10.2 Potential Argumentative Essay Paragraph One

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Potential Argumentative Essay Topics

 Should Students be allowed to use AI tools?

 Does Technology make us more alone?
 Should freedom of speech be limited or controlled?
 Does suffering make us stronger and lead to success?
 What do you want more from a job: happiness or wealth?
 What are the three greatest problems facing the world
 Can we fall in love with anyone or only certain people?
 The use of surveillance cameras in public places, such as
parking lots. Good idea or a violation of privacy?
 Do cross-cultural marriages contribute to racial tolerance?
 Is single-parent children's behavior different than that of
children with both parents?
 Does violence in the media (or video games) cause
violence in children?
 Does the media influence the female perception of body
 Should cities preserve old buildings?
 How important is art education?
 Any other ideas?
1. Choose a topic:
 Katie’s Topic - Should cities preserve old buildings?

 My Topic - Should Students be allowed to use AI tools?

2. Answer the question (this is your topic):
 Katie’s Answer - Yes of course!

 My Answer - _- yes I believe that AI should be used by students.

For multiple reasons.

3. Why? (give 2 main reasons)

 Katie’s Answer – Cities should preserve old buildings because it

keeps the history of the city and tourists will enjoy going to a well

preserved city.

 My Answer - there’s a lot of useful tools that can be used by students

to improve their academic performance. They can use AI tools like

chatgpt to help them understand certain topics in a less complex way

that can’t be found on YouTube or any other websites. They can also

use it to help improve their writing skills and figure out the

grammatical mistakes.

4. Write your thesis with your topic and 2 main supporting points:

Katie’s Thesis
I strongly believe that cities should preserve old buildings. Cities should

preserve old buildings because it keeps the history of the city and tourists

will enjoy going to a well-preserved city.

Write your thesis with your topic and two main supporting points:

My Thesis
 there’s a lot of useful tools that can be used by students to improve

their academic performance. They can use AI tools like chatgpt to

help them understand certain topics in a less complex way that can’t

be found on YouTube or any other websites. They can also use it to

help improve their writing skills and figure out the grammatical

mistakes. Most students use AI tools like chatgpt for cheating

however there are some who use chatgpt as an assistant that help’s

improve their skills and make it more efficient and more effective.

From your thesis you can start to write your opening paragraph.
Lets try!

Katie’s Opening Paragraph

I’m from Edinburgh, which is the capital city of Scotland in the UK. It’s a

majestic city with a castle dramatically positioned in the heart of the city.

The town is divided into the old town and the new town, the old town has

buildings dating from the 15th century. The new town was built in the 19th

century and is a UNESCO world heritage site. Edinburgh is also the 6th

most visited city in Europe, making tourism the main industry in Edinburgh.

As I am from an ancient city, I strongly believe that cities should preserve

old buildings. Cities should preserve old buildings because it keeps the

history of the city and tourists will enjoy going to a well-preserved town.

6. Now try to write your opening paragraph. Use the structure above
to help you.
My Opening Paragraph

 there’s a lot of useful tools that can be used by students to improve

their academic performance. They can use AI tools like chatgpt to

help them understand certain topics in a less complex way that can’t

be found on YouTube or any other websites. They can also use it to

help improve their writing skills and figure out the grammatical

mistakes. Most students use AI tools like chatgpt for cheating

however there are some who use chatgpt as an assistant that help’s
improve their skills and make it more efficient and more effective. So

the question is Should students be allowed to use AI tools?. yes I

believe that AI should be used by students. However it should be

used in a correct manner.

AI Artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence

processes by machines, especially computer systems. Specific

applications of AI include expert system and natural language

processing. And it is used by many people around the world

especially students

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