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4112123, 20:51 Warerier MY KRULEBOYZ 1000 PTS BRUTE Ross wena posscaw SWAMECATTA SHAMAN Onc) Freee Free ® Gong 14 5 Ww 203 4 WwW yee *% % = 74 wy 025 MOONCLANBOSS (GUTRIPPA WITH WICKEDHACKA Dy aH 73 4 a 33a Dw # RK ey eT Gs | asso 7 815 Frzee® Bey ry ze8 1 4 3_1a) () 4 = 3 Vs Ree 2 am] (maen)| | REDS 2 on Fez eee ce [frFeD 1 33 V3 e 132% e278) en)! 7” 83 86 nitpstwa 4112123, 20:51 Runemark 8 Runemark oo Warerier Reactions Kunnin’ Trap: A fighter can make this reaction after an enemy fighter finishes a move action visible to this fighter and within 3° ofthis fighter. Pick another friendly fighter within 3” of this fighter. That fighter makes a bonus attack action that must target the enemy fighter that made the move action. GSSOO® Get Stuck In: A fighter can make this reaction after an enemy fighter finishes a move action visible to this fighter and within 3° ofthis fighter. Pick another friendly fighter within 3" of this fighter. That fighter makes a bonus move action. After that move action that fighter must be within 1” of the enemy fighter that made the move action, aD Pile On: A fighter can make this reaction after an enemy fighter finishes a move action visible to this fighter and within 3° of this fighter. Pick another friendly fighter with the Gloomspite Gitz runemark. ‘That fighter makes a bonus move action. After that move action, that fighter must be within 1” of the ‘enemy fighter that made the move action. @ Abilities [Double] Venom-encrusted Weapon: Until the end of this fighter's activation, add 1 to the damage points allocated to enemy fighters by each hit and critical hit from attack actions made by this fighter. we [Double] Charge them. ‘Ihis fighter makes a bonus move action and must finish closer to the closest visible enemy fighter can only use this ability if there isa visible enemy fighter within 6” of fighter than they were at the start of that move action, Ce) (Double] Duff Up Da Big Thing: Until the end of this fighters activation, add 1 to the Attacks and Strength characteristics of melee attack actions made by this fighter that target an enemy fighter with a Wounds characteristic of 15 or more, =) hitps:lwarcrernetprintwarbandl 215, 4112123, 20:51 Runemark oe O* Ox Warerier Abilities [Double] You Messin’: Until control of objectives has been determined at the end of the battle round, enemy fighters with a Wounds characteristic of 14 or less are not counted when determining which player controls an objective within 3” of this fighter. aD [Double] Backstabbing Mob: A fighter can only use this ability if there isa visible friendly fighter within 1” of them. Until the end of this fighter's activation, add 1 to the Attacks and Strength characteristics of melee attack actions made by this fighter: @) [Triple] Summon Boggy Mist: Until the end of the battle round, subtract I from the Attacks characteristic (to a minimum of 1) of attack actions made by enemy fighters while they are within 6” of this fighter. we [Triple] Da Grab an’ Bash: Pick a visible enemy fighter within 1” ofthis fighter and roll a dice. Ona roll of 3+, until the end of the battle round, that fighter cannot make move actions or disengage actions. In addition, on a roll of 6, this fighter can make a bonus attack action that targets that enemy fighter. @ [Triple] Waaagh!: Until the end of the battle round, add half the value of this ability (rounding up) to the Move characteristic of friendly fighters while they make a move action that starts within 6" of this fighter. @ [Triple] Brewed Elixir: Pick a friendly fighter within 1” ofthis fighter and roll a number of dice equal to the value of this ability. For each roll of 4+, remove up to 3 damage points allocated to that fighter s [Triple] Stab Em Good: Until the end of the battle round, add I to the Attacks characteristic f attack actions that have the Dagger runemark made by friendly fighters with the Minion runemark while they are within 6” of this fighter. hitps:twarcrernetprintwarbandl ais 4112123, 20:51 Runemark i Ox Warerier Abilities & [Triple] Stab 'Em Good: Until the end of the battle round, add I to the Attacks characteristic of melee attack actions made by visible friendly fighters while they are within 6" of this fighter. @ [Quad] Kunnin’ Attack: A fighter can use this ability only if there are more friendly fighters with the Warrior runemark within 6” of this fighter than there are enemy fighters within 6” of this fighter. Those friendly fighters can each make a bonus move action or a bonus melee attack action (some can, make a bonus move action and others can make a bonus melee attack action), a [Quad] Rampaging Destroyer: Until the end of ths fghter’s activation, add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of attack actions made by this fighter. In addition, until the end of this fighter's activation, after an enemy fighter is taken down by an attack action made by this fighter, this fighter can make a bonus move action. oD [Quad] Sneaky Stab: This fighter makes a bonus move action. ‘Then, they can make a bonus melee attack action. In addition, add the value ofthis ability to the damage points allocated to enemy fighters by each critical hit from that attack action. @ hitps:lwarcrernetprintwarbandl 46 4112123, 20:51 Warerier UNIVERSAL REACTIONS Reaction Counter: A fighter can make this reaction after they are targeted by a melee attack action but before the hit rolls are made, For each hit roll from that attack action that misses, allocate 1 damage point to the attacking fighter. For each hit roll of 1, allocate 2 damage points to the attacking fighter instead. Take Cover: A fighter that isin cover can make this reaction after they are targeted by a missile attack action but before the hit rolls are made. After the hit rolls have been made, roll a dice for each critical hit. On a 4+, that critical hit becomes a hit instead. Fighters with the Mount runemark (2) cannot make this reaction. Strike Them Down: A fighter can make this reaction when a visible enemy fighter within 1" of them makes a disengage action but before that fighter moves away. Rolla dice. On a 4+, allocate D6 damage points to that enemy fighter. UNIVERSAL ABILITIES Runemark He Ability [Double] Rush: Add 1 to the Move characteristic of this fighter until the end of their activation. [Double] Onslaught: Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of melee attack actions made by this fighter, until the end of their activation, [Triple] Respite: A fighter cannot use this ability if they are within 1” of any enemy fighters. Remove a ‘number of damage points allocated to this fighter equal to the value of this ability [Triple] Inspiring Presence: Pick a visible friendly fighter within 6” of this fighter that has not activated yet this battle round, You can activate that fighter immediately after this fighter’s activation ends. [Quad] Rampay value of this ability: Then, they can make a bonus attack action. ‘This fighter can make a bonus move action up to a number of inches equal to the WARCRIER.NET hitps:lwarcrernetprintwarbandl 55

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