Bio Holiday Homework

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level-1 (Easy)
1. “A cell is a building unit of an organism” Justify the statement.
Ans: Cells are the fundamental building blocks of living organisms,
carrying out vital tasks such as metabolism and reproduction. When
specialized cells come together, they create tissues, organs, and, in the
end, entire organisms. This underscores the pivotal role of cells as the
basic structural and functional units in the intricate web of life.

2. Why does the simple squamous tissue form the lining of the alveoli?
Ans: Simple squamous tissue lines the alveoli to facilitate efficient gas
exchange. Its thin and flat structure allows for rapid diffusion of oxygen
and carbon dioxide, optimizing the respiratory process within the lungs.

3. In desert plants, how does the rate of loss of water get reduced?
Ans: Desert plants reduce water loss through adaptations like thick
cuticles, small or no leaves, and deep root systems. These features
minimize water transpiration and help the plant conserve water in arid

4. a) Why are the xylem and phloem called complex tissues?

b) How are they different from one other ?
Ans: a.)
Xylem and phloem are complex tissues because they are
composed of different cell types working together to perform specific
functions. Xylem transports water and minerals, while phloem carries
organic nutrients like sugars.

b.) . Xylem and phloem differ in their functions and composition. Xylem
transports water and minerals unidirectionally from roots to other plant
parts, while phloem transports nutrients bidirectionally. Xylem contains
vessel elements and tracheids for water conduction, while phloem
consists of sieve tubes and companion cells for nutrient transport.

5. Name the scientists

a) The discovery of cell - Robert Hooke (1665)

b) Discovered nucleus in the cell - Robert brown (1831)

c) Proposed the Cell theory - Schleiden (1838) & Schwann

6. Identify the following tissues:

A: Epithelial tissue
B: Connective tissue
C: Adipose (Annan) tissue
D: Blood

1: Fungi and bacteria exhibit greater resilience to environmental
changes compared to animal cells. This adaptability is due to
their robust cell walls and protective structures, enabling them to
withstand more significant fluctuations in their surroundings.
2. If someone experiences a dislocation of two long bones in the
hand following an accident, it could be attributed to the impact
causing the bones to move out of their normal positions,
disrupting the joint stability.

3. Plant cells boast larger vacuoles compared to animal cells, a

distinction arising from their distinct functions. The sizable
vacuoles in plant cells provide structural support, store nutrients,
and contribute to turgor pressure, crucial for maintaining cell
rigidity and overall plant structure

10. A) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the
correct explanation of

assertion (A).

B. Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but reason (R) is not the

explanation of assertion (A).

c. Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.

11. i) The tissue with elongated cells thickened with cellulose strips at
the corners is known as collenchyma tissue.
ii) This tissue is involved in storing starch as it provides structural
support to the plant, and the thickened corners allow for starch storage.

iii) Collenchyma tissue aids young stems and leaves in bending without
breaking by providing flexibility and strength, ensuring they can
withstand mechanical stresses while growing.


1. While helping his mother in setting the dinner table for guests, Vasu
was about to sprinkle salt on the salad. His mother wisely advised him to
wait until everyone was seated for dinner. Sprinkling salt too early could
lead to the salad becoming watery as salt draws out moisture from
vegetables. This process, known as osmosis, occurs when salt is added to
the salad, affecting the water content of the vegetables.

A.) The process observed in lung alveoli is gas exchange. Within the
lung's alveoli, oxygen from inhaled air diffuses into the bloodstream,
while carbon dioxide, a waste product, moves from the blood into the
alveoli to be exhaled. This crucial exchange supports respiratory
function, ensuring the body receives oxygen and expels carbon dioxide.
B.) The process observed in xylem is water transport. Xylem, a vascular
tissue in plants, facilitates the upward movement of water and dissolved
minerals from the roots to the rest of the plant. This process, known as
transpiration, is vital for maintaining plant hydration, providing structural
support, and aiding in nutrient distribution.

2 a.) when a solution surrounding the cell has a higher concentration of water
than the cell does, the water molecules will move into the cell (cell will gain
water) from this solution. This type of solutions are known as hypotonic
solutions, (cell will swell up.)

b.) The expected observation would likely include cell swelling or

bursting due to water influx in the hypotonic solution.

c.) The cell wall in plant cells plays a crucial role by providing structural
support, preventing excessive swelling or bursting in the hypotonic
environment, contrasting with animal cells that lack a rigid cell wall.

A – dendron
b - Cell body
c - myelin sheath
d - nerve ending

b.) If the dendrites, the branching extensions of a nerve cell, were

absent, the neuron would face a significant challenge in receiving and
processing incoming signals. Dendrites play a crucial role in
transmitting information towards the cell body, and without them, the
neuron's communication and integration within the nervous system
would be compromised.

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