Assignment 8 - Creating Tableau Report

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Assignment 8 – Creating Tableau Report

Fall 2023

This is optional assignment that will give you 6 points toward assignment grade. The due date for the
assignment 8 is 12/16/2023 (midnight). It must be submitted through the “Assignment 8 –Creating
Tableau Report” in Assignment Submission Folder in D2L. It is important that you specify your name
in the Word file. The attachment name should follow the following convention:
BUSA532_ASSIGNMENT8_FIRSTNAME_LASTNAME.TWBX (Tableau Packaged Workbook file format)


Last week, we have learned to use SSAS to analyze data in Pivot Table. In this assignment, we are going
to learn how to create visualization to answer business analytic questions by using Tableau.


The figure below shows Adventure Work Data Warehouse for Internet Sales. Use Tableau to answer
the following questions. For each question, you will have to create an appropriate graph and write a
sentence to answer the question. Hint: you can snapshot the Tableau graph to Word file.

1. Who buy the most products by gender, income, and marital status (Note: you have to show by
three factors to get credit)? (1 point).
2. What country and city generate the most sale? (1 point).
3. What are the most common color, size and style product? (Note: you have to show by three
factors to get credit)? (1 point).
4. What promotion has the most effectiveness? (1 point).
5. What months has the most margin? Margin is calculated by ‘Sales’ minus ‘Total Product Cost’. (1
6. What product category has the highest unit price? (1 point).
7. How likely is a product shipped within 2 days after it is ordered? (1 point).
8. Does increase the duration of promotion has effect on internet sales? (1 point).
9. Using k-means cluster analysis, cluster data by gender and income with k =3 (1 point)
10. Create Dashboard for Q1 to Q9 (1 point).
The following criteria will be used to grade the assignment:

• Codes are run with detail comment, accurate, and answers are correct.

***************************NOTE *************************************

Please feel free to consult your instructor by email or phone, if you have questions or need assistance!!

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