various NDN-based caching techniques, with strategy called greedy caching that determines which content should
the popularity-based strategies being essential in providing the most ef- be cached in network nodes to increase the hit ratio. This strategy
ficient outcomes to improve the performance of ICN-based caching [18, caches the popular content at the edge, recalculates the popularity of
19,38]. Caching popular content near to consumer decreases content each content based on the request miss rate, and determines whether
delivery time [39]. to cache content to the core network. By the simulation results, Greedy
Amadeo et al. [95] mainly concentrated on caching IoT transient caching outperforms existing caching and routing strategies.
data, that expires after some time, and designed a novel caching policy To overcome the resource constraint problem of routers in the
for IoT contents at an edge of NDN to overcome traffic and content network and the high computational problem of off-path caching,
retrieval delay caused by delivering same content in multiple times to Tiwari et al. [98] propose an efficient caching placement scheme to
multiple requested consumers in IoT network. Proposed an innovative place content in a network cache called dynamic popularity window-
distributed and autonomous caching technique called Caching Fresh based caching scheme. The popularity window is used to cache the
and Popular Content (CFPC), in which NDN nodes make decisions most popular content in routers by using the request rate and the total
based on the popularity and durability of IoT data. In this technique, number of different contents to increase the network performance. The
routers make decisions based on the popularity and freshness of content content placement decision is based on the interest request rate and the
before caching the content. The popularity of each content is calculated threshold value. Simulation is performed on the homogeneous network,
at a genetic time interval by using the below Eq. (1). and the results show that performance improves compared to existing
𝐼𝑐𝑟, 𝑡 caching schemes.
𝑃 𝑐𝑟, 𝑡 = (1)
𝐼𝑡𝑜𝑡, 𝑡 To overcome IoT’s limited resources problem and deliver fresh con-
Where Icr, t is the number of requests for each content and Itot, t tent, Zahedinia et al. [99] proposed a data-prioritization-based method
is a total request. This method enables storing popular data with more to avoid filling inappropriate data in the cache-store. Here authors used
residual time, increasing the hit ratio and reducing the content access fog computing as a middle layer between the IoT devices and the ICN
latency and traffic in IoT. network. Further, in the fog layer, prioritization is performed based on
Naeem et al. [39] proposed a Compound Popular Content Caching the popularity and freshness of content; the low-priority content will be
Strategy (CPCCS) containing two phases. In the first phase, content is evicted from the ICN nodes to reduce the total cached data. Simulation
classified into highly interesting and low popular data using a threshold results show that the suggested method increases the cache hit ratio
value. Then selects the optimal popular content among them using PIT and decreases the delay.
record. In the second phase, an optimal popular content copy is stored To overcome host-centric network limitations for large-scale IoT
in mutual nodes and low-popular data is stored only in nodes that are demands in delivering videos and live streams, Liu et al. [100] use ICN
near the user. Each content is having lifetime for it, if that time expires catching with popularity and Betweenness-based Cache Replacement
then that content will be evicted from the cache. The simulation results Scheme (PBRS). Here the cache replacement is based on the position
prove that the proposed CPCCS method increases content diversity and of each node and content popularity in the domain. The positions are
stretch ratio compared to existing methods. According to the future classified into the edge, next hop, and complex routers. The popularity
perspective, this work can enhance content dissemination in several of content in the edge router is calculated by using the below (Eq. (3))
technologies like IoT, Fog computing, SDN, and 5G.
Kumar et al. [96] introduce a novel content caching technique 𝑅𝑒𝑞𝑠𝑗𝑇
called dynamic popularity window and distance-based efficient caching 𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑢𝐿𝑗 = (3)
𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑜𝑓 𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑠𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒

Pruthvi C.N. et al. Computer Networks 233 (2023) 109896

Where popuLj is the popularity value of content j, and ReqsjT is a To balance between ICN caching performance and storage capacity
number of requests received for content j within time. Results show of IoT nodes, Chen et al. [105] Propose a collaborative caching strategy
that the proposed cache replacement schemes achieve better efficiency between replacement and cache value rates (BRR-CVR) for information-
than traditional schemes. centric wireless sensor networks. Cache size is determined based on
Dinh et al. [101] presents a traffic-aware caching method for nodes node betweenness and importance of a node. The betweenness of the
in a resource-constrained wireless sensor network. It pushes popular node is calculated by using Eq. (4)
data upstream near the sink nodes. less popular content is pushed
downstream to cache inside the network nodes. To reduce the stretch 𝐶𝑏(𝑣) = 𝑇 𝑠∕𝑇 𝑒 (4)
ratio in wireless sensor networks, the proposed method implements on where Cb(v) is betweenness of node v, TS is the total of son nodes
top of all existing popularity-based caching schemes. The suggested of node v and Te is Total sum of the entire network. cache decision
method shows significant improvement in energy efficiency, cache hit and cache replacement value are taken based on data replacement and
ratio, stretch ratio, and content retrieval delay through the analysis and cache decision, respectively. Results show that the proposed caching
experiment. strategy is more accurate than the existing one.
Feng et al. [102] The existing caching policies are not much concen- As smart devices in IoT increase, the demand for content, band-
trated on the freshness of data, and managing the transient IoT data is width consumption, and cost also increase. Hence Khan et al. [106]
still an unsolved issue. Considering these issues, the authors proposed present a framework called IS-Fog (Information-Centric Social-Aware
an efficient popularity-based cache consistency management (PPCM) Fog networking) that makes caching, computing, controlling, and com-
scheme based on the popularity of data. The proposed method aims to munication near the edge nodes. For content caching and distribution,
provide fresh data to consumers and avoid more signaling costs. Further the authors used ICN anycast routing. The proposed work first classifies
improves two conventional solutions used in web caching to provide a user device using content centrality, enabling sharing resources and
efficiency in the consistency check. The proposed method evaluated
cache in fog. Then proposes a socially aware content caching and a
under real-world scale and binary tree topology significantly improves
distribution scheme that allows nodes to cache the content collabora-
stainless ratio, hop count, and data throughput.
tively evaluated IS-Fog in realistic traces using 2986 vehicles. Results
To enhance the IoT network performance by caching the popular
show that efficient and scalable in local content caching.
content at the cache nodes, Serhane et al. [103] proposed profit-based
When multiple IoT nodes are connected, the connection becomes
INC-IoT caching. The profit mainly depends on content value, delivery
unconsolidated, and most of the IoT nodes are resource constrained
value, and cache replacement rate. Further proposed a meta-heuristic
in nature; hence data distribution in such circumstances is difficult.
algorithm based on a tabu search algorithm to solve multi-metric cache
Song et al. [25] propose a Smart Collaborative Caching (SCC) using
decision problems and achieve optimal decision by exploring all possi-
ICN principles for IoT within fog computing to overcome the mentioned
ble solutions. The content with the highest profit and less probability
problem. Presented details of cluster forming, content processing, and
value is evicted from the cache. The simulation was performed in a
position management. SCC contains four actions: caching, finding,
dynamic IoT environment. The results show that the proposed strategy
joining-leaving, and relevant algorithms. Further authors developed
outperforms existing schemes regarding caching resource utilization,
two scenarios based on responses and packets. The proposed method is
data transmission time, and content diversity ratio.
evaluated using the topology of 100 subscribers, 100 publishers, and 𝑁
Table 13 gives the summaries of selected popularity-based caching
clusters. Results show that ICN SCC outperforms the existing methods
regarding packet numbers and transmission latency.
The development of 5G and IoT generates huge data traffic in the
6.2. Collaborative caching
network. Ying et al. [107] proposed an ICN-IoT-based collaborative
caching mechanism to handle this issue by deploying blockchain tech-
Collaborative caching refers to achieving efficient caching together
nology. First, develops an ICN-IoT collaborative caching integrating
with other caching techniques towards a shared goal or objective. Col-
block chain consensus method. Then rewarded nodes that obtain book
laboration often involves different techniques with different methods
and policies coming together to work towards a common goal. In keeping rights to improve collaborative caching and designed experi-
a collaborative environment, the individual caching techniques may ments to compare network performance before or after collaborative
work on separate tasks but with a shared purpose and goal. caching.
IoT applications are continuously generating a large volume of data Retrieving and delivering a huge amount of data in minimum
that focuses on content rather than the location of the content. To time with minimum resource usage is a big challenge in IoT. Aldu-
make the network content-centric, Jaber et al. [93] propose ICN-based ayji et al. [108] implemented NDN-based popularity and freshness-
distance and node Degree awareness collaborative caching strategy in aware collaborative caching called the PF-cluster cache mechanism.
content-centric wireless sensor networks known as CSDD. That uses This mechanism efficiently aggregates the storage of IoT nodes in a
an on-path caching for a content-centric network by considering node cluster to avoid redundancy. The proposed method ensures that only
degree and distance from the source node. Furthermore proposed a fresh content should be cached, and caching should be done only at
solution to overcome the data loop problem caused by the broadcast. edge nodes. Simulation has been done in ndnSIM; the results show
Simulation results indicate that the suggested method achieves better that the suggested method gives better results regarding server access
results when compared to existing schemes. reduction, content retrieval time, and network resource usage.
Since IoT applications are increasing, the TCP/IP network faces Table 14 summarizes selected collaborative-based caching strate-
challenges like availability, heterogeneity, accessibility, integrity, and gies.
addressing. Nour et al. [104] found ICN as a best solution to overcome
these challenges and present an ICN cache placement strategy called 6.3. Co-operative caching
Push Down Popular Push Up Less-popular (PDPU) at the edge network
for IoT nodes to move popular content to the edge network and less Cooperative caching refers to working on caching techniques to-
popular content to the core. Further proposed distributed cache place- gether in a mutually supportive and coordinated way towards a shared
ment strategy and designed a collaborative one-hop cache notification goal or objective. Cooperative caching emphasizes shared responsibil-
based on NNCP protocol to serve the request from the nearest cache ity, shared decision-making, and shared benefits of efficient caching.
store. The simulation results show that the suggested method leads to Individual caching techniques working in a cooperative environment
efficiency and outperforms the existing methods. often work together on the same tasks and share the workload equally.

