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Educational Leadership and

‘Education 5.0’ is a topical new policy in higher and tertiary
education in Zimbabwe today, explain its basic structure and
show how it can be implemented.

Presented by
Mbiza H and Sibanda M
• Education 5.0 is a Philosophy which came into Zimbabwe’s Higher education at the inception of the
second republic.

• Prior to this, there was education 3.0 in which academics (both lecturers and students) were
expected to engage in three activities namely: T

1. Teaching and learning,

2. Research and

3. Community service.

• The coming in of 5.0 saw the addition of two more responsibilities, namely

1. Innovation and

2. Industrialization.
• This created five responsibilities which resulted in the name Education 5.0.

• Therefore the academic today is expected, on top of the traditional 3 responsibilities, to

come up with inventions and innovations(models and prototypes) which they should
further develop into goods and services that bring commercial value to the university.

• The university is thus expected to generate income which it can use to expand its
operations as well as remunerate its staff.

• This philosophy is linked to the modularised curriculum where lecturers would teach half of
the semester time and use the other half to concentrate on research, innovation and
industrialization activities.
Comparison of Education 3.0 and 5.0
Introduction, the overview of the Education 5.0 philosophy
• It is an emerging educational paradigm

• Aims to prepare students for 4IR

• By integrating emerging technologies and emphasizing

1. critical thinking,
2. creativity, and
3. collaboration.

• So as to develop learners who are

1. adaptable,

2. innovative, and

3. capable of solving complex problems in a rapidly changing world.

Introduction, the overview of the Education 5.0 philosophy
• The philosophy of Education 5.0 is based on the 3 principles of
1. personalized learning,
2. lifelong learning, and
3. the integration of technology in education.
• It encourages students to take ownership of their learning and to develop
skills that are relevant to the 21st -century workplace.
• The use of emerging technologies such as AI, VR and AR, and gamification
are key components of Education 5.0.
Background to the concept of Education 5.0 and its relevance to
the higher and tertiary education system in Zimbabwe
•It is a new model of education that highlights the integration of
1. technology,
2. creativity, and
3. entrepreneurship
•to prepare students for the 21st century workforce.
•It focuses on developing skills such as critical thinking, problem-
solving, and collaboration, rather than just imparting knowledge.
Background to the concept of Education 5.0 and its relevance to
the higher and tertiary education system in Zimbabwe (Cont’d)
•Education 5.0 is relevant because it can help to address the skills
gap that exists in the current workforce.

•By incorporating technology and entrepreneurship into the


1. students can gain practical experience and

2. develop the skills needed to succeed in a rapidly changing job

Background to the concept of Education 5.0 and its relevance to
the higher and tertiary education system in Zimbabwe (Cont’d)
•Education 5.0 promotes innovation and economic development in
•It encourages students to think creatively and develop
entrepreneurial skills, so as to become job creators rather than job
seekers, contributing to the growth of the economy.
•Education 5.0 is a relevant and important concept for Zimbabwe’s
HTE system as it can help to prepare students for the 21st century
workforce and promote economic development.
Key features of Education 5.0: Characteristics
• It is characterized by personalized learning, which involves tailoring
educational experiences to meet the needs and interests of individual

• It also emphasizes lifelong learning, which recognizes that learning is a

continuous process that occurs throughout one's life.

• Technology plays a crucial role in Education 5.0, as it enables personalized and

lifelong learning through the use of digital tools, such as online platforms, VR,
and AI.
How 5.0 should be done?
• For the model to be successful there are two major players that need to be observed and
allowed to play their roles.

1. lecturer and students,

2. innovation and industrialization office.

• IDEATION (INITIAL DESIGN and PROTOTYPING) - Lecturers and students research and
develop models or prototypes.

• (VALIDATION, TESTING and COMMERCIALISATION) – The innovation and Technical office has
specialized technical staff who further develop the models/prototypes so that they meet
the expected commercial and or industrial standards.
• Once that is done the university can get commercial value and make
money, while it is assured of more learning and more ideas coming
through from the academic side.
• The current setup where the academics are expected to do
everything from the inception of the idea to the product or service
may not yield the expected result because there isn’t adequate time
to do that after all having an idea is one thing, and developing it into
something tangible is another.
Implementation of Education 5.0 in the HTE system in Zimbabwe,
including any challenges and successes.

• Education 5.0 is a concept that combines traditional classroom learning

with technology-driven and personalized learning experiences.

• HTE institutions are implementing Education 5.0 through the integration

of various technologies such as LMS, VR and AR, and AI.

• Some institutions have also introduced flexible learning options such as

online and blended learning to cater for the needs of students who
cannot attend classes physically.
Implementation of Education 5.0 in the HTE system in Zimbabwe,
including any challenges and successes. (Cont’d)

•The implementation of Education 5.0 faces several challenges,

including limited access to technology and internet connectivity in
some areas, inadequate funding, and resistance to change from
some stakeholders.
•Despite these challenges, some institutions have recorded
successes in implementing Education 5.0, such as improved
student engagement and retention, enhanced collaboration and
communication, and increased access to learning resources.
Impact of Education 5.0
• Education 5.0, which emphasizes personalized and student-centered
learning, competency-based education, and the integration of
technology, has the potential to greatly improve the HTE system in
• Increased access to education can be achieved through the use of
online and distance learning, which can reach students in remote
areas and those who may not have been able to attend traditional
brick-and-mortar institutions due to financial or other constraints.
Impact of Education 5.0 (Cont’d)
•Improved quality of education can be achieved through the
use of competency-based education, which focuses on the
mastery of specific skills and knowledge rather than simply
completing a set amount of coursework.

•This approach can lead to better-prepared graduates who

are ready for the workforce.
Impact of Education 5.0 (Cont’d)
•Better employment opportunities for graduates can be achieved
through the integration of technology and the development of
skills that are in high demand in the job market.

•Graduates who are well-versed in technology and possess the

necessary skills will be more attractive to potential employers,
particularly in the rapidly evolving digital economy.
• Education 5.0 is a new approach to education in Zimbabwe that emphasizes the
integration of technology and the development of skills for the 21st century.

• In Zimbabwe, the implementation of Education 5.0 requires a number of key points

and recommendations, including:

Emphasizing the development of skills for the 21st century, including critical
thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration.

Integrating technology into the classroom through the use of digital tools, online
learning platforms, and other innovative technologies.
Conclusion (Cont’d)
Encouraging lifelong learning through the adoption of a learner-centred approach
that emphasizes self-directed learning and personalized learning pathways.

Fostering a culture of innovation and experimentation in education, including the

development of new teaching and learning methods and the use of data-driven
approaches to improve student outcomes.

Providing adequate resources and support for teachers and learners, including
training and professional development opportunities, access to technology and
digital resources, and support for the development of new teaching and learning

The successful implementation of Education

5.0 in Zimbabwe will require a concerted
effort from educators, policymakers, and
other stakeholders to embrace innovation and
new approaches to teaching and learning

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