Pruthvi C.N. et al. Computer Networks 233 (2023) 109896

Table 13
Summary of popularity-based caching strategies.
Ref No. Year and Algorithm Simulator used Evaluation Replacement Compared with Accuracy Future
publication metrics algorithm used enhancement
[95] 2020 IEEE CFPC ndnSim Cache hit ratio, LRU CEE RC D-FGCP Cache Hit Ratio Extend CFPC to
conference content retrieval in the range provide a
latency, Hop 15%–22%, content
distance lowest values of placement at the
the hop distance edge to
metric, and minimize the
lower content intra domain
retrieval latency. traffic.
[39] 2019 MDPI CPCCS Social CCN Cache hit ratio, LRU WAVE, Prob Better cache hit –
Sim-Master content Cache, MPC, ratio, higher
diversity, Stretch MAGIC, CCAC, diversity ratio
HPC, Leaf Pop and increases
Down overall stretch
[96] 2021 ELSEVIER Dynamic Abilene network Cache hit ratio, LRU LCE, DC, FGPC Cache hit ratio Can implement
popularity average hop gain = 1.75% in vehicular
window and count, average average hop network and 6G
distance-based network traffic, count decreases network.
efficient caching average network by 6%, average
delay network delay =
5.5% decrease,
avg network
traffic deceases
= 2.4—4.94%
[97] 2019 MDPI Cluster based NS 3 Content access – LCE, LCD, Hash Network Can apply in all
efficient caching time, content caching, On-path efficiency is data driven
and new transfer time, caching better than the applications.
popularity existing methods
[32] 2018 ELSEVIER Greedy Caching Icarus simulator Latency, hitrate – LCE, LCD, CL4M, 5%–28% in Extend this work
and average hop ProbCache, latency and to determine the
count Random 15%–50% optimal content
Caching, and improvement in placement policy
basic Hash cache hit rate for ICN.
[98] 2020 ELSEVIER Dynamic Abilene network Cache hit-ratio, – LCE, normalized 13%, 11% Can be analyzed
window-based topology hop reduction node centrality, in vehicular
caching ratio, avg Probe cache, networks.
network hop FGPC and
count, MAGIC
reduction ratio
[100] 2021 Journal of PBRS resource Cache hit rate PopuL LRU, LFU, and Better efficiency Intra domain
Internet adaptation FIFO than existing cache
Technology resolving server methods deployment
(RARS), ndn SIM
[101] 2022 EAI Traffic aware Cooja Content retrieval popularity based MPC and CPCCS 28.4% on cache Consider the
caching latency, average hit ratio nodes mobility
mechanism delay, energy in the future
efficiency, and work.
stretch ratio.
[102] 2023 IEEE PCCM ndnSIM Average hop Popularity based TTL Better efficiency Further can
count, data than existing enhance to
throughput and methods implement for
staleness ratio large topologies.
[103] 2022 Elsevier Profit based Own simulation Resource Profit and Existing schemes Better efficiency Consider
caching using python utilization, probability based different
transmission parameters.
time and content
diversity ratio.

When users request the same content multiple times, the same data is based on the caching score, as shown in Eq. (5).
is stored in intermediate routers, increasing the cache redundancy in
𝐶𝑆𝑗(𝐾) = 𝑐1 ∗ 𝐸𝑗(𝐾) + 𝑐2 ∗ 𝐹 𝑗(𝑘) (5)
the network. To overcome this challenge, Rath et al. [109] proposed
cooperative caching involving on-path and off-path caching to improve Where Ej(k) is the hop count between source and sending router j
network performance. And designed a heuristic algorithm that enables and Fj(k) is the frequency of content. The theoretical studies and
edge routers to store the content optimally and are supported by strate- simulation results show that this cooperative scheme improves network
gically placed off-path routers for further caching. Content replacement performance.

Pruthvi C.N. et al. Computer Networks 233 (2023) 109896

Table 14
Summary of collaborative caching strategies.
Ref No. Year and Algorithm Simulator used Evaluation Replacement Compared with Accuracy Future
publication metrics algorithm used enhancement
[93] 2020 Elsevier CSDD CCNx Contiki Energy FIFO, Popularity LCE, LCD Better than the Need to consider
framework consumption, based compared the node
stretch, network methods mobility in
lifetime, cache future work.
replacement rate
and cache
[104] 2020 IEEE PDPU ndnSIM Average network – LCD, CC, LCE, Better than Need to consider
Network delay, Average EC existing methods both cache size
hop reduction and energy
ratio, average consumption of
cache hit ratio, current node for
Average cache future work.
[105] 2016 IEEE BRR-CVR ICN-WSN system energy Based on content LCE, LFU, LCP 95% Need to compare
Conference consumption, hit value with other
ratio average replacement matrices.
delay and
average hops
[106] 2019 IEEE IS-Fog Realistic traces average cache – No-fog-based 60%–85% –
Communications using 2986 hit rate, offload caching,
Magazine nodes benefit Centrality-based
[25] 2017 MDPI SCC Topology Packet loss – IP network, ICN 80%–85% Investigate the
consists of 100 probability, flooding applicability of
subscriber and Transmission SCC in more
publisher and N latency scenarios.
[107] 2023 JICT Block chain Python, socket Cache hit ratio PoW and 35% Further can
based based improved DPos improve the
collaborative programming more efficient
caching. consensus
caching method.
[108] 2022 MDPI PF-cluster cache ndnSIM Average hop PF-cluster cache PC, CFPC and 50% Enhance to
count, server hit replacement LCE consider the
reduction, and mobility of
average delay. nodes

To increase the video streaming services and to reduce the video To achieve multimedia streaming in vehicular networks, the mo-
traffic produced from huge video demands by users, Noh et al. [110] bility of vehicles and limited transmission range of IP networks leads
propose a system that employs metafile made by a simple and effective to performance, delay, and network overhead challenges. To overcome
caching scheme for cache store management. Caching content among the mentioned challenge, Rani et al. [112] propose an ICN-based
ICN nodes is delivered using interest or data packet headers without cooperative caching approach by considering cache location and con-
modifying overhead. Each node determines its caching chunk based tent popularity. Further implemented a weighted clustering algorithm
on metafile and delivered content. This decreases the bandwidth that (WCA) which selects the cluster head among the clusters that are
occurs during peak time while video streaming. The suggested method used to store the cache. It forms a probability matrix considering the
is well suited for video streaming services in IoT applications like content’s popularity and future rating. Each content’s popularity is
vehicular networks, and smart homes. determined using the below Eq. (7).
Since ICN is a receiver-driven request–response network, it con- 𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑃1 − 𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑃0
sumes more energy, to overcome this drawback and to design energy 𝐶𝑝 = (7)
efficiency ICN for IoT sensor data delivery, Yang et al. [111] propose a Where Cp is each content popularity. P1 and P2 are content with
scoped multi-hop cooperative caching (SMCC) for WSN using receiver- popularity count. W is the different popularity classes. The proposed
driven ICN. By using regional cache energy consumption, data fetching work also predicts the user’s future preference using a machine learning
delay can be decreased. The authors formulated these two cooperation method called non-negative matrix factorization with security. The
gains and determines the tradeoff between energy consumption and proposed approach improves the cache hit, hop reduction, and average
data fetching delay. Total energy consumption is calculated by using access delay compared to existing baseline techniques.
Eq. (6) Most of the IoT applications require fresh data while some are
𝐸𝑢𝑐𝑎 = 𝐸𝑏1 + 𝐸𝑏2 + 𝐸𝑏3 (6) satisfied with old data; hence Lung et al. [34] proposed ICN-based
cooperative caching by considering the IoT data lifetime and user
Where Euca is the total energy consumption, Eb1, Eb2 and Eb3 are request rate. To increase the energy efficiency of IoT networks, the
the energy consumption of the sensing phase, waiting phase, and proposed method avoids massive access to IoT devices so that devices
responding phase, respectively. Based on this tradeoff, the authors can sleep most of the time. Caching IoT data in different locations,
implemented a multi-hop cooperative caching and designed a green such as routers and base stations, can cause IoT nodes to sleep longer.
cooperation policy that enables each sensor to determine its scope Using the autoconfiguration mechanism, the authors proposed IoT data
and proper cooperation decision—this cooperation method decreases Lifetime-based Cooperative Caching (LCC). This technique can alter
energy consumption and delay. in response to the rate of requests. Simulation results show that the

Pruthvi C.N. et al. Computer Networks 233 (2023) 109896

Table 15
Summary of co-operative caching strategies.
Ref No. Year and Algorithm Simulator used Evaluation Replacement Compared with Accuracy Future
publication metrics algorithm used enhancement
[109] 2016 IEEE On path and MATLAB Per-Content Based on cache Without central Better Implement in
conference off-path caching Delay, Network score cache, with NS-3 or ndn SIM
at edge and Utilization or central cache
central router Cost, cache miss
[110] 2019 IEEE – NDN sim, CCNx Bandwidth, Based on the LRU, LFU, better Implement with
and Raspberry buffering priority Probcache, MPC, use case
PIs duration scenarios
[111] 2021 IEEE SMCC NetworkX library Energy – SMCC, LSI, CoCa 91.0% energy Optimize SMCC
Journal consumption, efficiency and in different
data fetching 28.9% of delay directions.
delay reduction
[112] 2021 IEEE Cluster head MATLAB cache hit, hop based on the LCE, Prob, 50%, 37.5% Execute this
transaction detection and reduction and caching WAvE technique in a
cluster formation average access probability of real test bed
by cluster head delay each chunk environment.
[34] 2018 IEEE IoT data Own scenario Energy LRU No caching, LCE, Energy Extend LCC for
lifetime-based consumption, Prob caching, consumption = more
cooperative average number caching transient 40% number of complicated IoT
caching of hops data hops = 20% scenarios
[28] 2017 ACM CoCa protocol Own hardware Energy LRU Random caching Saves energy up –
conference IoT network consumption and to 90% and
content good content
availability availability
about 80%
[113] IEEE transaction Cooperative MATLAB Non-renewable Proposed No caching, 23% reduction Investigate the
2020 green proactive energy Deterministic caching with of non-renewable cost-effective
caching consumption, Green Caching renewable, energy strategy.
algorithm Average E2E (PDGC) Distributed
delay, cache hit caching, Caching
ratio with scheduling,
Popular caching

proposed mechanism reduces energy consumption and the number of process can enhance performance and resolve the information acquisi-
hops traversed along the path which is also directly referred to as tion issue [114]. Hence machine learning is an advanced and efficient
response time. method to apply for WSN or IoT, and machine learning algorithms
Making IoT devices sleep when not in use can reduce energy con- provide efficient solutions for IoT challenges [115].
sumption and expand the life span. Hahm et al. [28] Designed and To minimize the long-term average cost of wireless networks So-
implemented a Co-operative Caching Side-protocol (CoCa) for NDN- muyiwa et al. [22] proposed a CDN-based system which formulated a
IoT to automatically and autonomously tune IoT devices to achieve proactive caching problem as a Markov decision process by considering
long sleep for IoT devices. Further proposed a caching strategy called channel quality, energy cost associated with content user access be-
Max Diversity Most Recent (MDMR) to decide when to cache content havior. Further proposed threshold-based proactive caching scheme for
and what content to replace in the cache. The authors evaluated the dynamic caching. They have used reinforcement learning techniques
proposed method on real hardware in an IoT network. It consists of to optimize caching schemes and implemented two caching schemes
240 nodes and an emulator with up to 1000 nodes. Results indicate LISO and LFA based on system states and policy search techniques. The
that NDN and CoCa decrease energy consumption and increase content simulation evaluates the suggested method, and the results indicate that
availability compared to existing methods. LFA performs better than LISO.
Proactive caching can reduce congestion and latency but may Self-driving cars are delay sensitive due to their high mobility and
increase energy consumption due to data storage. To overcome the
connection in motion, and the content should be cached based on
energy consumption challenge in next-generation networks, Zahed
passenger’s preferences hence Ndikumana et al. [23] implemented a
et al. [113] implemented a CCN-based proactive caching scheme that
deep learning model to predict the content to be cached and to predict
cooperatively caches content in helper nodes by considering renew-
the proximity of self-driving cars. Further proposed a communication
able energy and content load. The helper node is the one equipped
model and caching strategy for retrieved content. They finally designed
with the cache. The content load and renewable energy available for
an optimization problem to reduce content downloading time. The ma-
helper nodes depend on the time and location of the node. If the
jorization and minimization technique is used to solve this optimization
helper node works cooperatively with renewable energy and time,
problem, and the movie lens dataset is used to simulate the results.
the nonrenewable energy can be reduced. The authors formulated
this research problem as an optimization problem and produced a The proposed method is accurate in predicting content to be cached
heuristic solution. This caching strategy reduces nonrenewable energy compared to other methods.
consumption compared to existing solutions. Content objects in IoT are heterogeneous and vary in size, ac-
Table 15 summarizes selected co-operative-based caching strategies. cess pattern, and popularity. To overcome this challenge, Narayanan
et al. [21] propose ICN based deep cache framework that consists of
6.4. Machine learning based caching LSTM encoder and decoder model as a caching strategy to predict
future object popularity and a policy to make caching decisions based
Since IoT contains minimal power sensor nodes, the creators of WSN on the future object popularity. Through the simulation results, the
have to deal with many challenges like data aggregation, data relia- authors proved that the proposed method increases the cache hits when
bility, clustering, fault detection, and security. The machine learning compared to existing LRU and k-LRU methods.

Pruthvi C.N. et al. Computer Networks 233 (2023) 109896

Yang et al. [116] proposed a software-defined IC-IoT architecture to of content and reformed based on traffic traces. The popularity model
enable caching and computing features in IoT. Further, based on this is expressed in Eq. (8)
architecture, authors designed a joint resource scheduling scheme to 𝑛 𝑥
𝑔(𝑥, 𝜆, 𝑛) = ( )(𝑝 − 1)𝑒(𝑥∕𝜆)𝑛 , 𝑖𝑓 𝑦 => 0, 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑤𝑖𝑠𝑒0. (8)
manage the caching and computing resources. At last, implemented a 𝜆 𝜆
new deep Q-learning method to solve the resource scheduling problem. Where x, 𝜆, and n are content object rank, scale and shape parameter
Through the simulation, the authors proved that the proposed method respectively. The proposed work overcomes existing methods regarding
outperforms the existing methods in terms of static action value and hit ratio, caching time, foot print distance.
reward. to efficiently utilize the caching resources, Gao et al. [121] proposed
Tian et al. [117] implemented a caching strategy called the Multiple a ICN-based probabilistic caching mechanism based on a software-
Round Parallel Genetic Algorithm (MRPGA) using a genetic algorithm defined network. This mechanism uses a controller to get information
to obtain feasible solutions within a finite state in IoT. MRPGA gives of link state and topology. Probability is calculated based on node
feasible solutions in less time, particularly developed to reduce the importance and content popularity. Node importance is defined as
transportation cost between nodes. The authors simulated results using shown in Eq. (9)
MATLAB and compared the proposed MRPGA with a genetic algorithm,
indicating that the proposed strategy produces better results in terms 𝐻(𝑗) = 𝜆1 𝐶𝐷 (𝑗) + 𝜆2 𝐶𝐶 (𝑗) + 𝜆3 𝐶𝐵 (𝑗) + 𝜆4 𝐶𝐸 (𝑖) (9)
of a cache hit ratio, and space utilization ratio, and takes less time to Content popularity is expressed as
transfer data.
Most of the users who request similar IoT data multiple times this 𝑃𝑗 (𝑐) = (10)
may increase the load on the network. To generate an efficient popular-
where Reqc is frequency of requested content in the period of N.
ity model, Chen et al. [77] propose an ICN-based Popularity Evolving
Simulation results show that the proposed method effectively increases
Model (PEM) by analyzing the popularity of the data set. Further
the caching performance. The proposed method can enhance to match
presented a popularity prediction method that consists of Deep Neural
the node importance with data popularity in IoT networks.
Network (DNN) based PEM to generate popularity prediction and static
Wu et al. [122] formulated content placement into a distributed
based PEM to deal with cold boost problem—further presented evicting
probabilistic caching to improve cache efficiency. Proposed max benefit
and prefetching algorithm to determine what to cache and when to
probabilistic caching where each node in a network makes cache
cache. Evaluated the proposed model on ICN and CDN, and the results
decisions individually, and incoming content is cached based on certain
show that the proposed method significantly increases a cache hit ratio
probability. Content popularity and content placement value are used
and decreases edge traffic and data latency.
to determine the value of cache probability. The popularity of content
The existing reinforcement learning and deep reinforcement learn-
is determined by using the user request rate. The proposed method was
ing techniques cannot be applied to the dynamic ICN-IoT networks.
evaluated by using the ndnSIM, and the results indicate improvement
To overcome this drawback, Zhang et al. [118] used deep reinforce-
in cache hit ratio.
ment learning-based deep-Q networks to propose an intelligent caching
Table 17 summarizes selected probabilistic-based caching strategies.
scheme called iCache. The proposed scheme considers the popular
features of IoT data packets, which causes the majority of traffic and
6.6. Others
lifetime features to identify the data packet to cache. The proposed
scheme fits the dynamic ICN-IoT network by adjusting node caching
The lifetime of IoT data is less, and the popularity of data depends
probability. The evaluation results of the proposed scheme with existing
on time. The existing static content placement strategies are not suit-
methods show significant improvement in energy consumption and hop
able for dynamic IoT. To overcome this, Sharif et al. [123] present
a sliding window-based caching framework and used integer linear
The existing caching schemes rely on local content popularity of
programming to develop optimization problems based on constraints
content to cache the content and replace the content at every single
to reduce energy consumption. Developed cache controller based on
node. This may lead to cache redundancy in the IoT network. To
software-defined to make cache placement policy that adopts to change
overcome this, Wei et al. [119] proposed ICN-IoT caching, which in-
of data popularity every time. The popularity of data is estimated by
vestigates the optimal problem for cache replacement in IoT—used La-
using a neural network predictor.
grangian heuristic algorithm to solve the optimization problem. Further In ICN-IoT, the existing caching realizes the cache content con-
proposed distributed placement scheme which uses local information to figuration in a single dimension. To improve the diversity of the
make cache decisions and ensure no cache redundancy. The proposed content and meet the high-tech transformation needs of content, Mei
method shows the efficiency in decreasing network traffic through the et al. [124] implemented a new ICN-based IoT caching for high-tech
experiment results. transformation. This approach combines the IoT data characteristics
Table 16 summarizes selected machine learning-based caching strate- and divides them into periodic and event-triggered data. The current
gies. approach considers these two characteristics and designs an ICN-IoT
cache scheme using different caching decisions that improve high-tech
6.5. Probabilistic caching transformation. The performance results show better results regarding
the diversity of cache content and cache hit rate.
Probabilistic caching allows caching of all incoming content based The current ICN-IoT solutions concentrate on the part of anyone
on fixed probability randomly. It improves the data diversity that caching performance and lack systematic design. Hence Wu et al. [125]
helps to increase the cache hit ratio. Some of the probabilistic caching presented a cache-benefit-based cache placement scheme that considers
strategies in ICN-based IoT are listed below. content freshness, popularity, and network topology. This scheme effec-
To adjust cached data to dynamic content popularity in IoT, Tarnoi tively caches the popular and fresh content in an appropriate topology
et al. [120] present ICN based a new Adaptive Probabilistic (AProb) location. Performance analysis using ndnSim proved that it improves
caching algorithm to overcome the explicit synchronization problem response latency, average hop count, and cache hit ratio.
of existing caching strategies. It helps caching system to adjust caching Existing ICN-IoT caching designs are based on the probability or
data to dynamic content popularity. This adjustment is based on hit rate popularity of the content, not considering the energy reward for making
occurring on data structure of AProb. AProb also consists constant time cache decisions. This leads to selecting inappropriate routers or content
complexity. Workloads of network are changed based on the popularity objects. To improve the energy efficiency of caching decisions, Dinh

Pruthvi C.N. et al. Computer Networks 233 (2023) 109896

Table 16
Summary of machine learning based strategies.
Ref No. Year and Algorithm Simulator used Evaluation Data set used Compared with Accuracy Future
publication metrics enhancement
[22] 2018 IEEE LISO and LFA Own simulation Average energy – FDM, LRM, 60% reduction Proactive
Journal setup cost LB-NCK, LB-UC in energy caching under
consumption nonlinear cost
[23] 2021 IEEE Distributed Keras with Normalized Movie lens Cache hits in Accurate of Implement in
transaction algorithm for tensorflow and cache hit, total dataset cars, cache hits 97.82% different IoT
deep learning pandas delay at RSU, applications
based caching throughput
[21] 2018 ACM Deep cache 2GPU TITAN V Total hits, Synthetic dataset LRU, k-LRU 100% accuracy –
conference frequency count in content
[116] 2019 IEEE Python 3.6.4 State–action – Static location, Better than Consider the
Access with Tensor_ow value, Reward Joint DQL based existing methods collaboration
1.8.0 scheme, DQL between edges
based computing
[77] 2019 IEEE Popularity-Based Globsen, CoT Popularity, hit IoT data LRU, FIFO, Deep CDF = 53.2% Investigate the
Jouranl Evicting rate, edge packet cache Latency = 39.9% M2M traffic and
Algorithm ratio, cumulative popularity
distribution pattern
function (CDF)
[117] 2021 IEEE MRPGA MATLAB Content hit IoT data LCE, GA, SUR = 60% CHR –
conference ratio, space Probcache, Betw = 99%
utilization ratio,
average hop
[118] 2023 IEEE iCache Own simulation Average number IoT data LCE, MPC, CTD 29% energy Consider
using python of hops and total and nocaching reduction and parameters like
and pytarch 1.9 energy 68% reduce in packet loss,
consumption number of hops bandwidth and
arrival rate.
[119] 2019 Journal of Distributed ndnSIM Network traffic, IoT data LHA 88.7% Consider local
Internet caching replacement benefit value to
Technology frequency and optimize the
server hit ratio distributed

Table 17
Summary of probabilistic caching strategies.
Ref No. Year and Algorithm Simulator used Evaluation Replacement Compared with Accuracy Future
publication metrics algorithm used enhancement
[120] 2019 Elsevier AProb ndnSIM 2.0 Server hit ratio, AProb ARC, LRU, Prob, Better Compare with
foot print LCD, LFU recent caching
distance, caching strategies
[121] 2019 IEEE SPBC Own topology Caching hit LRU LCE, Prob cache, Better Increase the
conference ratio, request Betw, Prob(0.5) caching space of
delay, content the core nodes
acquisition hop
[122] 2018 IEEE Distributed ndnSIM Cache hit ratio, LRU LCE, LCD and 29.58% and Can enhance to
probabilistic average access Probcache 38.98% implement in
caching hop and link real network
stress scenarios.

et al. [126] proposed efficient cache replacement and cache placement gain. This method efficiently utilizes network resources and reduces
schemes based on energy reward. Energy reward is calculated using content duplication. Icarus simulator is used to compare the proposed
the energy consumption of content caching and content retrieval in IoT method with existing strategies; results show 30% more accuracy when
to measure the energy consumption of caching decisions. Experiment compared with existing techniques.
results show that the current method increases energy efficiency, cache Nodes in a vehicular ad hoc network acts like mobile nodes when it
hit, and stretch ratios. comes to fetching and sharing information related to vehicles. Due to
Gupta et al. [127] present an ICN-based Energy Efficient Place- the continued sharing of information with other nodes, the current IP-
ment of Content Chunk (EPC) strategy for resource management that based host-centric network cannot fulfill the requirements of VANETs.
caches content replicas towards edge routers to reduce the content Hence, Din et al. [128] proposed an ICN-based caching strategy called
fetching delay. It is mainly designed for vehicular networks; each proactive left–right front (LRF). The proposed strategy places content
vehicle content chunk is decided by EPC, considering constraints of proactively at the right node and also provides a strategy for sharing
residual power of the vehicle, popularity of the content, and caching safety-related messages; this increases the VANETs performance. LRF

Pruthvi C.N. et al. Computer Networks 233 (2023) 109896

Table 18
ICN-IoT caching solutions for IoT problems.
Ref. No. IoT challenge considered Objective Solution provided by ICN-IoT caching
[74] Video traffic is tremendously increasing To propose an efficient caching decision Proposed a novel SDN-based caching
in today’s internet, which imposes policy for video streaming. policy by leveraging SDN controller and
pressure on the current internet. ICN in-network caching.
[35] The content and devices in IoT are To use ICN caching for device-to-device A ICN-IoT name-based content fetching
dynamic and may change after some communication at the device level to caching scheme is proposed based on
time. adjust for dynamic IoT architecture. the naming scheme.
[29] Existing caching methods focus only on To use cache resources efficiently to Proposed an optimization-based cache
a single factor to improve the cache reduce network utilization and latency. policy considers various factors like
performance, and these may not work popularity, bandwidth, and latency.
better in all situations.
[76] IoT contains heterogeneous devices, To maximize the energy efficiency in Proposed an energy-aware cache
including mobile devices, which can wireless IoT by considering transmission placement scheme to decide the efficient
generate tremendous amounts of data, energy and caching energy. cache placement.
resulting in consuming more network
[78] IoT presents challenges in efficient To efficiently facilitate content delivery ICN-based fog caching is proposed that
content delivery due to the traffic in IoT environments. incorporates six identified drivers to
volume and immediate response time ensure efficient content delivery.
[33] With the advancements of IoT, the To address the problem of content An analytical framework is proposed
volume of data traffic has increased propagation among users in that considers distance, interests, and
significantly. If the content keeps location-based social networks. contact rates to deliver and replace the
updating due to IoT’s dynamic nature, it content.
leads to content propagation issues.
[79] The enticing benefits of IoT applications To minimize the content access latency Proposed a novel cooperative caching by
heavily depend on speedy data rates and and to increase the cache resource utilizing mobile edge computing
low latency transmission, this creates utilization. resources to enhance edge caching and
considerable obstacles for mobile reduce content access latency.
[20] Content requesters in the vehicular To efficiently distribute the contents in A content caching scheme is proposed
network are fast-moving vehicles, which the vehicular-constrained network. that cooperates with RSUs and adapts
makes the network dynamic. The the vehicle’s request dynamically.
conventional caching schemes are not
directly applied to the vehicular content
networks, and the cache size of RSU’s
are very less.
[80] Resource allocation to support diverse To overcome the service replacement Proposed ICN-based novel caching
applications at the network edge problem in edge or fog environment. strategy called 3Q to achieve
presents significant challenge like service near-optimal results.
replacement in IoT.
[36] Many people view content on mobile To optimally select the caching auction Proposed policy examines the optimal
devices, and any content can become and examine the content delivery choice of content delivery quality and
viral quickly. This increases the pressure quality. closed-form solution to compute the
on wireless service providers of the optimal delivery quality.
wireless network, and repeated views of
content make redundant transmissions.
[81] The wide applications of IoT result in To implement content caching at the Proposed ICN-based cooperative network
huge network traffic and load to the edge and core network to handle caching by combining edge computing.
current network. network traffic.
[82] In vehicular sensor networks, similar To reduce the data dissemination Proposed efficient ICN-based distributed
data may transfer multiple times, which problem in a vehicular sensor network. caching scheme for data transmission
leads to a replication problem and waste across the internet.
usage of resources, stretch, and
communication latency.
[83] The evolutionary development of IoT To achieve faster content distribution for Proposed ICN-IoT caching strategy by
leads to heterogeneous networks. The IoT users’ requests. using AI-based collaborative filtering to
design of a traditional network limits its cache the content on edge nodes
scope to meet future demands and intelligently.
content distribution of IoT applications.
[84] The massive data generation and To minimize the interactions between A novel ICN-IoT-based probabilistic
increased interactions in IoT affect the constrained data sources of IoT. internet-scale caching is proposed for
network performance regarding IoT by considering content popularity
congestion, latency, and energy and lifetime.

(continued on next page)

is implemented in NS-3, and compared with existing caching policies, The literature in Table 18 focuses on ICN-IoT caching. The table
results show improvement in cache utilization, hop ratios, and interest gives information about problems addressed in IoT and solutions given
ratios regarding different cache sizes. by ICN caching to overcome IoT problems.

Pruthvi C.N. et al. Computer Networks 233 (2023) 109896

Table 18 (continued).
Ref. No. IoT challenge considered Objective Solution provided by ICN-IoT caching
[85] The rapid increase of multimedia To handle multimedia data traffic Proposed ICN-IoT-based layered network
applications demands storing content at efficiently in IoT-based smart cities. architecture on various centrality
end users, increases the traffic at peak measures to decide which content to
hours, s and burdens the core network. cache on network nodes and to achieve
near path caching to reduce network
[86] Existing caching methods are unsuitable To simplify the caching, evicting, and Proposed edge-linked caching, which
for IoT because they will not consider updating of the IoT content by keeps updating the content even if it is
IoT nodes’ content freshness and energy. considering the freshness of content. evicted from the network.
[37] Popular content with large sizes To increase content availability and Proposed an intelligent caching scheme
requested by users requires more access eliminate cache redundancy. called the popularity aware caching
time and increases the network traffic scheme calculates the number of chunks
and cache redundancy. cached at each node and dynamically
adjusts the window caching size based
on content popularity and position of
the node.
[24] Multimedia traffic generation at IoT To develop a hybrid caching method for Proposed a hybrid cache strategy that
networks is increasing rapidly, requiring efficient multimedia delivery. chooses the content based on request
high-quality services for content frequency and caches the content at the
dissemination. edge and leading nodes.
[89] Traditional ICN is unsuitable for To develop an efficient Water depth Proposed a naming scheme and hybrid
underwater IoT because of its slow water awareness caching scheme for communication mode divided into push
propagation speed, affecting the delay. underwater IoT. and pull traffic to balance energy
consumption and delay in underwater
[95] Heterogeneity and limits of edge nodes To develop an efficient caching scheme A caching policy is proposed that makes
resources results a challenge in for delivering transient IoT data decisions based on the popularity and
delivering transient IoT data. lifetime of the IoT content to deliver
fresh IoT data.
[97] IoT is a data-driven network; existing To deliver multimedia information for Proposed cluster-based efficient caching
caching methods like on-path and hash IoT with less delivery time. mechanism and content popularity
caching techniques are more method to increase content availability
time-consuming regarding multimedia and reduce the delivery time.
[98] Routers will have limited cache size, To utilize available cache size Dynamic popularity window is designed
and the existing off-path caching makes comprehensively. in each router to calculate the
high communication overhead on every popularity of incoming content to make
router. cache decisions and to use router
resources efficiently.
[99] Limited resources of IoT devices, To develop an efficient caching for Prioritization-based content filling
synchronization of caching methods with transient IoT data technique is proposed based on content
data forwarding, and limitations of freshness in the content store to avoid
router capacity is lacking in delivering inappropriate content fill and to increase
fresh IoT data. efficient fresh content caching.
[100] Host-centric network cannot handle the To effectively replace the content in CS Proposed a replacement algorithm based
challenges produced by large-scale IoT and increase efficiency in ICN-IoT on the popularity and betweenness of
like real-time video, streaming video, the nodes, which calculates the
and high-traffic data services. popularity value f the content based on
their location.
[101] WSN is a resource-constrained network To reduce the number of hops in WSN. Proposed a traffic-aware cache
as the number of nodes increases the mechanism using ICN, which pushes the
stretch ratio also increases. more popular data upstream of the
network and less popular data
downstream of the network.
[93] IoT applications generate a large volume To decide where to place content for Proposes a CCN-based caching strategy
of data continuously, which gives efficient content caching. based on node degree and distance from
importance to information than its the source.
[102] Existing caching policies are not much To deliver fresh IoT data to the users in Proposed a CCN-based popularity-aware
concentrated on delivering transient IoT a efficient way. efficient cache consistency management
data. scheme for fresh IoT data.
[103] When cached content in the network To improve IoT network performance by Proposed a profit-based cache placement
increases, deciding which content should caching the most popular data at the scheme that evicts the content with the
be cached at which location becomes right cache nodes. highest profit value and less probability
the main challenge. value.

(continued on next page)

Pruthvi C.N. et al. Computer Networks 233 (2023) 109896

Table 18 (continued).
Ref. No. IoT challenge considered Objective Solution provided by ICN-IoT caching
[104] Due to increasing in IoT applications, To select the optimal content placement Proposes an ICN-based collaborative
existing TCP/IP network faces challenges in the content store to increase content caching and cache replacement
like heterogeneity and availability. availability. algorithm which caches content from
neighbors node and replaces content on
a popularity base.
[105] Sensor nodes have small storage, most To balance caching performance with Proposed ICN-based Caching strategy
of which are battery-powered. Existing storage and energy consumption. considers both betweenness and content
caching strategies did not consider value, frequency-based cache decision,
energy consumption as a major concern. and replacement policy based on the
importance of node and content value.
[106] Current network is growing by To provide a low-cost social-aware Proposed ICN-based Is-fog network with
increasing smart devices, which distributed caching, computing, and social-aware content caching and
demands content and increases communication infrastructure. distribution scheme.
bandwidth with cost.
[107] The development of 5G and IoT To perform efficient collaborative Proposed an ICN-IoT collaborative
networks generates a huge amount of caching in ICN-IoT caching by deploying blockchain
information which leads to data traffic. technology.
[108] Retrieving and delivering a huge amount To efficiently aggregate the storage of PF-cluster cache mechanism is proposed
of data in a minimum delay with IoT nodes within a cluster to use node to cache data based on freshness and
minimum resource usage is a challenge storage efficiently. popularity.
in IoT.
[25] The connection between multiple IoT To enable ICN caching in IoT and to Proposed a smart collaborative caching
devices is unstable, and provide cooperative caching in fog based on ICN-IoT and cooperative
resource-constrained IoT networks must computing to increase information caching in fog computing.
be explored in the information storage. storage.
[111] ICN can boost the performance of sensor To design an energy-efficient Proposed a Multi-hop cooperative
data delivery but may fail to achieve information-centric wireless sensor caching and green cooperation policy for
energy efficiency due to the network. each sensor to identify its operation and
receiver-driven request–response nature. to make a proper caching decision to
handle energy consumption.
[112] Mobility of vehicles and limited To improve multimedia streaming Cooperative caching scheme is proposed
transmission range of IP network leads performance in vehicular networks by that considers cache location predicted
to low performance in terms of using efficient cooperative caching. popularity and future rating score for
multimedia streaming. making caching location.
[34] The data time of IoT data expires after To reduce the massive access to the IoT Proposed ICN-based cooperative caching
some time. Some applications require device and to deliver the right content that considers IoT data time and request
fresh data, while some are satisfied with to the right user. rate at a specific time. Reduces
old data. Most of the IoT device’s energy unnecessary access to IoT devices so that
is consumed while transferring data and devices can sleep and energy can reduce.
even when they are not doing any task.
[28] Some IoT devices need to sleep for a To design an auto-configuration method Designed an NDN network for IoT
long time to avoid battery drain and for IoT devices to tune IoT devices enhanced with a protocol called CoCa
increase lifespan since many of them are automatically to achieve energy which interplays with cooperative
equipped with small batteries. efficiency. caching and power save capabilities for
IoT devices.
[113] Caching at the network edge can reduce To minimize nonrenewable energy Proposed a CCN-based cooperative
congestion and latency, but storage units consumption. caching that utilizes renewable energy
require additional energy. It is and enables data storage at helper
challenging to reduce energy nodes.
consumption in the next-generation
[22] Popularity of content is dynamic, and To minimize the long-term average Designed a CDN-based system that
the performance of the caching system energy cost and increase the considers channel quality, energy cost
and the energy consumption depends on performance by finding the correct associated with content, and user access
finding the relevant content. content to cache. behavior to cache the content.
[23] Self-driving cars are delay sensitive due To deliver content to self-driving cars. Proposed a deep learning-based caching
to their high mobility and connection in where caching decisions depend on the
motion. passenger’s features.
[21] To develop adaptive caching which Content objects are heterogeneous and Proposed a deep cache framework based
learns the changes in request patterns. vary in size, access pattern, and on a recurrent neural network comprised
popularity. of object character predictor and
caching policy component.
[116] Since IoT is becoming more intelligent, To make decisions according to service Software-defined IC-IoT architecture is
need to make decisions according to requirements and environmental changes proposed to adjust to the dynamic
environmental changes. The under a dynamic environment of IoT. changes and to enable caching
computational capabilities of IoT devices computing capabilities for IoT devices.
are too weak to train and run the
models for automatic environmental

(continued on next page)

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Table 18 (continued).
Ref. No. IoT challenge considered Objective Solution provided by ICN-IoT caching
[117] The distributive feature limits traditional To apply heuristic algorithms to Proposed MRPGA algorithm-based
caching strategies. traditional ICN cache problems. caching scheme to obtain feasible
solutions within a finite time.
[118] The existing reinforcement and deep To dynamically adjust the caching Proposed iCache scheme for dynamic
reinforcement learning methods cannot probability to fit dynamic ICN-IoT. ICN-IoT by considering the lifetime and
fit into a dynamic ICN-IoT network. popularity of IoT data.
[119] Existing caching schemes consider the To reduce the cache redundancy in IoT. Proposed distributed caching, which
content popularity to cache the content replaces the content in the cache based
in every single node, which leads to on local information.
increased cache redundancy and traffic
in the network.
[77] Most of the users in IoT request similar To generate an efficient popularity Proposed a DNN-based PEM model on
IoT data and increase the load on the model to cache popular data efficiently. generating predicted popularity and
core network. popularity-based algorithm to give a
solution for when to and what to cache
[120] The existing algorithms require explicit To adjust cached data to dynamic Proposed an adaptive probabilistic
synchronization to adjust with dynamic content popularity. caching algorithm adjusts cached data to
content popularity. dynamic content popularity.
[123] The lifetime of IoT data is short, and To solve content placement problems for Proposed a sliding window-based
the popularity of data varies with time. transient data in dynamic IoT networks. adaptive placement scheme and neural
Hence the static caching policies are not prediction model to predict the content
suitable for dynamic IoT networks. popularity.
[124] In ICN-IoT, the existing caching realizes To improve the diversity of the content The new cache decision is proposed
the cache content configuration in a and meet the high-tech transformation based on periodic and triggered data.
single dimension. needs of content.
[125] The current ICN-IoT solutions To cache fresh and popular content in Proposed a comprehensive solution is
concentrate on the part of anyone proper network topology location. provided by considering content
caching performance and lack in popularity, freshness, and network
systematic design and caching fresh topology.
[126] Existing ICN-IoT caching designs are To improve the energy efficiency of Proposed a novel cache replacement
based on the probability or popularity of caching decisions. scheme by considering caching energy
the content, not considering the energy reward.
reward for making cache decisions. This
leads to selecting inappropriate routers
or content objects.
[127] Storing content replica in resource To reduce the content fetching delay in Proposed an ICN-based energy-efficient
constraint vehicles faces challenges like a vehicular network and increase energy cache placement by considering the
limited power and cache capacity. efficiency. vehicle’s residual power and content’s
[128] Existing IP-based host-centric network is To improve the network performance in Proposed proactive LRF caching scheme,
not suitable to fulfill the content VANETs by placing content proactively which places the content in the right
dissemination requirement of VANETs. in the right place. place.

The literature listed in Table 19 considered caching methods pro- also increases and it results in increased delay.
posed for ICN networks which can further be enhanced in IoT networks ∑
to overcome IoT challenges and IoT problems. 𝑃 𝑎𝑡ℎ𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑐ℎ = ∑ (12)
𝑇 𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙ℎ𝑜𝑝𝑠

7. Performance metrics and parameters used in ICN-IoT caching 3. Latency: Total amount of time from the time a request is placed
and the requester receives the requested content.
This section describes major performance metrics and parameters
𝐿𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦 = 𝑇 𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑑 − 𝑇 𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑑 (13)
used in ICN-IoT caching responding to RQ 5.
4. Average network delay: Time is taken to satisfy all requests
1. Cache hit ratio (CHR): Ratio of the number of requests satisfied
by the producer to the total number of requests requested by received by the requester [75].
the requester [96]. The main objective of caching is to achieve 5. Cache utilization: Number of cached content in the whole
a high cache-hit ratio. Because when the cache hit ratio is high, network for a request [104].
it decreases the content retrieval time and delay. 6. Space Utilization Ratio (SUR): Ratio of the total number of
caches to the total number of caching capacity in the net-
𝑇 𝑝𝑟
𝐶𝐻𝑅 = (11) work [117].
𝑇 𝑟𝑟
Where Tpr is the total number of satisfied requests from the 𝑇𝑐
𝑆𝑈 𝑅 = (14)
𝑇 𝐶𝑎𝑝
producer and Trr is the total number of requested requests.
2. Path Stretch (PS): Path stretch is the ratio of hops crossed where Tc is total number of caches and Tcap is total cache
during transmission divided by the total number of hops [93]. capacity.
When the delivery path length is less, the hit count increases. As 7. Server Load Reduction Ratio (SLRR): The proportion of inter-
the number of hops increases, the consumption of overall energy est packets within the network that fails to reach the server to

Pruthvi C.N. et al. Computer Networks 233 (2023) 109896

Table 19
ICN caching solutions for ICN-IoT network.
Ref. No. IoT challenge considered Objective Solution given by ICN caching Extent of suitability for ICN-IoT
[75] Tremendous increase of connected To move popular content near edge Proposed ICN-based cache and split Can be suitable to IoT networks
devices increases the load on the devices and less popular content near algorithm split the cache when the load increases due to
network. the core network to decrease the responsibility by pushing the most increased connected devices.
network load. popular content downstream.
[29] Existing caching schemes store To use cache resources efficiently. Proposed ICN-based optimization Can be used in IoT to enhance the
content with a content downloading caching scheme to optimize the cache resource utilization and reduce
path, which increases the network caching by determining the the network cost.
cost. optimized set of content to cache in
each node.
[87] The cache space is minimum due to To improve the user access latency A hybrid caching scheme is proposed Can extend to use in IoT to use
the resource constraint network; the and resource utilization. that divides transmit paths and cache resources efficiently.
management and placement of implements a heuristic caching
content are essential to use cache scheme and content migration to
resources efficiently. improve resource utilization and
access latency.
[90] traditional cache coordination To balance user QoE and network Proposed a Hybrid cache The proposed method divides into
schemes are uniform caching resource utilization. coordination scheme that is based on core and edge areas with explicit
coordination, which is hard to role division. off-path and implicit on-path
balance the tradeoff between the caching. This separation can easily
user’s QoE and resource utilization. be extended to large network
environments like IoT.
[88] The current caching strategies are To balance between both user’s and A hybrid caching strategy is proposed Proposed method uses deterministic
sole caching schemes that are lacking service provider’s demands. that uses different caching strategies caching in the edge area and
to meet users’ and service providers’ and combines their strength. probabilistic caching at the core
demands. area, which increases the efficiency
of content delivery, which can
extend to complex networks.
[39] Content dissemination is a major To solve the content dissemination Selecting suitable caching locations Can improve content dissemination
challenge in content-oriented problem. to cache the diverse popular content. in IoT.
[96] Cache capacity of routers are To comprehensively utilize Proposed scheme intelligently selects Optimizes the caching and
minimal in constraint-oriented in-network caching capacity the router for content placements by appropriately uses the cache size for
networks. considering the popularity of content popular content in ICN-IoT.
and distance between routers.
[32] Pushing popular content at edge To determine which content to cache Proposed a greedy caching Significantly increases network hit
nodes fail to use cache efficiently at each network node. mechanism, which recalculates the rate for IoT sensor data.
and may fail to increase network popularity of content every time
performance. based on the request miss
[109] When users request similar content To improve the network’s Proposed a cooperative caching in Can reduce the cache redundancy in
multiple times, the same data is performance regarding network usage which on-path routers store content intermediate IoT devices.
stored in multiple on-path routers, and delay at the local and global optimally and are supported by
increases the cache redundancy and levels. off-path cache routers for the
decreases network performance. additional cache.
[110] Increase in video traffic causes a To provide video streaming services Proposed a Metafile made by a Can increase IoT network content
traffic overload problem which efficiently. scalable caching scheme to provide delivery ratio by using the suggested
results in the decrease in video priority and designs an information protocol and prioritizing urgent
quality exchange protocol for efficient content or videos in IoT applications
delivery of content among ICN nodes. like VANET, smart home, and smart
health care.
[121] The in-network caching strategies To efficiently utilize the caching Proposed a probabilistic caching Can use to match the node
used in CCN are inefficient. resources. mechanism based on a importance with data popularity in
software-defined content-centric IoT networks.
[122] Placing content replicas in cache To enhance cache efficiency. A distributed caching strategy is It can enhance for IoT to use cache
nodes without introducing content proposed, which makes cache resources efficiently.
overhead becomes challenging in the decisions individually and caches
network. content with a certain probability.

all interest packets [81]. 9. Content Diversity: Refers to the number of different kinds of
𝐼𝑝 content placed in a particular location [39].
𝑆𝐿𝑅𝑅 = (15)
𝐼𝑡 ∑
𝑐(𝑐 − 1)
Where Ip is the number of interest packets that fail to reach the 𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑑𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑦 = ∑ (17)
𝐶(𝐶 − 1)
server and It is the total number of interest packets.
8. Cache redundancy: Ratio of the total number of content divided Where c is the amount of content of the same type and C is the
by the number of all content types [81]. total amount.
∑ 10. Average network traffic: The average time it takes for all
𝐶𝑎𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑦 = ∑ (16) network routers to get the requested contents [96].

Pruthvi C.N. et al. Computer Networks 233 (2023) 109896

Table 20
Parameters used in existing caching approaches.

Energy consumed by memory device

Number of nodes or users or objects

Number of routers or set of router
Energy consumed by IP packet

Number of content providers

No. contents or catalog size

Energy consumed by router

Number of interest packets

Energy consumed by CPU

No. of measured requests

No. of warm-up requests
Energy consumed by LC
Clock speed of the CPU

Time or download time

Size of content chunk

Request arrival rate

Number of servers
In-network caching Caching Approach

Quality parameter
No. of iterations
Number of hops

Skew parameter

Battery power
Reference no.

Link capacity
Request rate
Cache size

[73] ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
[74] ✓ ✓ ✓
[75] ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
[35] ✓ ✓ ✓
[29] ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
[76] ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
[78] ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
[33] ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
[79] ✓ ✓
Edge caching

[20] ✓ ✓ ✓
[80] ✓ ✓
[36] ✓ ✓
[81] ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
[82] ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
[83] ✓ ✓
[84] ✓ ✓ ✓
[86] ✓ ✓
[87] ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Hybrid caching

[37] ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
[90] ✓ ✓
[88] ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
[24] ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
[89] ✓ ✓ ✓

11. Energy consumption: Total energy consumption of all IoT de-

vices during the simulation. Energy consumed by IoT nodes to
transfer one bit to another node is calculated by using Eq. (18)
𝐸𝑛 = 𝐸𝑗 + 𝑐 ∗ 𝐷𝑗 𝑎 (18)
Where Ej is the energy, a transmitter consumes to transfer one
bit, En is the energy consumption of node n, Dj is the distance
between two IoT nodes, and a is the path loss factor.
12. Cache replacement rate: Ratio between the replaced contents
and the cached contents for all the nodes in the network [93].
𝐶𝑟𝑟 = (19)
Where Crr is the cache replacement rate, Rc is replaced contents,
and Cc is the cached contents in the network.
13. Network lifetime: Time until the network energy runs out.

Parameters used in existing caching approaches are listed in Table 20

Fig. 14. Performance evaluation of ICN-IoT caching.
and parameters used in existing caching strategies are listed in the
Tables 21 and 22. [119].

8. Performance evaluation Regarding RQ 6, Fig. 16 depicts the caching approaches used in

literature. 25% used hybrid caching, 25% used in-network caching, and
In this section, the existing literatures are validated. These include 50% used edge caching.
the simulations, testbed, and others. Results illustrated in Fig. 14 Fig. 17 shows the performance evaluation of caching strategies. As
demonstrate that the validation of the proposed ICN-IoT caching mech- a response to RQ 7 26% used popularity-based caching, 17% used
anisms is carried out primarily by simulation and then testbed. For collaborative caching, and 17% used cooperative caching. 19% used
illustration, 82% used simulation, 13% used testbed experimentation, machine learning-based caching, 7% used probabilistic caching, and
and 5% used other types. 14% used other caching strategies.
In general, Fig. 15 shows the number of articles classified into As a response to RQ 8 the simulation tools used, Fig. 18 shows
caching approaches and strategies in terms of evaluation type and the different tools used to evaluate the results in the literature in
simulators used. percentage. Mainly 37.3% used the ndn simulator; it shows that ndnsim

Pruthvi C.N. et al. Computer Networks 233 (2023) 109896

Table 21
Parameters used in existing caching strategies.

Simulation time (second) no. of simu

Data packets size number of packets

Number of clusters or cluster size

Network cache size no. of caches

Content universe no. of content

No. of consumers and producer

Number of alive nodes

Connection bandwidth

Hop reduction ratio

Number of requests

Network life time

Replacement rate
Number of nodes
Connection delay
Caching Strategy

Catalogue size
Cache hit rate
Reference no.

Network type

Message size
Payload size

Cache space
eNBs power
Link speed

File size


Popularity-based caching

[95] ✓
[39] ✓
[96] ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
[97] ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
[32] ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
[98] ✓ ✓
[100] ✓ ✓
[101] ✓ ✓
[102] ✓ ✓
Collaborative-based caching

[93] ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
[104] ✓ ✓ ✓
[105] ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
[106] ✓ ✓ ✓
[107] ✓
[108] ✓ ✓
[25] ✓ ✓ ✓
Cooperative caching

[109] ✓ ✓ ✓
[110] ✓ ✓
[111] ✓ ✓ ✓
[112] ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
[34] ✓ ✓ ✓
[28] ✓
[113] ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Table 22
Parameters used in existing caching strategies.
Probability of user Access

Number of hops/nodes

Energy consumption
Number of Requests
Number of contents
Probabilistic Machine Learning based Caching Approach

Size of the model

Data packet size

Simulation time
Training steps
Reference no.

Arriving rate

Cpu Cycles
Cache Size

Total hits
Cache hit


ZIp f

[22] ✓ ✓ ✓
[23] ✓ ✓ ✓
[21] ✓ ✓ ✓
[116] ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
[77] ✓ ✓ ✓
[117] ✓ ✓ ✓
[118] ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
[119] ✓ ✓
[120] ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

[121] ✓ ✓ ✓

is used primarily and fully supports ICN caching. 21.8% used Icarus, 9. Applications of ICN-IoT caching
15.5% used CCNsim, 12.7% used Matlab, ns-3 and Abile networks used
Regarding RQ 9, some of the main applications of ICN-IoT are listed
by 6.4% of authors.
Fig. 19 represents the performance evaluation of replacement algo-
9.1. Vehicular network
rithms used in the reviewed literature. 50% used their own replacement
algorithms, 27.27% used LRU, 13.63% used Popul, 4.54% used FIFO Numerous applications, including autonomous cars [129–131], traf-
and priority-based replacement algorithms. fic control [132,133], and road safety [134], rely on vehicular networks

Pruthvi C.N. et al. Computer Networks 233 (2023) 109896

Fig. 15. Map of caching approaches and strategies in ICN-IoT caching in-terms of evaluation type and simulators used.

Fig. 16. Performance evaluation of caching approaches.

for communication services. Nowadays, users in vehicular environ-

ments place a higher priority on entertainment, which significantly
increases consumers’ demands for multimedia. In a highly dynamic
environment, flawless content transport from vehicle to vehicle (V2V)
is essential [20]. IoT uses limited resources like storage and batteries.
Using an IP network to manage it is not easy. ICN caching lowers
the burden on the network and enables content distribution over the
vehicular network at any time and from any location [20].

9.2. E-health-care

Applications for e-health care use wireless sensors and wearable

technology to monitor patient status [135]. Critical patients are moni-
tored using tools like mobile and real-time monitoring. Hospitals pro-
Fig. 17. Performance evaluation of caching strategies.
duce a lot of data to guarantee efficient and remote services. Caching
reduces duplicate transmissions and helps to store health data in edge
nodes. Additional caching enhances service availability while lowering
network load and communication overhead [136].

Pruthvi C.N. et al. Computer Networks 233 (2023) 109896

9.5. Smart grid operations

The smart grid offers effective electrical network connectivity,

atomic and real-time management that enhances the current services,
resulting in energy savings and lower costs. More data is produced
when smart grid applications are implemented, such as installing
smart metres and sensors on the network and expanding customer
facilities [142]. ICN-caching focuses primarily on content and allows
for in-network data storage, which speeds up content retrieval and data
accessibility in smart grid operations [144].

9.6. Industrial IoT

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) [145] describes how manu-

facturing and other industrial processes are frequently combined with
IoT technology and data to boost automation, efficiency, and pro-
ductivity. When managing IoT and IIoT use cases, the first challenge
customers face is how to get data from IoT devices and make it acces-
sible to analytic systems and decision-making processes [146]. Caching
Fig. 18. Simulators used in performance evaluation. in edge devices stores the frequently accessed IoT data and transfers it
when the user requests it. Edge caching also enables heterogeneous IoT
devices connectivity with low latency and reliability [147].

10. Conclusion and discussion

This systematic mapping study aimed to overview current ICN

caching techniques used in IoT. Among 147 articles 88 articles are se-
lected as a primary study and the majority of the articles are published
in journals and conference proceedings.
During the mapping study, articles published from 2013 to 2023
(till the revision period) are selected. Year-wise distribution of most
relevant papers (RQ1), showing that articles are published more in
2021 and can see researcher’s interest in ICN-caching is increasing.
With respect to (RQ2), the most cited article from retained papers
is [16], and the most contributed author is B. nour. Regarding (RQ3)
Table 5, gives the forums list of all selected articles and the majority
of the articles in the retained paper taken from IEEE explore. The
result of this mapping study identifies many research challenges (RQ4)
Fig. 19. Performance evaluation of replacement algorithms. that need further attention in ICN-IoT caching. With respect to (RQ5),
there are sixteen performance metrics and several parameters used in
the literature are listed in Section 8. We classified retained papers as
9.3. Smart city caching approaches and strategies, and further evaluated performance
evaluation in an analytical manner. In regard to (RQ6) and (RQ7),
more articles used edge caching (50%) as a caching approach compare
Smart city includes applications like smart chain management [137], to other approaches and popularity-based caching (26%) as a caching
smart energy utilization [138], eco-friendly waste disposal [139], e- strategy compare to other strategies. In response to (RQ8), the ndnSim
education [140], e-banking [141] and so on. These all applications use simulator is the most used and NS-3 is the least used simulator.
IoT devices to collect, analyze data and transfer sensitive and safely In summary, ICN caching plays an important role in overcoming IoT
concerned data to thousands of devices. Use these data to improve challenges. This study benefits in both academia and industry research
public utilities, infrastructure, and services. Hence managing data in because it contains challenges and future directions of ICN-IoT caching
Smart cities become a major concern and becomes the main challenge. in Section 4 and brief explanation of all existing caching techniques
Cache-enabled systems can be used to full fill these requirements and in ICN-Io T. In recent years an increase in IoT applications leads to
can reduce data congestion and access delay. Additionally caching can a huge amount of data generation and handling this data becomes
solve mobility, scalability, and connection issues of smart cities [9]. the main challenge in IoT. ICN caching handles this issue by enabling
efficient caching techniques and increases network efficiency. The IoT
applications which use ICN-caching are listed in Section 10 (RQ9)
9.4. Intelligent transportation systems showing that the future of ICN-caching plays a major role in handling
IoT data. We believe ICN-IoT caching is a prominent technique for
An intelligent transportation system provides innovative transport solving IoT issues and challenges. Still, some obstacles are yet to be
and traffic management services that enable users to use transport overcome to transfer ICN-IoT caching into actuality. Since this survey’s
networks more safely and smarter. Intelligent transport technologies primary emphasis is on ICN caching in IoT, the future study can
like traffic signal control systems, car navigation, speed cameras, num- consider
ber plate detector, and CCTV systems generate a massive amount of • All cache replacement algorithms of ICN caching irrespective of
data [142]. Cache-enabled systems can improve content delivery and a domain as a major sections and evaluating each method using
reduce the network load, improving the QoE in intelligent transporta- simulation.
tion systems [143]. • Scrutinize the simulators used in ICN-IoT caching enormously.

Pruthvi C.N. et al. Computer Networks 233 (2023) 109896

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[119] H. Wei, H. Luo, Y. Sun, A new cache placement strategy for wireless internet Pruthvi C N received the B. E degree in 2017 from
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[120] S. Tarnoi, W. Kumwilaisak, V. Suppakitpaisarn, K. Fukuda, Y. Ji, Adaptive degree in 2019 from Bangalore University. She is cur-
probabilistic caching technique for caching networks with dynamic content rently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science with
popularity, Comput. Commun. 139 (2019) 1–15. University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering (UVCE, IIT
[121] Y. Gao, J. Zhou, Probabilistic caching mechanism based on software defined Model College), Bangalore University, Bangalore, India. Her
content centric network, in: 2019 IEEE 11th International Conference on current research interests include the Internet of Things,
Communication Software and Networks, ICCSN, IEEE, 2019, pp. 210–214. ICN networks, ICN-IoT caching, Sensor Networks, Machine
[122] H. Wu, J. Li, J. Zhi, Y. Ren, L. Li, Design and evaluation of probabilistic caching Learning and Artificial intelligence
in information-centric networking, IEEE Access 6 (2018) 32754–32768.
[123] S. Sharif, M.H.Y. Moghaddam, S.A.H. Seno, Adaptive cache content placement
Dr. H.S. Vimala Professor and Chairperson, Department of
for software-defined internet of things, Future Gener. Comput. Syst. (2022).
Computer Science & Engineering, University Visvesvaraya
[124] H. Mei, A dynamic ICN and IoT based caching method supporting high-tech
College of Engineering (UVCE, IIT Model College), Ban-
transformation, Int. Technol. Lett. e371.
galore University, K.R.Circle, Bangalore. She has received
[125] H. Wu, Y. Xu, J. Li, Cache Benefit-Based Cache Placement Scheme for Iot Data
Ph.D. in the area of Image Processing in Computer Science
in Icn by Using Ranking, Available At SSRN 4132289.
and Engineering. She has published 9 papers in Interna-
[126] N. Dinh, Y. Kim, An energy reward-based caching mechanism for
tional/National Journals, and Conferences. She is involved
information-centric internet of things, Sensors 22 (3) (2022) 743.
in research and teaching B. E, M. Tech and Ph.D. students
[127] D. Gupta, S. Rani, A. Singh, J.J. Rodrigues, ICN based efficient content caching
of Computer Science and Engineering and she guided more
scheme for vehicular networks, IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst. (2022).
than 150 research projects for UG/PG students. She has
[128] I.U. Din, B. Ahmad, A. Almogren, H. Almajed, I. Mohiuddin, J.J. Rodrigues,
35 years of teaching experience in Department of computer
Left-right-front caching strategy for vehicular networks in icn-based internet of
science and Engineering UVCE, K.R.Circle, Bangalore. Cur-
things, IEEE Access 9 (2020) 595–605.
rently she is guiding 7 research scholars in UVCE. She is a
[129] R. Hussain, J. Lee, S. Zeadally, Autonomous cars: Social and economic co-author of 5 books and published one book. Her research
implications, IT Prof. 20 (6) (2018) 70–77. areas are Image processing, Sensor Networks, Internet of
[130] M. Gerla, E.-K. Lee, G. Pau, U. Lee, Internet of vehicles: From intelligent grid to Things.
autonomous cars and vehicular clouds, in: 2014 IEEE World Forum on Internet
of Things (WF-IoT), IEEE, 2014, pp. 241–246.
[131] I. Yaqoob, L.U. Khan, S.A. Kazmi, M. Imran, N. Guizani, C.S. Hong, Autonomous Dr. Shreyas J received the B. E degree in 2013 and the M.
driving cars in smart cities: Recent advances, requirements, and challenges, IEEE Tech degree in 2015 from Vishweswaraiah Technological
Netw. 34 (1) (2019) 174–181. University. He has received full time Ph. D degree from
[132] B. Płaczek, Selective data collection in vehicular networks for traffic control Bangalore University in 2021. All the three degrees are in
applications, Transp. Res. C 23 (2012) 14–28. Computer Science and Engineering discipline. He has com-
[133] L. Li, D. Wen, D. Yao, A survey of traffic control with vehicular communications, pleted Ph. D in the area of Internet of Things and Artificial
IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst. 15 (1) (2013) 425–432. Intelligence in the Department of Computer Science and
[134] H.T. Cheng, H. Shan, W. Zhuang, Infotainment and road safety service support Engineering, University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering
in vehicular networking: From a communication perspective, Mech. Syst. Signal (UVCE, IIT Model College), Bangalore University, Bangalore.
Process. 25 (6) (2011) 2020–2038. He is currently working as Assistant Professor, Dept. of

Pruthvi C.N. et al. Computer Networks 233 (2023) 109896

Information Technology, Manipal Institute of Technology Dubai each during International Conferences. He has more
Bengaluru, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, than 7.5 years of research, academia and and industrial
India. He is involved in research, and teaching B. E and M. experience. He has worked as a reviewer for various reputed
Tech students of Computer Science and Engineering and has journals including IEEE, Elsevier, Springer, Johnny Wiley,
more than 5 years of teaching experience. He has published etc publishers and international conferences. He has filed
more than 50 papers in International Journals including El- and published two patents. His current research lies in
sevier, Springer, Inderscience and International Conferences. the area of Sensor Networks, Artificial Intelligence, Soft
He has received two best paper awards in Hong kong and Computing, Internet of Things and Image processing.


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